Chapter 312 Handsome Uncle_1

A tiny figure dashed into his sight.

She frantically scrambled into his fallen carriage, then hurried out nervously.

Did she come to find him?

The icy emperor's heart softened significantly due to her actions, a warm current flowed into his heart.

A strong desire arose in him out of nowhere, 'He wanted to keep this child by his side!...'


The President's speech lasted more than half an hour.

As the speech ended, everyone cheered enthusiastically.

This immediately brought Jing Yiren's mind back to the reality.

Those with seats also stood up and applauded.

Jing Yiren stood up and clapped along, even though she didn't pay any attention to what was said.

All she heard was Li Tong saying next to her: "The President has such wonderful eloquence, he doesn't even need a script! His speech is so clear and fluent! And the content is of grand momentum!"


What followed was a grand parade.