I couldn't help but sigh as I stared in the mirror. It was my eighteenth birthday. I was finally an adult. But the man I saw looking back at me in the mirror... Unlike my mother and step-sister, I hadn't been blessed with height, topping out at 5'7 on a good day. At least I was athletic, with defined arms and chest, though not particularly muscular, but at least I was fit and had a slight tan.

Head topped with short brown hair, a pair of blue eyes that I definitely got from my mother, and I'd been told by more than one girl or futanari that I was what they termed 'cute' rather than 'handsome'. Ugh, it explained my misery, as I had plenty of friends who were girls and futanari, but no girlfriends at all, futanari also referred to by the feminine pronoun as, frankly, they were more feminine than their female counterparts nowadays. I barely needed to shave either, a few whiskers appearing at most on my cheeks and on my top lip. Chest was completely bare too. Maybe it would come with time, but I wasn't hopeful.

At least my shoulders had broadened so I had some sort of masculine physique, but it wasn't much. And despite my size, I still got stuck in by playing rugby to toughen myself up. Mum didn't particularly like it as I was always the smallest in the squad, but it was better than sitting on my arse all day, feeling sorry for myself.

A knock at the door pulled me out of my reverie, spitting and rinsing my mouth of toothpaste, wrapping a towel around my waist before opening the door. My older step-sister stood there, immediately smiling at me. "There's the birthday boy," she said brightly, pulling me in to hug her, my head practically nestling between her breasts, "Happy birthday, Benji."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

Leaning back, she met my eyes and her face dropped. "What's wrong?" I heard the concern in her tone. It almost made me smile. My step-sister always had my back and spent nearly every day of her life making sure I was happy. "It's your birthday. You should be happy!" Shrugging helplessly, she hugged me tightly again. I loved her hugs. I loved my step-sister dearly. She was my best friend. "Get dressed. Mum has breakfast ready for you. It's one of your favourites. I'm just going to have a quick shower."


She kissed my cheek. "I love you, Benji."

"Love you too, Jade."

I was thankful my birthday was on a Saturday so at least I didn't have to go to school. A few friends were meant to be coming around in the afternoon for a swim and to indulge in some alcohol for the first time but I wasn't particularly interested in heading out into the city just to get drunk. Mum was busy in the kitchen preparing a full English for me. Noticing my arrival, she stopped and walked to give me a tight hug. Again, my head nestled between a large pair of breasts. Kissing the top of my head, she wished me happy birthday, mentioning that Caroline was just having a quick shower.

Yes, I had two mothers. There's a reason why but I'm not sure if Mum knows I'm completely aware that I suspect at least one person in my life is futanari, that person being Caroline. As for my mother and step-sister, I'm still not sure to this day. I've suspected from time to time, but never confirmed. They're tall, gorgeous, and just have the persona I recognise from futanari I go to school with. I'd just never seen them naked and never felt confident enough to ask. Watching Mum get breakfast ready kept my attention. Mum had a spectacular arse, perfectly toned, and with a great pair of legs, considering she was six foot. Caroline was even taller than her, my step-sister around the same height as Mum. She also had defined arms, and a pair of spectacular breasts. I'm sure many thought they were fake. Nope, they were just perfect on her body. As I said, though, never seen her naked, even by accident.

Caroline appeared, kissing my cheek as always, before walking towards Mum, smacking her backside before they shared a soft kiss. No problem with affection being shown in our household. Both glanced at me and smiled. "I'm sure he doesn't want a show, Caroline," Mum said.

"Well, he's eighteen. Legal to watch porn now, Cathy."

"I'm sure he doesn't want to see his Mum have sex. And I'm sure he's watched plenty of porn already."

Before I could reply, my step-sister bounced into the kitchen, mesmerised by her breasts as she wore a simple sports bra and a pair of incredibly small shorts. I'd seen her show plenty of skin before but this was something else entirely. "Mum, Benji needs cheering up."

"Oh, what's wrong?" Mum asked, bringing over a plate for me.

I gave Jade a glance as I didn't particularly know what to say. She sat next to me, Mum to my other side. Shrugging helplessly, I admitted, "I don't know, I just feel... lonely, I guess. Know what I mean? And then I look in the mirror and I'm just left wondering... Guess it's a crises of confidence..." I paused before adding, "I'm eighteen and the only one out of my friends who hasn't even got to make out with a girl or futagirl. Don't get me started on anything else." Sighing, it was just embarrassing.

Next thing I knew, I had two sets of arms wrapped around me, Mum and my step-sister squeezing me tightly. "There's someone out there for everyone," Mum said softly, "You just have to meet her. You're interested in... females or futanari? Or do you prefer men? To be honest, I've never really asked as your private life is just that, but you're eighteen now and I'll admit I'm interested to know."

"Er, futanari, to be honest."

I missed the glance and smile shared between the three women around me. "And if you were to be with a futagirl?" my step-sister asked quietly.

('Futagirl' was generally a term to describe futanari, a term used by them and many males, until futanari reached around the age of 25, though could and was usually used until well after that age for some. As I said, many men considered them more feminine than actual females. It's a long story, not worth describing unless you want a long book about the history of the world.)

Chuckling, I nodded. "Took all those health classes and whatnot, Jade. I'm aware what futanari are like in the bedroom. Heard enough rumours about some of the futagirls at school." Blushing, I added, "Plus, they're all just absolutely beautiful. Never met an unattractive futagirl or futanari before. Must be something in the genes."

"Maybe I could invite a couple of my friends around for your party later?" my step-sister asked, "Chantelle, Alexis and Veronica...." I knew who they were but they must have tucked as I had no idea they were. It must have shown on my face as my step-sister giggled. "Yes, they tuck it rather well. I'm surprised you didn't know about Alexis as she's got a big girlcock, even when flaccid."

(Girlcock? Well, I'm sure that's obvious. It's what futanari call their penis. Pisses off the women something fierce by using 'girl'. It's rather amusing to see them lose their shit.)

"How do you know how big it is?" Mum wondered.

"Because I've got her hard and sucked on it, Mum," Jade replied, rolling her eyes.

The idea of my step-sister going down on her friend had me erect in seconds, shuffling slightly and I felt my face started to get hot. Jade recognised immediately, so while I focused on my breakfast, she placed a hand on my thigh, nearly making me jump out of my chair. "Does my little brother like the idea of his big step-sister sucking on her friends' big girlcock?"

"Don't tease your brother, Jade," Mum said, though I glanced to see her smiling at both of us, "Though I do wonder if she returned the favour?"

"Oh, she loves sucking my girlcock, Mum."

The whip of my head to look at my step-sister had the table laughing at my reaction. "You didn't know?" Jade asked, seemingly surprised by that fact. I just shook my head, incapable of speech. I'd always had my suspicions but didn't actually know. I'd always thought she was a girl. "But I would have thought you would have at least figured it out. Or seen me naked, even if by accident."

"No," I whispered, "I mean, I've suspected but... no..."

"You are too adorable at times, Benji." I groaned at the term, which made her hug me tightly again. "Well, I think my little brother is adorable, but most importantly, he's a good man, with a good heart." Leaning close to my ear, she whispered, "I'd love to be your first. In fact, I want to be your first."

"What?" I squeaked.

"Jade, we talked about this," Mum warned, "We were going to discuss it later."

"I just want my little brother smiling again, Mum. You should have seen his face earlier. He looked... sad... I hate seeing my little brother sad."

Clearing my throat, I figured if my step-sister confessed, I asked, "Mum, are you... futanari too?"

Mum took my hand and squeezed. "I didn't know if you figured it out or not. Suspected like your step-sister?" Nodding, she smiled at me. "Yes, I am, sweetheart. So is Caroline. You're in a house of futanari. And you're our special man. We love you to bits."

"Love you guys too. But, um, what were..."

"Finish your breakfast, sweetie. We'll talk about it later."

We finished breakfast, chatting about the party I'd be having later. Jade was on the phone to her three friends, excited that all three were eager to come visit. I knew they all liked me. Jade didn't have friends who didn't like or even adore her little brother. As I said, she was protective of me, and with the confession, it was now starting to make sense in a way.

"Mum, about Dad..."

"Do you want to see him today?"

"Not particularly. And not if he's going to bring... her..."

Dad has an affair when I was around six years old. He'd never told me why he'd left Mum, but now that I thought about it, it made sense. He'd been with Mum, a futanari, and was now with his wife, a female. Put two and two together... He'd been indoctrinated, a term used for men who once loved futanari but are then influenced by bullshit spread by the Pope in Avignon. She's a cunt, that one.

(Pope in Avignon? A long, complicated and bloody history. The old church in Rome? Long gone, usurped by... er... the usurper. The 'New' Pope is now a woman. The 'new' church is now completely run by females and it is their will that decide the fates of billions. Some males submit to its power. Futanari are not and have never been accepted and, well, the history between the new church and futanari is ugly. Very ugly at times. It's only in the recent past, around the last couple of hundred years, that men have finally started to speak up for their futanari step-sisters. Yes, step-sisters. Feminine pronouns, remember?)

I know for a fact he'd disowned Jade but never figured out why Dad walked out on us. Again, now it made complete sense. Dad was a bigot, no doubt under the influence of his new wife and others. So I made a decision then and there that I wouldn't speak to him again.

"You're never going to forgive him, are you?"

"Bad enough he cheated, Mum. Fair enough, fall in love with someone else, even a female, but don't do it while you're married. I hate he broke your heart, Mum. Was it because you're futanari?" Mum nodded sadly. "Well, fuck him then. His loss." I turned to Caroline. "At least she got to meet you. I love you as much as anyone in this house, Caroline."

That earned me another group hug from the three of them. "See what I mean? A good heart," Jade whispered, finding my face covered in kisses from three of them. When they pulled back, feeling the smile on my face, Jade turned my head to look at her before she leaned closer, leaving a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you, Benji," she whispered.

Blushing again, I stammered something in return before Mum suggested I make myself scarce for the morning. That mean go to my room and keep myself occupied while she prepared the house for visitors. I offered to help as always, Mum giving me a hug and a kiss, then telling me to shoo. Sitting at my desk a few minutes later, Jade knocked on my door.

"You got quite the information dump this morning. Are you okay?" she wondered, taking a seat on my bed.

"Were you serious?"

"Absolutely, Benji. I'd love to be your first. But then so does Mum." I almost passed out as my jaw dropped. Jade giggled at my reaction. "And so does Caroline. We love you, Benji. Trust me on one thing, though. Now that you're eighteen, someone like you is going to be very popular with futagirls like us."

"I will?"

"Oh, definitely. You'll eventually find someone to love, but before you settle down, I'm going to ensure you have some fun. Many of my friends have been waiting to sample the goods."

I stared at her before I said, "You're kidding."

"I'm going to find you a lovely futawife that'll look after you in every way imaginable, Benji. In fact, I think you deserve more than one futawife. Would you prefer someone like me or a female?"

(Females hate the term 'futawife'. Absolutely hate it. But it is a term used by law and in government. They (mostly the 'new' church but the general female population as a whole) lost more than one court case to have it changed. There was talk of taking it to the Supreme Court to try and have it overturned yet again.)

I didn't have to think about it. "Someone like you," I whispered, "Jade, I've always thought you were beautiful."

"Oh, you do, do you?" she asked, hearing the tease in her tone. "Think about me while you stroke yourself?" Nodding, feeling my cheeks grow warm again, she added, "Mum and Caroline too?" Nodding again, I sensed her move before she sat on her knees before me, resting her hands on my thighs. "I'm flattered, Benji. Did you think of me with only a pussy, or with a pussy and big girlcock?"

"Like you are now," I whispered.

"Did you think about me stroking my girlcock?" I nodded. "Did you think about me fucking someone?" I nodded again. "Did you think about my big girlcock sliding inside you, Benji?" she breathed. Nodding again, she leaned up and left another soft kiss on my lips. "Mum too?" she asked quietly. I was feeling rather warm, my cheeks no doubt bright red. "Mum has a big girlcock, Benji. I've seen it. So does Caroline. She has a lovely long thick one. Imagine them fucking each other?"

"I'd imagine Caroline was futanari and she'd fuck Mum."

"Ah, so you suspected but thought Mum was female. An understandable assumption. Quite the active imagination you have, Benji. Think about futagirls from school? From what I can remember, the split in your year was around forty percent male, thirty-five to forty female, and twenty to twenty-five futanari. That means quite a few futagirls in your year. Do you have suspicions?"

"I know about most of them as they're not ashamed of who they are." I paused before asking, "Why didn't you tell me before, Jade?"

"Because I knew the day I admitted it would be the day I'd want to make love to you, Benji. Mum, Caroline and I agree we'd wait until today because of that." Taking my hands in hers, she continued, "I've wanted to tell you for a long time. I thought I'd dropped enough hints that you'd just come and ask me."

"Are you, um, tucked right now?"

"Yes, and we won't have to do it any longer. Not that it's uncomfortable but, now that you know the truth, we'll certainly..."

"I hate that you felt you had to hide it from me. I would have accepted you for who you are, Jade. You're my big step-sister and I'll love you no matter what."

She hugged me tightly. "That good heart of yours. We know how open-minded you are. We know you have futagirls as friends. But..." She stopped a moment. "I'm sorry, Benji."

"It's okay. At least one of my fantasies is real."

Leaving a soft kiss on my cheek, she whispered into my ear. "Want to see your big step-sister's big girlcock?"

"How big?" I whispered back.

Standing up, she smiled down at me as she slid her shorts down her long legs, leaving her dressed in the sports bra and panties. I was surprised when she took off her bra, freeing her breasts. I could only guess, and seeing my curious look, she said she was a C. Her nipples were hard, licking my lips as a few thousand thoughts crossed my mind. Running hands down her body, she hooked her thumbs into her black panties and lowered those to the floor, before parting her legs to free her girlcock.

It was utterly beautiful, and due to the fact I was practically salivating, it wasn't a surprise that it quickly got harder. A lot harder. A lot longer. A lot thicker. "Wow," I whispered.

"Eight inches, if you're wondering, Benji. How big are you?"

"Um... not that big..."

Laughter from the doorway almost broke the moment, glancing to see Caroline standing there. "Well, didn't take you long to get naked, Jade."

"I wanted my little brother to see what his big step-sister is packing. And, judging by the look on his face, he loves what he's currently seeing."

"It's beautiful," I said, glancing up to her eyes, "Just like the rest of you, Jade."

She almost teared up, lifting me up from the chair and hugging me tightly, my head nestled between her breasts, feeling her cock pressing into my body. It felt nice, though when I felt another body press into my back, I felt something hard resting against me. "Pressed between two futanari, Benji," Jade whispered, "How does he feel, Caroline?"

"I'm wondering how he'll handle getting fucked by my big girlcock."

"We go easy on him. Nice and easy. But once he's sampled us, he'll never want anything else. And the world will be his oyster."

"Cathy and I talked. If Benji wants you to be his first, we're okay with that. We know how much he loves and adores you, Jade." Caroline leaned down to my ear. "Want to be fucked by your big step-sister, Benji?" Not trusting my voice, I nodded. "And, after that, want Mummy to stick her big girlcock in you too?" Nodding again, she added, "And would you like..."

"Yes, I love you too, Caroline."

"Jade, get dressed. Your Mum will want to talk before we have lunch."

She didn't bother putting on her panties, the bulge of her girlcock prominent as she slid her shorts back on, disappearing topless as I returned my attention to the computer screen. I realised I'd lost complete interest in whatever I'd been doing earlier. Lying back on my bed, reading a book, Mum came to collect me a couple of hours later, led by the hand to the living room, where Jade and Caroline were waiting for me. Jade now wore a tight top that simply enhanced her fantastic tits.

Sitting between Mum and Caroline, she turned so I was looking at her. "There are certain things I need to tell you before you are intimate with Jade. Firstly, it's not illegal and it isn't wrong. There's nothing wrong with being intimate with your step-sister. The world we live in accepts love between family members. Nowadays, anyway. Secondly, I do need to ask, are you comfortable with the fact you'll be the bottom with your step-sister? I know she does love to fuck, but she will be gentle with you."

"Mum, I know what futanari can be like at times. I've heard stories, seen movies, you know..."

"What about your friends? What are they interested in?"

"Um, as far as I know, they're only interested in females. Mike has a girlfriend, Mark only recently broke up with his, and Nathan is in pursuit of a girl at school."

"Okay, so what I suggest is that, while they're here, we behave. I'm sure they likely suspect us, but it's none of their business for the moment. Once they go home, though, I'm thinking you spend the night with Jade." Glancing her way, she smiled but I saw something in her eyes that I hadn't seen. There was always love in her eyes, but if I was guessing correctly, there was a healthy dose of lust in them too. "And it won't be a one-time thing, Ben. Your big step-sister will always be available as a lover because..."

"I'm in love with you," she finished, "The only problem is I can never be your futawife, but I'll always be your lover."

"So will Caroline and I," Mum added, "If you want us to be intimate with you too."

Smiling, I told Jade I loved her too before confirming that, if everyone was okay with it, I'd love nothing more than to have my mother and her wife as lovers. Mum hugged me tightly, Caroline and Jade making it a group hug. Taking a chance, I brushed my hand over Jade's crotch. She giggled before telling me her girlcock would always be available to me.

"One last question," Mum said, "Will you want to fuck? Jade is a pure top though, as mentioned, she will suck yours if you'd like. Caroline and I switch, though I'm more of a bottom." Mum ran her fingers down my cheek. "Would you like to fuck your Mummy?" she asked quietly, "Or would you like to fuck Caroline?"

"You, Mum," I whispered, "If you're sure."

"Of course, sweetheart. I love you with all my heart and want you to be happy. Now, your friends will be here shortly. Jade, make sure you get that girlcock of yours tucked away. When will your friends be here?"

"Soon. They'll hang around once his friends go home."

"How long will they be here?" Mum wondered.

"Lunch, a couple of drinks and a swim. I'm broke at the moment, as are they, so we didn't really plan on doing much."

"After they go home, would your friends like to skinny dip, Jade?"

"Oh, they'd love to show off for Benji. They all want to fuck him... No, wrong term. They want to make love to him." Jade took my hand in hers. "You're not as lonely as you think, Benji. You have numerous admirers. We just had to wait until today before doing something about it."

"Why?" I had to ask.

"Well, I think you're handsome, but most importantly, it's because you're a good man. Trust me, I've had to warn my friends off more than once because I told them I get you first. After that, it's game on."

"Really love me?" I whispered, unable to meet her beautiful blue eyes.

"All my life so far," she whispered back, "And the rest of my life too."

My friends arrived within half an hour, polite to my parents and step-sister as always before we headed outside to the pool. They were all taller and broader than I was but we'd been best friends since primary school. When Jade's friends show up around half an hour after that, they were friendly enough to my friends but I was clearly centre of attention. Had me blushing more than once, though I assumed it was all just because I was the birthday boy.

After lunch, we sat in the sun, soaking in some rays, enjoying the beers Mum had bought for us. We talked about what we'd do the rest of the year at school then what we'd do once we graduated. I was going to university, I just wasn't sure which one.

By the time my friends departed late afternoon, promising to catch up at school on Monday, my parents, step-sister and her friends had enjoyed a glass or two of wine. As soon as I was alone outside, the six of them walked out and, within thirty seconds, the six of them were naked and I was hard as a rock. Jade, I'd already seen. Brunette, blue-eyed bombshell. Mum was just spectacular, an older version of my step-sister, her breasts perhaps a cup size more and her cock was longer. Caroline was the same age as Mum, just as beautiful, though blonde and brown eyed compared to Mum's brunette, blue eyes.

Jade's friends could have been models. Chantelle was a busty blonde beauty, Alexis was a sultry redhead, Veronica was a raven-haired seductress. And Alexis had something fierce dangling between her legs. Futanari were known for being far more endowed than the male species. Sometimes, the lone reason many men didn't like them.

Jade walked over, smiling at the fact she was rock hard. Offering her hand, she helped me up and hugged me again. "Want to get naked?"

"Um... I'm... smaller than you are... in more ways than one, it seems..."

"But are you hard?" Nodding, she kissed my cheek. "Because of us?" Nodding again, she giggled. "Then it doesn't matter how big you are. The fact we excite you is more than enough. Never worry about your size with futagirls, Benji. We love cocks of any size on our male lovers."

I was definitely blushing as I slowly lowered my swimming shorts. As soon as they hit the ground, I felt my step-sister's soft fingers caress my cock, making my shudder. "Well, I see nothing wrong with your size, Benji. When you make love to your mother..."

Her three friends cooed. "Oh, that's so sweet. First his step-sister, then his mother?" Veronica asked.

"He'll have both mothers by the end of this weekend," Caroline added.

Escorted back into the pool, the six futagirls kept me turned on as I felt hands all over my body though none touched my cock. I felt their thick, hard girlcocks brushing against me constantly, though mostly left my butt alone. Jade eventually made a move, ensuring she was sat on the ledge, gesturing for me to straddle her lap. Doing so, I felt her underneath me as she ran her fingers up and down my chest and back.

"Love you, little brother," she whispered before she kissed me. Having not kissed before, I knew the theory but hadn't had the practice. I just did what felt natural and right, and I did moan when I felt Jade's hands caress my bum. When we broke apart, her eyes were alive with lust.

"Sure you haven't kissed before?"

"That was really sweet," Alexis said.

"He can kiss me like that anytime," Veronica added.

"You can have him later, girls. Would you like that, Benji? Would you like my friends to fuck you too? Because they really want to fuck you as well."

"God yes. About time you turned eighteen!" Alexis exclaimed.

"I'm sorry you felt so alone, Benji. But, trust me on this, that feeling will soon disappear. You'll be loved by so many, it'll make your head spin. Trust me, you'll notice at school on Monday. You'll see what I mean soon enough."

Once we tired of swimming, the seven of us wandered back inside, noticing no-one even bothered putting on clothes. The fact Mum and Caroline were so comfortable being naked around me already was surprising, Mum stating I might as well get used to it as there was no longer anything to hide. I know I stared at Jade's friends but they didn't mind, posing for me, Alexis starting to stroke herself on the couch.

"Want to see a live masturbation show, Benji?" Jade whispered into my ear, "Another birthday present?"

"I'd like that."

Jade sat on the floor back against one of the recliners, gesturing for me to sit between her legs. Sitting back against her, I felt her girlcock pressing into me, ensuring I was comfortable. "Okay, girls, get yourself some lube and put on a show for my little brother."

Alexis disappeared for a moment, returning with a tube of lube. Mum and Caroline were watching from the other couch, smiling at my direction, before returning my attention to her friends. As they started to stroke themselves, all three kept their eyes entirely focused in my direction, making subtle facial gestures.

"Alexis is a very thick ten inches, Benji. You'll love it," Jade whispered, "Veronica and Chantelle are both nine inches. I'd love to see them make love to you. But once you're broken in, I bet you'd love to be fucked nice and hard too." I felt Jade's fingers around my cock again, moaning softly to match the moans being made by her friends. She started to slowly stroke me. "Would you like your big step-sister to fuck you nice and hard?"

"God yes."

Kissing my neck sent shivers down my spine. "I'll do that later. I want to make love to my little brother first, treat him like how he's always treated me, with nothing but love." Kissing up my neck to my earlobe, she turned my head so I could kiss her properly. "Want to cum for your big step-sister?"

"Please," I whimpered.

"Watch my friends. Watch them cum all over themselves. Don't let me know when you're going to cum. Just cum and enjoy the experience. It won't be the first time I'll make you cum tonight, Benji."

The three masturbating agreed in which order they'd cum. Alexis and Veronica were going to edge while Chantelle focused on her orgasm. Jade continued to stroke me at the same time, shaking and shuddering as I attempted to keep my orgasm at bay. Chantelle stroked her thick nine inches faster and faster, starting to buck her hips.

"Can't wait to fuck you, Benji," she moaned.

"Jade," I whimpered, feeling my orgasm approaching myself. Feeling her kiss my neck again, I couldn't stop as I felt my cock just erupt, spurt after spurt landing on my chest. That set of Chantelle's orgasm, and as is well known, futanari cum in absolute buckets.

Veronica immediately started to stroke her nine inches faster and faster, Jade releasing my cock but I heard her suck her fingers. "Oooh, my little brother has some tasty cum," she whispered, "Maybe he'd like to taste his big step-sister's cum later?"

"Definitely," I whispered.

Chantelle lasted another couple of minutes before she erupted all over herself. Alexis got up and sat on her knees in front of me, stroking her thick ten inches, her eyes focused nowhere except on mine. "Can I cum on him, Jade?" she asked.

"Would you like that, Benji? Cover your chest in her cum?"

"Okay," I replied.

I watched her beat her thick girlcock for another couple of minutes before she unleashed. My god, I'd seen futanari cum before on the internet. Chantelle and Veronica had covered themselves in cum. Alexis practically drowned me, my chest dripping with her thick, white cum. Once she was empty, she leaned forward and left a soft kiss on my lips. "Thank you, handsome," she whispered, "Jade will treat you right tonight. Don't worry your pretty little butt about it."

"Jade, you should probably take your brother for a shower than head to your bedroom," Mum suggested, "After saying goodbye to your friends, of course."

After wiping themselves down, her three friends dressed, hugging everyone before giving me an even longer hug, finding myself kissed by three beautiful futagirls, with promises in my ear that I'd be getting a lot more than just a kiss soon enough. As soon as they were gone, Mum and Caroline hugged me and wished me goodnight.

"I'm going to fuck your mother nice and hard now," Caroline told me, "If you want to watch one night..."

"I'd love to."

She caressed my cheek. "That's the right answer. Now go enjoy your step-sister."

Jade took my hand, leading me to the bathroom. Standing in front of me, she leaned down to kiss me again, her tongue sliding into my mouth as she pulled me into her body, her thick girlcock pressing into me again. Feeling her hands on my bum again made me giggle. I couldn't help it. Taking a chance, I moved enough that I could gently grasp her, which made her hiss. "That's it, baby," she whispered, "I'm going to teach you all I can. Do you want to suck your big step-sister's girlcock?"

"Yes," I whispered back.

"Do you want to feel it slide into your tight little butt?" I didn't trust my voice so nodded. "Want to feel me cum inside you?"

"More than anything."

"And you know I'll be able to go again and again. But I'll be gentle tonight, Benji. I'll make sure you're prepared nicely. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. There's no pleasure in causing you pain, unless you want it. Now, get your cute butt into the shower. You're covered in cum."

She had me hard within a few seconds as her soft hands caressed my body, soaping me up then washing me down. I then returned the favour, my hands shaking slightly as I could feel the nerves building up. Feeling her hand on the back of my head, she directed my head towards one of her breasts, using her other hand to guide my right hand to her girlcock.

"Suck my titties while stroking me off," she cooed, "Would you like to get on your knees for your step-sister soon?" Nodding, she added, "I'll cum on your face, Benji. Would you like a facial? Maybe taste your step-sister at the same time?" Looking up and smiling, she kissed my forehead. "That's it, baby. Suck your step-sister's big titties. God, I've thought about you doing this for a long time."

Slowly stroking her, feeling incredibly hard and thick in my hand, I sucked and licked her nipples, appreciating the moans she was making. Her fingers continued to caress the back of her head, looking down at me with a constant smile, a mixture of love and lust in her eyes. When she was ready, she asked me to kiss down her body until I was on my knees. My step-sister was fit as fuck, and once on my knees, her groin region completely bare, I watched as she started to stroke herself.

"I'm so turned on, Benji," she moaned. Leaning forward, I kissed up her thighs, feeling her girlcock by my cheek. My step-sister liked my kisses, eventually stopping her stroking as I kissed up her thick shaft. "Oh, Benji!" she moaned, "Sit back, baby. Sit back. I'm going to cum any minute now."

Sitting back, she wasn't wrong as, within a minute, she warned me to close my eyes as I felt the first spurt of her hot cum land on my face. She groaned loudly as spurt after spurt landed on my face, some even getting in my hair, feeling it start to dribble down to my chin. Once she was quite clearly done, I wiped my eyes dry and opened them to see her smiling down at me. "Taste me," she whispered.

Using a finger, I wiped some of her cum away and stuck it in my mouth. I moaned my appreciation. I knew futanari cum was meant to taste different. It was rather sweet and, quite frankly, delicious. Leaning forward, I grasped the base of her girlcock and used my tongue on the head, where it still glistened with cum. She released a soft moan as I just sucked on the tip, not really knowing what I was doing, before she asked me to just lick up and down the shaft.

Lifting me up, she kissed me deeply, feeling her fingers run up and down my back towards my bum again. After helping clean off my face, she turned off the shower and spent a couple of minutes drying me off before doing the same to herself. Taking my hand, she led me towards her bedroom, noticing she left the door open. "Mum and Caroline might want to come watch later," she said, "Does that bother you?" Shaking my head, she led me towards her bed, sitting me down and surprised she knelt between my legs. "Does my little brother want a blowjob?"

"Um... are you..."

"You know I've had fun with my friends, Benji. I've been with a couple of men but I've only ever fucked them. I've... waited for you because I love you. So would you like your big step-sister to suck your cock?"

"Please," I managed to reply.

"Don't worry yourself if you cum really quickly. I think we both want to do something else soon, yes?" Nodding, she smiled as she spread my legs, my cock pointing upwards. Just her touch sent a shiver up my spine, releasing a soft moan as I felt her tongue run up my shaft. Shuddering again, she must have realised I wasn't going to last long, feeling her soft lips wrap around my shaft, just her hot breath on the head of my cock causing me to almost whimper.

Closing my eyes, I just savoured the moment. I knew once I looked down at her, I'd cum within seconds. Feeling a hand on my chest, she pushed me back, not surprised I felt a finger pressing at my hole. She stopped blowing me for a few seconds before I felt her apply what I assumed was lube, resuming her blowjob as I felt a finger up my bum. I squirmed as it was a weird feeling at first, feeling her slowly slide it in and out as her head bobbed up and down on my cock quicker.

"Oh god!" I cried out. Before I could say anything else, I came. Best orgasm of my life to that moment, opening my eyes to see my step-sister gazing into mine, managing to smile as she swallowed my cum. I didn't cum anywhere near as much as she did, releasing my cock once I was empty as she kissed up my body before meeting my lips, kissing me deeply as I felt her girlcock press at my arsehole. I flinched and she quickly calmed me down.

"I'll get you warmed up first, Benji. I won't hurt you. Get on your knees."

She got off me as I did what she wanted, glancing back to see her big girlcock swinging, pre-cum seeming to leak from the head of her cock. She smiled at me before getting into position. The first touch of her tongue at my arsehole nearly made me jump, before she spread my cheeks and dove in. It felt weird at first. I guess most things would considering I had absolutely no experience, but my step-sister seemed to know what she was doing.

Had me moaning and whimpering with a couple of minutes, reaching back to hold my cheeks. "That's it, baby, I'll get you nice and ready," she said, her tongue being replaced by a finger, fucking me nice and slow with that before sliding in a second. That made me gasp, moving forward involuntarily. She held my hip to keep me in place, taking a couple of deep breaths before she started to fuck me with two. Once I was clearly used to that, she slid a third finger in.

I moaned so loudly, she couldn't help giggle. "Like that, baby?"

"I love you," I blurted out, "Love you so much."

Leaning forward, her three fingers pumping me nice and slow, I felt her soft lips run up my spine until she was kissing my cheek. "You have a tight little butt, Benji. I can't wait to be inside you."

"Me too. Fantasy about to become reality, Jade."

Waiting until she thought I was ready, I was disappointed when I felt her fingers disappear, surprised she asked me to turn over onto my back. I thought she would have just mounted me. On my back, she grabbed a pillow, placing that under my lower back, applying a little more lube to me before I watched her lube up her thick girlcock.

"Spread your legs, baby," she said.

Once I'd done so, she positioned herself between them, smiling at me as she pressed the head of her girlcock at my arsehole. I squirmed as she expected, leaning down to kiss me softly as she had to apply at least a little force just to get the head of her thick member inside me. That part did hurt, whimpering as she kissed me, but after a few seconds, it finally popped inside, groaning loudly into her mouth.

Lifting herself back, her smile only broadened, watching my face as I felt her spread me wider, another inch or two of her thick girlcock sliding inside me. "Oh my fucking god," I moaned.

"I'm inside you, Benji," she whispered, "I love you so much."

I had to stop her at least a couple of times as I had to get used to the large, foreign invader. I'd been close to my step-sister all my life. I'd never felt as close to her as I did in that moment. She started to slowly thrust. With each time she pushed in, she slid a little more of her thick member inside me until we both felt that moment her entire length was inside me.

Feeling her hands underneath my knees, she pushed my legs back, lifting my arse up slightly as she started to thrust into me a little harder. I was surprised by the lack of pain. There was slight discomfort to start with, simply because she was so big, but the waves of pleasure flowing through me soon had me forgetting all about any discomfort.

"Doing this again," Jade whispered, "Doing this all the time."

I made to stroke myself but she gently knocked my hand away. "I'll make you cum later, handsome, when I've got you on your knees again. I just wanted to see your face the first time we made love."

"Kiss me," I pleaded. Releasing my legs to use her upper arms to hold them in place, she leaned down and kissed me hard, her tongue demanding entrance. Feeling her start thrust into me a little faster, I whimpered and moaned into her mouth, feeling her smile as she kissed me.

"My little brother loves being fucked, it seems," she said quietly, "Think you can handle a little more?"

Again, I didn't trust my voice so just nodded. She wasted no time pumping into me a little harder and faster. My god, what a way to celebrate my birthday, running my hands up to the back of her neck. My cock felt rock hard and was leaking pre-cum constantly. I watched her face but had to look down between us to watch her thick girlcock disappearing inside me.

"Oh Benji, I'm close," she moaned.

"Cum in me. I want to feel my big step-sister fill me!"

She moaned again, and that's when she did start to fuck me, the sound of her skin slapping against mine as she buried herself inside me again and again. I thought it would hurt, but it felt wonderful. Every second got better and better until I actually started to feel her girlcock start to throb, and this new sensation followed as that first spurt of her cum filled me.

"Oh god... oh god, Benji!" she cried out, thrust after thrust, spurt after spurt buried in my arse. She kept on pumping until she had nothing left to give me. She stopped with her member completely buried, leaning down to rest on her forearms, kissing my cheek as I listened to her breathing.

"I love you, Jade," I whispered.

I moaned with disappointment as she pulled out, resting next to me before ensuring I was rolled onto my side, not surprised I ended up as the little spoon, cuddled in the arms of my big step-sister. "Was it everything you hoped and dreamed about?" she wondered.

"Even better."

"Good. And I'm not done with you yet, little brother. That was just the first course."

She gave me a few minutes before she had me up on my knees again, though facing a different way so I could watch us in the full length mirror. After the application of lube to both of us, I watched her face as I felt her girlcock press against me again. Grabbing my hips, she took her time again, letting me get used to her thickness as the head popped inside me, hearing her giggle as I released another moan.

"Think my brother loves his step-sister's thick throbbing girlcock inside him."

"Fuck yes," I moaned again, resting my head on my arm as I felt her slowly slide more of her length inside me. Once I felt her large balls resting against me, I lifted my head to watch us in the mirror. With hands on my hips, she wasted no time in thrusting into me faster than before, moving one of her hands from my hips to caress my back.

"Oh fuck," I groaned, unable to tear my eyes from my step-sister's perfect body, "I love your girlcock, Jade."

"And I'm just the first, baby. So many futagirls, Benji. Please trust me on this. You know futanari just know when a man wants them."

"Long as I get you constantly."

Smiling, she repositioned herself, leaning forward over me. The new position made me groan again, feeling even deeper in my arse as her head was beside mine. "I'll be available whenever you want me, Benji. I promise," she breathed into my ear, "Want it a little harder now?"

"Fuck me, Jade," I whimpered.

Pumping into me harder and faster, I needed to lower my head again, closing my eyes and just enjoying the thick girlcock currently pumping into me. Jade placed one of her hands at the back of my neck, holding my head in place, feeling her moan and groan like I was. I figured, as she'd now cum twice, she was going to last longer.

I wasn't wrong. I lost track of how long my step-sister fucked me. When she eventually sat back, she started to fuck me even faster. "Oh fuck yes!" I cried out, "Oh Jade, please keep fucking me."

Hearing giggles, I managed to turn my head to see Mum and Caroline in the doorway. Both smiled at me as Jade said, "He's loving it, Mum. Loves his step-sister's big girlcock."

Mum walked over to kiss my cheek. "Enjoying it, sweetie?" Nodding, Caroline leaned down to kiss me too. Mum then kissed Jade before saying, "He's yours tomorrow too, Jade. We'll enjoy him next weekend."

"Thanks, Mum," Jade whispered, "Do you like that idea, Benji?" Nodding eagerly, Jade giggled as Mum kissed my cheek again.

"I love you," Mum whispered before she sat on her knees, "Watching your step-sister treat you so right warms the heart. Want to feel her cum again?"

"God yes, Mum. Love the feeling already."

"I'm close, baby. So close..."

"Cum in my son, Jade. Fill him up again!"

Jade leaned forward again, kissing my neck and cheek as she really started to pump me. Made me wince a couple of times, Mum holding my hand as my step-sister well and truly fucked me. Then she groaned as I felt her thick girlcock throb inside me, and I knew I was received another absolute torrent of her sweet cum. It was already leaking out of me from when she'd fucked me the first time. As soon as she was empty, she pulled out and rolled off.

"You didn't cum," Jade said sadly, "Oh baby, you need to cum."

"You're still hard. Slide back inside me."

Placing me on my back, Jade slid her cock back inside me. Mum held my hand as Jade started to stroke my cock, timing it with the thrust of hers inside me. I was soon whimpering, eager to cum but wanting to enjoy the feeling a little longer. Mum leaned across to give me a soft kiss. "Cum for your step-sister," she told me softly, "She wants to see her little brother cum with her thick girlcock inside you."

"Mummy," I whimpered.

"I know, baby, I know. We love you so much. You'll always be our man."

Jade seemed to sense when I was ready, leaning forward to kiss me hard as I spurted all lover myself again. I started to giggle once I was finished, my step-sister giving me a curious look. "Guess I'd better get used to being covered in cum," I joked.

I was surprised when Jade pulled out, but then ran her tongue up my chest to clean me up. Mum kissed my cheek. "Don't wear your brother out too much, Jade. You have tomorrow too but he's also back at school on Monday."

"Shower then bed, Mum. You realise he's mostly going to sleep with me now though, right?"

"When he's not sleeping with his mother. But yes, we know how you feel about him."

Mum and Caroline gave me a soft kiss on the lips before Jade practically carried me to the bathroom again. She asked if I was sore, surprising her by admitting that, while I had a slight ache, I felt more euphoric than anything. It was the right answer as she cuddled me as we showered, washing each other down again, mixing that with a lot of kissing and cuddling.

We needed to change the sheets, Jade admitting it was something we'd have to get used to doing, before she slid into bed first, making sure I was spooned against her under the blanket. Feeling her breasts press into my back was amusing, and I knew I'd wake up the next morning with her girlcock pressing against me.

I woke my step-sister up the next morning, as we'd moved during the night, my step-sister on her back as I cuddled into her, attempting to give her my first blowjob. As she was so endowed, I found it difficult getting all of her into my mouth, and knew about deepthroating but no idea how to do it. When I told her that, it earned a tight cuddle. "As I said, Benji, I'm going to teach you everything I know and can. Want to make love before breakfast?"

Walking out into the kitchen an hour later, I felt her cum trickling out of me and down my legs. Mum noticed and found it amusing, recognising the slight wince I made as I sat down at the table. "I'll get used to it, Mum," I said at the concerned look on her face, "I'm never going to deny my step-sister as much as she'll never deny me."

That earned me a blowjob of appreciation, my step-sister disappearing under the table, making me orgasm within five minutes. Sitting back down, she opened her mouth to show Mum our contents, before swallowing it down. "Oooh, my little brother is delicious."

"Tart," Caroline stated with humour.

"Since everything is now out in the open, Jade, if you want to fuck your brother, you can do so around the house. Benjamin," I looked up. The full use of my name meant she was being serious and wanted my attention, "This is a house of love. Never be ashamed to make love wherever you want with your step-sister, and when the times comes, with me and Caroline. The only thing you must do is clean up any mess made."

"Okay, Mum."

"As I said, he's yours all day, Jade, but make sure he's in bed at a reasonable time tonight. You're probably going to wear him out today."

"Benji, I'm going to get the lube. I want you to ride me while sitting on the couch."

Watching her walk away, hips swaying and that perfect arse of hers on display, Mum and Caroline both giggled at me as I probably looked like a lovesick puppy. Finishing my breakfast, Jade was waiting on the couch, instructing me to get on my knees and leaning against the back of it as she got me ready for her. Sitting down, she instructed me to straddle her lap.

Feeling her girlcock slide inside me again made us both moan. "You're in control," she whispered, "Ride me as fast or as slow as you want."

Leaning forward to kiss her, I started off nice and slow, feeling her girlcock spreading me nice and wide. No wonder some men enjoyed futanari. The feeling of her deep inside me was wonderful. My step-sister was beautiful, and the thing about futanari is that they were feminine. Even their girlcocks had a feminine beauty.

Resting my hands on her shoulders, I started to ride her faster and faster. I sensed Mum and Caroline in the room watching, but my eyes were only for Jade, bouncing faster and faster, almost desperate to feel her cum inside me again. "Don't tell me. Just cum in me," I moaned.

Her hands soon rested on my butt as she started to thrust up into me. The sounds I was making had her face light up in delight. I didn't even know I could make such noises. Gripping her shoulders tighter, I bounced faster and faster, now desperate to feel her cum in me. And I was soon rewarded, the now usual throbbing before I felt that warm sensation as Jade filled me up again. Spurt after spurt, counting over at least half a dozen, before she was clearly empty and I slowed down to just sit on her lap, leaning forward to kiss her.

"You are far to addictive, little brother," she cooed.

She wasn't lying. For the rest of the day, Jade must have fucked me at least six more times, leaving me filled with even more of her cum each time. I didn't even bother getting dressed, my arse always ready for the invasion of my step-sister's thick girlcock. The last time she fucked me was on the living room floor, both of us tired, covered in sweat, desperate for her to cum inside me again. We knew it would be the last time before bed.

Mum walked in from the kitchen, laughing immediately. "Not had enough yet?"

"No," I moaned, "Can I take tomorrow off school?"

Mum and Caroline both laughed. "No. You'll need the break from your step-sister's big girlcock. Once you've finished inside him, Jade, you both need a shower then that's enough for now. Give him a break."

"Oh please, he's come looking for me just as much, Mum!"

"You know, she isn't wrong," Caroline added, "He purposely bent over the dinner table and just waited for her to walk in. Took all my self-control not to fuck him myself."

"Next weekend," I moaned before looking back at Jade, "Please cum in me!"

My step-sister always looks after her little brother, filling my arse with yet another large load of cum before she collapsed on my back, and I fell to the floor. She was a little heavier than I was, thankful she had enough sense to roll off me onto her back, turning onto my side so I could cuddle into her. I heard a click, noticing my mother taking a photo of us with her phone. "My children are adorable together," she said softly, "Take a few minutes then get yourselves into a shower. You have homework, Benjamin?"

"No, Mum. Teachers seemed to realise it was my birthday. Any assignments I've already finished."

By the time I walked into Jade's room later than evening, I was half asleep, my step-sister giggling at me as I collapsed beside her in bed. Cuddling against her, her fingers caressed my back as I felt myself drift off. "I'll drive you to school tomorrow," she told me, "I'll do something that'll set tongues wagging."

"Okay," I managed to reply before I yawned.

"Go to sleep, Benji. I love you."

"I love you, Jade. Thank you for this weekend."

"No, thank you, Benji. I loved every minute of it."