Chapter 109 Princess's Dress Torn_1

Her cold eyes hardened at the shooting pain, her eyebrows furrowed ominously.

The overweight guy missed and his bloodshot eyes wished to torture Jing Yiren alive.

"You stuck-up bitch! If you don't drink a toast, you'll have to drink a forfeit! Today, right here, in front of everyone, Mr. Chen will teach you a lesson!" snarled Chen Nan, clutching onto Jing Yiren's clothes and tearing at it.

"What you're doing is illegal!" the coach growled anxiously.

"Hey, punk! This ain't none of your business! If you're not afraid of getting punched, then go ahead and interfere!" warned a lanky man standing on the side.

The housemaid beside them was trembling with fear. She wanted to call Mr. Lu desperately and alert the police but lost the strength to hold her phone, which had already slipped from her grip and fallen to the ground.

Luo Meimei cried out nervously "The cops are coming! The cops are coming!"