"When will your new friends be here?" Mum called from the kitchen.

"Around lunchtime, Mum," I replied.

"How many are coming?"

Walking into the kitchen, she was working alongside Caroline, Jade and Bailey as they prepared some snacks for our visitors. "Mum, I would have told..."

She looked up and smiled. "Sweetie, I really don't mind. I love having all your friends over. Jade's too. Trust me, it's fine. So, who's coming?"

"Naomi and her three friends. Jade's three friends. Then my other nine girlfriends." That earned plenty of giggles. "Plus Mike, Mark and Nathan. They wanted to come around. Last time before our end of year graduation party."

"Sure they can handle all the girlcock that'll be on display?" Caroline wondered, "I mean, we'll keep things under wraps, but there'll be a lot of bulges that will surely be noticed."

"Don't worry, they'll get used to it quickly enough," I laughed, "If not, we can sit inside if it's too much for them. They'll be arriving first so they can see everyone else arrive."

"Sandra is coming too," Mum announced, "And Vanessa, your mother is coming to drop by and say hello." She paused before adding, "I would have invited Isabella, but she runs her place of business by herself on a Saturday. If we do this on a Sunday next time, she'll be able to visit."

"I'll keep that in mind, Mum. I didn't think she'd..."

"Benji, she'd like to come to spend some time with you, like all your other girlfriends. She adores you already, and she knows how much you love your job too."

"Can't lie about it. I do enjoy it."

"Fucked nice and hard all week, Benji?" Jade joked.

I couldn't stop smiling as I replied, "Riley came to see me again. Isabella made sure I was only with her that day so it was during the day. Another of my virgins, as I call them now, also visited during the week to see me again. Spent most of the day just cuddling in bed. It was really nice."

"But this Riley likes you?" Mum wondered.

"She's just a client, Mum... But I do like her. She's so damned adorable. I enjoy making her feel as special as she quite clearly is. She's not the only one I've really felt any sort of connection with. Most others are perfectly polite, but it does end up feeling more transactional. I guess that helps in a way. No matter what people think, sex does invoke feelings in a lot of people. When I'm with Riley..."

"Would she like to see you outside of your job?"

"I don't know, Mum. I'm not sure how to even ask that question. Explaining how we met would be awkward."

"Do you like her?" Jade asked, noticing the smile on her face, "Sounds like you do."

"Even if I did, she would think..." I paused before adding, "I like her, but that means nothing if..."

"Sweetie," Mum started, "If she's taking all this time out of her day to come see you, maybe she thinks it's the only way she can spend time with you. Look at it like this. Do you think she'd like to spend time with you right now, this weekend?"

"More than likely, being honest."

"Well, raise it with her next time she visits. You have nothing to lose. Either she loves the idea, and you can take her out on a date, or she says that she's only interested in seeing you in that environment but you can enjoy each other's company anyway."

I couldn't help smile. "You're always full of good advice, Mum."

"I remember you talking about her after your first day and could sense you really liked her. Perhaps a strange place to make a friend but that is also your job. To make anyone who visits you feel comfortable in your presence."

The doorbell ended that conversation, opening the door to find my three friends waiting for me. After handshakes were shared, we stopped at the kitchen so they could say hello to the family and friends, before we wandered outside, grabbing some drinks from the fridge kept outside near the pool. Taking a seat at one of the picnic tables we had, there was the usual conversation between four young men.

Jade walked out to join us within fifteen minutes, Alexis, Chantelle and Veronica following in her footsteps. I hadn't seen them in a couple of weeks, ensuring I greeted them with a long hug and kiss. Alexis didn't want to let me go, while I think Veronica liked me more than I expected, at least from the look in her eyes when we finally broke our kiss. I had a feeling a conversation might be needed.

I knew some of my girlfriends arrived when I heard raised feminine voices from inside the house, Vanessa and Bailey walking out with Chloe, Georgie and Casey following them. After hugs and kisses, I was told everyone else would be arriving within the hour, they were simply organising transport.

Then Naomi arrived with Lara, Sabrina and Dani alongside her. After introductions, it perhaps wasn't a surprise small groups did form as there was a slight disparity in age, but we eventually ensured the two picnic tables were joined up so everyone could chat. Once the rest of my girlfriends arrived, the noise increased significantly, and it was amusing that although I was centre of attention, there was only me and a lot of young, attractive futagirls.

Then Miss Wilson showed up and the noise increased further. Everyone had loved Miss Wilson. My male friends just stared in disbelief when I rose to my feet and greeted her with a steamy kiss. The look on the faces of Mark, Mike and Nathan had me laughing, Miss Wilson chuckling away next to me. To say they looked at me in disbelief.

"Jesus, mate, how many futagirls are you with?" Mike finally asked.

I swept broadly around the backyard. The three shared a glance, bursting into laughter after a couple of seconds. "You'll start the gangbang after we're gone, right?" Mark wondered.

"There won't be a gangbang. We're just enjoying a Saturday afternoon together. Naomi and her friends wanted to meet everyone, plus I haven't see others in a little while. It's nice weather so the best time to do it. Plus, our formal is in a week, then Christmas the week after, so time is running low."

I saw their eyes as the futagirls wandered around in bikinis, once they headed inside to get changed. There was no missing the bulge in Miss Wilson's bikini bottoms. I think Alexis was trying to control an erection that wanted to pop up, her eyes glancing my way constantly, biting her bottom lip as I knew she was eager to make love. Lara made sure she sat next to me, whispering that I was her new boy toy, but she knew Naomi would be my focus that night.

Helping Caroline at the barbecue earned me brownie points from her and Mum, checking to see if anyone was watching before giving her girlcock a little rub underneath her short skirt. Lowering her panties enough to free it, I stroked her off while we chatted away, cooking the meat perfectly as always. Mum approached us and noticed what I was doing.

"Need to cum?" she asked Caroline. The look on her face suggested she was desperate. "Anyone need a drink?" she asked everyone else. After hearing some responses, she told Caroline and I to go get them.

Following her inside, I followed her around the kitchen counter so we'd have a little privacy, though she kissed me eagerly first. "Thank you, baby. It's been a while," she whispered.

"I just really want to suck you off right now, Ma."

"Oh baby, you can suck me whenever you want. I'll never say no."

Caroline was turned on so the blowjob only lasted a few minutes at most. She couldn't remain quiet as I made her orgasm, eagerly swallowing down all the cum she deposited into my mouth. Kissing back up her body, she leaned down to give me a soft but passionate kiss, caressing my cheek, not saying a word as the smile on her face told me everything.

Walking back outside with a tray of drinks, I handed them out before sitting down, my three male friends looking at me, wide-eyed and they definitely heard Caroline inside.

"What's it like?" Mike finally asked, "I mean, you don't have to... But it's obvious you're intimate with your sister, mother and step-mother..."

"I love my mother and Caroline." I glanced at Jade. "But I've been in love with my sister all my life." There was a collective 'Awww' from nearly the entire group. "I can't really explain it unless you were to experience it yourself, and I know you three don't have any close futanari relatives. I've always been close to Jade. Adding sex and intimacy me that simply brought us even closer. Being completely honest? If it was allowed by law, I'd have a ring on her finger already. I know that, on my death bed, one of my last memories will be of her and the joy she's brought my life so far, and how much joy she'll bring me in the future. I'm not a religious man, but if I would ever thank god for one thing, it would be having Jade as my sister. I only hope we a have a long life together." Clearing my throat, I whispered, "That's what it's like, mate."

Jade rose from where she was sitting, basically ordered I stand up, and gave me the hug of a lifetime. Glancing around, there were not too many dry eyes after what I'd said. "Thank you, Benji," Jade whispered, "I love you that much in return."

There was silence before Nathan exclaimed, "Shit, I might start looking at my sister differently!"

That broke the spell, plenty of laughter erupting as everyone made space so Jade could sit next to me. Feeling her rest my head against my shoulder, I kissed the top of her head, feeling her arm around my waist. We continued to chat as we ate and drank, the usual discussions about our future, the past, the present, hopes and dreams, our desires and our fears. My three male friends stayed long enough until they had enough, and it was obvious that some of my girlfriends were getting rather amorous. They were smart enough to figure out what might happen, escorting them to the front door.

"See you at the formal?" Mark asked.

"Sure. I've just got to get myself a suit. I know they all have dresses sorted. Other than that..."

"You're taking all eleven of them?"


The three of them grinned. After wishing them farewell, Mark driving as he'd only had a couple of drinks during the entire time he'd been with us, I waved them off before returning to the backyard. No surprise that bikini tops and bottoms were strewn across the ground around the pool. Naomi sat by herself at the picnic table, sitting next to her and taking her hand.

"As they're all..."

"God yes, let's go," she whispered, "I've been waiting since last weekend. Monday just didn't happen. Riley really wanted to see you and I just couldn't deny the poor futagirl her time with you."

"Because you have a good heart, Naomi."

"Flattery will get you everywhere, definitely into my panties." She paused before kissing me softly, "Which will be within a matter of minutes." Kissing my cheek, she whispered, "After me, I think you really need to make love with your sister, particularly after what you said."

Glancing her way, she met my eyes and smiled. Using my eyes to gesture what was said, she returned a small nod. Standing up, I took Naomi by the hand and led her inside, heading upstairs to my bedroom. Shutting the door, Naomi was only wearing a bikini, wasting no time by just taking off her top and bottoms while I slid off my swimming shorts.

Grabbing the lube that always sat on the nightstand next to the bed, applying it to her cock, I could help chuckle at how eager she was. Turning around, I showed her the butt plug I always wore nowadays, just to keep me nice and ready to take a nice, thick girlcock inside me. Watching as she lay down, slowly stroking herself, I positioned myself on her lap.

"I want you to ride me, Benji. Ride me and cum all over me. Then I'm going to nail you hard from behind." Leaning down to kiss her, she whispered, "But I'm going to get my chance to make love to you at work. Would you like that?"

"I'll do my best to never say no to you, Naomi."

Taking the plug out of me, resting that on the nightstand, I lifted myself up, placing the tip of her girlcock at my tight little hole and carefully slid down it. Naomi's face lit up as she found her eight inches buried inside my butt rather quickly. Leaning down to kiss her, the smile on her face remained as I started to rock myself. Her hands ended up on my arse as I moved a hand to my cock, stroking myself in tandem with my movements up and down her girlcock.

Fuck, she felt wonderful inside me, and she let me know more than once that she found my arse incredibly tight, warm and somewhere she wanted to cum in more than once. Sounded fine to me, resting on my left hand as I continued to stroke my cock. I was incredibly turned on, my cock felt like steel in my right hand, and that usual tingle soon had me squirming as I rode her faster and faster.

"Oh fuck, I'm close," I moaned.

"On me, Benji. All over me. Then I'll roll you over."

"Okay. Give me a minute."

My timing was perfect as my cock erupted, almost catching me by surprise, as I felt my orgasm building up, then it just exploded. Naomi giggled as I covered her body and breasts in plenty of cum since I hadn't enjoyed an orgasm since the night before, when Vanessa and Bailey had taken a lot of enjoyment in plugging me both ends for a couple of hours.

I kept riding Naomi for a little longer, my entire body shaking as the after effects of my orgasm was intense. Finally stopping with her girlcock buried deep, I offered her my finger and thumb to taste my cum before I leaned down to kiss her. "Holy shit, that was fantastic," I murmured.

On my back a couple of minutes later, Naomi made love to me. It was incredibly tender, her eyes constantly gazing into mine, and I knew she was doing all she could to hold back her own orgasm. Wrapping my legs around her waist, I looped my hands around the back of her neck so she remained close enough to kiss. Feeling her thick girlcock sliding in and out of me constantly had both of us moaning constantly.

Picking up the pace, she'd been going for a while now and I knew she wanted to cum. I urged her on to fuck me harder, the look in her eyes changing, an almost growl from her throat as she started to drive her cock as deeply as possible. Felt wonderful as always. I loved the tender lovemaking and I loved being fucked hard and fast. I'd never complain about either.

"Worth the wait, Benji," she moaned softly.

"So we were, gorgeous. Glad you're inside me now."

"I'll have to share you with Isabella."

"Lots of spitroasts."

That made her smile before she kissed me again, her tongue exploring my mouth, making both of us moan again. Faster and harder she thrust, and I knew she was getting close to orgasm. I whimpered for her to finish, and to finish inside me. I didn't mind a futagirl pulling and finishing on me, but that was a rare thing. I almost made myself giggle, wondering how many loads I'd taken in my butt recently.

"Oh fuck, here is comes!" Naomi announced. I kissed her as she came, feeling her thrust and cum at the same time. We kept kissing even after she'd quite obviously finished, our bodies pressed tightly together. We both chuckled as I could feel my cum now causing our bodies to slightly stick together. Worse things in life, I guess.

Pulling out and flopping down next to me, we lay side by side, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes, breathing loudly in otherwise comfortable silence.

"I love being well fucked like this," I said.

"I've been wanting to do that since the day you walked through the door," Naomi confessed.

"Oh, trust me, I told them all about you when I got home after that first day."

"So we made an impression on each other?"

"Definitely." Taking a deep breath, I asked, "Want a drink?"

We headed downstairs to get a quick drink, feeling her cum leaking out of me as I walked down the stairs, both of us with cum on our chests from where I'd cum on her. Grabbing a glass of water each, we returned to my room immediately, knocking back our drinks before I got on the bed, head on my pillow, arse in the air.

Naomi fucked me hard for at least half an hour before she dumped a second load inside me. That left us hot, sweaty and sticky, so after a quick shower, just to clean ourselves up, we wandered downstairs naked, receiving plenty of attention when we joined many of the others in the pool. Naomi and I sat next to each other on the ledge, my arm around her waist.

"Great fuck, isn't he?" Lara finally said.

"Never had an arse this tight," Naomi replied, "Definitely going to enjoy it again."

"One would think you have too many futagirls, Benji," Jade said.

"That's what group sex and gangbangs were invented for. Once we organise my first one, I think that'll be the best way to keep some of you satisfied."

Naomi eventually swam away to chat with some others, finding myself surrounded by some of my girlfriends from high school. Chloe and Georgie sat to either side of me, and I could sense the near desperation that they wanted to be intimate with me. My plans for the previous week had fallen apart due to them having their own jobs that stalled any plans.


"Yes, Vanessa?"

"Take Chloe upstairs."

Smiling at Chloe, noticing her blush in return as she looked at me, I asked, "Do you want to?" I don't think she trusted her voice, making do with a nod of her head. Turning to Georgie, I asked, "Do you want to come too? It won't be a threesome, but I know you're both eager. I'm sorry it's taken so long."

"Okay," Georgie whispered, "I love Chloe too, so sharing something special with her..."

There were a few comments as the three of us got out of the pool and walked towards the door inside. Mum, Caroline and Miss Wilson were sat at the table, sipping at mugs of coffee. Noticing me hand in hand with both Chloe and Georgie, Miss Wilson smiled. "About damned time, Benji. I've noticed how much these two love you, just as much as Vanessa and Bailey. Have fun, girls. He's a wonderful lover."

Entering my bedroom, Chloe and Georgie were also naked like I was, so after shutting the door, they both stepped forward, taking one of them in each arm, kissing one then the other as I led them backwards to the bed. Sitting them down, I sank to my knees as I kissed up Chloe's thighs. "My idea is that I blow you, Chloe, then I blow you, Georgie. Get that first load out of the way. Good idea?" Both of them nodded eagerly. "Then we'll make love, Chloe. Georgie will just lie to our side and watch. Then I'll make love to you, Georgie, Chloe lying next to us like you were. Do you like the sound of that?"

"I love it," Chloe whispered. Georgie took my hand and squeezed it, meeting her eyes to see one hell of a beautiful smile on her face.

Chloe gasped as I swallowed her seven inch girlcock. I could have teased her, but I went with the assumption that making both of them cum quickly meant we could spend more time making love, as I wanted to finally do that with them as much as they wanted to with me. She rested back on her elbows, so I took a moment to kiss up her bodies, her nipples poking out as I took one my mouth, earning a soft moan. What I didn't expect was for Georgie to take her other nipple.

"Focus on her girlcock, Benji. We've done a little fooling around," she admitted.

Made me smile immediately. "I'm glad you care for each other."

"Just like Bailey and Vanessa. They explained how they keep the edge off if not with you, so we agreed to do that with each other."

Kissing back down her body, Chloe moaned as I ran my tongue up and down her shaft before moving down to her large, heavy looking balls, no doubt full of cum ready to be deposited in my mouth. Running my tongue back up her shaft to the head of her thick girlcock, she groaned when I wrapped my lips around the shaft and slowly bobbed up and down.

Georgie whispered to Chloe what I was doing, as she had her eyes closed, relying on her other senses. Using one hand to fondle her balls, I quickly bobbed faster and faster, desperate to taste her cum again. I'd blown her before, more than once, but I hadn't seen her in a couple of weeks and I wanted to taste her then finally have her fuck me.

"Oh Benji," she cried softly. She sat up, her hand on the back of my head. She didn't move her hips but I knew she was already getting close.

"Cum in his mouth," Georgie whispered, "Give him what he wants. He wants your cum, Chloe. He's going to swallow every drop." I made an affirmative noise. "Or maybe he'll share it with you?"

"Yes! Benji, keep some in your mouth. I want to taste myself."

I think the idea turned her on as she came hard within a couple of minutes. Swallowing the first couple of large spurts, I kept the rest in my mouth, waiting until she had nothing left to give before I sat back with a smile. Opening my mouth, I showed both of them the contents, Chloe leaning forward and kissing me deeply, feeling our tongues duel as we swapped her cum. Finally sitting back, we both showed Georgie, hearing her crack up in laughter, before we both swallowed.

"Damn, I taste pretty good. No wonder you both enjoy swallowing my cum." She paused before adding, "Well, I taste myself whenever I masturbate so... yeah..."

Moving across to Georgie, she leaned down to kiss me first. Out of all my girlfriends, I was left thinking Vanessa, Chloe and Georgie had liked if not been in love with me the longest. Bailey had been an outsider, but had admitted to watching me from afar. She'd be the fourth. The rest all liked or loved me, but it was a newer feeling to both of us.

Kissing down her body, Georgie relaxed back on her elbows, Chloe giving her breasts and body attention as I focused on Georgie's eight inches. Since I'd teased Chloe, I did the same to Georgie, though I switched it up when I pulled her forward slightly, lifted her legs, and started to tongue her rosebud. She loved it immediately, begging me to spread her wide and really get stuck in.

"What about your pussy?" Chloe wondered.

"No, my arse. I have a dildo I shove up there most times I masturbate. Feels wonderful."

Chloe was smart enough to hand me some lube, so as I blew her, I eventually stuck a couple of fingers up her bum at the same time. Georgie was soon gently thrusting up into my mouth while my head bobbed up and down, taking all eight inches each time. Her fingers gripped my hair, keeping me in place as she started to pump my mouth, so I upped the tempo of my fingers at the same time.

"Oh fuck yes!" she cried, "Benji, I'm close."

"Fill his mouth then fill his arse later, Georgie."

"Oh fuck... Benji... your mouth..."

I was now burying my fingers in her arse, driving her wild, so it was little surprise that the first spurt that fired into my mouth took us both by surprise. Having not heard a request, I did swallow the first couple before I heard her murmur to save some, waiting until she was quite clearly done before I lifted myself so I could kiss her. She swallowed most of her own cum immediately but kept on kissing me.

"Fuck me, Benji," she whispered, "Please fuck me."

"Really?" I asked quietly.

"I want you inside me for our first time. Please..."

I looked at Chloe, who heard the desperation in the tone of her friend. She kissed me before kissing her. "Make love to her, Benji. I can wait just a little longer, particularly as it's my best friend needing it."

Georgie shuffled back on my bed so her head was propped up by a couple of pillows. She spread her legs, using my fingers to find that her pussy was sopping wet. "I don't touch it very often," she whispered, noticing her quiver, "So I'm very sensitive. But I want you inside me. I want to feel you cum in me, Benji."

"Why the change of mind?" I wondered.

The question made her blush. "I've always wanted you to make love to me."


"Don't worry, we'll definitely do it the other way around too! I definitely want to bury my girlcock deep inside your bum."

Sliding inside Georgie, I kept my eyes on her face, noticing the rapid blinking of her eyes. Chloe lay next to us, noticing she was holding one of her hands. Leaning down to kiss her once I was buried, I lifted a hand and wiped away a tear. "Big moment?" She nodded, kissing me softly. "Okay, I'll take my time."

Good thing I'd cum earlier as I certainly didn't want to finish inside Georgie within a couple of minutes. Wrapping her long limbs around me kept me in the position she wanted. Her pussy was incredibly tight, admitting she'd not had anything up her at all. That raised eyebrows, making her giggle, as she admitted that she masturbated a lot and preferred things in her arse when she was doing that.

"How does it feel?" Chloe wondered.

Georgie smiled in my direction. "Best feeling ever, Chloe. Just how I wanted it. He feels really big in my pussy. Probably feel even bigger in my butt!"

"You're so fucking tight, Georgie," I moaned, kissing her before I used a familiar position that I usually found myself in, bending back her long legs as I started to thrust into her faster.

"Yeah, fuck her, Benji!" Chloe cried, taking on the role of unofficial cheerleader.

Georgie started to stoke her girlcock as I fucked her, and I had a feeling it was now a race to see who'd orgasm first. Her face was a picture of delight, glancing to see Chloe was slowly stroking her own girlcock at the same time, warning her not to get too excited before she fucked me.

Pushing her legs back even further broadened Georgie's grin. Hearing her beg me to fuck her harder was a request I could complete, left wondering if the crowd downstairs heard her. The fact I was the one doing the fucking would have surprised most of my girlfriends and other lovers.

"I'm close," I finally said. That set of Georgie's second orgasm, amazed at how quickly futagirls could cum again, and in the same amount as the first time. Watching her girlcock erupt just excited me even further, lasting barely another minute before I buried my cock and erupted as deep in her pussy as I could. Georgie squealed with excitement, letting go of her legs as I needed to rest on my hands, feeling her legs immediately wrap around me, using the walls of pussy to squeeze my cock.

"Bet you didn't know I could do that," she whispered. Shaking my head, she giggled before kissing me. "Thank you, Benji."

"Your pussy feels wonderful, Georgie. And if you want to try anal another time, all you need do is let me know. I don't normally do this, as I'm sure you know..."

"That's what makes this feel even more special for my first time. I know Chloe really wants to make love to you though. Can't stay like this too long."

"Georgie, it's absolutely fine," Chloe said softly, "I'm just surprised. You mentioned this but I still thought you wanted to fuck him!"

"Oh, I still want to fuck him."

Georgie finally released her legs from being wrapped around me, kissing one last time before I settled into the space beside them. Cuddled both sides, feeling them both kiss my cheek, I did ask Chloe how long she wanted to wait. Excited as she was, it didn't take all that long to lube ourselves up, placing a pillow under my lower back, before she slowly stroked her girlcock, putting on a little show for both Georgie and myself.

"Like my big lovestick, Benji?"

"Fuck yes. Bet it's going to feel even better inside me too."

"I've wanted to do this for so long, but your life being as it is at the moment."

"It's a little hectic at times."

Opening my legs, Chloe positioned herself between them. I could sense her nerves, so I sat up to kiss her, pulling her down so she was leaning over me. Reaching down between us, I positioned her girlcock where it was needed it, whispering instructions. Reading and watching is one thing, actually doing it is another.

Feeling her press into me, the head of her girlcock gently sliding inside, her face lit up with a gorgeous smile as she inserted her entire length inside me. "So tight, Benji," she whispered.

"Wait until you start moving inside me. It feels wonderful for both of us."

When she did, it was even better, obviously feeling a surge of emotion and closeness as her next couple of kisses were more passionate than any we'd shared before. She giggled when I moaned into her mouth, the speed of her thrusts increasing with each passing minute, aware she'd be excited and perhaps eager to cum inside me.

Moving my legs so they rested near her shoulders, she marvelled at my flexibility and suggested it made me even tighter if possible. I just urged her on to fuck me harder and faster, wanting to feel her cum inside me. Glancing to my side, Georgie was just watching us make love, not even touching herself.

"How does he feel, Chloe?"

"You've got to fuck him next, Georgie. Holy shit, I had no idea it would be this good."

Fucking me even harder, she smiled as she earned the occasional grunt and groan, glancing down between us to see her girlcock almost a blur at times. I was so used to being fucked like this now, I was barely left with a dull ache even at the worst of times. I just loved the feeling of being filled by one of my girlfriends or lovers, and got enjoyment and pleasure out of the fact I excited them, and nothing felt better than feeling them cum inside me.

Chloe kept on pumping, noticing her forehead start to glisten, running my fingers down her back and feeling that was also a little damp. Despite the cool air that drifted around the house, a good fuck still raised plenty of sweat in the summer. "Oh god, keep fucking me," I moaned.

"I'm close, Benji. I'm going to fill you, then Georgie is going to fuck you straight away."

Glancing to my side again, Georgie was already lubing and stroking her girlcock. "I want you on your knees once she's cum," she said.

Sensing Chloe was getting close, I moved my hips to meet her thrusts, her eyes lighting up as she somehow managed to thrust even faster. Didn't last too long before she moaned loudly, kissed me, then climaxed. Her entire body shuddered with each spurt of her cum deep inside me. She could barely keep thrusting, and once she was done, I moved my legs just in time for her to relax on top of me, leaving a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I love you, Chloe," I whispered, "As much as Vanessa and Bailey. Always thought you were wonderful."

That made her cry, managing to whisper she loved me too. Holding out and arm, Georgie snuggled into me. "Same for you, Georgie. I love you. You two, Vanessa, Casey and Aubrey have been my best friends for six years, since those first days at high school."

"And Bailey," Chloe whispered, "Benji, she loves you so much."

"Noticed that, eh?"

Chloe managed to lift herself up. "We've obviously talked to her a lot. It was a long distance crush since our first days. I felt sorry for her, as she admitted she thought it would always be unrequited love."

"Don't worry, I let her know every day how much I love her."

"And we love the messages you send us every day too, Benji," Georgie whispered, kissing my cheek, "Something so simple but it makes us feel special."

Chloe pulled out, snuggling into my other side, though as Georgie was clearly hard and horny, I moved so I was on my knees, spreading my legs enough that she could get behind. She laughed as Chloe's cum was leaking out of me, but she slid her girlcock into me with ease, grabbing my hips and slowly pumping into me.

She was loving it, taking her time, just enjoying the feeling to start with. Certainly had me moaning loudly, Chloe eventually positioning herself so she was sat in front of me. I would have sucked her girlcock, but I wasn't sure if Georgie wanted her first time with me to turn into a threesome. Chloe spent a lot of time watching Georgie behind me anyway.

"Mount me," I moaned. Georgie knew what I meant, feeling her girlcock change angle as she leaned forward. Earned a loud moan, hearing Georgie giggle. "I love this position," I managed to explain, "It's a little more submissive to my lover, plus it just feels really fucking good."

"Want it harder?"

"God yes. Fuck me, Georgie."

Georgie fucked me. My god, she figured out what I wanted within seconds, and there was no doubting how much she was loving it. When I felt her grab my hair, pulling my head back and her teeth gently biting my neck, I could feel my cock was harder and leaking. "Keep going," I urged her, "Going to cum."

She was now completely nailing me, her groin slapping into my arse, the sound of her girlcock slamming into my tight little hole, and the fact the angle was just utterly perfect meant I came hard without touching myself. Georgie knew and thankfully let my head go, dropping into the lap of Chloe in front of me. Georgie kept fucking me while I was trying to catch my breath, managing to turn and whimper how much I wanted her to keep going.

Chloe stroked my head. "It's okay, baby," she whispered.

"Love being fucked so much," I managed to moan, "Georgie feels wonderful."

"So do you, Benji," Georgie whispered into my ear, "I'm close but don't want to cum yet."

"Take as long as you need."

Ten minutes later of solid, hard fucking, Georgie finally released her load inside me. Hearing her moan right into my ear sent a shudder through my body, heavy breathing and hot breath onto my neck. Pressing her body into my back, feeling her rock hard nipples that I'd have to give attention to next time, her girlish giggle had both Chloe and I chuckling as well.

"Wow," she finally whispered, "If sex with you is always going to be like that..."

"I hope it is."

We definitely needed a shower after that, my two lovers spending a lot of time washing me up and down, before the favour was returned, Chloe and I washing down Georgie, then the same thing for Chloe with Georgie and I. After drying off, there were no clothes to put on as we'd wandered upstairs naked, joining everyone else in the backyard, nearly everyone still in the pool.

I could see a few cocktail pitchers around the edge of the pool, along with bottles of wine and accompanying glasses. Chloe and Georgie kissed my cheek before joining Vanessa and Bailey. Within thirty seconds, there were squeals, tears, laughing. I think I'd made them rather happy. I ended up sitting by myself for a few minutes on the edge of the pool, just looking over all the futanari in my life, amused that I'd now enjoyed sex with the majority of them.

Veronica eventually swam towards me, lifting herself up and sitting next to me. Turning to look at her, she glanced my way before leaning down and kissing me fiercely. Caught me by surprise for a moment before I shuffled closer to her. I have no idea how long we kissed for, but the feeling of her tongue in my mouth, her soft fingers caressing my body, and the fact nearly everyone else in the pool went a little quiet did eventually lead to us breaking apart.

Her eyes were soft and full of love in that moment. I'd heard certain comments the last time she'd visited. "Can we head upstairs?" she asked quietly, "Our first time was wonderful, but I'd like our next time to be in private."

"So... You..."

"As much as Alexis does. And, trust me on this one, she fucking loves you too, Benji." Glancing her way, I had figured Alexis loved me, but the shy smile returned suggested Veronica was on the money regarding her feelings. Feeling her hand take mine, interlacing our fingers, she kissed me again. "It's just difficult sometimes for all of us, because as I'm sure you're figuring out, there's just something about you that attracts us. I look around the pool and see so many beautiful futanari, and the one common denominator is you, Benji. We all love you. Some of us have been in love with you for a long time. For others, the love is new and thrilling, but the love we all have is... Almost scary, the feelings are so strong, so intense..."

Alexis swam across the pool, lifting herself up and kissing her friend deeply. I figured they were that close, fairly sure they had sex. It wasn't any of my business. "Take him upstairs and make love, Ver," Alexis told her, "Though we're going to have fun with him afterwards. Not quite a gangbang, not quite group sex, but a few of us just really want to fuck him." Looking at me, she then said, "Then you'll be sleeping with Chloe and Georgie tonight."

"What about Jade?" I asked.

"Benji, after what you said earlier... She's never going to doubt how much you love her for a single second ever again. As for where she'll sleep, Bailey and Vanessa will snuggle with her." Looking back at Veronica. "Now go upstairs and make love to him. Or is it the other way around?"

When Veronica blushed, I squeezed her hand. "Why don't we just head upstairs to start with?"

Back in the same bedroom, I took one look at the sheets and suggested I should change them first. Veronica giggled, stating they were just going to get even dirtier once she was done with me, so we'll change them afterwards when I went to bed later that night. Turning towards her, her blue eyes dazzled me, along with her slicked back raven black hair, her chest heaving from her obvious excitement.

That first kiss as her body crashed against mine, forcing me back onto the bed, took me by surprise, her tongue hungry for me, feeling my legs automatically wrap around her as we made out. "I love you," she whispered, "I've loved you for so long, but Alexis... I always thought..."

"Did you think I'd only love her?"

She blushed, remaining silent, but she did eventually return a nod. "I've been hurt, more than once. I knew you were a good man, and that you'd never actually... I just find it difficult to trust anyone outside the few friends I have. But that first time, while great, wasn't like we are now." She met my eyes. "I need this, Benji," she whispered, "I need you. You make everyone feel so special."

Caressing her cheek, she returned a smile. She was gorgeous, I'd always thought that, and I'm sure I'd told her more than once. So I went with, "You're fucking gorgeous, Veronica. And if I'm the man you end up with, then I'm the luckiest man in the world, and those who broke your heart are little more than fools."

Turning over so she was on her back, I gave her body plenty of attention, making sure I completely avoided her girlcock. Her entire body seemed to be sensitive, earning plenty of soft moans and murmurs as my lips touched every square inch of her body. Lifting her legs and giving her rosebud attention earned a louder moan, and I'm fairly sure I heard giggles from the pool outside.

I gave her arse lots of attention before I finally moved up, inhaling the scent from her pussy, which was clearly leaking freely, before I ran my tongue up and over her balls, the shaft of her girlcock before I finally started to blow her.

She came in two minutes, which made her blush brightly once she'd finished, whispering that I had gotten her far too excited to hold it back any longer. After ensuring I'd swallowed every drop of her cum, and cleaning her up, I kissed up her body again before our mouths met. "Just wanted to prove how special you are to me, Veronica," I whispered.

It amazed me how many futagirls gave the appearance of ultra-self-confidence, taking no shit from anybody, but when I had them in private, they lowered their walls to show how the world did affect them from time to time. Lying next to her, we kissed and cuddled as I asked a simple question. What happened to her before?

Feeling comfortable as I stroked her back, she had no problem sharing some details. It was the usual thing. Home life wasn't easy. School could be difficult for young futagirls. Then there were previous boyfriends who used her for their own needs then dumped her, usually ensuring they destroyed her self-confidence at the same time with cruel statements.

She felt better after getting all that off her chest, ending up on my back as she very slowly slid her thick girlcock inside me. The only term to describe what we did was making love. Honestly, it reminded me of times with my sister and Vanessa, the depth of feelings we shared. Her eyes looked at me with such wonder at times, it almost made my heart stop. I thought out of my sister's friend, Alexis had been the one who had been in love with the longest, or at least the most. Maybe I had been wrong.

"You feel wonderful, baby," she moaned before kissing me again, her tongue playful as it sought mine.

"Your girlcock is utterly fantastic. Thought that the first time. Now without any distractions, it's even better."

"You're going to make me cry," she murmured.

"Nothing wrong with that if it feels so good."

No idea how long we made love for. The only reason we stopped, with her still buried in me, was a soft knock on the door. It was Alexis, just letting us know dinner was being prepared, but to take our time. We smiled and thanked her before she shut the door, Veronica resuming her thrusts as I wrapped my legs around her, the signal that I wanted her to finish inside me.

When she did finally climax, her thick girlcock throbbing with every spurt of her delicious cum, ensuring our bodies were pressed together as she continued to thrust, even after she'd finished, still hard as rock as she didn't want to stop until exhausted. Feeling her relax on top of me, I whispered into her ear that I loved her, and that I found her incredibly special.

"Thank you," she managed to reply.

We relaxed together until we heard the call that dinner was ready, not even bothering to shower before joining everyone else downstairs. Alexis, Chantelle and Jade took one look at Veronica when we appeared, getting up and hugging their friend tightly. That ended when all four hugged me together.

"Okay, four dozen futawives," my sister joked.

"We're going to need a bigger house," I retorted.

"We'll try and visit more often, Benji," Alexis added, "But we know you're busy."

"As Mum always says, anyone is welcome to visit, just give us a little warning, in case I'm in the middle of being fucked." I paused and chuckled. "Hell, come on over when that's happening and join in!"

"With all your girlfriends, gangbangs will be a must!" Chantelle exclaimed, hearing plenty of agreement from the tables nearby.

Taking a seat, Veronica sat next to me and practically snuggled me all dinner. Lara sat to my other side, and I could sense her eagerness to be either intimate or to just utterly pound the shit out of me. Miss Wilson was giving me the eye too. We hadn't had sex in a while, and I had a feeling she was eager for some playtime.

After eating our fill, most of us stayed sitting at the table as the sun slowly started to set, switching on the outside lights and also those in the pool. Conversation flowed easily, there was plenty of laughter, but when Veronica kissed my cheek, whispered in my ear to have some fun, to be replaced by Alexis, I had a feeling something else was going to happen to round off the day.

As I was talking to Bailey sitting across from me, I wasn't really paying attention, but Vanessa and Chloe next to her kept on giggling, left wondering what was amusing them. My unasked question was answered when I had my left hand grabbed by Alexis, my right hand by Lara, lowered to between their legs, where I felt a stiff girlcock waiting for me to stroke.

"So many of us want to fuck you," Lara whispered into my ear, making me gasp when she sucked and nibbled at my ear.

"Want to take a few of us now?" Alexis asked.

"God yes. Where?"

Led towards the nearby lawn, I found myself on my knees as Alexis and Lara offered their girlcocks to suck, eagerly blowing one of them while stroking the other. Miss Wilson walked over, so I could stroke two at once while sucking the other. Caroline walked over, as did Julie, Vanessa's mother. I'd never fooled around with her. She smiled and said she just wanted to have some fun with me. When Mum wandered over to join, I was left thinking I was either going to get spitroasted constantly or just taking one girlcock after another.

I didn't make any of them cum, I don't think that's what they were after, led back towards the end of the picnic table, where I was pushed forward, resting my chest on it, my legs spread slightly, as Alexis nestled herself between my cheeks, feeling her body rest against mine. "We're just going to fuck you now, Benji. One after the other. Is that okay?"

"God yes."

Feeling her press her girlcock inside me, we moaned in unison as her long, thick cock was buried quickly. Grabbing my hands, I felt her shuffle, getting comfortable herself, before she started to fuck me.

"Oh my fucking god!" I moaned.

She didn't say much though she did spend plenty of time leaning forward, resting her head near mine, kissing my cheek down to my upper back. She fucked me hard from the start, causing me to grunt and moan, only letting my hands go when she leaned back, hands at my hips as she started to pump me even faster.

"Fuck yes, Benji. Take my massive girlcock!" she cried.

"Fill him up, Lexi!" Chantelle called.

"How many are fucking him?" Bailey whispered to Vanessa.

"Until he says stop, or until his Mum says he's had enough. I think we might have to rely on the second. He won't want to stop." I looked up and met Vanessa's eyes, making her giggle. "Yep, definitely won't want to stop."

Alexis moved a hand to my shoulder, driving her cock in as deep as humanly possible. I'm sure my face was a picture of delight, while I noticed many of those in the audience were busy stroking themselves off the same time. I had a feeling not all of them would want to be involved, at least this time, though they all knew I wanted a gangbang eventually, where I planned to have every single one of them, and even futagirls I hadn't met yet, involved in fucking me.

I only knew Alexis was close to orgasm when she actually started to fill my bum up with her cum. Leaving her girlcock buried for a few seconds after, she pulled out, only to find my arse filled immediately by Lara. After leaning down to kiss me, I felt both hands on my hips, thrusting into me nice and slow, enjoying nearly all eleven inches of her incredible girlcock siding back and forth. She was polite enough to give me a reacharound at the same time, thankful that I climaxed within a couple of minutes.

"Ready, baby?" she whispered into my ear, noticing I was more relaxed. Nodding my head, she kissed my cheek, whispered that she loved me, then she utterly pounded me.

There was more than one moan from the audience as they came from watching Lara pound me into submission, just like she'd promised. She was fucking me so hard, her girlcock was keeping me up as my feet lost contact with the ground. It was almost a reminder of some hard fuck sessions I'd had with Miss Wilson, just without all the other stuff we did.

"So good, Benji. So good," she moaned.

"Love your big girlcock, Lara. Glad Naomi introduced us."

"So am I. It's another reason to love her."

Reaching underneath my arms and holding my shoulders the opposite way, the last few minutes were of her driving into me hard but slow, earning a grunt with each thrust. She let me know she was close, continuing to whisper dirty things into my ear before I finally felt her girlcock throb, her cum joining that of Alexis inside me.

Feeling her pull out, Caroline slid inside me immediately. No words were shared, just immediately fucking me nice and hard. I glanced back and she smiled at me before telling me that she loved me. But, other than that, it was a rather quiet fuck. A hard, quiet fuck. She came rather quickly, to my surprise, admitting she'd been turned on watching the previous two fucking me so hard.

Julie was next, carefully sliding her ten inches inside me, making sure I turned enough so we could share our first proper kiss. "No stealing him from me, Mum," Vanessa warned, thankful she was giggling away.

"Just wanted a sample of the goods, sweetie. I haven't seen you so happy."

"Because I'm in love with him, Mum. Always have been."

"Good. He'll make a good husband to all of you. Now, Benji, I'm just going to enjoy myself before your mother fucks you next."

"I'm sure I'll enjoy myself too, Julie. You feel wonderful inside me right now."

As she started to thrust, she leaned forward and rested her chin on my shoulder. "My husband... He's a little older than myself and his libido has dropped," she whispered, "He doesn't mind if I have the occasional young lover. Just can't bring him home."

"Mum, we can always have a threesome with him. I know Benji would love it." Nodding eagerly to the suggestion, Julie smiled, kissing my cheek, then focused on fucking me.

She fucked me nice and slow to start, Vanessa moving up the table so she could lean over to kiss me, taking great interest in watching her mother's cock sliding inside me. She was biting her bottom lip and could see she was getting increasingly horny. What I didn't expect was her to look away from me to her mother. "Mummy?" she whispered, and I knew what she wanted.

Julie figured out what she wanted quickly, pulling out and wiping her girlcock down with a wet-wipe, before Vanessa found herself next to me, bent over the table, Julie beside her.

"Is my little futagirl wet?" she asked, no doubt feeling up Vanessa's pussy. Vanessa could only nod her head, leaning across to give me a soft kiss. "Does my little futagril want me inside her?"

"Please, Mummy," she whimpered, "I'm a virgin."

Julie stopped before she could enter her. "No, baby," she said softly, "Your first time shouldn't be with me. It should be with the man next to you. He's the one you're in love with." Leaning forward, Julie easily flipped Vanessa on her back, hugging her daughter tightly. "I love you so much, baby. So much. After your first time with Benji, you come see your mother. Okay?"

"Okay," Vanessa replied, hearing the shyness in her tone.

"Benji, change of plan," Jade announced, "Finish up with Mum and Miss Wilson, then please, for the love of god, take Vanessa upstairs and make love to her."

"Do it now," Miss Wilson stated, "I can wait to be with him again. Cathy, why don't we have some with your wife later?"

"Sounds like a good idea, Sandra. Everyone, I think it might be time to call it a night. Those of you who wish to stay can do so, and those who hadn't planned to stay, we'll show you where pillows and blankets are. Benji, you can head off now. Shower first and then spend the night with your girlfriend."

I made sure I said goodnight to everyone, more hugs and kisses than I could count, before I led Vanessa inside and upstairs to the bathroom. Showering together, I hadn't seen Vanessa smile so much. I put it down just to the excitement of what was going to happen next.

Closing the door to my bedroom, I noticed Vanessa was giving me the lead this time, leading her over to the bed. I surprised her by lying back first, though she knew what to do, straddling my lap, leaning down to kiss me. "I love you so much, Benji," she said softly.

"I love you just as much in return, Ness. I have since the first day we met."

That made her eyes glisten. "Why did you never tell me how you felt?"

"Being brutally honestly, complete and utter cowardice and fear. I was scared you'd reject me because of... Well, all the confidence issues I had before all this started."

"I'd have said yes," she replied, caressing my cheek, "God, we could have..." She trailed off and smiled. "Never mind, we're here now, and I'm not going anywhere, Benji." She paused again. "What you said about Jade earlier... It was beautiful."

"Thing is, Ness, I would have said the same, absolutely word for word, about you. You would never be second choice to Jade, but being that she is my sister, and you are... Well, you, the first one I fell in love with at school..."

"Nearly six years," she whispered, "How did you cope?"

"You were my best friend and part of my life every day, Ness. If you had never loved me in return, just being with you was enough. The one thing I noticed is that you never had a boyfriend but I never put two and two together..."

Lifting herself up, I felt the walls of her pussy clasp around my cock, both of us moaning, savouring the new connection we were making. Like all those I'd made love with, she was incredibly tight, nearly all my futanari lovers having pussies but most of them were not used at all. Once I was buried, Vanessa needed a little cry on my shoulder, caressing her back as she nuzzled into me, mentioning she wasn't going to move for a few minutes. I didn't mind whatsoever.

When she finally started to move, her lips were constantly on mine, moaning softly into my mouth, only parting when she needed to catch a breath. Her eyes constantly gazed into mine, her lips near constantly in a smile. Moving my hands down to her tight, firm butt, she started to giggle, as it was something she generally did before fucking me nice and hard.

As I thrust up into her, she moved a hand to her own girlcock, stroking herself in tie with my thrusts. "Fuck me, Benji," she moaned, "And I want more than one load in my pussy tonight."

I managed to grunt some sort of reply, leaning to take one of her breasts in my mouth. She loved that, squealing with delight as I sat up entirely, Vanessa now bouncing on my cock, one hand around her girlcock, the other around the back of my neck for balance.

When she came, she came hard, covering both of us in her cum as she kept on bouncing. Now that she'd cum, I kept leaning forward until she was on her back, noticing her legs spread nice and wide immediately as I started to just pound her. I think I almost growled with desire at once stage.

"Yes! Fuck me hard, Benji!" she cried out.

I heard one or two comments from other bedrooms, Vanessa and I managing to keep going despite chuckling away. Warning her I was close, Vanessa grabbed the back of my head, pulling me down to kiss her. It was as hot and passionate as any we'd shared previously in the bedroom. Little wonder I drove my cock into her a few more times before I erupted. Groaning loudly, I kept on thrusting until my body said enough, resting on my forearms as I gazed at her face. I was left thinking you'd never wipe away her smile.

"Once we've finished university, I want a baby with you," she said softly.


"That's it, okay?"

"Well, I want one with you too. At least two, I think. Should we get married before we try?"

She hugged me tightly, feeling her legs wrap around me too. "I love you. I love you. I love you," she whispered into my ear.

"I love you too, Ness."

Making love a little later for a second time, Vanessa wanted to try one position after another, using the fact I'd left one load in her pussy to know I'd last quite a while. It was a lot of fun, leading to plenty of laughter as Vanessa was surprisingly flexible too, though it ended with her on her back again, neither of us saying a word before I came inside her, and she came all over herself. Though I could have gone a third time, it was after midnight and, after an entire afternoon and evening of sex, I was sore and exhausted.

Didn't even bother going for a shower, licking Vanessa's cum that was on her body before we cuddled together. Ness gazed into my eyes until her closed and she drifted off to sleep. Caressing her cheek, I kissed her forehead a final time, whispering that I loved her as much as my sister, which would have meant the world to her, before I finally drifted off to sleep myself.