In time for Summer by ScumDumpster69


Elliot couldn't believe his eyes. The very same person he had called his girlfriend no less than a week before, strutting into his apartment, drunk and giddy, with his lesbian roommate in tow.

"Hi, Elliot!" Sarah exclaimed with a giggle, without any thought of the poor boy's feelings. "It's good to be back!"

"What are you doing here?" Elliot asked, a foolish question he immediately realized.

"What do you think she's doing here?" With an arm around Sarah's waist, reaching all the way down to her pussy which she began shamelessly fondling, his roommate stood behind his ex, grinning at him. Jenna was her name.

It wasn't the first time she had brought home a girl from the club on a friday night, in fact, that's an understatement. Elliot wasn't keeping tabs, but to him it seemed to be happening almost every week. And it wasn't hard to see why. Jenna was an absolutely stunning girl, tall and slender with an hourglass-shaped body, an angelic face and just the right amount of athletic features to enhance her femininity to the max.

"Poor Sarah here told me she hasn't had a real orgasm in several months, so I thought I'd do the honor." Her grin widened from ear to ear in what seemed like an attempt to piss Elliot off. "We're gonna head on over to my room." She held Sarah in her arms and planted a kiss on her head, much to the delight of the giggling blonde, before turning her sly gaze to Elliot.

"Hopefully we won't keep you awake too long."

"Have fun with your video games or whatever!" Sarah shouted mockingly as they turned around and headed for their soon-to-be love nest.

As soon as they were out of sight, Elliot clenched his teeth and balled his fists in anger. Not only was he again going to be forced to listen to the endless moans and squeaks from Jenna's room, but now, his ex-girlfriend would be the one moaning, something he had never heard in their short relationship.

He should have seen the break-up coming. Thinking back to it, Sarah never showed much interest in him, it almost seemed like she had decided to date him out of boredom, or perhaps as some sort of experiment. He wasn't exactly of the manly type, which he assumed was the reason that Sarah ended the relationship. Not that there was any way for him to know, as she abruptly broke up with him over text without stating a reason.

When they were dating, Sarah had came over a couple of times and had hit it off with Jenna instantly. Ever since then, Elliot's relationship with Sarah had only become more strained, for reasons initially unknown to him. It only now dawned on him that the two girls might have hit it off a bittoo well when they first met.

He had always known that Jenna was a bit of a player, or perhaps more accurate, a slut. But the fact that she would go as far as to steal his girlfriend filled him with both rage and grief. Her and Elliot weren't even particularly compatible as roommates, let alone friends, but he had always trusted and respected her. Now, all that was thrown out the window.

An hour passed since they had come home, and just as expected, the moans and screams echoed throughout the apartment the entire time. Elliot had gone to bed, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep and be free from the torment, but it was impossible to escape the noises, despite the fact that there was an entire kitchen and two closed doors between their rooms. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he folded his pillow over his head in an attempt to muffle the sounds. Sounds indicating that Jenna was giving his ex more pleasure than he ever could have.

He had no idea what Jenna did to her partners to always elicit such kinky screams from them, but Sarah seemed to be the loudest of them all.

"Fuck yeah, you like that tight pussy?!" he heard her shout once, followed by "Oh my god, fuck me with harder with that huge cock!"

"Jesus christ," Elliot thought. Were they seriously using a strap-on?

Perhaps that had been Elliot's determining shortcoming, his lack of size where it mattered. For some time he had thought that his penis was about average, but his time spent in locker rooms and on pornsites had taught him that such was not the case. In addition to his grief, shame washed over him as he realized that a woman with a toy made for a better lover than him.

It took him another whole hour to finally fall asleep, but the noises continued even beyond that. If he had stayed awake longer he would surely have questioned the sanity of his horny ex-girlfriend, as every minute of love-making with the beautiful Jenna only drew out more depraved phrases from her.

Many hours and a night of restless sleep later, the warm rays of the afternoon sun hit Elliot's window like searing lasers, quickly heating up his room to a degree far beyond what anyone would have considered pleasant. Despite only being mid-may, the weather made it seem like it could just as easily have been in the height of summer, or as if he lived in a tropical paradise.

Like glued to the bed, Elliot woke up with sweat covering every inch of his body. For a second he was annoyed only by said fact, before the voices coming from the kitchen made him remember the night before. He heard Jenna speaking in a sultry tone and Sarah responding with a girly giggle, a sound that Elliot had now quickly come to hate.

He felt a bitter taste in his mouth, twisting and turning away from the direction of the sound in the sticky bed sheets, finding it impossible to block out the noise without childishly covering his ears with his hands. He refused to get out of his room while they were still in the apartment, he didn't want to risk any further humiliation.

This was a first, the girl Jenna having brought home still being in the apartment in the morning, and Elliot did not like it one bit. It was perhaps a sign that Jenna liked her a bit more than any of the other ones who had spent the night with her, meaning that they would most likely be seeing eachother again. That said, Elliot had just discovered the true natures of both his ex and Jenna, so it was definitely a possibility that they were occupying the kitchen only to rub in his face that his girlfriend had essentially been stolen from him.

He wasn't left alone for long, though. After what couldn't have been more than 15 minutes of flat out suffering in the hot, sweaty bed, Jenna violently swung his door open, holding Sarah with one hand.

"Hey, Elliot!" she said, brimming with joy. "We're going to the beach, wanna tag along?"

Surprised and annoyed by their entry, Elliot slowly turned to them with a frown, eyeing their swimsuit-clad bodies of the two girls, Jenna admittedly being the significantly prettier one. Not that Sarah wasn't pretty herself, but Jenna was just an absurdly attractive girl.

Sarah was dressed in a slutty, white string bikini which left little to the imagination, while Jenna wore a surprisingly modest suit in comparison. A black one piece with a short, ruffled skirt, almost a bit childish looking, which strangely enough went very well with her slender, womanly curves.

Elliot's eyes went from looking at their bodies to their faces, noticing the teasing grins they had put on, clearly making fun of him. There was no way they were expecting a yes from Elliot, and they wouldn't get one either of course. He was already pissed off enough from starting the day off with them in his presence.

"No," he dryly replied, turning his back to them. A soft giggle could be heard from Sarah, whereas Jenna stayed silent.

"What, you're just gonna stay in bed and sulk?" she said after a moment, in a taunting voice that agitated Elliot even more, almost to the point of drawing out a retort from him but ultimately he decided not to. "Alright, suit yourself," Jenna continued. "Later!"

Nonchalantly leaving the door to his room open, the two girls strutted out of the apartment without a care in the world, leaving Elliot alone to sort out his feelings. Feelings of betrayal and hatred. Sarah had seem like a bit of a bitch even when they were dating, so it wasn'tthat surprising that she would pull something like this. But Jenna? What could she possibly stand to gain by making an enemy out of her roommate?

The more he thought about it, the more mentally exhausted he became. With weak, trembling limbs he crawled out of bed, feeling completely dead inside, needing something to ease his mind. He sighed deeply as he pulled off the sheets off the bed to prepare them for laundry, figuring he might as well do something productive to prevent himself from becoming a depressed wreck, being all alone with a mind filled with angry thoughts on this beautiful saturday that just begged to be enjoyed to the fullest.

For the several hours that his roommate was gone, Elliot did everything he could to think of other things, finding that it became increasingly difficult for every minute that passed. Doing the laundry, cleaning and cooking could only do so much to distract him, his bitter thoughts from before ending up catching up to him again.

When his chores were finally done, the evening had already settled in. After taking a shower, Elliot was sat by the kitchen table with a freshly cooked meal in front of him, a somewhat disappointing plate of spaghetti bolognese that he had half-assedly thrown together. As he started aggressively shoveling the food into his mouth, he found himself overwhelmed with anger once again. He wanted to break something, contemplating for a second letting that something be the dinner plate in front of him, but thankfully settling on slamming his fist into the table instead. He cursed his slut of a roommate, cursed his slut of an ex, cursed his parents for his garbage genetics that no woman would ever want to pass on. Cursed everything for the way his life had turned out.

Then, all of a sudden he snapped out of it when he heard the sound of the front door opening. There was no time to mentally prepare for more humiliation at the hands of Jenna and his ex, making him break down into a cold sweat as the door swung open. However, luckily and surprisingly, the only person standing in the doorway was Jenna. She was still wearing her black swimsuit, her lightly freckled face ever so slightly tanned from the unflinching sun, and her beautiful brown hair hanging long and messy.

"Hey, made any food for me?" she asked, casually slamming the door behind her and strutting in.

"No..." Elliot replied barely audible, as Jenna pulled out a chair and sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"Why's that? Are you mad at me?"

Elliot knew it was a bait, he hardly ever made food for her in the first place. Without answering, and without even looking at her, he just kept eating his food, while Jenna let out an amused chuckle.

"Aww, are you upset because I stole your slut of a girlfriend? Is that it? Come on, say something, you've been so quiet lately."

Still not giving in to her taunts, Elliot stayed silent. But there was no denying that her words hurt. This was the first time Jenna actually acknowledged what she had done, and how she had so casually, downright humiliatingly done it spoke volumes about what kind of person she really was.

"You realize it was inevitable, right?" she added, without skipping a beat. "You should be happy that she even went out with you in the first place. I mean, if she was gonna date a little girly boy like you it makes more sense for me to have her, don't you think?"

"Shut up..." Elliot mumbled, looking down at his plate, his face covered by his long, raven hair. Jenna went on to cross her legs and lay them out over the table, close enough to Elliot's plate to be considered rude by any sensible person.

"She talked a lot about you, you know," she continued, ignoring Elliot's weak protests. "About how she could never be with a man shorter than herself. About how skinny and weak you are, and how you don't even have any body hair like a real man."

At this point, it was becoming too much to bear. He tried his best to ignore her, but hearing her make fun of everything Elliot was insecure about made it hard to hold back tears. Heknew he was short, heknew he was skinny and weak despite trying his hardest to put on muscle in the gym. And heknewhe would never be enough for any self-respecting woman.

To prevent Jenna from seeing his discomposed, teary face, he got up from his seat and carried his plate and utensils to the sink, hanging his head low the entire time. With a shaking hand he reached out to turn on the tap water to wash the plate off, eager to storm off into his room and cool his thoughts. He could feel Jenna's belittling gaze burn holes into the back of his head, watching his every movement, taking in his frustration.

"Oh, right. She mentioned your dick as well. How big was it? Three inches? Three and a half?" Her words were blunt and straight to the point, with no trace of amusement in her tone, which somehow made it worse, as if she justhad to casually mention his size for no apparent reason. "Either way, that's not nearly enough for... well, any girl, really."

That was the last drop. Elliot had been thoroughly reminded of just how pathetic he was in every way, by his roommate no less. His will was broken, his body was trembling, and his face had been reduced to a clenched up, teary mess. Slowly, he brought his hand up to cover his eyes, all the while sniffling loudly, trying not to break out into a full-on bawling.

Jenna had gone quiet, realizing that she had brought Elliot to the tipping point. She decided to just stare at him for a while, awaiting his response. There was no way he wasn't going to say something back, she knew that. They may only have known each other for half a year, but Jenna had quickly learned that Elliot wasn't the type of person to simply take abuse without fighting back.

That's why even she was taken aback when his reply finally came. "... How can you be so cruel?" he murmured, struggling to hold back his crying-induced hiccups. "I know I'm pathetic. You don't need to remind me."

Jenna sat dumbstruck for several long seconds, before finally collecting herself and putting on a satisfied grin. In one swift, graceful movement she swung her legs down from the table and stood tall, with her arms crossed under her shapely breasts, raising them up to show off a slight cleavage in the black swimsuit.

"Oh, but I do need to remind you," she said, taking a few slow steps towards the still turned away Elliot. "I'm not doing this out of cruelty, you know. I just want you to accept yourself for what you are."

"What difference does it make? Why do you care?" He finally mustered up enough courage to turn around and face his roommate, despite his sorry state.

"It makes all the difference in the world to me, Elliot." She had stopped a few feet in front of Elliot, now with her hands on her hips. "You have to realize that you'll never please any girl through normal means."

Elliot bit his quivering lip in frustration. He had never had violent urges, but now it was difficult to resist punching Jenna in the face. Of course, he knew that he didn't stand a chance against her. She stood about as tall as the average man, a couple of inches or so short of six feet, whereas Elliot wasn't even as tall as the average woman. Not to mention Jenna being in far better shape than him.

"Again, what the fuck does that have to do with you?" he seethed, with a voice still shaky from crying. "And what do you mean by 'normal means'?" His arms hung down his sides, with fists clenched in rage. He could see Jenna's grin grow even wider as she eyed him all over, amused by his aggressive stance that just came off as adorably pathetic. She knew she wasn't in any danger whatsoever.

"Say, aren't you curious to know how I manage to bring home a new girl every weekend?" she asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"I already know you're attractive. Can't exactly be difficult for you."

"Oh, Elliot, sweetie." she purred tauntingly. "Me being attractive is only part of the puzzle. Girls want something more than that, and that's where my little secret comes in."

"... What little secret? What are you talking about?"

A soft, but menacing giggle escaped Jenna's lips, watching Elliot's facial expression turn into a mix of anger and confusion. He was so adorably clueless. But he wouldn't stay like that for long.

Jenna proceeded to slowly run her hand past her swimsuit's ruffled skirt, down between her thighs, grabbing the fabric covering her genitalia and yanking it to the side. And the reaction to her reveal that came from Elliot was even better than she had hoped. His eyes went wide. His jaw dropped. His already tense body tensed up even harder, but for reasons far different from before.

Out of Jenna's swimsuit where it had been tucked back, her "little secret" had flopped out, except it wasn't little at all. A huge, flaccid piece of meat swinging low and hefty, with a pearl of precum about to drip off the tip. Behind, a set of smooth balls proportionate to the size of her cock hung just as low, completing her package that was far bigger than Elliot's, even in his erect state.

"That little dick of yours isn't going to make anyone orgasm," Jenna said in a sultry tone, showing off her teeth in a wide smile. "But that tight ass might."

"W-wait, Jenna, what the fuck?!" Elliot exclaimed, with a voice a bit more high pitched than usually.

"Don't you get it?" As if to show off her genitals on a platter, Jenna lifted up both her cock and testicles and held them out in the palm of her hand. "You were never meant to be manly. You're a natural bottom, that's the way it's always going to be. And the only thing you can do is accept it."

"W-wha..." Elliot stammered, his eyes fixed on the intimidating cock on display, not realizing that Jenna was slowly inching towards him. Before long, she stood right in front of him, finally making the quivering boy look up and meet her eyes while she sat her free hand down on the counter behind Elliot to show her dominance.

"You're the only one that I want, Elliot, that's why I got rid of that slut of a girlfriend for you. You weren't meant to be with her. You were meant to have my fat cock in your life. I'm not actually lesbian, you know."

"You... want me?" Elliot gulped meekly. He should have felt anger over having been reminded of his ex and confusion over seeing that Jenna apparently had a huge penis, but somehow, hearing her say that she was attracted to him seemed to drown out all other feelings. Never in his life had someone expressed a sexual or romantic interest in him, not even Sarah really, when he was dating her.

"Fuck yeah, I do," whispered Jenna, leaning over beside Elliot's ear. "You know, if you agree to become my boyfriend, I'll make you feel better than you could ever imagine. Provided that you let me fuck you, of course."

"No... I don't want that..." Elliot mumbled, turning his head away in shame upon hearing Jenna's proposition.

"Really? You really wanna miss out on what made all those sluts keep you up at night?"

Elliot fidgeted where he stood, visibly uncomfortable by the situation. He wanted to run away, but Jenna's predatory gaze made him feel anchored to the floor, and the fear of not knowing whether or not she would take no for an answer wasn't helping.

"Sarah enjoyed herself at least, let me tell ya," Jenna cooed, licking her lips inches from Elliot's face. "I lost count of how many times she squirted all over me. Damn near milked me dry too, you should've seen it."

"That's... gross..." Elliot cringed, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment. He kept moving his face away from Jenna's, who seemed to be inching closer and closer with every passing second. Moving her hand from her balls to her slowly stiffening cock, she began jerking it right in front of Elliot, only a few inches from poking him in the belly with it. Several drops of precum dripped from the moist, skin-covered head, hitting the floor right between Elliot's feet.

"Is it? Are you sure you're not even a little bit curious?" she continued, seductively running her hand up Elliot's arm. "Trust me on this one, Elliot. I know you're longing for some love in your life. Let me be the one to give it to you." When her arm reached his shoulder, she gave him a light squeeze and with her other hand began stroking herself even faster, in an almost trance-like state induced by her lust. "Touch it, baby," she whispered. "Touch my huge cock. Feel its warmth in your hand. You'll change your mind in an instant, I promise." Her ominous-sounding tone and crude choice of words finally got through to Elliot, sending shivers down his spine and bringing his muddled mind back to reality.

"No!" he yelled, slapping Jenna's arm away before quickly scurrying away into his room, slamming his door shut behind him.

"Elliot, wait!" Jenna shouted after him, the sultry, domineering tone in her voice being completely gone. It made no difference. She was met with a painful silence, being left alone in the kitchen with her dick still in her hand and her arm stinging where Elliot had slapped her.

Looking down at the floor, she let out a loud sigh, being reminded that she was still in her swimsuit after tucking her cock back inside once it had quickly deflated. It was getting late, and she still needed to take a shower before going to sleep. She went back to her room and grabbed one of her nightgowns from her drawer, a thin, black, sexy thing, much like every other one she slept in, then headed to her and Elliot's shared bathroom.

Once inside, she set the nightgown down on the toilet lid and started undressing. As her swimsuit hit the floor and left her completely naked, she glanced over at the mirror above the sink, her eyes immediately fixating on her dick that hung free. She sighed once again, this time in a more sad manner than before.

She looked up at her face, only then noticing the tears running down her cheeks as the mirror made them evident. Seeing her own face, which normally brimmed with confidence, almost smugly so, now instead being reduced to something akin to a timid little girl was enough to finally break her, just like she had broken Elliot before. Right as she started to sob, she quickly turned on the tap to drown out any sound that could potentially have made it out of the door.

She had failed, been way too aggressive. Despite the hundreds of times she had imagined how the scenario would play out, she wasn't able to recreate it. All of her bottled up feelings came out too quickly, she had just been too excited by the thought of spending a night with Elliot, something she had dreamt of time and time again. In the heat of the moment she hadn't even considered that him turning her down was a possibility, she had been so sure that he was desperate for someone to share intimacy with, even if said intimacy came with a huge girl-cock included.

As her crying continued, she buried her face in her arms on top of the bathroom counter, thinking that all hope was lost. Elliot probably hated her now, she thought, and in hindsight, she couldn't blame him. From his or any outsider's perspective, she must have came off as the most vile person in existence. Disturbing his sleep on numerous occasions with her one night stands, stealing his girlfriend, telling him no normal girl would ever want to date him... all for the end goal of trying to satisfy her lust.

Did it really have to end like this?


30 minutes had passed since Elliot had stormed off and gone to bed early, when a sudden knocking on his door shifted his focus away from his own thoughts. A thin sliver of light spread out across the wall next to his bed as his door creaked open ever so slightly, before a silhouette quickly blotted out most of it.

"Elliot?" he heard Jenna say, in a surprisingly soft voice. "Are you awake?"

"... Yeah," he mumbled. Jenna's very presence should have bothered him, but strangely enough he was able to stay perfectly calm. His head was turned away from her however, as he still found it difficult to face her after the things she had said to him.

"Are you... angry?" Her voice was weak, almost with a slight whimper to it, which was for the best. After all, she didn't want Elliot to think that she was there just to taunt him.


"Oh... that's good." She wasn't sure what to make of his cold, emotionless reply, but the fact that he hadn't told her to fuck off yet was a good sign. "Umm... can I come in?"

Elliot turned his head slightly, glancing over at Jenna who was barely visible in the darkness of his room, but he thought he could make out a bashful expression on her face. He shrugged, turning back to face the wall. "Fine," he grumbled, wary of Jenna's intentions, but wanting to believe that she was there to set things right.

A relieved smile flashed across Jenna's face. "Thanks," she said, her voice high pitched, giving away her excitement. She entered, carefully shutting the door behind her, leaving them both in the darkness of the night as the streak of light from the kitchen disappeared.

As soon as she had made it inside, the change in atmosphere hit her like a truck. It was only her and him now, alone in the pitch blackness. This had been the start of so many of her fantasies, something she had hoped to experience ever since she met Elliot. Her knees became wobbly just thinking about it, and her breathing became heavy and uncontrolled, to the point that Elliot would definitely have taken notice if she didn't make sure to calm down quickly. Even her cock and nipples reacted to her indecent thoughts, stiffening slightly in her thin nightgown, in that moment making her feel thankful for the darkness in the room.

"Listen..." she began, wanting to distract herself from her thoughts and focus on the matter at hand. She bit her lip, thinking of how to express herself as to not anger or discourage Elliot any further, as she slowly made her way towards his bed. "I... just wanted to let you know I'm sorry... for the things that I said." She walked up to his nightstand and turned on his bed lamp with adjustable brightness, making sure to keep it at the lowest setting, in part to not disturb Elliot, but also to instill a cozy atmosphere.

"What happened to your attitude from before?" Elliot icily said, his eyes still fixed on the wall. "Are you just here to make fun of me again?"

Jenna was taken aback from his response, feeling hurt over his assumption, but understanding his scepticism nevertheless. "No, Elliot... I wasn't making fun of you before either, you know. I was just being honest about how I felt."

"What about the part about me being a girly boy with a useless dick? Were you being honest about that too?"

Jenna went quiet, feeling his words gnawing at her. As stated before, she knew that Elliot wasn't afraid to bite back when disrespected, but this time his choice of words surprised even her. "Please, Elliot..." she pleaded as she sat down near the foot of the queen sized bed, a bold move she knew. "I really didn't want to hurt your feelings."

"So you did mean it, huh."

"Well..." she began, realizing that honesty was the way to go. Her charade had ended already, there was no reason to deceive Elliot any further. She prepared for the worst, looking down at the floor in shame before letting out a heavy sigh. "Yes. I'm sorry."

"... It's ok," Elliot replied, his voice less harsh than a moment ago but still noticeably distant. "I forgive you."

"Really?!" Jenna exclaimed, feeling her heart skip a beat as she turned back to Elliot, while dramatically clutching her chest with both hands.

"If all you're doing is telling the truth then the only thing I can do is accept it, right?" He looked over at Jenna, finally with something other than contempt in his eyes. It may not have been much, but at least he seemed at peace now. As if he had accepted himself, just like she had urged him to. "I thought about it before you came in and... I guess I realized that life just isn't fair, you know? And there's not much you can do about it."

Jenna gave him a warm smile, feeling sorry for him but at the same time happy that he had come to terms with what he was. "Maybe, but you should still try to enjoy life to the fullest, right?"

"I suppose..." Elliot mumbled, turning back to face the wall.

Jenna sat quiet for a moment, nervously scratching her arm, pondering how to proceed the situation. The faint light from the bed lamp did little to improve the awkward silence that crept in, and the tropical heat that still hung in the air despite the late hour caused the room to fill up with the scent of Jenna's increasingly sweaty body. Even Elliot couldn't deny it. The boy who always kept his room in pristine condition and was practically obsessed with cleanliness felt his safe space slowly being overtaken by the pheromone-like mist of femininity emitted by his roommate. And quite frankly, he didn't hate it.

"Hey..." Jenna said hesitatingly, mustering up courage to finally break the silence. "Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but... would you like to... cuddle a bit?" She bit her lip in anticipation, her freckled cheeks blushing profusely as she glanced over at Elliot, who seemed to be reacting in the same way, save for the lip-bite.

"Sure... but no funny business, okay?"

Jenna's eyes lit up. "Of course not!" She could barely contain herself as she grabbed the top corner of the cover and flung it to the side, then quickly crawled into a spooning position behind Elliot's back.

As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was overcome with emotion. She had never been this intimate with a boy before, and was all the more thankful that it was nobody else but Elliot, the prettiest, sweetest boy she had ever laid her eyes upon. The back of his head, covered in his shining, black hair was right in front of her, close enough for her to sniff it. She wanted to reach out around him, to hold him tight against her chest and never let go. But she knew that she had to take things slow.

"Elliot, sweetie?" she purred, gently rubbing her hand against Elliot's shoulder. "I... really like you. I know I've been kind of distant during the time we've lived together, but that's just because of my feelings for you. And I'm sorry that it took so long to tell you... but I thought you would be scared of... you know..."

"I understand." Just as gently, Elliot responded to her touch by placing his hand on top of hers, and if Jenna wasn't erect already, she definitely was now, almost coming close to a light orgasm upon their contact. "Your way of telling me was questionable, though."

"I know. I tried to take advantage of you. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Jen," Elliot said, smiling to himself, happy to hear Jenna own up to what she did. "I like you too."

Jenna felt her heart flutter as Elliot spoke. She had never been so happy in her life, not only due to his confession, but also the fact that it was the first time he had called her "Jen". Somehow, it made her feel close to him, as if she had known him her entire life, waiting patiently to finally make him hers. Furthermore, her confidence was quickly coming back to her, reawakening her inner predator, which seemed to be an inherent trait for all girls like her. She knew that if she played her cards right, she would have Elliot screaming in pleasure within the hour.

She couldn't resist any longer. With her slender, yet toned arms she grabbed Elliot and pulled his back against her perky breasts, her right arm under his, and her left between his neck and pillow, with both of her hands holding tightly against his chest. A surprised yelp was drawn out from Elliot, his cute voice fueling Jenna's lust, making her cock ache and throb for a hole to empty her balls in. It had grown so painfully hard that she feared that it was going to burst the seams of her nightgown and smear precum all over Elliot's underwear as it flopped out. She definitely couldn't have that happen, not yet. She wasn't about to force him into anything, she was gonna make him want it.

His adorableness was too much to resist. Jenna raised her head besides Elliot's, and without skipping a beat started kissing his neck, instantly making him moan in a voice far more girly than usual. He could never have guessed that such a simple act could feel so good, and he wanted more.

"Mmm... keep going..." His arm already trembled from Jenna's affection, as he reached out to grab her beautiful, brown hair, quickly undoing what she had spent a considerable time styling in the mirror beforehand. Not that she minded. In fact, it only spurred her on to be even more aggressive, as she started covering Elliot's neck in rough love bites, making erotic, wet sucking noises as she covered his neck in her saliva.

Elliot was torn between lust and fear. On one hand, Jenna was an absolute bombshell, and the only girl who had ever showed an interest in him. She clearly knew what she was doing, expertly moving her plump lips over his neck, sending jolts of pleasure through him each time they made contact.

On the other hand, that thing between her legs could destroy him. He had never touched himself down there before, let alone put anything inside, so unless Jenna made sure to be as careful as humanly possible there was a good chance that Elliot was in for a rough time.

His feelings confused him. Somehow, his mind had quickly eased up to the idea of Jenna having a thick dick, despite how much it had horrified him initially, and still did to an extent. He tried to convince himself that it was just the price to pay to finally get some much needed intimacy, but somewhere deep inside of him he felt a strange curiosity, almost a longing. As much as he wanted to deny it, the image of her heavy cock and balls had burned into his mind in a way that may have been due to more than just fascination.

The rational side of him told him to put a stop to what they were doing, as he feared that he would enjoy it, and subsequently feared what he would become if he did. A submissive bottom, with a little dick that did nothing but swing around pathetically, while another, superior cock did all the work. Just like Jenna had informed him.

His thoughts almost came to a complete stop as Jenna moved on from his neck to his ear, deftly shoving her tongue inside it. Elliot's eyes went wide in surprise and pleasure, feeling Jenna's lips pushing wetly against it and her tongue swirling around the entrance of his ear canal, making the lewd sounds echo in his head.

It was as if his mind was being overwritten, as Jenna finally began putting her plan into action, slowly making him hers. He barely noticed that she paused her slobbering for a second to speak, but when she did, it only made it harder for him to resist.

"Please baby..." she whispered in his ear, her voice so seductive it could have bent any man on planet earth to her will. "I want you..."

"Wait..." Elliot mewled with the last bit of strength left in him, as Jenna continued to lick his ear. "What about Sarah? Aren't you two together?"

"Oh, right." A string of drool hung between her mouth and Elliot's ear as she pulled away from him momentarily. "Let me take care of that." She reached down to the floor, picking up one of the two items that she had carried inside the room behind her back without Elliot noticing, the item in question being her phone. With a slight grin on her face, she unlocked it and started tapping away at the screen, making sure to keep Elliot in suspense.

"There," she said after a few seconds, holding the phone in front of Elliot. Her grin grew wider as she watched the boy's flushed face light up from the bright display, as his pretty, green eyes read across the screen.

She had shown him her text-conversation with Sarah, and he eyed it from top to bottom, past the several thumbnails of the nudes they had sent each other. He could make out Sarah's tits in one of the small images, and Jenna's big, hard cock in the next, giving him a preview of what to expect. What Jenna wanted him to see, however, was the small line of text that she had just sent.

"breaking up w/ u. bye"

Elliot slowly looked back at Jenna, who had a big, satisfied smirk on her face, and a gaze that could only be described as eye-fucking. This had dragged on too long for her taste, so she aggressively snatched the phone out of Elliot's hand and slammed it down on the nightstand, before crawling out from under the cover and getting on top of it. With her athletic arms, she forced Elliot from his side onto his back with a push on his left shoulder.

"Forget about that bitch now," she hissed from above him, spraying a few drops of spit on his face as she emphasized the word "bitch". She proceeded to pin the cover down on either side of Elliot, trapping him underneath it so that only his head stuck out. Then, she practically dove onto his lips and shoved her tongue inside his mouth, swirling it around just as eagerly as she had in his ear.

Elliot was in ecstasy. Despite it being his first kiss, he could already tell that Jenna was a wonderful kisser. He could never had imagined that something as simple as a kiss could feel as good as it did, as Jenna used her wet, intruding organ to massage the entire interior of his mouth, and even used her lips to suck on Elliot's tongue. If the things she had planned after this felt even half as good, he'd gladly become hers. And if it turned out to be painful? Well, that was a sacrifice he was willing to make at this point.

Although perhaps it wasn't just the kiss itself that gave him butterflies in his stomach, but also the fact that his ex was finally out of his life. How Jenna had so casually cut ties with that bitch made her all the more sexy in Elliot's eyes. She was a girl who knew exactly what she wanted, and had no qualms about doing what she had to in order to attain it.

Jenna suddenly broke the kiss with a loud mwah. "God, it's so fucking hot in here," she moaned as she sat upright, letting go of the cover that was holding Elliot down. This was the first time he had gotten a clear view of her since she came into his room, and despite the light from the bed lamp being dim, he could clearly make out a bulge in her somewhat see-through nightgown.

He gulped at its sheer size, but there was definitely a certain allure to it. Somehow, it seemed to radiate a strange power. The same power that had driven so many of Jenna's lovers to the brink of madness, and was moments away from doing the same to Elliot. But he was ready. He wanted to feel what those girls had felt, he wanted Jenna's love, no matter what form of love it was.

"Well..." Elliot mumbled, his face flushed and his eyelids seductively half closed. "Guess there's no point in wearing that nightgown, huh?"

Jenna blinked at Elliot's sudden suggestion, before her face distorted into a wicked smile. "Guess not," she simply replied. "Same goes for those boxers of yours, baby. And stop hiding under the cover." Jenna raised her hips slightly, allowing room for Elliot to lift his own hips up to remove his underwear.

Elliot followed her order without question and started sliding his underwear off, as he watched Jenna slowly and gracefully pull off her nightgown, all the while looking down at Elliot with a smile. He kicked his underwear off his ankle and onto the floor, his eyes glued to his gorgeous roommate as she stripped in front of him. The view was so beautiful that he didn't even think about the embarrassment of exposing his naked body to her, as he pushed the cover off of him to the side of the bed.

It didn't take long before Jenna's cock flopped out onto his own, completely dwarfing it despite them both being at full mast. It was difficult to tear his eyes away from that throbbing, hot thing as it bobbed up and down in anticipation, dripping so much precum it started to pool in his bellybutton, but there was something else Elliot wanted to see. 

He looked up at Jenna again, at the nightgown that was clinging to her breasts as she continued to slowly pull it up. His breath got caught in his throat as the underside of those perky tits became more and more visible, her nipples almost seeming stuck in the cups of the tight fabric. Then, with one last tug she finally let them drop, and without a care in the world threw the nightgown on the floor, the only thing on her mind being the blushing Elliot.

"You like them?" she asked, with pride in her voice and a triumphant smile, as she squeezed one of her pink nipples between her thumb and index finger. Elliot simply gawked in response, before showing his approval with a slight nod.

They were absolutely beautiful. Not too big, not too small, simply the perfect size relative to her lithe, curvaceous body. Just by looking at them, he could tell that they were perky and springy, without even the slightest amount of sagging. Her tits, along with the rest of her chest and abdomen was a shade whiter than her arms and face as a result from her sun-tanning, giving a contrast that only made her more beautiful.

"I'd let you suck them, but now's not the time," Jenna said, finally taking the opportunity to inspect Elliot's body while he was essentially hypnotized by her tits. She eyed him from top to bottom, from his slender shoulders, to his puffy, pink nipples, to his thin waist and flat tummy, and finally down to his modest, yet curvy hips. Had it not been for her raging hard-on and limited patience she would most likely have ended up just as hypnotized as Elliot was. His body was even better than what she had dreamt of, one that just begged to be violated by her thick meat.

"On your stomach now," she commanded sternly, wiping a trickle of drool off her chin. Elliot snapped out of his daze, and like a robot followed Jenna's order, turning around while shifting his eyes from her tits to her cock, as it now dawned on him what was about to finally happen. Jenna made sure to wedge her cock firmly in between his buttcheeks when Elliot's ass was finally presented to her, and without even thinking about it she started sliding it up and down, milking a few more drops of precum onto the small of his back.

He bit his lips in anticipation and fear, keeping his head turned back as he watched Jenna reach to the floor to pick something up, which, as she came back up to an upright position turned out to be a bottle of lube. It had a long, thin neck, as if purposely intended for insertion. Without further ado, she popped the cap off and squeezed a large amount of the transparent lotion directly onto her dick, before using her other hand to jerk herself off and coat her entire length.

As she continued to slather her member she momentarily set the lube aside, and with her now free hand grabbed Elliot's asscheek and pulled it to the side, revealing his pink little hole. "Holy fuck, Elliot..." she moaned, pushing her thumb against it and stretching it wide. "You're a work of art." She had barely finished her sentence before doing what the lube bottle's neck seemed designed for, and gently shoved it into Elliot's ass, squeezing it hard in the process, filling him up with an amount that ensured that Jenna could take his virginity without restraint.

Elliot merely moaned in response, blushing from Jenna's compliments and finding himself enjoying the attention his asshole received, and feeling relieved by how pleasurable it already felt. At this point, he was actually looking forward to go all the way with her, knowing that she had done this enough times to know exactly what she was doing.

"You know, Elliot..." Jenna began, her voice laced with affection and her eyes fixated on Elliot's cute bubble butt slowly filling up with lube. "When you told me that you were going to start working out, I was a bit afraid that you'd ruin your pretty figure. But god damn, did you fill out beautifully."

"But..." Elliot whined. "I haven't even made any progress..."

"No progress?! Then what the fuck is this?" Without controlling her strength, she grabbed a handful of Elliot's buttcheek and shook it from left to right, making it jiggle in response.

"Th-that doesn't count!" Elliot blurted, embarrassed, yet at the same time happy.

"The fuck it doesn't. It's like you wanted this to happen, always flaunting this thing in your tight clothes." Without even closing the bottle, she threw it against the wall, not caring about any staining that she might have caused. Once again, she flopped her twitching cock onto his asscrack, aggressively grinding the sticky shaft in his soft cleft. "That's it, isn't it? You're just teasing me, aren't you?!"

Her voice got louder and louder, as her patience finally ran out. She was going to fuck him as hard as she pleased, and she was going to make him love it. She leaned forward and set her toned arms down on either side of Elliot's shoulders, aligning the tip of her dick with his tight anus. "I hope you're ready..."

"Please, Jen... be gentle at least?" Elliot pleaded, warily watching Jenna's determined expression out of the corner of his eye.

She snickered softly, putting her head next to his and whispering into his ear:


Elliot had no time to consider her answer, as she finally, after all that build-up and foreplay, shoved her entire length inside of him with one slow, yet powerful push. His eyes went wide and his voice struggled to produce any intelligible sound, only managing faint moans and gasps.

Jenna, on the other hand, practically shouted as she felt pleasure like never before. Elliot continued to exceed her every expectation, as her fat cock grinded against his hot insides, stretching out his tight ring and finally defiling him the way he was meant to be defiled. She couldn't help but cross her eyes and drool in pleasure, letting it drip onto Elliot's cheek as he lay motionless and paralyzed beneath her.

Jenna had never felt more happiness than in that moment. She hadn't even began to move her hips yet, and already it felt far better than in any of the loose holes of the sluts she had fucked before. She was almost disgusted with herself just thinking about it, as if she had been dirtied just by touching those nasty skanks, let alone fucking them. Elliot however, her sweet little Elliot... he was the perfect partner. Clean, tight, smooth and beautiful like none other.

Using all of her willpower, she broke free of her reverie, and with more speed than before pulled her pulsating shaft out of the heavenly hole until only the tip remained inside, then, even quicker, shoved it back in and started repeating the process. There was little response from Elliot, as he mostly just lay there whimpering, with his eyes rolled back into his skull and his tongue hanging out of his mouth. There was pain, a ton of it in fact. But the pleasure was far more intense, making him feel as if his brain was being reprogrammed into worshipping the strong, beautiful goddess on top of him.

Jenna's big, pale asscheeks visible flexed every time she pushed herself Elliot. Few people would have had the willpower to not get caught in a trance, were they to see the hypnotizing sight of the athletic, brown-haired beauty using her slender, yet clearly powerful thighs and glutes, as they contracted to break in the little effeminate boy. Along with his whimpering and her sexy moans, there were loud, wet noises of Jenna's thick log sliding along the boy's lube-coated insides, making for the most erotic scene imaginable.

Despite his entire body being perfectly relaxed in his broken state, his tight sphincter clinged to her as if refusing to let her go, as if it wanted to milk her dry. Jenna picked up her pace, fucking him even harder and faster, slamming into his perky ass, sending ripples through his soft muscles. Each time, her fat, sweaty balls hit Elliot's rear with such force it could be heard along with the already loud noise every time their bodies slammed together. Her teeth were clenched and her moans made a sound not even she knew she could produce, more like loud, feminine, high pitched grunts than moans, and for the first time ever, she was the one filling the apartment with her sex noises instead of her partner.

Every thrust was pure ecstasy for her. The feeling of having her foreskin peeled back with every thrust and his insides squeezing her entire length in a way she didn't even know was possible. The intense heat that already hung in the air paired with the rough fucking had coated her entire body in sweat, and every time she violently slammed down into Elliot's depths it sprayed everywhere, the feminine scent filling the room symbolizing how she had taken over Elliot's home turf along with his body.

"God, you're fucking perfect," Jenna moaned. "All those drunk whores that I fucked for the past six months, all those moans you had to listen to," she went on, pausing to catch her breath for a second, but not stopping her rapid pistoning into Elliot's greedy hole, only increasing her speed in fact, as she felt her orgasm getting closer. "It was all for this moment. To make you realize what I'm capable of. And now you're finally mine!"

She went on to grab Elliot's arms with her strong hands and lay down on top of him with her entire body weight, reaching even further into his depths with her thrusts, finally drawing out a deranged moan from Elliot. He had been completely broken in at this point, the pleasure of being taken like an animal had turned out to be just what he had needed all this time. He had been on the verge of orgasm almost the entire time Jenna had been fucking him, his prostate having been thoroughly battered by her dominating cock. Any desire of having regular sex with a regular girl had evaporated entirely. This was his calling, he realized that now.

"Tell me you'll be my boyfriend," she purred into his ear, licking along its length, as she never ceased for a second to force herself deep into his bowels. "Tell me you want me to fuck you every day from now on!" She finished her sentence by biting down hard onto Elliot's cheek, eliciting another loud moan from him.

"I'll be your boyfriend!" he virtually shouted, his voice shaky and high-pitched. "I'll let you do whatever you want with me!"

Jenna's face lit up upon hearing his submission, his own words carrying even more significance than the ones she had instructed him to say. "Good boy..." she moaned. "Now tell me you want my cum!"

"I want your cum, baby... fill me up! Make me yours!"

Jenna's face twisted into a demented smile of satisfaction and lust, as she shuddered when the first jolts of pleasure flowed from her cock and throughout her entire body. She felt her balls tense up and her shaft twitching inside Elliot's warm hole, finally about to seal the deal.

"Take it, baby!" she yelled, grabbing a fistful of Elliot's pitch black hair and pulling his head back. "Take my hot seed!"

She felt huge amounts of semen flowing through her length, spurting out the first of many thick strings that started coating Elliot's insides as they came together. Jenna almost roared with pleasure, feeling the orgasm rock her entire body, as if draining all her energy to give Elliot the creampie of a lifetime. She could already feel that this was going to be her biggest cumshot yet, as more thick, creamy cum started pooling inside the spent boy's depths.

Elliot himself was on the verge of losing consciousness from pleasure and exhaustion, feeling the intense liquid heat filling him up, forever branding him a bottom bitch to huge girl-dick. Jenna's cumshot lasted way longer than any of them had expected, her cock continuing to pulsate with each fat load of girl-cum, until finally she started ebbing out and collapsed on top of Elliot, gluing their sweaty, sticky bodies together.

She panted heavily into his ear, while Elliot fought to stay awake to perhaps finalize their act with a kiss, but he quickly realized that he was far too exhausted to even turn his face towards her. He closed his eyes as his breath at last came down to a relaxed pace, and a wide smile spread across his face.

"I love you, Jenna," he whispered adorably, before his tiredness caught the better of him, sending him into a deep slumber.

Jenna felt her heart skip a beat and nearly became teary eyed, hearing such powerful words from her loved one and seeing him at complete peace in her presence for the first time ever.

She kissed him tenderly on the cheek. "I love you too, Elliot," she said, running one of her hands through his hair and caressing his chest with the other. She wished the sweet moment could have lasted a little longer, but the sound of her phone vibrating on the nightstand next to her cut it short. But she wasn't too bothered by it, as she now recalled why she had brought her phone in the first place.

She reached out and grabbed it, excited to see what had caused the vibration, and was pleased to see that it was exactly what she had expected. Several text messages from an angry Sarah, who had been trying to reach her as she had been pounding her far sexier and tighter roommate. With glee, she unlocked her phone and started looking through the messages she had received.

"What?? R u kidding???"



"Answer me wtf??????"

Jenna could barely contain her laughter. It was high time to shatter that bitchy smugness of hers. She started tapping away at the screen, sending the long awaited answer to her now ex-girlfriend.

"I upgraded. :) Don't have any need for you anymore, slut. Bye!"

Jenna smiled victoriously, knowing that she was about to completely destroy Sarah's confidence with what she planned to send next. It didn't take long for the reply to come in:

"HUH??? The fuck do u mean upgraded bitch??"

Jenna giggled as she rose to her knees and switched on her phone's camera, made sure to turn on the flash and then started to record. She began with filming a close-up of Elliot's adorable, sleeping face, before slowly panning down along his naked, sweaty body, all the way to his butt, which Jenna's still slightly hard cock sat wedged inside. With a light tug, she pulled it out, recording how the glistening shaft fell onto the sweaty mattress with a string of cum connecting it to Elliot's hole. Right after his ass was unplugged, the semen trapped inside finally started to seep out, or more accurately flowed out, in thick blobs that clinged to his body. Jenna captured every detail, getting the camera up close, almost to the point of accidentally smearing her phone with the huge amounts of cum.

When she was satisfied with showing off her work, she hit the little button on the screen that flipped to the front-cam, recording her face up close. She had a grin from ear to ear, looking as smug as humanly possible, knowing that it would anger Sarah to no end. Finally, she pursed her lips together in an exaggerated manner and held them like that for a couple of seconds, making a "mmm" sound in the process, before blowing a kiss to the camera with a loud "mwah", then went back to grinning to end the video. Without hesitation, she sent the video to Sarah, eager to learn how she felt after having been utterly betrayed, just like she had betrayed Elliot.

The answer came within a minute, and it was even juicier than Jenna had expected.

"U FUCKING BITCH! Ur seriously gonna fucking cheat on me?? And with that little fag?? ARE U KIDDING ME?"

Jenna laughed out loud as she read the angry response, before realizing that she had to tone it down as to not wake up her little angel sleeping soundly next to her. It was time to put the nail in the coffin, she decided.

"Yup, I don't have a problem cheating on disgusting little sluts like you. Oh, and let's compare you to that "little fag" shall we? Well, unlike you, he doesn't need to paint himself in makeup to look pretty, you fucking clown-looking bitch. His hair is prettier, his skin is smoother, he actually has an ass. Seriously, how are you not ashamed of yourself when you see that bony, flat thing in the mirror? Oh yeah, he's fine with anal too! And don't think that your pussy is some sort of saving grace. You couldn't even take half of me inside that nasty, roast beef-lined hole of yours. Gross."

Satisfied with her wall of text, she clicked send without any feelings of guilt. She set the phone back down on the nightstand, then went to lie down next to Elliot, overcome with sleepiness. As she pulled the cover over them both, she positioned herself so that her face was right above his head, and draped her arm across his back, enjoying the feeling of his warm, sweaty body against hers. It didn't take long for her to drift away to sleep, to the scent of his shampoo.


"Good morning, Elliot!"

Elliot groaned and yawned, carefully trying to open his eyelids to greet the bright sunday morning, barely registering the tender voice he just heard. As he went to rub his eyes with his hands, he noticed that there was some sort of weight on top of his chest, but couldn't begin to guess what it was in his groggy state. It wasn't until he heard a strange noise in front of him that he actually started wondering what was going on. It sounded moist and squishy, in short, continuous intervals, almost as if someone was...

He suddenly remembered the night before, and thus realized what the noise must have been. He finally opened his eyes, and sure enough, he was greeted with a thick, ten inch slab of girl-cock, being vigorously jerked off right in front of his face.

"I got you breakfast in bed!" Jenna exclaimed, smiling happily above him. "Open up, baby!"

"Wha-" was all Elliot managed to say in response, as a thick string of cum shot out across his face, then another one landing right in his open mouth. At first he was taken aback, but then he decided to go along with it. He kept his eyes closed and his mouth open, wanting to taste more of the strangely tasty cum, as the sweet-salty flavor spread out across his tongue.

Jenna continued to unload, half of her cum ending up as a good couple of mouthfuls for Elliot to enjoy, the other half painting his face white, until most of his features were shrouded by the sheer amount. He remained motionless in his bed for a moment, basking in the joy that quickly washed over him from being covered by the stinky, delicious goo that was Jenna's superior seed.

When he opened his eyes again, he noticed the cell phone in Jenna's hand, that she held in a way that made it pretty clear that she had been recording the whole ordeal. "Jenna, what the fuck?" he blurted. "Were you filming?"

"Relax! I only sent it to Sarah."


"Here, have a look at our conversation," Jenna urged, seemingly overjoyed. "It's hilarious!"

She showed him the messages that had been sent back and forth as he had been sleeping, and the further he read, the more a smile grew on his face. He even watched the videos she had sent her, knowing immediately how much it would piss that bitch off, and didn't even mind that he had been recorded without his permission.

"I didn't even read that last wall of text she sent me," Jenna said with a slight chuckle in her voice. "I figured me cumming all over your face would be an appropriate response regardless."

Elliot couldn't help but laugh at the sheer absurdity of what she had done. "Seems reasonable." He looked up at her with a smile, and she looked back at him the same way. Then, just like yesterday, she yanked the phone out of his hand and set it down on the nightstand, in a manner aggressive enough to make Elliot worried about what she was about to pull.

"Now then," was all she said as she bent down to scoop up Elliot with her arms under his knees and back, to which he responded with a cute little yelp. Without even breaking a sweat, she held him above ground, pressed tightly against her bare chest, as he reached out and grabbed her around her neck for support. "Let's get out of here, shall we?"

Elliot marvelled at how easily he was treated like a toy at the hands of his sexy, strong girlfriend, making him feel butterflies in his stomach. "Where are we going, baby?" he asked, his voice sounding like an innocent little girl's, which, paired with his semen-covered face made Jenna bite her lip in lust.

"Shower. Then food. Then gym. Then home." She leaned in close to Elliot's ear. "And when we get home, I will fuck you non-stop until you pass out," she purred softly, her words alone causing Elliot to become light-headed. "Sound good?"

He could only respond with a weak nod, to which Jenna responded with an amused giggle. As she proceeded to carry him out of his room towards the bathroom, none of them noticed the sound of the vibrating phone left on Elliot's nightstand. Not that they would have cared anyway. They had other things on their minds.

This was going to be the best summer ever.