The week between Christmas and New Year's Ever was relaxing. Isabella informed me I didn't need to go into work, as her place of business was closed during the festive period. I thought she would have made plenty of money, but she said her business was open the rest of the year, and she wanted those who worked for her to spend time with friends and family. If any virgins were that desperate to be with me, they could easily wait until early January.

Our house was constantly busy for that week. All my girlfriends practically moved in, including Riley, preferring to spend time with me and my family than their own. She didn't have too many problems at homes, particularly compared to the likes of Bailey, but she found the love shared around our house something she wanted to stay and enjoy. Jade's friends were near constant visitors. Since the bordello was closed, Isabella visited nearly every day. Naomi and her friends rarely left except to go home and sleep.

Was my week full of constant sex? Well, to be honest, while it was fill with a lot of sex, even when nearly everyone was visiting all at once, while I did find myself fucked from time to time, we spent most of the time relaxing around the pool, enjoying the great weather and continuous sunshine. That's where I found myself fucked more often than not, one of my girlfriends or visitors finding themselves rather horny, and as I kept myself lubed up constantly, all they needed to do was bend me over and slide their thick girlcock inside me. If I wasn't bent over, I'd sometimes find myself on my back, and all my futagirls loved watching me ride their big girlcocks.

I spent each night up to New Year's Eve with a different lover, something Jade was absolutely fine with. Vanessa stayed nearly every night, and had her chance with me. Bailey loved going to sleep with me. Aimee was just so damned cute, I had to spend a night with her, one of the few times I ended up being the big spoon. Veronica asked to spend a night with me, no surprise I ended up being sandwiched between her and Alexis after they'd filled me with plenty of cum. Same with Lara and Naomi, the former absolutely pounding me senseless while I happily sucked off Naomi so she'd cum in my mouth more than once. And then Sandra needed a night with me, and that night did not include 'play time'. It was soft and sensual, though it still meant her thick eleven inches of girlcock ended up inside me for a few hours, filling me up at least three times with her cum.

Jade had discussed her idea with nearly everyone. Mum, Caroline, Isabella and Sandra suggested they were a little too old to be attending futanari clubs, though said there was a good chance I would end up meeting a few futagirls who were of similar age to them. We all tried negotiating until Mum sat me down and told me that the four of them were going to enjoy a quiet night together. I smiled knowingly, but Mum said that the four of them were good friends, so while it was likely they'd end up having a night of hot, fun-filled sex, it was a case of just ringing in the new year in peace. I could see what she meant.

"I'm looking forward to tonight," Bailey whispered behind me, as we woke up on the thirty-first of the last month of the year.

"Me too," Vanessa whispered in addition. The pair had spent a couple of hours spitroasting me the previous evening. I'm fairly sure I was still covered in a lot of their dried cum. We'd fucked long into the night and then just fallen asleep.

"There's a good chance you're getting totally gangbanged tonight, Benji," Bailey giggled, "It's going to be awesome if it does happen."

I kissed both my girlfriends. "While that does sound like fun, things like last night do mean more to me. I love you both so much."

It must have been my tone, as I ended up on my back with a futagirl cuddling into either side of me, Bailey almost sobbing uncontrollably while Vanessa needed a little cry too. Jade opened the to find Bailey still crying, walking over to kneel by the bed. "Is my little brother being sweet again, Bailey?"

"I want a ring so much," she whispered, needing to take a deep breath to get herself under control, "You're my family, Benji, but I would love it to be official."

"Well, I know I can marry both of you at the same time so that's always an option."

"I'd love to marry you," Vanessa whispered, kissing my cheek and cuddling me tighter.

"So we'll be your first two futawives?" Bailey wondered, "At least officially." She paused and whispered, "I'm so sorry, Jade. You deserve to be his first official futawife."

"He's having a child with me first, so it's fine, Bailey. I have one more year at university, then he's putting a baby in me."

"You won't be the only one!" Vanessa exclaimed, "Though, like you, I'll make sure I finish at university first."

The three of us needed a shower after the activities of the previous night, Jade wanting to join in but the shower stall simply wasn't large enough for four people. After dressing, we joined everyone else for breakfast, plenty of laughter being shared as everyone was in a great mood, looking forward to the upcoming night and festivities.

It was a relaxing day by the pool, heading inside mid-afternoon for a short nap with Jade, smiling as she wanted to be the little spoon. Waking up when my alarm rang, I wasn't surprised to find Bailey and Vanessa had joined us for a snuggle. At moments like those, I was thankful the house was kept cool so we could sleep comfortably together even if it was roasting hot outside.

With plans to meet everyone else in the city, the four of us started to get ready. Jade put on a little music as the four of us primped and prepared ourselves to be out all evening, the plan being to be out until the early hours of the next morning, more than likely relying on a taxi to get us home rather than any public transport.

Knowing we were heading to a futanari club, my three futagirls all dressed to the nines, Jade in a stunning little black dress, Bailey choosing a navy-blue dress, Vanessa looking utterly sensational in red. Only Vanessa wore heels, being the only futagirl under six foot, and I loved being surrounded by a gaggle of beautiful futagirls anyway. My personal issues with being rather short had long since disappeared.

A taxi arrived to take us to the nearest train station, keeping in constant communication with all the others as we agreed to meet at a pub first, enjoy a simple meal and a couple of drinks, before moving on to a couple of bars and then eventually the club. Boarding the train, it was rather full with people making their way into the city to celebrate. Pulling into Central Station, Alexis, Veronica, Chantelle, Naomi, Sabrina, Dani and Lara were all waiting for us, with most of my other girls on the way or already at the pub waiting for us.

"Bet you're feeling a little smug with all these futagirls on your arm," Jade whispered into my ear as we walked towards the pub.

"He has ever reason to be," Vanessa stated, wrapping an arm around my waist, "Look at us, Jade. A group of drop dead sexy futanari and all of us sharing one man."

"Can't wait until later tonight when we line up to fill him up with our cum," Alexis added, kissing my cheek as she pressed into me from behind while walking along, "Ready for ten inches of girlcock later?"

"I'm always ready for you, Lexi."

Entering the pub, all my other girls had already arrived, rushing up as we all shared a long series of hugs and kisses. They'd organised a long line of tables and chairs for us to sit at, a few of us heading to the bar to purchase drinks, quickly agreeing to not get individual meals but a few sharing platters that was thankfully sold by the pub.

We didn't drink too much, finding myself sat between Emma and Alexis. Considering they both had ten inches between their legs, I joked that all my other girls were suggesting something. Lara leaned across and smiled, adding that her eleven inches were eager for my mouth and arse again that evening.

"Are we getting some bigger girlcocks for him tonight?" Chloe wondered.

Jade smiled as she met my eyes. "It's a new year gangbang, if he wants it."

"You mean that?" I asked, unable to stop smiling.

"I think everyone around here would love to bring in the new year buried in your mouth and arse, Benji. And I'm thinking we introduce a little double anal."

"You mean two of you in me at once?"

"Do you like that idea?" Alexis whispered into my ear, feeling her nibble my earlobe, "Maybe you'd enjoy two massive girlcocks in your arse at once?"

"Stretch me out nicely."

Finishing our meals and enjoying a couple of drinks, our enormous group headed out and deeper into the city towards another bar where a reservation had been made. Thankfully the bar had table service, all the girls agreeing to purchase numerous pitchers of different cocktails, and I wasn't surprised when I was quickly pulled up to join many of them on the dancefloor from time to time. Knowing we had to behave, a few of them definitely had themselves tucked. Others didn't care, their girlcocks prominently showing as nearly all of them wore skin-tight dresses.

Staying there for a couple of hours, after drinks and dancing, there was no missing the air between us was sexually charged. I'd been kissed and groped nearly the entire time, feeling some hard girlcocks rubbing into me, hot breath in my ear as they would whisper suggestions of what we would all do together once we were at the futanari club.

Stepping out into the mid-evening air, it was obvious that they were all ready to start fucking, Alexis and Jade practically pulling me along by my hands as the others all giggled behind me. We were attending a different club this time, not having to pay a cover charge, and I learned quickly that they'd been preparing for this night as we were greeted by a statuesque beauty before we'd even walked towards the main bar.

"Is this Benji?" she asked sweetly.

"It is. Benji, this is Valentina," Jade said as way of introduction, "She will be looking after us tonight. She will also be looking after you with numerous other futagirls who may wish to join us this evening. Is the room ready for us, Val?"

"It is, Jade. If you'll follow me..."

Taking me by the hand, I couldn't help looking her up and down, noticing her returned glance and smiling at me in return. "I'm six-six, Benji," she told me, "So I can't wear big heels. Some of the futagirls who might join us tonight are tall, hung, and love to fuck men just like you."

It wasn't just her height that had my attention. She had the most vibrant red hair I'd seen on a futanari in real life, hanging all the way down to her lower back, a pair of gorgeous green eyes that sparkled when she looked me, a cute button nose and a pair of lips that looked ready to cover me in kisses. In addition to her height, she was slim though still had a generous bust, and rather pale compared to most of my other lovers.

The club wasn't as busy as I expected, though there were still plenty of gorgeous futanari about, with a few men who I assumed would be their dates and companions for the evening. Led towards a pair of doors, they were opened to reveal what Valentina explained was a private function room. There was a small bar, a long lounge that curved around half of the room, and a large king-sized bed in the middle.

"I will send in a futagirl to work the bar," she told all of us, "And I will return once your party begins. Benji, if you wish to wander the bar and bring futanari back here for some fun, you're more than welcome. Your futagirls are definitely more than welcome to do the same thing. We all want you to enjoy your night here and I know all your futagirls here want to spend all night bringing you and themselves as much enjoyment as possible."

"You'll be here, Valentina?" I asked.

Resting a finger underneath my chin, she lifted my head before leaning down to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "Can you handle me, sweetie? I'm a big girl, and I don't just mean my height."

"How big?" I asked softly.

"Thirteen inches."

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, much to her amusement.

"Have you had anything that big?"

"A couple of my lovers are eleven inches."

"Oh baby, there are many futagirls out there who are simply enormous. Men wish they were as well-endowed as futanari." Kissing me again, she smiled. "Enjoy time with your lovers, Benji. I promise I will be back soon and I'll be sure to send some other beautiful futanari back here. You're not expected to fuck them, of course, but I know who you are."

"You do?" The smile on her face broadened as I asked in a whisper, "The Pythia?"

"Clubs like these are a source of information and keep many of us safe. As for the Pythia, well..." She kissed my cheek again. "Have fun tonight."

As she left us in the room, a pair of other futanari strolled in past her, swapping smiles before they looked over us, both eyes falling on me, walking towards me. Again, they were utterly gorgeous as they greeted me with a kiss on each cheek. "Welcome, Benji. My companion and I are here to serve you and your girlfriends this evening. Would any of you like a drink?"

They were quickly inundated with orders as I was led by the ring of couches, plenty of my girlfriends already taking a seat, panties on the floor with dresses pulled up, girlcocks ready for me to suck, though lube was already being passed around so they could stroke themselves. Jade stood next to me, kissing my cheek.

"Benji, there are a lot of futanari here tonight..."

"Jade, I want my girls to enjoy themselves together in addition to having fun with me."

Kissing my cheek, she whispered her thanks. "You know none of us will ever be with another man," she added, "You are far too important to all of us. But we're all very good friends, and I know you love watching a couple of futanari have fun together."

"Jade, it's totally hot when you're fucking one of our girlfriends."

She met my eyes with a smile. "Our?"

"We're all together, Jade. I'm not the centre of this, I just know you all love me as much as I love all of you, and that you love fucking me, and I think you know how much I love being fucked by all of you."

Jade clapped her hands. "Girls! Benji has agreed that although he is going to suck a lot of girlcock first, anyone else who wants to have their girlcock sucked by a good friend, please don't think only Benji will be the only one to get on his knees. If you want a good friend to pleasure you..."

Taking Jade by the hand, we focused on each other as we slowly stripped each other down, glancing to see many of my girlfriend were doing the same thing. Once Jade was naked, she sat on the couch, amused when a tray appeared next to her with a drink. She took it and thanked the server as I licked up Jade's girlcock.

"Baby, all your friends..."

"My step-sister gets me first," I stated, not surprised that my girlfriends all agreed with her, "You've helped organise this for me. I'm saying thank you."

"Who fucks you first?"

"Valentina, if she's interested."

Jade scoffed. "She's interested. Benji, every single futanari in here would want to fuck you if given the chance. The two futanari serving us want to fuck you. And all your girlfriends want to fuck you too."

"Well, I know that, Jade."

Wrapping my lips around her girlcock, she moaned softly as I easily took nearly her entire length first go, feeling the soft head of her girlcock slide into my throat. She moaned again as I immediately started to bob up and down as I loved hearing those sorts of noises from my step-sister and wanted to make her cum.

Feeling someone behind me, I felt the application of lube, shuddering slightly as it was a little cold, finally glancing back to see Alexis behind me, completely naked with her ten-inch girlcock hard and ready. She ran her fingers up and down my back a few times, eventually resting one hand on the back of my head.

"Suck your step-sister's big girlcock," she ordered, "Make her cum. I'm just getting you ready for so many girlcocks tonight, baby."

"You love him so much, Lexi," Jade giggled.

"I'm not the only one, Jade. Lara is gagging to fuck him already. Sabrina and Dani are both working her girlcock with their mouths, hoping one or two orgasms will calm her down."

"She's not the only one who really wants to fuck him," Vanessa moaned from nearby, taking a moment to glance right to see Bailey between her legs. She looked back and me, leaning over to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "Hey! Get back to work, little lady!"

"Yes, ma'am," Bailey giggled, immediately swallowing her girlcock again.

Jade moaned, moving her hips as I continued to slowly suck her off, Alexis sliding a pair of fingers inside me, making me groan as I just loved the feeling of something inside me. And I loved being teased, though I didn't glance back as I was focused on my step-sister, now desperate to make her cum so I could move along and give someone else a blowjob.

"I really want to fuck you," Alexis whispered into my ear

Jade groaned, warned me that she was about to cum, and within seconds she spurted into my mouth, greedily swallowing all her sweet cum she had to offer. She smiled as I moaned a couple of times, savouring the taste of my step-sister, using my tongue to clean her up and down before she sat forward to kiss me.

Reaching back blindly, Alexis took my hand and she knew what I wanted, sitting down between Jade and Vanessa. She sat forward to kiss me first before sitting back, her thick girlcock already glistening from pre-cum that was already flowing. Licking that up first, she caressed my cheek more than once, meeting her green eyes. In a way, she immediately reminded me of Valentina with her red hair and green eyes. Alexis was nowhere near as pale.

Swallowing her girlcock, or as much of it as possible, I felt a tongue get to work behind me, Alexis letting me know it was Veronica. No real surprise there as I knew how much she loved me. But it wasn't just that, she loved pleasing me as much as I pleased. She made me moan more than once as I felt her tongue slide inside me before she slid three fingers in my arse.

"Fuck," I moaned, doing my best to focus on Alexis at the same time.

"He'll suck you next," Alexis assured her, "He wants Valentina to fuck him first tonight."

"She's going to be another girlfriend," Veronica stated with a chuckle.

Taking her fingers out, I focused on Alexis again and thought she was going to leave me alone until she pressed her girlcock between my cheeks, her body pressing into mine as she slowly stroked my cock at the same time. Alexis and I were soon moaning together as Veronica seemed to love eating my arse at the same time.

Alexis didn't last much longer before she needed to cum, her thick girlcock eventually pulsing away as she gave me another load of her sweet cum for me to drink down. Veronica moved quickly to sit next to her, wasting no time in swallowing all nine inches, making her moan as she mentioned the tightness of my throat.

When I felt a very thick girlcock pressing against me, I had to look back, smiling as Valentina was already naked, her girlcock glistening with lube. Sitting back, turning my head to kiss her, she ran her hands up and down my body as she gently rubbed between my cheeks. "Want to cum with my girlcock fucking you hard?" she wondered.

"I'll cum without touching myself."

"Make your girlfriend cum then we'll get on the bed and put on a shower for your girlfriends."

Veronica was eager to cum as she wanted to see me fucked hard though that didn't mean she wasn't going to enjoy herself at the same time. As Valentina practically massaged my back all the way up to my shoulders, leaving soft kisses everywhere, my eyes never left the gorgeous blue eyes of Veronica. Smiling at me constantly, Alexis leaned against her, the pair occasionally turning their heads to share a soft kiss, but Veronica always looked back at me.

"Love seeing you on your knees with my girlcock in your mouth," she whispered.

"Who loves him more?" Alexis wondered.

"We love him the same, Lexi. We've loved him for just as long, and we love Jade almost as much too."

"That's a lot of love," Valentina said from behind me.

"Every futagirl in here is in love with him," Alexis explained.

"Understandable as I know who he is to you and everyone here. But he will also be important to all of us. He is a special young man and I cannot wait to slide my girlcock inside him."

"Oh god," Veronica moaned. She knew how much I loved blowing her, pleasing her, loving her. Feeling her fingers running through my hair, moving her hips faster and faster, I let her take some control, opening my throat and accepting as much of her girlcock as possible.

I pulled back just in time for her orgasm as I wanted to taste as much of her cum as possible. Asking me to hold a mouthful, once she was empty, she sat up to kiss me, wanting to share what she gave me. When we'd both swallowed, she caressed my cheek and kissed me again. "Love you, sweetie," she whispered, "Now you go and have some fun with Valentina. But I want to make love afterwards. So does Lexi."

"I'll try and be with as many of you as I can tonight."

Valentina guided me to the bed, looking around the room to see nearly all my girlfriends were enjoying each other's company, though there were six faces I didn't know, naked bodies I'd never seen, two of them were the futagirls who had been working the bar, now enjoying a little fun with us. Laying me down on my back, she smiled as she crawled up to join me, leaning down to kiss me softly as her fingers gently grasped my cock.

"Will you cum while we make love?"

"Fuck me well enough and I'll cum without touching it."

"Oh no, that won't do. I'll be stroking you while I'm inside you, Benji." Kissing me again, she added, "I'll be gentle to start but I will want to fuck you ever so hard by the end."

"I can handle it, Valentina. But I really want to feel every inch of your girlcock inside me too."

Bending my legs back so my knees were almost resting on the bed to either side of my body, amazed at how flexible my body was nowadays, Valentina lubed up her thick girlcock again, taking a deep breath when she pressed the thick head against my rosebud. Meeting her eyes, she leaned down and kissed me, her tongue sliding into my mouth as I ran my hands up her arms to her back, moaning softly as she slowly slid her girlcock inside me.

Moaning even louder, she whispered for me to look, glancing down between our bodies to see nearly her entire length disappearing inside me. Meeting her eyes, she was still smiling at me as I leaned up to kiss her. "You're so tight, Benji," she whispered.

"I think it's your very thick girlcock, Valentina," I whispered back.

Slowly thrusting into me, she had me moaning every time she buried all thirteen inches, hearing her giggle as I'm sure I was smiling each time I felt her entire length inside me. Leaning down to kiss me again, I opened my eyes to see her green eyes shining back at me. Thrusting a little faster, resting her forehead gently against mine, I felt the presence of other bodies around us.

"You have another girlfriend, Benji," Naomi explained, "Valentina knows all about you. So does everyone else who works here. Your name has spread across other futanari clubs in the city. Everyone wants to meet you. They don't know everything, why you are so special and important to us. But every futanari who meets you feels it. Valentina felt it immediately tonight, didn't you?"

"I knew I had to be with him like this, and I know already that I will fall in love with him like you." She smirked, kissing me softly again. "And I can't help being impressed that he's so easily taking my entire girlcock."

"Fuck me," I moaned.

She did fuck me a little faster for a few minutes, stroking me off at the same time. When I came, I groaned ever so loudly, I swear all my girlfriend around us stopped to watch me cum. Naomi turned my head to kiss her, before Jade turned my head the other way to kiss her. Satisfied I'd now cum with her girlcock inside me, Valentina pulled out and had me sit on my knees, leaning forward to lay my head on a couple of pillows.

Valentina slid her big girlcock inside me again and I felt her lean forward over me, making me moan as the angle was just how I loved it, and I knew all thirteen inches were inside me. Turning my head, she kissed my cheek and gave me a couple of hard thrusts. I know I winced though she giggled as I smiled. "You like that, baby?"

"I love your girlcock already..."

"And I love your tight little butt already, Benji. No wonder all these futanari around us love you."

As soon as both of us were comfortable, she started to pump me with her girlcock, seeing a tempo that was all about her own excitement, but she would have seen the smile on my face as I quickly loved how wonderful she felt fucking me. Urging her on, she leaned down occasionally to nuzzle my neck or kiss my cheek, her skin soon slapping against mine as she slowly started to fuck me harder and harder. Jade and Naomi were lying next to me, neither waiting to fuck me, as I knew they were happy to let others have their fun with me first.

"Fuck," Valentina groaned.

Feeling her shuffle above me, her body pressing into mine as we lowered ourselves towards the mattress, I turned my head to kiss her again. "Fuck me," I whimpered.

"I love your arse already, baby," she groaned, "I'm not going to last too long."

"Keep fucking him," Jade urged, "He's loving your big girlcock, Valentina."

She wasn't wrong. Valentina eventually grabbed both of my hands, holding them behind my back as she adjusted position, slowly down the tempo of her thrusts but really slamming her girlcock home. I knew she wasn't trying to hurt me as she would have seen the smile on my face after every thrust. As she fucked me, Jade and Naomi both kissed me softly on the cheek.

"Want some more big girlcocks?" Naomi wondered. Nodding eagerly, she giggled but disappeared, turning my head towards Jade and smiling at her.

"Thanks for tonight," I whispered, "Not a bad way to celebrate another year."

"As soon as I told Valentina about you, she was desperate to make love to you."

"I'm close," she moaned, surprised when she pulled out and had me on my back again, feeling her slide her girlcock back inside me, "Wanted to cum in you and see those beautiful eyes of yours, Benji."

She pumped me for another couple of minutes, just about able to wrap my legs around her waist, her hands taking mine and pressing them against the mattress. I watched her face, a picture of concentration, her eyes alive with complete and utter lust. Smiling at her as she pumped me faster and faster, I didn't say a word as I simply waited for her to cum in me.

Feeling that first spurt as she buried her girlcock, she leaned down to kiss me as I wrapped my arms around her. With every thrust came another spurt, pumping me harder and harder, desperate to empty herself as deep in me as possible. "Baby," she moaned, "My god, baby. So good..."

I have no idea how much she came inside me. It felt like my bowels were already swimming with cum. Valentina leaned down to kiss me, caressing her cheek as she gazed into my eyes. "Want to keep fucking me?" I wondered.

"I do, baby, but I think others need their time with you." She glanced at my step-sister. "Jade, I don't suppose I can visit your home one day?"

"You can visit whenever you want, Valentina. But this won't be your only time with him tonight. I promise."

She leaned down to kiss me again, squeezing her girlcock with my arse, making her growl and she couldn't help thrusting into me again. "You're a tease, baby," she whispered, "I haven't fucked someone as cute as you in so long."

"You don't have to pull out," I whispered back.

"I don't want to either, Benji. But you have many other girlfriends that need you affection and love too." She kissed me passionately, wrapping my limbs around her body. The kiss lasted a few minutes before she pulled away. "I'll be back later, baby. Don't you worry about that."

Feeling her pull out was disappointing, I won't lie. Not all was lost, though, as Alexis quickly joined me on the bed, her girlcock already lubed up. Spreading my legs eagerly, she didn't waste time sliding inside me, Jade kissing my cheek, assuring me a line of futagirls would now be ready to come and fuck me, whispering that she was definitely going to have some fun with a few of our girlfriends. If I knew my step-sister well enough, it would be with the likes of Vanessa and Bailey.

I wasn't sure if I could actually handle all my girlfriends trying to fuck me in one night, already thinking I might have to get some of them off with my mouth or hands. But I forgot about all that when Alexis leaned forward to kiss me as she gently started to thrust. Her eyes were alive with all the lust and love she felt for me.

Ending up on my knees again, Alexis took her time before she started to fuck me nice and hard, hands on my shoulders, gripping tightly as I could sense that she was getting ready to cum. What made her even happier was that I was always pushing back against her girlcock, wanting all ten of her inches deep inside me with every thrust.

"That's it, Benji," she moaned, "Take all my girlcock."

Leaning back against her, I groaned as her fingers wrapped around my cock. I wasn't going to cum again, as Valentina had absolutely drained me, but Alexis was happy I was rock hard for her too. "Cum in me," I moaned, "I want to be dripping from all your cum by the end of tonight."

Alexis didn't last much longer before she buried her girlcock and blasted inside me. Every thrust made me moan as it throbbed inside me, her soft moans in my ear simply turning me on even more. She left it buried inside me for a couple of minutes before she kissed my cheek, thanking me for loving her so much. Turning around and hugging her, I was still doing that when I felt another girlcock slide inside me, glancing to see it was Emma and her ten inches of thick girlcock.

"So all my bigger girlfriends are fucking me first?" I asked, chuckling away as Emma giggled, leaning back down to relax as Emma mounted me.

"It'll be me, then Lara... There are a couple of new futagirls who are quite big too. I think they've organised it for you, Benji," she whispered into my ear, "Ready to be fucked?"

"Give it to me, Emma. Don't hold back if you really want to nail me."

As Emma fucked me hard, Aimee wandered over to kneel in front of me, offering her nine-inch girlcock to suck. And it finally turned into proper group sex with Danica and Hailee joined us, using my hands on them, pleased that some of the futagirls I didn't get to see too often all wanted my attention at the same time.

Emma fucked me for ages. Aimee was always excited to be intimate with me, even if others were present, though she did blush brightly when filling my mouth with her delicious cum within a few minutes. She swapped positions with Danica, easily able to swallow her eight-inch cock, making her moan when she no doubt felt the tightness of my throat.

"Oh Benji," she moaned softly. I didn't miss her holding hands with Hailee as her other rested on the back of my head. Aimee sat on her knees, continuing to stroke her girlcock, Emma still pounding me nice and hard.

"Loving it, Emma?" Aimee asked.

"I really miss him, but he has so many lovers."

"If we're lucky, many of us will be at the same university," Hailee suggested, and I knew she was right. Futanari generally attended their own universities where only men were invited to join them. It usually resulted in very few men surrounded by futanari, and the campuses were notorious for being completely and utterly fuelled by sex. I'd read testimonies from more than one young man who said their years at university surrounded by futanari were some of the best of their lives.

When Emma's hands ended up on my shoulders, slamming me faster and faster, I knew she was getting close to orgasm. Moaning around Danica's girlcock, she was thrusting into my mouth at the same time, still stroking off Hailee as I wanted to suck her off next. With Aimee having cum, my other hand was now busy with Amber.

Hearing Emma groan first, she slammed her girlcock deep as I felt her spurting deep inside me. She whimpered a few times before I felt some sort kisses up my back towards my shoulders. "I love you, Benji," she whispered, Amber kissing my cheek, despite Danica thrusting to my mouth at the same time.

"I love you too."

"We all love you," Danica moaned softly.

Emma pulled out and my arse was left empty for a few minutes. Danica was next to cum, gulping down her cum before I turned slightly so I could give Hailee attention. She whimpered as her girlcock hit my throat, turning my head to focus on Amber at the same time.

"That's it, focus on us both, Benji. We'll cum together," Amber murmured.

"How about we coat his face?" Hailee asked her.

"Oooh, I love that idea. What do you think, Benji?"

"Haven't had a facial tonight."

As I alternated sucking them off, the other would stroke their girlcock at the same time. It didn't take long until both of them were ready to cum, eventually moving off the bed as they stood up, stroking themselves until they were ready to cum. Closing my eyes, I chuckled as I felt their hot, thick cum land on my face, opening my mouth to taste both of them at the same time. When they were quite obviously done, not able to close my eyes, I felt them press against my mouth to clean them up before feeling more than two tongues clean up my face.

Helped to my feet, a towel pressed into my hand to help me clean up, I felt plenty of cum start to dribble out of me at the same time. One of the servers noticed I was not fucking or sucking, walking over with a tray and a drink for me, explaining it was a non-alcoholic cocktail. Thanking her for the drink, she kissed my cheek as I gazed up and down her body, my eyes definitely widening as I noticed her girlcock for the first time.

"Holy shit," I muttered, "You're bigger than Valentina."

"Do you like that, Benji?" she asked.

"I was told there'd be some big futagirls here. I thought they were exaggerating."

"Fifteen inches, cutie."

I fell to my knees immediately, wrapping my hand around the base to simply look upon it in wonderment. Pressing it against my face, it felt so hot and heavy, I wondered how many men she could have fucked with something so large. Despite the fact most women didn't like futanari, there were a few size queens who would be fucked by a futanari, simply to savour being fucked by a futagirl with a massive girlcock.

"I've seen one of your girlfriends desperately waiting for you," she stated, glancing to see Lara smiling at me, "But if you want me to fuck you afterwards..."

"What's your name?"

"I'm Charlotte, sweetie. I'm a good friend of Valentina's. She invited me along and once Jade met me, and knew what was between my legs, she knew you'd love me too."

"Okay. I definitely want to try."

Offering her hand to help me up, she left a soft kiss on my lips before turning to look around the room. "See my friend there? She's even longer than I am but she's also a complete sweetheart." Her friend must have sensed us looking at her, as she lifted her head from Aubrey's lap, smiling at us. Aubrey whispering something to her as she immediately stood up and walked towards us. And when her girlcock started to swing, I think my knees almost gave out at the sheer size of her girlcock.

She kissed my cheek and I just had to try and wrap my hand around it though my hands were just far too small. Charlotte kissed my cheek. "I don't know of a futagirl in the city who is bigger than our friend here. Benji, this is Katie. Katie, this is Benji."

"I just have to know..."

"It's seventeen inches long, Benji. And I've already seen Valentina give you all thirteen of her glorious inches. Charlotte has fifteen and I know you'll love it when she's inside you later. If you'd like, Charlotte can fuck you first then you can try and take me." Her fingers caressed my cheek. "Not many men can handle me. Even most futanari struggle. I've been looking for a man..."

"The Pythia, Katie. We know how special his young man is," Charlotte assured her.

Katie smiled at me. "We might finally have hope after all these years. Where is your step-sister?"

Jade was sitting back with Vanessa and Bailey, the three enjoying a drink. Noticing my look and gesture, she stood and walked towards us, her girlcock hard and swinging. Even after all the blowjobs and sex, I still felt the urge to get down on my knees, whether to take her in my mouth or arse. She noticed my look and kissed me softly. "Later, Benji," she whispered, "But I love how you look at me every single time."

"Jade, this is Charlotte and Katie."

"I know who they are, sweetie. I've met them before when organising all this for you."

"You told me your brother was adorable, but I had no idea he was this cute," Katie said, leaving me blushing, "I can feel how special he is already though."

Meeting her eyes and smiling, I could see in her eyes that she was already feeling something for me. I still didn't quite understand how futanari 'operated' for want of a better word, to do with their genetic make-up, pheromones and even a person's natural scent turned them on, but I had long understood that I was almost irresistible to any futanari I met in a short space of time.

Charlotte wrapped an arm around me. "His girlfriend is getting a little antsy, Katie. I think we let her have fun with him first, then we'll have our fun with him next. Who do you plan on having inside you at midnight?" I immediately looked at my step-sister, no surprise she leaned down to kiss me softly again. "I thought so." She patted my bum, adding, "Go spend some time with your girlfriend first."

Lara pounced on me as soon as I was back on the bed, sliding her lubed up girlcock inside me as I rested my head back against a couple of pillows, her lips finding mine as her tongue slid into my mouth. Moaning together, she slowly started to thrust into me, our eyes only for each other.

"I love you so much," she whispered, her eyes glistening slightly. I knew she felt intense feelings for me already, but the way she just said those words told me just how much.

"I love you too, Lara. I'm a very lucky young man to be loved by so many."

She continued to thrust slow, not wanting to fuck me too hard or fast, wanting it to last as long as possible. Sabrina and Dani joined us on the bed, watching their best friend with the man she loved. They both kissed me on the cheek though my focus was on Lara as she continued to slowly slide her big girlcock in and out of me.

Glancing down between our bodies, I loved watching her girlcock disappearing inside me every couple of seconds. She glanced down as well before our eyes met and we shared another passionate kiss. Wrapping my legs around her, she started to thrust a little faster, earning more than a few louder moans from me.

"You love my big girlcock, don't you?"

"God yes."

"And I love your tight little arse. I thank Naomi every day for introducing you to me."

"We do that too," Dani whispered next to me.

Lara was doing her best to last as long as she could but she needed to cum in me eventually. When she started to pick up the tempo, the sound of our skin slapping against each other, as she really started to fuck me nice and hard, just how we both liked. Our mouths rarely parted in those last few minutes, tightening my legs around her waist. When she was ready to cum, that's when she broke the kiss to rest her forehead against mine, smiling together as I felt her girlcock pulsing inside me.

"I love you so much," she whimpered, "I want to be your futa-wife, Benji."

"You will be my futa-wife, Lara. All of you will be."

Her face lit up as she continued to cum in me. "Good. Sabrina and Dani too?"

"Of course."

She left her girlcock buried, not surprised that she barely went soft, though she did pull out as I rolled over and slid down Sabrina's thick eight inches. And that's when I had an idea, slowly riding her girlcock as I glanced at Dani. Her eyes widened as she knew what I was suggesting from my look. "Are you sure, sweetie?" she asked, hearing the concern in her tone.

"I want to try, and as Lara just made love to me, I want her two best friends to do the same thing."

Feeling Dani pressing against me as well, she ran a hand up and down my back. When she managed to get the head of her girlcock inside me, I groaned loudly, which made her stop immediately. "Are you okay, baby?" Sabrina asked softly.

"My arse feels very full," I whispered, kissing her before glancing back at Dani, "It's okay. Keep going until you're buried."

Glancing around, I noticed quite a few of my girlfriends now watching with interest as Dani slowly, ever so slowly, buried her girlcock in my arse. I was surprised and amazed at how great it immediately felt. After they both kissed me on the cheek, Dani moved up, feeling her nipples brushing against my back, as they started to move together inside me, one thrusting in, the other pulling out.

And it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

"Okay, I really love this too," Sabrina murmured, "I love feeling your girlcock rubbing against mine, Dani."

"My god, he feels so tight with your girlcock with mine inside him."

"Okay, this is really hot," Jade stated from nearby, "Just don't hurt yourself, Benji. But I guess Charlotte and Katie are enormous..."

"Feels so good, Jade," I groaned, "You and Mum..."

"Definitely, sweetie. I'll mentioned it to her when we're all up and about in the morning."

Resting on my forearms, Sabrina gazed into my eyes as I savoured the first time I had two girlcocks inside my arse together. I knew my two girlfriends were enjoying it as well, both of them moaning constantly, Dani leaving kisses up and down each cheek as she started to thrust a little faster. Sabrina found it a little more difficult with two bodies on top of her, but I could still feel her girlcock thrusting into me.

Neither were close to orgasm when Dani suggested they flip me over. She pulled out as I switched position, turning around with my back to Sabrina, lowering myself down on her girlcock and leaning back on my elbows, Jade and Vanessa grabbing my knees to pull them wider as Dani slid her girlcock back inside me.

"Dear gods, both of you fuck me!" I cried.

The two must have shared a glance as Dani leaned forward to kiss me as I felt both of them immediately start to thrust into me faster than they had before. With Sabrina's hands wrapping around my thighs so she was comfortable, I was relieved when I felt a hand wrap around my cock to stroke me off, glancing to see it was Lara, leaning over to kiss me.

"Cum for us, Benji," she whispered, "Then Sabrina and Dani are going to cum in you too. Then we all want to watch as Charlotte and Katie fuck you before Jade fucks you at midnight."

I came within a couple of minutes, Lara using her other hand to scoop up my cum, watching as she fed Dani some of it before she took the rest. That seemed to turn my two lovers on even more as Dani leaned forward, kissing me hard, and I felt her girlcock really start to pound me. When Sabrina joined in on the fun, that's when I started to feel it, but it also felt so damned good, I didn't want them to stop.

Dani was the first to ask if Sabrina was close. She grunted, replying that she was but doing her best to hold back until she felt Sabrina start to cum. Dani was the first to cum and that just set of Sabrina's orgasm, feeling both of their girlcocks throbbing with each spurt of their cum. I whimpered more than once as they pumped my arse hard, Sabrina wrapped an arm around my body and holding me against her as Dani leaned down to kiss me.

"Are you okay?" she asked once her orgasm passed.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

Feeling her pull out, her girlcock glistening with lube and cum, I carefully lifted myself off Sabrina and collapsed onto the bed. Lara cuddled me immediately as I was spooned from behind by Naomi, who'd been watching everything, groaning as she couldn't resist sliding her girlcock inside me. "I'll just leave it inside, sweetie," she whispered, "Want to feel your tight little arse around my shaft."

"I need a break," I murmured, "Lot of sex."

Naomi couldn't help moving after a couple of minutes, whispering that it was okay if she came inside me as Lara distracted me with lots of kisses. To my surprise, Naomi lasted all of five minutes before I felt her climax inside me, holding me tight against her body as she moaned. She pulled out and rolled me so I was on my back, feeling cum just flowing out of me by now, Lara continuing to cuddle with me. Looking around, some of my girlfriends had been watching but many others were still sucking and fucking each other.

"What's the time?" I wondered.


"Not long enough for Charlotte and Katie to both fuck me before midnight." Looking around, I noticed Charlotte handing out drinks. Gesturing her towards me, I explained the problem. "Why don't you, Katie and Valentina visit me one weekend soon? After Jade and I make love at midnight, I've got to be honest, I'm feeling rather sore now, and while I'd love nothing more..."

Charlotte leaned over to kiss me first. "Can we spend the night with you?"

"Of course you can. I'd love you to."

"Then that's settled. Though if you could handle it tonight, we'd love that even more."

"Let me see how I feel in an hour or so. It's been a long night and I haven't been fucked this much in a while. And part of me would love all three of you to have me in private rather than it be a public spectacle."

"And now you know why we love him," Lara stated.

I was handed another drink as I relaxed on the bed, Lara eventually walking off to find Jade. She joined me on the bed as I noticed we were now left alone, my girlfriends all hooking up together as we started the countdown towards midnight. With around ten minutes to go, Jade had me lie back as I spread my legs, looking down as she slowly slid her lovely eight inches of beautiful girlcock inside me. Leaning down to kiss me as she gently thrust into me, I couldn't help gazing into her gorgeous blue eyes. The love reflected back told me she was feeling the moment too.

"I love being inside my little brother," she moaned softly, "Best feeling ever."

"I love that my big step-sister makes love to me almost daily."

Making love with my step-sister was the best way to bring in the new year. As it approached a minute to go, I hooked my legs around her as she started to pump me faster and faster, smiling at each other as I knew what she was doing. When it came to the countdown from ten, we heard everyone around us counting down though it was white noise compared to my focus on her eyes and beating of my own heart.

When it reached zero and everyone celebrated, Jade groaned as I felt her girlcock start to spurt her cum inside me yet again, clutching each other tightly as we kissed, our love for each other expressed through actions and gestures rather than any words. They were not required in moments like that. She resumed thrusting as the celebrations continued around us, Vanessa and Bailey the first to join us on the bed to give us a new year kiss. Jade giggled but kept on thrusting all my girlfriends, including those I met only that evening, all made sure to get a kiss from me.

All except one girlfriend, who whispered into Jade's ear. "Oh sweetie, I think that's the perfect way to end the evening," my step-sister stated, giving Riley a soft kiss before siting up and pulling out of me. "Girls!" she called. They all went quiet as Jade looked down at me with a smile. "I've got the perfect way for this evening to end. It's now the new year with new resolutions. I'm sure many of you have more than one. Perhaps they involve my little brother. Riley has a couple of resolutions, but she wants to sort one out right now."

Jade moved as Riley positioned herself between my legs, leaning down to give me a soft kiss, not saying a word as she slowly kissed down my cum coated chest. Making her way to my cock, I groaned as I felt her soft lips wrap around my shaft, her head slowly moving and down as her tongue worked its magic. She only did that for a couple of minutes before she moved back up to straddle my lap.

Leaning down to kiss me, I ran my fingers up her cheek and through her hair. Lifting herself up, I felt a hand guiding me inside her incredibly tight pussy, Riley whimpering as I met her barrier very quickly. "I want you as my first both times," she whispered, "But I wanted all our girlfriends here for when you were inside me for the first time."

"Sit back and stroke yourself, sweetie," Jade instructed her, "And cover him in your cum before he fills you up. When he's ready, you should be on your back, ready to receive his gift."

"I want his babies, Jade."

Jade moved to cuddle her from behind, one of her hands moving down her body to take her girlcock in hand, other hand fondling one of Riley's lovely breasts. "He's going to have so many babies, Riley, it will verge on being ridiculous," she whispered as Riley rode me faster.

Riley turned her head to kiss my step-sister, riding me faster and faster, and I could sense she was already getting close to climax. "Oh gods!" Riley cried out, her girlcock erupting all over me, one spurt after the other landing on my chest, the first three firing long enough to land on my face. "Oh fuck!" she cried out as Jade kept pumping her girlcock until it was obvious that Riley had nothing left.

"Now that's an orgasm," Jade said before sucking her thumb and fingers clean, "And I now know why Benji loves going down on you as you're delicious."

Rolling over onto her back, Riley resumed stroking her girlcock as she remained rock hard. Thrusting gently into her, she planted her feet on the mattress and moved her hips in time to my thrusts. "Fuck me, Benji," she whimpered, "I want to feel you cum in me."

"Give me a minute," I grunted in reply, our bodies slamming together, Riley continued to stroke her girlcock faster and faster. "You going to cum again?"

The smile that formed was shy. "I want to cum with you," she replied quietly.

Slowing down, she realised what I was doing. "Will you need a little longer?" Nodding, I leaned down to kiss her. "Then it means I can take my time too."

Kissing her constantly, feeling her fingers caress my back and running through my hair with her free hand, the other hand stroking her girlcock, feeling her pussy squeezing my cock as her excitement slowly built. Our eyes were only for each other though I sensed everyone else had now stopped to watch us. Even though I'd made love to a few of my girlfriends by now, it was still a rare event for me to be making love to one of my girlfriends.

"Cum in me," she finally whispered, kissing me softly, "I'm going to cum too."


"I'm ready, Benji. I'll cum when I feel you spurt in me for the first time."

Gods bless futanari as she was absolutely right. I groaned as I felt that first spurt of cum erupt from my cock, and as soon as Riley felt that, her girlcock erupted, squealing and giggling as she came just as hard as she had earlier. Once our orgasms had passed, I left my cock buried and I did got a little softer quicker than she did, though I'll admit I pulled out and took her girlcock in my mouth to taste it before I licked up and down her chest, not surprised that she wanted me to share her cum. We made out as we cuddled together before I felt somebody pressing into my back, soft kisses against my neck.

"Had enough, sweetie?" Jade asked.

Caressing Riley's face, her eyes full of her love for me, unable to stop smiling, I admitted that it had been a fantastic night, but I was feeling rather tired after everything. Most of my girlfriends had enjoyed their evening, but a few had enjoyed some drinks and were ready to call it a night. Staying out until all hours didn't particularly interest us either.

Slowly but surely, some of them started to get dressed and made their way home. As they were 'working', for want of a better word, Valentina, Charlotte and Katie remained with us as I spent what felt like an hour sharing plenty of hugs and kisses until only Jade, Vanessa, Bailey, Casey, Chloe and Aimee remained with me, while Riley hadn't left my side, her arm constantly wrapped around my waist.

Thanking our hosts for a wonderful evening, Valentina led me out by the hand, not surprised the bar was rather quiet by the time we were ready to go. I made sure I had her number, as well as Charlotte and Katie, with a promise that I'd call and organise a time they could visit me at home. Katie and Charlotte hugged and kissed me first, hearing whispers in my ear that they were going to enjoy seeing me next time.

I noticed everyone left Valentina alone with me as I bid her goodnight. Being nearly a foot taller than me would have been awkward, thankful she took a seat on the edge of a booth seat before she pulled me in to kiss her. I couldn't resist feeling her up, making her smile when I realised that she wasn't wearing underwear, her girlcock springing up rather quickly.

"Sorry, I just had to," I whispered.

"It's okay, baby. I'm going to go home and jerk myself off something fierce. Probably do the same thing all week until I see you again."

"You feeling it too?" The blush was a surprise as she nodded somewhat shyly though her eyes never left mine. "Can you handle sharing me with so many others?"

"I know who you are, Benji," she replied, placing a hand on my chest, "So many of your girlfriends love just being in your presence. When you're with them intimately, the euphoria they feel lasts for days. The high I'm going to be experiencing after tonight is going to be intense."

"I'll be feeling the same way after what we did together."

"You enjoyed it?"

"I loved every minute, Valentina. You're a beautiful futanari and, as I always say, I know I'm a fortunate young man to have so many who love me in return."

Kissing my cheek, she wished me goodnight before the rest of us departed for the evening. Thankfully, public transport was still running with it be NYE, catching a train from Central Station home. Walking through the front door, I was amused to hear giggling and moaning from our mother's room, Jade putting a finger to her lips as we snuck towards the bedroom door, finding it wide open. Mum was busy riding Caroline's girlcock while Isabella and Miss Wilson were enjoying a sixty-nine. We snuck away before they sensed our presence. Reaching our bedrooms, Jade made sure I only went to bed with Riley. I was too tired for sex, and Riley was walking around half-asleep. Looking over the group of futagirls with my step-sister, she smirked and told me that they would only be sleeping, but they all wanted to spend New Years' Day with us.

Riley wanted nothing more than to get into bed naked and have me hold her in my arms. I did consider a shower, but once Riley was in bed, she murmured something about a shower fuck the next morning. Good enough for me and I happily fell asleep with her.

Waking the next morning, Riley was still fast asleep, kissing her cheek as she snuggled into me. "We'll get up later," she whispered, "I just want to cuddle for now."

Falling asleep again, I was woken up when I felt something poking me, opening my eyes to find Riley gazing at me, leaving a soft kiss on her lips, glancing back to see Bailey in bed behind me. Turning to kiss her too, I felt her girlcock poking me, chuckling as I knew she'd already lubed me up. "We want to fuck you together," Riley explained, "It was so hot watching you with Sabrina and Dani last night."

"You mean two in my arse again?" I gave it some thought and smiled. "Okay. I found it easier if I was reverse on whoever is underneath me. More comfortable resting back on my elbows."

Kicking off the sheets, Riley was ready for me, lowering myself down on her girlcock, hearing her moan as she used her hands to balance me until I was relaxed, feeling her soft lips on my shoulder. Once all of her nine inches were inside me, Bailey leaned forward to kiss me as I felt her girlcock also requesting entrance. I wasn't surprised that I accepted the second girlcock rather easily after everything I'd been up to the previous night.

"Fuck yes," I moaned, "Fuck me, both of you."

The three of us were soon making a lot of noise as Bailey was thoroughly enjoying herself, Riley was making a lot of noise underneath me, claiming I felt even tighter with Bailey's girlcock inside me at the same time. My mattress didn't usually make too much noise but with two futanari fucking me, we were making plenty of noise, enough to draw some attention. Surprisingly, it was my mother who walked in on us first.

"Oh baby!" she cried happily, turning to see her walking towards the bed, leaning over to kiss Bailey first before leaving a kiss on Riley's cheek, "I've wanted to share you like this for so long. You're enjoying it?"

"I love it, Mummy. But I think it could prove a little addictive."

Leaning across to kiss her, she stroked my cheek. "Would you like your mother and Caroline to share you like this?"


"Good boy. And I'll share you like with your step-sister too."

Kissing my cheek, she told us to have fun, closing the door to give us privacy. Both futagirls kept fucking me nice and hard until they both erupted inside me, Bailey smiling down at me as she pulled out and took my cock in her mouth, Riley continuing to pound me until I came in Bailey's mouth.

Not a bad way to start the day, made even better when we were joined in the shower by Aimee, Casey and Chloe, who all took turns fill my arse up with their cum before we finally washed ourselves down and dried off. Joining the rest of the family for breakfast, the table was far more crowded than usual, Aimee and Casey taking time to cuddle into me as we filled our stomachs, far hungrier than we thought.

"What next, Benji?" Mum asked.

"I have no idea, Mum, but I have a feeling this is going to be a fantastic year."