Chapter 17: Denying Responsibility After the Fact (Part 1)_1


In less than half an hour, Song Youman rushed to the hospital.

Before Xia Wan'an even opened the door to her hospital room, she could hear Song Youman's voice calling out for "An'an".

The door was pushed open forcefully and then closed with the same amount of force. Just like a magical practitioner, in the blink of an eye, Song Youman was by Xia Wan'an's side: "An'an, where exactly are you hurt?"

"An'an, how did you get injured out of the blue?"


Lying on the hospital bed and unable to move easily, Xia Wan'an finally looked at Song Youman when she reached out to touch her forehead, and was nearly shocked by what she saw: "Manman, why did you come here looking like this?"

Song Youman had a facial mask on her face, curlers in her hair, and was still wearing the clothes from the hair salon...

"And you are blaming me? When I got your call, I was scared to death, you know? Thank God your injuries are not that serious..." While speaking, Song Youman began to examine Xia Wan'an's back: "Although it doesn't look serious, it's actually quite severe. This large area has turned purple... How could you possibly have hurt yourself like this..."

Xia Wan'an didn't respond, but she felt a sudden warmth in her heart. Then she thought about the phone call she made to Han Jingnian. Her husband, who should be the closest person to her in this world, treated her so coldly and indifferently. The corners of her eyes stung and she was about to burst into tears.

Realizing something was wrong, Song Youman leaned in closer to Xia Wan'an, scrutinizing her, then without a second thought asked: "Did you call him?"

In this world, there was only one man who could upset Xia Wan'an.

Xia Wan'an grunted in affirmation.

"You called him and yet he didn't bother to come to the hospital?!" Song Youman was instantly infuriated: "I, I, my temper... I could kill that callous, heartless man!"

"I didn't tell him... that I was injured..."

"Ohhh, I see. He doesn't know then. I take back what I just said..." With these words, Song Youman immediately cooled down. Three seconds later, she glared at Xia Wan'an: "Why didn't you tell him? How could you not tell him when you were injured? For fuck's sake, after all this talk, he, does he think you're a decoration at home? Does he think he can just ignore you when he doesn't need you, and only seek you out when he wants to have a romp? What the fuck is the difference between him and a john..."

The more Song Youman spoke, the more outrageous she became... Xia Wan'an abruptly interjected: "Miss Song!"

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. What I should've said is, 'You're just like a prostitute, seeking a romp with him when you feel like it!' Anyway, despite his flaws, he is quite good looking. Consider him your pretty boy toy, and when you're tired of playing with him, we'll just kick him out, hahaha..."

Listening to Song Youman's words, Xia Wan'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

In her mind, she imagined the scenario of her dallying with Han Jingnian, thinking of him as her kept man. She couldn't help but chuckle...

Seeing her laughter, Song Youman also began to laugh. "Alright, good that you're laughing. I'll go wash my hair and face. Wait for me."

Saying this, Song Youman sauntered into the bathroom.

Listening to the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, Xia Wan'an felt a warmth spreading through her heart. Manman was always like this. During her most difficult times, she knew how to alleviate her sadness...