Chapter 13 He Disdains Her Feelings (1) _1

She got home near dusk, and Xia Wan'an made dinner herself, cooking three dishes and a soup.

She really couldn't eat so much, but if she had time to cook, she would always cook for two.

Yes, that's right, enough food for two. One portion was made for him, even though she knew he wouldn't come home for dinner, and he wouldn't dine with her. But every time she still stubbornly prepared it.

Because it was only at home, when she was alone, that she dared to do things related to him.

After preparing the meals, Xia Wan'an would set two pairs of bowls and chopsticks on the table, fill the bowl opposite to her with soup, and before picking up her chopsticks, she would say: "Let's eat..."

What responded to her was always silence.

This time, unlike usual, she didn't start eating right away. Instead, she stared at the empty chair across for a while as if he was really sitting there. She whispered very softly, "Jingnian..."

God knows, how many times she has called out this name secretly in her heart.

She thought, he would never see her when she loved him. Because it was only when she couldn't see him that she dared to love him...

After Xia Wan'an finished speaking, she didn't dare to look across again and lowered her head to start drinking the soup.

As she was drinking, she suddenly felt a lump in her throat, and then she realized, belatedly, that the corner of her eyes seemed to be wet.

She was clearly in love with him, but she had to pretend to be indifferent, telling the whole world that he was unrelated to her.

It wasn't that she didn't want to tell him she liked him, but she was more afraid of completely losing him than not gaining his love.

She had witnessed how he had rejected the confession from a woman. He was so heartless, so ruthless, he gave the other person no room to retreat. That's why she's always been so careful to lock her feelings deep within her heart, maintaining the image of not caring about him. Because she knew he looked down upon her feelings. What he wanted was a marriage, not romance. Even if she didn't know, and was curious, as to why he would want a meaningless marriage...


Monday, Xia Wan'an went to work as usual.

It was a year after she married Han Jingnian that she began to work at the Han Family company. His eldest sister-in-law, the mother of Han Zhijin, Lu Yangui, was the main reason behind her getting a job at the Han Family company, not Han Jingnian.

Han Jingnian had two older brothers, his eldest brother Han Jingwen was nearly thirty years older than him, and his second brother Han Jingwen was eighteen years older. But before Han Jingnian was born, his eldest brother Han Jingwen had already established his own family. An accident happened during the year when Han Jingnian was three, his eldest brother left his pregnant wife behind and passed away. His mother, who was not in good health, died of sadness a year later. Luckily, Han Jingnian's grandmother was long-lived and took his mother's place to raise him.

However, it was quite strange that many of the men in Han Family were short-lived. Han Jingnian's father died suddenly when he was in his sixties, and the second brother Han Jingwen died young, right after his thirtieth birthday. Among the three brothers, suddenly only Han Jingnian was left. He was twelve years old at the time, and Han Zhijin was nine years old. Therefore, the responsibility of the Han Family company suddenly fell on the grandmother and the eldest sister-in-law Lu Yangui's shoulders. However, three years ago, when Han Jingnian came back from abroad and entered the Han Family company, his grandmother held the position of CEO, but was basically hands-off in managing the company.

[Highlight]: The last paragraph is the background, background, background! Please read it several times if you don't understand, it's quite easy to grasp. If you still don't get it, I can't help! In addition, this is a normal novel, please do not have superstitious beliefs, there is no curse of a short lifespan! I have to say, I am quite impressed by your imagination!!!