Tyler Wright lived in a very strict religious household. His mother, Elizabeth, was a very strict and devout catholic who ran her house with an iron fist, not even his dad had much say. That meant no video games, very restricted internet access, none of that devilish music, going to mass every Sunday and praying with her every day.

Tyler basically lived like a monk.

He was lean and stood 5'7 with shaggy blond hair and blue eyes. He had delicate feminine features, a narrow waist, soft skin and a perky round butt from working out with his dad, probably the only time he looked forward to in the day. Due to his very strict religious upbringing, he had a shy personality and was slightly nerdy and impressionable.

Tyler knew about masturbation and sex from his sex ed classes, but of course he had no personal experience from it, so when the time came it was his mother who gave him 'talk' much to his dismay she made it very clear: no fornication, sex was only meant for procreating, and masturbation was a mortal sin. Pretty much everything these days was wrong in her eyes, all she did was church work, complain about stuff, berate and annoy Tyler.

"If I ever catch you doing any funny business or screwing around with some harlot, God help you, Tyler!" She told him when he had turned 16. It was safe to say Tyler was terrified of his mother and decided it was best not to provoke her.

Therefore by the time he turned 18, Tyler never had a girlfriend or any sexual interaction with the opposite sex, much less an orgasm. He had erections but never attempted to do anything. He had always been taught to not to touch his privates unless it was for washing or peeing. He also attended an all-boys private school, so girls were out of the question.

His current problem started when Tyler woke up in the middle of the night; his eyes shot open, and he was breathing heavily and sweating. His penis was hard, stiff, and pulsating strongly. Tyler felt intense contractions in his penis and the muscles near his asshole, and despite squeezing his ass to fight the sensation, it only grew stronger. "Oh my god" he moaned burying his face in his pillow to stifle his moans as his penis hardened and then contracted; his eyes rolled back in his head, then he came in his white briefs. His toes curled as he dry-humped one of his pillows. His first orgasm rocked his entire body, he couldn't deny the pleasure from such a big release. The sensation was so intense he was exhausted afterwards and drifted back to sleep.

"TYLER JAMES WRIGHT! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! How long is this going to keep happening?! It's the third time this week," she said, holding up his boxers.

"But Mom! It happened when I was asleep. I didn't realize when....."

"BE QUIET! Don't talk back to me! I'm taking you to the doctor tomorrow; maybe they'll be able to fix you," she said, glaring at him, then turned around and stormed off, fuming.

Tyler was seething with anger and frustration. Why couldn't his mom ever listen to what he had to say? "What is the doctor gonna do?" He thought.

As expected, his mom made the appointment for the next day, Saturday, at 11 am. Tyler woke up and got ready quickly before his mother got angry. The drive to the clinic was quiet as he dreaded what was to come.

They walked to the front desk, and a very pretty blonde nurse was sitting there. "Hi! Welcome. How can I help you?" She asked, smiling

"We have an appointment. Last name Wright," replied Tyler's mom.

The nurse typed on her computer. "Tyler Wright?" she asked. His mother nodded.

"Very well, I'll call you right in. It will just be a minute; please take a seat over there," said the nurse.

Tyler was nervous, his hands were sweaty, and his heart was racing. He knew this was another overreaction from his mom, but he didn't know what to expect.

Ten minutes went by.

"Wright!" said the nurse.

They followed her down the hall to the last door. As they got closer, Tyler read the name on the door: Dr. Kendra Taylor, MD.

Tyler felt his heart drop as the nurse opened the door. "Mom brought me to a female doctor?!" He thought. "For this?!". It was too late; he couldn't back out without risking his mother making a scene.

The nurse headed to the door. "Dr. Kendra will be with you shortly." Time seemed to slow down as Tyler waited. After what seemed like forever, there were three gentle knocks at the door.

A woman peeked in. "Tyler?" She asked in a gentle tone.

"Yes, this is him," replied Tyler's mom.

Dr. Kendra Taylor must have been in her late thirties; she had shoulder-length brown hair, green eyes, and soft lips and wore little makeup. She was tall, probably around 6'3, and seemed to have a very nice body under her lab coat. She wore the coat open over a white blouse that hid her lacy black bra & ample cleavage. It was tucked into a tight black skirt that stopped mid-thigh over a pair of black thigh-high stockings. Tyler felt his face flush at the sight of such a beautiful woman, making this visit more uncomfortable.

"So, what brings you in today?" She asked.

"Well, doctor... " began Tyler's mom, "this kid has been... having issues... you see... when he wakes up he-- "

"Mom... " Tyler muttered.

"Don't interrupt me, Tyler!" She snapped. "When he wakes up, he has a big wet patch all over his underwear. I've told him repeatedly to try and control it, but he doesn't listen; maybe you can fix him."

Tyler's cheeks were red from embarrassment. He wanted to run out of there.

"I see..." said the doctor. "How long has this been going on?" she asked, glancing at Tyler.

"About three days now. Please fix whatever is wrong with him. I can't have that happening in my house because my house is a House of God, and no son of mine will be doing... THAT under my roof." she said.

Kendra frowned a little at her comment "Oh, I see now, mom's one of those church lunatics. That also explains her nun-like outfit. God how I hate these people always telling others what to do. If she only knew I am transexual, she'd probably have a stroke!" Thought Dr. Kendra.

Dr. Kendra Taylor had a secret only a few people knew; she was transexual. After finishing her residency in New York, she relocated to Texas to start her practice. She quickly became well-known in her community. A community that, ironically, was primarily conservative. But she had such alluring feminine features nobody could really tell.

"Tyler, could you please expl--?"

"Doctor, I think I've explained everything, so if you could please try to hurry this along, I have a church meeting to attend this afternoon," Elizabeth rudely interjected.

Kendra stared at her for a moment. "Of course you do," she thought. "Mrs. Wright. with all due respect, I think it's best if I speak to Tyler alone."

Tyler's eyes went wide at what the doctor said, mainly because he knew very few people who would dare challenge his mother.

"Excuse me?! I am his mother, I--"

"Yes, you are his mother, but I believe he is the patient. There is something called Physician-Patient Privilege that I happen to uphold to a very high standard. According to his record, he is 18 years old, making him a legal adult, so I think it's best if he and I discuss this matter... alone. I'll call you back when we're done," she said with a fake smile.

Dr. Kendra dealt with rude wives and mothers all the time. She quickly realized that if they were rude to her, she should be able to politely give them a quick reality check. If they didn't like it, they knew where the door was.

His mother had a stern expression in her eyes. She hated people telling her what to do; ironically, all she did was tell others what to do. His mother didn't protest any further, wanting to find a fast solution to all of this. Staring at him, she said, "You better not lie to her, Tyler! You hear me?" Tyler nodded.

The doctor held the door open for her as she walked out. "Feel free to wait in the lobby, Mrs. Wright," she said, locking the door behind her. "Alright, Tyler, you can sit right there," she said, walking back to him. "Please tell me what seems to be the problem," she smiled at him.

Tyler swallowed hard, not knowing how to start. "I... well... " he muttered.

"Tyler sweetie, it's okay," she said, placing her hand on his knee. "Whatever you say will stay between us; you don't have to worry about your mom. I'll talk with her later,"

Her warm voice calmed his nerves. It was nice to speak to someone who wasn't yelling and snapping at him for no reason. After taking a few deep breaths, he started. "Well...I woke up breathing heavily, and I was sweating. I felt this pressure-like sensation on my lower stomach... spreading down to my... butt... then... my... penis. It got really, really hard; it felt as if I was about to pee myself but couldn't hold it in, even though I tried... and then... a liquid came out," he said, his face burning red.

The doctor made notes in his file. She already had a very good idea of what was happening but inquired further. "You didn't wake up the second time?" she asked.

"No, I didn't realize it happened."

"When the liquid came out, did you feel your penis contract?" she asked. Tyler only nodded. "Does it feel like you can't stop rocking your hips back and forth as well?" Tyler nodded again. A smile almost appeared as she spoke, but she maintained a professional demeanor. She leaned forward a little closer and in a soft voice, asked, "Did you enjoyed the sensation of that liquid coming out of your penis, Tyler?"

"Yes," he whispered, his cheeks burning red.

"So adorable!"

"I see... are you feeling any pain or discomfort?"

"No, not really"

"Well, Tyler, I believe what you described is a wet dream".

"A what?" He asked, looking up at her with a confused expression.

"A wet dream. Technically, they're called 'nocturnal emissions' but are more commonly known as wet dreams. They're an involuntary ejaculation that happens when you sleep and usually occur for a few different reasons."

"When was the last time you masturbated? She asked.

"I... I... don't do... that," he said in a low voice, almost inaudible.

"You've never masturbated? Not even once?" she asked in surprise. Tyler shook his head.

"Oh my god, he must be so pent up" she thought to herself. "No wonder he creamed himself while he slept."

"Mom says it is wrong. I could be condemned to hell or something, she said I shouldn't touch my private parts...like that".

"Of course, that bitch said that," she thought. She sat up and tried to compose herself before speaking again. "Tyler, listen to me; there's nothing wrong with masturbating and having an orgasm. If anything, it is known to be a very healthy outlet for your system, especially for a young boy like you. Your body needs release. It's part of our physiology. You probably have a testosterone build-up after not cummi--ejaculating for a long time."

Unbeknownst to Tyler, Dr. Kendra had a long thick cock and a pair of heavy balls under her skirt that she kept hidden inside a sexy pair of laced panties. After hearing Tyler's story, Kendra could feel her body start to react, and her baby maker thickening inside her panties. "Oh, lord not now" she thought, immediately crossing her legs. She had seen hundreds, if not thousands, of patients but had never heard of anything like this. Sure, many people abstained from having sex, but they were usually older, not a beautiful 18 year old like Tyler.

"So what happens next?" he asked. "Is there a cure?"

"You could say there is," she said, smiling. "But first, I need to conduct an examination before we proceed. Please stand up and drop your pants."

"What?!" he asked, wide-eyed.

"And underwear, too, please," she said, rising from her seat to get a pair of gloves.

"Doctor... I... but why?!" he asked in a panic. "Can't you just tell me?!"

"I have to check your penis and testicles to ensure no abnormalities. It's part of the protocol and examination process."

Tyler was mortified at the thought of exposing himself in front of this beautiful doctor.

She took her coat off, giving Tyler a good look at her figure, mainly the round tits straining her blouse. Kendra trained regularly, she had an athletic build and a firm round ass. Dr. Kendra returned to find Tyler still dressed and fidgeting with his pants on. "Tyler, please lose the pants, or do you want me to lower them for you?" she asked, smirking.

"No! No... I'll do it." He stood up to unbuckle his pants, dropping them to his ankles, but could not find the courage to lower his underwear.

Dr. Kendra got closer to Tyler. Towering over him, she leaned down. "Would you like me to do it, honey? It's okay. I am a doctor, and there's no need to be shy. It's just us here. You don't have anything I haven't seen before," she said in a soft motherly tone.

"She smells so good," he thought as Dr. Kendra reached for the waistband of his boxers, lowering them slowly and revealing his four-inch penis. Tyler immediately tried to his sex with his shirt when his penis appeared, goose pimples sprouted as the cold air caressed his naked legs.

"Please keep your hands to the side, Tyler," Doctor Kendra firmly said. The doctor had a very strong libido, to the point of needing release almost daily. Due to her packed schedule the past few weeks, she hadn't had time to get any release. After being single for quite some time, saying she was pent up would be an understatement, and here she had this beautiful boy all to herself. She suppressed a grin, knowing she had to show some restraint before even attempting what she wanted to do.

"My god, he is beautiful! I can't believe he's so smooth and hairless, such a cute little dicklet, too,"Kendra thought, flushed. "Let's hear your heart," she said as she stood directly in front of Tyler, adjusting her stethoscope in her ears."

Tyler's face was burning red with embarrassment. He had never been so close to a woman other than his mother. As she leaned in to press the device to his chest, he could smell her perfume, and his dick stiffened. By the time she finished, he was fully erect. "I'm... sorry..." he whimpered.

"That's okay handsome. It's a normal response," she said, smiling up at him. Dr. Kendra turned to hang her stethoscope on a wall hook. She sat on the rolling stool and maneuvered it until she was directly in front of Tyler's penis. At this height, it was at her nose level. She placed her hands beneath his waistline and pushed down, checking for discomfort or swelling. Tyler shivered, he tried to think about something else or anything at this point. Instead, his eyes landed instead on her mouth: a pair of full lips, slightly parted, and her tongue pressing behind her teeth. Her hands gradually moved lower until her right hand covered the base of his shaft. He nearly jumped from the contact.

"Does it hurt where I'm touching?"

"No....". Tyler replied shakily.

He had never held a girl's hand before, yet here he was, pants down to his ankles, with the hand of a beautiful woman who was old enough to be his mother, wrapped around his cock. She lifted his shaft in front of her to examine it, then cupped his balls with her other hand, rolling them gently, feeling for bumps or masses. Tyler started leaking pre-cum; her soft hands felt good encasing his penis.

The steady flow of pre-cum didn't go unnoticed by the doctor. She inhaled his virginal musk scent, licked her lips and her mouth watered. It was like smelling poppers. Kendra could feel her cock get harder under her skirt. She gulped hard before speaking again. "You do have some swelling in your testicle, but that's to be expected".

"Tyler, the pressure can be relieved by performing a very simple procedure. It could also lessen the frequency of your night emissions," she said, looking at him, her mouth so close to his cock he could feel her hot breath.

"What... what kind of procedure?" He asked shakily while noticing how she kept subtly rubbing his penis.

"He is so sweet and sincere; I can't wait to defile and breed this little fucking virgin. I haven't cum in almost two weeks. God that first load is gonna be unbearably thick!". she shuddered at the thought.

She stared at his cock, her growing desire clouding her senses; she had to taste him. When the doctor looked back at him, her green eyes were darker. "I think it's best if I show you, dear,". She slowly leaned forward, sticking her tongue out and running it along his shaft. Tyler let out a loud gasp. He tried to recoil from her but couldn't because of the table behind him. He felt his knees buckle and braced himself against the table. She ran her tongue to the tip of his cock and under his frenulum; enveloping her tongue around the head, she engulfed his entire shaft in her warm mouth.

He moaned loudly in shock as Dr. Kendra sealed her lips firmly around the shaft and slowly bobbed her head back and forth. "Doc... I... my... mom... she... " he tried saying but couldn't get the words out. Her cheeks went concave as she hungrily sucked.

"Don't worry about your bitch of a mother, baby," she said as she popped her mouth free for a moment. "She's all the way down the hall, sitting in the lobby, probably reading her fucking bible," she said, grinning wickedly at him. "I'm your mommy right now. Understood?" She said injecting an innocently demure tone into her voice.

"Understood?" She asked louder as her hand squeezed his cock.

"Ye... yes."

"Yes, what?" she asked sternly.

"Yes Mommy."

She resumed the blowjob. Her vacuum-like suction and wet saliva were enough to get his manhood rock hard. She bobbed her head back and forth, her green eyes staring up at Tyler. Kendra's member was throbbing at this point, begging to be released, and she could feel it straining the fabric of her panties. She felt his cock harden.

His eyes widened, almost in panic. Tyler experienced the same pressure during his wet dreams. "I... I'm..." he moaned, looking down. She knew what he meant.

Popping her mouth free, she pumped furiously. "Give Momma every last drop...cum in my fucking mouth." Kendra jammed her mouth back onto his pulsing cock.

"Uugh! Mommy!" Tyler loudly moaned as his cock twitched, and the first blast of his cum hit Kendra's mouth. The next four blasts were thicker. Rope after rope of cum, completely coated her mouth with his thick load.

Kendra's eyes widened at the amount, but she eagerly swallowed every drop. "Mmmmm," moaned Kendra at the taste.

By the time he finished cumming what felt like gallons, Tyler was exhausted, and his legs were like jelly.

Kendra slowly pulled out, her mouth leaving a trail of saliva. "Delicious," she murmured, licking her lips. "My goodness, you needed that, didn't you? But don't relax too much, because we are not done yet."

"Wh-what do you mean? I thought... " he said, trying to catch his breath.

"Lay on the table, face down, please. I still have to check your prostate, sweetie, to finalize everything," she said licking her lips.

Tyler got up on the table, face down, having just received his first blowjob, which he didn't question.

"Lift your belly," said Kendra as she led Tyler by the waist to the edge of the table, bending him over.

This position revealed the shapeliness of his hips and the enticing fullness of his ass, pale, soft and round, almost bubbly. It gave her a clear view of his pink rosebud. He was slight of build, with narrow shoulders sidling inwards to a slender waist before curving outwards at his shapely hips and long desirable legs. "Such a nice fucking ass," Kendra thought, staring at his alluring physique, his pale bubble butt, an ass so perfect that she had to sodomize it.

She gave his ass a hard squeeze, then a slap echoed across the room, getting a squeal from Tyler. "This shouldn't take long, babe," she said as she reached for the oil-based lube, pouring it all over his ass and down his asshole. The warm liquid was soothing against his hole; he bit his lip to hold back a moan.

"I fucking need this," she muttered. Kendra was breathing heavily, almost panting, her lust fogging her senses, the throbbing snake in her skirt driving her crazy. She teased his pink hole before carefully sliding her long index finger up Tyler's asshole, feeling his tightness.

"Just breathe, baby; how does that feel?" Her voice was calm, clinical and soothing speaking authoritatively with an air of total confidence, and reassurance.

"A little... weird," he stammered. Tyler gasped loudly, and a spasm ran through his legs as she gently stroked his prostate. Tyler gasped, shivers of pleasure run through his entire body, and his dick flexed wildly. He was completely at the doctor's mercy.

"It seems I found your special little button. Tyler could only grunt in response, his cock releasing a long bead of pre-cum on the floor. "Just breathe. Your prostate creates and stores sperm. If you go a long time without cumming, you can experience a build-up, your prostate will begin to pulse and swell with an intense need for release... which would explain your case," she explained.

Her finger's swirling gave Tyler an insight of pleasure, the like of such he could never even dream of. The desire from the new sense of physical pleasure clouded his mind. Her finger continued to work its magic. He was rendered unable to think of nothing but the sensations her finger is causing.

Her hands rubbed and squeezed his ass, massaging it and giving the inexperienced boy a sexual thrill. "That's good, Tyler. You're doing great. Try to relax and focus on my finger. Forget about everything else. Especially your mom."

A warmth spread through his pelvis, slowly working its way to the base of his cock."Oh my god! That feels so good," he moaned.

"I know it does. Be a good boy for your new Mommy, and let your mind submit to your much-needed release. You need this, Tyler."

"Do you like it when Mother massages your special place?"

"Fuck yes!" he hissed. Tyler didn't care anymore, he had never felt such intense pleasure.

Tyler was letting himself go. He was moments away from blowing the biggest load of his life when Kendra suddenly pulled out her finger. His eyes flew open; he was almost there. "Doc... Doctor Kendra?" he asked in a desperate tone.

Kendra reached behind and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to her ankles. She hastily ripped the front end of her laced panties. Tyler glanced back and gasped at the sight; she had removed her lab coat and blouse, revealing a black lace bra encasing a large pair of tits with pierced nipples and her left arm covered in a sleeve tattoo.

She stood before him in a lacy black garter belt and a pair of black thigh-high stockings. Tyler looked down to see her toned abdomen covered in cool tattoos, her pierced belly button, and on her pubic mound, there was a jungle of black hairs above the root of her dick. Below that, a hard, thick, long cock sprung between her legs and a big pair of heavy balls. Her member had a huge metal ring in it. Tyler didn't even know such a thing was possible and had never heard of a Prince Albert piercing. He could only stare in shock as if she was a completely different person. It held an incredible fascination: this hard, masculine cock protruding from Kendra's gorgeous curvy womanly figure. He glanced down at her glistening member, the shape pulsing needily.

Kendra breathed a sigh of relief when her cock sprung free from its confinement. She grabbed the oil again, drizzling it over her throbbing erection, hissing at the sensation. "Have you ever been seen by a 'special' doctor like me?" She asked with a predatory smile, stroking her hard dick.

"I... I'm not... gay," he said.

She rubbed his ass, giving it a hard slap, Tyler squealed. "Oh, honey, do I look like a man? This has nothing to do with being gay. I don't care about any of that. This will help to get everything out of you, and I mean EVERYTHING. By the time I'm done, you'll pop like warm champagne." she chuckled sonorously, brushing the tip of her cock by his tight entrance.

"I... I have never had sex before." Tyler gripped the table, taking in a sharp breath at the contact.

"I figured as much but don't worry, baby. I'll be gentle, it might hurt at the beginning, but I promise you will love this." she grinned.

"They all do" she thought.

Tyler's ass felt empty. There was a lingering itch he couldn't scratch. He wanted to feel the doctor's finger inside of him again, and for her to touch whatever she touched before that made him feel so good.

Kendra circled his pink asshole with her index finger. Tyler moaned into the table as she teased him. "Do you want Mommy to get the rest of your creamy seed out?"

Tyler NEEDED to have his ass filled up again, but he was still a little reluctant to accept it. Kendra stood behind him, her hard cock hanging perilously close to his asshole. She moved her cock up and down his ass crack. Tyler moaned as her metal piercing rubbed his virgin hole with every move. She gripped his waist and started pushing her pink head into his asshole.

Tyler squeaked at the contact. "Please wait... I'm... not... "

When he turned to look up at her, she used her hand to force him down. "Stay there," she panted. "Just relax, babe. It'll hurt less if you calm down. Try to push out like when you take a shit." Tyler gasped as she stuffed her thick, velvety mushroom head through the ring of his virgin rectum.

"Ohhh! FUCK! You are tight!" Growled Kendra. It had been a long time since she had popped a cherry.

"Wait! Ugh! It's so thick!" Tyler moaned through his teeth as Kendra slowly slid all eight and a half inches inside him. He tried to move away, but she held him down with her hand on his lower back.

"Shhhh, hun. Just relax. It'll go so much easier if you just relax," she said, her voice heavy with lust as she continued.

"Please! Oh, there's so much of it!" He said, gritting his teeth.

"Just a little more... there! Finally!" Kendra breathed. She sank the entire length of her big dick lower filling him. Her damp, oily pubes and big hairy balls pressed against Tyler's butt cheeks. "Holy shit! Don't worry, baby, that was the worse part. Now comes the fun part; better hold on to the table, you little bitch," she said, grinning wickedly, her professional tone gone.

She slowly pulled her strong hips back, sliding her thick length in and out of his ass. Tyler winced from the pain. Thankfully the massive burning sensation of her first intrusion faded quickly. The pain had become something else; it was steadily turning into a new kind of pleasure. Then the thick metal ball on her tip directly rubbed his prostate Tyler's back arched from the sensation.

"Oh God!" he gasped arching his back.

"Yeah, baby, right there!" She growled, thrusting harder, making sure to strike that same spot with each insertion.

"Unnggghhh!" he moaned more passionately than before as his fate was becoming sealed.

She leaned down to talk in his ear, her large breasts squishing into his back. "Moan all you want, baby. We are all the way down the hall. Nobody will hear you. I'll fill your fucking ass before sending you back to that bitch sitting in the lobby," she whispered, giving his earlobe a quick nibble that sent a shiver through him. Kendra's cock was like an iron bar. She slowly pumped her cock in his ass while Tyler moaned, matching her thrusts. "That's it, you little fucking virgin bitch. I knew you'd like it," she said, slapping his ass hard. The exam table shook with every thrust.

"Shit! Oh my god, don't stop... I love it! Don't stop, Mommy," moaned Tyler through grunts, his mind blank aside from Kendra's massive cock. He could feel every inch of that massive dick, the contours of its veins, and her piercing.

Kendra started to sweat, strands of hair clinging to her face. His body was smooth against hers, his pale skin soft. She had never felt so turned on. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh as her heavy balls smacked against him and grunts echoed throughout the room. The underside of her cock raked his prostate with every thrust.

Everything became ecstasy, pure bliss being pounded into him, all the tortured muscles and plundered insides being blown away by the pure-bred fucking that Kendra was meting out. "FUCK YES!, give it to me, Mommmmyyyyyy."

Tyler pushed back against the doctor's cock to urge it as deep as possible. He was moaning, and his pre-cum leaked on the floor. He grasped the examining table, white-knuckled as the doctor rammed her impressively stiff dick into him. She loved the way his virgin anxiety had melted away.

"I'm getting close! Momma's balls are full too, baby." Kendra panted, her cum was boiling, sweat dripping onto Tyler. She wasn't going to be able to hold her orgasm much longer and could feel it nearing. Every nerve in her body was electrified with pleasure from this delicious boy beneath her, his hole working her thick cock, but she wanted Tyler to cum first. Her hands moved off his lower back to knead his white ass again.

Tyle could feel his dick getting harder, the same familiar sensation, he braced himself for it, it started builiding with with even more pressure than before, his whole body was coated in a thin shiny layer of sweat. "Ohhh, I think I'm going to cum!" Tyler panted.

"Let it go, baby. Cum for your mother. Let Mommy fuck the cum right out of you." Kendra moaned. She increased her thrusting, placing her strong hands on Tyler's waist so she could guide him back onto his dick with each thrust. His hands pressed atop the table, straining to steady himself.

Tyler had only recently experienced an orgasm through a wet dream and a blowjob. Blinding ecstasy struck as his orgasm washed over him like a tidal wave. "I'm gonna cum! Oh my god! YES! FUCK YES!" He shouted like a bitch in heat. His eyes rolled back as he moaned, delirious from the joy, and he shot ropes of cum that landed all over the floor and on Kendra's black heels. Tyler's orgasm made his hot asshole clamp down on her girth, immediately triggering her climax. Kendra arched her back as her cock grew thicker inside him.

Her soft fingers grasped tightly on his hips, holding him firmly against her crotch as she began unloading. "Yes, yes, yeees! I'm gonna cum!" Kendra cried out as she filled Tyler's ass, burying herself deep inside him. Her cock swelled up, getting thicker and harder inside Tyler.

Tyler moaned, his eyes went wide, and his mouth hung open as Kendra's cock flexed, his insides filled with her warm load. He could feel it pulsing inside of him with every release. The more she poured into him, the more he loved it.

"Fuck yes! Holy shit! Fucking take it you little faggot!" she growled as her cock flexed inside his ass, her big balls pulsating against his smaller ones. Kendra collapsed on top of Tyler's back, panting. "Fuck... you tight little bitch. God, I needed that!" Her dick was buried in him, both panting and drenched in sweat. Tyler could feel her big tits pressed against his back.

They lay on the exam table, catching their breaths. After a few seconds, Kendra brushed her lips against Tyler's ear, "Did you like that baby?"

"Oh my god, yes!"

"It seems we both needed that," she said, kissing his ear.

Tyler's asshole was still pulsating, and it wanted more cock. He tried desperately to hold onto the doctor's phallus, but it was useless as he felt the warm slippery dick sliding out of his cum-soaked hole. His ass gaped for a brief moment before her thick white jizz began leaking out, down his perineum, over his little balls and now flaccid cock.

Kendra gave him a playful spank. "Baby, we should get dressed. It's been almost 50 minutes." Kendra moved toward the sink to wash her hands and fix her makeup.

Tyler slowly got up and started getting dressed but was interrupted when Kendra walked up and wrapped her arm around his waist. She leaned down and pressed her lips against his, splitting his lips apart and entering his mouth. She pushed her long tongue and prodded against his tongue, hungrily smacking her lips on his. "You are mine now. Do you hear me? Your ass belongs to Mommy," she breathed as she kneaded and slapped his ass.

"Y...yes" he breathed, Kendra grinding herself against him, he was standing on tiptoes due to the height difference.

"Yes what?" she growled slapping his ass hard again.

"Yes mommy" he moaned.

"Good, now go put your clothes back on" she smiled loving how submissive he is.

Kendra slid her ruined panties off and threw them in the trash. She went over to pick up her skirt but decided not to put it in. Kendra thought of a naughty idea, she would call Tyler's mom in and speak to her from behind her desk without a skirt on as a final 'fuck you' to her. Tyler's mom wouldn't be able to see anything, the whole thing was risky beyond belief, but that only added to the thrill. Kendra fixed her blouse and put her lab coat back on, she sat down at her desk and hid her skirt in a drawer. Her cock was hanging over the edge of her office chair, still dripping from sweat, cum and oil. Once Tyler sat back down, she picked up the phone and called the nurse.

"Ashley, could you send Mrs. Wright in, please?" A few seconds passed, and there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Kendra called out.

Tyler's mom walked in with an irritated expression and sat down. "Well! I didn't think this would take almost an hour. So, did you find what was wrong with him?" Elizabeth asked.

"Tyler and I had a very long talk; he is a lovely young man, and after performing a very thorough and... deep examination, I couldn't find anything wrong with him. His 'accidents' as you call them, are a... phase and will probably go away on it's own." Kendra explained, glancing down, slightly massaging her dick.

"Probably? That's reassuring" she replied sarcastically. "So what happens next? I have to wait until 'maybe' this goes away?" she asked, annoyed by the doctor's answer.

"Not necessarily. As I said, it's a phase, but I am proposing a few... therapy sessions with me, which could speed up his 'healing' process." Kendra's dick twitched.

"Therapy?" she asked with a confused tone. "He needs therapy now? What for?"

"Mrs. Wright, I believe one of the reasons this is happening is due to high stress from outside stimuli. He is a healthy young man, is only normal for him to have pent up energy. All that pent up stress and energy becomes so much that his body seeks for some sort of outlet which in his case happens at night while he's asleep."

"I still don't think that's normal, he should be able to control himself, but anyway, how many sessions are we talking about? I'm not going to pay for anything if he doesn't want to come."

"Oh, don't worry bitch, I'll make sure he cums," Kendra thought, suppressing a smile.

"Tyler, sweetie, would you like to...'cum,' two or three times a week... for our therapy sessions?" she asked softly, with a smile.

He gulped."Uhm, I... maybe... three times," stammered Tyler, knew what she meant.

"Hopefully, it works because if it doesn't, I'll stop bringing him," she said.

Kendra glanced down at her thickening cock for a moment and then back up at Elizabeth. "Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Wright, it'll work," she said, grinning.

"Very well then, let's go, Tyler," Elizabeth said, getting up with Tyler following her.

"Goodbye, Tyler, until next week, dear," she said, winking at him.