Chapter 316 Smoke Bomb_1

Everyone panicked and scrambled backwards, fearing the fallout of the situation.

Except for the President and several high officials standing guard by his side, they stood unmoving.

The captain of the bodyguards spoke into his microphone, warning, "You on stage, you have been surrounded! Surrender now!"

The alarm in the Golden Palace blared its piercing warning.

As experienced as they were, the President gave an order with a slam of his hand on the table.

"Do not open fire!" he commanded coldly, fearing any harm might fall upon Jing Yiren on stage.

The bodyguards hesitated with their previous orders from Young Master Lu, but dared not disregard the command of the President now that he had spoken.

At the captain's signal, all bodyguards lowered their guns.

Jing Yiren and Hua Buzhan exchanged several moves, with every attack of Hua Buzhan aiming for Jing Yiren's weak points.

Jing Yiren agilely avoided them time after time.