Chapter 290 The waist is thinner, the chest is smaller (2)_1

"I've finished washing the fruit——"

Accompanied by the dwindling sound of running water in the bathroom, Xia Wan'an's voice suddenly rang out. The figurative clash of swords that was taking place between Han Jingnian and Song Youman vanished within a second, supplanted by an image of them seeming to be in perfect harmony.

"Mr. Han, I heard that you obtained two PhD degrees in America when you were just eighteen. Truly a dragon among men!"

"Miss Song, you flatter me."

"No, not at all, Mr. Han is genuinely impressive."

"Miss Song, you're also impressive. As far as I know, at a very young age, you took on the position of General Manager at Song's Corporation. Quite commendable."

"Mr. Han, you're over-praising. I was just fortunate to have a good father."

"Miss Song, you're too modest. Luck is also a part of one's strength."

While Xia Wan'an was cutting the fruits, she listened to their conversation. Something seemed off, but she couldn't pinpoint what: "..."