Chapter 112 The Heartbroken Drunken Man (2)_1

Little jiang?

Which jiang?

Xia Wan'an furrowed her brows, feeling that there was something off about these two words. However, before she could think further, the man who was holding her unexpectedly buried his head into her neck.

The touch from a mysterious man left Xia Wan'an feeling extremely uncomfortable. She tried avoiding the man's overly intimate closeness while trying to pull away from the tight grip around her.

As the man's lips seemed to approach her earlobe, she barely had thoughts before she instinctively bit down on his arm.

She bit down hard. The clothing for summer nights was rather thin, and she could faintly taste blood.

Perhaps due to the pain, the man's grip on her had slackened.

Taking advantage of the situation, Xia Wan'an quickly broke free from the man's hold and ran towards the MIX, but she hadn't run very far when the man grabbed her wrist and harshly pushed her against a nearby wall, pressing his body tightly against hers.