Chapter 259 When Will You Stop Pretending?_1

Jing Yiren pushed open the door with her dainty hands and walked right inside!

The sound of the door creaking open could be heard.

The middle-aged dean who was speaking to the commander with grace and respect abruptly stopped speaking.

Everyone instinctively turned to look at the entrance.

The rather bulky dean with his plump head, Mediterranean-style balding hair, gold-rimmed glasses, hook nose, and double chin.

In his dark green suit, he looked exactly like a money turtle!

When he saw Jing Yiren, his face drew out as long as a noodle.

Lu Ming, with his indifferent expression, felt a slight surprise flash across his eyes when he saw Jing Yiren appear here. But it was gone instantly.

Only the commander smiled broadly and patted an empty spot on the sofa beside him.

"Yiren, so you've decided to join us? Are you here to visit Fanghua?"

Jing Yiren, holding a bunch of white chrysanthemums, smiled at the commander and nodded politely like a good girl.