Chapter 337 Uncle, Save My Life - 1

"Did the princess see you?"

The maid shook her head: "I saw her coming from afar and immediately hid!"

"Good! Let's get moving quickly!"

Little princess was sitting by the well waiting for Brother Ah Niu's sister to fetch her some pastries when she was suddenly kicked harshly.

Her small body became unsteady and she couldn't keep her balance, her world spinning as she plunged fiercely into the well...

She instinctively wanted to look back and see who had pushed her, but before she caught a clear glimpse of the face, she only caught sight of an embroidered sleeve and knew who it was.

She felt a severe scrape of her forehead against the well wall.

Her cry of terror hadn't finished when she hit the water with a 'splash'.

Water relentlessly flooded into her mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.

She found it difficult to breathe, instinctively reaching out her hands flailing about, struggling to spit out the water, screaming for help and then a mouthful of water choked her again!