Futanari world transmigration. By Ellamx

"Wait… what? Where am I?"

He looked around, this was clearly not his apartment the ceiling was wooden and slightly slanted, the room had quite the girly vibe to it with all the pink and plushies around. There was something wrong with this picture, this place didn't look like an apartment but a family house.

The next strange thing he noticed wasn't the decor but he himself. He looked down at his body, his hands looked a lot smaller and more delicate. The fingernails were well kept and painted pink, did he turn into a girl or something?

"No, it's still there…"

He could feel that he had a member between his legs, but after checking he noticed that is shrunk a bit seaming to be an inch or so smaller. His package was bare, no groin hair whatsoever.

"Wait did I get transported into another world or something, like in those anime novels?"

He got off his bed and peeked out of the room he was in. There was a sign that said 'Avery' on it, it was probably the name of the person's body that he was now inhabiting. On his right, he could see a bathroom, on his left side there was a hallway that leads to another room that had 'Blair' written on it. Opposite that room, there were stairs going down to the bottom floor. There was also an open room opposite his, but after checking there wasn't much in there, probably just a place for guests.

"What am I even wearing…"

He looked down, he was wearing a tank top with a bunny on it, his legs were covered with striped stockings and he had tight booty shorts covering his groin area. He slowly moved into the bathroom, going right to the mirror as he wanted to see how he looked like.

"T-this… is me?"

He looked like a girl with short brown hair, his lips were full and he had quite the cute rounded face. His shoulders were narrow, the same thing could be said about his waistline. The thing that popped out was his wide hips. These were what you would call some childbearing hips. He looked at his form from the side, his thighs were quite thick and juicy looking, the rear end was quite plump as well.

He grasped his ass cheeks with his hand, his fingers going into the soft flesh that bulged out between the digits. He started gyrating his hips, looking as his ass started jiggling left and right. His butt would give all those black ladies that you saw in rap videos a run for their money.

"Damn… I got some back…Did I turn into a femboy?"

He didn't know where he was at all, he was in his late twenties before he got hit by that truck. Now he was a young girly looking male, his age was unknown but he looked quite young. While Avery was thinking about the situation he heard a charming voice from the bottom floor.

"Avery dear, come down. Breakfast is ready, mommy made you some pancakes~"

He stopped groping his fat ass and peeked out of the bathroom, there were apparently other people in this house besides him. His so-called mother was downstairs cooking and maybe someone by the name Blair was staying next to his room, probably a sister. He wasn't sure if he should go down, what was he even doing in here, was there any danger?

He gulped while trying to find something that he could defend himself with, but there wasn't anything of the sorts around besides a pair of scissors. He took them putting them into his back pocket, his shorts weren't really designed for this apparently as when he was going down the stairs his 'weapon' instantly fell out.

"There you are, better eat it while it's warm, sweety."

He looked up at the woman that came out of the kitchen, that was right next to the stairs. She looked rather stunning, she had that hourglass figure. Her huge breasts were popping out of that apron that she was wearing and her hips were a lot wider than his own. She was also taller than he was, he measured at around 5 feet 2/3 inches while she was about 5 feet 10 inches. In his previous life, he was over six feet tall, this made him feel dejected.

The woman had a bright smile on her face, she was your typical MILF. Long brown hair, glasses that fitted her face quite well and a bombshell of a figure. She picked up the scissors that he dropped and scolded him for carrying them around, before taking his hand and leading him inside the kitchen.

The room was quite large and there was a dining table, on which were many pancakes. Everything was already set up for the breakfast, he sat down looking at the woman that was humming to herself. She looked at her son, that was looking at the dishes in front of him but not touching any of it. This prompted her to rub her chin while looking at the boy.

"Is something wrong dear? Why aren't you eating?"

The woman inched closer and closer while Anthony in Avery's body poked one of the pancakes with his fork, he didn't feel all that hungry but the whole thing just felt strange to him. Then his 'mom' did something unexpected, something that he sometimes fantasized about while he was going through his daily motions.

"Oh silly me, I bet you can't focus on eating without mommies special milk~"

"Special milk?"

He looked at the older woman that moved her hands to her waist to push down her skirt. His eyes went wide as she started undressing, her lower area got exposed but what he saw there was something that he wasn't expecting. The moment her crotch came into view you could see a fat set of nuts and a big dick above them. The dick was quite big and already at half-mast even before the woman took it into her hand giving it a couple of quick pumps.

"Oh, this might take a while. How about you help mommy out, it will go faster~"

"Help you out?"

He replied while the taller woman approached him with the dick in her hand. The man stuck in the boy's body froze for a moment, not really knowing how to react. He soon realized what she meant, she moved in closer placing her palm on his shoulder. The boy was sitting down so he was at about the right height for the woman to push her dick up against his face.

The big dick was in front of his face, her hand going up and down at it while the crown pointed straight at his eyes. He looked at the dick, then upwards at the woman that still had that sweet smile on her face doing this like it was the most natural act.

A normal person would probably just run away in this situation, but Anthony here wasn't just your regular guy, he had a deep dark secret. His dirty little secret was that he actually liked chicks with dicks, stroking his dick to shemale's fucking men on numerous occasions. He never found the courage to actually act out on his fetish, the place he lived in wasn't very fond of things like that.

He gulped down, the object of his desires was right in front of his face and it was attached to quite the lovely looking lady. The woman with the big dick didn't wait for him though, as she directly placed the cock head up against his thick lips and started pushing it inside. He almost went cross-eyed as the thick girl dick penetrated his upper orifice with a lot of force, hitting the top of his mouth as the whole tip went in with one go.

"That's a good boy, suck on mommies cock~"

The futanari mother moved in closer, the dick started sliding inward while the youth's cheeks bulged out to the sides. The feeling was quite novel to him, he never had a dick in his mouth before not even having any experience with sex toys. His hands tapped on his new mom's thick thighs as he tried to instinctively push himself away from the choking hazard, but the mommy in question wasn't relenting as she jabbed that big dick right in making it slide down his throat.

"Oh? Are you playing hard to get today?"

The mom didn't relent one bit as her son's neck showed a bulge due to her oversized meat spear. She then started to slowly pull it out, inch by inch letting the boy breathe in with his nose before just jabbing her erect cock right back in there with more force than before.

Anthony didn't even know how he was able to take this big mommy dick down his throat so easily, not like he had any previous training. Apparently this new body of his was already used to the throat abuse, but still, the dick was slowly choking him out which made his eyes tear up. He looked upwards but couldn't see much besides a pair of fat tits just bouncing back and forth while the futa mom plowed his mouth over and over again.

"That's it… take mommies big dick down your throat like a good boy."

Her words sounded sweet but her actions didn't reflect that as she started forcing the whole thing inside, her fat nuts now resting on his chin. Her belly touched his nose while she held her prick inside his mouth not letting him breather any air for a good ten seconds. After pooling out a lot of coughing could be heard, as saliva dribbled down from his mouth down to the ground.

"We still have to work on that gag reflex of yours, but you are getting better at it~"

Guess this wasn't their first rodeo, as his mom resumed the face fucking while her new son couldn't even push a word into the conversation. But if you looked at his cock, you would see that it was leaking a lot of pre and tenting out his booty shorts, letting his mommy know that he was enjoying the act.

"Uhhh… almost there… mommy is going to shoot her milk down your throat, be a good boy and swallow your meal!"

The sounds of balls hitting his chin could be heard in the kitchen as she increased her pace. The dick hardened up, even more, her nails pushed into his head as she was ready to bust her nut. Soon enough, he felt something entering his belly. It was a strange feeling as the futanari mom twitched around, climaxing down his throat. Due to the way she climaxed most of the white seed went directly into his belly, not really letting him have a taste of it. Though soon enough, during the pulling out he tasted the unfamiliar substance.

He expected the 'milk' to taste quite awful, but to his surprise, it wasn't all that bad. He wasn't sure if this was the way it normally was as he read somewhere that it was supposed to be warm and salty, maybe even bitter. This milk was quite thick indeed but was a little bit on the sweet side, maybe this futa mom had some kind of special diet for it to taste like this.

"Ooof… there we go… I bet that got your appetite right up!"

He wasn't sure what the woman was talking about as he was swallowing her load. She didn't stay around for much longer though, telling him to leave the dishes in the sink after he was done as she needed to go to work now. At the end he received a smooch on the cheek, before his supposed mother had to go to work. He wasn't sure if this was some kind of fever dream, but it sure felt real.
