Chapter 273 - I want to know all his information within three days (1) _1

"So, there's someone nearby, and that person saved An'an at a critical moment?"

As Xia Chen'an's voice trailed off, he picked up a very thin needle, rising from the side of the man who had just stabbed Xia Wan'an.

He glanced around the environment and, applying his shooting experience, quickly estimated the approximate position and distance of the person who had fired the anesthetic needle. Then he sprinted towards several abandoned shipping containers not far away.

Xia Chen'an searched all the possible hiding spots surrounding the containers but found no one.

Still unwilling to believe that, he searched once more, and after confirming that the person hiding here had already left, he returned to Han Jingnian and told them:"You guys go to the hospital to treat the wounds first, I'll stay here to tidy things up. I'm guessing the police will be here soon."

Han Jingnian didn't respond but looked at Zhang Te instead.