Chapter 95 Her Friend (1)_1

After Han Jingnian put down his pen, seeing that he had no intention of continuing the discussion on the story behind Yakult, his assistant Zhang Te prudently steered the conversation back to work: "President Han, for the ten o'clock meeting with President Zhang, who are you planning to take along for note-taking?"

Having said that, a lightbulb moment occurred to Zhang Te, so he abruptly changed the subject, seemingly unintentionally: "By the way, President Han, I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but our recent recruit in the general manager's office, Secretary Ai, reportedly knows Young Master Zhijin quite well. According to our human resources department, they have a strong relationship. I have also confirmed this with Young Master Zhijin who told me that Secretary Ai and your wife are very, very good friends."