Caffeine Rush by Oppreciator

"NEW! BUST ™ Mango! Never have enough energy? Do you need to increase your stamina and endurance? Do you need to make the gains to impress everyone? Then try new BUST ™ Mango! Full of vitamins and zero sugar BUST ™ is scientifically formulated to make you feel unstoppable!"

" BUST ™ Mango! Available at all good retailers NOW!"

— — —

Sat on his couch, Sam chugged the new energy drink as fast as he could, finishing it off in one prolonged pull from the can. He felt the buzz immediately. It was like a surge of energy had passed through his body and, as if on reflex, he felt himself crush the can in his hand. It felt electrifying. He tossed the can down on the table which his best friend Roxy was propping her feet up on, and reached for another can.

"Slow down Sam! I don't think that stuff was made to be chugged in one go!" She said, a slight tone of concern edging into her voice. She knew Sam was capable of making stupid decisions on his own, she was just a little concerned that she'd be the one left to deal with the aftermath of whatever shenanigans he got up to this time .

"Relaaax! I've survived through WAY worse." Sam grinned as he cracked open his second can in almost as many minutes.

"Yknow, considering how often you get yourself into trouble, I'm not surprised." Roxy replied, cautiously eyeing up her reckless roommate. From where she was sitting she could practically already see him vibrating, and could swear that there was some drool hanging from his lips. Something about this drink seemed off to her…

" Besides, BUST™ is chock full of vitamins AND it's sugar free!" Sam said in what was nearly a verbatim retelling of the incredibly over the top advert for the dubious drink, only intensified by the quaking vibrations of his hand and the oddly intense stare she could feel him giving her through his obscuring bangs as he brought the soda to his lips to take another swig. "Sure there are a few side effects, but they're no big deal!"

Aaaaand there it was. Roxy was frankly impressed how quickly Sam had managed to descend into his antics this time. Usually it took at least an hour or so for his ideas to unfurl themselves, but this time it had happened in just under 5 minutes! Roxy couldn't help but do her best to stifle her smirk as Sam destroyed his own personal record. "You lost me at ' side effects. ' Good sales pitch though."

Sam went for another chug of BUST™, but as his arm rose to bring the suspicious drink to his mouth, Roxy couldn't help but catch something in the corner of her eye. She dismissed it at first, seeming more like a trick of the light at first. It seemed impossible, probably just another one of Sam's tricks, like he'd stuffed one of those ludicrously sized dildo's down his pants… again.

But no, he was wearing shorts. Roxy would have noticed hours ago if he'd have been smuggling one of his butt-smashers down there, and during their time living together she'd spent more than enough time staring at his butt to know that something was amiss. He was saying something, something like "more for me!", but Roxy wasn't paying attention. She was transfixed on the shaft that was slowly creeping its way out of Sam's shorts. It was once she saw it throb while a thick, powerful vein made itself known on the side of his cock, that Roxy knew she needed to get a closer look.

In the blink of an eye she was down at his crotch, knocking his arm aside and planting her hand on his chest, pinning him into the sofa cushions. Even through his shirt, she could feel his heart beating like a bass drum at a death metal concert, but that wasn't what was important. What was important was the shaft that was slowly extending its way down towards his knees. Roxy had seen her little butt-boy nude enough times to know that his cock was usually only around five inches hard, maybe pushing six if he was particularly riled up, so her mind ground to a halt on seeing the monolith that was peaking it's way out that must have been more than double that.

"Hey… hold on… Side effects you said? What uhh… what exactly is in this drink?" Roxy asked, her brain desperately in search of more information to help compute what it was she was seeing.

"Mango? I think? And…" Sam trailed off, his own brain struggling to keep up with the amount of random thoughts that were flitting in and out, none of them staying long enough to make a real impact. It took a concerted effort for him to corral his thoughts into some order, and even then remembering what Roxy even asked was a challenge. What was it again? Wrestling? No, that just got him thinking about Sherley again. Music, Electric Saturday ? Nope, that was his boss. "C'mon Sam, you can do this" he thought to himself. What did they all have in common… Well cock for starters.

Wait. Cock.

Cock. Dick, Cum. BUST™!

"What's that juice that makes you cum really hard ?" 

It took Roxy a moment to register what he'd just said, and she looked up at him with a note of incredulity in her eyes, but seeing that goofy, grinning face made her next decision really easy.

"Lift your ass off the sofa so I can take these off!"

It was weird for Sam, not because he was normally the one having to get Roxy out of her pants, but because he was feeling oddly bashful as she started shimmying off his shorts, slowly revealing the root of his painfully aching cock. Normally about now he'd be teasing her with his butt, sashaying his way into the kitchen to top up their drinks, but the way that her attention was entirely focused on his cock for a change made him feel oddly vulnerable. 

"Looks like the side effects kicked in quick, huh?" Sam said, doing his best to cover his unusual bout of nerves with his trademark flirtatious snark. Roxy however, could hear the shake in his voice. Was he nervous? No way! Roxy had seen Sam taking dicks up his butt twice the length of what he had now, seen him walk up to a wrestler who must have been roughly ten times his size and start ruthlessly flirting with her. Yet here he was in the comfort of their home with his frequent fuck buddy and he could barely summon up more than a half-baked one liner. 

She did her best to look him in the eyes, which was pretty difficult to do considering he always had them covered, "Well I guess that's what happens when you chug shady energy drinks, dork!"

"It's not shady!" Sam retorted, doing his absolute best to smile through the unusual caffeine-induced anxiety and keep his body from vibrating itself off the couch, "didn't you see the commercial earlier, this stuff's totally legit!"

With a doubtful glance in his direction, Roxy gave one final pull and yanked Sam's shorts off, his newly engorged member catapulting upwards to slap him in the chest. His shaft looked angry, coloured a far deeper red than usual and stretching upwards to rest against his sternum, and now that it was up and out of the way, Sam could even see that his nuts had swollen up. If his cock had doubled its normal size, then his balls were somewhere close to triple what they once were, looking as if he was smuggling a pair of apples between his legs. They began to rumble ominously.

"Heh heh… well, maybe it's a little…" Sam began to concede to his room mate, before managing to catch the look that she was giving him. "Roxy, you're staring at me with those eyes again." 

Indeed, Roxy's eyes had gone wide and focused, zeroing in on Sam's vibrating, pulsing cock. Her mouth had spread wide in a lopsided grin and drool was rolling down her cheek. Wordlessly, never taking her eyes off his turgid pillar, Roxy rose to her feet. Sam was well aware of what she was like when she was in this kind of mood, but the way she was moving and the intense way her eyes never once left his aching groin was new to him.

He looked at the can in his hand. He hadn't even managed to take a swig from it after opening it, and its contents were dangerously close to spilling over, what with his body already shaking from the first. In a surprising moment of lucidity, combined with thinking it might be best not to overdose on the suspect beverage, Sam set the drink down behind the couch. No use getting more than one sticky liquid all over it today, he reasoned.

Turning back around, Sam practically jolted upright off the couch once he realised that Roxy's pants were down around her ankles, and he could clearly make out her own erect cock being held tight by her thighs as she bent over. 

"So I take it that you uh… like the side effects?"

She flashed him with a smug, knowing grin, and was rewarded with Sam's cock jerking up as his face blushed. He did his best to cover it up by adopting his usual, coy, flirtatious grin, eager to take advantage of the surprising turn of events

"Very much, yes." she purred to him. Roxy was used to Sam being flirtatious, teasing and sometimes aggravatingly sensual, but something about him taking on this attitude while sporting a cock more akin to a baseball bat than his normally proportioned phallus was changing the balance for her. 

Despite that though, there was definitely something different in the way he was holding himself; normally he was so confident, self-assured and teasing. She assumed it was something to do with the energy drink making his body buzz like a vibrator, or that his cock was pulling too much blood from his brain. Probably both now that she thought about it.

Slowly, Roxy stood upright, and after giving her hips a little bit more wiggle than she ever normally did, she pressed herself up against the blushing squirrel. 

"Well, would ya look at that?" She said, grabbing her own rising shaft and firmly pressing it up against Sam's unyielding monolith. Usually this comparison between both of their cocks would be more stark, her own darker member usually casting it's shadow against his own paler, more diminutive meat; but now Sam's python was flushed deeper, almost as deep as the blush in Sam's cheeks, his new colossus flooded with more blood than ever before just to reach the new heights of its unprecedented erection. 

It also became clear that his cock had yet to finish its bout of growth. Where a few minutes ago his shaft was just a little bigger than her own, it had now gained several more inches, still reaching up to his sternum even while standing up. She continued to grind her dick against his, wrapping her fingers around as much of both of their tools as she could. Even fully stretched it was a challenge to keep her grip on both impressive logs, but as she slowly jerked them off, she noticed a small wet patch begin forming on Sam's tank top where his head kept slapping against his willowy chest.

While she toyed with him, Sam kept his hands firmly balled up at his sides, sensations firing through his mind as nerve endings he'd never had before were stimulated for the first time. He could feel his toes curling into the carpet as he did his very best not to moan from just this. He knew Roxy would never let him live this down if he came just from her most minor of ministrations, but she was being slow, methodical, and Sam could only stand there, holding back the moans he desperately wanted to release as his body struggled to keep up with the sensations she was teasing him with.

Roxy let her hand move upwards, revelling in the sensations as she rubbed over her own cock head before she travelled further. She traced her fingers up the newly unveiled length, tracing the engorged veins as she slowly crested his newly expanded peak. She wrapped her fingers over the crest of Sam's dick and slowly ground the meat of her hand into his frenulum, feeling the erratic pulse of his monstrous member through her palm.

"That feels… I feel… Tingly…" He let out in a breathy moan, trying not to let the shake in his voice give away just quite how good this felt.

"No shit, you're already getting all leaky." Roxy smirked, enjoying the sensation of the small waterfall of precum that had rewarded her unhurried, deliberate kneading. She felt a trail of it stream down onto her own cock, coating her own head in his warm pre-emissions. She could feel the heat radiating from his enlarged shaft as well, which seemed to have finally finished its sudden growth spurt, finally culminating just under his neckline. 

That settled it, Roxy couldn't wait much longer. She'd been teasing, building Sam up and going through the motions, but they'd been through this song and dance together enough times to know where it was leading. Maybe this time though, it would be a little bit different. 

While still stroking the well lubed head of his cock with her right hand, Roxy brought up her left and planted it firmly on his chest, releasing his slab of meat just in time as she gave him a powerful shove. She seated the effeminate squirrel boy firmly in the cushions of the couch, his bushy tail trapped behind him as he spread his arms to steady himself.

He scowled up at her, mock offence and indignation dripping from his voice. "Oh, so you suddenly wanna bottom now that I'm more hung than you, is that it?"

"To be fair, you never ask." Roxy retorted, pulling her t-shirt off over her head. Stood like this, Sam could fully take her in. He'd seen her naked so many times now he's lost count a long time ago, but it was almost like every time something changed. Was it her thighs, now so muscular and toned from a combination of frequent trips to the gym, or from fucking him in the ass? Or was it her abs, finally starting to take shape after months of training? Her tits were still contained in her tight sports bra, and thankfully, despite all the exercise Roxy did to keep herself looking her absolute best, they never got any smaller.

Sam slowly leaned himself backwards as Roxy mounted the couch on top of him. "You're always so eager to be my little butt boy, I just let you! Size has nothing to do with it." She cocked her hips, and Sam propped up her butt with his hand, taking the opportunity to grope her firm, well maintained ass. She had a point, it rarely ever occurred to him in the moment that he could ask to top, and now he was beginning to regret that. For one thing, Roxy had put all this effort into making her body look this nice, and he spent most of their time together with his head buried in a pillow. He particularly never got to enjoy her ass, and he was going to make up for lost time.

Roxy carefully guided the tip of Sam's enormous member towards her slit, grateful for his supporting arms as she had to raise herself even higher in order to line herself up. All the while, Sam's eyes were firmly locked on Roxy's rock hard, dripping member. It was like an automatic response when she was this close that he felt the urge to at least take her into his mouth, but her cock hung just out of reach and was slowly getting further away. Sam would have been sad if it weren't for the incredibly tight, warm sensations that were wrapping their way around his beast. He felt a spurt of precum blast from his cannon and immediately overflowed Roxy's incredibly tight pussy, blasting back out and acting as a make-shift lube for what was about to come.

Roxy's eyes seemed to unfocus as she felt herself being split wide open. "T-that said, I'm horny, you're p-packing, and we were g-gonna fuck anyway." Roxy bit her lip as she felt the stretching sensation slowly spread within her, amplified more by the rapid fire jets of pre that Sam was launching into her eagerly waiting cunt. "NOW STUFF ME STUD!"

"Well, don't I feel validated!" Sam managed to retort, rolling his eyes behind the curtain of his bangs.

Roxy began pushing herself down in earnest, fitting more and more of Sam's exceptional monster into her sopping pussy, doing her best to push herself past all the resistance she encountered. She was desperate to fit this entire ridiculous cock into herself, almost to prove to Sam that she could.

"Easy! Easy!" Sam yelled, feeling his hips being pushed down into the couch, his tail being flattened underneath him as Roxy came barrelling down on him like a tonne of bricks. "Crush my pelvis why don't ya…"

Deciding it would be best to take matters into his own hands, Sam gripped the eager goat girl's muscular thighs and pushed down with as much force as his comparatively effete body could muster, all while firing his own hips upwards to meet in the middle. With their combined efforts, Roxy slammed down into Sam's hips, rooting his cunt-crushing monster down to the base. Roxy's back arched, an uncontrolled grunt escaping her as the sudden, profound penetration knocked all the air from her lungs like a powerful punch to the gut.

They both took a moment; Roxy so she could get her breath back, and Sam to deal with the rampage of feelings and sensations that were bombarding his brain from all the new nerve endings his expanded cock had suddenly sprouted up. He gritted his teeth as his whole body shook, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth as he fought for control. 

"Oh… Wow, this is… quite snug." Roxy mumbled as her eyes rolled back into her head.

Snug was an understatement, as Roxy's entire gut was being stretched out by Sam's enormous log of a cock. Her once tight abdomen was bulging around the trunk of Sam's dick, pulsing in time with the rhythm of Sam's heartbeat. Her balls lay pooled on Sam's stomach, her own dripping appendage pushed down by the protuberance that reached up to just underneath her sports bra clad tits. A part of Sam's mind wondered if he'd be able to tit-fuck them at the same time if she took it off. 

"Wanna take it slow then?" Sam asked once they had both managed to catch their breaths and adjust themselves to the new sensations. Roxy looked down at him with a look of bewilderment on her face. She began raising herself back up off of his surprisingly supple thighs and said;

"Me? Slow? Don't be SILLY! " 

Punctuating the final word with a powerful drop, slamming herself down onto his enormous cum cannon, Roxy set herself into a rapid rhythm. She rose just enough so that the flared head was barely scraping against the entrance to her pussy, and then slammed herself down to the hilt. Over and over again she was pounding herself down on his crotch, filling the room with the salacious sounds of their passionate sex. Each downstroke rewarding them with a meaty PLAP as Roxy's ass met Sam's thighs, and another rope of precum flinging from the end of Roxy's errant member.

" Who knew… getting gut p-punched… would feel soo… G-gooood~~" Roxy moaned between each powerful slam, her tightly contained tits doing everything in their power to escape their restrictive confines. She leaned over Sam, her tongue lolling out as her twin tails bounced with each powerful thrust, syncing up with the bouncing of her tits like some kind of sexual metronome.

The way she was blushing, the way she squinted her eyes with each downward stroke and the little moans she made with each upwards impact…

"You look so cute when you're taking dick, y'know that?" Sam said, doing his best to imitate things he'd definitely heard Roxy say when he was on the receiving end. He put on his best teasing smile, leering up at Roxy as she bounced on his extended womb basher, but it was difficult to maintain considering every fibre of his being was telling him to moan like the slut he was. 

But something gnawed at Sam - it was time for him to change the pace. If Roxy wanted to be on the receiving end for once then he was only too happy to oblige. But first, he had to take control of his cock, not let it take control of him. He pulled his hand back from Roxy's firm buttcheeks, and slammed it down as hard as he could. 

"C'mon! Squeal for me!" He growled, drawing on everything he'd ever had yelled at him. Okay, what next, what next. Sam searched around for what he could do to take control of the situation, which was difficult considering that at least 3 times a second his whole brain was filled with massive blasts of pleasure. To buy his brain some more time to think he brought his hand down on her ass again, and was rewarded with her actually mewling for him. The goat girl let out a chattering, throaty moan that Sam wasn't quite sure he'd ever heard before, and he wanted more of it.

Sam realised he knew what to do, with one hand clamped firmly on her ass, pawing at the tender meat, he brought the other up the pet the side of her face, caressing her cheek. Roxy looked down at her roommate with a gaze akin to wanting and lust. A look that Sam would cherish, and definitely use against her in the future. He let his hand wander, brushing through her hair and around the base of her folded ears, being rewarded with Roxy leaning into his hand, practically begging for more. 

It was from this angle, actually able to see the faces she made while fucking like this, that Sam took a moment to appreciate just how pretty Roxy was. He then decided that he wanted to appreciate it from much closer up, sliding his hand around her cheek and then jamming his thumb into her mouth. Her eyes flew wide in aroused surprise as Sam's thumb stroked the inside of her cheek. Her own tongue was flattened against his palm, and she could just about taste the remnants of either his or her precum that had been slathered onto it.

He pulled her down as he leaned up, taking just a second to stare into her flushed face before pulling her all the way in. There was no doubt, no resistance, the two of them let the tongues dance with each other. In and out of one another's mouths and meeting in the middle. Sam let his hand fall down her back as Roxy grabbed hold of his shoulder, each one determined not to let this moment end. All thoughts and direction melted away as they went with the natural flow, doing what each one felt was right.

Sam's pounding increased, relishing the feeling of being connected with his best friend in every conceivable way at once, feeling her moaning into his mouth and melting into his arms, losing herself to the pleasure. Each time he rooted himself to the hilt, and her ass slammed off his thighs, they felt a joint bolt of pleasure. His other hand, still earnestly grasping her firm, powerful backside, was being splattered by their fusion of precum and pussy juice; meanwhile his chin and chest was completely drenched by their combination of saliva and precum that Roxy was leaking like a broken faucet.

Minutes passed as the pair passionately made out, neither one of them wanting to separate from their lustful embrace. Reluctantly, Sam had to disconnect his mouth from Roxy's, leaning his forehead against hers as he panted for breath between his unstoppable thrusting rhythm. He could feel a tightening in his gut, more intense than he'd ever felt before. It was as if his entire groin was being pulled in a knot, and eventually the tension was going to give out.

"I'm getting close, Roxy!" Was all he could manage to get out between gritted teeth, doing his absolute best to hold back the inevitable.

She looked down at him, searching his fringe for a hint of green that she knew lay beneath. She was struggling to hold herself together as well, desperate for them to climax in sync with each other, determined to edge out the greatest orgasm she possibly could. "C'mon then! Give it to me! "

That permission was all it took. Sam locked his arm behind Roxy's back and powered forwards, drawing on reserves of strength that could only have been brought on by the suspect energy drink, Sam lifted himself and Roxy upwards. With his newfound leverage he could pound into the sporty goat girl with his entire length unaided. His pace matched that of a jackhammer, hitting each of Roxy's deepest, most tender spots with such frequency and force that she swore she was seeing stars.

Her eyes began to roll backwards as the room was filled with nothing but the sounds of their carnal mating, each slap bouncing off the walls and could almost certainly be heard by all of their neighbours - not that this was anything new to them. Sam's mouth latched back onto hers, muffling the groan that came from deep within as she was thoroughly cored out. Tears formed at the edges of her eyes as her vision began to fail her, no longer able to focus on anything else but the enormous cock that was brutally rearranging her guts.

Sam pulled his head back, gritting his teeth and using all of his limited reserves of concentration to give Roxy ample warning. His mind was running on empty, but his balls were not.

"Cumming!!" He grunted, more from reflex than on purpose, no longer feeling in control of his body as he was racked with long, drawn out spasms of orgasm. The strength that had surged through him to hold Roxy aloft abandoned him, and he slowly felt himself tipping backwards towards the couch. Somewhere, far, far away and also right next to his face he heard Roxy mumble "J-just a bit more?"

Sam wasn't in any position to provide it, but fate happened to give Roxy exactly what she wanted, the pair collapsed back onto the couch and Sam's turgid, enormous pillar was thrust deep into her, bulging out her taut, well muscled abdomen. The entrance to her womb was beaten aside by Sam's wild battering ram, eager to let it past and fill her to capacity. 

They both knew it wasn't far off, Sam could feel the bulge that he had been fighting off making its way down his cock, and it was unstoppable now. No amount of clamping down and holding back could stop it now. Roxy moaned a final time as she felt his entire tumescent pipe swell within herself.

" There's no stopping! It's coming fast!!"

There was a moment where everything fell still for a moment, no pounding, no thrusting, not even a breath passed between the two of them. Then the first volley launched from the end of Sam's cock. A molasses thick rope of spunk blasted against the entrance to Roxy's womb and ricocheted back, her entire pussy flooded with his thick white cream. It clung to every surface it could, pasting her entire womb and leaving nothing without a coating of viscous nectar. Each rope that did manage to make it past the seal of his rigid shaft slapped heavily to the ground, a waterfall of jizz frosting their thighs, ass, and the entire front of the couch.

Roxy leaned in close, her whole body wracked with spasms as Sam unleashed his load within her. So often she had watched his cock spewing his cum over himself or whatever piece of unfortunate furniture they were doing it on, that she was now regretting all the missed opportunities she'd had to have him do it inside her instead, increased by BUST™ or not. She grabbed Sam by the back of his head, fingers latching onto his chestnut locks as if holding him like this would stop herself from leaking anymore of his creamy progeny, letting out a soft "Fuck…" as she felt her stomach steadily expanding from his continuous stream of ejaculation.

And for once, hers could barely match. It was a strange feeling, knowing that right now she could never hope to equal Sam's output, that his load of seed had filled her so much, while her own had only managed to stain her cock and his top. She didn't want to say she felt humiliated, but she had no other adequate way of explaining how she felt. Pride in Sam for taking command like that, sure, and she hadn't been fucked that thoroughly in a long time, but as she felt the last spurts ooze into her well abused cunt, she felt another need awaken in her, and as she leant forwards over the back of the couch she found just how she could sate that need.

"Are you done, Sam?" She asked, putting on as casual a tone as she could, which was difficult to manage as every movement she made resulted in the gelatinous load filling her womb to slosh back and forth, messing with her own centre of gravity. She could feel his excessive load slowly seeping from her, the heavy ropes that had managed to coat her ass and back were filling her with a warm tingling sensation.

"I… I think so?" Sam mumbled between ragged breaths, his brain so awash with serotonin that the wave of post nut clarity was still only just beginning to set in. "My balls still feel full…"

"Really? That was quite a load!" Roxy replied, doing her best to layer her voice with incredulity and disbelief as she pushed herself forward, her sports bra clad breasts engulfing the blissed out face of her rodent room mate. She was taking advantage of his momentary ignorance to put her plan into action, and each slow, grinding movement was just another part of the plot to distract Sam from her real objective. 

She could feel the waves of potent slime being released by her gaped pussy as she slid upwards, and as Roxy had finally maneuvered herself enough to reach her arm over the back of the couch, she felt the helmet of Sam's cock break free from her vice-like clutches with an audible " pop ".

Sam revelled in the feeling of his head being embraced by his friends' sweaty tits. While they were far from the biggest he had ever seen, Roxy's were damn near perfect on her athletic body, and as condensed as they were, Sam could practically see the steam rolling off of them. He leaned back slowly into the couch, lethargy spreading over his body as the fuzzy, post-orgasm fog descended over him, mixing with the dull aching that was radiating from his groin where Roxy had practically tried to make him one with the couch.

"Haha… Maybe I should have cooled it on the drink," Sam croaked through his near total bliss coma, "the crash is real ". 

It was only when he realised that Roxy hadn't come back to him with some snarky comment about drinking the peculiar drink that he knew something was amiss. No, she couldn't…

A deep blush set across Sam's face, his mouth barely able to form anything more than a confused and intensely needy groan as his eyes stared fervently from beneath his chestnut locks.

Where had she gotten it? She hadn't even gone to the table and he hadn't heard the can pop, so where did she get-

Sam's head whipped around to behind the sofa. His can was gone, his completely full, entirely untouched can had disappeared. And now Roxy had it, pressed tight to her lips, her eyes rolling backwards as the amber fluid rolled down her chin.

"ROXY!" Sam couldn't help but call out in shock. Had she not seen what the drink had done to him, how could she do something so risky? Unfortunately, it wasn't hard for him to figure out what had motivated her decision. Sam needed only look down to his flagging cock to realise what had been going through the horny buck's mind.

"Maybe just start with a few swigs?" He called out cautiously, but even he wasn't convinced by it. Shamefully, deep down, he knew he wanted this too. Despite all the red flags that had been thrown up this far, they were too deep down this rabbit hole to stop, so they may as well just see how deep it takes them at this point.

"Or you can just chug it, that's fine too." Sam said, his voice layered with resignation as he figured that he should have expected Roxy to want her own little piece of the action.

She could feel it rolling over her tongue and down her gullet, each gulp feeling like she was swallowing liquid plasma, heating her up and electrifying her at the same time. She could feel her body rocking with spasms, and it was doing interesting things to her tits and inflated cum gut. Sam watched on in awe, a strange mix of fearful trepidation and perfect horniness. As she finished off the can she wiped her chin clean with the back of her hand. 

"Tastes like shit." She snarled, doing her best to cover up the belch she could feel building up between the energy drink and the gallon of semen putting pressure on her stomach. Sam watched as her eyes constricted and seemed to zero in on him, and as tremors passed over her body. Any moment now, it would begin.

It was a throb at first. Perfectly thick, white cum jetted from the tip of her glans, whether remnants of her last orgasm or the start of a new one Sam had no way of telling. The veins he was so used to tracing and teasing with his tongue looked different, angrier and growing thicker with each pulse of Roxy's racing heart. Every few seconds, her entire shaft would throb, visibly pulsing larger; it wasn't just her cock though, each pulse of her iron-hard pillar was followed in tandem by her steadily bloating balls.

Where one moment, Roxy's dick was standing at its regularly impressive 11 inches, the next it seemed to rocket forwards, swelling along with each pulse. As flesh piled onto her daunting monster, it seemed to bend under its own weight, distending and deforming as new veins and arteries formed to supply the transforming leviathan. Her cum vein was pinched as her cock grew and expanded in uneven bursts, trapping the flood of precum desperate to release as her body was wracked with pleasure. With another pulse, her member stretched forwards yet again, piling on the inches and freeing the wave of pre that was trapped within; Sam could only sit and watch as his friend's awesome boy-breaker sprayed him with its fresh load of premature progeny.

Her new leviathan lost its regular caramel colouration, slowly turning darker and darker as her body flooded it with the blood required to maintain such a pillar-esque erection. Her veins grew thicker and thicker, with new ones sprouting up to form the network of pathways needed to feed her new beast. Each pulse fired another wad of pre so thick that it could be mistaken for her real load as inches continued to pile on and her veins became as thick as her own pinky fingers.

Sam had seen huge cocks before – hell, this one still wasn't the biggest he'd ever seen; but something about it growing from his own athletic roommate was having a profound impact on him, and pretty soon he was sure it wasn't the only thing he was going to be impacted with. Roxy, with a monster that was now almost double its original length and still growing, was a site to behold. 

Yet the thing that excited Sam the most is that he knew that she would instinctively know exactly how to use it best, like this was the cock she was born to have and she just hadn't gotten it yet. There was no reaction he could muster to adequately explain just how excited he was getting, so he just had to settle with letting out an almost pathetic moan of "Holy shit, Roxy" as saliva dripped from his open mouth.

She moved like she wasn't even weighed down. Even with a gallon of the most potent, viscous cum Sam could produce distending her gut and a monstrous python hanging from her groin, she moved with such grace and speed that Sam barely had time to yell as she grabbed his legs and flipped him onto his front.

"Now, let's milk the rest of that BUST™ out of you!" She growled, her voice filled with a huskyness that hadn't been there minutes prior. She tossed down the empty drink can as she used both hands to man handle her little butt slut into position, slapping her newly formed slab of meat across his thighs as she planted him knees down onto the sofa. She pawed the ass that was so familiar to her with a ferocity that he'd never felt before, groping his entire cheek with one hand while using her thumb to stretch out his well practised, pliable boy hole.

Sam looked back, his gaze of anticipation and lust filtering through his obscuring fringe as his face flushed. His bushy tail twitched with every miniscule ministration Roxy made, each slight squeeze of his ass or slap of her cock sending shivers down his spine that had nothing to do with the energy drink. 

Even so, he still managed to put on a teasing grin and remark "Of course you're fucking bigger than me…" As Roxy laid her arm-length log in the canyon of his ass cheeks.

"And you love it!" She smirked right back. No amount of snark or teasing could possibly disguise the unrepentant lust that was radiating from the squirrely slut, especially not as she felt the pulses finally slow down. 

Still swelling as she arranged him into the optimum breeding position, Roxy's growth was finally coming to an end. Now so thick that she could barely hope to encircle her own girth even if she had twice as many hands, and so long that she could easily reach her own head with her tongue to mop up the near-constant secretion of pre, her cock settled just below her chin, by her estimate somewhere around 2 and a half feet of solid, unstoppable bitch breaker.

Her balls had not been left out of the growth spurt either, now easily 3 or more times their original size. They rested almost down to her knees, weighing against her thighs as she felt them pulse with seed, and nearly scalding her legs with their own sultry, musky heat.

"I can't get hooked on this stuff," she muttered, more to herself than to Sam as she stared longingly down at her new and improved member. "Don't buy any more of this, okay?" She stepped forwards, having to use considerable effort to push her turgid cock downwards and line it up with Sam's awaiting anus, her head as big as both her own closed fists pressed together. She had no worries about lubing it up, Sam was the biggest butt slut she knew. Somewhere deep down she was sad that this probably wasn't even the biggest cock he'd ever taken, but she was determined to make sure that he never forgot it. 

She lined her enormous crown up with Sam's pucker, and just as she was preparing to spear him on her mighty titan of a cock, she heard him squeak out "N-no promises!"

She lunged forwards, her gargantuan head forcing Sam's ring apart to dimensions it rarely managed to reach, and watched in satisfaction as he tilted his head back, teeth clenched as all the air was forced from his lungs in a strained groan. They each took turns screaming in ecstasy as she entered the tightest hole she'd ever felt, his hole stretching around her enormous gut puncher. Normally this'd be no issue for Sam, but he had no idea this was coming today. Normally he'd have had time to ready himself on at least one of his larger novelty dildos.

Normally she'd have been slow, gently working her cock into his butthole. Roxy was big enough in her normal state to know that most people needed her to start slowly to adjust to her large size, but she had no patience for that now. She knew that Sam could take it all, and she was too impatient to wait for him to adjust to it and work with her. Roxy planted her knee on top of Sam's ankle and pressed down, using all the leverage available to her and letting her weight push her shaft further into his devastated asshole.

She could feel Sam's stomach stretching around her shaft, his tight, lithe stomach bulging around her monolith. No one else could manage this. No one else could handle taking nearly 30 solid inches of cock in their ass with absolutely no preparation. No one but Sam. She heard him give out a guttural moan, and saw his milky payload spreading out over the couch cushions as she reamed him out, and felt her groin smack into his plump, huggable ass. They'd done so well to avoid staining the couch so far, but both of them were too far gone to care about that now.

She pulled him up from the couch, grabbing him by his shoulders and yanking him into the air. Her giant ramrod kept him firmly aloft as she pressed his butt into the cum gut he'd created, his feet dangling from the ground as she continued to pound him with short, sharp thrusts that kept her cock firmly planted balls deep while he slung his nut all over the room.

Sam's cock, still rigidly erect and stubbornly enlarged, was flinging his cream every which way. The couch was already written off as each cushion was left with a thick rope seeping into the fibres, and the wall behind wasn't fairing much better either. Even the adorable photo of Sam and his mother Abigail was plastered as Sam's balls contracted time and time again, pulling themselves upwards as they fired load after incessant load over the entire room.

"Already slinging nut?" Roxy scoffed, "I'm only just getting started!" It was a promise. Her whole body felt like it was supercharged and even lifting Sam off the couch felt trivial. She thought for a moment what it would be like to work out while drinking this stuff, how much weight could she lift, how many pushups or sit ups could she manage. The thought of Sam's aunt August asking her what she was drinking to make such gains gave her pause for a moment though. August, drinking this stuff…

She was shaken from her fantasy by Sam managing to mumble something about it being her turn to clean up after them between her rapid, violent thrusts. 

"Well then, if it's going to be my turn to clean," she growled into his ear, slowly dragging her cock from his cum drenched ass, " DON'T EXPECT ME TO HOLD BACK!" 

Roxy plowed forwards, punching the butt slut's stomach from the inside out and crushing his well trained prostate in the process. Rope after gooey, sticky rope splattered onto the couch, the walls, hell some of it managed to fling with enough force over his shoulders and slap Roxy in the face. She took this as a challenge, to see how much of the couch she could cover in spunk without actually cumming herself.

While Sam's semi-limp cock continued to spray the seats down with errant ropes of jizz, Roxy could feel what he'd deposited in her earlier begin to leak down her own thighs. The fact that it had taken this long was testament to just how thick it was that despite all her rapid thrusting and bending, only now had it managed to slide out of her and stain her thighs and feet, mingling with her own sprays of pussy juice from earlier.

She was going to keep her word and milk every last dreg of BUST from his balls. She held him up, arms looping up under his armpits and locking her hands behind his head as she thrust into his limp body, the whole room filled with the FWAP FWAP FWAP of her muscular thighs slapping into the slack squirrel's near constantly orgasming form. She aimed him like an underslung cannon, letting loose with a constant barrage of sticky, gluey cum and painting everything she could see before her white.

After several minutes of non-stop, ass crushing pounding, Roxy finally let her pace wind down, if just for the moment. After leaving nothing more than a few square inches unblemished by his steaming nut, Sam had finally stopped spewing his load everywhere and he was panting, struggling to catch his breath.

"Hah… hah… I think… that's the last of it…" he moaned, body still shaking with multiple orgasmic aftershocks, and a small river of cum continuing to leisurely drip from his flagging cock, dropping to join the multiple layers that sat beneath the pair of them.

Sam leaned his head back on Roxy's shoulders, slowly letting his breath settle back to normal, and she could finally clearly see his eyes as his fringe hung back from his face, and watched as they slowly began to drift closed, a look of almost smug content on his face.

That was cute.

He thought they were done.

Roxy carefully inched closer to the sofa and adjusted her grip, making sure to keep a solid grip on Sam with one arm while cradling the back of his head with the other. In a moment, what was a supporting cradle turned into a vice-like grip on the back of his hair as Roxy catapulted him forwards, face first into the gelatinous pool of his own still warm spunk, his ragged breaths gurgling in bubbles to splatter the rest of his face in his oozing seed.

"Now, since I've finally cleared all that shit out of your system" she purred, lust dripping from each and every syllable, "be still so I can break your boy-pussy."

Roxy mounted the couch, each foot planted either side of Sam's knees, her entire weight hanging above him, her titanic testes hanging like two great pendulums and almost her entire shaft waiting to be plowed deep in Sam's guts. Every slight movement caused the pools and piles of jizz to wobble and jiggle like jelly, every slight readjustment sending ripples over every tiny lake of Sam's semen.

She hung there for a moment, savouring the anticipation, and loving every quiver and shake of Sam's sensual suspense. She could feel the runnels of his cum dripping down her sack, how her once pronounced cum gut was managing to leak back to its original taut, muscular form. Every sensation was like fire, and only the knowledge of what was coming next stopped her from busting right there.

And Sam couldn't wait. He was in his happy place, face down in a pile of cum; it didn't matter that it was his own, with his best friend about to replace some important memory with that of her giant member. He couldn't think of any time or place he'd ever been happier. To be honest, right now it was hard to think of anything other than Roxy's colossal cum cannon. A twitch in her toes out of the corner of his eyes, a slight tensioning in her thighs, the minor retraction of what little cock remained in his unbelievably stretched out ass and the little breath she took…

It was coming.

Roxy slammed down hard and suddenly, letting her entire weight fall on Sam's arched back. In one swift, decisive move her entire 30 inches of bitch breaking, boy stuffing cock meat was buried entirely inside of him. Despite their enormous weight, her gravid cum tanks only managed to follow suit moments afterwards, their incredible momentum slamming them down hard into Sam's own comparatively diminutive gonads. 

The entire couch shook, semen flew through the air under the force of a single thrust, and the legs of the unfortunate furniture creaked and groaned under the undue stress. Sam felt his stomach stretching further and further. Whether Roxy was still growing or just managing to reach deeper into his guts from this angle was unclear, and honestly he didn't much care. The pace she was setting was brutal, not letting him rest for a single moment as she put every ounce of accumulated muscle to work in pounding him into the sofa.

Every steady, reaming withdrawal was met with a sudden, powerful smack, only then to be followed by a thunderous slam as her jizz factories collided with his ass. Every pound felt like a punch to the gut, driving the air from his lungs and his vision went fuzzy. But Sam wasn't beaten, far from it. This was where he thrived. Roxy's pleasure was his pleasure, every quart of pre she lobbed into his depths sent fire up his body, every thrust sent jolts of electricity up his spine. He was loving every second of it.

Even having his face basted in his own cum couldn't ruin this… in fact…

Sam licked his lips, tasting his own ball cream and coming to a wild mid-coitus epiphany.

"H-hey R-Roxy!" He managed to eke out between her frantic, powerful pounding, "It t-tastes like M-Mango!"

She could hear the playful smirk in his voice, not submitting even with nearly an entire metre's worth of girl cock rearranging his guts. She should be annoyed with him, infuriated even, but she just couldn't get past how much she loved that about him. His ability to turn even the most powerful, rutting, carnal fucking she could throw at him into the most casual of affairs. It was too endearing to be annoying. That said, it didn't mean she couldn't get her own payback…

If he enjoyed his own taste so much, well why shouldn't he get more of it? She tightened the grip on the back of his head, and forced his face into the lake of his ball sludge, cackling in laughter as he tried to push back, but she could tell by the way his whole body surged, and his asshole tightened around her stomach stretcher that he was loving every demeaning second if it.

She stopped there for a moment, implanting herself deep inside his boy hole with a resounding slam. She allowed herself a moment to catch her breath as she eased up the pressure she was putting on the back of Sam's head, relishing the wheezing pants he made as he fought for breath through his face mask of viscous nut.

She could feel the tightening in her gut. A part of her wanted to go on for longer and use all this energy coursing through her to pound him through the couch, breaking it in half and planting him into the floor. With enough time she was pretty sure she could pull it off too, but her body was telling her something else. She could feel the tingling in her cum tankers, flowing all the way up to her abdomen. Credit where credit was due, Sam had done a number on her, and her body just did not have the resistance left to make this go on for much longer, but if she was going to bust now, she was going to make sure Sam felt every last drop of it.

"So, you so sure you like the flavour then?" She panted from atop of him, folding his knees underneath him as she made sure she had a solid grip. She didn't even wait for him to respond, she just leaned forwards until her sports bra entombed titties pressed firmly against his back, and whispered into his ear "In that case, you'd better get ready for seconds!"

She yanked him upwards again, but this time instead of letting him dangle helplessly on her steel beam of a cock, she bore all of his relatively inconsiderable weight in her arms, locking his knees up to his shoulders between her arms, and recommenced her wild thrusting. 

She was practically jerking herself off with his body, using his entire diminutive form as one large onahole. She could feel her own cock head bashing into her forearms through Sam's distended stomach as she rooted herself over and over inside of him. Each slam sent her wrecking balls flying upwards, crushing Sam's own between them and his stubbornly turgid shaft. Somehow it was still managing to fling dregs of semen onto the couch, his balls clenching over and over as they tried to wring anything they could manage over his poor abused nut sack.

Roxy yelped in surprise, she felt Sam biting down on her taut arms as he wheezed and groaned through each herculean pounding. He'd been in some form of orgasmic coma on and off for the past few minutes, his refractory period apparently none existent thanks to whatever that drink had done to him, and his dick was beginning to feel real sore thanks to cumming almost continuously since Roxy had pinned him down to the couch.

It. Felt. Amazing. 

He had to bite down on whatever was closest just to stop him from screaming so much he tore his own throat out. He'd done that once and the doctor had told him to stop sucking dick for a week to let it recover. A week! A whole week without sucking dick! Well he'd learned his lesson. Roxy was just going to have to put up with it for as long as she continued wearing him like her personal cock sleeve, he just hoped she could put up with it for a little while longer.

And Roxy wanted to keep going longer as well. She'd never experienced anything like this before and she had no idea if she ever would again. She'd meant it earlier when she said it was a bad idea to get hooked on whatever it was they'd been drinking, but it was almost too good of a deal to pass up. Roxy had no idea how she could survive knowing pleasure like this was attainable, while trying to hold herself back from it. 

But just as it would be near impossible to hold herself back from that pleasure, it was becoming increasingly obvious that she couldn't withhold what was coming now any longer. She wished she could make it last, just extend this mind wiping pleasure just a moment or two more; but as she felt her semen tankers collide with Sam's own and felt the squirrel's nut splatter all over them and her thighs, Roxy felt the knot in her gut that she'd been mentally holding taut snap, and all her control was rendered down into nothingness. All Roxy could do was let out a guttural, bleating yell.

" CUMMING!!! " 

Her whole shaft convulsed. Where a moment ago she was pounding into Sam's tight asshole with several room shaking slaps per second, she'd planted herself as deep as she could possibly reach, the obscene bulge stretched Sam so fiercely and suddenly that it smacked him right on the chin, clacking his slack jaw shut. Her tumescent slab of boy breaker swelled, stretching to accommodate the load it was more than ready to deliver. Once again a moment of calm settled over the pair as they both stood in slack jawed ecstasy before the dam broke.

Sam's stomach inflated, doing its best impression of a water balloon filling with jelly as Roxy's unbelievably thick blast of cum stretched out the slutty squirrel's stomach to unfathomable proportions. Roxy felt, actually felt her thick payload dripping back down her shaft inside of Sam's distended guts. The feeling was alien to her as she launched jet after jet into her best friend's well prepared bowels, feeling his stomach stretch to contain every single drop of her virile nectar. What was stranger was the feeling of it surrounding her cock, the tightness of his obscenely deformed gut transforming into an all consuming warmth, encouraging her to continue and fill her best friend up more, and more, AND MORE!

Sam felt Roxy's grip on his upper torso and legs tighten as the force of her constantly streaming ejaculation increased, graduating from a series of powerful blasts to a near-constant deluge of eager impregnators that would find themselves sorely disappointed inside Sam's depths. Sam was no stranger to this sensation, but something about this felt… different. He could feel the ocean of spunk that Roxy was unleashing inside of him, the constant throbs of her turgid member as it practically beat against his own sternum. None of this was new to him, he'd experienced it with at least a dozen different people, and almost as many times with each of them. So what was it that made this feel so much more… exciting?

Roxy, his best-friend / sex-friend / room-mate, all rolled into one. Whether it was the idea that maybe, just maybe he'd have access to this kind of pleasure on a daily basis, or the fact that he could share one of his deepest, most intimate fetishes with his best friend on a more personal level. Or maybe it was the fact that he could tease her with just how feral she'd gone after just one can of that mango-flavoured aphrodisiac.

Yeah, probably, definitely that last one, right? It was becoming harder and harder to concentrate on what his emotions were telling him to feel at this point. Probably something to do with the fact that his steadily expanding stomach was beginning to push on his thighs, and his stubbornly erect cum cannon was being weighed down by it. Good, he chuckled inwardly, more for Roxy to deal with…

Nearly 3 minutes after it had started, with enough cum released to overflow an oil barrel, it finally felt as if Roxy's monstrous orgasm was coming to a conclusion. Her head felt fuzzy, and she was fairly certain that her limited amount of blood circulating through the upper half of her body was beginning to have some serious effects. She felt her body begin to wobble as her legs began to feel like numb jelly, and her arms could no longer keep the cumflated butt slut aloft for a moment longer. 

The pair of them keeled forwards, landing cum-gut first on the couch, no amount of cock-blocking stopping the gelatinous sprays of Roxy's syrupy progeny from escaping Sam's ruined ass.

"H-holy shit, Roxy-y!" Was all that Sam could manage, as his whole body was crushed between her rock hard abs and the cum soaked sofa. "That was-"

Whatever it had been to Sam however, was not quite as important as what the pair began to feel as an ominous rumble from the opposite end of the couch.

"Uh-oh…" the fatigued pair managed to mumble in unison.

"Aftershock!" Roxy managed to groan out between gritted teeth. It seemed impossible to the both of them that Roxy could keep going after blowing Sam's body weight worth of jizz inside of him. As if on subconscious instinct, Roxy's exhausted hips began thrusting themselves, as if determined to rut as much of her baby batter into Sam as possible, even if that meant Roxy fucked herself into unconsciousness in the process. 

Roxy's balls clenched tighter and tighter, physically exerting themselves to squeeze as much semen into her boy-toy's receptacle as they possibly could. Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, both of them felt themselves being pushed back, Sam's stomach stretching to dominate the remaining space on the couch, each resounding slap of Roxy's lethargic thrusting sending ripples cascading over Sam's gelatinous belly.

It was hard to stay awake, Sam could feel his eyelids drooping as his stomach was stretched further and further, possibly even more than he'd ever experienced before. Somewhere deep down, probably somewhere in that vast ocean of semen, he was glad he could share this moment with Roxy. Also glad that he could theoretically get her to do this to him again, and who knew… Maybe more?

But everyone has a limit, and Sam was disappointed to find that he was clearly reaching his own. Roxy was doing more than just leaking a stream of cum into him, she was draining gallon after gallon of viscous nut sludge into his stomach. Compressed as it was between himself, the sofa and entirely blocked from escape by Roxy's monolith, there was only one place it could reasonably go. He summoned all the willpower he could to warn Roxy about the cum hydrant that was incoming, but all he could manage was a gurgling "blrg–" as his oesophagus was glued shut.

He was just too late as he felt the rising tide of dense, hot load surging through his entire body. Every muscle he tried to contract to contain the tsunami was battered aside, forcing its way through. There was nothing Sam could do to stop it now, in his mania he was barely able to appreciate the mango-tinged flavour of his best friend's load. He was afraid of what was about to happen, but also incredibly turned on by the concept of becoming a literal semen hose. He could feel his neck stretching, his cheeks bulging, his lips pursing-

As Roxy clamped her hands over his mouth, sealing the oncoming storm of cum inside of him. Twin rockets of spunk jetted from his unsealed nose as the pressure inside of Sam fought for some measure of escape. A steady flow of nut goo seeped from between Roxy's fingers as she did her best to stop anything else from escaping. 

"Now you just… hold on there!" Was all Roxy could manage to pant out between her slow, yet deliberate and powerful thrusts. "Just a bit longer…"

She eased Sam up into a kneeling position, removing the pressure from his bloated, corpulent stomach, the flood of slimy semen diminishing. "I already have enough to clean up as it is."

Sam's distended stomach, no longer forced to pool around his torso as he was forced down into it, hung from him. It drooped down towards the semen soaked sofa as Roxy continued to drain her egregiously productive nuts into him. After each flex of her incredibly over-taxed kegel muscles, Roxy was convinced she was done, that she could not possibly cum anymore. Yet with each contraction of nut leaking orgasm, it seemed as if her balls would brew up a fresh load just to replace it. 

Sam's gut was becoming a gurgling, roiling storm of semen as each avenue of escape was being blocked off, forcing his stomach to expand further than he would have considered possible. His mind was in turmoil, desperate for Roxy to continue her wondrous inflating orgasm, while simultaneously worrying just how much more of this he could take. He'd been stretched out before but now they were really pushing his limits.

Roxy's cock ached, no tight holes or rampant poundings had ever made her womb basher feel as sore as it did now, forced to let loose gallon after viscous gallon of seed that her breweries were serving up for her. She was almost relieved when she felt Sam's weight being taken from her, only to realise that it was due to his stomach making contact with the couch, his gut once again beginning to take the weight that Roxy was rapidly becoming unable to bear. She relaxed the arm that was holding him upright, and let the rotund squirrel fall forwards onto his boulder-like cum gut, the ridge of her glans only just locked in by the tight ring of his clamping ass hole.

Now letting his full weight lie on his gravid abdomen, Roxy was really able to see the damage she'd done. Where just a few minutes ago Sam's bloating belly had only just pushed his thighs apart and started to raise them from the sofa, now he was fully lying atop it, his knees managing to hang a few inches above the cushions while his slack legs did nothing whatsoever to support his immense weight. Even his extended cock didn't manage to reach the couch cushions, instead hanging semi-limply against the back of his barrel of baby-batter, slowly belching the last dregs of his own orgasm down to flood over the truly cum logged furniture.

Despite his mouth no longer being held shut by Roxy's clamping hand, the more complex route for the jizz to travel to freedom clearly wasn't enough, and the exhausted goat girl couldn't summon any energy to fight back as her flagging phallus finally slipped from Sam's overstuffed anus with a visceral SCHLOOORRRP . As soon as the pathway was cleared, a torrent of the thickest jizz Roxy had ever had the unforgettable pleasure of producing was launched back at her, her entire lower torso stained almost completely white as her own seed splattered against her thighs, cock and balls.

There she stood, sweat dripping from every inch of her body, Sam's overencumbered form with barely more than a few square centimetres of unsullied skin, and her own jizz being blasted back at her with enough force to send tingles through her balls…


It couldn't.

Roxy looked down in horror and an undeniable blast of lust, as her cock began to rise to attention again.

She rocked her head back as her regenerating cum cannon let loose with a fresh load of pre that arced through the air and splattered against Sam's waiting ass.

"How… how long do the side effects last again?"

"I'unno" Sam managed to mumble through the steady stream of goop seeping from his mouth, "but let's just… keep going until it goes down."

Roxy stood looking at her room mate in incredulity and disbelief, until she had to shrug her shoulders and admit she had no better ideas either.

— — —

The couch was done for. Neither of them could tell whether it was because of the total combined weight of Sam, Roxy and their incredible cum guts, or if it was simply because of the force Roxy had put into plowing Sam into it. Neither of their memories of today stretched back far enough to properly figure it out, all of it mingled together into a white hot blast of pleasure.

Roxy had mounted Sam again, they remembered that much. With a willing hole in front of her and a cock that just outright refused to go flaccid, her body had moved on autopilot. Fucking Sam then had been like fucking on a water bed, lots of jiggling but too bouncy to really get a solid rhythm going. The imagery of the waves travelling over his gut with each resounding slap of her balls had been seared into her memory, and she was going to treasure it for a long, long time.

They'd given up on that position after that, instead carefully rolling Sam and his rotund belly off the couch onto the equally semen sodden carpet. Roxy had joined him on the floor then, easing her obelisk of dick into his stretched out boy pussy and slowly rocking herself back and forth, each outward stroke letting a torrent of her jizz to leak free from its contracting confines. She watched in exhausted bemusement as the pool expanded into a lake, spreading outwards to cover the entire floor of the apartment. She'd have been worried about losing the deposit if they hadn't already lost it years ago.

Then Roxy fell asleep while thrusting, her body working on autopilot while her brain struggled to keep up with everything that had happened. Sam however, was experiencing his second wind. Unfortunately, he was weighed down by something like 60 gallons of spunk, and no easy way to get it out of him while Roxy was plugging him up. Gravity would do the trick though, he just needed something to occupy himself with while he let it do its thing. 

Shimmying himself free of Roxy's colossus, Sam managed to spin himself atop his own prolific gut and leaned over to take the crown into his mouth, suckling on her precum spewing appendage while he let his own weight and gravity force what she'd let loose inside of him free. He'd sat like that for he didn't know how long, only vaguely aware that the sky was getting dark outside. By the time that he'd finally shrunk enough to move, the entire apartment was over a centimetre deep in Roxy's goo, and she'd awoken from her nap.

They'd piled on top of each other again, mounting the couch as they spent minutes, hours or more locked in each other's embrace. They traded places over and over, Roxy on top then Sam, flipping over and bathing each other's monumental cocks with spit and tongue, basting their faces in pre. Neither of them came, each too drained to possibly think about cumming again. It was only when Sam noticed Roxy actually sucking his member rather than just licking, and the fact that he could actually reach the tip of her shaft again that the pair realised what must be happening.

They dismounted, each kneeling in a cushion so dense with cum that they could have rang it out like a sponge, and looked at each other. Then they looked at the table beside them, where 4 more cans of BUST™ sat under a layer of cum, taunting them. They looked to one another, then back to the cans…

Roxy had let Sam go first again. It seemed only fair. There must have been some residual BUST™ left in his system, as she swore his cock had gotten bigger again, cresting over the top of his head. They'd swapped positions, this time Sam pounding her into the sofa and with such speed and ferocity she was worried the hyperactive squirrel was going to have a heart attack. 

Sam had pulled out, swinging his goliath cock from side to side, painting the whole room. Photos and portraits were buried under layers and layers of odorous, steaming spunk. Roxy had looked back at Sam, disappointed that he hadn't let it go inside her, when she asked why, he'd gestured around himself and said "If I put all this in you, you wouldn't be able to move! And now it's your turn…"

That's where things got really hazy. Sam vaguely remembered feeling like Roxy's head was going to come out of his mouth at one point, so she must have experienced the strange growing phenomenon that he had as well. Roxy, with a cock longer than Sam's entire head and torso combined… The thought of that would never leave Sam. Even now in his near comatose state, he found himself having flashes of its impossible girth and its mind boggling length, and the sensation of it splitting him open.

He didn't remember anything after that, but he had to assume that was when the couch had met its demise. Presumably Roxy must have ridden him after that, not wanting to miss out on a cum gut of her own considering she was now spread out on the ruins of their unfortunate furniture and looking 9 months pregnant with triplets. 

And unlike him, she was still able to stand if only barely. She'd thrown one of the few surviving blankets over him as he lay prone across his own leaking stomach. She'd muttered something like "Don't catch a cold" as she'd covered him, and she perched herself down in front of him. This is why they were best friends, no matter what stupid stuff Sam got himself into, Roxy was always there to make sure he was okay. 

With a feeble arm, Sam brushed his hair out of his face, so she could look him straight in the eyes as he muttered "Thanks Roxy, seriously."

He let a mocking grin cross his cum sodden face as she blushed and looked away. "Gotcha" he teased.

They sat in comfortable silence, as the sun started to leak through the window, casting their devastated living room in a warm orange glow. The ocean of cum that coated every surface glowing a pleasing orange, belying the work that Roxy was going to have to put into cleaning this place. Thank god their building had robust drains.

The light glinted off the table, and the final 2 cans of BUST™ caught their eyes. 

Roxy and Sam looked at them, then back at each other, not needing to communicate the thought that passed between them both.

Another time.