Chapter 17 Strained Ligament_1

Her beauty was shockingly fresh and refined.

Although she had always been attractive, it was done in such a gauche way, particularly in her dress sense and aesthetics - simply put, she was a problematic woman.

Lu Ming could hardly believe it. He was breathless, impulsively, uncontrollably lifting his hand to wipe away the tears at the corner of her eyes.

By the time he recovered, his long fingers were just a millimeter away from her delicate face.

He immediately changed his action to push her away and turned his back to her nonchalantly.

"Whether you go or not is up to you. If you end up becoming disabled, it's your own fault."

"Really?" Jing Yiren pouted, looking up at him to confirm once more.

Such a pulled muscle wouldn't ruin her leg, right?

"..." Lu Ming looked back at her with a cold glance.

"..." Dr. Li Rou, who was standing on the sidelines, heard their conversation, her forehead beaded with sweat, the corner of her mouth twitching.