Chapter 128 What is XXOO? _1

Just a glance at his figure from the back is enough to captivate one's attention and make it hard to look away!

Some girls stated that they had just seen his face and indeed he was incredibly handsome!

Someone else interjected, "Doesn't he look a bit like the heartthrob Lu Ming?"

"You haven't actually met Lu Ming, stop saying every handsome guy looks like him!"

"Well, neither have you!"

Yiren heard a group of women buzzing around her like flies, saying something she didn't quite understand. Out of curiosity, she turned her head and saw a man sitting behind the glass doors far away from her!

Although the man's silhouette reminded her of her 'uncle', Yiren didn't think much about it. She knew her 'uncle' was at work at this time, so it was unlikely that he would be sitting here aimlessly. She turned her gaze away and continued stretching.