Chapter 267: She is His Weakness, but Also His Armor (1)_1

At that time, naive and foolhardy, he had run to his grandmother in tears. After seeing her worried expression, he no longer dared asking if he was indeed cursed. He didn't want to cause her any more distress.

He didn't say it out loud, but in the depths of his heart, the question continued to haunt him.

Perhaps it was from that time that he began to avoid getting too close to people.

Fearful that his misfortune would ensnare innocent folk, he was even more terrified that it would reach those he cared about.

Zhang Cheng and Xie Lin were children from families sponsored by his grandmother.

After the deaths of his older brothers, they were the only ones chosen by his grandmother from amongst numerous candidates, through a process that had cost her considerable effort.

She treated them very well, almost as if they were her real grandchildren. Deep down, he knew that she had invested in Zhang Cheng and Xie Lin for his sake.