Chapter 81: The Real Little Uncle (1)_1

Xia Wan'an remained quiet, following the gaze of the two people towards the elevator.

The elevator door opened, and the person who came out was Han Zhijin.

Today's Han Zhijin was quite well-behaved, greeting everyone as soon as he saw them. Unlike his usual, casually kicking his shoes off as soon as he entered the room and slumping on the couch, ignoring everyone and engrossed in his phone. "Great-grandma, Mom, little aunty..."

Seeing Han Zhijin like this, grandmother, Lu Yangui, including Xia Wan'an, all had surprised expressions: "..."

Before anyone could recover from the shock caused by Han Zhijin's sudden apparent maturity, another figure emerged from the elevator right behind him. The expressions on the faces of the grandmother, Lu Yangui, and even Xia Wan'an became even more astonished: "..."

Did we see that right?

Han Jingnian, who almost never shows up at family dinners, is actually home for a meal?