Your Eternal Reward by Xarth Part 1

Connor woke up lying on soft grass, warmed by the morning sun. He cracked an eye, then shut it again. He carefully tested his body, moving his arms and legs, wiggling his toes and fingers, and running his hands over his other bits. Nothing hurt.

The lack of pain was confusing, but he wasn't quite sure why. More confusing still was where the hell he was.

Connor sat up, opened his eyes again, and looked around. Nothing looked familiar. He was in someone's front yard, but he didn't know whose, nor how he'd ended up there.

It was a very pleasant morning, so at least he had that going for him.

Movement caught Connor's eye. The door to the house opened, and three girls walked out, appearing to be maybe in their early twenties, at his best guess. They were all in a line at first, then spread out horizontally once they hit the grass.

Connor swallowed hard. The three girls were insanely cute, and were only dressed in panties and camisoles. He couldn't really see anything inappropriate, but they were awfully flimsy outfits considering he'd never even met them before. Not that he remembered, anyway. Memory wasn't his strength so far this morning.

"Good morning," one of the girls said cheerfully as all three of them stopped just short of Connor. "Ready to get started?"

"Maybe," said Connor. "Started with what? Do I know you?"

"Of course not," said another girl. "We've just met."

"I'm Monica," said the third girl. "That's Demi, and she's Lita," Monica said, gesturing at her companions.

"Oh," said Connor. "I'm Connor."

"Yes, we know," said Demi. She reached out a hand and helped Connor up. She was much stronger than she looked. "Ready?"

"For what?"

Monica clasped her hands behind her back, which only made her scantily covered chest all the more prominent. "Do you remember dying, Connor?" she asked just as casually as one might about the weather.

"No," said Connor. "But... I don't think that's something anyone can remember. They'd be dead, right? Unless... it's one of those things where they get resuscitated."

"Well, you weren't," said Demi.

"Not even a little," Lita added chipperly.

Connor looked around again. Other than the one property they stood at, he could kind of tell there were more houses and yards and things around, but they were... blurry. Kind of. He could see them, but he couldn't. It was odd.

"You're kinda stuck here," Demi said with a shrug. "For now, anyway. Things can change. I wouldn't worry about it."

"Stuck where?" Connor asked, frowning. "You're making it sound like..."

He paused and looked down at himself, again running hands over his torso. It was intact and didn't hurt anywhere. That little nagging voice inside him was telling him firmly that that wasn't right.

"Like you're dead?" Lita asked, leaning forward, giving just a tease of some more cleavage in the process. "We're definitely hinting at it, alright."

"If you're too obtuse, we're just gonna skip past it and let you work it out later. Some people are sooo slow to accept it," Monica said.

Demi nodded toward the house. "Come on. This is your place."

"Oh," said Connor. He scratched his head. "Why can't I see other houses properly?"

"You're asking all the wrong questions, my dude," Demi said. "But I mean, that's fine. You've got time."

"Lots and lots," Lita agreed.

"Am I... am I in Heaven?" Connor asked.

"Hey, there you go," Demi said, patting him on the shoulder. "Getting warmer. So to speak."

"Not that Heaven really exists," Monica said. "Not in the way you probably assume."

"There are... good places," Demi said airily. "Some of them could be called Heaven, I suppose."

"But this ain't one," Lita said with a small giggle.

"But... really? I mean, it's a nice sunny yard, I get my own house, there's you three..."

"Awww," Lita cooed. "I think he likes us."

Demi wrapped an arm around Connor and led him toward the house. She was fairly petite next to him, yet he felt like she could probably throw him around if she wanted to. She just had a solidness to her, a confidence, and some serious muscle, even though he couldn't for the life of him spot any on her cute, slender body.

"Of course he does," Demi said. "We're very likeable."

"Likes looking at us, maybe," Monica said.

"'Cause we're super duper hot and adorable," Lita said firmly, as though stating fact.

Connor couldn't find any reason to argue.

The inside of the house was nice too. It wasn't a massive house by any means, but was bigger and fancier than anywhere he'd ever lived.


Was he still doing that even? Walking around like this after death didn't seem all that likely, but then so many people believe in afterlives that maybe there was a reason for it.

"So, uh, if Heaven doesn't exist-"

"It does," Monica said. "And it doesn't."

"... what?"

"Well, like, clouds and harps and famous people and that bearded guy and stuff? Not really a thing."

"Oh. But, so, this place is like a Heaven, but not?"

"Yes," Demi said with a wicked grin that didn't match her otherwise cherubic innocence. "Exactly. Not Heaven."

"If you're really good, you might get something better," Lita said, swinging back and forth a little, drawing attention back to her chest.

"Eventually," Demi added.

"Eventually," Lita agreed easily.

Connor nodded. "Ok, well assuming this isn't some fever dream or bad trip, I think I can work with this. This doesn't seem so bad."

The three girls all exchanged looks that could only be described as amused and impish.

"Let's check out the bedroom," Demi suggested lightly.

Connor felt a little thrill at the suggestion. "Sure," he said, voice cracking slightly. "That sounds... interesting."


Demi followed close behind Connor as he walked into the bedroom. Lita and Monica were hot on her heels.

She felt a predatory smile creeping over her otherwise flawless cherubic aura. Despite being warned, Connor still thought he was getting a Heaven. That made what was to come next all the more delectable.

He was such an innocent, in many ways. New to this plane of existence, for one. Not even quite thirty when he died, relatively young even for his species. And hadn't believed in an afterlife, which as far as Demi understood the system, didn't much matter, but usually cost a few points on the overall final score.

Upon entering the room, and while Connor was still facing away, Demi and her counterparts dropped their panties in smooth, synchronized movements. As one, they stood up straight and let their big, hard cocks free. It was a bit of a trick hiding them away, but the surprise reveal was worth it.

It was so much more fun if he didn't see it coming. Not that there was any reason he would, probably, but particularly when their outfits had left so very little to the imagination, and he couldn't possibly predict that they'd been hiding these monsters in their tiny, clingy panties.

Connor's eyes bugged out as he turned around and saw the girls lined up together, all pointing straight at him.

"Wha... um... what?"

"This would be your afterlife for now," Demi said casually. "If you're a good boy, it's possible you might move on out of here."

"Eventually," Monica added with toothy smile.

"Maybe only a few decades," Lita chirped, bouncing slightly to make her cock jiggle.

Connor's eyes shifted back and forth between the three hard shafts, drifting down to the smooth, hairless balls beneath.

"This is... what I..."

"Sure is," Demi said, stepping closer, taking her time, really making sure he appreciated the gravitas of her advance.

Demi wondered, as she had the night before he'd arrived, how long it'd take for him to break. Everyone was different. Some were nearly immediate. Some tried to maintain a facade for much longer. She couldn't read Connor well enough yet to know about him. He was still so confused she wasn't sure he'd processed it all properly.

Monica and Lita flanked Connor, still looking sweet, innocent, and cute, excepting their evil grins and big ol' dicks. They pushed him to his knees easily enough. He wasn't resisting, and they were much stronger than him anyway.

"This is for you," Demi said with the soft confidence of someone who doesn't need to yell. She pressed her cock to Connor's face. "Open up."

It seemed like Connor might be defiant. Or that he still hadn't understood. But then, after swallowing nervously, he opened his mouth.

Demi sighed happily as she slipped into his mouth. Her cock hit the back of his throat, and for the moment she didn't push further. She rocked back and forth, fucking his mouth, staking an initial claim on it.

She didn't expect him to fight. He didn't seem like type. Resist, sure. Lie in wait, then strike when she wasn't ready, not so much. But he wasn't even resisting so far. Just kind of accepting her cock in his mouth.

That was fine. Demi had more than that for him.

Connor's eyes opened wider and he gagged heavily while Demi slowly pushed deeper. She held his head with an iron grip, not letting him pull away. Only once she was firmly in his throat, having made the point that she could force her way in if she wanted, did she let him pull away, slide back off her dick to take some deep breaths. Already his eyes were running and his chin was damp with spit and precum.

"You'll need to do better than that," Demi said with that same quiet tone of authority.

"Much better," Lita said. "She wasn't even in all the way."

Connor stared up at Demi, panting slightly, then again swallowed and opened his mouth. Demi cocked an eyebrow, but didn't hesitate in shoving her cock right back in, going even deeper this time.

He didn't seem like he would have already caught on to how things were going to go, that he would have accepted it. No one submitted to their fate that easily, and Connor hadn't been overly swift on figuring other things out.

"He's so cute," Lita cooed, stroking Connor's hair while helping force him down on Demi's shaft. "Look at his eyes. So determined. He's really trying."

Monica had reclined on the large, spacious bed, waiting for her turn. She'd taken her top off and was lying there naked, idly tossing her foot back and forth and toying with her cock. "That's actually a smart move. Cooperation and compliance make a difference when it's time for review."

"Yeah, but he doesn't know that," Demi said, thrusting hard and smiling at the gagging and choking sounds from Connor's throat. "You think he's planning something?"

"Can't imagine what," Monica said. "Not like he can just run for it."

"He could try," Lita said. "It's funny when they get out in the yard and bounce off a wall they can't see."

"Let's maybe save that for a slow day, if we can," Demi said.

Connor's throat was feeling really good. He didn't have much of a handle at all on breathing technique, or control over his gag reflex. He probably didn't realize yet that he couldn't suffocate, so he didn't actually need to panic about air.

Generally, he had a nice soft mouth and throat, the way Demi's favourite boys tended to. And the gag reflex felt exquisite along the end of her shaft. The more she got into him, the more of her got squeezed and massaged by his tensing muscles.

Demi finally buried herself fully, balls to his chin. He seemed much more worried at that point, even though she made sure to let him breath again from time to time, just to keep things fun. Her whole cock was slick from all the gaggy spit going everywhere, and even her balls were getting wet from his drool.

"I think I might cum down his throat," Demi mused.

"Already?" Monica asked. "It hasn't been that long yet."

"I want to see what he does," Demi said. "I'm not really getting the proper reactions yet."

"Sometimes you don't," Monica said. "Sometimes they gotta get past their shock before you get much of anything."

"Maybe he likes it," Lita giggled. "You have such a pretty cock."

"Don't be weird, Lita," Demi said.

Basically at will, Demi shoved her cock deep into Connor's mouth again and let her cum burst forth. She pumped all kinds of hot, thick, creamy cum down his throat, pulling gradually back to make him work harder at swallowing it, eventually only cumming in his mouth to make sure he got a good taste as well. She allowed him to spill some, so long as he was mostly only making a mess of himself.

Demi made Connor clean her cock off some with his tongue before vacating her spot.

Lita jumped eagerly at the chance and proceeded to shove her cock at Connor while he was still dazedly recovering from Demi. Still, he managed to open his mouth and take her in without too much fuss.


Connor was rather impressed. Heaven-not that that's what this was, exactly, according to the girls-had never struck him as being that exciting as a concept. Wherever he'd ended up was much more of a thrill. Cute girls with big cocks demanding blowjobs? It wasn't what he ever would have guessed, but it was quite a good time all the same.

Demi seemed a bit annoyed with him at times. He knew he wasn't the best at sucking cock, but he was trying his level best. He hadn't had many opportunities to practice sucking girls off like this in his life. Or any opportunities at all, really. It was all new.

He'd made her cum, at least, and she'd seemed to enjoy it. She'd cummed a lot, too. It tasted so fucking sexy, and there was so much in his tummy already.

Now Lita wanted him, and he was going to do his best with her as well.

"You're so much cuter than the last guy I was assigned to," Lita said happily as she casually violated Connor's throat. "He was older, though, and that doesn't help. He used to whine a lot too." She patted Connor's head like a puppy. "You're quieter, huh?"

Connor wasn't sure if he was meant to be answering, but he couldn't regardless. His mouth was very, very full. As far as he could tell so far, the girls all seemed to have cocks roughly the same size as one another, so taking her wasn't any trickier than Demi. Plus he had that small amount of experience to work with now.

"I thought I was being rough enough," Demi was saying to Monica, over at the bed. "Didn't get much of a reaction though, did I?"

"Gotta go harder," Monica said. "I'll show you when Lita's done."

"Good luck. She'll take forever. I don't know how she still gets so excited about it."

"Of course I'm excited," Lita said. "It feels so good!" She beamed down at Connor, who was struggling to keep his eyes on her while gagging on her cock. "You're nearly a throat-virgin, aren't you? Hm? Yes you are! So snug. So soft. So wet. Very nice." She patted him again. "And so well behaved."

"Hnnnhh ghhhnngg," Connor said, flushing slightly at the praise.

Lita hummed happily to herself as she mouth-fucked Connor. She of course wanted to go deeper too, and Connor's throat was forced to stretched out for her. He had some practice with Demi now, and wasn't quite as unsure of himself. That helped. Plus Lita seemed so much more excited and encouraging of him, which for being so new to this was very helpful to him.

Lita's cute face was all lit up, her eyes wide and gleaming. Connor tried to look up at her as best he could, but there was only so much eye contact he could make with his eyes watering and blinking, his face being somewhat roughly handled, and his throat protesting and causing him to gag at semi-regular intervals.

Connor was afraid he was going to look a bit of a mess. Already did, really. He couldn't seem to stop choking and drooling everywhere. All down his front and soaking his shirt was a mixture of his spit and Lita's precum, which was surprisingly tasty. It would have been quite sexy anyway, but having an amazing taste was a lovely bonus. There was, too, some of Demi's cum that had previously spilled from his mouth.

It did, indeed, take Lita longer to cum than Demi, as she and Monica had guessed. Connor was feeling fairly lightheaded by the time Lita was ready to finish. He felt a thrill run through him as he sensed more cum on the way, another massive load presumably. Demi had cummed so, so much. Hopefully Lita would too.

He wasn't disappointed. Lita grunted and moaned and shoved her cock in deep as her balls pulsed and shot hot cum all inside him. He swallowed fast, not wanting to make such a mess again. It felt so unprofessional. Unlike Demi, Lita hardly let him taste any at all, mostly shooting it into the base of his throat, almost to his stomach already. The last bit she let him have in his mouth, giggling as she instructed him to hold it for a minute before he was allowed to swallow.

Connor was panting even harder after Lita. He was already a little tired from the attention that seemed as though it had only just begun. Very happy with it, though, and still quite excited.

His cock was so damn hard after having two cute girls use his mouth and throat with their throbbing dicks. Monica hadn't gone yet, so presumably he'd get at least one more go. Maybe more.

Connor coughed to clear his throat. "Could I possibly get off my knees? I'm not used to this, and they're getting a bit sore."

The girls looked at each other as Monica hopped off the bed, cock swaying enticingly as she sashayed over. "Sure thing. I didn't want you down there anyway."

Monica helped an unsteady Connor to his feet. She rather efficiently peeled off his messed shirt, then worked on his pants too.

"Why you stripping him already?" Demi asked. "It's not time for that yet."

"Maybe I like seeing a cute, naked boy," Monica said. "What's it to ya?"

Lita nodded. "He's very nice to look at," she agreed. "So smol. Makes you think he won't even be able to take our dicks."

"Not that small," Connor mumbled, blushing.

His cock was soon totally uncovered, and he got a few incredulous stares once it was.

"The fuck?" Demi said. "Why's he all hard and... dripping?"

"It happens," Monica said. "Just a reaction."

"You'd think he's enjoying it or something."

Connor frowned slightly at that comment. Of course he was enjoying it. But Monica was already moving him, using that deceptive strength the girls shared. Connor stopped moving, resisting a little just to see what would happen. It didn't faze Monica in the slightest, and she tossed him on the bed like it was nothing.

If anything, that only turned Connor on more. They were going to use him and there was nothing he could do about it. Fuck that was hot.

"There we go," Demi said, cheering up a bit. "He kinda fought there a bit, didn't he?"

"A little," Lita said, scratching her head dubiously.

"I definitely had to throw him," Monica said, "but..."

She trailed off as she approached and Connor opened his mouth for her. She frowned, bodily dragged him to the edge of the bed so his head was hanging over, upside down. She adjusted her angle, then pushed her cock in, getting halfway into his throat on the first thrust, thanks to his open-throated position and excited expectation of what was coming.

"Yeah, I dunno," Monica said. "It's a little too easy, huh?"

She fucked Connor's throat hard, getting balls deep in him far more quickly than the other two. She kept going, kept fucking his face, going harder and faster. Connor was struggling to keep up, to time his breaths, anything.

"Little fucker's leaking precum down here like crazy," Demi muttered, running her fingertips over Connor's slick cock.

Connor moaned at the touch, which got a breathy gasp from Monica in return.

Lita cooed over Connor, his hard, leaking cock, and his cock-stuffed face. "He's so adorbs!" she squealed. "This is so much better than my last gig!"

"Is it?" Demi asked.

"Yeah. Don't you find the constant whining gets to you after a few decades? This is nice. He's so quiet. Except all the choking and spluttering, but that's kinda hot, so it's fine."

"Some of us like the whining and screaming," Demi said. "That's what we're paid for, you know."

"So I'm a rebel. Bite me."

Connor couldn't see much of anything other than Monica's swinging balls. He could hear some scampering and giggling though, as well as feeling the mattress shift under him. From what he could gather, Demi was literally trying to bite Lita.

Connor tried to push Monica back some. She wasn't letting him take many breaths at all, and it was starting to panic him a bit. She was going hard at his throat, which was super hot and all, but she needed to pull out more on the upstrokes or he was going to pass out.

Or at least he thought he would. He couldn't budge Monica no matter how hard he pressed, and the more she kept fucking him, filling and stretching his throat, making him choke on cock, spit, and precum, the more lightheaded he felt, but somehow he never felt like he was about to black out or anything.

Monica made Connor taste almost all of her eventual orgasm. She left his mouth filled, but his throat empty, pumping him full of cum faster than he could keep up with. He swallowed lots, but quite a bit flooded out and over his face, making quite a mess.

Connor was gasping for a long while after that, ineffectually swiping at his messed face, and not really getting anywhere as far as cleaning it up. He smiled under the cum-mask and patted his full tummy. These girls were good.


Monica, much like Demi, was a little disappointed in herself and this odd boy. She'd throat-fucked him hard, hard enough that he should have snapped out of whatever daze he was in, at least out of a sense of self-preservation or something.

It had seemed like it was working when he was frantically trying to push her away for part of it, but he'd given that up all too quickly.

Plus then, even though she could have held back longer if she wanted, Monica had felt like she really, really needed to cum in him. Lita was right, he felt amazing. Just the softest, snuggest little throat a girl could ask for.

Connor was taking a breather, but other than gasping and trying to clean himself off all the cum on his face, there was very little indication of him hating the experience so far. Even those weren't necessarily sure signs.

"Ok, you were right," Monica admitted.

"Told ya," Demi said. "That was a good try, though. There was spit actually flying, you were fucking his face so hard."

"Yeah, fuckin' hot," Lita agreed. "Whatcha think, face fuck him more? I vote more." She raised her hand eagerly, but Monica and Demi just rolled their eyes and ignored the vote she was trying to call.

"Usually we don't need to do butt stuff on the first day," Demi said. "But..."

"Might be needed," Monica agreed.

"Ooh, even better," Lita said, clapping her hands. "Me first?"

Demi shrugged. Monica had just gone, and while she didn't technically need any recovery time, a little break was nice. "Go for it."

"Thanks!" Lita whipped her head around. "Where's the lube?"

"Don't know," Demi said. "Weren't s'posed to need any yet. Hadn't bothered to look."

"Could do it with spit," Monica said. "Like the old days."

Demi winced. "That just chafes your dick after a while. Not worth it."

"That's ok," Lita said, bubbly and undeterred. "Lotsa cum here. Might as well make use of it."

Connor watched in fascination as Lita swiped her fingers through the cum on his face then rubbed it all over her cock. She took another big handful, then twirled a finger on her clean hand in a circle. Connor just stared at her.

"Oh come on now," Lita said. "You were being such a good boy. Turn around for me, would you?"

"Are you... are you gonna..."

"Gonna fuck your ass, yep yep. Your own fault, you know."

"I... I've never had anything like that. I don't know if-"

"Too bad!" Lita declared gleefully. "Turn around, chop chop. Lemme deflower that tight little virgin bum of yours!"

Monica felt some relief at the conversation. She could tell Demi did too. Maybe this guy had just sucked a lot of dick or something. Usually boys like that didn't get sent here, but maybe there'd been a mix up. He certainly didn't seem eager to have his ass fucked, at least. They could work with that.

"Whatcha think?" Monica murmured to Demi. "Loved sucking cock in his life, or what?"

"You'd almost think so," Demi agreed. "Except he didn't really have any technique or anything."

"True. But then again, we didn't give him much of a chance to demonstrate even if he did know some stuff."

"Yeah, I s'pose." Demi shook her head. "I don't think so, though. They're pretty good at screening for this stuff. In theory, we've got ourselves some prime virgin holes here."

"But... but the lack of fighting and whining and squealing and everything!"

"I know. Trust me, I know. The ass fucking will get him, though. You can see he's scared."


Connor was pretty damn nervous. Anal was supposed to hurt the first time, right? Especially with cocks the size these girls were packing?

He was so fucking excited for it, though. He might really pass out this time, from the thrill of it all rather than lack of breath. Or maybe from the pain, if it was as bad as some of his worst anxieties suggested it might be.

Lita was so very cute about it. Clearly just as excited as he was. He didn't want to disappoint her. Plus he had a feeling he didn't really have a say in the matter at the end of it. This was an odd sort of eternal reward, based on what he knew of afterlife doctrine that got spread around on Earth, but it was a pretty dang good one.

So many things back in life-and he was already coming around to the reality of not really being alive anymore-had seemed fun and amazing, but hadn't been practical or possible for a variety of reasons. Maybe he was going to get to go through all of them eventually. Maybe this was just the first.

Cute girls with big dicks fucking him as much as they wanted, cumming in him, stuffing him with cock over and over, stretching him all out every which way. It was scary, since he hadn't been able to do anything like that before, but it was a dream come true. He wasn't going to waste the chance, scared or not.

While trying to appear confident, and failing miserably, Connor slowly turned himself around, ass toward Lita. He was trembling. It was pretty bad. Maybe part of it was excitement and adrenaline getting him all shaky, but nerves were still the bigger factor.

"That a boy," Lita said, patting his butt. "It won't be so bad." She started giggling. "Actually yeah it will. But it'll be over soon."

"No it won't," Demi said.

"Oh yeah. No it won't."

Lita was cracking up like she was telling a really funny joke. She rubbed his butt some more with her clean hand, then placed her cummy hand in his butt crack and smeared slippery cum all around.

Her finger slid into his butthole surprisingly easily. Connor gasped at the intrusion, eliciting some favourable murmuring from Demi and Monica.

"He's so tight!" Lita cooed. "Oh this is gonna be fun."

She swiped more cum off of Connor's face and did her best to get more of it inside his ass. She managed to get two fingers in him, which was already starting to feel like a bit of a stretch, then three. It kind of hurt a bit before he adjusted.

Her cock was definitely going to be worse, he reasoned. But he'd adjust to that too. She'd go slow probably, wouldn't she? Well, no, probably not given how the girls had behaved so far. Maybe that was part of it, though. It wouldn't have been nearly so fun or intense if they'd only gently stuck their dicks in his mouth. Hard, deep throat fucking his recently virgin throat wasn't something you could build up to if you wanted the full effect.

Connor trusted that they knew what they were doing. That it would be awesome, and he wouldn't be seriously injured. He lowered his face to the sheets, smearing cum on them in the process, while sticking his ass up even more wantonly. It might hurt at first, but it'd be so, so worth it.


"That's a good slutty boy," Lita said approvingly as Connor went face down, ass up for her. "So eager to please already."

"Maybe his arms just gave out," Monica muttered behind her.

Demi only snorted and waited.

Lita ran her cock back and forth along Connor's ass crack, feeling his tight cheeks, and all that slippery cum lubricating their skin to skin contact. A virgin boyhole. Such a treat. And so young and cute. Lita was really hoping for a proper young one at some point, in the eighteen to twenty range. For logistical reasons, they were pretty rare. Let alone getting them before someone else did.

She swapped more cum from Connor's face to her cock, making sure everything was all ready to go. In theory, unlubed anal was more a punishment, but in practice it wasn't really much fun. It was so much extra work getting into tight little asses and fucking them. And it really did chafe if you went too long. Which was, of course, a big part of the point.

No. Lube was better. Definitely.

Lita fixed her eyes on the small, slick hole in front of her. She carefully lined her cock up with it and pressed the tip in. Connor resisted her at first, but she could be patient enough for this, and more importantly could keep increasing the pressure.

Connor whined slightly as his ass gave way more and more, and finally Lita popped in.

"Ooh, fuck," Lita purred. "That really is lovely and snug." She patted his ass. "This is gonna be good."

Connor whimpered as she kept pressing in, then started to thrust back and forth to get deeper and deeper. She didn't give him a break to adjust, just kept going. Penetrating as deep as she could.

It still took a while to bottom out in him. He kept whining and squirming, trying to crawl away. He was surprisingly docile overall, though. She'd had much, much worse. Ones who wouldn't cooperate at all. Plus Connor was still adorable even when he was being non-cooperative, and that was a nice change too.


Connor couldn't believe how deep Lita was going in him, nor how much of an initial stretch he felt. He probably should have known, in a sense. He had been thoroughly throat fucked just recently, after all. He knew the exact dimensions of the cock now fucking him from the other end.

But it fucking hurt at first. He'd tried to be good and to get through it. He couldn't help whining and trying to get away from it, though. Initially, it was just one of those pains that he couldn't stay calm and still through.

After a few moments, that pain faded to a worrying ache and continued stretch that felt like it would tear him open, but something much more manageable, at least. And the sheer fullness as Lita got balls deep inside him was breathtaking. It was a sensation unlike anything else. Kind of what he would have expected, but even better, if anything. It was so real and visceral. The pleasure was only heightened by the pain it took to get there.

Lita was relentless and merciless in her enthusiasm. She sounded like she was having the time of her life as she fucked him hard and energetically. Her cock went deep into him over and over and over again. Her balls audibly slapped against him. Her fingers dug into his butt, spreading it so she could get just a tiny bit deeper.

It was so fucking good.


Monica relaxed and let Lita take care of Connor. It was all going better now. The whines, whimpers, and squeals were much more like it. And all the squirming and wiggling, trying to escape. That was more like it. Finally he was acting like he was properly being punished. She'd been getting rather perturbed up until now.

Demi, too, seemed to be happier about how things were going. She'd been getting jittery, not that anyone who didn't know her would have been able to tell. And she had quite a temper if someone managed to annoy her sufficiently.

Monica nudged Demi. "Smoke break?"

Demi looked at Connor. "Yeah, Lita can handle him for a while."

"She's having a good time. Won't even miss us."

The two of them hopped off the bed and padded nakedly away. They let their cocks soften, so that they were only swaying between their legs and not lewdly jutting out in front. There was no point showing off for each other.

"How long's Lita been at this, anyway?" Monica asked.

Demi shrugged. "Two or three centuries? I think?"

Monica nodded. "I remember those early days on the job. Everything still seemed so exciting."

"It's honestly adorable. She's not all jaded like us yet."

Monica snorted. "You start to find out nothing really gets any different after a while. There's a few different kinds of guys coming through, and they only repeat themselves."

"You'd almost think they'd get together on Earth and really sort out all these punishments they're earning."

"Ha, yeah. What a fucking joke though, huh? Have you seen all the different rules people keep spouting to them? No wonder they have no idea what they're doing. You know how long they thought slavery was ok?"

"Still do in some places, I hear."

"Mmhm. Fucked up. Even the good ones don't stand a chance a lot of the time."

"Oh well. Thank fuck we don't have to sort that out, am I right?"

"Aw jeez, yeah." Monica shuddered. "I worked in admin for a few decades, way back when. Barely lasted twenty years."

"Rough stuff. Glad you found your way to us. You help make the centuries of torture fly by."

"Aw, didn't know you cared."

"Torture bitches."

Demi held her fist out. Monica bumped it without looking.

"Torture bitches," she echoed.

Once they got to the back deck, Demi stepped out into the lovely, warm sunlight. As she stretched out and basked in the perfect heat, her body changed.

Demi grew from a cute girl with a big cock, to someone much taller, redder, and generally scarier. Her hair became jet black and fell in smooth, perfect waves down past her shoulders. Her long, thin tail emerged just above her butt and flitted about whimsically. Her teeth got sharp and pointy, and her eyes lit with a fiery glow.

Monica was only shortly behind, releasing herself to her demon form and sighing happily as the quick change finished.

"Damn, that's better," Demi said, tilting her head to crack her neck. "You know you're getting old when holding that primitive shape starts to wear you out."

"Old, pff." Monica grabbed a meaty handful of Demi's now much fuller ass. "Not a hint of sag anywhere on you."

"Oldness can be mental. You don't know."

"I know you're full of shit and just want an excuse to be grumpy. That's what I know."


Demi shrugged and waved her hand in front of her, plucking a pair of cigarettes from the aether. She handed one to Monica, then lit it with a pass of her finger over the tip.

"You seriously gotta show me that trick sometime," Monica said, taking her first drag. "You've been promising for decades."

"You've been asking for decades. I've never promised a damn thing."

Demi took a deep inhale of her own, then relaxed against the railing.

It was such a pleasant day out. It almost always was. Just because this was a punishment zone of the Hellscape didn't mean the demonesses working there should be miserable too. The houses, yards, and weather were all engineered to be nice and hospitable as a consideration for the staff rather than the guests.

"How long you think before we're gonna show this one who we actually are?" Monica asked, letting smoke curl up from the corners of her lips, then puffing the rest out in a small circle.

"Never can tell, really." Demi shrugged. "I suspect it might be soon, though. Connor doesn't seem to be bothered by seemingly delicate girls throwing him around and having their way with him."

"Yeah. I really feel like humiliation aspect of the smol girls hasn't been working as well for a while. You still every now and then get someone really bothered by it, but manliness ain't as stubborn as it once was."

"Nah, I know. Or even the whole, like, religious fear thing. Either of demons, or the whole... how did that go?"


"You know, you'd get those nutjobs, and they'd be all 'oh no, if you fuck my ass I'll go to hell!'"

Monica cracked up. "Oh shit, yeah. That was hilarious. It's like, guys, you're already here. Stop worrying about it. Jeez."

"Who the fuck ever told them a boy loving another boy was a sin anyway? Anally or otherwise? I never got that memo."

"Well let's be thankful they did, or we wouldn't get this sweet gig fucking boys in the afterlife. Wouldn't be a punishment if they all just accepted that ass fucking is awesome."

"True dat."

Monica stubbed out the rest of her smoke. "You done?"

Demi took another long pull, then flicked the butt of her cigarette. It tumbled through the air, then disappeared before it hit the ground.


"Seriously, you're gonna tell me how you do that. I need to know."


Connor was feeling a bit brain-mushy. Lita had a power and stamina that he just wasn't ready for. It may not even have been possible to be ready for her.

But holy fuck was she amazing.

He couldn't believe that it was actually happening. A hot girl straight up pounding him, taking his ass as her own, using him hard and relentlessly. It was something out of one of his horniest fantasies, only it was actually truly happening.

It didn't even matter that his butt was gonna be sooo sore after, that it continued to ache as she railed him into the bed. She filled, stretched, and pounded him so good. He'd happily accept being unable to walk for days if it meant she could keep going, keeping fucking him this way. Treating him like a sex toy for her own insatiable urges.

Lita had already cummed in his butt once. That had added to the amazing pleasure in its own right. It was hard to say for sure, but it definitely felt like she'd put another load in him matching the ones the girls had all deposited in his tummy, via mouth or throat.

"You're being such a good boy, aren't you," Lita said. She rolled him over, pushed his legs back, and kept right on fucking him senseless. "I bet you wanna cum, huh? I kinda want to see that. Look how bad your cock's twitching and getting all drooly with precum."

Connor didn't answer. He registered her words, but couldn't quite make the connection to doing anything with them.

Lita reached up and patted his cheek curiously, as though unsure he was still with her. She smiled as he blinked slowly at her.

"Still with me?" Lita asked. "Can't have you going all zoned out on me, can I? Much too early for that."


"Want a nice little cum?"

"... yes."

"Thought you might. Don't know if the other girls would approve, exactly, but it's not technically against the rules."


"You're so cute compared to who I usually get assigned to. I think it'd be hot seeing you cum. I'm gonna do it." Lita shrugged. "I mean, you don't really have a choice in the matter. Don't know why I'm asking, even."

"... ok."

"I could make you cum over and over until you can't anymore. That's fun sometimes. But... you really have been well behaved. We should reward that, shouldn't we?"

Lita switched to a different rhythm, different strokes, and right away Connor felt her hitting some brand new places inside him. Some wonderful, magical places. He thought it had been amazing before, but that was nothing compared to now. She was still filling him up beyond his ability to process, which he loved all by itself, but now he could feel an orgasm building along with it.

"Please... cum..."

"Ooh, a please, even." Lita grinned madly. "I'm really gonna like you. I know I am. But, uh, you may want to get over whatever your game is and be more properly scared and reluctant with Demi and Mon. They're more traditionalists about this stuff."

Connor didn't know what that meant. He didn't care, really, nor did he have time to think about it either way. Lita kept hitting this one beautiful spot in his ass again and again, combining it with that throbbing ache around her cock, and the previously unknown feeling of being so very filled up.

He groaned and felt the most intense and amazing orgasm of his life, such as it was, flood over and through him. His balls tensed and released in a powerful surge, shooting through his cock and splashing his own cum all over him as Lita kept fucking him on his back with her deep, powerful strokes.

Connor got better distance with his cum than he thought possible, hitting himself in the face where more mess wouldn't really be noticed, even if lots had been wiped off in the interim. More landed on his chest, his tummy, and some stray strands elsewhere on his shoulders, arms, or thighs.

Lita's eyes gleamed, just above her cat-like smile. "Wow, that was a nice one," she purred. "You got yourself all messy."

Connor felt post-orgasm relaxation setting in. Lita didn't stop fucking him for a second, and it wasn't long before he was feeling horny again, but even then he felt like his ass was relaxing into it more, and he'd be able to go a lot longer. Not that he seemed to have much choice in the matter, which was pretty fucking great.

"How long?" Connor murmured.

"How long's my dick?"

"No. How... how long... will you..."

"Ohhh. I mean, I'll probably swap with Demi or Mon when they get back. You're probably gonna get fucked all day."

Pleasant tingles ran all through Connor at the promise of more. So much more. More than he could possibly handle without going even mushier than he already was.

"And tomorrow?"

"Same thing."

Connor grinned broadly even as Lita flipped him back over, propped his ass up, and pounded him down.


Demi gave Monica first go at Connor when they returned. Lita had already dumped two loads of cum in him, so he was nice and slippery inside. His tummy was also getting bigger, not as much as it eventually would, but it was starting to expand from all the cum in him.

Monica took over smoothly from Lita. She crouched above Connor rather than kneeling behind him, and used the hidden power of her deceptively thin thighs to pile drive his ass hard.

They'd gone back to human girl form so as not to blow the surprise yet. It was worth saving their true selves for if he started getting complacent at some point. The humiliation he might have felt at being taken by girls much more petite than him didn't seem to have any effect. It sometimes didn't with certain boys. But when it worked it was worth the effort.

It probably didn't matter much what shape they chose at the moment. Connor seemed to be totally out of it, babbling incoherently at times, or just drooling on himself at others. Leaking from both mouth and cock. It might have bothered Demi about him being so hard and precummy, and apparently having shot a load all over himself at some point, but that sort of thing happened as an involuntary reaction sometimes, and was nothing to fret over. He was clearly taking more than he could handle.

It was very relaxing to have basically no sounds coming from Connor at all, except the sloppy sounds his butt made and the occasional mumble or hopeless moan. Lita was right that constant whining and screaming could lose its charm after a century or two.

Monica finished up the better part of an hour later, expanding Connor's tummy again with another big load of demon-cum, nicely deposited deep, deep in his ass. She stepped away lightly, wiping at her brow with the back of her arm and grinning.

"Your turn," Monica said.

"How is he?"

"You mean mentally, or physically?"

"I can see mentally. Nothing happening there right now."

"True." Monica glanced at Connor. "His ass is premium."


"Hell yeah. It's so warm and tight and soft. And... I don't know, it doesn't fight you the whole time like some do. Harder pulling out than pushing in, weirdly. Doesn't make much sense, but it's like it'd rather have you fully buried than out entirely."

Lita was off fucking around somewhere taking a break. Demi couldn't ask her to confirm, though she knew Lita had very much enjoyed it. But really, anything she wanted to know, she could just find out for herself.

It was Demi's turn to have a crack at this supposedly delectable boy hole. He didn't move or speak as she crawled behind him and lined up. His ass was gaping from the poundings it had already taken, and it was easy enough to slide right in.

Connor almost certainly wasn't as tight as when Lita had gone, or even Monica. He still gripped Demi nicely as she pushed balls deep into him, then tried to reverse course. She had to put some more power into her movements to get a rhythm going. It was weirdly nice.

Not to mention that he was just as warm and soft and accommodating as Monica had claimed. There was definitely some fun to be had here.


Connor had a rotation of the three girls fucking his ass all the rest of the day. They were variously gentler or harder about it, apparently just on whims, but he was never empty for very long at any given time.

At times, one of them might fuck his throat again while another was using his ass. And Monica sat on his face at one point and twisted his nipple until he started licking her asshole for her.

That seemed to give Lita the idea to teabag him afterward, dipping her balls in his mouth and having him suck them, then pull away, only to do it again. She giggled a lot and seemed to enjoy the game.

Mostly it was ass fucking with some mouth stuff, anyway.

By the day's end, Connor was nearly comatose. He felt limp and sore all over, but so very happy and relaxed. Each little ache reminded him of so much more pleasure than he'd ever thought possible. He'd been filled, stretched, and pounded so good, and they hadn't slowed for all the many hours of the day.

The girls all stood grinning at his boneless form as they got ready to leave for the night.

"Hope you had a good time," Demi said, grinning evilly. "'Cause we get to do this to you again and again and again. Starting first thing in the morning."

Connor swallowed, tasting cum even while just trying to dampen his dry mouth. "I did. Thank you."

Demi frowned. "... what?"

Lita rolled her eyes. "I warned you, dude."

"Maybe he's delirious," Monica said with a shrug.

Connor shook his head weakly. "No, that was intense, and kinda hurt, and I'm super exhausted, but that was probably the best day ever. Do I really get more again tomorrow?"

Monica swore. Demi's eyes went dangerous, an ethereal flicker running through them.

Lita just threw her hands up and walked out of the room. "I waaarrrned yooouuu."

"You think you're funny, huh?" Demi snarled. "You can't even move, can you?"

"Uh... not really," Connor agreed. He was a bit confused by the anger, but he was starting to catch on to the game, and he was pretty sure that was part of it.

"Don't taunt us," Monica said, calmer than Demi, but arms now folded and a calculating look in her eyes. "You might think this is as bad as it gets. That you can take it. You're playing with fire."

Connor's eyes widened. "There's more?"

"Damn straight there is," Demi said. She spun around. "Just wait for tomorrow!"

Despite being so exhausted, Connor wasn't sure how he'd sleep. It was like being a kid again and being all hopped up on sugar, trying to sleep on Christmas Eve. It wasn't easy.


Demi was raging even before the end of a full week. "This is such bullshit!" She sucked hard on her cigarette, demolishing the end of it. She plucked another from the air in front of her and lit it with the dregs of the first.

"Don't let him get to you," Monica said. "I'm not happy about it either, but getting mad isn't going to help."

"Says you!"

"Well... you hate-fucked him all yesterday, and most of the day before. Didn't help, did it?"

"Little fucker just keeps acting like he's enjoying it!"


"And Lita's not helping things. She keeps cooing over him like a pet."

Monica shrugged. "Kids. What ya gonna do?"

"... Connor or Lita, you mean?"



Demi took another long drag, then held it and slowly released, trying to calm her breathing. "She's getting attached. She's not supposed to do that."

"You don't have to tell me. But what can we do? It's not like we're not trying our hardest. You pounded him into a literal dent in the floor yesterday. And we tried tying him up tight with his ass in the air and fucking him hard all day while he was totally helpless."

"He was already helpless. It didn't change anything."

"I'm just saying. We're trying. Don't let one happy customer ruin your whole decade."

Demi flicked her cigarette back into the void, watching as it snapped out of existence. "It's such fucking early days," she muttered, "but I gotta get demonic on his ass."

Monica nodded and stubbed her cigarette out in a more normal fashion. "Yeah, that's fair. We haven't tried that yet. You think it'll work."

"Hard to say. At the very least, you'd figure it'll have to hurt more."

"He doesn't seem to mind that."

"Yeah, I know. Don't remind me."


Connor felt like he was settling nicely into his eternity. It had been a pleasant surprise to wake up the second morning and find that he was all recovered from his first day. His ass was tight and ache-free, his tummy and ass weren't all swollen with cum, and he had all the energy of a boy who hadn't spent a full day getting fucked into submission.

And that happened every morning. A full reset. He was downright giddy about it.

The one drawback was possibly that it meant he was never all loosened up and ready to go for the first couple fucks of any given day. But since it meant he got to experience being all stretched out all over again each and every morning, it was a trade he was happy to make.

This morning, Lita was cheerfully taking her time fucking Connor's ass while the other two were nowhere to be seen. On a break, supposedly. Demi and Monica had already had a turn each in his butt, and were still playing up being annoyed with him about his appreciation for their efforts.

They were maybe taking the charade too far at this point, but Connor had to admit he liked the power that Monica used when she was 'punishing' him, and the way Demi glared at him like she really wanted him to suffer while she stuffed his ass deep and full yet again. That extra thrill was nice at times.

Connor was already starting to get attached to all three of the sexy, cute girls and their insatiable appetites for screwing him silly. He was probably falling hardest for Lita, though. There was something about the sheer joy and delight she expressed, and the way she'd fuck him for hours for no greater purpose than just because she loved it. With her, there wasn't nearly so much pretense and playacting. She was more genuine for it, Connor felt.

As Lita pulled out of Connor long enough to flip him on his back, prop his butt up with some pillows, and push his legs back, he stared at her boobies and smiled as he reached for them. He cupped one, fondling it gently even as she ploughed back into his ass.

Lita looked down at his hand, then at the dreamy grin on his face. "You're really having a good time, aren't you?"

Connor nodded happily, still feeling Lita's tits. "You know in life I'd always doubted the idea of paradise. Like if one even existed, how would it possibly work? But... guess I've been proven wrong, huh?"

Lita grinned just a tad shyly. "That's really what you think?"


"I've never had anyone say things like that before. It's... it's kinda nice."

"Well you do good work. You should be proud."

Connor was pleased to see an actual blush on Lita's cheeks. Faint, but definitely there.

"You really need to stop saying things like that around Demi and Mon," Lita warned. "They don't like it."

"Well, I know they're pretending they don't, but they must like being appreciated for their work, don't they?"

"They want screams, tears, and regret. Haven't you figured that out yet?"

"I mean, that's not what they reeeaaallly want, right?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well... I mean the whole game of this place... they're playing like-"

Connor couldn't finish his sentence. The door banged open, thrown faster than it knew how to move, knob sticking in the wall at the end of the short swing. The wall would probably fix itself overnight the way Connor himself and his bed always did. No matter how broken and abused either were, the next day was a clean refresh every time.

No, it was no concern for property that stopped him. It was who walked in through the doorway afterward.

A tall, powerful, red skinned woman walked in, naked and with a rapidly filling erection that outclassed even the ones he'd gotten used to since arriving. Her nails appeared razor sharp, as did the teeth of her evil looking smile. Tiny, illusory flames danced in her eyes. And was that a tail?

"The hell?!" Connor yelped, caught totally off-guard. He tried to squirm away from the scary demon lady, but was quite firmly pinned by the cock in his ass.

"Yes," said the demoness, padding forward like a tiger. "Exactly."

Lita shrugged and pulled out of Connor. "I warned you," she said softly.

Connor tried to roll off the far side of the bed, but was caught easily. As he was rolled back into place, he realized there was a second Demoness behind the first, just as fearsome looking.

"What's going on?" Connor asked, looking to Lita who was only very calmly sitting cross-legged at the back corner of the bed.

"You got them pissed now," Lita said. "This was gonna happen sooner or later."

"What? Who? Demi and Monica? And they brought these two over? I don't-"

"No no," Lita explained patiently. "They are Demi and Mon. They aren't playing with kid gloves now."

Through his fear and confusion, Connor stared at the demoness pinning him down like he weighed nothing. She wasn't quite as terrifying on a second look, though it was pretty clear she could tear him apart without even blinking. There was maybe a semblance of the girl he'd gotten to know over the past few days. She maybe had some similar facial features, an identical annoyed frown, eyes that studied him the same way, albeit in a more infernal manner.

Demi, if that was her, wasn't paying his confusion any attention. She was already lining herself up for penetration. She took a few practice thrusts across his ass, sliding over his balls and cock, and up over his tummy as well.

Connor's eyes widened as he noted how much deeper into him she could potentially get. She couldn't actually get balls deep in him, could she?

"Come lube me up, would you, Lita?"

That... that was almost Demi's voice. Different, but recognizable somehow. It might actually be her. But... what was the deal with the change of appearance? Or was this what she actually looked like?

Connor chewed his lip nervously. There were a lot of things he still didn't understand about his new life, nor afterlives generally. But Demi, if that was indeed who she was, fit a general description of a demon as far as he understood, and they tended to be portrayed as denizens of Hell. That might possibly mean he'd had it all wrong this whole time. But even that didn't really add up.

He got distracted as Lita casually rubbed lube all over Demi's demon-cock. It took her a disturbingly long time getting the whole length and thickness. And that was all going inside him, he was sure of it. Assuming it fit at all, of course, but he was pretty sure it would one way or another.

"Could you maybe go slow, at least?" Connor asked nervously. "You could break me in two with that thing."

Demi smiled evilly. "Yes. Precisely."

Connor swallowed anxiously. His heart thudded in his chest, and his tummy was all fluttery and tense. His cock was hard and dripping with precum.

Sure as he was that this would be excruciating, he was excited too. If he could somehow take that monster in his ass, he could only imagine just how full and stretched he'd be.

Connor closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The girls had been so good to him already, fulfilling fantasies that would never have even been possible in his old life. He should trust that they knew what they were doing. Their dominance and wrecking his butt were some of the best parts, after all. He couldn't back out now.

Actually, he was half convinced he literally didn't have a way of back out. Knowing that he was stuck with it was both scary and possibly the biggest thrill of all.

There was no further chance for Connor to acclimate himself to the idea. Demi wasn't waiting for him.

He gasped, then moaned and whimpered aloud. Demi used that hidden strength-not so hidden in her current form-to hold him in place and push against his asshole. And his butt just couldn't resist her.

Connor was already loosened from being fucked. The cock trying to get in him now was bigger and required more room than his body knew how to give, warmed up or not. A sharp pain jolted through him as Demi forced her way in, claiming his butthole on a whole new level.

Luckily, that initial pain was the worst of it. It still wasn't immediately pleasant at all, and Connor thought he might cry or pass out for a few moments. But as Demi fucked her way deeper and deeper, and deeper still, he experienced the beautiful feeling of being filled by her to such a greater degree than ever before.

Connor was thankful for the generous amount of lube used on Demi's cock. Supposedly it was for her benefit more than his, but it didn't matter either way. She still wrecked his ass going in, but it allowed her strokes to be nice and smooth once he finally started to adjust, his butt giving up entirely and succumbing to its wide-open existence.

As he was ass-fucked with long, powerful strokes, Connor put a hand to his tummy where he could feel Demi's cock moving inside him. At first it wasn't any deeper than he was used to, but as she got closer to burying her full length, he actually lost her somewhere around his ribcage. She was simply too far in him to track.

It was intense and amazing, and ever so slowly becoming less painful so that he could properly enjoy the experience. That initial pain drove home just how much cock he was taking, and it must have been for exactly that reason. Truly these girls or demonesses, whatever they really were, wanted only the best for him, and were experts in their field.


Demi finally felt properly in control. Connor had at last figured out that he was in trouble. She'd been able to smell it all over him. Over the omnipresent scents of sex and demoness-cum, even.

Then there'd been those adorable whimpers as she buried herself balls deep in him. He couldn't take it. Human bodies weren't made for it.

Sure, in the Hellscape it was a bit different, and bodies could take a lot more punishment than they usually could, but the great thing was that nobody really knew that. Men came in with all the same expectations and reactions as they would have in life. They thought they needed to breathe, and that they'd break in two with the size of the cocks going up their butts. They wouldn't, but the pain and panic remained.

Connor had been able to hold out remarkably well, but even he couldn't stand up to full-sized, unrelenting demon-cock. Once the initial shock had passed, he was left blank and mostly unresponsive, drooling on himself with his eyes rolled back, seeing nothing.

He couldn't handle it, and it was so gratifying after these past few days of his ridiculous lack of proper reaction to his eternal torment.

A bonus on top of everything was just how good he felt. Physically, he was just about the perfect little boy toy for a demoness. On the young and pretty side, as these things went, initially virginal when it came to his ass, and so damn soft and snug.

The way Connor gripped Demi now at her fullest size was nothing short of magical. He'd ruined the effect before by enjoying himself, or pretending to at least. She still wasn't sure about the truth of it. He couldn't possibly ruin it now, though. She'd heard and felt the pain, the regret, the realization of his fate.

That sweet, tortured music and the reluctant embrace of his ass were an addictive and salving combo. Demi really felt like she could enjoy her time with Connor after all.

Demi came inside Connor in due time, adding to the sloppy mess of his insides. She really let loose, let her balls empty into him, and watched his tummy expand that much more. He was being such a good little barely-conscious cum dump.

Monica tagged in right after Demi, taking her turn in Connor's widely gaping, well-wrecked ass. He barely grunted as she entered him and worked her way as deep in as Demi had just been. He was too far gone.

Just for fun, and because she was enjoying herself now, Demi straddled Connor's face and carefully pushed her cock down his throat. He struggled and choked some while she filled him up from this end, but ultimately couldn't fight her at full strength, let alone while he was nearly passed out and once again getting his ass railed.

Demi and Monica shared Connor between them, fucking him hard from both ends. They grinned toothily at each other as their cocks met in the middle, bumping into each other inside their little butt slut. It only encouraged them to pound him harder and try to outdo one another.


Connor came all over himself while getting fucked by both Demi and Monica at the same time. Neither seemed to notice or care. He fucking loved it.

He was being used like an inanimate fuck toy. Like he wasn't even a person, didn't have feelings or sense of pain or pleasure. They just kept going, fucking him deep, choking him on demon dick and making sure his ass would gape wide open the rest of the day.

This was the absolute pinnacle of being filled by girl cock. Connor couldn't imagine any greater sense of having someone inside him than this. He was pretty sure they were literally bumping cocks inside him. There was no more room anywhere in his body.

A boy simply couldn't be stuffed any fuller than he was. Except maybe with more cum, since apparently he could inflate somewhat with it. That had been a trip to discover. Demi and Monica would surely make his tummy swell even more when the both came in him.

It was a sexual feeling unlike anything else in the world, and made better by the firm suspicion Connor had that the girls all secretly cared about him and were doing everything they could to make his afterlife perfect. Lita was the least subtle about it, showing some more obvious affection. Demi and Monica were definitely playing hard to get when it came to any sort of love or caring.

But they cared. He knew they did. They wouldn't spend all their time fucking him over and over, doing these insane sexual stunts to his helpless body unless they at least liked him some. Even if they'd been assigned to the task, they were far too dedicated for it to just be another job for them. There was no way.

Connor moaned around Demi's thick shaft as he felt it pump cum down his throat, deep inside him. Maybe even somewhere past his stomach. He had no idea what they'd done to his internal anatomy, except that it would all reset by the next day, so it was fine. Monica also came in him, creating a vortex of cum within in, flowing from opposite directions, but all collecting within and expanding his tummy like a cum balloon.

He coughed heavily as Demi pulled free of his mouth. He apparently couldn't pass out or die from lack of air, but his body maintained a need for it, and punished him for choosing dick over oxygen. It didn't seem to matter than he had no say one way or the other.

"He's all boneless," Monica said, grinning at Demi. She lifted Connor's leg and let it flop back to the bed. "Like jelly."

Demi seemed happy about their work too. "He's broken for sure this time. We've got him now."

Connor was still sucking in air and gagging on the excess of cum and spit that he couldn't quite clear from his throat. He wasn't able to express his adoration for this new extreme form of violating his well-fucked little body, but they seemed sufficiently pleased with themselves regardless.


Lita crawled over while Monica was still kneeling by Connor and running her fingers over his gaping, destroyed ass. Lita casually lifted Monica's cock out of the way and sneaked her way in between them, much to Monica and Demi's shared disbelief.

"You're not gonna give him a minute?" Monica asked.

"You know he won't even feel it if you fuck him right now," Demi said, displaying equal consideration.

"Aw, you guys really ruined him, huh," Lita said, pouting as she felt Connor's ass. "I could put my whole fucking arm up him and he wouldn't notice."

"He'll close up," Monica said. "Eventually."

"By tomorrow anyway," Demi said.

"He'll at least start in a few minutes or something," Monica said. "Could put your dick in and see how long it takes to feel anything. That could be fun."

"Or just get out of that silly human form and fuck him properly," Demi suggested. "Not that he could get much more wrecked, or that he'd notice. He's pretty out of it."

"Yeah, we did good." Monica reached past Lita and fistbumped Demi.

"I like being a cute li'l human though," Lita said. "Makes it feel so much more like I'm embarrassing Connor when I throw him around some and pound his ass."

"He doesn't seem to mind that so much," Monica pointed out. "It's the big demon cocks that finally got him."

Lita sighed. "Whatever. I'll give him a minute, then." She fingered Connor's loose, painfully stretched ass. "Or an hour."

"Yeah, you do that." Monica patted Lita's head. "I'll be back in a bit."

Demi hopped off the bed too. "Whatcha think, get some sun?"

"It's a nice day out."

Lita rolled her eyes. "It's always a nice day out."

"Always good tanning weather," Demi said, undeterred. "Call us if you need backup."

Monica snickered and headed out with Demi close behind.

Lita kept playing with Connor's ass. It was no fun fucking him while his butt was all loose the way it was, but it was kind of neat to just kind of play with it. It seemed like it was never going to close all the way.

"How ya feeling?" Lita asked.

"Ok," Connor croaked.

"Yeah? You look pretty wrecked to me. Not just your ass." Lita dipped her finger into the mess all over Connor's front. "And did you cum on yourself? Repeatedly?"

"Maybe." Connor coughed, clearing his throat some more. "I am pretty wrecked," he admitted.

"I can tell."

"Can you... can you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You know. Change. Get... bigger."

A slow, cunning smile spread over Lita's lips. She peered intently at Connor's face. It was hard to discern much of anything in his face, messy and unfocused as he was. "You liked that, didn't you?"

Connor smiled dopily. "It was amazing. I didn't think I could actually get fucked any harder or deeper. Or be any fuller."

"You were wrong about that one, huh?"

"So wrong." Connor sighed. "You're all so good to me."

Lita burst out laughing. She couldn't help it. This fucking boy was out of a fairy tale or something. He didn't make any sense, but she was growing such a soft spot for him.

"You better not breathe a word of that," she said, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

"I think I'm starting to get that," Connor said. "They, uh, want me to play along, yeah?"

"No, idiot. They want you to suffer. That's what we get paid for. I keep trying to explain. I thought you'd get it by now." Lita reached over and pinged Connor's forehead with her finger. "You're just about the most obtuse boy I've ever worked with. You're lucky you're cute and adorable, and so much fun to fuck."

Connor blushed. "See, I know you care, even when you pretend to be mean."

"Oh little one, what am I going to do with you?"


Lita giggled. "Yeah, fucking's good. Have you closed up any yet?"

"Hard to say. My butt's kinda numb now that's had a break."

"Well a good hard fuck could fix that, probably."

Connor nodded hopefully. "And maybe... I mean I like you like this, don't get me wrong, but what if... what if you were in me, then changed?"

"Grew while I was inside you?"


Lita snorted. "You're a hopeless case. I can sense it."

"... so can you?"

"You're just lucky that sounds like fun, is all."

Lita cheerfully pushed her cock into Connor's loose boyhole, barely even feeling it despite her already sizable girth. As he'd requested, she then changed into her demoness form while buried fully in him.

The results were interesting. Lita had never tried doing such a thing before. It wasn't at all the same as thrusting her way into a tight ass. The end result was basically identical, but the process was fun and unique. Her whole cock got to experience being snugged up against on all sides all at once. She stretched Connor back out from the limited amount he'd managed to tighten up.

Connor moaned as his ass was filled right back up, its whole aching length forced to accommodate Lita now even after so shortly ago being abused by Demi and Monica.

"Regretting it yet?" Lita asked, knowing the answer.

Connor's eyes flicked open and locked on hers, a big grin flashing her way. "Thank you," he said softly.

Lita smiled back even as she started fucking his overly stretched butthole. "You little idiot," she said affectionately.


It was weeks before Monica saw Demi get pissed again, but when it happened, it was a big one. The two of them stood out on the deck under the perpetually clear sky while Demi chained cigarettes like she was going for a record.

"That little fucker!" Demi roared as she flicked yet another butt into the void.

"Yes, yes," Monica said, folding her arms and tossing her raven hair flippantly. She and Demi had pretty much stayed their true selves ever since first revealing them to Connor. It had seemed to be working so well. "But what did he actually do?"

"You wanna know?"

"Yes. I asked, didn't I?"

Demi took another drag and let the smoke out slowly. "I thought I'd sleep in this morning. We've been working hard, keeping that little shit all floppy and broken each and every day."

"Sure," Monica said. "Doesn't seem to bother him as much as it should though, does it?"

"That's exactly it! I sleep in, and you'd think either you or Lita would get to him, or if not he'd just enjoy a brief respite. No. No that's not good enough for him!"

"So what'd he do?"

Demi tossed her only half-smoked cigarette away angrily. "I wake up and find that he's sneaked into bed with me. Under the covers. Little asshole's sucking on me to wake me up. Just sucking and licking on my balls. Playing with my cock, trying to get me hard."


"Yeah. Oh." Demi threw her hands up in defeat. "I mean what even is that?"

"He likes the cock."

"He likes the fucking cock. Fuck's sake." Demi rubbed her forehead. "It actually felt nice, just to rub salt in the wound. No one's ever suckled my balls to wake me up."

"I mean, I coulda done it if I knew you wanted it. Or made someone do it."

"That's a kind offer, but not tremendously helpful."

"Sorry." Monica clicked her tongue thoughtfully. "You know, I've been talking to some of our neighbours. Rayne's just down the street, you know. And Kavi. Apparently it's not just us. We all got boys in similar age ranges, and... it's a problem for lots of us. Most of us, maybe."

Demi tilted her head. "Really?"

"Yeah. Millennials I guess they're called. They've, uh, got kind of a tendency to like the idea of girls with big cocks fucking them senseless."

"Shit, really?"


"Fucking millennials. Ruining everything."

"Well, to be fair, they've been thrust into a situation not of their own creation that's really quite unfair and one-sided. It might not really be their fault that they aren't reacting the way we think they should. They're getting fucked and just kinda making the best of it."

Demi frowned. "What, are we doing social commentary now?"

"I dunno. Maybe."

"Well fuck it all anyway. Maybe I need to go talk to Rayne too. She always had good sense for stuff like this."

"Mmhm. A little change of scenery might-"

"Don't patronize me."



Demi hadn't expected Connor to ask to join her, but there wasn't much he could do to truly surprise her anymore. After he'd taken quite a hate-fucking and gotten all pumped full of cum, she'd asked if he still wanted to go. And, indeed, he remained undeterred. A painful, aching ass and a sloshing belly full of cum weren't enough to even slow him down anymore. He was getting far too used to things.

Demi shoved a butt plug in Connor to keep him from leaking everywhere, and put a collar and leash on him to make sure he didn't run off. Not that he wouldn't come back, but it would be embarrassing to appear as though she had no control over him.

In fact, the control she did have wasn't exactly what she wanted. She should have had him afraid to make any wrong moves lest he face her wrath. Instead, he just wanted to please her and make her happy, and ideally get some more hard fuckings out of her. It was all very odd, but she was just going to have to get used to it.

Connor was eager and alert as he walked out ahead of Demi, naked, leashed, and cum-pregnant. He walked funny, with his sore and plugged ass hindering him, but he was curious too and kept peering at every new sight they passed. Mostly that meant other yards, nearly identical to their own. Lots were empty, some contained colleagues, and most of the latter also contained other butt sluts serving their time. A distressing number of them doing so happily.

"How many people live here?" Connor asked. "Are they all boys? I mean, the ones who are human, obviously."

"All boys, yes," Demi answered. "That's the way this section is organized. I don't have a number for you. It gets hard to count, the way the geography works. Even if you ran away, the street just kind of... loops on itself."

"Why would I run away?"

Demi sighed. "Why indeed."

They made it to Rayne's house and found Rayne and her two coworkers sunning the backyard, all in demon form, apparently taking turns pounding away on their boy.

Demi unclipped the leash from Connor's collar. "Alright, go play."

Connor looked at her for a second, then turned and padded in rather ungainly fashion over toward the other boy. The two of them were soon face down in the grass getting their asses stretched in a nearly synchronized manner.

Demi watched just for a moment, then took a seat next to Rayne, who was waiting for her.

"So you're having problems too, huh?" Demi asked.

Rayne shrugged. "You could say that. Honestly, it's kind of refreshing to be able to relax and not have to fight all the time. Or listen to all that whining and carrying on."

"Fuck's sake, you too? Lita's always saying stuff like that."

"You're not ready to give in?"

"I shouldn't have to give in! He belongs to us. He should be giving in."

"But he's not, is he?"

Demi sighed and slumped back in her seat. "No."

Rayne waved her hand. "So just enjoy it. Nothing else you can do."

"Yeah, I'm getting that at home too. But... shit, what about when the bosses find out?"

"You think they don't know?"

"... they wouldn't just leave us here like this if they did. What happens when my paychecks stop coming in?"

"They won't, Demi. Chill. The mucky-mucks know. They aren't going to do anything."

"How could you possibly know what they'll do?"

"Well it's all politics, innit?"

"Is it?"

"Yes. See, there was this push to shut down the whole division. Or at least this street. But, ah, see, then someone would have their little empire reduced, and they can't have that. So they get their friends and push back. All of a sudden it's looking like a war if anyone pushes more one way or another." Rayne shrugged. "So they're just gonna leave it. Not worth it for one little street."

"Even if no one's getting punished or tortured here?"

"Well, you know, a few still are. It's a painfully low rate of success, but it's something." Rayne grinned. "Face it, Demi, we got a good thing here. Getting paid to casually fuck our respective boys whenever we feel like it. And if we don't bother, they'll probably climb on our cocks and fuck themselves. It's like a nice vacation for a few decades. Maybe longer, if we play our cards right."

Demi eyed the two boys, side by side. She could hear whispers of the excited, hushed conversation they were trying to have in between moans and grunts as they were fucked hard and deep. Just the way they rather annoyingly liked it.

"Fuck it," Demi said. "You got anything to drink?"

Rayne grinned wider and plucked a bottle from the otherwise empty air. "Always. You're welcome to have a turn on Jos too, if you want. He's a good little butt slut."

Demi thought about it, then shook her head. "Vacation, right? Let me just relax, then."

"His butt's all silky smooth," Rayne added temptingly.

"So's Connor's. Big deal."

"You don't mind if I have a go on yours then? Compare them?"

"Be my guest. He'll love it, I'm sure."


Connor walked unsteadily back home. His tummy bulged even more obscenely, and his legs were all wobbly. Every now and then he'd stumble a little too far away and feel the gentle tug of the leash reining him in.

It had been fun feeling different girls' cocks in him. Demi's friends had all taken a few turns in his ass, and they all fucked him with subtly different styles. It made for a fun few hours.

Still, it was nice getting back to 'his' girls.

Lita was bouncing impatiently waiting for him to return. She was out in the front yard in cute girl form, naked, hard, and dripping precum. She immediately snatched the leash from Demi and led him to his bedroom.

"Finally!" Lita said as she unclipped Connor and shoved him into bed. "I didn't think Demi'd take you away for so long."

"Miss me?"

"Hell yeah! You can't take your sweet booty away from me like that."


"And look what they did to you!" Lita yanked Connor's butt plug out and tsked at a small gush of cum that flowed out. "Didn't even cum deep enough in you. Sloppy work."

Despite her apparent disapproval, Lita got Connor rolled onto his front, knees under him, ass in the air. She cooed and fussed over his gaping bum for a while until it had closed up enough that she could stretch him back out again.

"At least your recovery time's getting quicker," Lita said.

"It's helpful," Connor agreed.

"Did you have a fun day out with Demi?"

"Mmhm. I got to meet another boy who's here like me."

"And get pounded by other demonesses?"

Connor giggled softly. "That too."

"You'll make me jealous, behaving like that."

"No I won't. You know you and Demi and Mon are my girls."

"And I'm your fav, right?" Lita asked, punctuating the question with a particularly hard thrust.

"You're definitely the cutest."


"But you know I love you all."

"I guess that's fair." Lita smacked Connor's butt. "Wouldn't want to upset anyone by playing favourites, huh?"

Lita fucked Connor's sore little tushy, welcoming him home after his first excursion away from his girls since he'd arrived. It had been a very interesting day.