Futa House Part Five: Merry Cocks-mas by Xarth

The house was more a den of debauchery than ever for those last days. Chris felt like he had been turned into a full-time sex toy. At least they gave him breaks for eating, sleeping, and using the bathroom. Even the occasional showers were allowed when he just got too cummy.

Tiffany took advantage of Chris's situation once by fucking his butt until she came, then staying inside and releasing her bladder. Chris groaned as he was filled up with piss right in the middle of the room, while Tiffany giggled in manic delight.

The other girls had playfully teased Tiffany about her proclivities, and she'd been made to carry Chris up to the showers and clean him up. That was presumably what she'd wanted anyway. She held him firm on her cock while she carried him so as to limit how much of her pee leaked back out of him.

"You're fucking crazy," Chris told her as he was jostled slowly up the stairs. His insides felt funny, all warm and sloshing around.

"I'm a weirdo and a perv," Tiffany said softly, but with a gleam in her eye. "This I know." She gave him a kiss. "But you're so much fun to play with. I can't help it."

"I think you could if you tried."

The shower was an excuse for further dirtiness from Tiffany. She knelt below Chris while the cum and piss mixture drained from his ass, then convinced him to pee all over her too. He took a perverse pleasure in it, even though he knew she was enjoying it more than he was, instead of being disgusted like a normal person. She pumped her cock like crazy as hot piss ran down her face and boobies, eventually splattering on the floor.

They got cleaned up, later rather than sooner, and rejoined a party that had become even wilder since they left. Some guests had arrived, including a boy who was already giving out blowjobs, another few guys who didn't seem to know if they were in heaven or hell, and a pair of shy and almost equally confused girls.

Chris only recognized one of the visitors; Shawna, the girl who peeped on him and Melissa from time to time. Except for blowjob boy, she appeared the most confident of the outsiders. She at least had an idea what she was getting into.

The futas who lived in the house didn't have a particularly strict dress code or sense of propriety at the best of times. Now that they were unwinding, even those meager limits had been disregarded.

Lots of the girls were fully naked, and the rest well on their way, given time, alcohol, and horniness. Boobs, butts, and cocks were everywhere. Erections were being rubbed against anyone who didn't immediately dodge away. Chris knew he was in for a hell of a workout, but he wasn't worried. He was a much more experienced cock-slut than when he'd arrived at the house. He could take a serious gangbang these days, when called upon.

Pretty much as expected, Chris was pushed back onto the foldout bed and set to work. He at least got his ass nicely lubed up before girls started pounding it in a never ending conga line, with occasional refills as needed, so that was considerate.

A disorganized cheer went up at one point, and Chris turned his head to see that the next cock aimed at his ass was, in fact, a fake one. He was very confused for a second, then realized that Shawna had been outfitted with a strapon and somehow convinced to give him a go.

"Hey," Shawna said, blushing a furious red at the continued cheers and catcalls. "Um... is it ok if, like..."

Chris shrugged. "I don't mind. Getting my butt pounded is basically what I do these days."

"Yeah, I saw that." Shawna bit her lip. "I thought it was just Melissa, but basically everyone here seems to just... use you?"

"Sure do. I got used to it."

Shawna still seemed to think it was weird and crazy, but that didn't stop her from giving in to peer pressure and pressing her strapped on dildo to Chris's slippery asshole. Melissa came over to whisper in Shawna's ear just before she pressed forward. Shawna giggled, grabbed Chris's butt, and began working her strapon into him.

So Melissa and Shawna seemed to have become friends, Chris assumed. Or maybe more, for all he knew. That was nice for them.

"That doesn't hurt, does it?" Shawna asked.

Chris almost laughed. Her soft little thrusts were about as gentle as he'd ever received. "No, it doesn't hurt," he assured her.

"He can take way more than that," Melissa said. "Don't be afraid to really give it to him."

Shawna tried to go harder, but her efforts were still more adorable than effective. Chris didn't mind. It was kind of a nice rest for him. And he'd always preferred being gently filled to viciously fucked anyway.

Shawna didn't keep going much longer, but she still got another round of cheers when she pulled out. Her face was a mixture of excitement and embarrassment, and she quickly flounced off to find a drink.

Melissa took a turn next and waited for Shawna to return before really fucking Chris. She gave Shawna some pointers for next time while she reamed him.

The party carried on well into the night, though it did at least wind down after a while. Even as drunk and horny as they were, the girls did tend to be pacified after dumping two or three good loads of cum into Chris's mouth or ass.

Of course, just as Chris was thinking he might get a small break, someone came up with the bright idea of commemorative pictures. Some of them had taken sexual selfies with him before, but never in an organized way like this. Girl after girl lined up to shove their cock up his ass, then adopt a cheery smile while someone else snapped a pic of them.

That wouldn't have been so bad on its own. The problem was that many of the posers subsequently decided that they might need another turn on Chris afterward, and he was subjected to another round of hard fuckings.

The girls were getting sloppy by now, and even more of their cumshots than usual ended up splattered across Chris's skin instead of snugly inside his body where they wouldn't make a mess. His face and butt got the worst of the mess, but nowhere was safe. Combined with the slutty gape of his ass from being fucked so long, by so many cocks, Chris appeared quite the well-used fuck-toy. Which, of course, he was.


Chris dozed fitfully that night. The party, while having wound down significantly, never quite stopped altogether. He kept waking up to find a girl trying to sneakily fuck his tired bum while he dozed. None of them succeeded in not disturbing him, despite their repeated efforts.

Natalie finally realized what was happening and got Chris a few hours sleep by commandeering his ass as a cock-sheath while she napped as well. She spooned cozily with him, right on the cum-disaster of a pullout bed, ignoring the disgruntled mumblings of a few stragglers who'd wanted another turn.

"Thanks," Chris whispered.

"You're welcome," said Natalie. "Least I could do." She kissed the side of his head. "Now try to get some sleep. They'll be at you again tomorrow. It'll be their last chance with you for a few weeks, you know."

"Yes. I s'pose I should have expected that they weren't done."

And indeed they weren't. Chris got a halfway reasonable sleep after that, but all the same felt it unreasonably early to be awakened the next morning when a cock was pressed insistently to his lips.

"Oh good, you're up," Sasha said as Chris's eyes fluttered open.

"Don't say that like it's not entirely your fault," he said.

"Yeah, fine. It's my fault. Now open up. We don't want to wake Nat."

Chris let Sasha quietly use his mouth and throat while Natalie continued to snooze behind him. He felt rather sore and unrested from the day before, but he knew he still had to get through another parade of horny futas saying goodbye.

Sasha was in a mischievous mood, and when she came she woke Natalie up with a cumshot to the face. She grinned at Natalie's annoyed expression.

"Goddammit, Sasha. What the hell?" Natalie grumbled.

"Oops," Sasha said with an innocent expression.

"Like hell it was an 'oops.'"

Natalie pulled out of Chris's ass slowly and sloppily thanks to the suction and the way he'd tightened up around her overnight. Sasha seemed to know what was coming and didn't resist as Natalie pushed her onto all fours and lubed up her ass none too gently.

Chris watched with a certain amusement as Natalie forced her cock into Sasha's tight ass. Despite getting a lot less anal action than him, Sasha still took her friend's dick like a champ.

"Mmm," Sasha moaned. "That's nice. I don't know why, but I really wanted it this morning. Maybe 'cause of watching Chris take so much cock last night."

"You could just ask," Natalie said, still with some annoyance in her voice, though it was waning.

"Yeah, but what fun is that?"

It was pretty rare for Chris to watch a good butt-fuck without being a participant. He quite enjoyed it. Natalie was really hammering Sasha to vent her annoyance, and both girls were having a good time.

Chris got horny enough while spectating to instinctively reach for his cock. He hadn't masturbated hardly at all since he arrived at Futa House. There'd been no need. Jerking himself off didn't feel nearly so natural as it once had.

Chris somewhat tentatively knelt in front of Sasha. He didn't need to worry about her reaction. She opened her mouth for him as soon as he was in position. His cock slid easily past her lips and she began sucking him off while still getting pounded from behind.

Other girls were stirring, attracted by the sounds of sexy times. Hangovers were slowing them down, but Chris knew he had a limited window to satisfy himself before he'd be put to use.

Sasha still had trouble taking Chris all the way in her mouth. She occasionally gagged when his cock bumped her throat, but otherwise took her mouth-fucking with grace and enthusiasm.

As a cheeky revenge for Natalie's impromptu facial, Chris pulled out just before he came and splashed his load all over Sasha's face. She didn't much mind. She left her mouth open with her tongue sticking out to catch some of the yummy cum.

Chris only got a moment to appreciate the mess he'd made of Sasha's face before he was rolled over and lubed up by the least patient of the recently awakened girls. He relaxed and settled in for a long morning of having his ass pounded.


Chris curled up in the passenger seat while Molly drove them home. His butt ached from being stretched out so badly, and cum kept leaking out from the massive load Dia had deposited. At least the panties he wore were pretty comfy and absorbed cum nicely. At the girls' urging, he'd been wearing special futa-accommodating panties more and more lately, and had been growing to enjoy them, much to his annoyance.

He was already feeling pangs of missing Natalie and Sasha, not so much because of the length of their separation so far, but because it was going to be so long before he saw them again. He'd grown quite close to them, as well as a few of the other girls specifically, and had become so used to always having them around that he was at a bit of a loss now.

Apparently Natalie and Sasha's moms were good friends, and the two of them had gone off with Dia at about the same time Chris and Molly had departed. Their farewell kisses still lingered on his lips.

"You ok, sweetie?" Molly asked, startling Chris from his daydreaming.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine," he said.

"You're awfully quiet."

"I was just thinking about stuff."

Molly watched him out of the corner of her eye. "Missing your friends already?"

Chris flushed, but nodded affirmatively. "Yeah, kinda. It's silly, I know. We only just left."

"It's not silly." Molly reached over and squeezed his leg reassuringly. "You found somewhere you really belong. I was hoping you would. Obviously I couldn't be sure that you'd take to it, but I'm so happy you did."

"You know that's a little weird to hear you say."

"It is?"

"Mom, you know what happens there. You know I'm basically a full-time fuck-toy."

"I wouldn't put it quite like that, but yes, I know. You're enjoying it, aren't you?"

Chris flushed redder. "Yes. But you don't need to sound so excited by it. You're my mom. You're not s'posed to want me to be a total slut."

"Why not?"

"What do you mean 'why not?' I mean, obviously that's not what you should want."

Molly pursed her lips seriously. "Chris, baby, what I want is for you to feel like you belong somewhere, and to be happy. I know it wasn't easy growing up with me for a mother, never having a proper dad, dealing with my... eccentricities." She squeezed his leg again. "Maybe I made it hard for you to fit in, or to truly figure out what you wanted in life. And maybe being a boytoy is an odd career path for me to push you toward. But if it's what makes you happy, then it's what I want for you."

Chris squirmed uncomfortably. He appreciated what his mom was saying, but he still didn't think she should be quite so enthused about it. Somehow, that was weirder even than participating in a small, impromptu orgy with her earlier. Clearly his priorities weren't much straighter than hers.


Chris moped around the house the next day. His sleep had been fitful, but adequate. He found that he was just simply bored and felt totally unfulfilled, both in the traditional sense and euphemistically.

He didn't know what to do with himself anymore. He hadn't had hardly any time left to his own devices for months. More than once he headed to his room with the idea of getting naked and waiting for a horny futa to come looking for some action, before realizing that his instincts were misleading him. None of the girls were around. It was just him and his mom.

Chris was totally unable to sleep the second night. He just couldn't do it. He felt all wrong, so empty and unused. He suffered from sudden cock withdrawal to the point that he couldn't even lie still and get some rest.

He ended up sitting and blankly watching tv in the living room late at night after he'd gotten tired of tossing and turning in bed. He tried to stay quiet, but somehow Molly still padded in to check on him, despite his assumption that she was long since asleep.

"Not sleeping?" Molly asked.

Chris shrugged. "Nah. Just wasn't happening."

"Oh. Something keeping you up?"

Chris hesitated. He wasn't sure he wanted to tell his mother that his problem was a lack of cock. She was just so enthusiastic about how well he'd taken to being a boytoy. It might actually have been less uncomfortable if she didn't approve.

"I dunno," he said. "Just can't sleep. That's all."

Molly was quiet, but Chris still shrank under her appraising stare. When she eventually spoke, her tone was quiet but firm.

"Chris, honey, do you think it's because you're missing your friends?"

Chris bit his lip, then nodded. At least she hadn't asked if he missed having his butt pounded. That's what she'd meant, of course, but she'd had the decency not to phrase it so bluntly.

Molly sighed. "That was so neglectful of me. I didn't even think. Of course you can't sleep. You've probably been going to bed with some nice girlcock up your bum every night."

"Not every night," Chris mumbled.

Molly sat next to Chris and pulled him in for a hug. Her robe left some cleavage on display, and his head landed right in the middle of it as she held him close.

"Poor baby," she said. "Mommy didn't plan things very well, did she?"

Chris tried to act nonchalant. It was tricky with his mother's soft breasts cradling his face. "It's ok. I'll manage."

Molly continued to hold him and ruffle his hair in a way that danced on the line between motherly and sensual. He relaxed and enjoyed it since she clearly had no intention of letting him go.

"Um... Mom? You're kinda, like, starting to poke out a bit," Chris said.

Molly's cock was waking up, and the flimsy barrier of her robe wasn't doing much of anything to hide it. It slipped through the loose gap below her sash, becoming fully visible to Chris as it hardened.

"Mom?" Chris repeated, though he was sure she'd heard him.

"Sorry, baby," Molly said huskily. "You feel too good." She inhaled deeply. "And you smell like a boy who needs some cock too."

"M-mom? What..."

Chris knew what was happening, he just didn't want to believe that his mother was the same as all the other futas he'd met so far. It took some mental gymnastics, given how he'd already seen her libido at work when she'd fucked Sasha and Natalie.

"I did so good," Molly said, essentially talking to herself. "You were so cute, and so tempting, but I was good. But now you need me. How can I resist?"

"Dammit, Mom," Chris said softly.

He felt her hand on the back of his head. She no longer stroked him, but instead pushed and guided him. He could still say no, he supposed. She was still his mother. She wouldn't force him. Probably.

Chris didn't really want Molly to stop. His finely honed instincts and reactions were coming into play. He was being pushed toward a girlcock, and his mouth was already opening to receive it.

His mom's cock was big. He'd gotten used to taking cocks that size up his butt, but he still had work to do orally. Molly was patient. She let him take her a little bit, just as far as his jaw would allow without aching too badly, then take a break for some kissing and licking.

"That's a good boy," Molly cooed as her son moved to kneel between her legs and worship her cock all the more thoroughly.

Molly let her robe fall all the way open. She idly toyed with her nipples while watching Chris work her shaft.

Chris found himself really trying his best in a way that he wasn't used to. He had plenty of experience with his mouth and throat being forced open, or easily taking a cock once he'd practiced enough, but not so much actually trying to take a cock that wouldn't quite fit.

Possibly he wanted to show off for his mother, or possibly he was afraid she'd be disappointed if he couldn't manage her girth. Maybe, too, it was simply that cock withdrawal hitting him in ways he hadn't expected. All the possibilities he could think of were more than a little fucked up.

Chris licked and sucked Molly's cock until it was all sloppy and spit-covered. She then stood and led him off to her bedroom. He couldn't help watching her boobs as they gently bounced, or her erection swaying back and forth in front of them.

He hadn't often been allowed in his mom's room when he was younger, nor the basement. He'd never really questioned it, since it was just the way he was raised. Now, at least, he had a pretty good idea why.

It wasn't necessarily obvious that Molly was a futa just from seeing her bedroom, but there were clues if one was looking. Her panties were oddly shaped, unless you knew they were meant to contain a large penis. There was a bottle of lube on her nightstand, and a collection of DVDs in a drawer that she'd forgotten to shut with titles that were rather overtly suggestive.

Chris didn't have time to examine the rest of the room as he was thrown to the bed by Molly. She dove on his asshole and gave it some very deep kisses.

Being eaten out by his mother was an insane feeling, but he couldn't deny that it felt amazing too. She knew what she was doing, and there was a definite sense of the forbidden heightening the pleasure. Mommies were not supposed to lick their sons' buttholes like that.

Then again, that wasn't even the craziest part.

Molly made Chris lube up her shaft, which he did with a sort of horny reverence. He hadn't been fucked all day, and now his mommy was going to take care of him with her big, delicious cock. His doubts had faded in favour of imagining just how nice it was going to feel. His bottom felt all fluttery in anticipation.

"Are you going to be a good butt slut for Mommy?" Molly asked.

Chris nodded obediently and assumed a face down, ass up position, presenting his butthole for filling. Molly slid her cock back and forth, giving him a teasing sense of its length and weight, and just how much she was going to stretch him.

"You ready, baby?" Molly asked.

"Mmhm. Sooo ready," Chris said, wiggling his butt slightly as he waited impatiently.

The initial penetration made Chris groan and take some deep breaths while he tried to stay relaxed. Molly wasn't necessarily any bigger than some of the other mature futa dicks he'd taken, but he hadn't been warmed up at all that day. His bum hadn't enjoyed a single hard pounding or massive cum load.

His mom's cock really opened him up and made his ass ache before she was even halfway in. It was a good pain, though, and it transitioned smoothly to a soothing and comforting pleasure.

Chris moaned loudly as he was stretched and filled deeper and deeper. Molly's thrusts were getting harder as she encountered more resistance. She clearly wasn't stopping until she got all the way in. Not that he would have it any other way.

Molly's balls slapped lightly against Chris's moments before a final hard push got her entirely inside him. He clenched his butt tighter around her to hold her in place.

"Ooh, baby," she said. "Mommy can't move if you tighten up like that."

"I know," Chris said. "I just wanted to feel you for a minute. No moving."

He looked over his shoulder. Molly smiled affectionately at him and gently rubbed his lower back.

"You like having Mommy inside you?" she asked.

Chris grinned sheepishly. "I like just being all filled up. Mostly girls want to pound away on me as much as possible, but sometimes they'll stay still for a bit. It's so nice and comforting." He bit his lip. "Especially you, Mom."

Molly bent down over him, her lovely, soft breasts pressing against him as she kissed his cheek. "Then I'll try to be good," she said.

Her cock pulsed and throbbed in Chris's butt, but she did a very good job of holding still and just letting him enjoy it. He felt so full and warm and loved.

Molly occupied herself with kissing her son on his neck and shoulders, as well as rubbing his tummy where her cock was making a slight bulge. She got increasingly fidgety, however, and just like any of the other girls who'd fucked his ass, she couldn't stay still forever.

"Chris, baby, I really need to fuck you," Molly said in a half-whine.

Chris smiled and consciously relaxed as much as possible. "Go ahead, Mom."

With a firm grip on Chris's hips, Molly pulled her cock out slowly, then shoved it right back in. Both of them moaned deliriously as she repeated the movement over and over, gradually getting smoother and more consistent as Chris's bum gave up what little fight it had left and allowed her free rein.

Mother and son were locked in an incestuous, anal adventure. Molly laughed wildly as she slammed her cock into him hard and fast, lost in the thrill of pounding her baby boy. Chris moaned and drooled while his eyes rolled back in an excess of pleasure.

"That's so damn good," Molly hissed. "Your butt's as tight and silky as I ever imagined."

"Mmm, it gets good reviews alright," Chris said. He whimpered at a particularly deep thrust.

"I really don't know how I resisted so long," Molly breathed. "I really, truly don't."

Perhaps to make up for lost time, Molly fucked Chris unceasingly for a long, long time. Even filling his butt up with cum didn't slow her down. She kept right on pounding him through her orgasm, causing a fair amount of it to leak out and make a mess everywhere.

Molly's second orgasm was deliberately even more of a mess as she sprayed cum over Chris's butt and back, and even on his face. It didn't faze him at all, since he was quite used to that sort of thing.

Their fucking got sloppy and gooey, but Molly cumming twice at least calmed her down a little and took the edge off. She got some more control over herself and rolled Chris onto his back so she could watch his face while she held his knees back and pistoned in and out of his ass.

Chris groaned and wriggled as his mother found the right spots inside him. He gasped as his cock twitched, then exploded in an orgasm of his own, adding to the mommy-mess on his tummy.

Molly's final cum-shot came after the longest, gentlest stretch of fucking of them all. It was quite loving and tender, relatively speaking. She gazed into Chris's eyes while internally massaging his butt, occasionally giving his cock a soft rub.

They cuddled together afterward in a warm, slippery embrace. Molly's cock remained halfway inside Chris the whole time, and she made sure to plunge it back in completely before they both went to sleep.


Chris slept in late the next morning, and probably would have slept later still if he hadn't been gently fucked awake by his mom. She'd apparently gotten bored waiting for him to wake up on his own and had started rocking her hips in small circles while her cock was still firmly inside him.

Chris smiled lazily and pressed his butt back for more. Molly took his awakened state as an opportunity to roll him on his tummy and climb on top. Her thrusts got much more powerful as she got better leverage and didn't have to worry about disturbing his slumber any longer.

"Good morning, Mom," Chris said.

"Mmm, good morning, baby." Molly kissed his shoulder. Her breasts jiggled enticingly against his upper back as she leaned over him. "You made such a snuggly cock-sheath last night."

"I guess I'm versatile that way."

"You certainly are."

Molly kept pounding Chris until she came, but instead of dumping her load deep in his butt, she rolled him onto his back and fed him a tasty, cummy breakfast.

"We should probably get you cleaned up now," Molly said as she gazed adoringly at her messy little slut of a son.

"Yeah, probably," Chris agreed. "I've got dried cum everywhere."

"So you do."

Molly started ripping the sheets off her bed for changing before Chris had even padded out of the room. He stopped and watched his naked mother as she obliviously gave him quite a show with all her moving around, bending over, and jiggling.

Chris had always kind of known that he had a hot mom. Until his recent sexual liberation, that knowledge had never been more than background trivia. He never would have dared perv on her, or even consciously think about whether he was attracted to her or not. Now, however, after spending a night in her bed, he didn't feel the least bit of guilt for ogling her sexy, nude form.

These sorts of things happened in futa families. That was the impression Chris had from what he'd learned over the past few months. It was quite impressive Molly had restrained herself so well until now. With the dam broken, however, Chris had no doubt that he'd be feeling his mommy deep inside him lots more.

He got the shower running, then stood under its spray, jerking his hard cock. He was so turned on from his wake up pounding, being fed his mother's cum, and imagining her warm, voluptuous form. It was so bad, so immoral, and yet he'd been conditioned so that it practically felt normal to him all the same. As if he and his mom had been fucking for years, and not just since last night.

Molly snuck into the shower with Chris while he was still masturbating and daydreaming about her. He flushed guiltily at being caught, but his embarrassment was small and fleeting. It vanished completely when she removed his hand from his erection and replaced it with her own.

"You could have asked me to do that," Molly said. "It's not really fair, is it? Me cumming so much more than you."

"It's fine. I'm very used to it," Chris said.

"Your girls take care of you, though, don't they?"

"Sure they do. They'd basically all suck me off, or jerk me off, or whatever, if I asked." Chris shrugged. "Most of them wouldn't even think about it on their own, though. Nat sometimes did. And Sasha was very happy to help out when prompted." He chuckled softly. "Only Ashley really preferred getting fucked in the butt to vice versa. In that sense, she was pretty damn good about 'taking care of me.'"

"Hm? Interesting."

"Is it?"

"Yes. Quite. I mean, I know there are some of us futas who don't just think with our dicks, but we're fairly rare. You say you actually found one who likes taking cock more than giving it?"

Chris hesitated. "...yes? I think that's fair to say, anyway. I mean, she still had her needs, of course. But when we were messing around, I think we'd spend way more time playing with her butt than mine."

"Very, very interesting."

Molly jerked Chris off with a pensive look on her face. She barely seemed to even register what her hand was doing. She only came back to reality when Chris started 'washing' her boobs.

Both of them actually did need to clean up, but the way they went about it was terribly inefficient. Their hands were all over each other, but so focused on only a few areas that the other areas of their bodies were neglected.

It was the first chance Chris had had to really just explore a fully mature futa body. The girls he was used to playing with basically had all the same bits, but their breasts weren't quite as full, and their cocks weren't quite as big, as well as some other small differences that added up to a novel and titillating experience.

Inevitably, Molly got too horny to keep messing around and had to fuck Chris again. She pressed him up against the wall and gave it to him hard until she came all over him yet again. Afterward she was calm enough to get them washed up for real.


Chris and Molly had breakfast after their shower sex. Molly put on her robe, but didn't contain her cock within panties, so her modesty wasn't particularly well preserved. Her penis dangled down below the hem of her robe most of the time, except when she got excited and it got even more prominent.

Chris, meanwhile, wore panties and a t-shirt. His mother was apparently yet another girl who thought ladies' underwear looked cute on him, and he didn't feel like arguing. Besides, the pair she gave him were remarkably comfy, and just silky enough to be interesting.

They both got so horny around each other just from watching and teasing that their few clothes didn't really last long after eating. They cuddled together on the couch, and Molly stripped Chris off before sitting him on her dick.

Chris felt so lovely and full with his mom fully buried in his ass while he snuggled in her lap. She didn't even start fucking him, so he got to just enjoy having her inside, filling him up, stretching him out.

The two of them sat and cuddled, watching Christmas movies on tv, enjoying their new sensual closeness. Molly idly rubbed Chris's tummy where her cock was making a bit of a bulge, or sometimes stroked his cock instead. There was no hurry or purpose to it, it was just some nice play time between them.

Chris spent as much time as possible the next few days with his mom's cock inside him. Mostly he just sat in her lap, maybe grinding a bit, but of course she needed to fuck him regularly to take the edge off. He also stroked and sucked her on occasion too, just for variety. With Molly being the only source of girlcock around, she was lucky and got all the attention and energy he otherwise would have had to share amongst a couple dozen horny futas.


Christmas morning didn't mean nearly the same to Chris as it used to when he was a kid. Like basically everyone, the novelty had faded for him and he no longer woke up full of giddy excitement.

Unlike the previous few years, however, Chris found himself receiving a present that was actually worth getting excited over.

He didn't realize it at first. His eyes flicked open as something disturbed his slumber, and he stretched and yawned before truly examining his surroundings. Molly had insisted he sleep in his own bed that night, without her cock to keep him company. That was fine. She'd fucked him good before bed to make sure he could get to sleep.

He frowned in confusion upon realizing he wasn't alone. His lips slowly transitioned into a wide smile as he figured out what was going on.

Ashley knelt at the foot of his bed. She was naked except for some ribbon cunningly wrapped around her to make her looks like a Christmas present. His Christmas present.

"Merry Christmas?" Ashley said with a shy smile of her own.

"Yes," Chris agreed, "is sure is."

He threw his covers aside and crawled over to Ashley. He gave her a big, naked kiss and rubbed his hardening cock against her already warmed up shaft.

"I can't believe you're here," Chris said.

"I know. Me either, kinda," Ashley said. "It was your mom's idea. I guess you must have really talked me up to her."

"Did I? I mean... I guess in hindsight I might have mentioned you a few times. Or a lot of times."

Ashley giggled. "Well I'm glad. I missed you."

They kissed again, and Ashley aggressively grabbed Chris's cock while sucking on his tongue. Her ribbons started coming undone as she was enthusiastically fondled in return.

"Your parents were ok with this?" Chris asked. "I mean, it is Christmas and all."

"They weren't thrilled, exactly," Ashley admitted. "Something about offering their daughter up as a sexy present for some boy didn't really work for them, I think."

"I bet. How'd you convince them?"

"Well... they try to be supportive of my sexuality as best they can. Plus they get super flustered and easy to manipulate when I walk around with my cock hanging out, or get all hard and rub up on them."

"I can see how that might perturb them alright."

"So here I am!"

"Yes. Here you are."

Ashley shrieked and giggled happily as Chris swung her around so she fell on her back across the bed. He removed some of the more inconvenient ribbon still clinging to her, then kissed and sucked his way down her body. He made sure to give her cock plenty of attention before getting her to roll over and lavishing her butthole with an excessive amount of saliva and tongue-action.

Chris gave Ashley a good, hard, Christmas morning butt-fuck. Once he came inside her, she did the same to him.

The two horny teens spent the early morning switching back and forth, fucking around to their hearts' content. They pounded each other's tight little buttholes until they were both pleasantly gaping and sore.

"Best Christmas ever," Chris declared one they'd finally collapsed together in a sticky puddle.

"Mmm, you said it," Ashley concurred.


Chris and Ashley took a shower together to clean up. They'd worn each other out enough that their messing around was kept to a minimum, and they got back out even before using up all the hot water. They dried each other off, then walked back to the hallway, hand in hand.

Molly was just shutting her bedroom door as Chris and Ashley came out. She was being very gentle, and didn't even make a click as the door snugged into place.

"Hey, Mom," Chris said. "Merry Christmas."

Molly straightened and turned toward him. She wore her robe, and her cock swayed free from beneath the bottom of it, shiny and dripping like it had been recently used.

"I see you found your present," Molly said.

Chris gave Ashley's hand a squeeze. "Sure did. Best present ever."

Ashley giggled and blushed coyly. "Aw, thanks."


Chris and Ashley didn't bother getting dressed for breakfast, and Molly remained only halfway modest, what with her ample cleavage and cock hanging out. The three of them worked together to put a meal together, but it wasn't as efficient a process as it might have been. Two of them were usually preoccupied with each other more than the food at any given time.

Often times it was Chris getting a cock grinded on his ass or a hand reaching around to feel him up. Sometimes he was the accoster. And sometimes Molly would make a move on Ashley. Just something small and non-threatening; a bit of grinding or fondling, or even a quick makeout session at one point.

Chris would have said something, but Ashley didn't seem to mind his mom's sexual overtures. Their hard cocks dueled as they kissed and rubbed together right beside him while he tried to pay attention to the frying pans in front of him containing bacon and pancakes. Molly's dominated Ashley's much the same way Ashley's dominated his. He'd long ago learned not mind being outsized by literally every girl he had sex with, but it was kind of a funny reminder that even most of those girls were going to get bigger still.

Ashley then had to take over watching the food as Molly bent Chris over the counter. She licked and slobbered all over his butthole, then shoved her cock in and gave him a good, hard fucking.

It was turning into a hell of a Christmas.

Chris wasn't particularly surprised when his breakfast was doused in cum before being served to him. Molly and Ashley both giggled maniacally about it, but he just started eating like it was normal for him. Given the amount of futa-cum he was used to swallowing, it practically was.

After a tasty, cummy breakfast, Chris and Ashley went to cuddle on the couch in the living room. Ashley sat on Chris's cock while facing him, snuggling up while her bottom was thoroughly impaled. Her cock pressed against his chest, rubbing him whenever she shifted.

Molly joined them shortly after, and the three of them watched old Christmas movies while enjoying each other's naked company.


Ashley got the first ass-pounding. She knelt on the couch on her hands and knees, bum presented wantonly for filling. Molly obliged and fucked her hard and deep.

Chris was horny enough that he tried feeding Ashley his cock while she was getting ploughed by his mom, just to see what she'd do. She obediently opened her mouth and sucked him off as best she could while getting jostled by powerful anal thrusting. Her eyes shone bright and happy at getting her first spitroast; even better that it was a mommy and son doing her.


The rest of the day went much the same, with sporadic flurries of sex mixed with naked cuddles and lounging around. Molly dumped plenty of cum in both Chris and Ashley, and by bedtime the teens were exhausted and gaping lewdly.

Their buttholes didn't even get a much needed rest, since Molly buried her cock snugly in Chris's ass before falling asleep almost immediately, while Ashley cozied up to him in the front and sheathed his cock in her butt.

Chris was trapped between two soft, warm futas in the most deliciously perverse way possible. He couldn't say he minded.

"That was a good Christmas," Ashley said sleepily.

"Yeah it was," Chris agreed. "The best Christmas, I would say."

"Me too. I'm glad you and your mom had me over."

"Mmhm. That was mostly Mom's doing, surprising me like that


The rest of winter break was pretty much a constant orgy of threeway fucking, broken up with a few 'dates' and some snowy activities. Chris and Ashley learned that dating wasn't quite as fun or important when you were screwing each other's brains out all the time anyway.

Molly got the teens some belated presents, ostensibly as a celebration of their relationship, though Chris suspected that was just an excuse. The presents were a pair of matching butt plugs modeled on Molly's cock.

"I don't want you to ever risk another day like when you first got here," Molly said. "It broke my heart seeing you all agitated and sleepless like that."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but now that I've got you and Ashley here, and all the girls when I'm at school, I can't see lack of cock being a problem."

"Speak for yourself," Ashley said. "I don't get nearly as much butt sex as you. I'ma totally wear mine all the time."

"See," Molly said. "Some people are appreciative of thoughtful presents."

"Uh huh," said Chris. "Well, I think it might be more thoughtful if you weren't just excited about me always having a replica of your cock in my butt."

"That has nothing to do with it," Molly insisted, even while slowly stroking herself. "On an unrelated note, how about trying them on and making sure they fit?"

Chris wasn't even remotely fooled, but he also had never really played with many sex toys before, let alone such a magnificent specimen of a butt plug. He was intrigued enough not to put up a fuss.

He and Ashley lubed each other up, then tried to sit on their respective dildo-plugs. It turned out not to be as easy as they expected, even with all their experience taking cocks up their butts. They had to do all the work, with no one pushing and guiding from the other end, plus the toys weren't quite stiff enough that they could simply let gravity help them out.

Molly didn't assist hardly at all. She was too busy jerking off while watching with wide, bright eyes as her son and his girlfriend struggled to stuff their butts totally full.

Chris finally groaned in triumph as he made the last bit of his butt plug disappear, leaving only the flared base visible from without. The material didn't feel quite as good as a real girlcock, but it also stayed put and let him enjoy the feeling of fullness instead of immediately starting to pound him, which he appreciated. There were trade-offs.

Ashley wasn't too far behind Chris in getting her new plug in. She sighed happily and leaned over to make out with him while they were both feeling quite stuffed with facsimiles of his mom's cock.

Once they'd adjusted enough to be able to move, the two horny little butt sluts crawled over to Molly and began worshipping her delicious erection. They licked and sucked all up and down its length, even down to her balls and asshole.

Chris cautiously fingered Molly's spit-lubed butthole, and she moaned in approval. He worked more fingers in until he was totally fisting his mom's ass.

While Chris was exploring Molly's butt, Ashley got too horny to just keep lavishing oral attention. She pooped out her plug and hopped onto Molly's cock to go for a ride. Since she was all stretched out already, she got going pretty quickly.

Chris fisted his mommy a while longer while watching her cock get repeatedly swallowed by Ashley's butt. He, too, couldn't hold out forever without getting some real action. He pulled his hand free, then replaced it with his drooling erection.

The three deviants fucked around with each other to their cocks' content, cumming in and on each other many, many times. The new family dynamic was odd, but oh so satisfying for all involved.
