Chapter 51: The Princess Takes a Bus_1

[Hee hee! Are you very happy now? Call me 'brother' and mwah mwah, I'll give it to you.]

"..." Seeing this message, a surge of inexplicable anger sprang forth in Lu Ming's chest.

He had guessed when he saw the magazine report today that maybe the media had exaggerated, but it still didn't suppress his anger.

Jing Xi's words poured fuel onto the fire.

With the posture of a husband catching an adulterer, Lu Ming quickly scrolled up their chat history.

Only Jing Xi was talking to himself.

Jing Xi said, [What are you doing?]

Jing Xi said, [Why are you so stupid? You missed the target!]

Jing Xi said, [Don't walk away with other men, isn't me being with you enough?]

Most likely Yiren Jing can't type or didn't notice his private message, hence, no reply.

But the fire in Lu Ming's chest couldn't be extinguished.

He viciously threw his phone, which smashed into the wall with a 'bang!' and shattered into pieces.

Then he picked up his own phone and made a quick call to Li Tong.