Chapter 239: Protecting Her Whole Life (1)_1

Once the ward was quiet, Xie Lin passed the folder he was holding to Han Jingnian.

As Jingnian unfolded the envelope and pulled out a stack of white paper, his eyes immediately caught the three words "Xia Wan'an".

This was the medical examination report which he had arranged for Xie Lin to conduct on her a while ago.

At the end of the report, Xie Lin had written the results of the medical examination, but Jingnian began reading from the first page nonetheless.

He read very carefully, more focused than he had been on any other document before.

Halfway through reading it, his expression changed drastically and the pressure within the ward seemed to drop suddenly.

The room was very quiet, save for the occasional sound of Jingnian flipping the pages.

After quite some time, Jingnian moved his gaze from the report to Xie Lin.