Chapter 190 Back to Beijing (2)_1


After hanging up the phone with Zhang Te's assistant, Ai Jiang didn't sleep well all night.

She felt that her excitement last night had actually backfired.

She had intended to ruin the image of Xia Wan'an in front of Han Jingnian, but instead got the bad impression of being someone who sabotages her good friend behind his back.

Ai Jiang had spent almost the whole night thinking about a remedial strategy, until nine o'clock in the morning, running on no sleep and suffering from a headache. That's when she received a call from Gao Lin.

At this moment, she really didn't want to deal with Gao Lin, but thinking about the luxury items Gao Lin had given her, she had no choice but to take the call: "What's going on? Miss Gao?"

As soon as Ai Jiang finished speaking, an irrational Gao Lin began to talk at the other end of the phone: "Song Youman, do you know that Azhi has actually argued with me! He quarreled with me because of that little bitch!"