Chapter 178: Earn More in the Future (2)_1

Board, board wages?

Have you ever seen a man in a family hand over a black card with no spending limit for his board wages?

Xia Wan'an couldn't help but murmur: "Forget about a lifetime, this card could last ten lifetimes!"

"I don't mind."

Xia Wan'an was again dumbfounded.

Doesn't mind? Doesn't mind what? Doesn't mind using this card for ten lifetimes?

He wishes, she doesn't want to be with him for ten lifetimes...

"But, you don't have to be so frugal." Han Jingnian on the other end of the phone spoke again, his voice light and pleasant: "Try to spend all the money in the card in this lifetime, and earn for the future in the future."

Earn for the future in the future... does that refer to a future life?

Is he just going along with what she said, or does he really think like that?

As Xia Wan'an held her phone, her fingertips trembled slightly, and her heart was pounding hard.