FUTA HOUSE Part 1 thrown to the wolves By Xarth

Chris gazed at Natalie's erection, which wasn't all that far from his face the way they were positioned, then back up to her questioning face. "I think maybe I'll stay."

"Ha! I knew he would," Sasha said. She knelt down opposite Natalie. Her cock, too, was rehardening remarkably quickly, considering how much work it had been getting it off once already. "You know a good thing when you see it, don't ya, Chris?"

"That or I'm easily manipulated," Chris said. "I'm not entirely sure which yet."

The girls helped him up and got him sat back to the bed. It remained mildly disconcerting that all three of them had erections as they sat together, but Chris was becoming increasingly comfortable with the situation.

"We kinda made a mess already, huh?" Chris said. "Does that usually happen?"

"Sure does," Natalie said. "I wouldn't worry about it too much. Your room in particular is gonna get cleaned every day once we get rolling. Or more often, as necessary. Bedding and floors and everything. We'll get the new girls on it once they arrive."

"Can't have you sleeping in puddles of cum every night," Sasha added. "That wouldn't be very nice of us."

"Ah." Chris scratched the back of his head. "Does that mean... you expect puddles of cum in here?"

"Maybe not literally," Natalie said. "But... there are going to be a lot more girls like us living here. With, you know, active sex drives."

Chris nodded slowly. "And I'm meant to be..."

"Our boytoy," Sasha supplied helpfully. "You're gonna be doing a lot more of what you just did. Among other things."

"We really are meant to have more than one of you," Natalie said apologetically. "We'll try and get the girls to go easy, maybe play amongst themselves when they're willing, but yeah. It's gonna be a lot of work for you."

"I see," Chris said. "Is there any reason why, let's say, you couldn't all 'play amongst yourselves' without any boys here at all?"

Sasha frowned. "Well that would be silly."

"Why, exactly?"

"A variety of reasons," Natalie said. "First off, we all have our own preferences. Same as anyone, really. Me and Sasha, for instance, will mess around sometimes if we're in the right mood-"

"Or if we're horny enough," Sasha said.

"Right. That too," Natalie said. "But we both much prefer boys. We're traditionalists like that. The majority of the girls here tend to run the same way." She cleared her throat. "Secondly, how well do you think it works when two dozen girls want their dicks played with, and there's no one to take any of that cock?"

Chris considered. "Not well?"

"Exactly." Natalie shrugged. "That's an exaggeration, of course, because generally we try to help each other when necessary. But I can assure you, it's been tried before. All futas living here. It was a disaster, as I hear tell."

"Buncha cranky, horny girls," Sasha said. "All fighting and getting bitchy and shit. Nah, dude, we need boytoys. Keeps everything running smooth." A sly grin spread over her lips. "Speaking of which..."

Sasha moved Chris's hand to her cock. The ice had been broken sufficiently that he rolled his eyes, but tightened his fingers around her and slowly jerked her off.

"You could all just learn to masturbate like normal people," Chris said. "I know it's probably not as fun, but it gets the rest of us by."

"Oh, we do that too," Natalie assured him as she claimed his other hand. "If we really have to, we can get by with nothing but our own hands for a while. We'd prefer not to, though."

"And going too long like that leads to the same cranky, bitchy girls I mentioned before," Sasha said. "It's just nothing like the sweet release of dumping a load down a silky boy-throat."

"You're fucking with me, right?" Chris said. "It can't be that different."

"Fucking with you, you say?" Sasha said, eyes agleam. "We-"

"To answer your question," Natalie said in a louder, interrupting tone, "It is different. You must understand that on some level. It's just... you know how boys tend to have a more uncontrollable sex drive than girls?"

"I guess so," Chris said. "That's the stereotype anyway."

Natalie nodded. "Well imagine that we're that much worse again than boys."

"Oh." Chris considered the analogy. "That kinda makes sense, actually."

"Glad you think so," Sasha said as she leaned in. "Because-"

Chris startled as the door opened. He'd forgotten that they weren't truly alone in the house. The girls turned as well, but much more calmly.

It was the girl Chris had seen earlier, but hadn't actually been properly introduced to. Tiffany, he thought.

"Hey, guys," Tiffany said, apparently not at all surprised to find them disheveled, half-or-fully naked, and engaged in a light threeway. "There's a lady here looking for-"

Chris squeaked and yanked his hands away from Natalie and Sasha's laps as his mother appeared behind Tiffany.

"Thank you, dear, but I can handle it from here," Molly said. She smiled wryly at the scene in the room. "I'm glad you're all getting along, but might I have a private moment with my son?"

The girls stood and gathered up whatever bits of their clothing happened to be near at hand.

"Sure thing, Mrs. M," Natalie said. "Sorry, we kinda got right to it."

"That's quite all right," Molly assured her. "I expected as much."

Chris, for his part, was panicking, and hastily dragging the blanket over his legs in an attempt to cover himself. His mom had just walked in. Just walked in! What the hell?!

All the other shit he had to process-he'd been doing remarkably well, he thought-and now he had to deal with his mother having seen him jerking off Natalie and Sasha. Not to mention the fact that his erection had been prominently displayed for her as she entered.

The girls cleared out without bothering to dress first. Despite everything, Chris couldn't help checking out their asses as they swayed out of the room. They had amazing butts, even if brief flashes of cock confused the effect somewhat.

Molly sighed, her eyes following the same view as her son's. "My ass used to look like that," she said wistfully.

Chris tactfully pretended he hadn't heard.

"So," Molly said, closing the door, "you're settling in already, I see."

"Mom, can we... can you just..."

"Hush, Christopher. It's alright. Don't start hyperventilating."

She stepped closer, which did nothing to help Chris calm down. He pulled his blanket more tightly over his lap, making sure it was still bundled to hide his erection.

"I didn't mean to," Chris whined.

Molly arched an eyebrow. "Do you think I didn't know what was going to happen?"

"... did you?"

"Of course. I told you I went here when I was your age, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but... not, like, to this house in particular, right?" Chris was not comforted by the looked on his mother's face. "Right?" he repeated desperately.

Molly sat down gently next to her son. "They really made a mess already, didn't they?" she said, tracing a finger up Chris's chest, and the drying cum thereon. "I honestly didn't think you'd jump in quite so eagerly."

Chris was pretty sure life didn't get any more embarrassing. He turned his head and squeezed his eyes tight for a moment. His mother, naturally, couldn't let that go and swung his chin back toward her.

"Mom," he pleaded, "please tell me you didn't live here."

"I did, baby," she said in a quiet, apologetic voice. "I knew what I was sending you into."

"But... why?"

"Well, partly because I know what these girls go through, and I know they need some good boys to look after them." Molly shrugged. "And partly, too, I thought it would be good for you. I know you haven't had much luck with... romance. And such."


"Sorry. But it's true, isn't it?"

Chris grimaced. "You're right. But still."

"This is going to help. I know it is." Molly's lips quirked into a crooked smile. "You're off to a good start."

Chris managed a weak smile in return. "You expected me to just be ok with this, huh?"

"I hoped so. There was certainly a chance you'd want nothing to do with these girls, but... they can be quite persuasive, when they want to be. And they'll look after you now that I can't. That's important to me too."

"I'm not sure that's exactly what they'll be doing, Mom."

"Not the main thing, no. But they'd never let anything happen to their boytoy. Nothing serious, anyway. Nothing more severe than some aching muscles the next day."

Chris actually chuckled, albeit only faintly. Then his expression dimmed again. "I still don't understand, though. They told me only girls with... not girls, exactly... futas... only them and a few boys stay here. So how did you..."

Molly cocked her head. "Haven't you figured that out yet?"

"I mean, I didn't really want to, but... kinda? Except it doesn't make any sense because you're my Mo- oh, wait. Oh no. Please don't tell me-"

"Biologically your father, yes," she said. "But still your mom in every way that matters, if that helps any."

Chris sighed heavily. "I really don't know if anything helps right now. I've been about as confused and embarrassed this afternoon as I can take."

"I'll try not to add to that any further, then," Molly said as she stood up again. "Perhaps I'll ask those nice girls to go easy on you this evening. In the meantime, perhaps we should gather your things and get you squared away. Something nice and simple."

"Uh, sure," Chris said. "But, uh, do you think you could grab me a change of clothes first?"

Molly's smile was right on the edge of bursting into laughter. "Sure, baby. You sit tight for a moment. I'll be right back."


Chris got very little time to himself the rest of the day. He and his mom moved his stuff into his room, with some help from Natalie and Sasha once his mother commandeered them for the purpose. He wasn't sure exactly what the hierarchy was meant to be, what with her not being a current resident, but the girls seemed to listen to her.

He was conflicted about seeing his mom off afterward. All awkwardness aside, he was going to miss her. She was the only close family he'd ever known, and he'd never been away from her for anywhere near a whole school term at a time. On the other hand, given the way Natalie, Sasha, and the other girls kept eyeing him, he was just as happy not having his mom around for too long.

The hug goodbye was just the slightest bit weird for Chris. He couldn't help wondering about his mom's penis. Not that he meant to, but as he was pressed up against her, their arms wrapped around each other, his mind just went there all on its own. She had one, apparently. All these years and he'd never suspected.

He had some time to process after her departure. The girls let him be, more or less, except for moving through his room like professional maids and turning it back into a neat and tidy place to hang out for a while.

Chris met two other residents of Futa House at supper. Aside from Natalie and Sasha, and Tiffany who he'd sort of met, the other two senior girls were Beth and Layla. He had trouble keeping their names straight, because they looked far too similar to each other. It would have been nice if they hadn't been introduced at the same time, he felt. That might have helped.

It wasn't long after eating that Chris was approached by Tiffany. He had a suspicion that there was an order to these things, and it was 'her turn.'

"Hey," she said.

Chris nodded in return, and acted nonchalant despite being pretty sure she wasn't after casual conversation. "Hey."

Tiffany nodded to the stairs. "Wanna go to your room?"

"You mean for, like, a blowjob, right?"

She smiled wryly. "That's the idea. I mean, I don't mind if you're not ready for that yet. Sasha tells me you kinda just got dropped into this whole thing without warning."

"That's basically true. Actually no, that's entirely true."

Tiffany nodded. She shifted her weight and fidgeted anxiously. "And really, there should be more than one of you to take care of everyone, so I get it if you wanna limit how much you do..."

Chris was a little surprised by her demeanor, though he wasn't sure he should be. Natalie and Sasha weren't necessarily representative of how all the girls were going to act. Tiffany certainly wasn't quite as assertive or sure of herself, though he wouldn't have exactly called her shy, either.

In any case, he wasn't about to say no to her. She clearly needed some help, judging by the way she kept bouncing from foot to foot and twiddling with her hair and shirt, and anything loose her fingers found, generally. Plus, she was cute, and it was still quite a thrill to him that these girls all wanted to do stuff with him. Or to him. Whatever.

"Sure," he said. "Let's go."

Tiffany smiled wider, and gestured for him to go first. He could have sworn she was checking out his butt as he ascended the stairs ahead of her. That was yet another thing he wasn't used to.

Chris found himself in a somewhat nervous state as the two of them entered his room. Not nearly so nervous as he'd been earlier with Natalie and Sasha, but he didn't know Tiffany very well at all, and his previous experience that day didn't eliminate all his anxieties.

"Would you mind closing the door?" he asked.

"Oh, sure," Tiffany said. "I guess you're not really used to people watching you yet, huh?"

"Um... I'm not really used to any of it." Chris tilted his head. "Are people gonna be watching?"

Tiffany shrugged. "It tends to happen. You know, when the girls are waiting their turn, or just for something to do."

Her calm delivery didn't help Chris relax. His tummy got all the more fluttery at the idea that he'd end up performing for an audience on a regular basis. It probably wouldn't be all that different from sucking off Natalie and Sasha while the other watched, but it was unknown enough to scare him a little.

"Sorry. I just freaked you out a bit, huh?" Tiffany said.

"Yeah, kinda," Chris said. "It's ok. I have to get used to all this sooner or later."

"Very true."

Tiffany started stripping out of her bottoms as casually as could be. She probably had enough experience that it really wasn't anything to her.

Chris watched entranced as her cock popped free, already well on its way to full strength. For some reason, he found the revelation exciting, in its own unique way.

Now bottomless, Tiffany scooted past Chris and settled herself in his bed. She lay down like she was going to sleep, except with her cock sticking lewdly up into the air.

It seemed she wasn't planning on jamming her dick down Chris's throat, for which he was grateful. Her passivity did, however, leave him needing to approach her. Having a cock thrust upon him was very different from crawling up onto the bed in order to suck it, which was what he found himself doing.

"You want a pillow?" Tiffany asked.

Chris paused on his hands and knees, nearly in position between her legs.

"Um, for what?"

"To lie on. Or whatever. Sometimes that makes it easier, but it's up to you."

"Uh... sure. Why not."

Chris accepted the proffered pillow and laid it beneath him. It gave him a little boost as he lay down in turn, and made the angle of attack less daunting. It still wasn't ideal, though.

"I don't know about this," he said. "I think I'll be too low if I lie down, but too high if I don't."

Tiffany tilted her head. "I mean, you know my cock'll bend somewhat, right? It doesn't have to stay straight up like that."

Chris bit his lip and grabbed Tiffany's rock-hard shaft. For some reason, it had looked far more fixed and rigid until he touched it. He knew how his penis worked, but that hadn't quite translated to anyone else's.

It was much easier to line Tiffany's cock up when he held it at a slight downward angle. He stroked it softly and gave it a few tentative licks, causing her to moan in appreciation.

Chris was a lot less squeamish about sucking dick than on his first attempt. He took her in his mouth without even having to be prompted, let alone shoved forcefully down her pole.

"Mmm, that's nice," Tiffany purred. "You're a quick learner, aren't you?"

It was truly odd how good compliments about his cock-sucking abilities made him feel.

Chris kept up a moderate rhythm, and took as much of Tiffany in his mouth as he comfortably could. His plan was, essentially, to do a good enough job that she wouldn't feel the need to use him roughly to finish herself off. So far so good.

Tiffany was calmer and more respectful than Natalie or Sasha, and Chris didn't think it was entirely due to his increased oral skills. He vaguely wondered why they hadn't started him on her instead, seeing as how she was so much more patient and laid back about it.

It was nice to be able to take his time and learn what worked and what didn't at his own pace. As long as Tiffany was getting sucked and stroked, she seemed content to let him do his thing

Chris experienced her orgasm nearing in a more subtle way than with the other girls. Much less violent throat invading. Instead, he felt her cock pulse and twitch in his mouth and hand, her hips buck slightly, and her moaning increase in volume until she erupted in a long, low growl.

Mouthfuls of cum exploded onto Chris's tongue. He swallowed some, but despite having a better idea what to expect, was still surprised by the volume and was unable to keep up. The overflow ran out his mouth, down his chin, and onto Tiffany's balls and the sheets beneath her.

Once she was finished, Chris pulled his head back and finished swallowing the last little bits of cum in his mouth. He was starting to develop a taste for it, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. He kept a gentle hold of her shaft as it settled down and softened in his grip.

"Thanks," Tiffany said. "I needed that." She patted his head and stroked his hair as one might a beloved pet.

Chris didn't quite know how to react to the slightly patronizing gesture, but it was kind of pleasant, so he ignored it. "You're welcome. Thank you for not going crazy on me."

Tiffany laughed. "Nat and Sasha, right? They can go a little overboard, for sure. So can a lot of the girls, honestly. You'll have to say something if it gets too much to handle, or they're just gonna keep using you however they want."

"I'll, uh, keep that in mind."

"As well you should. Just remember, everyone here wants you to be happy. A cranky boytoy is bad news for everyone. Especially when we've only got the one this year."

"Um... sure." Chris chewed his bottom lip. "Do I really have to be called a boytoy? I'm not sure I like it."

"You'll probably just have to get used to that, I'm afraid," Tiffany said. "It's kinda what you are, now."

"But... yeah, ok. You're probably right."

"I can talk to the others about not calling you that if you really want," Tiffany said. "But it's hard to say if it'll stick."

"No, it's ok. You're right. It kind of is what I am." Chris shrugged. "I probably will get used to it. Eventually."

Tiffany and Chris chatted a bit more as she cleaned herself up and got dressed, then she patted his head a final time before exiting. Chris had anticipated a moment to himself at that point, but it turned out someone was already waiting at the door.

"Finally! How long can you possibly take?"

"Oh whatever," Tiffany said. "I didn't know you were there. You could have knocked if you were in a hurry."

Chris lifted his head in mild confusion at the squabbling. He thought he should maybe say something, but he honestly didn't have any idea how to intervene between people who knew each other far better than he knew any of them.

Tiffany left before he could do much of anything either way. Beth slipped in the room as she left, followed closely by Layla. Or, possibly, Layla then Beth. Chris still wasn't quite sure. He really, really wished they hadn't come in together. That wasn't helping differentiate them any.

"Um... hey, Beth," Chris said tentatively.

He was relieved when the first girl nodded back, even as she pulled off her clothes. Casual stripping didn't seem to bother anyone around the house. Which probably made sense, under the circumstances.

"Hey yourself," Beth said.

"Layla," Chris said, following up with more confident eye contact with the second girl.

Layla gave him a half smile, but stayed quiet as she took her clothes off just as casually and efficiently as Beth.

"I hope you don't mind if we do you together," Beth said, almost conversationally.

Chris's eyes went wide. "Together? What, like, not both in my mouth at the same time, right? There's no way that would work."

Layla giggled like he'd said something funny. Beth smiled too.

"In your mouth and butt, silly," Beth explained like it was obvious.

Chris recoiled even more. "Well that's not happening either!"

The girls looked confused and unsure what to do now. They already had their cocks out and pointed at him, and Layla was just finishing undoing her bra, releasing quite a lovely pair of tits. A quick glance back and forth between the two confirmed that even their breasts matched. Not that it would have been an easy method of telling them apart, but it certainly wasn't helping.

"Wait, so you haven't done anal yet?" Beth asked.

"He's new," Layla said in a quieter tone. "Maybe no one tried it yet."

Beth nodded. "Maybe. All those other years, the boytoys were already broken in by the time we got here. Huh."

"I really wish you wouldn't talk about me like I'm just a sex toy," Chris muttered.

"Sorry," Layla said.

"Yeah, sorry." Beth stepped closer, her erection straining toward him. "We can still get blowjobs, right? One at a time, obviously."

Chris let out a breath and felt some tension drain away. This was more within his comfort zone. "Sure. That I can do."

Beth turned back toward Layla. Without discussing it, they each extended a hand and threw a quick round of rock, paper, scissors. Or tried to, anyway. They ended up tying three times in a row before Layla emerged victorious.

"Ugh, you always win," Beth protested. "It doesn't make any sense."

Layla smirked and moved past her, approaching Chris.

"So, uh, how do you want to-" Chris began. Layla ignored him and put her hands on his shoulders, forcing him to kneel. "Oh, ok. I guess that works."

Beth harrumphed across the room and sat grumpily on the bed to watch while she awaited her turn. She played with herself a little, but was clearly holding out for Chris's mouth.

Chris tried to start with some licking and sucking on Layla's cock, getting himself ready more so than her, but she shoved her way directly into his mouth. At least she stopped there and didn't go straight down his throat, so still not as rough as Sasha. What followed was a mixture of him bobbing his head and working her shaft, and her thrusting back and forth inside him.

Layla's cock bumped against the back of his throat with varying degrees of firmness. It got harder and harder to keep her satisfied without allowing her to fully submerge herself, but he managed.

This time, Chris correctly anticipated the gusher of cum at the end, but still hadn't perfected his reaction to it. As per usual, he swallowed some of it, and the rest made a mess all over his front.

Beth impatiently pushed Layla aside while Chris was still catching his breath. She shoved her cock into his mouth and began pounding with very little restraint. With single-minded focus, she thrust again and again, until his throat gave in and accepted her hard cock.

Chris gagged and drooled around Beth's invading shaft. He tried to pull away, just enough to empty his throat for a moment, but she was insistent. Her fucking was perfectly measured to clear his airway just barely long to allow breath, before filling him right back up again.

"Aw yeah. That's what I'm talking about." Beth hissed in abject pleasure. "Boy holes are the best. So tight and silky."

Copious spilled saliva joined the cum that had already spilled down Chris's chin and shirt. No more cum was added, however, as Beth buried herself balls deep in his face before unloading inside him.

Chris had no choice but to swallow everything, as Beth's cum was already halfway to his stomach before he got a say in the matter. He felt like quite a bedraggled mess by the time Beth pulled out and wiped her dick on a clean sleeve of his shirt.

At least he was done, he assumed. For one day.

The thought shook Chris a bit. So far as he could tell, he was signing up for this same sort of treatment every day. Only worse, because there were going to be more of them. There was a very good chance it wasn't going to be physically possible to handle.

"Alright, Lay," Beth said. "Let's go."

Layla shook her head. "I want to go again."

Beth put her hands on her hips. "The poor boy's only new. Cut him some slack."

Chris thought that was an odd attitude, given how rough she's just been, but he appreciated the sentiment.

Layla, however, remained stubborn, in her own taciturn sort of way. "Again," she insisted

Chris sighed and opened his mouth as Layla moved back into position. Apparently he wasn't quite done yet.

"Sorry about her," Beth said. "She's like this sometimes."

Chris shrugged and would have said it was ok, but his mouth was full.

"I'm going back to our room, Lay," Beth said. "Don't be too long."

"'K," said Layla.

Beth flounced out of the room, totally naked, apparently unconcerned about her clothing. Chris only got to watch her for a brief moment before her lovely, swaying ass was out of his peripheral vision.

Layla fucked his face a little rougher than the first time, though still not quite matching the pounding Beth had given him. With his throat warmed up, Layla had an easier time thrusting balls deep inside his mouth without having to force it.

She lasted longer this time, having gotten off once already. Chris was getting pretty worn out by the time she finished up again and added to the growing mess on his chest.

Unexpectedly, once she was done, Layla knelt and wiped his chin. She gave him a soft kiss, barely brushing his lips with hers.

"Thank you," she said softly.

"Uh... you're welcome," Chris replied, somewhat unsure about the gesture.

There were definitely some interesting facets to these girls once he got past their overwhelming sex drives. He had to try and remember that they were unique individuals, just like everyone else, excepting perhaps when they were shoving cocks down his throat. They all seemed to enjoy that activity.

Layla grabbed her shirt and put it on, but otherwise left her clothes scattered on the floor much as Beth had. She wandered out, bare ass and flaccid cock swaying with every step.

Chris moved in a bit of a daze after that. He was pretty out of it. There was too much on his mind, and he'd had a tiring day.

He kicked all the abandoned clothing into a loose pile, unsure what else to do with it short of yelling for the girls to come back and fetch their things. He didn't dare do that in case they decided they needed more blowjobs.

He'd only just pulled off his cum-stained shirt to examine the damage when Natalie knocked gently on his open door. She padded in without waiting for an invitation.

"How's it going?" Natalie asked.

She'd abandoned pants in favour of just her panties below the waist. Chris was distracted by the prominent bulge in them, even though he felt like he should have been getting used to that by now.

"How do you even fit in those panties?" Chris mused aloud.

Natalie smirked. "It takes some doing. Gotta buy the right kinds to start with. There's a lot of ladies underwear that just can't contain a cock very well, if you can imagine."

Chris nodded absently. "Speaking of which, Beth and Layla left most of their clothes here. Does that, like, happen a lot?"

"You mean wandering around naked? Or using your room as a laundry hamper? Because either way, yes." Natalie shrugged. "Your room gets cleaned regularly. Some of the veteran girls tend to get sloppy and just leave stuff here to get washed with everything else."

"And I suppose they probably don't get embarrassed easily either."

"Nope, not so much. I mean, we get shy girls here, sure, but there's enough nudity and sex going on that they don't tend to stay shy. Not if they ever want a turn with one of the boytoys." Natalie grinned. "It's only gonna get worse for them this year. Everyone sharing you, it's gonna mean even less privacy."

"Gee. I can hardly wait."

Natalie took his shirt away so he'd stop fiddling with it and tossed it on top of the pile of clothes he'd made.

"Don't you worry about that," she said. "We'll get you trained up. You're already doing really well. You haven't chickened out at hardly anything yet. Believe me, most boys don't have the natural skill and enthusiasm that you seem to."

"I'm not convinced that's a good thing," Chris muttered.

"Sure it is. What'd be worse is being on the fence and being totally miserable about being here. You're fitting right in." Natalie patted his shoulder. "Now how about we get you cleaned up and off to bed. You'll need your rest."

"Yeah, that sounds good, actually. I could use some sleep."

Natalie helped Chris take the rest of his clothes off. She seemed amused at how hard he was, but not at all surprised. She stripped naked as well, once he was done. She was only about half-erect, but her dick was visibly twitching to life.

She wrapped her fingers around Chris's cock and stroked it a couple times, then tightened her grip and began leading him out of the room. He followed, because what else can one do when they're being led by the penis?

Chris and Natalie entered the house's bathroom, which he'd only briefly visited once earlier in the day. It seemed far too big and empty, but he'd been assured that would change once the house filled up.

Natalie selected a shower stall and dragged Chris in behind her. He took the chance to admire her from behind while she turned on the water and adjusted the temperature.

Like all the girls he'd met so far, Natalie had a body that could easily have occupied a prime spot in his sexual fantasies, if not for the big, jarring penis in place of a pussy. When seen from behind, she was merely a beautiful, naked girl who wanted to hop in the shower with him, which was absolutely crazy. That she did, in fact, have a cock made it crazy in a whole different way.

The thing was, Chris didn't even particularly mind. He was focused on how hot Natalie was, and how lucky he was to have been pushed into this living situation. Donating his mouth as a masturbation toy for these horny futas was a small enough price to pay in exchange for all the benefits.

Acting on impulse, and deciding to test his degree of liberty, Chris reached out and squeezed Natalie's butt. Her soft but firm ass cheek felt amazing in his hand.

"I was wondering if you were ever gonna feel me up," Natalie said.

"Did you want me to?" Chris asked.

She shrugged. "Kinda, I guess. It's nice to feel sexy enough that it overcomes a new boytoy's shyness."

Chris switched to a two-handed grip and fondled Natalie's bottom with even less restraint. "You're very sexy," he assured her, feeling slightly lame at his insistence. "I mean, I think so."

She turned, an impish grin on her lips. "Even with the cock?"

He swallowed and nodded. "Yeah. Even with it."

Natalie bit her lip, then stepped in and wrapped her arms around Chris. She kissed him ever-so-softly. Their erections met and slipped awkwardly past one another.

"I kinda wish you weren't bigger than me, is all," Chris mumbled. "I still don't know how to take that."

"Honestly, don't worry about it," Natalie said. "None of us mind. I assure you."

"Yeah, no, I know. You're more interested in my mouth."

"Among other things," Natalie agreed, slipping a hand down to tease his ass.

"Hey! Cut that out. Beth was trying to get at my butt too. What's with you guys?"

Natalie quirked an eyebrow. "You don't really think it's gonna be all mouth stuff, do you?"

"Well... yeah. It's gonna have to be. There is no way my ass can handle any of you."

"Really? Have you tried?"

"No. Obviously."

"Then I'd say you might be surprised what your ass can take." Natalie leaned closer and nipped playfully at his ear. "I can guarantee you, I'm going to get in it sooner or later," she whispered. "And as long as you don't freak out, you're gonna love it."

"I really don't think that's happening."

"Suit yourself," Natalie said in a way that suggested she wasn't truly conceding the point. "How's your jaw holding up?"

"Um... a little sore, I guess. I'm glad I'm done with blowjobs for the day."

"Uh huh. And that's only with five of us here. What do you think happens when we have a full house?"

Chris considered and felt a small surge of panic. "Aw, fuck."

"Yep. That's right." Natalie reached around and patted his butt. "Once you get used to it, your butt's gonna have way more staying power than your mouth and throat. You're gonna need the extra daily capacity."

"I... fuck. What have I gotten myself into?"

"A very fun time, assuming you loosen up. You know, literally and figuratively."

"I got it, thanks. No need to explain any more than that."

With a final smug grin, Natalie stepped under the shower's cascade. She beckoned for Chris to follow, and he did.

It was snug with both of them in the shower stall, but not cramped. There was room to maneuver, though it required some cooperation.

Chris set his nerves and fears aside in favour of enjoying getting all close and slippery with Natalie. Her breasts kept pressing against him, and their cocks poked each other in the tummy, thighs, and butt, depending on which way they were facing at any given moment.

All pretense of showering was set aside as they groped and explored each other. Chris was becoming increasingly horny and incautious. He felt Natalie wherever he wanted, and delighted that she didn't seem to have any boundaries. Boobs, butt, legs, cock, it was all good. She was just as bold about touching him.

Somehow they ended up stroking each other's straining erection, masturbating one another while warm water poured down their naked bodies.

"Oh goddamn," Chris moaned as he leaned back against the wall.

"You like that, huh?" Natalie purred.

"Hell yeah."

"Good. Let's try something you seemed to like even more earlier."

Natalie sank to her knees and rotated her grip on his cock. She kissed and licked and teased him, then pressed forward and took him into her mouth.

She bobbed back and forth for a moment, then pushed deeper still, taking him easily all the way the base. Her forehead pressed against his tummy, and her velvety throat embraced the top of his cock.

"Holy fuck," Chris breathed.

He suddenly understood the reason some of the girls had forced their way into his throat on a whole different level. If they could get so much hornier than him, as they claimed, then no wonder they couldn't hold back.

Natalie worked him like a professional until he came. She swallowed most of his load, then saved the last bit on her tongue to show him before swallowing it down too.

"See?" she said, as she regained her feet. "It's all gonna be worth it. I promise."

Chris nodded absently. "I think I might really believe that."

"Good. 'Cause I want something now."

Chris was guided to turn around, which he only complied with hesitantly. "You don't mean my butt, do you? Because I told you-"

"Not inside, no," Natalie said. "Don't worry so much. We'll save that adventure for tomorrow."


He still tensed up when Natalie's cock slid across his ass, but he relaxed again when he realized she really wasn't trying to surprise butt sex him. All she actually did was grind on him, sliding her hard shaft up and down his butt crack. That was fine. Kind of fun, even.

Chris let Natalie rub off against him until he felt hot cum splash all over his back. She kept thrusting as more and more goo covered his wet skin, but was finally done.

"I probably shouldn't have done that," Natalie said. "Cum's such a bitch to clean off in the shower."

Nevertheless, she scrubbed Chris's back free of the mess she'd just made. They then took turns washing and shampooing each other until they were about as clean as feasible.

There were stacks of towels in a cupboard outside the showers. Natalie padded over to grab a couple, water dripping from her beautiful, naked form the whole way.

The tiled floor with a few scattered drains easily allowed such wanderings without making a mess, Chris realized. He couldn't help but picture the room full of wet, naked girls, all in various stages of showering or drying off. His cock twitched back to life at the thought.

Of course, somehow, even in his imagination, all those girls were sporting substantial erections. This house was going to break him if he stayed. He simply wasn't going to come out the same as he'd gone in. And maybe... maybe that was ok.

They dried off with only a bit more playful fondling slowing them down. Chris was worn out, and even full access to a sexy, naked girl could only distract him so long when he'd just orgasmed shortly before.