Chapter 126 She Doesn't Need to Know Your Name (2)_1

All the seats in the General Manager's office were empty.

The door to Han Jingnian's office was closed, suggesting that it was impossible to tell if anyone was inside.

Having chatted with Zhang Te, his assistant, a few days ago, she had learnt that when Han Jingnian was not at the company, he was at the Four Seasons Hotel. Therefore, she decided to check his office first, and if he was not there, she would go to the Four Seasons Hotel.

Reaching the office, Xia Wan'an knocked on the door, realised that there was no response, assumed that Han Jingnian had left the company, and casually twisted the door handle to confirm whether it was indeed locked and then leave.

Who could have imagined that with her slight turn, the door actually opened with a "clack".

In Han Jingnian's black and white-toned office, it was not vacant; rather, it was occupied by several people.