Chapter 242: Intimate Little Cotton-Padded Jacket (2)_1

When she woke up, she felt a slight thirst and got up to pour herself a glass of water in the dining room.

After drinking the water, as she was preparing to go back upstairs to her bedroom, she noticed a flash of light outside her door.

Xia Wan'an turned her head subconsciously, and through the window, she peeked outside, discerning car headlights through the torrential rain.

Xia Wan'an assumed it was a neighbor. Not thinking much of it, she was about to withdraw her gaze when she saw the car come to a stop right in front of her villa.


Who would come visiting in the middle of the night in such heavy rain?

No, none of those she knew were aware of her rift with Han Jingnian. They all assumed she was still residing in that ultra-luxurious mansion of his!

Could it be that the car had broken down?

While Xia Wan'an was lost in her conjectures, the rear door of the car opened, and a familiar, tall figure emerged.