Son for Hire by Grimbous

My mouth full of Evelyn's huge cock, her heavy nuts being fondled in my hand, her fingers running through my hair, her soft breast against my cheek, her lovely song wafting around me, the unique aroma of her musk and perfume in my nose, and the strong beat of her heart in my ear I suckle. I could have stayed here forever in a state of submissive bliss. It felt so good to be making her feel good but it was more than just that. Honestly…I enjoyed giving her head even more than when she was giving it to me! Somehow her pleasure was far sweeter than my own. Servicing a woman had never felt as deeply satisfying as this. Her cock, her superior cock, put me in my place like no pussy ever had. A real physical representation of who was ascendant and who was beneath. I felt so tiny, so fragile, so weak, yet so beloved. I didn't feel threatened or belittled by my Domme's larger cock. Far from it. Evelyn's maternal aura swaddled me and kept me safe as I allowed my true sexual desires to bloom. Never in my wildest imagination did I think that sucking dick could be so good. 

Once the song ends she lets go of my head to stroke a hand down my back. 

"Mmmmm, that's nice. That's soooo nice baby boy." She croons. "There you go. You're getting it now. You're doing so good baby."

"Mmmm." I slip off of her. Smacking my lips and swallowing the copious spit and precum I then kiss the fat cock staring back at me. "Whoo, it's big."

I feel a gentle kiss on my head. "And it's all yours."

"Hmm." I roll and stretch my jaw. Holding her amazing penis lovingly in my hands I stroke the end in long even strokes. All mine she says, all mine. I knew what she wanted to do with it ultimately but I was struggling just to imagine it. From a single finger to this monster? Was it even possible? I had a long way to go.

"You are thinking too much. Relax. Enjoy yourself." She sighs. "Don't stop." Her hand comes back up my back to rest at the back of my neck, not pulling me in but signaling her intention nonetheless. "Suck me my prince."

I smile. "Yes my Queen."

Rubbing my wet lips all around it I lavish sucking kisses and sloppy licks all over the fat head before opening up to take it in again. Slowly I push down to take maybe three inches of it then latch tight and suckle once more. 

"Ohhhh baby, yesss."


The still suckling was a lot easier than bobbing constantly up and down, there was less worry about scraping teeth for one. I suspect she was teaching me this when she stopped to have me do it as well as giving my jaw muscles time to stretch out. I suckle like a nursing pup for a short time before sucking up to the tip to nibble her with my lips then right back down again. 


She liked it. I make a mental note of that. The next time up I do it again, and go further. Nibbling about I pause to tongue at her hole, like everything else about her penis it was many times the size of mine allowing me to actually slip the tip of my tongue in nearly an inch.

"OH!" She exclaims as her body tenses to the sensation. "Oh Donald!"

She liked that too, though I had to be gentle with it. I was learning. Her left hand remains at the back of my neck, gripping a bit tighter now, holding me there and occasionally playing with the short hairs. With her other hand she finds a nipple. With little flicks and pinches she arouses it. "Mmmm." I squeak for her. Still lightly massaging her balls I then take her hard cock in a bit deeper. God it was exquisite how her schlong slid through my lips, how wonderful to stroke the rest of her fourteen plus inches with my hand, and I loved that my head my head was flanked by her two heavy hanging breasts. What a woman!

"That's it baby." She tugs on my nip then cups my pec for a squeeze. "I want to you hear you. Ohhhh."

"Mmmm, mmmm." Once again I start up my lilting little mewls and moans, letting my submissive rapture flow freely and without shame. Up and down I blow her with slavish devotion. "Mmmm, mmmm, Mummmm."

"Ohhhh, that makes Mommy feel soooo good baby!"

Her cock flares hard with a flex of erotic power. "Mmm." I whimper at her might.

"You are such a good cock sucker my boy." She says as she rewards me with a head pat. "The best I've ever had."


"You are so good! You sure this is your first time?"


"I know, I know." She says softly. "My boy only wants his Mommy's cock. My special beautiful boy."


"When…if…you live here…you can have it anytime I want." I could feel her smile though I could not see it. "Would you like that baby?"


"Yeah. Me too."

I keep at it with my soft pleading hums as her breath steadily gets deeper and faster. Between the short bouts of suckling and the brief instances of nibbles and jabbing licks at the top and even briefer bits of steady bobbing I am actually able to find a rhythm that allowed me to keep the pleasure going for her. Those times when I simply had to stop my stroking right hand would fill in. She told me once that it took her a long time to cum and she wasn't joking. Her stamina was incredible. I would have nutted three times over already yet still her cock stood strong, just another titillating reminder of her feminine cock's superiority. As Evelyn's boy toy I was going to have to earn my rewards. I was only too happy to do so.

"Look at you my sweet. Sucking dick like such a good boy. Such a good boy!" She arches her back and thrusts her chest into me. "Ohhhmmmm."

"Mmm, mmm, mmmmmm."

The minutes pass. My back is aching from hunching, my legs falling asleep under her weight, my left arm cramping from its awkward position, and my jaw sore to point of numbness but still I soldier on without complaint. I would not stop until the job was done. The wet sounds of sucking and slurping of my oral mixing with my mewls. All the while Mom touches me and encourages me and whispers sweet praise to me.

"Ohhh baby. You beautiful man. That's it. Like that. Ohhhh. You're gonna make Mommy cum if keep going like that."

I keep going like that. The words only spur me to redouble my effort. She was panting now, her breath ragged and her flesh warm with a slight sheen of sweat as small motions and moans gave away the inevitable approach of her orgasm.

"Rub…rub my clit baby." She huffs, both hands now on my head as her hips rocked to fuck up into my mouth.

Clit? I'd been so caught up on pleasuring her one set of sex organs I had completely forgotten about the other! I had to remember that Evelyn was special in that way. Letting go of her nuts I reach deeper into her panties. Beneath her scrotum is a short span of fuzzy pubes and then her hot wet pussy. Fuck was she wet!

"HAH!" She gasps the moment my fingers make contact. "Yes baby, right there."

I run a finger along her long slick fleshy lips before finding her aroused clit at the crown. Flattening two fingers firmly against it I rub in circles, moving in time with my head. "Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!"

"Ohhh fuck! Ohhhh fuck! Ohhhhh God baby!"

She was close! Giving attention to her pussy had taken her to that next level. Her nut would be coming soon. She hadn't told me if she wanted me to spit, swallow, or take a facial but I was all in on the middle option. I had worked this hard and I was going to taste the fruits of my labor if it was the last thing I ever did. After so much nursing today I deserved a warm treat! "Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!" I am bobbing on her cock quick and steady in a final flurry to suck her to climax. Her fingers tighten, one hand gripping my neck and the other digging into my scalp, as her hips thrust to push her head deeper than ever. Her climbing urgency to cum taking over from her usual gentleness, but only a little. I fight my gag reflex and suck harder and faster. "Mmm, mmm, mmm!"

"Here it comes!" She warns me as her soft thick body begins to tremble all over. "Ohhhh…ohhhhhh…OHHHHHHHH!!!"

What I feel is a sensational chain reaction. At my fingers her pussy clenches and floods with more warm wet nectar. At my wrist her big lady balls tighten. In my right hand her mighty shaft throbs, which I can actually see happen with my bulging eyes, followed an instant later by a pulse at my lips as I can literally feel the thick jizz shooting through her dick. Lips tight, throat open, I try to ready myself. And then…SPLURT!


My mouth is filled, FILLED, with a massive torrent of sticky pungent salty-sweet cum! So much! My cheeks bulge out and I devour all that I can but it just came too much and too fast. I am swallowing it and breathing it and shooting it out my nose and dribbling it from my lips to roll down her shaft as Evelyn's load completely overwhelms me. Tears cloud my vision in my futile struggle to gobble down every blessed gooey glob. Coughing, choking, swallowing and snorting I stay locked on as wad after wad after thick spunky wad belches up into my mouth. When nursing on her breasts I had to imagine drawing the milk but with her cock it was all too real, I was getting my fill of mother's cream and then some!

"Ohhhhhh!" Singing and humping and shooting her hot load into me Evelyn is in heaven


"Mmm, what's this?" Evelyn says as if she didn't know. "Let's see."

From the bag she pulls a white tube of hard shell plastic about a foot along and four or five inches across. Thinking at first that she was going to try to put that inside of me my eyes bulge and I gulp nervously at the sight of it. She chuckles at my reaction. Gripping it on one end she unscrews a cap. Inside of the shell…is a butt hole! Made of some soft pale pinkish-beige silicone the end looked like a plump ripe peach. It was a booty in miniature except with a full sized sphincter smack in the middle. With her index finger she plays with the hole and stretches the flexible hole this way and that before giving it a kiss.

As I watch her playing with the masturbator toy I wonder how often she'd used it before and whether she fantasized about that booty hole being mine. I would have bet anything that she had. In my stroking hand my cock flexes hard at the thought of my MommyDom fantasizing about little ol' me. She pinches and pulls and plays with it for a time before sinking her fingers into the tiny butt cheeks to pull the soft, squishy interior out from the plastic shell. Given her massive girth I surmise that this was how she usually used it as the exterior would constrain her too much. I laugh at how the insert flaccidly droops and dangles around in her hand like a great big floppy dick.

Without a word she takes the lube and gets the hole good and greasy slick then brings toward me. Following her lead I stop my stroking and line my cock up with the hole.

"Oohhh." I sigh as she guides the fake booty hole onto my manhood. My dick, slick with lube, discovers the inside of the toy textured with supple ridges and bumps. "That's nice."

"Mmm." She smiles and nods. "It is, isn't it." Reaching up she strokes my face and runs the hand down my chest. Gazing into my eyes she whispers. "If you're really good…maybe we can try the real thing later, hmm?"


"You don't want to fuck my bum baby?"

"No! Yes! No! I mean…ohhhh yes please!"

She giggles. "We'll see how it goes."

"Yes Ma'am!"

As she holds the toy in both hands and slowly strokes me she tells me. "Lube up Mommy's cock my boy."

"Yes Ma'am."

Taking the bottle and reaching around Evelyn's arms I drizzle a long line of the clear lubricant down the center of her dick. Putting the bottle down I then begin to stroke and work the big tool in both my hands until her fourteen plus inch organ gleamed.

"Thank you." She says.

"You're welcome." I smile.

Gliding the toy in tight to my body so that my dick was all the way inside of it she slides her hands over the silicone tube to the opposite tip. There she hooks her two thumbs into the drainage hole and stretches it wide. It was only then I realized what she was doing. I watch as she pulls the toy over her fat knob and enters it from the other side so that we were spit-roasting the toy between us. Holding it firmly in both hands she pushes in, the silicone bulges mightily as she enters it. I feel as her thick slick schlong glides in under mine and suddenly makes the space SUPER fucking tight as the shared tunnel is stretched taut. She keeps going until her tip pokes out of the stretchy butthole to poke me in the balls. Whereas I was engulfed by the toy, reaching just past half way inside of it, Evelyn had pierced right through it with a couple of inches to spare. 

"Here we go."

With that she begins to push and pull the toy forward and back between us.

"Ohhhh." I moan as the motion brings those stimulating ridges and bumps to life, made five times more intense by the fact her big shaft stretching everything tight and forcing my cock up against the titillatingly textured roof of the tunnel.

With both of us lubed up the synthetic bussy glides smooth and easy like a slow well oiled piston and cylinder. Evelyn gazes into my eyes to mix a deep connecting intimacy in with our sexual fun. I stare back entirely enthralled by her long silky red hair, her soft plump lips, her striking hazel eyes, her subtle but bewitching freckles, and so more. Her body was a masterpiece by God but just her face alone was enough to enslave me to her natural beauty. What tiny 'blemishes' there were, a hint of a wrinkle here and a barely perceptible worry line there, only enhanced her mature but unfaded grace. As blessed as she was in her looks though it was the pure love shining through her that truly made me hers. No fresh faced twenty-something could ever touch the heaven sent perfection of my Evelyn.

"Ohhhmmm." I let out another groan as the super snug masturbator runs back and forth and back and forth over the top of my dick as below it Mommy's warm smooth shaft slides against me. Those firm yet supple mounds and crevices certainly were doing their job against my tender knob! The difference that I could feel in density and texture between her rock hard shaft and fat pillowy knob was another wonderful delight. The way her tip would poke out to nudge my balls, as if to prod them to hurry, just added to the experience. Thicker than my wrist and many times the weight her cock bullies mine around inside the shared space of the toy and it felt incredible. I never tired of being reminded of my place with her. I was the little prince, she was the reigning Queen, as it should be. "This feels…goood!"

"Mmm, it sure does." She says, her voice warm and controlled. "I wonder who is going to cum first?"

"Hnnnghhh." I whimper.

She kisses my open panting lips, sweet and gentle, then whispers. "Hold onto me." Leaning forward I slip my hands around her wonderful hips and rest my cheek on her shoulder as I nuzzle into her soft good smelling neck. She kisses my head then lays her cheek against it. "Good boy."

Evelyn lets go of the toy with her left hand so that she could put it around me, she only needed one hand to keep the stroking going at this point. Our slippery dicks roll and slide against each other as the taut silicone pleasures us. The wet squishing sounds of the straining double fucked toy creates a lewd melody. Back and forth, in and out, pillar and post are stroked with a steady and merciless rhythm. The minutes pass by like seconds.

"Hmm! Hnngh!" I huff as I could feel my orgasm building.

For her part Evelyn was as hard as I'd ever felt her and she was definitely enjoying herself, but she wasn't nearly as close to popping as me.

"Ohhhh." I sigh softly. "Ohhhh it's good! Mmmmm!"

Her arm around me tightens. She begins to nibble and suck along the outside of my ear sending sparkles of delight down my spine. My hands grip at hips and ass as the pressure grows. Not letting up for second to let me recover she keeps going and stroking and nibbling and thrusting.

"Nnnnghmmmm." My high voice lets my distress be heard. "M-ma'am?"

"Yes my sweet?"

"May…may I cum please?''

"Mmmm, not yet baby."

"Ohhhh! Yes Ma'am!"

I lean hard into her, panting in sudden bursts of shallow breaths, as I fight my second climax. She holds me tight and peppers my ear and hair with kisses.

"A little longer baby. Just a little longer."

"Nnngh…mmmm…hahhhh!" My pitiful moans fill the air as I fight the urge to pull out to relieve the constant stimulation.

"My sweet little Prince. What music you make."

"Ohhhhhhh!" The toy strokes, her cock slides, the mind bending pressure builds. I knew this feeling. An intense feeling of heady ecstasy mixed with aching denial as I ride the precipice of orgasm. She had played with me before like this, bringing me right to edge and telling me to hold it back, but this time there were no breathers or breaks. This time the stroking just kept going. "Hnnnngh!!!" I squirm and whine and nuzzle harder into her as the relentless stroking just kept going. "Please!"

"Not yet baby. Soon."


Stroke, stroke, stroke.

My body was trembling, my physical limits were at their very brink, but with extreme focus I hold out by sheer force of will. I impress even myself by not nutting. It wasn't so long ago that I would have been helpless to my bodily urge for release. It was only because of my previous experience and the fact that I was so desperate not to disobey or disappoint my dominant in anyway that I manage it, though I didn't know for how much longer. It felt sooooo good!

"HaaAHHH!" I mewl. "MUM! PLEASE!"

"Okay Donald." She whispers. "You may cum."

Now cumming is always great, but getting permission to cum from my Mommy-Mistress made it so that my submissive soul could achieve bliss along with my body.


The pleasure and relief that hits me as my cock blasts its load with the force of a twelve gauge shotgun is indescribable. I buck and spasm, holding to her soft body with all I had, as I ride my second orgasm through. It was every bit as good as the first. The inside of the toy gets hot and a lot more wet as my creamy load coats the ridges and bumps and Evelyn's big cock.

"Ohhhhh, nice and warm. Oh, that's a good cummy baby. Making it all warm and slippery for me. Mmmm, yes. Good boyyyy!"


My pumping climax peaks and soon peters out…and still the stroking continued.

"Hohhh! Ohhh!" I blow heavy breaths as my mind returns from orgasmic heaven.

"Take the toy." Evelyn tells me. "Finish me off my pet."

"Yes Ma'am."

I keep my head on her shoulder and reach down between us. With both hands I grip the toy as she lets it go. Keeping the same pace I continue stroking us. Evelyn puts both of her arms around me and slowly rocks her hips, holding me close as she lets me take her the rest of the way. The slick sounds turn downright sloppy as my cum churns within and dribbles frothy ooze from both ends. Gritting my teeth I steel myself as the heights of pleasure turn into an exercise in endurance as my sensitive post-nut cock continues to be squeezed and stroked.

"Ohhh, that's it baby. Just like that." She moans into my ear. "I love feeling you against me. I love your penis rubbing on mine. I love your hot thick load all over my cock. Ohhhh Donald!"

Discomfort or no I keep on stroking. I would rub my dick right off of my body before denying my woman the bliss she so deserved. Thankfully the aching tenderness passes in a few minutes. Even as I soften I am careful to keep inside of the tunnel as I hadn't been given permission to pull out. Her sexual fortitude puts mine to shame, but that was no news to me. More minutes pass by with me stroking and Evelyn holding to me and humping against me. I could feel her energy building. I could hear it in her breath, I could feel it in her warming skin and rising sweat, and I could sense it in the urgency of her rocking motion.

"I love you." She whispers. "I love you baby."

"I love you too!"

"Oh sweet boy." She groans. "Beg me. Beg me for it."

I hear and I obey. "Please! Please cum for me." I stroke faster, my grip goes tighter. "Please Ma'am. I want your cum so bad. Please cum for me."

"Ohhhhh God…here it comes…ohhhhhh!" Her finger sink into my back and lets out a final gasping cry. "AHHHHH!"

With my manhood pressed so tightly into hers I can't not feel the great throbbing pulse that run from her base swiftly up her shaft to the tip. The first great spout of jizz shoots so hard that it blasts out of the butthole to drench my balls in warm sticky lady cum. After a few wads her spurts stay inside of the toy to mix with my cum and coat our dicks in a fresh jizzy layer.

"Ohhhhh." I moan happily as I feel her cum. "Thank you Ma'am, thank youuuuu."


"MMM!" I squirm and mewl pleadingly.

"Shhhh." Evelyn strokes my chest. "I know you're excited. But calm yourself. Relax baby boy. Shhhh."

"Y-y-yes Ma'am."

"Good boy." She smiles. "Just like that. I'm going to pull my hand out now. Get ready."

"Mmm." I nod then groan as her arm is slowly glides back through my gripping anus. "Gnnnngh!" Making her hands narrow it slips out of me with ease. God! I felt hollow inside. "Ohhhh." I whine.

"My brave, strong man." She says softly. "You're doing so good. I'm so proud of you baby."


She removes the glove and wipes the lube from her forearm.

"You are so sexy." I whisper.

"Mmm." She smiles. "Thank you baby."

"You are the most beautiful woman in the world."

She runs her hands down the voluptuous curves or her smoking hot Mommy body, down over her heavy breasts then across her soft belly to her wide hips before coming back together to grab her massive throbbing cock with both hands. She strokes it a couple of times before letting her hands slip off of the tip to move to my steel hard dick. In her two fisted grip mine was so tiny in comparison. Leaning down she treats me with a three long, gentle sucks up and down before a little smooch to the tip. "Mmm, you taste so good today."

My arms held tight to me, hands beneath my chin, I spread my legs and bat my big brown eyes in a wanton, pleading gaze of complete submission. As I knew it would my sexy cuteness melts her heart and hardens her already hard cock. I wanted to illicit her deepest passions, and I had.

"God you are…" Her hushed voice fades as she is lost for words. "Come on baby." Climbing onto the the bed she bends down over me and takes me into her arms. Guided by her and helped by her I scooch further up the bed to give her room. Once she has me in position she kisses me, deeply. As our tongues twist around each other and our mouths suck, between our pressed bodies, my perfect little penis flexes against her perfect big one and she flexes back. The feel of such a powerful cock surging to full arousal was so wonderfully humbling. Out in the world my Mommy's love let me soar like an eagle, but here in our private sanctum my place was beneath her. Always beneath her.

"Mmmm." I mewl pleadingly.

She breaks our kiss. As she looks down at me I see raw sexual fires burning like never before in her warm hazel eyes. Without another word she rises up onto her knees. She lays over a foot of thick cock down over my belly and begins to drizzle the lube over it. I look down, infatuated with her member and shook by how far up my body her penis went. Well past my belly button. Could I really take it that deep? We were about to find out. She nods to me. "Lube me up my Prince."

"Yes Ma'am."

I take her penis between both hands, the thing I could do with my wrists bound as they were, and I being to work the lubricant up and down as she continues a slow drizzle. I coat every inch of her mighty member, from her soft trimmed red pubes right to the tip of her fat knob. Oh how I loved the feel of her sliding through my hands. "Good boy." Taking my hands pulls them from her and wipes them clean, then nuzzles and kisses each palm in turn before commanding me. "Hands above your head."

"Yes Ma'am." I stretch my arms up over my head.

"You make me so happy when you listen so well."

Looking up and down my splayed body she licks her lips. Reaching behind her Evelyn unfastens her bra and lets her plump tits spill out to hang naturally. I knew them so well by now, feeding off of them everyday as I did, yet they looked more incredible to me now than the first time I saw them. In an uncharacteristic moment of untidiness she just tosses the bra to the side. I cannot help but smirk as I watch the sexy, lacy garment come flop over a picture of Eugene, one of the big cups covering his smiling face as if she had purposely wanted to stop him from seeing what was happening here. I remember how jealous I once was of him, to have a mother so amazing as her, but I wouldn't trade places with Eugene for anything now. I could never be my Mommy's son but I would always be her boy. Son's eventually had to grow up but, between consenting adults at least, a boy and his Mommy could last forever. Supporting herself on one arm, her soft breasts resting on my body, she holds her cock with the other hand. Pressing her fat tip against my entrance she readies to mount me.

"Put your arms around my neck." She whispers as she gazes deeply into my eyes. "Hold onto me."

I do as commanded, bringing my arms around the top her shoulders to hold her in a soft hug.

"If anything hurts…if anything feels wrong…"

"I know."

She kisses me. "I love you Donald."

"Love you."

And then…she begins to press. Despite her great girth, greater than anything I'd handled before, between her lubed cock and my lubed and readied hole she opens me up immediately.

"HAH!" I gasp as her huge knob slips through my anus.

"Ohhhh!" Evelyn moans, her face a mask of erotic bliss as a few more inches glide through my straining bussy. "Ohhhh…this is so much better than I even imagined!"

"NNNNNGH!" I groan through gritted teeth as my back door is spread to the absolute limit. Slowly she pushes deeper. Like her fist before but even moreso I am overwhelmed by the sheer ecstatic FULLNESS swelling inside of me. And at six ass-sundering, rectum-stretching, prostrate-crushing inches in she wasn't even halfway yet! I grip at her warm flesh and hold on for dear life. "GNNNGHHH!!!"

"Ohhh baby! Ohhh Donald! Ohhhh my sweet Prince!" Like me Evelyn was in absolute heaven. I remember my first time having penetrative sex and how wonderful it felt, it was one of those moments you just never forgot. "God baby, you're soooo tight! Ohhhhhhhh."

"MMMMMM!!!" I mewl as the inches just went on and on and on!

"A bit more…a bit more." We stare deeply into each other's souls as she at last claims my ass for her own. "Just a little bit more my sweet."

"Keep going…keep going! MMMMMM!!!" She was so much! So damn much! Stretching me and pushing me past both pleasure and pain. It did hurt, though that wasn't quite the right word. There was no pain, not in a real sense, but the strain could not be ignored. It was a good hurt, a wonderful hurt, a hurt that pushed the pleasure to new heights. My innards become engorged with thick, heavy, rock-hard cock. With my own dick, squished between us as it was, I could actually feel her rod bulging through my belly! "NNNNGHHH!!!"

And on she goes! In my sexual haze I began to believe she would continue straight through my chest and up through my mouth. But at last, after a rapturous eternity, her big, heavy balls make contact with my ass as she goes full hilt.

"My God!" She says in awe. "This is…incredible!"

"Hnnnngh." I whimper my agreement.

"You okay?"

"Yes…Mmmma'am." I pant in sharp, shallow breaths. "Slow…please. B-b-be…gentle."

She beams like only she can. "Of course my Prince." She kisses me. "Always."

Relaxing her body she settles down a bit more onto me, her soft tummy and big supple breasts smooshing me down into the mattress. God how I love to feel her weight on top of me, now that she was also inside of me it just made it all the better. And there she holds me for a time, letting me feel her and adapt to her. I wrap my legs around her lower back tightly and hold her in my arms as the pressure in my ass just gets better and better. She was in me. A part of me. Filling me. I had dreamed of this day. Nuzzling into her neck I close my eyes and savor this precious moment.

She kisses my temple and whispers. "Here we go."

Very gradually she tilts her hips and arches her back to pull a few inches out.

"OHHH GOD!" I grunt as she pulls at my insides with the retraction. It felt like she was going to turn me inside out!

Mercifully she stops after just three or four inches then firmly pushes back in again.

"Hahhhhhh!" I sing happily. "Ohhh wow!"

"Oh my goodness, you feel so good baby."

In slow, carefully controlled thrusts she does it again, and then again, and then again. Each one getting easier and feeling better. Soon she is making love to me. Turning me out like the anal loving slut that I was, but in the most loving and tender way imaginable. She strokes my face and pets my hair and gives tiny smooches and whispers her undying love to me all while ruining my ass for anyone else but her. I already knew from my biggest toy that I loved the big ones, a self confessed size-Prince, but Evelyn took it to a whole new level. That wonderful whole body high I got when taking it deep infused every atom of my being. It was positively orgasmic though much longer lasting. Holding me, touching me, caressing me Evelyn makes sweet, passionate love to her special submissive man.

"My boy." She sighs, tears of romantic joy glimmering in her eyes. "My precious, perfect, beautiful boy."

I give her my prettiest smile. "I am yours. Forever."

"Oh Donald."

Smooth and steady her hips drive in and out. Ever so gradually her thrusts get quicker and longer and more forceful. Not a hard ass-clapping fuck mind you, that simply wasn't a thing for my gentle Domme, but a good strong rhythm. Her thick shaft drawing through my taut anus, her hard girth massaging my buzzing p-spot each stroke, the deep and oh so satisfying fullness stuffing me on each thrust, and the way her stomach slides over my sandwiched dick, it doesn't take long until…

"I'm gonna cum!"

"Yes baby, cum for Mommy."

I already was. Taking in a deep breath I then cry out in heady euphoria. "HAHHHHHHH!!!" Between our pressed tummies my thick load joins the copious warm, slick precum that already wets our skin down there. She pauses to watch me climax. My sphincter pulses and grips at the schlong holding it open as my balls spew their contents. Pinned beneath her warm body I buck and writhe and orgasm harder than I ever had before. "GNNNNGHHHHH!!!"

"That's it. Good boy." She smiles. "Ohhhh, I feel you cumming so hard. Feel so good! My big, strong man cumming so good for me."

Out of my mind with pleasure my ass and my dick just keep cumming, the hard pressure from within forcing my nut to continue until there was nothing left to shoot and STILL somehow going longer. By the end I am left a trembling, mewling, smiling little butt boy. "Hnnnnnnghhhhhhh."

Evelyn kisses me with a jolly laugh. Looking down at the mess between us she quips. "That was a big one!"

"Uh huh." I gasp weakly. "Ohhh wowwww."

"I guess you're having fun then."

"Uh huh."

"Good." She says. "Okay, hands up. It's Mommy's turn."

"Yes Ma'am." I swoon and let my arms flop back over my head.

I glance down to see my creamy mess smeared all over her belly as well as my own. "So messy. Always so messy." She says through a playful grin, to which I giggle ebuliently. After a quick dollop of fresh lube she props herself up on her arms to loom over me in classic missionary position. And then…she starts to pound me!

"OHHHHH!" I cry out as her full weight drives down into me the first time.

"Mmm!" She hums as she hammers balls deep. "Too hard?"

"NO!" I exclaim. "God no!"

In long, powerful thrusts she drives it into me again and again and again. I was warmed up now, she knew I could take it. Eight, nine, ten inches pulled back before ramming back in again. Both the in and the out felt incredible. Her swinging balls pat against my tush as she plants every last inch into me over and over. Her soft body jiggles, her big tits sway and bounce, and her long glorious read hear swooshes in time to her anal fucking. There was still that carefulness, that doting gentleness, but this was easily the most aggressive I had ever seen her. Even my tender Evelyn could not completely resist that primal and overwhelming 'need to breed' that came along with a cock and balls.

"CUMMING!!!" I groan as somehow my emptied balls and half flaccid cock start to throb and twitch. This time she doesn't stop. As I cum she continues her long, firm strokes. In fact she takes it up a gear! Hooking her arms behind my knees she pushes my legs forward which tilts my pelvis upward so that she more fully drive her weight down onto me. My floppy manhod plapping up and down to the hard rhythm I drizzle my stream of jizz all over the place. Some of it hits her tits, some of it hits my face, and some of it just streaks off onto the covers. Holy shit is it intense! Jizzing while your ass was full was one thing, but jizzing while actively getting fucked silly? Mind-blowing! "HNNNGHHH!!!"

"That's it baby! Yes my sexy boy! Yes!" The clapping of flesh on flesh fills my ears, that same clapping I thought impossible for her just a short time ago, as she plows my bottom with ever growing passion. "Hngh! Mmmf! Mmm! Your ass feels so gooooood!"

"CUMMMMMMINNNGGG!!!" I groan as a third powerful climax, this one purely anal, seizes me and doesn't let go. "OHHHHHHH!!!"

"Good boy." She huffs between hard thrusts. She was breathing heavy now, a sheen of sweat glistening across over her fair womanly flesh. "Such a good boy!"

"Hahhhh…ahhhhhhh!" I am delirious in my erotic rapture. My body is rocked again and again as my soul mate rails me. "AAAHHHHHH!!!"

"Mmmmm!" She groans, the building passion coming out in her voice. "Such a strong boy! Such a beautiful man! Ohhhhhh!"

"YES! YES! YES!" I cry out on every impact. "OHHH!!!"

"Nnnf! Mmm! God baby, yes!" Keeping up the rhythm she plays with my tight balls and my completely soft cock as she fucks me. "You feel incredible. This is the best sex I've ever had. Ohhhhh God!"

Her heavy, pendulous breasts repeatedly swing past my face. I open my mouth and reach for them. "Ahhhh." Never one to deny me, spoiled boy that I was, she twists and lowers her body so that one of her plump, tawny nipples swipe over my face. In not time at all I latch and begin to suck. "Mmmmmm!"

In record time her sweet, rich milk fills my mouth. I moan and mewl and cum nonstop as I suckle her big titty hungrily.

"OH DONALD!" She wails, her beautiful face a mask of sexual bliss and her hazy hazel gaze lost to the passion that was about to claim her. "OH! OH! OHHHHHHHH!!!"

The next thing I knew Evelyn slams home, the deepest thrust yet, and inside of me I feel her monster surge. I knew, I could feel, that deep, deep, DEEP inside of me Evelyn was pumping her hot, massive load of Mommy cum. My sucking lips pop from the nipple and I SCREAM as over thirteen inches of thick, pulsing cock throbs inside of me. "MOMMYYYYYYY!!!"

"Babyyyyy!!!" Her voice joins mine as our voices form a perfect duet of shared orgasmic ecstasy. Our cries cutting short as she flops on top of me and kisses me passionately. Holding me close in her arms, her full weight on top of me and her lips locked to mine, she bucks and moans wildly into my mouth as she cums like a force of nature. "Mmmmm!"