The Queen Mommy fully inducts you into her harem by taking you with her strapon by Correspondancer

Welcome, sweet pet. You look so adorable in your soft silken pajamas that I gave you.

Come, sit on my lap. Let me feel your body through the pajamas.

[Listener obeys and sits on Mommy's lap]

Mmmm, the cotton is so soft and I love caressing your skin through it.

Do you like it when Mommy rubs your body?

{Whispers} Do you like it when I touch your "special place"?

[Mommy chuckles]

Of course you do.

Now, tell Mommy what brings you to her bedchambers tonight? Did you want me to "milk" you before going to bed? I know it helps you fall asleep better.

Something else? You seem a little upset. Is it something to do with your sisters? I noticed that you seem a little withdrawn from them lately.

[Listener reluctantly nods]

Oh, you poor thing. You've always been so sensitive. That's what I love about you. But it can be a curse, can't it?

I know it must be hard being the only boy in my harem, but I love you all equally. I cherish the differences between you all.

Each of you is so precious to me. And that includes you. I wouldn't have chosen you if that weren't true.


But I know my words must bring little comfort to you.

[Mommy thinks about it]

Very well, I'll have some stern words for them at breakfast tomorrow mor–

Oh? You don't want me to say anything?

Ah, of course. That would just further ostracize you.

I'm guessing your sisters tease you because I don't "take" you like I take them. And I suspect you feel that you'll never truly belong because of that.

But that's just wrong! I use you all in different ways. {Voice rising} Just because I have my way with you differently from how I have my way with them–

[Mommy notices that the listener is starting to look afraid]

{Softly} Oh … oh, baby boy. You're shaking… Did Mommy's big voice scare you?

Oh …

Mommy didn't mean to scare you. Of course I'm not mad at you.

Mommy is just … vexed. Well and truly vexed. I can't scold your sisters because that would make them alienate you further. But I can't just let this stand. I just don't know what to do.

[Mommy thinks for a bit]


Listen, do you trust Mommy?

[Listener does]

Very well. Come sit on my lap again.

[Listener obeys]

Good boy. I'm going to start unbuttoning your pajamas. Do you like that?

Of course. It feels good when my hands glide over your body like this, right?

And your body responds to my soft touches in many ways. Sometimes it shivers slightly. Sometimes you feel a warmth rising inside of you. But mostly, you feel … a stiffening, down here, don't you?

Yes, that's right, you enjoy it when I stroke your cock. And I enjoy your excitement, your … arousal. That's how I use you. I enjoy watching … and taking care of your arousal.

But Mommy can feel aroused, as well. You've never experienced that, but that's how I use your sisters. Would you like to experience that? Would you like to make Mommy feel aroused?

[Listener very much does]

Such a good boy. I knew you would.

Your sisters tease you because I use their bodies in a different way. I penetrate their bodies in a special place, a special place that your body doesn't have.

But technically you do have a hole that Mommy could use. It's just not done because my strapon is so large that it might hurt you.

But if you were willing, we could try that.

Then the girls would accept you as one of their own. Would you like that?

[Listener agrees]

Oh, you are such a brave boy! And so willing. That's what I love about you.

Let's get started. Stay seated on my lap for now. I'll start by touching your lips with my fingers.

Go ahead, start kissing and licking my fingers.

[Mommy lets out a small involuntary gasp]

Oh! That's … that's good. Such a good boy, licking so eagerly.

Okay. Now, I want you to suck on one of my fing–

[Mommy lets out a soft moan]

MMmmmmm … that's very, very good.

Ohh … your tongue is licking my fingers so well.

I'm … I'm starting to feel … a little warmer.

Can you feel it? Can you feel my hardening pressing up against your soft ass?

Yes, that's right.

{Whisper} That's Mommy's girlcock and she's going to fuck you with it.

But first, you're going to make it fully hard. Take another finger in your mouth and start sucking on it.

Ooohhh, that's so good. Now take another one.

Yes. Very good. Let's fit my last finger in your mouth.

Don't worry about the drool. Let it get messy. Get it all over my hand.

In fact, we're going to want a lot more of it. Trust me, you're going to want my fingers to get as wet as you can.

Now, I'm going to shove my fingers down your throat.

[Listener gag reflex starts to kick in as she does so]

{Soothingly} Shhhh … it's okay. It's okay. I know you're gagging. You trust Mommy, right?

I know it's uncomfortable having Mommy shove her fingers down your throat but I need you to make them as wet as possible.

That's a good boy. Such a good boy. So very brave, taking Mommy's hand like this into your mouth. I can see your brave tears streaming down your pretty face and the mucus draining out your nose as I do this but trust me, it's for the best.

And it's making me so fucking horny seeing you like this.

Now I'll toss you to the bed and tear off the rest of your pajamas.

[Optional sound effects of bodies and clothes shuffling around]

I won't need my lingerie either.

There! How does it feel to lie on your back and have Mommy straddling over you? Do you enjoy seeing Mommy's giant girlcock? Look, it wants to penetrate you so hard. Such a good boy. This is what I'm going to fuck you with.

Oh, I know it's scary. To be honest, there's a part of me that enjoys seeing you so vulnerable.

But I'll make sure it doesn't hurt … too much.

Here, take my tits into your mouth. Drink some of Mommy's milk. It will help you relax and …

MmmMMmmmm … yes, that's good. Oh, that's making me even hornier.

Keep sucking. I'm almost ready.

[Optional aroused noises]

Okay, good. Now, get on all fours while I come around behind you.

That's a good boy.

{Whispers} Do you like the feel of my soft tits on your back?

{Whispers} I'm going to stroke your boy hole with one of the fingers you so wonderfully lubricated for me.

That feels good, doesn't it?

Now relax it for me. Relax, breathe, as … I … sliiide my finger in.

Oh, you are so tight!

There, such a good boy. You're doing so well.

It feels good doesn't it? Having Mommy's finger inside of you?

Here, let me wiggle it around. That's nice, isn't it?

It's so very intimate, having someone inside of you. And this is just my first finger.

Just three more to go.

Oh, you just tightened up! Don't worry, it gets easier. We'll take it slow.

This is how I start with the girls. They all start off just as scared as you are. But they learn, as will you.

When you're ready, I'll put another finger in you.

Oh? Ready for more? Such a good boy!

Here it is, I'm sliding my second finger inside you.

There, it's in. I'm so proud of you. You hardly squirmed at all.

Are you ready for the rest? Okay, good.

Now relax … and … very good! Such a compliant boy.

I'm spreading all your saliva inside you now. I'm making it nice and slippery. You're doing such a good job.

Okay, good, I think you're ready.

{Whisper/growl} Here it comes.

[She starts to slide in, just the tip]

Ohh … you are so tight. I've gotten the tip in but we'll take a break here.

Such a good boy, taking in Mommy's enormous girlcock. You've never had anything this big inside you before, have you?

We can rest here as long as you–

Oh, you're ready for more? Very well, let's see how you like … this.

[She slides in half-way with a soft moan]

Oooh, very good. I can feel you shaking. I know, it's a lot. But I'm half-way in. You're doing so well. We don't even have to go any further, this is sufficient to–

More? Oh, you are such a brave, brave boy. Some of your sisters can't even take this much.

[She goes in all the way with sounds of great pleasure]

You did it! You've taken Mommy's entire girlcock.

Oh, god, you are so tight!

Okay, now I'm going to start fucking you.

We'll take it slow at first.



Such a good boy, taking all of Mommy's cock.

Do you like Mommy pumping your ass like this?

{Whispers} Do you enjoy the feel of Mommy's soft tits on your back?

Let me just reach around and–

Oh! Your cock feels so hard. It's so very stiff in my soft hands. You must really enjoy this. Such a naughty boy.

It feels so good to be fucking you while I stroke your cock from behind.

You like it when I stroke you, don't you? You like fucking my hand like this.

But I bet it would feel even better … {whispers} fucking one of your sisters.

[Listener's cock twitches]

Oh, my … you really reacted to that.

Do you like the idea of fucking one of them while I fuck you?

[Rhythmic thrusting sounds, building up as she speaks]

Fuuuuck, that would be so hot.

Using you as my cock extension, fucking one of the girls through you.

God! It's making me so hot.

You're going to make me cum!

[She takes several deep breaths to try to regain her control]

{Tenderly} Do you like being fucked by Mommy?

You're such a good boy.

Mommy loves you very much.

{Whispers} Mommy loves fucking you very much.

You're so tight!

Cum with me.

The Queen commands it!

Oh, yes, cum in my hands as I cum inside you!

Cum for me…

Cum for me!


[Hard deep breaths and groans as she recovers from her exertion]

Oh, that was good … very good.

You were such a good boy, doing everything Mommy asked of you.

And you came so much! Almost as much as Mommy did.

We made such a mess.

Oh, don't worry, I'll summon your sisters to clean it up. They'll see what I did to you. They'll accept you more now.

And who knows? Maybe we'll invite one of them to play with us next time