Chapter 351: Delivery Boy (1)_1

Just as the door was half-closed, a shrill scream from a girl echoed from upstairs.

The take-out courier's aura transformed instantly, emitting an intimidating presence. Without waiting for Brother Bancun to recover, he smashed the take-out box onto Brother Bancun's head and took advantage of his distraction to rush into the room.

The courier had barely taken a few steps towards the stairs when Brother Bancun grumbled out a obscenity. He lunged at the courier, and in no time, both were fighting in a tangled mess.

The moment the balcony door opened, Xia Wan'an's heart jumped to her throat. Soon, she saw a filthy sneaker step in, followed by a tall and strapping man who entered her line of sight. Without waiting for him to notice her and with no hesitation, she lifted her hand and whacked her high heel hard into his face.

Xia Wan'an specifically chose a pair of stilettos to inflict a painful strike, causing the man to instinctively squat down, clutching his face.