Chapter 233: Delicate and Weak (1)_1

Upon entering the Xia family home, Xia Wan'an's mother greeted Han Jingnian before returning to her bustling kitchen.

Cheng Tongyi washed his hands and went to help in the kitchen.

With Xia Chen'an not yet home, it left Xia Wan'an and Han Jingnian alone in the living room.

When her parents were around, it was fine. But without them, the atmosphere between Xia Wan'an and Han Jingnian became somewhat stifling.

He didn't initiate a conversation with her, and naturally, she didn't speak either. All that was left around them was the noise from the television and the faint sound of the extractor fan in the kitchen behind them.

They sat there awkwardly and quietly for an unknown length of time, until the "ding-dong" sound from Xia Wan'an's cell phone interrupted the silence.

As she took out her phone, she saw her card holder and was reminded of the black card Han Jingnian had given her.