GRANNY'S HARD LOVE part 3 By tboa

Coming down the stairs Deliah was already relaxing on the couch. A light comforter covering her legs and a bowl of popcorn already being picked at on her lap. She sees you and flips the fabric off the couch next to here and pats the empty space. You lounge out placing your head on her generous unsupported chest. Her heat was radiating on your ear.

"What should we watch Doug?"

You open the on demand app and start moving rapidly through items. You forget to ask for her opinion and after a few seconds she grabs the remote.

"You know maybe I wanted to watch some of those."

She starts going through each title slowly and definitely reading each description.

"My bad I just have seen all of these or they're not worth watching."

"Well I haven't, let me see."

Deliah is looking through the Lifetime movies. One is about a man being seduced and raped by his boss only she's his sister too. Next one is about a murdering wife who drowns her victims in cum. Next, A bubbly romance between a mail boy and an overworked Lawyer.

"Oh what about this?"

"I bet she just stuffs his inbox. Hey look at that!"

"Showboys? Isn't that supposed to be really bad?"

"Yeah it's campy but hey plenty of nudity, and that girl from Saved by the Bell shows her junk."

"Well ok, hopefully it's worth a laugh."

The movie starts and you settle in. You leave you hand on her leg. By the opening scene, you both can't help at laughing at the hammy acting.

"It's like she never learned how to act outside that old show."

As her laugh reverberates and bounces your head on her breast you feel really content. As the film goes on it gets more and more raunchy. The women let their cocks hang out barely covered by sparkly cock socks. Performing crazy dances, it's all so surreal. Eventually the first sex scene happens. As the two on screen go at it you feel Deliah rest her hand on your back, Softly she inches her way to your butt. She gives it a squeeze. You move your hand over her bulge and caress lightly. Her cock lays to the left draped over her swollen sack. Deliah purrs and grips your cheek a bit harder. You feel her cock flutter slightly. You massage her sack in return. Feeling the small veins through her PJ pants. Deliah spreads her legs a bit to allow you more access. You drag your index finger from her taint upwards. Her balls spread as you trace a vein up to the base of her awakening mast. Tracing around her base, her tent starts jutting upwards in spurts.

On screen the sex is already over. You try and slow things down by holding your hand just on your friends equipment. She is throbbing with heat but not fully aroused. The movie continues and you try and keep her stallion woke but not writhing. The both of you have a good laugh at the obvious betrayal of the rival dancer. But the second act starts to drag. You realize you're both nodding off and try and save the situation. Slithering your hand under her waist band, you find her black piston of a cock waiting only semi hard. Firmly but not strongly you hold her at her base. Deliah stirs to attention also realizing she was nodding off. Then the meat in your grip starts stiffening.

Deliah grabs the remote and quickly navigates to her x rated on demand channels. Your previous movie had a 100% next to it. Deliah quickly started trying to find a new feature. In moments she had selected something. The title came on in blazing red "Black widow, The Swollen Soldier"

Keeping your hand simply holding her by the base of her cock you both watch intently. Black Widow swings in. She's an ebony goddess with dark ruby hair. A chest made of iron and abs of steel. Her thunderous legs packing a massive pecker bulge between them. She was walking through Avenger's tower and as she entered her private quarters she spied little spiderman buried in her underwear drawer smelling her intimates. Needless to say he was in trouble. Soon enough he was on his knees taking her girth between his lips.

Deliah's penis jumped and you finally began stroking her length in light strokes. Eagerly you let your fingers dance and feel every bump and groove of her ebony skin. The darker veins providing a lovely sensation. This was all in your head of course. She was still tenting her pants with your petite hand moving faster and faster underneath. From the front door it probably looked like two squirrels running around in a miniature circus tent. On screen spidey was taking his punishment like a champ. In reality you were trying the milk the life out of your sexy partner's seed cannon. Her breath was quickening. You were still laying your head on her chest and her heart and breath were providing the real soundtrack to the movie.

Quickly Black Widow decided to deflower Spiderman so she threw him on the bed face down and started breaking him in. Deliah was at full hardness. It felt like you were jerking off a nightstick with veins. You looked up at Deliah and without a second to spare she was on your mouth deepthroating you with her tongue. She started pushing you so you were on your back on the couch. Obliging as you could you freed your hand from her nethers. Splayed out on your back Deliah had all her weight on you. Her mouth working a very intimate make out session. Her hard cock pressed against your belly as she dry humped you.

Releasing you from her mouth grip she groaned, "Fuck Doug I haven't felt this turned on since high school. You make me feel like a goddamned teenager."

Her hand began sliding over your diminutive body. Her massive frame engulfing you all you could do was caress her breasts and grip her iron ass. She didn't feel like a senior citizen making out with you. She felt like a muscled goddess working you over. In the distance the sounds of a superhero being assraped spurred her on. Lifting her frame she yanked off your panties exposing your waiting ass. Driving her tongue deep she wet her cocksleeve. Hocking a loogie she spit square on your prepared opening.

Holding your legs against her chest she angled her cockhead and drove deep. You were able to take most of her in one go. The days events hadn't left you the tightest but she soon had a solution. With you impaled on her smoking hot staff she leans forward bending your legs up towards your shoulders. Not being particularly limber your legs bend at the knees ultimately your chute is vertical but your are folded in half like a deck chair.

"I read online this is called the mating press. I'm going to keep fucking you like this until you look pregnant."

With that you started coming on your own chest, Deliah gave a look of pure jest and she began piledriving your well worn ass. The near unbendable cock was reworking you from the Inside Out. The generous balls you were coaxing minutes ago were lifting and then slamming down rapidly on your ass cheeks. Deliah grabbed your face and turned it towards the TV. There was spidey still being fucked Inside Out by a giant cocked she-spy. You both continued watching. Deliah matching her pace with the superhero. It was a surreal sensation to actually watch what you feeling from afar. You held on tight as Deliah's cock forcibly worked you over. This angle made her cock force your belly to jut out from the pressure. You could literally feel her pylon kicking your guts in. Suddenly on screen Natasha blew her web fluid into Spidey. Deliah started grunting herself and within moments you felt very full. The small bump of her cock began to get fainter as she filled your guts with her baby batter. Holding you tight her cock stayed deep and you felt every ridge pulse deep inside. Her breathing slowed but as she pulled out she dropped back down. More sludge was pouring in but she was already working on her second batch. The next scene of the movie had already started. She-Hulk was nuts deep in Tony Stark, meanwhile you had your own demi-goddess fucking you until you somehow were able to bear her children.

A few hours later and 3 movies in you were a size 42 around the waist.

And she still... wasn't .... done.

You wake up

You awake coughing up a thick wad of cum. You had passed out on your side. A wobbly baby bump resting on the couch cushion. You felt pressure as your body jerked upwards. Quickly turning your head to the left to see Deliah. She had folded you up sideways. Her immense cock still hilted in you and humping slowly and rhythmically. Between your immensely swollen gut and the obvious hours of fucking you couldn't feel her any more. You could just feel the sticky stench permeating off the both of you.

"De-Deliah? How long and have we been at it?"

You look her right in the eye and just see nothing. She's looking through you. Her body and face sleek and shiny with sweat. The sound of your asshole stretching and sliding on her still rock hard cock was the only sound to be heard. The TV had long finished it's task and was quiet. It seemed like 10 minutes before she responded, "Huh? Oh Dougy you're up." Her eyes barely changed but she smiled a bit.

"Deliah? What time is it?"

She finally hesitated mid-stroke.

"Um, I think it's like 2pm. UNGH"

She had hilted herself and you could feel another load leak out of your hole and down her smooth balls.

"We have to stop, Deliah I head back to Granny's tomorrow and you've absolutely wrecked me."

"What? No, you're fine."

Deliah dismounts you and you can feel your asshole let loose a torrent of of her dick sauce. Your bump reduced down to almost normal. Reaching back you could feel you ring wide open. Waiting a bit it remained wide open.

"Oh well... yeah I guess you're pretty worked in..."

The tears started welling up. You could see Gloria's disappointed face now. You were going to be useless to her. You start blubbering.

"Oh Dougy it's fine, You are still the cute fuck muffin of my dreams. I just got carried away. You'll be fine."

"NO I won't! How am I going to please Granny with a used up chute like this!?"

"Dougy it's not that bad!"

You started wailing but your body was too worn out to do much else than cry. Deliah sighed and picked you up with both arms. She carried you the bathtub and started the hot water for you.As the tub filled she turned to the toilet and let loose a giant stream of piss.

"AH AH oh goddess this burns!"

She started swaying wildly trying to keep her aim true. It was an awkward dance. You started to smile but then as the hot water reached your backside your ring started finally getting feeling back. It wasn't good. As the water rose it became milky from cleaning you out. After a few minutes Deliah turn off the water.

"I remembered something, I think we can fix this. I'm going to hit up the drug store real quick. You sit and relax. I'll be back soon."

She shut the door and almost immediately you passed out. Luckily the tub was contoured to keep your head above the water. 30 minutes later you were awoken by her. She was still stunning at her age and after fucking you for 14 hours.

"Oh my little muffin I have some good news!"

She pulled the drain plug and your luke warm cumbath drained quickly. Drying you off she turned you towards her and pulled a green tube out of her back pocket. The label said, Granny Horton's rejuvenating balm. You looked at up at Deliah skeptical.

"Oh don't even say it, I've heard this stuff works amazingly. Turn around and bend over."

You complied, "How bad is it?"

"Well I'm sorry to say I did hurt you a bit, it's really swollen and black and blue and frankly if I was your size I wouldn't feel anything. But here we go."

She uncapped the tube and squirted a healthy line on her finger and went up top her knuckle inside you. Instantly you could feel an intense cold in you booty hole. As she swirled and came back out to get more balm the col turned to heat. You felt cold on your ring as she spread it all over the bruised tissue. Eventually your entire asshole was on fire.

"What the hell! This is killing me!"

You couldn't help but squirm and wriggle. Deliah grabbed your hips to hold you still. After a minute or so the heat subsided. Suddenly your ass felt fine.

"WHa, how does it look?"

"Dougy you look fine now! In fact..."

She placed her finger tip at your opening and started pressing.

"Fuck Dougy, you're practically a virgin again I can't even get in!"

This was amazing! You could be broken in by Gloria all over again!

"Oh Deliah! Thank you!"

You gave her as tight a hug a you could. As you let go a slight tear rolled down her cheek.

"What's wrong?"

She looked down and took your hand to kiss it a few times.

"Doug, I've been so alone and you really brought back so much of who I used to be. I feel so alive right now. But I also feel a bit guilty. It's been so long since I had someone to be with. Now that I have someone I feel bad that I nearly messed up what you and Gloria have."

You really had lost it at the thought of disappointing Gloria. Maybe you finally found the limit for what you and Deliah could be as a couple.

"Honey I need to rest for a long time, how about you head home. We had three days of fun in two and next time we can pace ourselves a bit."

You smiled at her and nodded quietly.

"I had a lot fun, Call me if you want to talk."

"Oh like I could understand you with your mouth full."

You both let out a good laugh. Deliah leads you downstairs and gives you a big hug, You grab your bag and head out the door. At the end of the driveway you turn back. Deliah waved. You waved back and headed to Granny's house. Ready to start again.


Approaching Granny's you had wished the morning chill wasn't so strong. Your dukes barely covered your lower extremities while your flannel shirt at least kept your core warm. There are lights on inside the house. You walk up the drive to the front door and ring the bell. No answer. She was probably put back tending to the animals. You turn the knob and the door opens with a creak.

"Hello!? Granny?"

The house is silent.

A minute passes before you realize you had just been staring into space. Too many questions in your head. Did she hear about you at the faire with Deliah? Can it be as it was before leaving? What do you tell her when she mounts you and you're tighter than your first night together?

Enough of that now, she'll still love you and you need to be brave like her. Dropping your night bag in your room you head out the back door.

"DOUG!? What are you doing here?"

Looking towards the barn entrance you see her. Her hair is lazily tied up. She's wearing overalls and boots. With just a cami underneath her breasts are in full glisten. Mile long cleavage that you didn't realize you needed desperately until now. She must have been working for a couple hours now, dirt and sweat were coating her. Her arms were bulging and super toned from the work.

You ran over and gave her a tremendous hug. Your head barely coming to her chest she just leaned over and held you tight. Her heat was intense in the chilly morning air.

"Dougy? Why are you home so soon? Everything alright between you and Deliah?"

You didn't answer right away, just held Gloria with all your might. After a moment you looked up past her misty mountains. Her eyes were mesmeric.

"We sort of blew our wad too soon. We know better for next time."

"Who wore out who?" Her face gave away her bemusement.

"Well... more on that later. Anyways since I'm here now can I help?"

Gloria gave you a second look, she was suspicious but also a bit tired already.

"Well if you're asking help, move me some fresh hay bales into the barn, then clean the chicken coop please."

"Of course! By the way I really missed you Grandma. Thank you so much for being understanding."

"Oh hush and get to it already. I'll get us some brunch going."

With that you set to work. Loading the bales was hard work but a pleasure to endure for living here. On your way to the chicken coop Gloria called you over to back door to give you some orange juice. You were as sweaty as she was when you arrived some re-hydration was definitely needed. Gripping the glass you chugged the juice down with eagerness. Turning away you catch her running her eyes running over you. In response you arched your back to give her a better angle. Finishing the last drop you handed her the glass smirking. She smiled back and nudged her head towards the chicken coop giving a silent order. As you turned to do your last chore a swift smack hit your right ass cheek. You waited a few seconds,

"Love you Grandma!"

"You you too sweetie, hurry up, we have things to do!"

The coop wasn't actually that bad, you must have done a excellent job last time. It only took 30 minutes to get it clean and you gathered the eggs with the spare time. Heading inside, You see a plate of eggs and toast just the way you like them. Next to it a note, "Hey sweet cheeks, finish up your food then head upstairs." You consider scarfing them down for what awaits but being a bit tired you figure eating properly will avoid trouble down the line. The food is delicious and made with love. Your nagging worries keep poking but hopefully soon all will be quiet in your head.

Placing the fork down you head on up the stairs. Her bedroom door was open just a bit and the lights looked to be off. As you opened the door you could see most of her in dark. Sat up on the bed with one leg hanging off the side. Her generous prick splayed out like a third leg. Her body still covered in small dirt spots. You could smell her mighty shaft from where you were.

"Shut the door and get that slutty outfit off."

You quickly de-cloth yourself and start approaching her.

"I didn't say come closer. Listen first!"

"Yes Grandma."

You could see her face ice up.

"Yes Mistress!"

Her glare softened.

"Come here Dougy, Kneel down and start stroking me."

You quickly walk over and kneel between her wide legs. Her hot dick putting off both detectable heat and an aggressive odor that made you start drooling. Picking up her shaft you start lightly stroking and squeezing your mistress' commander. You realized she was going to have to break you in all over again. Becoming rock hard at the thought, you were staring intensely at your handiwork when you felt her finger under your chin. Tilting your head up she drove her tongue into your mouth and into your throat. Reciprocating as much as you could her smells began enveloping you. The smell of hard work and her tight muscles exerting themselves all morning. You hoped her cum would be as fragrant as you took it into you. Breaking free, she stared for a second.

"Doug, I know about the faire."

You grew flush and looked back down at your main task.

"I heard you rode her to completion on the ferris wheel..."

You hoped to improve your method and make her harder, She seemed to be holding back, her cock only providing a hint of rigidity.

"And I know she fucked you like a street whore in the fun house."

Tears were welling up. Why is she doing this? What could I possibly say?

"I wish I knew you wanted that kind of attention. I'm sorry I'm just an old fuddy dutty."

You looked up straight into her eyes. Still on the brink of crying.

"WHAT!? No! No I love you Gramma, She's just a friend! I did all that stuff for her!"

"Did you like it when I bred you in the ice cream parlor?"

The tears were flowing now, "Well... yeah, I did but I don't need that! I just need you!"

"You need me to drag you in front of a crowd and fuck you you silly."

"No it's not like that.... I just... I didn't even have a real girlfriend before coming here, Deliah is just a girlfriend. You, you're my Grandma my one true love. I promised myself solely to you!"

She looked down, "Except you also want Deliah's cock."

You shook your head, but it was true. Both of them made your body sizzle with excitement at the idea of being their bitch to fuck. But Gloria was more, way more.

"I'm sorry. I embarrassed you. You're my everything and I go and have someone else in public! I'm an idiot."

You sit back on your feet, defeated and sobbing. Quickly warm arms envelope you and Gloria's immense breasts shoved into your face.

"Now there there. I did send you over there in the first place, I knew what you were going to do and then sent you back there again knowing she'd ruin that butt of yours. I... just didn't plan on you two being a big deal in the village. I think I'm just jealous."

You peek up at her, she's got tears in her eyes too.

"Maybe It's a good sign that you came back early, maybe there really isn't much to this other than us getting some time to ourselves."

She smiles at you and your heart is soaring and there's something poking your belly. You pull back and look down and the boy breaker engorged and leaking pre. You don't even ask before diving down on her meat stick.

"Oh my, DOugy OOOOh"

You were half down her cock rolling your tongue as you fought your barely there gag reflex. The sweat and dirt on her cock gave a salty sour note. Her cock head pushed past your throat entrance and the rest sheathed into you completely. Her balls pressing up into your chin and her salt and pepper muff tickling your nose. She flexed her thick dick inside you and a warm squirt of pre entered your gullet. Moaning in gratitude you twisted your body to provide extra friction on her mast, her plump veins massaging your throat for you. Moving up and down her shaft more and more pre leaked out. Some coming back to your mouth giving you that stinking salty extravagance you were dying for. Gloria suddenly pulled you by your chin off her rod and planted a long deep kiss on you.

"I love it when you taste like my cock, I'm lubed enough."

Without much effort she lifted and tossed you on your stomach on the bed. Your legs hanging off and laying partially on the floor.

"Uh Grandma, one thing."

"Quiet dear, don't speak until you feel my balls on yours."

You felt the fat cock head on your entrance and tried to relax but you could tell this was a no go. She pressed in hard and your entrance remained steadfastly unmoved.

"What the..."

Again she pressed hard as if she expected you to just suck in all of her in one go.

"Dougy, you should be loose based on what I heard, what gives?"

Turning your head so she could here.

"I was trying to tell you, Deliah broke me last night. She kinda went crazy on me. She found a solution is some balm from the drug store. "

"Oh dougy that stuff is dangerous, it works great but everytime you get more sensitive down there."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Oh honey if we keep giving you that stuff eventually you may pass out from the pain of getting broken in again."

"Oh well let's not do that then. Uh anyways... your cock is so big Granny, please fuck me." You tried to sound natural but glancing back her face showed quite some annoyance.

"Alright smart ass, prepare for a sore ass."

With that she hocked a loogie straight on your rosebud. The hot slimy sensation made you tingle. She gripped her cock near the head and began leaning in. Your ring budged slightly, the pressure felt intense.She tilted and swirled her meat to pry her way in. Suddenly your ass felt fire and pain. Screaming out you grabbed some blanket and bite down to moan. The tip found some ground and soon her cockhead popped it's way in. A dick as wide as a trailer hitch just popped your new cherry. Your back seized and you screamed out again.

"I know baby I know, but let's get this done."

She let go of her member and began putting more and more weight into stretching your ring. After and inch or so she suddenly slid in all the way. With a clap she was hilted.The feeling was exquisite. You were one with her again, her magnificent cock was vibrating and heating you from the inside.

"Oh my! I guess she only put the balm on your entrance. You silly billy! Oh this is going to be fun!"

She withdrew her mast and as the crown moved out towards your ring, astonishingly it didn't budge again. She tugged and your body gripped hard and you felt yourself rise up off the bed a inch or so.

"Oh dear..."

Diving full force back in, your nuts feel the heavy slap of her's. Your guts flutter like a pond being disturbed by a speedboat. They clamp back down on the welcome intruder. Gloria swivels her hips trying to loosen your grip but it remains firmly locked around her. Extracting her penis you feel her veins tracing random patterns on the inside of your ring. A shudder rips through you. When you come back to your senses you're floating off the bed. Your ring is screaming in strain but it's immovable around your lover's cockhead. You're effectively knotted. With a grunt Gloria lifts her feet on to the bed and squats down to sheath herself. Both of her ripped legs are straddling you. Her strong rough hands clamp on to your shoulders. Lifting her hips the glorious girl penis slides nearly free then lifts you off the bed. WIth your shoulders pinned and you being suspended by your anus she's practically in a reverse pile driver position.

"Well looks like I'm stuck Dougy. Get ready, I'm going to just lean into it."

With that she slams down hard, the weight on your hips is immense but the feeling of her cock bending within you takes all your attention. Immediately she lifts full force ripping you off the bed with her cock and slamming down. With a clap your cheeks collide with the base of her cock and balls. The force slams you down on the bed just in time for her drop down driving her cock even deeper. A high squeal leaves your throat as she lifts off full force again, your ring hasn't weakened in the slightest.

For 10 minutes straight she bounces you up and down like a super ball. Your ass ricocheting up and down. Your useless legs flopping off the side of the bed. Your girlish squeals punctuating every rep of your grandma's bouncing breedfest. Slowly her deep grunts join you in chorus. You can feel her cock swelling and getting bigger. As it grows her timing gets thrown off and the bouncing becomes erratic.

"This over tight cunt of yours is milking me so good baby! Fuck oooooohhhh."

Instead of diving deep she pulls out as much as possible, your ring still grips her fat cockhead. Suspended in mid air she releases her pent up fetid load. Denied the pleasure of a convulsing throbbing dick you can only feel the jets of cum ricocheting down your loose colon. The hot scalding ropes trickle and slink down in your guts. Gloria is making adorable cooing sounds as her wad finally releases itself.

Falling back down her cock dives into the white sludge pool in your ass. Gloria leans forward and starts kissing your neck and rubbing her heavy breasts on your back.

"Well that was fun, I wonder if I can get free now... but do I want to?"

She can't get it out

Gloria's hands slide down your back and to your hips, locking you to hers. WIth minimal effort she stands keeping herself fully inside you. Walking towards the center of the bed she then lays down on her back and then spins you like a cake. The curvature of the mass inside you causes your insides to churn and gurgle both from her rock hard shaft and from the wad of thick semen packed inside you. Reaching behind your head Grandma pulls in for a deep sensuous kiss. You start rolling your hips, her lips quiver with ecstacy. You try and go faster but she slows you down.

"Easy sonny, we have nothing else to do today."

You return to kissing her. Running your hands to her broad shoulders, you can feel the iron muscles underneath a thin layer of fat. She's treating you with kid gloves working hard not to bruise or hurt you. Letting yourself just slowly rock back and forth on her she-shaft you shut your eyes and enjoy the hot sweet mouth enveloping yours. Moving your left hand to her breast it's nipple is hard and puffy. You let your lips float to her areola and start suckling. Her cock is only just moving in and out of you. Just a couple inches of movement letting her cock fill you as you tease and massage her as much as you can.

After a few minutes you move your lips to the nape of her neck to nibble and kiss her. Lapping lightly at her neck and earlobe. Gloria responds by pulling a bit more of her cock out of your still immensely tight ring. There you both were fucking like tantric lovers. Never getting aggressive, there was no need, she had already fucked you into submission. This was about two people needing each other and just being there. Both of you became slick with sweat and juices. The smell of the room became thick with lust. Never needing to switch positions left you both softly but firmly humping each other in unison. As she gave, you took and as she pulled, you pulled her as much as you could. Everytime you became sore she'd grunt as another spurt of pre re-lubed your organs.

After 3 hours, your belly was starting to bulge from the pre-cum. You imagined she had worked a giant load out of her balls. Midstroke she held your hips and lifted. Her cock slid out clean, barely extracting anything from your ring. As her cock head reached your opening, it remained tight. Your ass was literally bulging out and keeping her locked in.

"Dougy I'm getting close but I'm worried even that won't pop you off my cock. Let's go in the shower, I think we're going to need it."

Hugging you she shimmied herself off the bed holding you up and still impaled. Your ass thankfully still had feeling since you both had been extra gentle. Stepping into the shower she closed the door and lowered you on her shower chair, it was cold which made you tense up. Gloria shuddered and deposited another shot of pre. She pushed you against the backing on the chair and let your ankles lay on her shoulders as she then pulled your hips into her. In one motion your slid down to your back and your knees became pressed into your chest. Gloria spreads her legs wide and leans forward so her cock can have full penetration. She lifts her cock as far as it will go. You wince and your own asshole screams in agony. She slams down hard, her balls clap down and her cock grinds 2 inches deeper than she has ever been. You wince in pleasure. Gloria grips the back of the chair as she lays a kiss deep into you. Then begins brutally lifting his hips and plunging down over and over. Her full weight was using you as a trampoline. Her cock felt 3 sizes too big as she intended to drive as deep as possible so that her cock would have to come free after packing you full.

Your mouth could only suckle and nurse at her tongue as her boy breaker did it's work. She began picking up speed, her sweat slick breasts were slipping and sliding on your hairless chest. Her balls beating on yours as she mating pressed your boy cunt into dust. Your throat began squealing in a high tone with each brutal thrust.

After 10 straight minutes her rhythm became haggard she was driving in longer deep strokes. iInally she broke your now hours long kiss fest to just hold you tight as she drove her meat as deep as possible and began gasping and howling at the pleasure of dumping a literal gallon of cum into you. The first pulses stung your insides. The pressure moved up and down your guts as she re-angled her cock to spray every bit of her batter over every surface inside you. Even as the pressure lessened she kept pulsing her load into you. Rather than come in hard it just oozed deeper and deeper, the now familiar taste of her cum was seeping up your gullet.

Gloria extended her arms further to get more support on the the chair, her rank armpits now in you face, you couldn't help but inhale deeply as her meaty mast still flooded your guts.

After 15 minutes the flow seemed to stop. Last time her cum came up to your mouth you passed out. This time you we were in heaven. Just a cum swollen sack doing what you were bred for. To be bred by Gloria. Gloria leaned back content to pull herself free.

But she didn't come free. You were still locked to the end of her cock.

"Doug... how are you still doing this?"

"I'm not Grandma! Though to be honest I don't ever want your dick out of me." You smiled sheepishly.

Gloria showed her frustration. She began angling and pulling but it was no use. After a few moments she stopped and shuddered.

"Oh boy, uh dougy brace yourself, ughhhhhhhhh"

A flood of liquid came out of her. A wide stream of piss began filling you up. Even as she emptied her waste she was trying desperately to pull out. You reached out helplessly, you hoped to just hold her. No matter what it was, you wanted anything her magnificent penis provided.

"Doug! damn it!"

Still spraying her yellow runoff at full blast you felt the pressure building up in your colon. The piss couldn't get past the mile long plug of Granny gunk. After a couple moments her shaft finally popped free only to still deposit it's last liter of fluid into your gaping hole. Gloria leaned forward on your still up and splayed legs. Panting from hours of work.

She reached behind and turned on the shower. As the water hit her back you rolled forward to start cleaning her with your mouth. The taste was wild and unclean. The mix of cum and piss making you feel every bit as dirty as you are.

"Ok ok, that's enough my little cumslut."

You each took turns washing each other. Sneaking kisses and giggles from being truly happy. After drying off you both collapses on the sweat soaked bed. Ready to nap a while.

A Day Trip to Town

A trip to town

You awoke in Gloria's arms. Inhaling deep, her scent delved into your lungs. You were her little spoon and her soft but rolling pin sized cock pressed between your cheeks. Her breasts were giving a soft pressure to your back. As you stirred her hands gripped yours tightly and her farm hardened arms held you tight. A small flutter from her cock jiggled your girly ass cheeks.

"Good morning sweety"

Trying to return the physical attention you gripped her hands back and pressed your butt up against her womanhood a bit more.

"Morning Granny, how are you feeling?"

She gave a stretch just pushing her arms past you a bit.

"Ohhh surprisingly limber, how's your tushy darlin?"

"A little tender but it's a mild throb, Hopefully you won't get stuck again."

Hugging you even tighter, "Oh I'm stuck alright!"

Her hose pressed a bit harder between your cheeks.

"What should we do today, grandson o' mine?"

You just shrugged.

"Tell you what, I have an idea but you should go shower and make yourself up. I have a surprise once you're done."

Eager to please you shuffled towards the edge of the bed. Before you made it a foot, Gloria grabbed your shoulders and flung you down on your back. On you instantly, her morning breath was being blown down your throat as her mouth engulfed yours. Her beefy frame laid on you to get as much skin on skin contact as possible. Her cock digging deep into your belly. A small dab of pre leaked on your chest. She smeared it on her thumb and then slid it into you mouth. Sucking on it you could taste your lover's semen and sweat. It was made you rock hard. Looking down Gloria smiled and slid down your small body.

Her lustful lips easily swallowed your modest prick. Her strong tongue moved up and down your shaft in fast flutters. A constant hard suction gave you little chance to hold on. In moments you blew a backed up load of your own in to your Granny's eager maw. After a minute of letting you spasm and hitch. She slid her mouth off you and rose up to your face. Eagerly you went in for a kiss. Almost immediately your own cum splattered into your mouth. You gagged for a second in surprise. Slowly letting your own cockspray move down your throat.

"Sorry dear I don't swallow, that's your job."

Making a pronounced gulp, you just smiled.

"That's a good dear, now go make yourself presentable."

You took a nice shower cleaning up any remaining dirt and remnants of your sexcapades from last night. Flinging open the curtain, you gasped as your granny stood before the toilet, holding her limp long hose. Looking dead in your eyes she released her bladder into the toilet. The deep rumble of her stream hitting the water made you shudder. She smiled in delight at your reaction. You could hear her stream become more intense. Trying to act natural you climbed out of the shower and began drying off. Her stream weakened and eventually relented.

"Dougy dear could you wipe me off?"

You grabbed a couple squares of toilet paper and gave the bottom 3 inches of her cock and good wipe down.

"Good boy, now let's get your dolled up."

Opening her makeup bag, a cloud of perfume emerged, stinging your nostrils. Pulling out some blush, lipstick and mascara she went to work. After a while your face was well accentuated, dark red lipstick balanced your eyes and overly rouged cheeks. You felt some cold gel leak on your hair. Gloria then began combing your air back so it stayed back in ruffled streaks. It looked wet and was going to stay that way.

"There now, you look scrumptious."

Taking your hand she led you to her closet and revealed a red dress with a low cut and red fuck me pumps to match.

"Grandma what do you have in mind?"

"Oh just a day trip to town, get dressed it's almost lunch time."

Gloria went back to the bedroom to leave you to it. The dress slipped right over your head but became tighter and tighter as it slid past your hips. Finally stopping halfway to your knees. You slipped your feet in the new high heels and tried to walk. These were a bit taller than the last pair. Made balancing really tricky. As you wobbled out Gloria was waiting in a tight tank top and overalls.Probably the same dirty ones from yesterday.

"You look beautiful Granny."

Gloria blushed.

"You flatter me too much boy, anyways let's go."

The more you walked the better your ankles dealt with the extra strain. Some tips from Gloria helped, namely swinging your hips to keep your center of gravity stable. As you both walked out to the car Gloria opened the door for you. Turning around you carefully slid in and kept your ankles together as they swung inside. The car ride was brief, Gloria pulled into a street spot near the center of town.

"Let me get the door sweetie."

She got out in a rush and power walked over to your side.Opening the door you reversed the earlier process and stood there in broad daylight in the middle of town square. Looking around you see a number of shops and a maybe 60ish people doing their daily business. Most of them futa, a few men quickly scurrying around. Gloria nudged you and looked down at you smiling. She extended her elbow with pride. Softly you strung your arm through hers and held her muscular bicep.

You both walked for a block or too. Gloria never looked down at you but everyone around you was glancing and seeing Gloria practically strutting in her farmer's clothes with you as her dainty meat candy. She was showing you off. You immediately feel hot thinking about it. Shortly you were in front a pretty good looking italian joint called Julia's.

Granny opened the door for you as a proper lady should. The host sat you both quickly as they were very busy. A chesty waitress walked over and asked Gloria what we'll be having.

"We'll get a dozen oysters and an order of bruschetta."

"Very good ma'am." The waitress did a slight bow before leaving.

In mere moments a tray of oysters shucked and on a platter full of ice plopped down on the table. A smaller plate of bread topped with mozzarella, basil and tomatoes also appeared. Staring at the platter of very sexual looking seafood must have caught Gloria's attention.

"Ever have Oysters Dougy?"

You shake your head,

"Ok just take the small fork by you in hand. Lift one of the oysters to your mouth. Loosen the meat with the fork then tip the shell so it slides into your mouth. Be sure to chew hunny."

You do as she says, the slick cold meat slides onto your tongue and a very briney fresh taste coats your tongue. Definitely a familiar feeling only usually you feel near scalding heat from it. After a few bites you gulp with satisfaction. They're delicious! You eat your remaining allotment and start on the bruschetta. Gloria is keeping up but being far less clean about it. Her face is slick with olive oil and there's a morsel of basil on her chest. The waitress returns and asks if we'd like anything else?

"Two moscatos."

The waitress looks at you.

"They're for me." Gloria quickly corrects herself.

"Yes ma'am" The waitress walks off with little protest.

The drinks arrive and Gloria slides a glass over.

Leaning in Gloria whispers, "Just drink quickly dear you deserve a special treat."

You take a quick glance around and no one was looking. You took a big gulp and nearly spit it out. This being your first drink of alcohol it wasn't all that pleasant but the sweetness helped. Taking a few more sips it started tasting quite good really. Gloria was light sipping while be amused by your first taste.

Eventually you proudly drank the last bit and placed the glass down hard on the table making way more noise than you intended. You could feel some eyes on you. Gloria just smiled gently at you. She reached in her pocket and slammed down a wad of cash.

"Let's get out of here."

Taking your hand she leads you out to the side walk. Your balance wasn't what it was when you entered Julia's and even so you were still adjusting. Leaning heavily on Grandma was the only option. She paid no mind as you both walked towards the center of town.

"It's such a nice day, let's take a walk."

Gloria was headed to a small park in the center square of the town. Grassy with lots of statues and a few benches. There was a bench right in the middle of the square unoccupied. Suddenly your ankle gave out and you started falling. Gloria with her generous strength easily caught you. Lifting you up with no effort she carried you like a baby in in her arms. One arm under your knees, the other cradling your back. You couldn't help but keep your arm around her neck for support. People were looking so laying your head on her breasts seemed the only option. Gloria looked down and smiled.

"Oh Dougy you're bright red, here let's sit down."

She carried you to the center bench and sat down. You were on her lap still hugging her, head was swimming a bit, she was right, the alcohol went straight to your head. Gloria had noticed people staring. She tilted your head up and gave you a deep kiss. Your blood was red hot and you reflexively held her tighter. A hard presence made itself known beneath you. You eagerly swiveled your hips to entice it further. Gloria groans in response.

Breaking your liplock you kiss her on her cheek and keep kissing down to the nape of her neck.Near her ear you whisper, "I'm going to make you so proud today Grandma."

You push off to the ground, On your knees in the cool wet grass you're nestled between her strong wide legs. Unzipping her soiled overalls you reach in for your Grandmother's sweaty cock. It frees with some effort. Immediately your mouth slips over her still swelling cock head. Audible gasps from the passersby only entice you. Letting your hands lightly slide down her clammy shaft you slide underneath and into the dark hot fly of her outfit. Inside her smooth slick balls hang freely. Lightly holding each orb you massage each one. A wondrous glob of pre leaks into your mouth as her cock spasms roughly from the new sensation at its base. Gloria moans softly. You extract her cum tanks so they hang in the cool afternoon air. Sliding off her cock with a *pop* your tongue slithers down the full length until it's poking between her balls. Going to the bottom of her sack you strain your tongue to lift it. Each cum bucket hangs over both sides of your tongue. WIth your nose pressed against the base of her cock, the smell of her sweat shoots into your nostrils. The sour salt taste of her sack making your mouth drool. You can actually bounce your tongue to make her balls lightly slap each other on the underside of your tongue.

Gripping her cock you begin stroking it with your right hand. Your left hand and mouth working her magnificent ball sack.

"DAMN GLORIA! You spend your life savings on a boy whore?" a shout from one of the growing number of villagers.

Taking that as a compliment you free her balls from your aching tongue and and in one go slide your throat over her entire dick. More gasps from the crowd. Your tongue slips out and stings the base of her sack. Gloria is constantly moaning in pleasure. Mid moan she shouts,

"This my grandson everyone! Isn't he just the best!?"

Full of pride and her cock you begin deep diving her in strokes long and steady. Slurping and sucking noises emanate from your throat like it's a well worked fleshlight. Gloria's stringy fingers weave into your hair to help bounce your head up and down on her Granny dick. Minutes pass and suddenly she lifts you off her cock. You look up as cute as you can be with spit and pre drooling out of your mouth.Granny kisses you deep sucking some her own taste out of your mouth. She underhooks your arms and lifts you up. You spread your legs ready to be speared by your grandmotherly master. Your short dress hikes up high exposing your naked asshole to the wind. She lines up her shot and drops you. Your still rejuvenated boipussy grips hard. But the lube job you just performed lets you slide inch by inch down your welcome invader.

"Wooo yeah fuck that kid!" Another cat call from the penny seats.

Soon your plump buttcheeks get to rest on her balls. They gurgle while pressed up against you and warm feeling leaks deep inside you. Leaning forward and hugging Granny you start fucking yourself with her dick. Letting your ass rise high and to her tip before dropping full force on her steel legs. Your hole was at least able to free her dick at will unlike last night. Still your tightness was renewed. Every wrinkle and vein of her cum pump reverberated through your body. The harder you stroked it, the harder her heartbeat pulsed inside you.

Looking past Gloria's amazing eyes you could see the few dozen people who had surrounded the park to watch. Most of them other futas. Any of them wearing pants had a noticeable bulge. One had their lover reaching under her dress to stroke her as you pleasure your mate. Your pride was swelling almost as much as the veined cockmeat currently strecthing your colon into shape.

10 minutes pass and you're now squatting up and down her pleasure rocket. Every dozen or so pumps you scream "FUCK ME GRANNY!" It makes her cock twitch in unison. Suddenly she stands up, your ass still impaled. Bending down she lets your shoulders lay on the grass as she widens her gate and starts piledriving your now perfectly in shape guts.

Your legs list uselessly in the air as she drives you into the ground. Her balls slapping on your ass is the only sound. SLAP..... SLAP... SLAP... CLAP...CLAP...CLAP..CLAP..CLAP.CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP

Applause now fills the air faster and faster. Gloria is beaming at you and driving her cock in rhythm with the crowd's clapping. You have no idea what face your making but you can feel your tongue flopping out of your mouth just as much as your knees are bouncing on your chest.

"YEAH FILL EM UP!" someone yells, "FUCK HIM FULL!" another woman screams.

Gloria is now moaning with each thrust, her hand gripping your ankles tight. She lifts nearly completely out of you and drives home with a tremendous growl. Your stomach lurchs and a fat load spews inside you. She pulls out again and grunts hard with another thrust. More gurgling. Your stomach bulges a bit.


Between Gloria death staring you and the feeling of a cum baby developing in your guts you can now see dozens and dozens of Futa just jerking their cocks out in public. The thought of all of them watching you please Granny is driving you wild. Trying your best you squeeze your ring hard. Gloria shudders and another large blast of cum sears through you. She lays back on the bench her cock popping free. A very tall Futa walks up still jerking her fat cock.

"That was so hot! I need to blow my load. DO you mind?" She asks Gloria.

Gloria glances at you, blood is throbbing in your heart and rising. Her eyes question your loyalty. You thoughtlessly nod and she extends her hand inviting the amazonian admirer to have at it.

"No touching, just blow your load and move along."

You shudder as her words echo in your head. The dick diva turns towards you. Her thick uncut phallus bobbing in and out of her foreskin. Soon enough she blasts a a dozen ropes of cum all over you. Your minute cock spasms wildly adding a few ounces more. Suddenly you're surrounded by futa cocks of all shapes and color. A white waterfall soon commences on you. The hot salty rain is intoxicating, and you can't help but rub it all over yourself. Keeping your mouth open seems to excite them even more for the challenge. Countless mouthfulls swallowed. Each one a different fetid taste.

It was nearly an half an hour before the crowd dispersed. Gloria stood arms crossed at her cum caked grandson.

"What are we going to do with you Dougy? Can you even walk?"

You tried to sit up but your guts were too swollen with spunk to bend your back. Rolling over on to your stomach, it took seconds to realize your mistake. WIth a loud belch your throat spasmed up a salty mouthful of cum cocktail.

"If I didn't love you so much, I'd pity you son. Here"

She bent down and lifted you with one arm over her shoulder. Your poor dress ruined and your skin sticky with spunk she threw you into the back seat to take you home. As the car rocked on the way home you wondered if maybe she had planned this. Maybe she wanted to see if you being publicly fucked turned her on just as much as it drove you wild.

Gloria the couch potato

The next day you awoke by yourself in Gloria's bed. You had excused yourself from dinner early to take a nap and seemingly slept straight through until morning. A gurgling rumble emerged from your stomach and your hunger threw alarms in your whole body. Looking down you were wearing a slightly oversized nightie. Your skin was washed so you must have showered before bed, Leaning forward your backside screams in agony. Being newly broken in had its drawbacks. Still, riding your grandmistress in front of the whole town was magical and worth it. Leaning forward your legs nearly give out. The wall clock shows 10AM. You stand up and WAIT. Checking the date on the clock again, it's been 2 days!?

Going as fast as you can, you come downstairs to see Gloria sprawled out on the couch cuddled up in her own nighte wrapped in a knit blanket.

"Oh Dougy how are you feeling?"

"Uh ok I guess but I lost a couple days."

"Yeah our sexcapades seemed to take a lot out of you. I fed you some soup but you were pretty groggy. You hungry?"

Pondering for a second you replied, "Yeah but please don't get up, I'm sorry we missed all that time together."

Moving quickly you knelt next to her and gave her a big hug. In the background some TV judge show was on.

"You sure dear? I can whip something up."

Breaking your hug, "NO, I should take care of you today. You always take care of me. You relax."

Looking to your right you could see Gloria's womanhood was swelling.

"Has it been 2 days since..."

"I didn't want to bother you."

Frowning you went in for a deep kiss.Gloria returned the gesture by deep diving her tongue into your smaller gullet. Her taste was sweet and fruity. Pulling free she sat up and threaded her long muscular leg between you and her so he were now prostrate in front of her. Lifting the knitted blanket her pale veiny cock was semi-hard and pushing her nightie up. Pulling her phallus free you engulfed the head immediately. Lapping between her cockhead folds you were then covered by the blanket, You could still see her beautiful face through the loose knit of the afghan. She had laid back with her arms on the back of the couch. Happy to be of service you decided this didn't need to be a rush job. You had all day to service her and you hoped to get every rope and drop out of your grandmother's magnificent member. Ideally she didn't need to do anything today but lay back and let her self relax completely.

Still slowly nursing on her cock head you started massaging her legs and pelvis to find the likely swollen cum tanks you hoped would provide your meals for the day. FInding one under her leg, Gloria lifted it ever so slightly for you to pull it free, The smooth hot near vibrating orb felt so luxuriously soft you felt honored just to hold it.

Feeling every crevice and nook of your Granny's foreskin gave a trendmous salty taste, moving your tip into her pisshole it begat a sourness that made you shudder,The added motion made Gloria pump an ounce of pre onto your tongue lapping at it eagerly, your hands began massaging her orbs. Letting your soft nuzzling continue for minutes and minutes. Gloria barely spoke, just soft coos as you simply nursed at her wonderful cock head. Pre leaking here and there providing you with some saitiating for your hunger pains. A new episode of her judge show had begun. Opening your throat you took her cock into it with ease only letting her length force it open. Just her cock head penetrating your neck.

Softly and slowly using your throat as a second mouth you bob up and down on your mistress. Quiet UHK sounds coming from your passage the goal is to keep her pleasure going as long as possible. Your tongue presses up on her massive passage under her shaft. Rolling your tongue back more and more pre oozes forth. Keeping your left hand rolling her orbs, your right traces and brushes over her small belly and up to her breasts. She coos again as you lightly stroke her nipples.Grasping her left breast you start pressing in on her hard areola and let your throat suck down more of her shaft. She gasps in delight.

On TV you can hear the judge chastising a defendant for not letting another futa take him on demand when he was unable to pay for his dinner at her diner.

"Such a slimy bad man." Gloria chided.

A splurt of warmth gushed down your throat. Releasing your left hand from her meaty sack, both of her breasts were now getting attention. You let yourself fall down her meatstick, soon her soft pubes were tickling your nose.A throat full of cock and balls on your chin were all you would need today. Keeping your breathes short you could just breathe with your grandmother stuffed down your gullet. Looking up she wasn't even looking at you. After a few minutes of just keeping her sheathed in you her cock flexed a bit. Some small warmth filled your chest. Still slowly you lifted your head pressing your tongue hard on her cock. A long hot load of pre leaked into your throat as her cock left its confines.By the time you could tongue her fat cock hole you had a mouth of slaty pre to enjoy. WIth a deep gulp you swallowed your meal.

Making your way back down you looked up and still no look from your mistress, you wondered if she would even glance at you once she started breeding your guts. Reaching cock bottom you decided to only come back up after she provided more of your sustenance. After a few minutes she flexed again and you rose and fell as commanded. Your tongue was now jutting out in small strokes to tickle her sack. A smooth rhythm began lasting for the rest of the episode. Your hands firmly gripping her waist it was just wave after wave of pre filling you up.

You could hear a new show starting, a day time soap, Gloria's cock flexed hard, Behind you the sounds of making out started and music was swelling.

"Oh Andrea I missed you."

"David you were so wrong to cheat on me, but I.. I.... can't resist you."

The music swelled further. Gloria gripped your hair and began pumping your head up and down like a fleshlight. Squeezing hard with your neck as she lifted you with each stroke she began moaning. Every other stroke she'd pull down hard and grind her pelvis into your face. Her sweat coating you with her scent. The music behind you was getting louder, Gloria's cock was still swelling larger.You caressed her balls and felt them rumbling. FInally she drove deep and a massive rush of hot spunk filled your insides, Gloria uttered little moans with each pulse of her succulent cock.

A sense of pride filled you other than the massive wad of pent up cum. As her cock softened you let it recede out of your throat. Leaving her cock head laying on your tongue several small ropes still leaked out of her. Now feeling satisfied you began again. Running your tongue into the flap of her foreskin. Gloria gave a massive shudder but kept watching her stories. WIthin a few minutes she was hard and you let your throat be her cock holster. The entire episode allowed for you to keep edging your grandmother to an even bigger load of cum injected directly into your guts. You had become a glazed over baby suckling at her cock like a breast. Suddenly you realized she was looking down at you. Lifting up the blanket she looked deeply into your eyes. Her soft cock still lodged in your throat.

Her cock suddenly shuddered and you felt an immense warmth filling you. A sour smell and taste was wafting up into your sinuses. Your eyes went wide at your realization. Gloria started smirking and relaxing but still looking deep in your eyes. It took several minutes before her hose stopped filling you with waste. As it calmed down she stroked your face.

"You are such a sweet little cum dumpster, Dougy. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Thuuuhk uuuhhh"

You immedatly started sucking and bobbing on her relieved cock. Her cock head now sour and nasty but your pleasure didn't matter. For an hour you sucked your grandmother's semi-hard penis. Your jaw was terribly cramiping but you were there to empty her balls. She came 10 times that day. And that night, well....

back to her room.

You awoke slowly. You felt like you were floating but you could feel strong arms holding you. Lifting your head took an enormous amount of effort. You could see Gloria to your left, she was carrying you like a bride up the stairs. She glances at you and smiles.

"Hi there my little cum dump, you passed out down there. Such an eager beaver."

"What time is it?"

"Around 9 honey you missed dinner but I figured you had plenty to eat today. Figured I'd just take you to bed and tuck in for the night."

You were exhausted and still just dressed in the now slightly distressed nightie.But she was right you felt quite full and your belly stuck out a bit. Gloria reached the top of the stairs and gently walked you into her room. As she laid you on the bed her naked strong frame glowed with sweat in the moonlight.

"Dougy I think it's time you just sleep in here with me. I think we'd both enjoy having access to each other through the night, what do you say?"

"Of course! Anything for you!"

You sat up and hugged her by the waist. Her pale veiny cock pressed into your chest.

"What did you have in mind for tonight?"

Not waiting for an answer you began stroking her 8 inch flaccid cock.

"Well Dougy, that's a good guess but as you can see..."

Her cock wasn't swelling, You reached for her luscious balls and they felt a little smaller than usual.

"See baby you drained me. But hey no biggie, women of my age have this problem sometimes.While you were away I realized that having a young lover like yourself requires certain planning. "

She moved over to her dresser and pulled out a small prescription bottle. The top opened with a *pop* and she tipped out a single blue pill. Opening the faucet she bent over and gulped a mouthful of water and popped the pill down in one swallow.

You pulled her in for a kiss, deep and loving. Her hands moved to your ass and squeezed tight. Lifting upwards you slipped out of your new shoes. Still lip locked Gloria spun you around the room in ecstasy. Before you knew it you were thrown over the arm of the couch ass up. Gloria flipped up your tight skirt exposing your black panties. Pulling them off she hocked a loogie on your rosebud and angled her dick into your pussy. Thrusting hard she made it a few inches and began working you hard.

"I was thinking my boy, we need a vacation." Her hips now thrusting is firm short strokes. Her lust stricken rod reaming your hole with determination. Your spindly legs were just rocking listlessly between her long steel like legs. As you moan like a whore you uttered;

"I'd love that Momma."

Her balls began slapping yours.

"Somewhere not too fancy... hey I know let's invite Delia!"

Your ring tightened hard from the suggestion. Gloria noticed.

"Oh I see that thought excites you."

Gloria began getting rough, her cock was changing angles rapidly as she made every effort to to fuck you into the couch. Her cock became extra hard soon. After moments she ripped her gut puncher out of you and pulled you to the floor. Holding your head still she fisted her gorgeous girl cannon until thick ropes began covering your dolled up face. They were scalding but oh so satisfying. After some time her flow slowed and you were having trouble opening your eyes.

"One second son, hold still."

She stomped off and came back. You could hear the facetime ring sound coming from her hand. Someone picked up.

"Gloria? How are you? How is everything?"

It was Delia!

Gloria responded, "Well first off I have to thank you for ruining Doug's boipussy."

"I'm so sorry Gloria I got carried away."

"It's OK, I got some ointment and he's right as rain now. Anyways we have reason to celebrate and are going to go on a mini-vacation. Doug has something to ask you. Go ahead dear."

You managed to slowly open your right eye and could see the phone held up to your face. Delia's beautiful ebony visage was there staring at your gooey ivory frosted face. She had a wide smirk and was red in her cheeks. Swallowing down some excess cum you asked,

"Would you come with as our dear friend?"

"Haha! Oh Doug I see you guys started celebrating with out me... OK sure I'd love to go on a vacation it's been so long."

Gloria snapped the phone back to her.

"Great! We'll pick you up in the morning we can go to the city and then the beach!"

"Sounds good Gloria, see you then!"

The phone reset and Gloria lifted you up like a doll and carried you upstairs. Throwing you on the bed she began fisting her cock back to hardness.

"Gonna have to pack all day long if we're gonna be prepared baby."

With that she slammed the door and you made sure to make room.

On the road to Feminaria


It was the next morning and you were riding shotgun in Granny's car. She had just pulled in front of Delia's house. The front door opened and out came Delia in a really tight blue jump suit, something straight out of the mid fifties. She had sunglasses and white wide brimmed hat on. She was pulling a small suitcase with her as she walked up the drive. As she came closer you rolled down the window. Gloria leaned over.

"Hey hot stuff! You look amazing!"

Delia swung her hips to show off.

"Oh this ole thing? Hi Doug you look dapper in that dress where did you get a sexy thing like that?"

You were wearing the dress Delia bought for you. You thought it would be better than casual fare for your big trip.

"Some pretty lady gave it to me to make my Grandma jealous."

"NO she just wanted my son dressing as a whore. Which he is." Granny said as she pinched your cheeks.

Blushing you got out to open the back door for Delia. Gloria popped the trunk so you could load her bag.

"Dougy you're in heels, I'll put my bag in the trunk, besides I like to mind my things." Delia said with pride.

As you set off you looked at your grand/mother, she had a wide smile on her face. You looked back at Delia who was already reading a book.

"What have you been up to Delia?"

After bending a page to mark her spot, Delia replied, "Oh this and that. I had to meditate and sort of forgive myself for going overboard with you. Again I'm sorry, I also apologize to you Gloria."

"Oh? Why is that darling?"

"Well you loan me your grandson-"

"He's my son now, Delia. Not on paper but in every other sense that counts."

Delia lowered her glasses and gave a quizzical look but nodded silently.

"Well then, glad to hear it Dougy. In any case I let myself get out of hand and I felt that I disrespected Harold. After some deep thought I forgave myself and I think I just missed time with a man. Then again Dougy, you will have to do."

"Heeeey" You retorted half heartedly.

"Hey nothing, sugarcheeks."

"Oh stop it you two, I can't handle driving all this way with you two flirting like dumb kids."

"Sorry" you both said in unison.

Gloria didn't drive like an old lady. The countryside was flying by at a bemusing pace. Feminaria was the destination. A city with numerous buildings, beaches and attractions.

"So what should we do when we get there?" You asked with excitement.

You felt strong hands slide over your shoulders and grip you around your chest.

"I could think of one thing." Delia said loud enough for Gloria to hear.

Gloria quickly looked and gave a bemused smirk.

"I don't think you want any part of Dougy's rear end honey. He's got a hell of a grip now."

"Is that right my friend?" Delia's words sliding right into your ear. She continued to Gloria, "Well since you're busy maybe I can borrow your grand-... er son?"

"You two have no patience. Fine just don't make the car shimmy too hard, I can't keep the car straight if you two get too excited."

Delia freed you and laid back and slid over behind Gloria to spread her legs a bit. Her bulge was throbbing.

As you turned to climb in the back you gave your grandma a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun dear." She said with a coo.

The middle of the front seat had a fold down console allowing you to climb in back with some ease. Your dress kept your knees together and as you leaned forward your ass was particularly exposed to your Grandma's vision. You felt a strong whap on your asscheek making you jump and giggle. Delia beckoned with a finger, her other hand undid the knot holding the top of her jump suit tight to her chest. She slowly lowered the top down and down, exposing her heavy coffee colored breasts. As she exposed her six pack you went full chubb and started licking her abs as she lifted her hips to squeeze her jumpsuit past her ample backside. Now just stuck on her bulge you gleefully helped her monster out of it's home. Semi hard already, a generous lump of pre sat glistening on her tip.

Bending your neck down you placed the entirety of your tongue on her tip. Gushing the precum all over your tastebuds. You had missed this smell. Taking her in your mouth, you genrated as much saliva into your mouth to begin spit shining your friend. Delia moaned softly, running her fingers through your hair. Sliding your butt on to the back seat you pulled back to angle your throat properly, then gave a full dive into Delia's sweaty crotch. Instantly 7 inches of her speared your throat. A loud girly sound escaped your throat. Pulling back a few inches you dived again letting her slide further into your gullet. The squelches and coughs coming from you seemed familiar. One last dive and you smashed your ruby lips into the base of Delia's womanhood. Delia gave another deep moan as you felt her cock stiffen to full mast in your throat. Your neck cracked as it accepted her will.

You suddenly felt the car swerve a bit. Undaunted you tried to start bobbing up and down to work Delia's she shaft. Her strong hand wove through your hair to encourage you. The sun disappeared and suddenly the car was in shadow.

"Gloria what are you doing?" Delia asked.

"I need a pit stop, you two are getting me worked up."

Gloria had pulled behind a billboard. She got out and walked around the car to the door behind you. Throwing it open you felt her strong hands grab your hips and pull. Delia's cock sprung free from your throat with a violent schluck sound. In a split second Gloria had the fly in her overalls open and her swollen ass breaker was exposed to the prairie wind. Your tiny dress was pulled up exposing your naked boi-chute. A wide fat loogie hit your rosebud and her hard cock head was about to stretch you open.

"Dougy bear down, I'm going in."

As promised she drove in hard. 5 inches deep in one thrust. Your ass muscles even relaxed strained in agony. You screamed out in pain but before you could even get it out Delia's mocha shaft slammed down your gullet. Your muffled exhalation only opening your throat more. As Delia's cock head barged down your throat Gloria shoved more of her fat dick up you ass. Your added screams only making your throat vibrate and excite Delia more.

'Fuck Dougy, your throat is pure ecstasy today. Gloria baby keep it rough for him, he's making my balls tingle."

Gloria obliged and angled her granite Granny dick up to stretch you out even more. The pain was excruciating, but you played it up even more for both of your partners. As Gloria would slam forward you'd give a guttural groan as Delia's dick ran roughshod on your cock holster. Back and forth you slid between your generous dick donators. A chorus of sounds coming from your ass and throat, your granny grunting with each thrust lost in lust and Delia moaning as your mewling throat milked her cock for every drop churning in her ballsack.

"Dougy that little cunt of yours is going to make me blow!" Your new mom said with pride.

You managed to start squeezing her as she pulled out of each bitch breaking thrust. In mere moments she slammed home hard. An audible hiss and gurgling erupted from your guts. Delia screamed out and grabbed your head hard. Holding your nose to her thick pubes you heard a similar sound from deep in your throat. Gloria's fat dick was playing you like a bag pipe and Delia's black she shaft was adding to the music in response. Each lovely old woman giving small thrusts and coos as they filled you from both ends.