"... Do I have to be here?" Cole asked anxiously. His mother was turned away from him, busy with taking out several trays of lasagna out of the oven. "I can stay at a friend's house or something..."

Christina, as his mother was named, sighed heavily. "It's only for one night, Cole. I know what she's like, but you can't just avoid her." After setting the last tray down on a cooling rack, she took her oven mitts off and turned to her son. "Just try to... I don't know, keep your distance a bit?"

"She's gonna try to close that distance real fast..." Cole scoffed, staring off into the distance. His mother went quiet, and in the corner of his eyes he could see the worrying look she had on her face.

"It'll be fine, I promise. If she gets too grabby, I'll tell her to stop, alright?"

Now it was Cole's turn to sigh. "Whatever. When is she coming, anyway?"

"Oh shoot, she'll be here any minute now!" Christina exclaimed, looking at the clock on the wall. "Help me set the table, would you?" She frantically started opening almost every cabinet in the entire kitchen and virtually threw out plates, drinking glasses and utensils onto the counter next to her. "The lasagna hasn't even had the time to cool yet! Shit!"

Cole watched her go at it for a moment, waiting until she clumsily made her way to the table with a tray of lasagna before he calmly picked up the plates that she had set down on the counter and brought them to the table as well. He had learned that it was essential to stay out of his mother's way when she was stressed, in part because of her somewhat irritable personality, but also due to her large body that could easily knock him over.

Christina stood at an impressive six foot two, and her weight was more than proportional. Although she would have denied it herself, she was quite a heavy woman. But she wasn't fat by any means. Sure, there was a slight bit of chub around her midsection and arms, but that wasn't anything unusual for a mother at her age. The main source of her weight, however, was located elsewhere.

She had a chest that other women would simultaneously envy and feel bad for, the former because of their sheer size and fullness, the latter because of the huge strain those things would put on a woman's back. But Christina wasn't bothered by it. She carried herself with ease, with a body and mind that had been hardened over the years of being a working single mother.

Her hips were as wide as her frame could possibly allow, and her womanly curves were beautifully filled in with thick layers of fat. Judging from their round, healthy look and general lack of sagging, there might have been a decent amount of muscle in those legs of hers too. Also, it should go without saying that her ass was absolutelytitanic. All in all, her body was like that of a thick milf straight out of a hentai manga.

"Why are you so stressed?" Cole asked, as his mother almost bumped into him while running back to the kitchen. "I really don't think she'll care about dinner being ready or not." He casually set the three plates down on the table, making sure to leave plenty of space between them as a preventative measure for what to expect from their guest.

Christina let out an audible grumble from the kitchen. "She's gonna take every opportunity to make snide remarks about me. I need everything to be perfect."

Cole rolled his eyes. His mother was usually above such pettiness, but when it came to her sister she always seemed to walk on eggshells. Not that he could really blame her. Most people, himself included, had great problems handling his aunt, and in his own case it was blatantly clear why. Though he wasn't entirely sure about the specifics of why his usually headstrong mother had such trouble dealing with her, other than the constant teasing, but he couldn't help thinking that it was slightly odd for his mother to let it bother her so much.

Just as she came around the corner into the living room with a bottle of water and a bowl of salad, the doorbell rang. "I'll finish up here," said Christina. "Get the door, will you?"

"Please don't make me let her in..." Cole pleaded in a defeated tone, knowing that his mother would not relent, as she was busy fixing the table to perfection.

"Just do it, Cole!"

"Fucking hell..." he muttered, dragging his feet to the front door, and as if ripping off a band-aid to get it over with, he swung the door open with a quick tug.

Although it felt wrong, Cole couldn't possibly deny that the sight in front of him was beautiful. A tall, voluptuous woman dressed in a red pencil dress, clutching an expensive looking large, black purse. She had a wide grin on her bright-red lips, and her glaring eyes were beautifully accompanied with purple eyeshadow.

"There's my favorite nephew!" the woman beamed, almost tackling him as she came in for a tight hug.

"Hey, aunt Monica..." Cole mumbled with his face buried in his aunt's massive cleavage. He pondered whether or not he had the strength to push her away, but he wasn't about to risk making the ordeal any more awkward than it already was. Suddenly he could both feel and hear Monica sniffing his hair, freezing him in place, wishing that she would let him go already.

"Mm, fresh out of the shower just for me?" she purred in her trademark sensual, melodic tone, releasing her grip slightly, allowing him to look her in the eyes but with most of his face still between her tits.

"Yeah, sure. Just for you." Despite his obvious attempt at sarcasm, he couldn't prevent himself from blushing. His aunt may have been a bit of a creep, but she was definitely easy on the eyes.

"Are you gonna come in or what?" Christina said from the end of the hallway, finally done with setting the table. She knew that her sister would take every opportunity to cling to Cole, and as such she would do everything she could to make her stop, hopefully without having to outright tell her to.

"Aw, Chris! Is that any way of greeting your beloved sister?" After patting his head lightly, she let go of Cole to greet her sister in a clearly excited manner, although noticeably less so compared to how she had greeted him.

Cole remained at the front door, watching his mother's and aunt's erotic bodies collide in a hug, squishing their massive breasts together. It was a sight that would have had other men drooling, and truth be told even Cole appreciated it to an extent, despite the blood relation he had with them.

The two sisters were almost identically built, aside from the ever so slightly thinner waist on the one year younger Monica. In terms of their faces they were evenly matched beauties, with gentle, rounded features and plump lips, although Christina preferred a more natural look compared to her sister. Other than that, their most differentiating features were their hairs. Monica had straight, armpit length, almost pitch black hair, most of it hanging loose across her back and some of it over her chest. Christina's hair was wavy and light brown, usually tied up in a wide ponytail reaching all the way down to her waist.

"I missed you, sis..." Monica murmured, with her arms still tightly locked around her older sister.

"I missed you too," she replied with a smile on her face. Monica may have been a handful, but Christina still loved her with all her heart and always enjoyed when she came to visit. "We'll catch up over some nice dinner, alright?"


"So, Cole..." Monica said, pausing to munch on some lasagna. "I bet you're real popular with the ladies, no? Got a girlfriend yet?"

Cole replied with an uncomfortable moment of silence. They hadn't even been sat for five minutes yet, and his aunt was already getting on his nerves. "Uh... no. I don't." He tried not to hold any more eye contact than necessary as he spoke, as merely seeing Monica's face was enough to make him uneasy.

"Aw, why not? You're such a handsome young man!"

She was right. Cole was a handsome young man. Not overly masculine, more on the boyish side, but that type of look was getting more and more popular among girls nowadays. He had smooth, graceful facial features, a jawline that was slightly pronounced but not too big, and striking hazel eyes that could make women melt. He always made sure to shave any facial hair, and most of his body hair for that matter. Not that there was much to begin with, but he was very much against the idea of looking like a gruff, burly guy, so it was for the best.

His slender body was covered in a light layer of toned muscle, far from making him look buff, and far from even giving him any significant strength, but just enough to give him a nice, healthy shape. In essence, Cole looked like a member of a boy band, fit to be on the cover of magazines directed to young girls. And it was a look he was happy with. The only thing he didn't like about himself was his height.

"Thanks, but... girls usually go for taller guys," he responded dryly. He didn't think much of his aunt's compliment, seeing it more as playful teasing than anything else. However, a quick glance at her pouting face made it clear that she felt sorry for him, making him wish that he had just thanked her and said nothing else.

"Fuck that!" she shouted loud enough to elicit a slight muttering from her older sister, who had been enjoying the somewhat peaceful conversation she had with Monica just a minute ago. "Nothing wrong with a short guy! In fact, I prefer it!"

Cole laughed nervously, hoping that his aunt's words were just words of consolation and not hinting at something weirder. "Thanks, aunt Monica... most girls don't feel that way though."

"Most girls are idiots! You're not even that short are you?"

Cole shrugged. "Dunno, I'm like five foot six."

"Really? That's the ideal height, if you ask me," Monica said, smirking and winking at Cole.

"That's enough, Monica," his mother interrupted. "Let's talk about something else."

"Ugh, fine. I was just being nice."

Cole cast a glance towards his mother and gave her an appreciative smile, just subtle enough for Monica not to notice as she quickly moved on to the next topic, something rather mundane about her job. Christina was always the one who kept her little sister from going to far, and Cole would never dare to be in his aunt's presence without his mother. He was almost positive that Monica didn't actually have an interest in him, but he wasn't eager to give her a chance to prove whether or not that was the case.

Cole loved his mother dearly. While she could sometimes be gloomy and quick to anger, she had a kind heart and always looked out for her beloved son. He was well aware of the sacrifices she had made for him, raising him from a young age and putting him before everything else. It could be hard for him to show his appreciation at times. He wasn't the type of guy to talk a lot, or even show much emotion for that matter. But he did try to help her in every way he could, whether that be by doing chores or simply comforting her in times of stress.

His friends would sometimes talk about his mother in a quite lecherous way, and while he didn't let it show, it bothered him greatly. They would mention her "huge tits" or "fat booty", making childish hand gestures as if they were squeezing a pair of breasts. It hurt him to see her reduced to a mere object in his friends' eyes, but at the same time he knew that they meant no harm and that it was just their crude way of complimenting her looks.

But Cole knew something about his mother that his friends did not. And that was the fact that she was technically speaking not his mother, but his father.

As far back as he could remember, Christina had always had a penis. For a good part of his childhood he thought everyone was like that, and of course had no idea how babies were made. He never did meet his real mother, who had apparently left as soon as Cole was born, which made it all the more understandable that he didn't know about female genitalia.

He still wasn't sure what his mother really was, as he had never had the guts to ask her, and Christina herself had never felt the need to talk about it. Had she been born a man? Was she suffering from some rare condition? Whatever it could have been, it didn't matter to Cole. All that mattered was that she was a great mother, and that he loved and accepted her regardless of what she was.

"Hey, I brought something for tonight!" his aunt bubbled suddenly, having finished her uninteresting yapping that Cole hadn't been paying attention to. She reached down to her purse on the floor and pulled out a bottle of expensive-looking red wine, before practically slamming it down on the table. Her eyes were beaming and she had a smile from ear to ear, watching her sister and nephew reading the label. "It's a special occasion, after all!"

"... What's the occasion?" Christina asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Cole is 18 now, duh! Bet he hasn't had his first legal drink yet."

Cole glanced at his mother as she covered her face with her hand, and Cole knew that they were thinking the same thing. "You need to be 21 for that, aunt Monica..."

Monica blinked. "Eh, details," she said with a shrug, causing her big, full breasts to jiggle slightly. "So, you want some, Cole?"

"No!" his mother protested. "He's not getting any wine!"

Monica threw her hands up to signal her defeat. "Fine, whatever! What about you, sis? You wouldn't say no to a nice glass of red, right?"

Christina ogled the bottle in silence, as if her answer wasn't already clear. Cole recognized this scenario all too well. He was quickly finishing up his meal, knowing that both his mother and aunt were about to get wasted, and he wanted nothing to do with it.

"Guess I could go for a dr-"

"May I be excused?" Cole interrupted with a mouth full of food. He had his hands pressed against the table, as if bracing himself to bolt out of there as quickly as possible.

"Already?" his aunt whined, disappointed. "We haven't even had the chance to catch up yet..."

"I have... uh, homework." No, he didn't.

Christina couldn't help but chuckle softly. "It's alright, Cole. And Monica will still be here in the morning, I'm sure you'll have the chance to talk." She cast a loving smile at her son, who responded likewise.

It was a bit comical to her how well Cole knew just how weak she was when it came to wine, and how he so dramatically wanted to steer clear. She couldn't blame him though. Despite saying every time that she was going to take it easy, she would always end up blacking out, although perhaps her company was more to blame rather than the actual booze.

Without another word, Cole rose from the table, bringing as many things as possible with him from the table back to the kitchen, in a final effort to help his mother clean up a bit. The two women wasted no time initiating their night of drinking, uncorking and sharing a toast almost immediately after Cole left the room. He just shook his head. He estimated that in no more than an hour, the entire house would be shaking from their boisterous cheering and laughing, and the only way to escape it would be with a pair of headphones blasting death metal at max volume. Not that he liked that type of music, but truthfully, he was almost more willing to submit himself to just that rather than listening to his drunken mother and aunt all night.

He went back to his room, sat down in front of his computer and began casually browsing the web, looking for something to distract him from the inevitable disturbance. Whether it be by watching a TV-series, a movie, playing a game or just listening to music. As long as it was loud, anything was fine.

He settled on streaming a movie, a two-hour action flick about a group of soldiers trapped behind enemy lines in some fictional war. It wasn't exactly his cup of tea, but it fit the criteria of what he needed at the moment. He turned his 32 inch monitor towards his bed and brought his wireless headphones with him, sitting down on the soft mattress with his back against the wall and a pillow behind his lower back before pressing play. Making sure his volume was maxed out, he relaxed and tried to block out the outside world, allowing himself drift away into the story.

After half an hour of watching, he was still trying his hardest to invest himself in the movie, but it was difficult with all the noises already coming from the living room. Perhaps the movie wasn't action-heavy enough to drown it out, or perhaps they were just being more loud than usual. But while annoying, it wasn't all that bad. He occasionally heard his mother bursting out in roars of laughter, which was a sound Cole enjoyed hearing very much. It was rare to hear her laugh at all, let alone at such a volume, and in these types of moments he was truly glad that Monica was a part of their lives. His mother had few friends, and often stuck to spending time alone at home, doing chores and occasionally knitting and sewing as a hobby. Monica was, as far as Cole knew, the only person that Christina ever drank with. And when drunk, the two sisters got along pretty damn well.

Another half hour passed, at which point he could hear the distinct sound of a wine glass shattering across the floor, followed by an audible "oops" from Monica. While it normally would have at the very least made Christina grumble in annoyance, this time she just laughed it off, maybe even louder than before.God, how much fun could just two people have, really?

As time went on, more and more cackling could be heard from the living room, as Cole struggled to keep up with the story. But then, about three fourths into the movie, all the noise abruptly ceased, and Cole took notice to it immediately. Had something happened? Maybe he should go check on them? Or should he instead just be happy about a bit of peace and quiet?

Well, any thought of peace and quiet quickly died out, when after only a couple of minutes of silence, his door slowly opened. Startled, Cole looked over to see his aunt standing there, looking at him with a bottle of red wine in her hand. He took off his headphones, as it seemed that she was speaking to him.

"Huh?" he said with the headphones around his neck, leaning forward to pause the movie.

"I asked if you wanna chat a bit," Monica slurred, her voice playful and innocent, and her lips smiling warmly. Whether by accident or on purpose, her large chest was definitely spilling out of her dress more than before.

Cole eyed her for a bit, blinking a couple of times in confusion. "Uh... where's mom?"

"Blacked out, like usual," she sighed. "You know how she is."

"Yeah... A hopeless drunk."

Monica chuckled. "Yup, something like that. So, you already finished your homework, huh?"

Cole stared at his aunt's cocky smile. Despite her obvious inebriation, those sarcastic remarks she liked to dish out seemed to be something that always stuck around. It was well within reason that he had already finished his homework, had he actually had any, so who was she to suggest otherwise?

"Yeah," he replied coldly. "I did." He had to be careful not to add a"bitch" to the end of the sentence.

"Hmm." The smile on her face had somehow managed to grow even more smug, as she brought the bottle up to her lips and took a large swig, her sparkling, purple-lined eyes glued to Cole the entire time. "What are you watchin'?" On wobbly feet that had rid themselves of the high heels from before, she merrily strutted over to Cole sitting in the bed, too giddy to notice the irritation in his eyes.

"Dunno. Some mediocre action flick."

The dark haired beauty came to stand next to the bed, watching the screen at an awkward angle. "Oh, I've seen this one! They all die at the end!"

Cole looked at her, unamused, but also unaffected by the spoiler. It's not like he really cared about the plot. Although, mistaking it for a face of anger, Monica clearly took great joy in his expression, her cheeks filling up with air as she tried to hold back laughter, until they deflated with a loud"pff"-sound, followed by an obnoxious giggle.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I haven't seen it!"


Monica's smile died out. She looked at Cole as he continued to watch the movie, indifferent to her presence. That specific trait, his gloominess, was definitely something he had inherited from his mother, and it was a powerful thing indeed. Despite her drunken confidence, the room seemed to grow cold as she struggled to break the awkward silence, her eyes wandering all over Cole's boy-room, trying to think of something to say. Luckily, he was the one who finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry. I'm not making you feel welcome, am I?" His eyes were absent-mindedly staring down at his feet, as the loud noises from the movie continued to blast out of the headphones around his neck. "It's just... you're drunk. I feel like you should be in mom's company instead of mine."

Monica coughed lightly. "Well, sweetie, we both know that's not a possibility right now."

"Yeah, well," Cole mumbled. "Don't expect much from me. Not to sound rude, but you know..."

Monica bit her lip as she watched her handsome nephew scratch the side of his sandy-blonde crew cut, before turning her gaze to the bottle in her hand. "Maybe you'd like to drink with me...?"

Cole stared at the bottle, dumbfounded. This was an unexpected turn of events. Monica's words were completely devoid of any of her usual annoying smugness, and on the contrary sounded completely sincere, almost longing. It was actually quite strange for her not to already have made him more uncomfortable than this, as she was typically very quick to get into his personal space.

"I'm still not 21, aunt Monica," he replied, attempting a rather stern tone, but falling short as his voice audibly quivered.

"Come on, Cole... Nobody really cares, you know. I just want you to let loose a bit. Have a bit of fun."

Truth be told, Cole was curious to know what drinking alcohol was like. He was probably the only one in his friends group that hadn't tried it yet, and while it sounds immature, it made him feel like a bit of a loser. And Monica was right. Nobody had to know. The only problem was aunt Monica herself, and what she might have planned by making Cole drink. There was no doubt in his mind that she would never try to force herself on him, but regardless, he always had to be on high alert with her.

Monica held the bottle out to him. "Just try a little bit. It will be an experience."

He looked at the bottle for a moment, let out a sigh, then grabbed it. "Guess it wouldn't hurt..."

"There ya go," his aunt said, smiling in satisfaction.

Cole read the label for a second, then took a rather big mouthful, perhaps in an attempt to show off, but the look on his face that followed betrayed him. It contorted into an expression of utter repulsion, a full-on frown with his lips puckering up and everything.

Monica laughed heartily. "Not that much, silly~," she teased. "Although nobody likes it the first time." Without even thinking about it, she crawled onto the bed and sat down against the wall next to Cole as he warily stared at her, but said nothing. The difference in size was immediately made apparent with them right next to each other, as Monica's heavy body sank into the mattress, causing Cole's seat to raise by an inch or so. "Just sip on it now, a little bit at a time."

While reluctant to the idea of getting drunk, the taste of alcohol excited him. The actual flavor was... well, awful, really, but the acidic, burning sensation that it left in his mouth somehow made him want to try some more. He followed his aunt's instructions, tilting the bottle's opening only slightly against his lips this time and letting a meager amount pour into his mouth. He swallowed it immediately, this time far easier than the first time. Perhaps it was due to the reduced amount, or maybe he just knew what to expect, and handled it accordingly.

"Better now, right?"


"Told ya!" she said cheeringly. "Have some more! It gets better, I swear!"

Cole turned to her, and for a quiet moment they both sat there, staring into each other's eyes, Monica with a big smile on her face, and Cole with a hint of worry. Regardless, he kept drinking under Monica's quiet watch, letting the liquid slowly pour out over his tongue repeatedly, growing more desensitized to it each time. In fact, the sweet flavor that came with the acidity was getting pretty tasty! He had almost finished half the bottle before long.

"Hey, save some for me, dummy!" Monica whined sarcastically.

"Oh, right... Here." He handed the bottle back to her, and she immediately tilted her head back as she began pouring, letting large amounts pool in her mouth before swallowing, over and over again.

Cole looked at her anxiously. "Could I have some more...?"

Monica looked back at him as she took one last swig, then, with a pop, removed the bottle from her lips and handed it to him, and he wasted no time in going back to drinking. "My, my... You take after your mother, don't ya?"

He curiously raised an eyebrow at her, after swallowing a rather big gulp. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you took a pretty quick liking to the wine," she explained. "Quicker than most, anyway. And nobody likes red wine more than Christina."

Cole chuckled softly, a sound that Monica loved hearing. "Let's hope I don't black out like her." The tension from before had practically vanished and he was beginning to enjoy himself, without even realizing that it was due to the alcohol.

"Why don't you try standing up?" Monica suggested, smirking deviously. "See if you can handle it better than her."

"Hah, no problem," Cole scoffed, brimming with confidence, but he couldn't hide the slight slurring in his words to Monica. Nevertheless he stood up, and almost immediately felt as if the room was tilting on its side. "Oh, shit..." he mumbled, putting one hand over his forehead while the other one tried to reach his desk, but only managing to grab at thin air.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" his aunt exclaimed, quickly rising from the bed to grab his arm before he fell onto the floor. "Let's get you back on the bed, alright? You- hey, wait!"

Despite Monica holding on to him, he kept stumbling and falling, reaching out to grab her by the shoulders. He felt his back hit the bed with a light thud, and to his surprise he had brought the voluptuous woman along with him. Her heavy-set body came crashing down onto his, though thankfully her huge tits braced the impact quite well.

This had certainly been an awkward turn of events. Cole, pressed down on his bed, with Monica on top of him, her arms on either side of his shoulders, her breasts squished against his chest. They locked eyes for a moment, both blushing.

"I like you, Cole," Monica said out of nowhere, her tone soft and loving, as she stared deep into her nephew's gorgeous eyes.

"Oh... W-well, I mean, I like you too, aunt Monica." He stared back at her just as intensely, into her equally pretty eyes, a deep hazel color in her irises, half lidded and surrounded with her sexy purple eyeshadow.

"No, I mean I really like you..." she murmured, running her hand through his hair. "As a nephew, but also as a man. When I look at other men... I never feel anything close to what I feel when I look at you."

Cole looked away in embarrassment. "I'm flattered but... I don't see you that way. We're family."

"So what?!" Monica shouted. "That doesn't matter! Family this, family that, whatever! My feelings go beyond any of that nonsense!"

Cole glanced at her for a second, shocked at her outburst. "Hey, calm down, alright?" He tried to look into his aunt's eyes, but they moved away from his, and he thought he could see a tear running down her cheek. "Listen... let's sit up for a moment, okay? Talk it out?"

Monica bit her lip, eyeing Cole up and down, wanting nothing more than to plant a wet kiss on his lips. She had him in the exact position she wanted him in, pinned down, unable to get away from her clutches. But she wasn't about to ruin her chances at charming him for real.

"Okay," she said, getting off of him and returning to the position she was sitting in before, against the wall. Cole followed suit, sitting right next to her.

"Aunt Monica..." Cole said softly, following a short silence. "You must realize that we can't have that kind of relationship, right?"

His aunt stared down at her twiddling thumbs, a quite somber expression on her face. "Is it really that wrong? I know we're family... but who cares? Love is love... I can't just sit here and not act on it just because we're related..."

Cole said nothing. He was just staring at her, his mouth open as if wanting to say something, anything... but what?

Monica turned to him, putting her hand lightly on his shoulder. "Do you find me attractive, Cole?"

"That's not the problem... you know that."

"Just answer me, please... Yes or no?"

He gulped. "Well... yes."

"Do you think I'm a good person?" she continued.

"Of course I do."

She reached out across him to cradle his left cheek with her left hand, turning his face to hers. "Then there shouldn't be a problem, should there?" she cooed, grabbing his other cheek with her right hand. She held him like that, feeling her breath and heartbeat get faster and faster. "Please, Cole... I want you... Don't deny me like this... You might even like it yourself, you know?"

Cole was dumbfounded. He felt beads of sweat start to form on his forehead, as all of his senses were invaded by his beautiful aunt. Her soft touch on his cheeks, her seductive, murmuring voice echoing in his head, her lust-filled, almost hypnotic expression filling his field of view, and the womanly smell of her curvaceous body, along with the hint of red wine on her hot breath. He felt her grip get firmer, but not rough, holding him in place while her face inched closer to his.

"Please..." she purred. "Can I kiss you?"

Despite being asked such an outrageous thing, Cole found no answer to give. He was stunned. But regardless, he at last felt his aunt's soft lips connect to his as she closed her eyes. She slowly pressed herself against him, making sure to let him break away should he truly want to.

It was no french kiss, Monica knew better than to attempt that right away. She simply let her plump, wet lips press against his smaller, but still deliciously soft ones, in an erotic smooch. For a few seconds they stayed connected like that, before Monica's lips retracted with a loud smack. They went back to staring each other in the eyes, Monica with more lust in her eyes than ever before.

Cole found himself unable to resist her, but why, he did not know. Was he just too scared to say anything? Did he actually want this deep inside? Perhaps it was a mix of both.

Without saying anything, Monica leaned forward again, with more determination this time. Knowing no restraint, she engulfed Cole's lips with her own, practically sucking them into her mouth. She decided that it was now or never, as she shoved her slithering tongue into his mouth, aggressively grinding it against his own, more passive one. No longer caring whether or not he returned the kiss, she sucked on his lips and explored his mouth with her tongue like there was no tomorrow. Her saliva flowed freely into his mouth, almost as if she wanted him to get a good taste of her, in a kiss so erotic he would never forget it.

Monica had moved her arms around his neck, holding him tightly against her, wanting him to feel her tits against his chest, eager to convince him just how much of her there was for him to enjoy. Cole himself wasn't sure what to do with his hands, but he did move one of them to grab his aunt's thick, meaty thigh, just below her dress. It wasn't anything he did out of a desire to touch her, it was rather due to a feeling of having to do something more than just awkwardly sitting there. He started returning the kiss as well, for the same reason. Well, mostly.

The kiss felt like it lasted for minutes, but Cole eventually came back to his senses and ended it, pulling his head away in a quite cold manner. He felt a great deal of shame, but he felt something else too: Excitement. And he hated himself for it.

"Was that your first kiss?" Monica said, panting heavily.

"Yeah..." he replied in a small voice, looking away in embarrassment.

Monica's heart skipped a beat. He had given his first kiss to her! Or perhaps more accurately, she had taken it from him. But whatever. And furthermore, he was not a bad kisser. Not at all.

"You're a natural, Cole... Just look what you did to me."

Curious, Cole glanced back at her face, but saw something else in the corner of his eyes. Specifically, beneath his aunt's dress that she had rolled up to her hips. Something that he had dreaded, and simultaneously hoped would be absent on her. But there it was. Causing a massive, almost transparent bulge in her white panties. A cock. Just like with her mother. How she had hid that thing in her tight dress was a mystery.

"Y-you... have a penis..." he stammered, more as a statement rather than a question.

Monica tilted her head. "You didn't know? Did your mother never tell you?"

"No..." His gaze was fixated on it, and without even seeing it in the nude he could tell that it was huge. "Why...?"

"... Why do I have a cock?" she asked, confused as to what he meant, and Cole merely nodded in reply. "Jesus, did Chris not tell you anything?"

"Not really, no..."

Monica sighed. "Well. Believe it or not, we were both born like this. It's very rare, but it happens. And if it happens to one daughter, there's a good chance of it happening to her little sisters too."

One look at Cole's confused expression made it clear that he wasn't into it. There even seemed to be a hint of fear in his eyes. Monica knew she had to do something to convince him to keep going, they had come too far to back out.

Without saying a word, she took his wrist in a tight, but gentle grip. She quickly guided his hand to the bulge in her panties, not even giving him a chance to resist. As soon as he came into contact with it, she felt as if lightning went through her body, a shock of pleasure almost bringing her to orgasm from the mere touch of her beloved nephew.

Monica stifled a moan, just as Cole tried to pull back his hand, a flustered expression on his face. "Please, Cole!" she pleaded. "Don't be afraid of it. Just give it a little touch, alright? For me?"

Cole looked at her, his wrist still in her grip inches above her dick, as she used just the amount of force required to hold it in place without hurting him. He was unsure of what to do. That thing was menacing. But he wasn't repulsed by it. To him, there wasn't anything strange about it really, he was used to his mother having a penis after all. And the doe-eyed look on Monica's face made her hard to defy.

"Pleeeease?" she added, sounding like a little girl begging her parents for candy. "Just try touching it... You might like it, you know..."

Cole sighed. "Fine. Just a touch."

"Thank you, sweetie," Monica said warmly, a big smile on her face.

She let go of his wrist, and after a short moment of hesitation, she once again felt his touch on her bulge. At first he simply laid his hand on top of it, but then came the light squeezing, making it throb in excitement. Then, he began running his hand along the length of her now completely stiff cock, bent to the side and still covered under the fabric of her panties, but with a clear outline of its massive size. He could feel the veins along the shaft, the heat coming off of it, even the occasional throbbing.

"It's... really warm," Cole mumbled awkwardly, feeling the need to say something to break the extreme sexual tension between them. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was getting more and more excited, and with the excitement came indifference to his blood relation with his aunt. That little seed of lust she had planted in him as they kissed before had sprouted tremendously within him. It was like a battle going on in his head, a battle between reason and desire, and now, for the first time, reason was losing.

"I can't take it anymore," Monica suddenly blurted, a heavy breathing as she spoke. One of her arms was locked around Cole's neck, while the other moved down to grab her panties, and in one determined tug she pulled them down, making her cock spring up at full mast, pointing straight at the ceiling. "Give me a handjob, baby..."

Cole stared at it, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. He already knew its size from before, but seeing it in the flesh was completely different. It was absolutely enormous. Cole liked to think that he was around average, perhaps a little on the smaller side, but Monica's cock must have been twice as long, not to mention far thicker. It was rather pale, just like the rest of her, with a fat, pink glans, glistening with precum. In fact, there was precum covering most of her shaft as well, as if her cock had been marinating in it.

And not only was her cock impressive. Underneath it, tightly drawn up against the shaft, were two equally huge, smooth balls, blowing Cole's own ones out of the water. He could see them undulating, as if filled with hyper-potent sperm eager to impregnate.

With a gulp, he wrapped his fingers around it, feeling its heat directly in his palm. He gave it a stroke, a rather slow and indecisive one, as he took in the mind-numbing feeling of holding his aunt's fat cock in his hand. His hand traveled all the way down to the base, milking out a bead of precum in the process, adding to the already wet and sticky shaft.

Monica let out a sigh of pleasure. "I'm gonna make you mine, Cole. No matter what it takes. You're the only one that I want."

She retracted the arm from around Cole's neck, grabbing on to his cheeks with both hands instead. She leaned him for an aggressive kiss, and this time Cole returned it just as eagerly as she had initiated it. Like out of pure impulse, his hand started moving faster around her cock as their tongues touched, as if his lust was getting cranked up to the next level, making him eager to please his sexy aunt. His free hand pressed against the back of her head, making sure that they stayed connected in their sloppy kiss.

Their tongues wrestled each other with total abandon, battling for dominance, but ultimately, Cole stood no chance. Monica was like an animal, slurping and sucking on his lips and tongue, her saliva flowing into his mouth and down their chins. The sounds of their smacking, slurping and muffled moans reverberated through their heads, driving them both crazy with lust. Cole was so entranced that he hadn't even thought about the boner he was sporting until now, as it was beginning to ache for release; for the same treatment he was giving his aunt.

With a pop, his aunt suddenly pushed his head away, ending the kiss and leaving strings of saliva between their mouths. "Fuck, Cole, keep going baby!" she moaned, finally taking notice to the bulge in her nephew's pants as he continued to pleasure her. She felt a little bad about having ignored his needs, but it wasn't too late to do something about it. She unzipped his tight jeans and reached down his underwear, pulling out his smaller, but still delicious looking cock.

Cole felt a pang of embarrassment as his manhood was revealed, knowing that his size was nowhere near that of Monica's. But one look at her face as she began jerking him off was all it took for that feeling to fade. Her face was flushed with craving, her mouth agape, breathing even harder than before with the extra visual stimulation of the young man's cock.

"Mm, you're so sexy..." she complimented, not taking her eyes off his dick even for a second. "I wanna see you cum so badly..."

Cole bit his lip, looking at Monica's blushing face. "I feel the same way about you, aunt Monica."

"Oh, Cole, baby..." She brushed his hair with her free hand, taking in his pretty face, marveling at just how handsome he was. Her orgasm was getting closer, but she didn't want to waste it on a handjob. And there was another thing she wanted from him.

She grabbed the left strap of her dress and pulled it to the side, then did the same on the right. With a confident grin on her face, she stared down her nephew as she pulled the top of her dress down. Her fat, round tits bounced out, and once again, Cole found himself completely flabbergasted at the assets his goddess of an aunt possessed. Due to their height difference they were mere inches away from his face, just begging to be played with. They were so... obscene-looking. Easily bigger than his head, with two large, dark pink areolas, the nipples in their centers thick and erect.

"Forget my dick for a while and play with these instead," she purred, raising them up with her forearm underneath them.

Cole needed no words of persuasion. The hand he had been using to jerk Monica off with grabbed a handful of soft tittyflesh of her right breast, as his face dove onto her left nipple and latched onto it immediately with his lips. He sucked the soft flesh into his mouth, circling her hard, thick nipple with his tongue, eliciting moans of pleasure from Monica. Truth be told, he had sometimes suspected both his aunt and mother to have undergone breast enhancement, but feeling their sheer softness in his hand was enough to convince him otherwise. They were just naturally perfect.

"Mm, that's it, my little baby..." came Monica's soft voice from above. "If you were mine, I'd let you suck my tits anytime... " She continued to jerk him off as he sucked away at her teat, feeling him throb more and more for every passing moment. Even her own cock throbbed, not far from achieving a hands-free orgasm in fact. She just loved having her breasts played with, especially at the hands of her nephew.

Suddenly, Cole let out a muffled moan, just as his cock began twitching in Monica's hand. Stroking him one last time, a string of cum suddenly shot out, quickly followed by several more.

"Oh my god..." she swooned, seeing it paint his shirt white, and feeling each string ebbing out on her hand still holding his dick. It was an impressive load, and it had Monica lick her lips in desire. "You really enjoyed yourself, didn't you?" She looked into his eyes, his mouth still attached to her nipple as he stared back at her. "I need you to the same for me, baby. I've got so much cum stored up, just for you..."

Cole popped her nipple out of his mouth. "Umm... Okay," he mumbled, reaching out to grab her womanhood, only to be stopped by her hand.

"With your mouth," she whispered softly, licking her plump lips.

Cole stared at her for a moment, but not out of hesitation. It was more of an appreciative glance, one born out of a burning curiosity to taste his aunt's massive rod. It was strange how he had just came, but still felt a desire to keep up their forbidden acts of love. It was as if he was completely under Monica's control, her charms causing him to go against his very nature. He turned his gaze to her cock, seeing it throb in anticipation, still leaking precum all over. Without any further ado, he crawled on all fours until his face was right above it, only by a few inches.

Her womanly smells washed over him, a mix of precum, sweat and perfume, clouding any reasonable thoughts he might have had, although most of them were washed away long ago. Grabbing the base of her shaft in his hand, he lowered his lips onto it, giving the head a few tender kisses. He kept kissing it along its length, worshipping it the way his aunt deserved.

He came back up, and after a moment of mental preparation wrapped his lips around it, just beneath the head, struggling to open his mouth wide enough to fit it inside. The salty flavor of precum and sweat hit him like a truck, but it wasn't a bad taste. He swallowed it eagerly, feeling the sticky substance slowly travel down his throat, making him want to taste more of her, knowing that he'd had to work for it.

"That's it, baby..." he heard Monica purring. "Suck it. Use your tongue."

Cole followed her instructions without question. His tongue went to work, dancing around the tip similarly to how he had done with her nipple. Pulling his head back, his tightly wrapped lips clung to the shaft, the soft, wet feeling making his aunt moan ecstatically. He was starting to love that sound, and wanted to hear more of it.

Doubling his efforts, his head bobbed up and down with increasing speed, slurping away at the thick meat while his tongue teased her urethra. His work did not go appreciated, as Monica grabbed him by his hair, firmly keeping his head in place over her cock.

"You're so good at this... I can't believe it's your first time."

Her words made him blush, and spurred him on even more. He wanted to give her an experience to remember. Although he knew that it was insane to attempt, he pushed himself even further down, feeling the thick glans poke at the opening of his throat. It seemed impossible to fit, making him gag almost instantly, but he was hell-bent on making it work.

He tried again, pushing even harder this time, trying his best to hold back his vomit-inducing reflexes. But he had to give up again. Frustrated, he put his all into it, ignoring the pain, the gagging, focused only on giving her the pleasure she deserved.

"God damn, Cole..." Monica moaned, feeling honored by her nephew's eager attempts at deepthroating. "You really know how to make a woman happy. But it looks like you need some help along the way."

Cole glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, but had no time to react when he felt her hand push him down even harder. He uttered a weak, muffled protest, as he once again felt the head of her cock forcing itself further back, this time far harder than when he had tried on his own. And this time, it wasn't stopping.

His throat gave way, and her cock was finally able to travel deeper. Cole went into a panic, his hands desperately clutching to Monica's thighs as if holding on to them would make the intrusion of her thick cock more bearable. Inch after inch was slowly fed into his throat, stretching it out with its sheer girth, making Monica groan in pleasure from the tight squeeze he was giving her. His face went red with the lack of oxygen, and it didn't take long for him to give up, tapping one hand against his aunt's thighs to signal his need for a pause.

Monica didn't even notice at first. Due to the surprising strength the heavy-set woman possessed, Cole's attempts at pulling his head back did little to stop the assault on his throat. She was in absolute ecstasy, her head thrown back and her tongue lolling out of her mouth, in part from getting the best head of her life, but also because it was none other than her beloved, handsome nephew. Nobody had ever taken her so deep before, and the fact that he did it out of his own volition made him even more perfect in her eyes.

With only a few inches to go and with her orgasm getting closer and closer, she finally noticed him slapping and scratching her legs, desperate for air, forcing her to finally take notice of his struggle to break free, with her massive rod deep in is throat. With a gasp, she quickly started pulling him back up, hoping that he was okay, and feeling a hint of shame of having used him like that.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" she blurted, as her saliva-drenched shaft popped out of his mouth with a wet schlurp. Cole was too exhausted to even raise his head, and instead he just remained above her cock, his mouth open as his hot, panting breath wafted onto her.

Monica bit her lip in desire. Seeing him panting like that, with her throbbing, twitching cock right beneath his wet mouth cast aside her respect for his well-being, as her need for release was far greater.

"Fuck... I'm sorry, Cole, but I need to cum." She roughly grabbed his hair, and didn't hesitate to shove him down with all her might, instantly breaching his warmed-up throat and continuing to force him down further. In just a fraction of the time that had been required before, she had him in the same position, his lips far down enough for her to feel his panicked breath coming out of his nose onto her base.

It went in easier this time but was still extremely tight, hugging and squeezing her length on all sides. Ignoring her nephew's scratching and whimpering, she began moving his head up and down, as his wet insides milked her closer to climax with each push. His saliva was sputtering out from his tightly pressed lips, and his eyes were rolled back, the lack of air making him feel light-headed and not far from making him pass out, impaled on his aunt's fat dick.

"Oh, I've longed for this moment," Monica gasped, clenching her teeth and squinting her eyes in pleasure, still forcing him down without mercy. Her entire body shuddered when she finally felt the pleasure become too much to bear. "Oh shit... Drink it, baby! Drink your auntie's cum!" With that, she used all her remaining strength to push him down all the way, his lips wrapping tightly around her even thicker base, locking him in place to be filled with girl-cum.

Then he felt it, just as Monica howled like an animal. A liquid heat being deposited deep down his throat in short bursts, but with an unbelievable amount in each of said bursts. With his aunt's iron grip making sure he stayed in place with her thick, pulsating glans embedded in his throat, the thick cream had nowhere to go but directly into his awaiting stomach. String after string shot out of her pisshole, each of them so voluminous that they didn't even have a chance to recede before another spurt replaced it, causing an almost constant flow of hot cum.

At this point, the only thing keeping Cole from losing consciousness was the burning sensation in his chest from his aunt's impressive orgasm, while she continued to moan and drool, her body convulsing in utter pleasure. There was so much semen pumping into him that it felt less like a cumshot and more like having a hose fill him up with warm liquid. Thankfully, he didn't have to focus on swallowing it as the cock was way past his esophagus, nor did he have to taste it.

At least, that's what he thought. But suddenly, Monica pulled him up, until only her head remained in his mouth, still shooting out cum, coating his taste buds with its savory flavor. Cole was too busy gasping for air to even think about swallowing, causing the torrent of semen to flow out of his mouth like a waterfall, painting Monica's cock white and pooling in the cleft between her thighs.

When she finally ran dry, she interrupted Cole's moment of rest by grabbing him by his shirt, pulling him towards her. She held her arms firmly around him as she kissed him, using her tongue to feel the taste of her cum lingering in his mouth. Her naked, sweaty tits were pressed against his limp body, while her legs wrapped around his butt. Their kiss lasted for about ten seconds or so, then she finally let him go, letting him have his well-earned rest after his impressive efforts.

"Wasn't so bad, was it?" Monica teased, cracking a little smirk at him.

"I thought I was going to die..." he replied, his voice weak, almost inaudible.

Monica giggled, giving him a wet smooch on his lips. "But you're still here. And that's because you're a natural cock-sucker, Cole."

He didn't reply. Awkwardly, he turned his face away from Monica, embarrassed of what she was trying to turn him into, but happy that he had done well.

"So, would you like to come over to my place some time? Continue what we have going on here?" Her voice was like that of a siren, seductive and irresistible, impossible to go unaffected by. "Maybe we could take it a bit further?" she added, grabbing one of his juicy buttocks. "I could show you real pleasure... It would be our little secret... Would you like that?"

Cole bit his lip as he turned back to her, smiling warmly. "Yeah..."

They shared another kiss, as if sealing the deal. But what neither of them knew was that someone had been listening to them go at it since a good five minutes back. Someone who had been forgotten throughout their passionate love-making.

Christina. Standing right outside Cole's door, gritting her teeth while silently crying her eyes out. Her mind was filled with one thought:

"That treacherous fucking slut!"