Chapter 154 Princess Doing Hair_1

Jing Xi slammed on the brakes, pulling his car to the side of the road. He took a deep breath, catching his breath, trying to calm himself down.

But Jing Yiren, sitting next to him, found it impossible to calm down too!

He swiftly pulled out a stack of money from his wallet, barely glancing at her as he stretched it out to her: "I'm not feeling well. Take a cab home!"

"…" Jing YiRen stared blankly at him: "What about you?"

"I'll call my agent. He'll come pick me up. Don't worry about me. Go away quickly! Would not want reporters to spot us together and create a breaking news!"

Jing Xi leaned his head on the steering wheel, desperately urging her to leave!

Seeing that she did not move after a while, Jing Xi pressed the remote to open the door, and the door of his flashy sports car automatically swung open!

Jing Yiren hesitated for a few seconds, then took the money from Jing Xi's hand and got out of the car!