Chapter 26 Princess Catches the Thief_1

Right now, the driver's main worry was whether he was going to lose his job.

Taking advantage of the driver opening his door, Jing Yiren slipped out, showing no interest in the car accident. She started running as fast as she could, chasing after the thief who was already quite a distance away.

The housemaid, panic-stricken, pushed the door and got out of the car, following suit.

"Miss Jing... Miss Jing..."

Jing Yiren, wearing a long dress, looked stunning and elegant as she ran. However, the shoes she wore, which looked like banana peels, annoyed her greatly.

Not only were they ugly, but they made walking difficult as she had to tiptoe. And now she had to run in them.

Jing Yiren decided to kick off her shoes—catching them mid-air—and continued to run barefoot.

Running this way was undoubtedly faster, but the sanitary pad sticking to her butt, loosening and re-sticking synchronously with her running steps, caused some discomfort. She simply had no time to deal with it.