Chapter 89 The Princess Likes the Pecking Chicken_1

Li Tong felt so nauseous that she actually started to drool.

Damn it, why am I so unlucky!

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By the end of the feast, Lu Ming noticed that Jing Yiren seemed extremely exhausted. In addition to the alcohol she consumed, she was starting to doze off at the dinner table.

Lu Ming admired her ability to nod off amidst the commotion of the dinner table, her head bobbing like a fishing rod.

Wu Xiujuan, who had just started to change her opinion of Jing Yiren, frowned at her son, "Look at her, what a state she's in!"

Lu Ming supported Jing Yiren, letting her lean on his shoulder.

"Mom! We're leaving first. Yiren is too tired."

"Is she so tired that she could fall asleep whilst sitting? She's not pregnant…" Wu Xiujuan's words suddenly trailed off.

She looked at her son with wide eyes.

The dinner tables of guests, all waiting for Lu Ming's response, suddenly focused their strange stares on him.

"Ming'er! Is Yiren…"