Chapter 169: Carry Medicine Whenever You Leave Home_1

With a 'snap', the heel of her shoe suddenly broke, causing her to fall flat on her face!

"Ah!" The woman cried out in pain!

Seeing the woman's embarrassing predicament, Jing Yiren's lips curled into a faint smile.

Always carrying 'medication' when going out was really wise!

The woman struggled to her feet and hopped around on one foot before looking down at the smooth ground. Finding nothing that could've caused her fall, she looked up angrily at Jing Yiren.

"What did you do to me? Don't think I don't know! I felt someone kick me!"

Jing Yiren laughingly smirked, giving the woman a dismissive look.

"Xue Fanghua! You've gone far enough! Leave!" Lu Ming warned coldly.

The woman called Xue Fanghua glared at Jing Yiren. She couldn't ignore Lu Ming's words, so she took off her broken shoe, carried her bag, and limped away barefooted.

The hallway was now only occupied by Jing Yiren and Lu Ming.

They locked eyes.

Jing Yiren clenched her teeth in silent rage!