
The four main powers were not stupid enough to believe that life only existed in their 'small' galaxy. Yet even if a power from another galaxy had taken this resource, what could they do about it? Only those more advanced than them would have been able detect such a resource from so far away, but for them to take it...

It was better for those involved to just think that the province hosting the Crux Crystal, and all those who were in the province at the time, had never existed.

That was simply how hopeless their situation seemed.

In a nation like the Eden Federation, news was bound to spread quickly. It didn't take long for the information to spread beyond the elite powers of Eden, but in a society that experiences wars that destroy entire solar systems within days, the issue lost its place in the public eye just as quickly as it entered.

While this instance was a devastating loss for the Croft family, it could be considered a boon for the scientists across the Federation. An opportunity that allows for the observation and analysis of a technology as advanced as the one that took away the province holding the Crux Crystals is extremely rare, but the advancements that can be made would offset that rarity entirely.


2795AD. Croft Main Planet.

Two figures sat across from each other. One was drinking coffee and the other was sipping on water. The first few moments of this exchange were silent, but the looks in their eyes shared the same sense of absolute joy and victory.

"Mother, I feel as if celebrations are in order..." The first figure spoke. His voice was light and frail, but the elation could not be contained.

"Mmm, I agree. Though this situation was not completely within our expectations, it was something that was bound to happen eventually." The second figure held more grace in her voice than that of the first figure. The upwards curve on her lips betrayed her composure, exposing her satisfaction at the current events.

"Yes, mother. It was good enough to have that bastard cousin of mine out of the way, but now that his damn woman is out of the picture... we can get rid of that trash child of theirs, too." 

"Better yet, we can't even be blamed for what happened to that detestable outsider. As if the gods were on our side, my son."

"It is only natural that the gods would give their support to us, mother. Now, all that is left for us to do is make the child disappear silently. That protector of his is strong enough to be an obstacle..."

"There is no need to worry about that, my child. I contacted help as soon as I heard about the spatial warp, place trust in your mother and wait. The only thing between you and the seat of patriarch is time."

The first figure's brows furrowed at this thought. If patience was his strong suit, he never would have attempted to plot against that busy body Wayne in the first place.

'Father is still in his prime. The more I prove myself within these coming centuries the quicker he will vacate his seat for me. Now that we have taken everything Wayne has developed for himself, he his left with nothing but the Croft name.

'It would be best if he could just end it all when he finds out the news of his wife and son. Though I wouldn't mind showing him his place if he tries to become what he isn't meant to be. The seat of Patriarch is mine, and he can burn in hell before even thinking about taking it from me'

"Yes, mother. I will always trust your words. No one can stand in my way."

"Good, my son. Good."

Silence took over their conversation once more. Sipping from their drinks, the only thing that could be seen was the cruelty of their coming actions glinting in their eyes.


Croft Main Planet. Funeral Grounds.

It has been a week since the government officially announced the disappearance of the Crux Crystal province and all those within it.

Though the government called them disappearances, to all of their relatives, it was no better than being dead. There were many funeral services held in the month after, one of which included that of Jane Croft.


It was a sunnier day than most would expect it to be. The advanced technology of the Croft family enabled for the weather to be regulated. The only water that fell were of the young August's tears.

The service didn't amount to much. Most of Jane's friends and acquaintances were from the mining company and were with her when the province disappeared. She didn't fit in much with the rest of the Croft family either. Had Wayne been there, guests would have come to show at least some respect to him, but nothing would be enough for the government to allow him leave from the mandatory 'volunteer' war service.

Instead the funeral was made up of barely 10 others. August and Rue, of course, as well as the priest who said a few words before the casket was lowered in. Alexander, the Patriarch of the Croft family, had since been called to the capital to hold discussions on the disappearance of the province. All that remained were a few scientists that Jane had managed to befriend when she first started working on the Crystals, as well as the tutors that she had gotten to know as they worked with August.

 Because of the small attendance, the service was quite quick. The words said to the departed were sweet and the condolences said to the small boy that remained were short. Closer to a sense of obligation than a true desire.

In the end, all that remained at the site was the protector Rue, and the small boy crying into her arms. At the very least, not everyone had decided to abandon him on such a day. The mask covering her face didn't allow for any emotions to show. The tight grip she held around August showed the emotions she felt for the boy.

"Little August. I know it's hard, but we should move inside. Any longer and the heat will get to you," Rue said. 

The words were spoken softly, something that would leave those who had seen Rue in action before riling in shock. August took a moment to recover before nodding his head in a slight manner, revealing the reluctance to leave his mother's resting place behind.

"Good," Rue said, a smile taking over her face under the mask. Grabbing his hand, they started their walk to the residences.

In front of them walked the priest. This was his last service for the day, many who were involved with the Croft family had perished in this incident. The funerals that remained were off of the main planet, not everyone connected to the Croft family was deemed worthy enough to spend the afterlife buried on the beautiful main planet.

"August, Child. Would you like to walk with me?" The priest asked.

August looked up to Rue, curious as to what he should do.

"It's OK, August. You should walk with him, priests are usually wise concerning topics such as life. If you have any questions you want to ask, there would be no better time than now."

Another small nod came from the small boy. The priest slowed down, allowing for the child to catch up. Rue stopped and let the two take their distance, wanting for August to have the privacy to ask questions. Still, she was not too far as to not be able to do her duty and protect him.

The trio walked slowly and the day went by. Not many words escaped from the mouth of August. Most of the talking was done by the priest. A church could be seen in a distance, signaling the time for the conversation to end and for the three to separate.

"I am glad I had this opportunity to speak with you, August. I had heard that you were a very bright child, but this conversation confirmed that for me. Still, death at any age can be a hard topic for anyone to handle. Stay strong, no matter what the future may bring."

"Yes, Mr. Priest. Thank you for your guidance."

"No, no. There is no need to thank me. Rather, it should be me thanking you."

A glimmer passed through his eyes far too quickly for August to notice. It was not a detail that went past Rue, however.

Her eyes narrowed behind her mask as she began to step forward, looking to step between the supposed priest and August.

"It's too late, Ms. Protector," the priest said.

With a flash, two figures blurred towards Rue. One holding a knife and the other a baton. 

The skill that Rue had acquired allowed for her to sidestep the attack from the two quickly. The knife passed over where she had just been standing, while the other figure transitioned to swing his baton horizontally.

Ducking quickly, Rue evaded the second attacker and lunged quickly at the first figure who had exposed himself upon missing with the knife.

'Not good!'

Though she was unarmed, the lethality of Rue didn't decrease in the slightest whatsoever. Her strength went far beyond what little information had been gathered on her.

Opening her right hand, Rue pointed her fingers like a blade directing them in between the ribs of the first assailant. First puncturing the skin, then the muscle, until her hand was completely buried in the man's body. His heart, punctured by the knife formed by the protector's hand.

"Shit, you bitch!"

The fear of witnessing the death of his partner was completely overshadowed by the anger he felt. Bringing back his arm that held the baton, the second figure took yet another wide swing.

The experience that Rue had acquired was leagues above that of the attackers, and the swing was bypassed by yet another lunge. Her small palm covered the face of the attacker, before slamming him backwards crushing the back of his skull against the pavement.

"AUGUST!" Rue yelled, keeping the words of the supposed priest in her mind.

Turning around she looked at where the two had been standing before the attack of the two figures. There was nothing to indicate the presence of either. They were simply gone.

In the period of seconds it had taken for Rue to fell the two assailants, the priest had taken August. Using the brief lapse in time it took for her to detain the two individuals, the priest had disappeared along with August. No traces were left to indicate which direction they had gone in, and the young August was far too weak to do anything to the man that had managed to elude the strong Rue.

All it took was a simple strike to the back of the head and August was out. Only to wake up once more on a ship heading to nowhere. 

In an age where the entire galaxy was within the range of travel, only August would be able to determine the path he will take in the future, the path that would take him back home.