Chapter 231 Professor Fu Mingjun's Doubt_1

Wide-eyed, she stared at Fu Mingjun and pointed at her little nose, "I got expelled? I got expelled from school?"

"To precisely put it, you will be expelled if you do not go!" Fu Mingjun corrected with indifference.

"..." She, a princess renowned for her intellect and beauty, was to be expelled from a private school? Would this not mean losing face and being the laughing stock of the world? No! Her disgrace would reverberate through the cosmos! She came here from another world!

This was unacceptable! How could she be expelled?

Thinking of this, Jing Yiren firmly tugged at Fu Mingjun's suit collar, "I need to go back to school!"

"..." Looking at the beautiful little face before him, Fu Mingjun's gaze narrowed, and his expression turned serious. He smacked her hand away.

"If you want to go back, you must go to the guidance office and handle your affairs. This is not my responsibility. I'm just passing by and giving you a heads-up!"