Honour Thy Mother - Chapter 12 by JamesRussel

Alex slowly woke from his most vivid dream yet. He'd dreamt that he had seduced his mother into finally taking his ass and that it had felt even better than he could have imagined. At least it felt like a dream, despite the evidence of his senses pointing to the contrary.

It felt surreal, even with her scent in the bedsheets surrounding him, the sound of her slow, regular breathing in his ear and the warmth of her soft body pressing against his back. Most tellingly, he could feel his sore sphincter still spread by her massive cock. Slowly pulsing with her heartbeat, it kept her load sealed inside him.

Alex's hand found Jenna's arm wrapped around him and gently stroked along it. He placed his hand on his tattoo, next to hers. Without him noticing, a contented smile crept onto his lips when he felt the skin of his belly. It was warm, taut and rounded, swollen with the sheer volume of her cock and cum inside him.

He opened his eyes but the light of a few stars coming in through a window barely let him make out enough to confirm he was in his mother's bedroom. Closing his eyes again, he resettled in her sleeping embrace, moaning softly as her cock moved inside him. He felt warm, safe and content like never before but as the minutes dragged on, he couldn't drift off into another dream.

The pressure in his stuffed insides was keeping him awake, too intense to not cause him discomfort in spite of what caused it. There being little else to distract him from it didn't help. Nor did the pulsing in his abused pucker as blood pumped through the veins on her massive shaft. He felt it twitch rhythmically inside him, the ever so slight movements greatly enhanced by the fluids surrounding it.

He felt his cheeks heat up as he wondered what it would feel like if he started moving, fucking himself on her cock in earnest. More than the silent protestations of his sore pucker, the thought of his organs having to make room for yet another one of his mother's enormous loads put an end to that idea. He'd definitely have to relieve the pressure inside him before he could go back to sleep, or maybe stay awake and go for round two, or treat himself to a salty midnight snack.

He carefully disentangled from Jenna's sleeping embrace and began pulling off her cock. It quickly turned out to be an ordeal, doubly so while trying to not wake her. Pushing himself away from her with a hand on her hips, Alex felt her throbbing rod slip out of him agonizingly slowly. He bit his lips and scrunched his eyes trying not to moan. As the pressure inside him slowly receded, an image of her cock reemerging from his hopelessly stretched out ring appeared in front of his mind's eye. In his imagination, her cock grew even beyond its already-unbelievable size, seeming to stretch on forever.

Jenna resettled herself in the bed, the sudden movement catching him completely off guard. He jerked and moaned whorishly when her shaft pressed against his magic button for just an instant. "Mmn, what?" He heard Jenna grumble sleepily. Alex whipped his head around but couldn't see much in the dark. "Oh no you won't," Jenna exclaimed and scrambled after him.

In her rush to get after him, she took them both over the edge of the bed. Overwhelmed by the burst of sensations inside him, Alex could only cry out before the side of his face hit the floor. An instant later, Jenna's foot pressed down on the other side of his face, pinning him against the floor despite his feeble attempts to push himself up.

"Think you're just going to sneak out on me, huh?" Alex heard a dangerous edge in Jenna's voice behind him, "Well I don't think so, darling." Alex groaned as Jenna drove all of her 18 inches back into his abused behind. "It's your fault I have this thing so you'll have to deal with it," she said, making Alex cry out as she pulled out halfway and slammed back into him.

Trapped between the wood floor on his knees, chest and one side of his face, Jenna's foot on the other side of his face and her hips slamming into his upturned ass, Alex was completely helpless as Jenna hammered her cock into him. "And you know what? I like it," Jenna confessed as she quickly built into a brutal rhythm. "I like making you my bitch," she continued as Alex shook in a forceful prostate orgasm, "I like hearing you moan like a slut on my cock. Feels a lot better than yours."

Her last remark left Alex confused for a brief moment before the thought was blown away by the storm of sensations assaulting his brain. A hint of fear crept into Alex's pleasure-flooded mind as Jenna worked herself up into a frenzy, both her voice and her thrusts becoming more and more aggressive. "You better get used to it honey, because this is how we fuck from now on," Jenna declared authoritatively.

Alex's brain gave up trying to differentiate pain and pleasure as Jenna jackhammered her massive cock into him. Gone was all of last night's passion and intimacy, replaced by pure ferocity as Jenna took revenge on him. Alex couldn't put together what he had done to deserve this punishment but in truth, he didn't care. Being this completely at her mercy as she ground him underfoot would've been nearly enough to drive him to orgasm on the spot, even without the flood of sensations that had him locked in ecstasy.

Alex's pupils rolled past his half-closed eyelids as Jenna used him as a stress toy and masturbatory aid. The pressure on his prostate shifted all the time as his mother's monstrous cock violently pistoned into his cum-stuffed belly over and over again. It milked him dry and drove all feeling from his legs leaving his upturned behind held up only by the welcome intruder savagely pounding into it. Even the impacts of her huge balls, swollen and heavy with her infinitely superior virility, against his painfully empty marbles sent shocks of deliciously painful pleasure racing up his spine.

Half-formed thoughts leaked from his lips as barely semi-coherent babbling. "Ngh, yeah damn right I'll fuck you," Jenna grunted, granting a wish Alex wasn't aware he'd uttered. "Like a cheap whore. Every day," she added and laughed sadistically, "till death do us part."

The last part never quite reached Alex. His brain was still struggling to process the preceding promise. The near-bestial pounding he was subjected to had him locked in a drawn-out orgasm. Once, in a time that now seemed so distant, he would've fantasized about dishing out this kind of rough fucking to his girlfriend. Now, the prospect of getting this kind of treatment from his mother every day made him shiver and moan.

Alex twitched uncontrollably as Jenna used his body for all its worth. Her thrusts came harder and faster as she grunted above him, fucking him ever more violently. Minutes flew by as she rutted him, the dark bedroom resounding with grunts, moans, whimpers and the impacts of flesh against flesh.

Jenna's stamina seemed bottomless until she suddenly growled through clenched teeth and hilted herself in Alex with a brutal thrust. Alex moaned and shivered when he felt a wave of pressure roll over his prostate before he screamed when his fractured mind realized what was happening. "Take it," he heard Jenna press out aggressively over and over again as she unloaded inside him.

Incoherent babbling dripped from Alex's lips as his mother pumped her thick seed into his already-stuffed belly. Her hips twitched instinctively, grinding against him and driving every last fraction of an inch of her superhuman endowment into his abused hole. He saw stars dance in the black room with each pulse of hot cum that ran through her cumvein, giving him a series of mini-orgasm as they passed over his prostate.

With every passing second, Alex felt liquid heat seep deeper into his body as wave after wave of fresh seed flooded into him and displaced last night's load. His arms laying limply on the floor scraped together enough strength to bring a hand up to his belly. His tongue lolled out of his mouth into a small puddle of his drool as he felt his already-swollen belly grow bigger and rounder with the sheer volume and weight of thick cream being forced into him.

"Ngh fuck," Jenna cursed as her intense orgasm winded down. For a while, she stayed as motionless as her well-used cumdump while they both panted and recovered from her climax. Even by her standards, she had come a lot, as if the constant stimulation of a warm wet hole on her cock throughout the night had made her balls all the more productive. She gave Alex's swollen belly a light swat. "Looks like it'll be me knocking you up now," she giggled.

A storm of contradicting emotions ravaged Alex's scattered and exhausted mind as Jenna slowly began to pull out. He felt utterly emasculated, but it was strangely liberating. Where he had felt loved last night, he now felt like he had been used and thrown aside, but was filled with the deep satisfaction of a tool that had fulfilled its purpose. As much as the pressure inside him was becoming painful and making breathing harder, he felt pride at how much thick jizz his hole had milked from his mother's hyperproductive balls, even while he lamented that he hadn't gotten to taste it. It dawned on him that his plug had quite possibly become a simple necessity as it felt like his ass would never recover, but he didn't care.

Searing pain from his abused ass melded into the liquid heat filling him and the warm afterglow of yet another most intense sexual experience of his life. Exhausted and barely holding on to consciousness, Alex felt relief with every millimetre of Jenna's forearm-sized cock that slowly slipped out of his tortured ring. Still, a small, twisted, insatiable part of him was sad that it was over. Then, he cried out hoarsely in surprise.

Jenna cackled madly as she quickly drilled all 18 inches of her still-hard cock back into Alex's ass. "What's the matter, honey?" She asked mockingly and ground her hips against Alex's reddened cheeks, "You thought I didn't know how you brag to your friends about me being multi-orgasmic?" She pulled out halfway and slammed back into him again. "Well how do you like it now, huh?" she spat.

Animalistic grunts and groans burst from Alex's throat as Jenna began fucking him again. Sawing over a foot of rock-hard throbbing cockmeat in and out of him, each thrust came harder and faster until she was pounding him just as ferociously as before. Alex's mind dissolved under her unrelenting assault, completely unable to form a thought or even keep up with the nerve-frying flood of sensations. He was an utterly helpless toy for her to use and abuse and his frayed consciousness revelled in every second of it.

With over a gallon of pressurised seed inside him, his wrecked sphincter had no hope of keeping its seal while his mother's thick veined shaft pistoned through it. A small trickle of jizz leaked out of his hole with every thrust. Alex felt the hot viscous liquid, barely diluted by the pre-cum still flowing from her tip to provide thoroughly unnecessary lubrication, slowly run down to his thighs and crotch. As Jenna's brutal pounding continued, enough of her cum escaped to glaze his neglected genitals and drip from the tip of his swinging penis. Soon, the small puddle of his thin emissions between his knees vanished in a growing pool of her potent seed.

At the same time, the pistoning of Jenna's cock inside his upturned ass pushed the cum still trapped inside him where gravity was slowly pulling it anyway. As Jenna ravished him like a woman possessed, Alex felt heavy liquid heat spread deeper and deeper inside him.

Time lost all meaning to Alex, his mind adrift and only able to handle a few of the myriad impulses flooding into it. The throbbing and pounding of Jenna's cock hammering into him as if trying to break through his pelvis. The pressure in his belly, which looked positively pregnant with his mother's cum. The growing wetness from his tears and drool on the side of his face that wasn't covered by her foot. The indistinguishable mix of pain and pleasure from his ass. The waves of ecstasy from his prostate. The pleasant warmth encasing his genitals. The scent of her cum pooling between his knees.

Alex was only vaguely aware of the darkness gradually leaving the room. Jenna paid no mind to the sunlight coming in through the window in front of her, driven into a single-minded frenzy. The orange light flooding the room made the sweat dripping from her glistening body onto Alex's back look like pearls of amber as she continued to jackhammer her cock into the writhing, near-insensate body under her.

Close to passing out from exhaustion and overstimulation, Alex was completely unaware of the humiliations and threatening promises Jenna interspersed between her grunts and pants while she furiously fucked him. Jenna's bedroom was brightly lit with natural sunlight by the time her thrusts became irregular.

Alex's brain couldn't explain the sudden abundance of light when Jenna removed her foot from his face and it came down heavily on the floor beside him. Beyond exhausted, Alex no longer had the strength to moan when Jenna's hands gripped his hips painfully tight and her cock throbbed inside him in a sure sign of what was soon to come. He could only twitch and shiver when she pulled him firmly against herself and her cock pulsed inside him.

Alex felt Jenna's weight on his back as she collapsed on top of him and her teeth closed around the back of his neck, muffling her throaty groan of ecstatic conquest. Despite having already emptied her balls into him twice, her third ejaculation was no less copious than the ones preceding it. Still more cum pumped into him, adding to his salty cream filling. Part of it backwashed around her rhythmically pulsating shaft to coat their lower halves in her thick hot seed. Choked gurgling emerged from Alex's throat with every belly-expanding shot she pumped into him until he was bloated with nearly two gallons of her virility. Teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, he wasn't sure if he was smelling or tasting her jizz. "Alex?!" he heard just as he passed out.

He felt himself rocking softly when he came to. He was warm. The pressure inside him was gone. He heard a heartbeat. He picked up his mother's sweet scent, tainted by a note of sweat. It took a bit of effort to lift his heavy lids, but when he did he saw why one of his eyes had refused to open. Half his face was pressed against a soft breast as he found himself sitting in his mother's lap, wrapped in a blanket as she hugged him tightly. A small groan escaped his throat as his senses returned and with them the throbbing, burning sensation from his stretched-out, strangely empty behind. "Oh thank god you're awake," he heard Jenna's voice the moment he showed the first sign of life. She hugged him against herself even tighter and kissed his hair.

"I, I don't know what came over me," words came bursting out of her, "I never meant to hurt you like this." The room went quiet for a moment as her voice trailed off. It took Alex a moment to realize why her voice sounded so odd.

He had never noticed so much of a hint of uncertainty from her, now her voice was heavy with not just uncertainty but, even more astonishingly, guilt. He could hear how deeply she cared about him, which was just the kind of reassurance he needed after what had happened. "It's okay, Mom," he said conciliatorily.

"No it's not," she exclaimed ruefully, "I had this dream about your father and I completely lost control." An awkward silence filled the room, neither of them knowing what to say.

"Mom, what happened? With dad?" Alex posed the question he had mostly avoided up until now. With how clearly his mother bristled up the moment the topic came up, he'd only rarely dared to ask because of how much Jenna would bristle up whenever he so much as mentioned his father, and how curt and evasive her answers had been.

Jenna let out a long, deep sigh. "I guess it's way past time I told you," she conceded, "Where do I start?" After a few seconds, she continued, "We really were happy at first. I actually thought he was a decent person, or at least as close to one as a man is going to get." She didn't seem to notice or care if Alex felt vaguely offended by her last remark. "But then you came along and did quite a number on me," she added in a playful tone, tousling his hair, "Saggy boobs, extra weight, stretch marks, some, um, less appetizing things, the works." She stroked his head like a cat as she recounted, "I lost the weight but the other bits weren't so easy to get rid of. Your father said he didn't care but I knew he was lying." Her voice turned icy as it always had before. "I could see it in the way he looked at me. The bastard actually had the gall to say it made me more beautiful to him," she spat contemptuously.

"So that kind of drove a wedge between us," Jenna summed up the myriad early signs of her failing marriage following a loss of trust, "I didn't even care as much as I'd thought I would, for a while." Listening intently, Alex felt her squeeze him affectionately. "You were there and suddenly, everything else didn't matter as much as it used to, even how things were between us," she reminisced, "Still, I did try all sorts of creams, diets, exercise routines, supplements, I even thought about getting surgery, just to look good for him again. I really thought things could work out if we found that spark again."

Of all the questions swirling in his head, Alex didn't dare to ask a single one for fear that she might clamp up again if he interrupted her train of thought, and so he listened as she continued. "Then one fateful day," she began in an exaggerated theatrical voice, "I saw an ad looking for participants in a study of some experimental drug that was supposed to help young mothers with, well, everything. At least I think it was a drug, or something with hormones, I never really got into chemistry. I didn't even really understand it when I signed up." A short fit of dry laughter burst from her. "Sounds stupid, doesn't it? Well, it was but I'd tried so much and I figured I'd give it this one last shot." With a smirk Alex could practically hear, she added, "And, as you may have noticed, I got what I wanted. One shot and I could watch my stretch marks disappear day by day. Hell, after a few more I looked better than before the pregnancy." She paused briefly as her nails lightly danced over a spot behind Alex's ear that gave him goosebumps. "But then, as you may also be aware, I got something I didn't want. Supposedly, none of the other participants seem to have experienced the same, well, growth. I'm sure I would've heard about it by now." With sadness in her voice, she added, "Anyway, things really fell apart from that point."

"Not only did I have to watch this thing grow on me, but I also had to see the fear and disgust in my husband's eyes when he looked at me," she continued, anger creeping into her voice. Alex saw her knuckles go white as she gripped the blanket wrapped around them tightly. "I did it for him and he treated me like a goddamn leper," she pressed out between clenched teeth, her voice cracking as deep-seated fury bubbled to the surface. Through the comforting soft warmth of her breasts, Alex could feel her heart hammering until she caught herself and took a few slow breaths to calm down. "But that didn't matter, plenty of joyless marriages in the world. What mattered was that we had a child to raise," she said and craned her head down to place a long kiss on Alex's hair. "And to give the devil his due, he actually took parental leave when mine ran out," she conceded, "But then one day, I come home from work and what do I find?" Alex heard her voice crack and braced for an outburst. "I find my son crying in his playpen while his so-called father is busy fucking some dumb young whore in my bed," she all but yelled, overtaken by irrepressible rage.

"And that is why I've never let that scumbag get anywhere near us ever again," Jenna concluded, sounding close to tears. Alex was too overwhelmed by what he'd heard to respond, almost wishing he hadn't asked. "The worst part is I was afraid you might turn out like him," she confessed, "I couldn't let that happen, I knew you could be better. But I didn't want to raise you into a spineless boring pushover nobody even notices, or one of those self-described nice guys that can make women's lives worse than the usual troglodytes." She sighed. "I was never quite sure what to do with you. I, I may not have done everything right," Jenna came as close to apologizing to someone as she had in at least several years.

A moment of pregnant silence followed. "Thanks, mom. For everything. I love you," Alex half-whispered.

"You couldn't possibly imagine how good it feels to hear that," Jenna hugged Alex tight and kissed his hair, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. "There won't be anything like what happened this morning ever again. I promise," she said and buried her face in his hair.

"Um, I," Alex began, feeling his face heat up as he recalled what felt like a lust-fuelled fever dream, "I kinda liked it."

"Oh," was all Jenna could muster in response, completely taken aback. "Oh," she repeated after some seconds, still sounding just as baffled, "Oh you shouldn't have said that."

Before he knew it, Alex was on his back, staring at the ceiling of Jenna's bedroom for a moment before he gathered his wits enough to prop himself up on his elbows and look over his naked body and Jenna's bed to see her crawling towards him, the hunger in her eyes and her graceful movements reminding Alex of a large cat stalking its prey. "If you say things like that, I might get the idea you want me to be rough with you," Jenna warned. Alex stared at her wide-eyed and dropped back down as Jenna crawled over his body until her face was just above his, framed by a curtain of her hair which was somewhat dishevelled and lightly tangled after her earlier exertion. "To treat you like a little slut," she continued while Alex's hands found their way to the rapidly growing meaty appendage pulsating on his belly, "To use you as my personal toy. You wouldn't want me to think that, would you?"

Alex's eyes flicked down to the throbbing spear he was hugging against himself like a long-lost lover before returning to his mother's. Taking in the lust, hunger and something resembling admiration in them, he chewed on his lips, which was all the answer Jenna needed. A heartbeat later, her lips sealed on his, all but wrenching them open so her tongue could invade his mouth.

Electric sensations ran all over Alex, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He forgot about time itself as they both panted and moaned into the most passionate kiss either of them had ever experienced. He felt a gentle pressure on his throat as Jenna's hand found its way between them and closed around his airway. He put his hand on hers encouragingly, his other hand gently stroking what little it could cover of her huge rod.

"You're just perfect, aren't you?" Jenna whispered as she broke off the kiss and drank in the desperate lust on Alex's flushed face, "Mommy's perfect little slut."

"Yes," Alex answered breathily, feasting his eyes on Jenna's heaving breasts as she straightened up.

"You really aren't a man," Jenna chuckled, giving Alex's throat one more squeeze before she reached behind herself and lifted up his legs, hooking her hands behind his knees. "You are so much more," she continued, bringing his legs along as she bent forward again, "So much better." Alex felt his already flush face heat up even more at her praise, mirroring the heat spreading throughout his body at the anticipation of what she was preparing for.

"You know, I was never the type to play the submissive housewife," Jenna admitted what anyone who knew her for a minute could have guessed, her hands moving up Alex's calves as she pushed Alex's flexibility to slowly bring his ankles down above his head, "but I can see the appeal of having one." A moment of pregnant silence followed as Jenna's face hovered inches above Alex's, looking at him intensely with eyes burning with desire.

"Someone who keeps my house clean, cooks my meals, helps me relax," she began listing her expectations. As she spoke, she shifted her feet forward so she was squatting above Alex and slowly raised her hips. "Someone who's always ready, always waiting, to be bent over a table, thrown against a wall, pushed to their knees," she continued. With his eyes locked on his mother's, Alex only realized that his hands had been greedily groping her cock when it slipped out of his grasp, leaving a wet trail down his belly as Jenna shifted her hips to aim her cock at Alex's exposed hole. "Someone who will obey my every whim and thank me for the privilege," she summarized, images racing through Alex's mind as he sank into the fantasy she conjured for him.

Alex's eyes fell to his crotch and the sight mesmerized him. Glistening with the pre he had unknowingly spread all over it, his mother's forearm-dwarfing cock was pointed at his gaping exposed hole, throbbing and dripping with ever more natural lubricant. "You want that?" Jenna asked.

"Yes," Alex near yelled, his vocal reply as instant and enthusiastic as the twitch running through his thumb-sized erection, "Please." His eyes returned to his mother's face with a pleading look. "I'll be your good little boy, your slut, your wife," words flew from Alex's lips faster than he could think. Before he even knew it, he had added, "Your slave."

For an instant, he saw Jenna stiffen and her eyes widen. "My what now?" she asked, voice straining with barely-controlled hunger.

Alex paused for a heartbeat. "Your," he began, but he never got to finish his affirmation. His throat seized up when Jenna drove her well-lubricated spear into his waiting hole. Wide-eyed and frozen, Alex stared into Jenna's eyes while she slowly, steadily drove herself deeper into him. When her hips pressed into his cheeks, the breath he had been holding flew out of him in a squeal, which was cut short when Jenna's lips sealed his, her tongue invading his mouth as greedily as her cock had sunk into his rear.

Still sore from the morning's ferocious pounding, having his hole stretched around Jenna's incredible girth once again was almost as painful for Alex as it was pleasurable. Beyond the physical sensations, Alex felt a sense of fully giving himself over to her, letting her take from him whatever she wanted and use his body for her pleasure. It made the pain oh so worth it, even before she drove herself deeply enough to hit his prostate. When she did, Alex seized up, squirted his watery load over his belly and let out a muffled squeal that dragged on as Jenna's throbbing cock impaled him ever deeper.

Feeling her balls rest on his cheeks and her thighs press into the back of his when she hilted herself inside him was a moment of utter bliss, cut woefully short when she smoothly transitioned into pulling out again. Keeping his feet pinned above his head, Jenna began swinging her hips up and down, each deep thrust flowing seamlessly into the next in stark contrast to the brutal rutting she had unleashed on him before.

Pinned under Jenna, trapped between the warmth and softness of her breasts on his chest and the mattress on his back as her hot, hard cock filled him over and over again, Alex was in heaven. His hands could only grasp weakly at the sheets as Jenna fucked him passionately and skillfully, keeping him locked in an unending full-body orgasm.

With nothing left to say, Jenna and Alex continued to kiss and moan into each other's mouths as they acted on their oaths. When Jenna let go of Alex's ankles to possessively grab at his hair and throat, his legs naturally wrapped around her hips, using what little motor control his pleasure-flooded brain retained to pull her into him.

Alex was rudely torn from his pleasure-trance when Jenna pulled out all the way. He barely had time to realize what was happening and let out a plaintive whine before Jenna grabbed him and flipped him on his belly. Not a second later, he felt her tip in his entrance again, slowly sinking into him as she lay on top of his prone form.

"Oh god. Oh god," Alex exclaimed breathlessly as his mother's cock slid home, every vein and slight bump on his rubbing against his prostate more vigorously in the new position.

"Goddess," Jenna corrected him, speaking softly into his ear. "I told you," she added teasingly, grinding and rolling her hips against his butt.

"Yes," Alex moaned, giving no indication if he had even understood her until he added, "My Goddess."

"That's it," Jenna grinned. "You know, if you'll be my good little wife," she said in mock pensiveness, "Then I guess this is our honeymoon." She began pumping herself in and out of him in slow, shallow thrusts, savouring the moans, gasps and squeals she milked from him. "So I won't stop until I've got you knocked up," she promised.

Lying prone with Jenna's weight pressing him into the mattress and her hips driving every bit of her monstrous cock into him over and over again, Alex could only moan and writhe helplessly in unbearable, painful pleasure. The tip of his penis left a small wet spot in the sheets as she milked him utterly dry while he felt the warmth of her pre-cum continuously pumping into him.

The added lubrication proved a blessing as Jenna's passion rose. Alex heard her breathing quicker and heavier right next to his ear, interspersed with more and more grunts and moans of her own. Her thrust came in faster and deeper, sawing more and more of her hard throbbing shaft through Alex's sore ring and over his prostate.

With his belly pressed into the mattress, Alex felt all the more clearly how the throbbing cock reaching so unbelievably deep inside him forced his body to make room for it. The sheer ecstasy of having his body used by his mother-goddess left no room for thoughts in his head. As the staccato of Jenna's hips hammering into his reddening cheeks intensified, his moans came in ever higher and louder, muffled though they were with his face buried in a pillow.

He cried out hoarsely when Jenna grabbed his hair and jerked his head backwards. "This is what you wanted, isn't it? You love it when I'm rough with you," he heard her strained voice right next to his ear.

"Yeth," Alex barely managed to utter, getting a knowing chuckle from Jenna. It was obviously what she wanted to hear, which would have been reason enough for him to say it, but his confession was utterly genuine.

"That's a good slut," Jenna commended. Momentarily letting up her intense rutting, her other hand snaked in under his belly and hugged him against her as she got on her knees and got off the bed. After letting out a surprised gasp, Alex hung limply in Jenna's arms and tried to recover his breath as she took two quick steps toward the side of the room. His whorish moan from her cock moving inside him was cut short when she threw him against the window.

The hand in his hair pushing his head against the glass, her other hand let go of his belly and came down hard on his ass in a resounding spank. Jenna gave an appreciative coo as his stretched-out ring tightened on her shaft before she hilted herself inside him again and began building back up to her rhythm. With his limp legs hopelessly incapable of supporting his weight, Alex found himself held up by the wall and the enormous cock hammering him into it.

The cold glass against his face and chest was yet another addition to the already overwhelming flood of sensations running rampant in Alex's brain. Every one of them was heightened further when Alex saw people milling about in the neighbourhood. The idea that any one of them, if they only happened to glance in his direction, could see him drooling, moaning and mewling as his upper body rhythmically slid millimetres up and down along the window was as exciting as it was mortifying. He could only hope that nobody could hear his cries of surprise, pain and pleasure whenever Jenna gave his ass a hard spank.

With Jenna's cock pulsing and twitching inside him, her hand suddenly yanking his hair was the sign he had been waiting for. He howled in utter bliss as Jenna hilted herself inside him and he felt the first pulse run up her cumvein. Twitching with every spurt of seed his mother pumped into him, wave after wave crashed over him. As Jenna filled him with her virile seed, he gradually felt the cold glass on his belly, in stark contrast to the growing heat blooming within him.

As her orgasm died down, Jenna wrung another animalistic grunt from Alex when she twisted his head around by his hair and kissed him deeply. Though most of his body refused to obey him, his tongue still showed some life, lazily following hers. Once she had dumped every last drop of cum deep inside him, Jenna unsealed her lips from his, both of them simply panting and staring at each other for a few seconds, basking in the afterglow as her cock stayed hard inside him.

"Not a bad start," Jenna said, still somewhat breathlessly, "But you want more, don't you?" Seeing Alex nod weakly, a satisfied grin appeared on her face. "Good. But be a good wife and make me some breakfast first," she ordered and slowly pulled out of him, forcing him to stand on wobbly legs. He tried to clamp his hole shut to keep her precious seed inside him as she walked over to pick up his plug from where it had lain since the previous evening. "And don't take too long or I'll come and get you," she added with a glint in her eye as she inserted his plug and sent him on his way with a light swat on his glowing cheek.

Over the following weekend, Jenna made good on her promise. She was insatiable, putting every hormone-flooded young couple to shame, never letting Alex go a full waking hour before she was on him again. With the stamina to back up her hypercharged sex drive, she would fuck him into a boneless mess for almost an hour at a time while holding him up or carrying him, sometimes even going for another round right away.

Whenever Alex's groans and grunts made it apparent that having his guts rearranged was becoming more painful than pleasurable, neither of them even considered stopping outright. Instead, Alex would all too happily find himself on his knees, his eyes staring up at Jenna full of adoration and gratitude as she fucked his face just as passionately.

Fulfilling his other wifely duties in between letting his mother have free reign over his holes proved to be a challenge, helped only slightly by the fact he didn't need to worry about making meals for himself aside from the occasional bit of fruit to cleanse the palate. One side benefit of having his mother use his mouth instead of his ass, aside from getting a taste of her cream when she pulled out afterwards, was that there wasn't as much of a mess for him to clean up afterwards. Try as he might to keep it inside him, almost always some of her cum would otherwise leak from his freshly-stretched hole before it was properly plugged again. He kept expecting her to stop him when he went to fetch something to wipe it up with until, growing tired of waiting for her to command him to debase himself for her, he made sure she could see him as he got on all fours and lapped up a small puddle of her still-warm seed from the otherwise pristine living room floor.

With both of them having decided a few hours in that clothes simply weren't worth the hassle, Alex got all the reward for his submissive display he could've asked for. He watched his mother's gorgeous cock grow as she calmly put away the book she had only just picked up and wordlessly walked toward him. It had already reached its full, towering size by the time he sat up and opened his mouth wide for her, just in time for her to grab his hair and forcefully shove herself into his waiting throat. Drowning in submissive bliss, Alex's eyes rolled up and fluttered close as Jenna gave him the rough skullfuck he so badly craved. Again and again, her heavy balls bounced off his chin and his nose flattened against her pubic bone. Growing lightheaded as Jenna utterly ignored his need for oxygen in pursuit of her climax, Alex shuddered and left a few watery stains on the floor of his own, then again later when Jenna pumped her thick jizz directly into his stomach.

Far from simple mindless rutting, Jenna every moment of the time she spent fucking Alex in almost every position she could bend him into. By the morning of Christmas day, she almost played him like an instrument, fucking him at just the right angle to take enough pressure off his prostate so he stayed coherent enough to sing her praises and beg for more, and then turning him into a shuddering, uncontrollably twitching mess at will.

The evening of Christmas day marked the end, or at least a break, in the unofficial newlyweds' honeymoon. If it had been at all possible for him to be pregnant, the sheer amount of virile seed she had pumped into him over the preceding days would've made sure of it. He had certainly looked the part at some points. After a nice dinner, one they both ate for a change, Jenna decided it was time for them to unwrap presents.

Happy as he had been at one point about having squirrelled away money to buy a present for her, Alex had felt a bit embarrassed when he added the finger-sized package to the pile of boxes under the tree. In stark contrast to the preceding days, they had both dressed up a bit, although Alex felt even more uncomfortable in his button-up shirt and black jeans than he always had. Jenna however, obviously liked the look of herself in her red dress accented with a black belt, and Alex had to agree. The bit of mistletoe stuck in her belt buckle added a decidedly naughty note.

"You go first," Jenna decided, watching him closely as he inspected the arrayed gifts, looking almost intimidated. Jenna had never been stingy when it came to Christmas or his birthday but unless she was playing a trick on him with empty boxes, this was on another level. He actually felt some apprehension as he picked a box, especially as he hadn't expressly wished for anything. Not quite daring to pick the largest box, he unwrapped one of the smaller ones to find just the collector's edition box set he had failed to secure some weeks ago.

"How did you?" he asked, looking at Jenna incredulously, who simply smirked and made a noncommittal gesture, visibly pleased by his reaction. Alex stared at the box again, unknowingly grinning to himself as he turned it in his hands and pulled out the smaller cases containing the discs before he remembered that he had only gotten started.

Emboldened, he went for a larger box next, noticing its heft. His jaw dropped when he pulled away the wrapping paper to find a sinfully pricy prosumer camcorder, with smaller attached packages containing extra batteries and memory cards. "If you are going to insist on doing movies, I can't let you not have decent tools to do it," Jenna commented.

"Oh my god," Alex muttered. "Goddess," he corrected himself before Jenna could. Judging by the grin on her face when Alex looked at her, she had been about to.

"Now you have to take the big one next," she insisted, getting up to help him drag the box, which looked almost big enough for him to sit in, away from the tree. Seeing the expression on his face when he opened it to find two separately wrapped boxes inside it, she giggled and pointed to the one he should open first. Under the wrapping paper, Alex found a nondescript cardboard box of suspiciously familiar weight which, once another layer or two of foam and wrapping was out of the way, revealed a PC. His eyes bulged as he read the spec sheet taped to the side of this custom-built beast of a machine, ending in a list of pre-installed software including a subscription for the Adobe pro suite. "I'm told you can't just edit video on any old calculator. Not that I know much about it but I know someone who knows someone," Jenna explained with emphasized casualness. The other box turned out to be a monitor which, to Alex's momentary disappointment, wouldn't be much use for gaming for lack of refresh rate and response time but promised impressive colour gamut and accuracy.

"I, wow, thank you so much," Alex stammered, sitting amidst boxes and wrapping paper.

"But you're not quite done yet," Jenna smirked, anticipation plain on her face as she came over to hand him the final gift. She gave him a mouthwatering view of her cleavage as she bent over to hand him the box. Small in comparison, the flat box resembling a box of chocolates seemed rather anticlimactic in stark contrast to Jenna's expression


Alex took the box from her hand and noted how carefully and lovingly it had been wrapped and decorated, prompting him to forgo his usual method of tearing at the paper and instead carefully undo the ribbons and find the bit of tape holding the paper together to remove it with minimal damage. Underneath emerged a nondescript box of black matte cardboard, the texture of which seemed vaguely familiar. A silvery symbol including an arrow, a circle and a stylized 18 was embossed in the middle of the lid.

What he found when he pulled off the lid stood in stark contrast to the unassuming exterior. Bedded on black velvet there were several thin pink strips, blindingly bright in comparison. Each of them had something different written on them in bold white letters, ranging from the relatively innocent 'SUBMISSIVE' to degrading labels like 'FUCKTOY', 'CUMDUMP' and 'SLAVE'. "You can pick whichever you feel like wearing," Jenna explained. "But don't let me catch you without one if you don't want a new tattoo," she warned, her tone only half-joking. Alex shot a nervous glance at her to see her watching his every move like a cat about to pounce.

Blushing, Alex took the strip labelled 'SLUT' out of the box and closed the clasps on each end around his wrist where the far too large latex band hung loosely from his thin arm to Jenna's apparent amusement. "Nuh-uh", she said with a condescending giggle. Realizing his mistake, Alex undid the clasp and kept his eyes on hers as he slowly brought the strip of pink latex to the base of his neck. He saw her eyes light up when he, with a bit of fiddling, collared himself for her.

"Oh yes," Jenna almost moaned and bit her full lips, "This really suits you." With the slightest touch of a finger under his chin, she had him present his throat for her as she feasted her eyes on the sight. Up close, Alex could see her face flush a bit as she continued to chew her lip. "It looks amazing on you," she eventually judged before locking eyes with him. "You should probably have the writing on the inside when you go out. Just a suggestion," she smirked and Alex felt his face heat up at the realization that she expected him to wear a collar in public as well. "So, happy with your presents?" Jenna asked, knowing the answer but wanting to hear it from him.

"I love them," Alex breathed as he gingerly touched the latex sitting snugly around his throat, prompting Jenna to come in for a long kiss, unusually devoid of tongue.

"That's what it's all about. So, got anything for me?" Jenna eventually asked coquettishly and sat back down on the couch.

"Uh yes," Alex stammered. The small package he picked up from under the tree was almost lost in the sea of ribbons and wrapping paper. As a matter of course, the exchange of gifts between them had always been very one-sided and for the first time, he felt embarrassed by it as he handed her the finger-sized package. Without even thinking about it, he chose to kneel on the floor rather than sitting on the couch with her.

"What's this? Did you model a toy for me?" Jenna quipped as she twirled her gift in her fingers, her low blow adding to Alex's embarrassment.

Unwrapping and opening it, Jenna pulled out a shiny black oblong object. Alex watched her brow furrow while she inspected the object and took off the cap to reveal a metal tube inside. When she twisted the base, a waxy substance emerged from the tube, the same deep red hue that had burned itself into his memory when he had seen it on her lips some weeks ago. With an arched eyebrow, Jenna cast questioning looks at him and the lipstick until she suddenly gasped, seemingly struck by a realization. Alex was taken aback to hear his mother squeal with glee before her hands shot towards him to grab him with a hand under his ear on either side of his head and she pulled him up for a deep kiss.

"Thank you. I love you. So much. My perfect little boy. I wanted to. Do this. For so long," she confessed in short bursts in between kisses. Equally happy and confused about the sudden shift in her reaction, Alex didn't know what to say as she beamed at him for a moment. "Come on then," she said giddily as she took hold of his jaw and brought the lipstick up to his face, "Pucker up."

"Wait, it's for you," Alex protested but Jenna dismissed it with a laugh. Consigning himself to his fate, Alex held still as Jenna carefully applied the lipstick. He couldn't help being turned on by it as Jenna had found another border of his to effortlessly demolish and another bit of control for her to take from him. "Oh my, you look just," she admired him as she leant back up, struggling to contain herself. Alex saw a telltale outline appear in Jenna's dress as she openly eyefucked him. When she brought a hand back down and slipped a finger past his painted lips, he unthinkingly suckled and tongued it. He got into it more and more and even bobbing his head a bit as he looked up at her hungrily.

When she eventually pulled her finger back out with a pop, it was covered in saliva and marked with a red ring near the base. "Everything's unwrapped, are we going to play with our new toys now?" Alex asked teasingly.

A lecherous grin split Jenna's beautiful lips as she got off the couch and made to hike up her dress, then she suddenly stopped herself. "Let's see if that camera actually works. Get it set up, I'll be right back," she instructed. Alex's eyes went wide, shocked and turned on by the thought of recording whatever Jenna was about to do to him. While he was still unpacking it and skimming the handbook to get the most basic idea of how to operate it, Jenna had hurried out of the room and returned in heels that matched her dress, carrying something small that she insisted on hiding from him. "Get it set up so it has a good side view of me here," she ordered, patiently watching him scurry around the room looking for the best spot for the camera where it was hooked up to the power and had a good angle, then trying to get anything approaching decent lighting in the room and finally fiddling with the camera's settings.

When he was about as happy with the shot he'd set up as he was going to get, he headed over to where Jenna was sitting. "So, what are we doing?" he asked, his mind racing with possibilities.

"Nothing quite yet," Jenna replied and got off the couch, "First you need your costume." She ran her fingers over his collar and began unbuttoning his shirt. Alex stood still as Jenna slowly undressed him, staring into his eyes even as she removed and discarded his shirt, then opened his belt, button and fly before she hooked her thumbs into his underwear. Even when she crouched in front of him to pull down his pants and underwear, her eyes stayed on his. Looking down into her eyes and cleavage like that was a view he had often dreamt about, although it had now come to pass under very different circumstances than he would've ever imagined.

When she came back up after stripping him of every bit of clothing aside from his choker and plug, the tension hanging in the air had him breathing heavily and his tiny penis standing at attention. "Not quite there yet but get the camera rolling already," Jenna instructed. After starting the recording, Alex walked back into the shot awkwardly, painfully aware of his naked body being filmed in ultra-high definition. He watched Jenna collect the ribbons from the discarded gift wrapping before she returned to him. "Relax baby, we're keeping this video private," she whispered as she walked behind him and brought his hands together behind his back. Alex's breathing quickened as he felt her tie one ribbon after another around his wrists. "At least for now," she added teasingly once she was done, giving Alex goosebumps. It felt like he could break his ties if he put his back into it, but he couldn't think of a reason to even try.

Her hand left a trail of tingles on his skin as it ran up his arm while she walked around him and sat back down on the couch. She pointed at the floor between her feet and Alex dropped to his knees at the indicated spot, heart racing in his chest as he watched her hike her dress up to reveal her half-hard cock draped over her massive smooth balls. The sight made him forget any inhibitions he might have had about being recorded. He lurched forward, lips parting and tongue sticking out but was stopped by a heel on his chest. "Mom! Please," he complained, his mouth already watering.

"Just a moment, my greedy little slut," Jenna stalled. She took the lipstick and applied another layer to him, laying it on thick. "There you go," she inspected her work, already full of anticipation of the mess it would cause. Alex saw her take out something she had tucked into her belt behind her back. "One more thing: Do not call me Mom while the camera is rolling," she ordered, "Understood?" Alex nodded and saw her face brimming with excitement as she brought the object to his face. "Perfect," she said as she secured the blindfold over his eyes before leaning back and hooking a calf behind his back, "And action."

Following his cue, Alex lunged forward, burying his face in her crotch. "Thank you," he moaned, "Oh, you smell so good." Surrounded by darkness, Alex wasn't quite sure where his face was but he thought he could feel her shaft against his temple. With her intoxicating scent flooding his nostrils, he sought out its source and worked his face in under her shaft to breathe in her musk and run his tongue over the familiar texture of her sack. Even having come to know her endowments as well as he had, being blind made it a very different experience, making him all the more aware of the scent, taste and feel of her warm soft skin on his face. It also made him even more helpless against her than he already was, doubly so with his hands tied behind his back, and the feeling of utter submission was simply sublime.

Alex moaned nonstop as he licked and kissed his way down to the pair of weights pulling the skin of her sack tight, feeling the warm weight of her cock lift off his back as his devoted service brought it to life. Nearly dislocating his jaw, he sucked each of her fist-sized cum factories into his mouth in turn to give them a good tongue bath, relishing the taste as well as the sound of Jenna's appreciative coos.

Completely focussed on his oral exploration, as was only vaguely aware anymore that he was being recorded. The thought was just present enough in the back of his mind to leave him even more aroused than he normally would have been while worshipping his mother's sack. He had no idea just how much of a lewd scene the camera was capturing with Jenna moaning and mauling one of her breasts she had pulled out of her dress while Alex left striking red lipstick marks all over the pale skin of her crotch. As much as Alex enjoyed lavishing Jenna's balls the attention they deserved and lapping up the salty lubricant that already ran all the way down her cock, they both knew it was only the prelude.

"Can I suck your cock? Please? I want it so bad," Alex begged, the one reason that could justify taking his lips off her sack.

The few seconds she made him wait for a reply were agonizing. "How could I deny you your life's purpose?" she finally relented.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you," Alex muttered over and over again as he kissed his way up. Moaning with seething arousal, he rubbed his face back and forth along her shaft as he slowly made his way up, constantly lapping up her delicious juices and showering her cock with red marks from his loving kisses. He was thankful from the bottom of his heart for just how much of her throbbing pole there was for him to worship. Before, his blowjobs had been acts of ready submission in the face of her clear superiority and rightful dominance before, or even something he had to be forced into in a past that now seemed downright absurd. But now, knowing how she could make him feel with it had given him an entirely new appreciation of it, one he could scarcely express properly.

His nose bumping into the lower ridge of her fleshy helmet was his first sign that he was about to complete his ascent, which meant he was getting ever closer to finally feeling her pulsing rod deep down his throat again. With his tongue roaming higher and higher over the silky skin of her tip, he let out a whorish moan when the tip of his tongue flicked over her cumslit. He couldn't get enough of the taste and feel of her pre-coated glans, letting his tongue roam back and forth all over it. Eventually, he brought his lips down around it to make sure not a drop of her pre escaped him.

Moaning through his nose, Alex bobbing his head up and down on just the first three inches of her crown and tongued hungrily at it, which was rewarded by even more natural lubricant flowing from her slit for him to greedily swallow while listening to her moans and coos. He didn't mean to tease her by dutifully attending to just a sixth of her length but nevertheless, that was what he was doing. Pointless though it was under his blindfold, his eyes shot wide open when the almost-forgotten leg wrapped behind his neck began exerting pressure.

Without a single thought of resisting, Alex opened wide and let her impale his mouth on her huge spear. "You said you wanted to suck my cock," Jenna reminded him as she slipped deeper into his mouth, "So get to it." Alex proved his determination to be her favourite cockwarmer by keeping his tongue busy and swallowing around her as she forced him down her pole with a speed that would have almost anyone else gagging around her massive shaft. She did encounter some resistance, though Alex was blameless for it as the collar, already sitting snug around his neck, refused the growing bulge in his throat passage.

A simple latex band had no chance of stopping Jenna from driving herself into Alex. She simply pulled him in more forcefully, the elastic choker having to stretch around her cock just like Alex's throat. She paid no mind to Alex's discomfort from the band digging into his sensitive skin, actually quite enjoying the extra tightness it provided. With this last speedbump out of the way, it wasn't long before she had forced herself all the way down Alex's throat, his lips leaving a perfect red mark around her base.

"I don't feel any sucking," Jenna mocked him as she hooked the foot of her leg holding him in place under the knee of her other leg. His mind having dissolved into submissive bliss thanks to his utterly powerless situation, Alex tried as best he could to suck, lick and swallow around the pulsing shaft buried all the way inside him as it should be. All the diving he'd had to do came in handy as he fought to ignore the ever more intense burning in his lungs and fully devote himself to what really mattered, that being her pleasure. Even the twitches running up and down his body and the muffled noises he made as he squirted his watery juices on the floor heightened her pleasure.

It wasn't until the burning in his lungs became too much and panic began to build that he started struggling to pull off her but her hold on him was iron. Only when his struggling started to ebb as he felt himself fading out of consciousness did Jenna let up, actually bringing her calf around under him to help him off her cock. When her cock re-emerged from his lips, strings of slimy saliva connected them until they tore when he collapsed on top of her, panting with his head resting on her lower belly.

"Thank you," Alex said hoarsely as soon as he had a spare breath to do it. "Thank you for using me. I love you, m… my Goddess," he babbled, barely managing to catch himself at the end.

"As you should," he heard her say, knowing without needing to see her that she was smirking and very pleased with him. "It's not a great sign of devotion to leave a job unfinished, is it?" she teased.

Still breathing heavily and somewhat lightheaded, Alex picked himself up and resumed his dutiful service. He brought his lips back to her enormous shaft, which had just left a wet spot on his shoulder. Cutting off his newly regained access to oxygen was a sacrifice he was all too happy to make in favour of getting his lips around his mother's cock again. He fervently brought his head down on her shaft, putting more and more strength into it as he bobbed up and down several times until he finally managed to force her tip past his choker and smoothly bring himself the rest of the way down.

He allowed himself a moment to bask in the sensations of her pulsing shaft being once more buried all the way inside him before he pulled up and began ramming his lips down on her base again and again. With his mind focused solely on the goal of bringing his mother to climax, Alex brought his whole torso up and down to roughly facefuck himself with her massive cock. Every now and then, he shivered when he tried to imagine what a show he was putting on for both her and the camera.

It wasn't too long before he felt her shaft swell and grow even more rigid inside him, the twitches running through it heralding the reward for his efforts. When her leg came down behind him again, Alex happily let her pull him all the way down and hold him there while he felt her balls contract against his chin and then the long-awaited pulses came rolling over his tongue and down his throat. Serene servile satisfaction blanketed Alex's mind as he listened to his mother's orgasmic moans and felt his stomach swell with the liquid heat of his well-earned reward.

When Jenna removed her leg and allowed him to pull off, he did so slowly, savouring the feeling of her cock sliding back up his throat as inch after inch reappeared from his lips shiny and smeared with lipstick. Sucking the last bit of cum out of her, he moaned at the taste and swirled it around in his mouth before finally swallowing it. As soon as her tip had emerged from his mouth, he began peppering kisses all over her slowly softening cock. He only stopped when he felt the gentle touch of fingertips on his scalp.

"That's enough for now," Jenna said, the contentment and happiness in her voice yet another sweet reward for Alex's subservience. He felt her grab him with a hand on each side of his ribcage and let out a surprised gasp when she lifted him up onto the couch beside her. "Congratulations on your debut, baby," she giggled as she wrapped an arm around his naked body, pulled him against her side and gently caressed his hair.

"Uh mom, won't you untie me?" Alex asked impatiently.

"Oh, of course. Just, not quite yet," she answered in a warm tone that nonetheless left no room for debate.

"Love you mom," Alex muttered as she pulled him against her tightly before he dozed off.