The Fall of a Good Mother and her Family by Anonymous

In a small town and hidden by the shroud of a night, an incubus groaned as he limped past several houses. He clutched his side, where a gaping wound rested, bleeding sluggishly.

By Lilith, he was starving .

For the past week, he had chased after the skirts of fair ladies, only to be chased in return by hunters seeking to claim a bounty of some sort, until he was driven out of the major cities.

Now, weakened as he was, his life force waning, he was stuck in a town in the middle of nowhere and his future was grim. He had - what? A few days left? Damn it . The incubus gritted his teeth. He needed another soul urgently - something to merge with to support his own. His eyes drifted from one window of a house, to the other, looking for one with a suitable vessel - a potent stud that could suit his corruptive abilities.

And that's when he saw her - 

A woman, in one of the houses, asleep on the bed. Her face was youthful, but lined - with crinkles at the corner of her eyes hinting at her age. The incubus's eyes narrowed at the unusually pure aura of her soul. A more innocent soul meant more power. A perfect vessel, with the exception of her sex.

But that can be fixed. 

Making up his mind, the incubus turned into a thick fog and sneaked between the gaps of the window and windowsill, surging towards the woman.

It took only a few seconds for the incubus to take control.

First, the incubus quickly sent the soul into a deeper sleep, preventing the woman from disturbing it for the moment. Then, he plucked out a few more details of the woman's life from said soul. 

The woman was 'Emma', a homemaker - no, a mother . The traditional type that married straight after high school and proceeded to give birth to a son who was now in college, before her husband passed away in an untimely fashion. Tired and lonely, desiring for more out of her life. More excitement.

A smirk formed on the incubus's features. That, he could do.

Closing his eyes and clasping Emma's soul tightly against his own, he made his move. Their auras mixed, the borders that defined souls becoming blurred as his powers crept into her pure soul - corrupting it with his influence.

In Emma's dreams, she opened her eyes to a familiar sight - a memory of a night when she had touched herself. Normally she would be ashamed - embarrassed. She had been taught many rules and one of which was that it was unbecoming for a woman to feel intimate pleasure outside of sex from a young age. It was inelegant and unladylike. But somehow this dream felt different.

For one, in place of her clit and hole, she had a penis and a large sack hanging underneath it. Stunned, Emma could only stare at it. Unease grew in her heart. Why did she have a cock? She shivered. It looked… strange. Certainly male. But, she was a woman, she shouldn't, she shouldn't have such a thing-

It's a dream

Her eyes widened. A dream…?

A dream . She shivered as the words swept over her skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. A pleasant dream just for you .

Oh . She blushed. So - it was just a dream. Her fears were unnecessary and quite silly in retrospect. But for her to dream of having a cock, she might have truly been repressing herself.

Repressed and… curious.

Emma gulped. She eyed her cock. It looked daunting and unfamiliar but - pleasing. Something within her itched to touch it. But-

She chewed her bottom lip. Emma was brought up in a strict family and her lessons in her youth centered on not touching her folds or clit - both of which were rules she had violated and felt guilt over. Her dear Thomas also never wanted her to pleasure his cock or taste him directly - claiming doing so would tarnish her purity, no matter whom she was servicing. Ever since her dear Thomas died, Emma clung onto his ideal of her with desperation.

However, this was just a dream, right…? Would she really be impure for touching herself. For touching a cock? Hesitantly, she reached down, tentatively gripping the shaft.

Instantly, pleasure shot up her spine and a moan escaped her lips before she could stop herself. It felt- good. New and different, but… not bad, exactly. In fact, it felt better than touching her pussy. Eyes bright with this new source of enjoyment, Emma began stroking herself. Again and again - each movement more aggressive, faster, than the one before.

Precum beaded and slid down from her bulbous head, slicking her hands. 

Good, so good -! Emma mewled, a delirious smile tugging at her lips. She felt alive - her dick throbbing as she masturbated furiously.

It didn't take long before she came. Her balls drew up as cum erupted out of her cock in thick, musky ribbons. Shocked, she tried to withdraw her hand, only for the pleasure to hit her and her eyes immediately rolled back into her skull, her expression frozen into a rictus of pleasure, mouth agape.

It was incredible - better than playing with her cunt, better than her husband making love to her - she could hardly believe it.

Emma wanted more .

Licking her lips, Emma dove back in - grabbing and tugging at her cock furiously. Excited as she was, she didn't notice the dark presence watching her.

From a corner of Emma's soulscape, the incubus grinned. He was pleasantly surprised at how quickly his new vessel had succumbed to the debauchery. For such a matronly figure, Emma hid lust so potent it was enough to feed a succubus. And it was exactly the type of lust an incubus would possess.

Now, for the final touches.

The incubus snapped his fingers.

In the real world, whilst Emma was lost in her lewd dream, her body began to change.

Her ovaries pulsed, being pulled down by a supernatural force. The eggs inside them were erased to make room for virile seed. Emma's fertile womb, in which she had nurtured her child for nine months, shrivelled up, cells dying, becoming barren and useless. The slick cunt she prided herself on, dried up and narrowed until it closed up entirely. Her puffy labia forcibly smoothed over, flesh knitting together. her folds smoothening over into nothing more than a shallow dip in her flesh before her perineum. The nerves in and around it were shifted to her swelling clit.

Her clit, like the rest of Emma's body, had been small and unobtrusive. Demure.

But as it grew, the feminine organ became something much less elegant. The length pushed against the fabric of her panties, forming an indecent bulge. Pulsating veins grew along the shaft. The delicate pink shade - the same colour of her womanhood - darkened into a deep, ruddy red. Glans flared and testes bulged with seed.

Asleep, Emma had no idea that from her pelvis hung an obscene rod of flesh that was distinctly masculine in contrast to the rest of her softer form. 

But the incubus was not done yet.

He then gently poked at the woman's mind, rewiring a few neurons, focusing on the pleasure center of her brain. It wasn't much. But to avoid unnecessary trouble, and to ensure that his vessel remained lustful and virile, such a change would alter Emma permanently to never return to the homely mother she once was.

Grinning, the incubus then retreated into the woman's soulscape.

Emma awoke, feeling oddly refreshed. She had just had a strange but wonderful dream. Having a cock was something she had never thought about but she must have missed her husband more than she thought for her subconscious to conjure up a dream of such a reality. Though - it had been nothing like her dear Thomas. 

The sensation of touching it, the bliss of coming - it was so different - better, if she were honest with herself. Enough to make her yearn for more.

But dreams were merely dreams. Emma sighed, her heart heavy with disappointment as she headed to the bathroom. Perhaps she should use that vibrator Thomas got her - or get a new one? Something to take the edge off.

Decisions, decisions . She hummed in thought, as she undressed, letting her cock spring free from the confines of her panties. It slapped against her inner thigh, nearly reaching her knee. So similar to the one in her dream-

Emma blinked. She rubbed her eyes.

Nothing changed.

To Emma's astonishment, a cock like the one she possessed in her dream hung from her groin. It was large - virile . Twice the length of her dear Thomas's, and as thick as her wrist. A pair of sizable testes complemented her new addition.

Stunned, she touched it gently and shivered. Warmth radiated from her phallus - a few degrees higher than her own body temperature. She could feel it - it was as if it was an extension of her own body, and it was . It was her cock, her penis. The thought was giddying and impossibly arousing - her cock twitching in response to her thoughts.

But-  Emma frowned. The situation was - abnormal though. She didn't have a penis before, much less one so obviously large. Troubled, she bit her bottom lip, wondering about what to do. Maybe she should go to the doctor's? Oh, but the thought of them possibly removing it - she shuddered in revulsion. 

Still, she had to do something.

Blood was rushing to her nethers as she caressed the length, lost in thought. Subconsciously, Emma remembered the motions in her dream and replicated them in real life as if it was second nature to her. Her member swelled, curving towards her belly. Her testes were plump with seed.

When she noticed her erection, she quickly pulled her hand away with a cry. Oh no! What had she done! Horrified, Emma gripped her errant hand tightly.

Breaking one of the rules her Thomas had set out for her - to pleasure herself! And yet-

Her erection twitched. She eyed it, her heart heavy with disappointment in herself and yet, there was a new emotion…


Satisfaction at touching herself, her cock. Her member was so wonderfully sensitive that Emma could feel a familiar heat coiling inside her stomach, waiting to be unleashed.

Emma licked her lips. She dimly recalled the sensation of coming from her cunt. The orgasm Thomas gifted her was lovely, of course, but lacklustre. Incomplete. It paled in comparison to a mere dream of coming with her cock - the sensation of her balls drawing up as semen sprayed from her urethra too incredible to forget.

She wanted that. Longed for it. But doing so would tarnish her purity, wouldn't it? She would no longer be the pure, saintly 'Emma' Thomas loved.

Emma's brows furrowed. Normally, she would feel torn over the decision.

But unbeknownst to her, the incubus's possession had addled her senses and distorted her sensibilities. Her libido had been heightened to a level similar to his. The longer she went without a release, the stronger the pull of it became until she would pursue it above all else.

As the minutes ticked by, Emma found her attention scattering, her breaths deepening. No - she had to focus! She slapped her cheeks. But her mind refused to obey her command. It kept returning to the fact she had a very obvious erection, and soon, Emma didn't bother to suppress her errant thoughts anymore.

Unbidden, a whine rose from her throat. Her hips jerked once, twice - desperate for friction. Even the cool air felt good but it wasn't enough .

Panic filled her breast.

In one last ditch attempt at preserving her purity, Emma gripped the base of her cock tightly, thinking that surely- surely the pain would stop her arousal. To her horror, the opposite occurred and pleasure sparked from that mere touch. She gasped and, shocked as she was, accidentally brought her other hand to her erection as well. Sweat beaded on her brow as she clasped her cock, tugged at it, while sometimes thumbing the bulbous head, anything to make it stop-

But inexperienced as she was, her actions only drove her to depravity.

Emma whimpered, the coil of pleasure in her abdomen tightening despite her efforts. "Oh god, oh god-!" The overwhelming sensations were unbelievable - a tide threatening to pull her under

She moved her hands rapidly up and down her shaft, pulling at her ballsack, desperately trying to hold back her release. The dual sensation of disappointment from perverting her vow to her dear Thomas, and pleasure from said perversion spurred on her movements.

She held her legs open and leaned forward and with the new angle, began furiously thrusting her cock into the hole created by her hands. Something deep within Emma's mind, rewired by the incubus, lit up at this new position. Her mind blanked. Beads of precum rolled down her shaft and smoothened every stroke, the slick sound music to her ears. 

"Ah, ah, ah-!" Emma moaned. "So good, so goood !"

Drool escaped a corner of her mouth as her pace grew more aggressive. The motherly widow was practically feral, her entire mind focused on coming. Yet, not once had she tried to touch her pussy, with all her attention devoted to her cock. Emma's balls bounced as her hips pounded the air as if it were something she could fuck - and wasn't that a nice thought? She licked her lips. It might be good to have a nice warm hole she could use whenever she felt like it, something to fill, to breed -

Emma's eyes widened. She realised her mistake too late.

It was akin to Thomas's favourite position. Emma gasped in horror at this realisation. She was desecrating his memory and his ideal of her without even trying to resist - a concept so nasty, so perverted, that she- that she never wanted to stop .

And with that thought, the part of Emma that was pure and innocent finally died.

"Thomaaas!" she cried out, her words slurring. "Thomas! Ah- ah! I'm so- ah! I'm soooo sorry- ooooh !"

Pleasure crashed into her. She screamed as cum poured out of her cock in thick, mighty spurts, staining the walls, the floors. Her body shook and fell apart in her ecstasy as she continued to come, eyes rolling back in her head. There was so much of it that the scent of musk filled her bathroom, her lungs heavy with the new incense.

It took several minutes before the flood of cum stopped.

Emma panted. She was sitting in a puddle of her own cum, her nightgown soaked with sweat and her fluids. Her heart was still beating a mile a second, her head spinning. Slowly, she brought up a finger soaked in her cum, and brought it to her lips.

She moaned as she tasted her own seed. Another violation of her vows. But this time, instead of guilt weighing her down, a perverted smile stretched across her motherly features. "Sorry, Thomas," she purred, eyes darkening. "Looks like I can no longer be your pure wife."



Emma spent the next few days exploring new ways to use her cock.

Her sex toy collection had previously consisted of only one, decades-old vibrator - something her dear Thomas had bought her and they had used together. It still sat in her drawer but buried underneath a mountain of fleshlights, cock rings, cages, and sounding rods.

The fleshlights were her favourite - worn underneath her dresses in place of an actual pair of panties, and used several times throughout the day. The first time she plunged into a wet fleshlight, she had come so hard that her vision almost turned black. Even knowing it was a fake pussy didn't erase the pleasure of fucking one.

She silently thanked the odd voice for suggesting such a useful item - it had cropped up a while after a prolonged masturbatory session, and was nothing but helpful in coming up with new purchases to pleasure herself. 

As a result, the hours she spent awake were covered in a haze of hedonism and post-orgasmic bliss. Even asleep, she simply wore a warm fleshlight to bed.

But everything had to come to an end eventually

And hers came in the form of a much-awaited visit.



Emma hummed merrily to herself as she skipped around the house. A good, morning orgasm had not failed to perk her up for the day, and it was a special day, indeed. She carefully adjusted a portrait of her son beaming as he received his Bachelor's degree. 

You seem happy

"That's because my son's coming back," Emma sighed happily. Her sweet boy.

Your son? 

"Elliot," she checked the bolognese sauce. Perfect. "He's finished his PhD so he's coming back home. It's been a while since I've last seen him." She frowned at the thought.

The incubus raised an eyebrow. Do tell

"It's all because of that dominating woman he married," Emma grimaced. "Iris. They married a year ago and she doesn't want a kid, doesn't want to do the housework - she only wants to work, work, work." 

The incubus's eyebrows skirted his hairline. There was more to the story that she wasn't sharing. For the first time since possessing Emma, a fog of envy formed around him in her soulscape - a deep, luscious red, that was the exact shade of a lover's jealous fits of rage. But before he could inquire on that, a chill ran down his spine.

He spun around, eyes wide. But there was no one else in Emma's soulscape but him and her dormant soul. 

What the fuck …? He muttered. Was he losing his marbles?

Yet, that pulsing power was undeniable despite the lack of anyone else being present. The incubus grimaced; Emma's lust hadn't been enough to restore him to his full power. If they were cornered now-

The sound of footsteps drew his and Emma's attention. The incubus narrowed his eyes then immediately recoiled as he felt the presence - nearing them? But who? How?

"That must be Elliot!" Emma's heart soared. She rushed towards the door.

The incubus inhaled sharply. No, hold on, don't-

Despite his warning, the door opened.

All at once, the protest died from his tongue, lust rising from deep within his being - so strong it was dizzying. The incubus stumbled back, blood rushing to his cock. What the hell… he licked his lips, breathing heavily. His reaction was unnatural - he should be influencing others into falling in lust, and besides that, not many incubi prefer men. And yet - he felt every cell in his body sing at the sight of this man standing in the doorway of Emma's house.

Said man was decently tall and had tousled, pale hair. His eyes were mesmerizing pools of blue that drew the incubus in. The deep 'v' of his shirt revealed a tantalizing stretch of skin that the incubus yearned to lick, to worship.

Yet, the thing that made the incubus stop short of possessing Emma entirely to ravish him was the allure radiating from the man's very form. It felt- familiar. Not quite the same as his own but- similar.

It can't be-

Distantly, the incubus was aware of Emma's arousal.

With years of repression behind her and having just awakened to her own lustful desires, Emma couldn't quite suppress her own reaction - the cock twitching underneath her dress. She had to bit back a moan when Elliot stepped forward, lean arms embracing her.

"Mama," Emma shivered at his hot breath brushing her earlobe. "It's so good to see you again."

"You-you too," she gasped. God , his scent was wonderful. She didn't recall him smelling this good .

"I've missed you. Have you missed me?"

"Like oxygen, sweetie," Emma promised shakily. "There wasn't a day that went past without me thinking about you." 

A deep chuckle stoked the fire in her loins. She flushed as her member hardened and subtly adjusted herself. "I'm happy to hear that, Mama."

"Oh-you are?" Emma squeaked. So close to him, she could feel the enticing heat of his body and yearned to rock against it. She was struggling to fight that urge when she found herself being abruptly pushed away.

"Baby," she murmured, confused and hurt and a little bit worried. "What's wrong…?" Did I do something?

No… nothing, the voice assured her.

"Nothing's wrong, Mama," Elliot gave her a quick grin and Emma found herself calming down. Her cock, however, stiffened even more. "I'm just- a bit tired. Maybe we can talk later after I settle down?" 

Oh . That's it. Slightly disappointed, Emma nevertheless understood. "It's been a long trip, hasn't it?" she mused.

"A good three-hour trip," Elliot agreed.

"Oh well - it can't be helped then." Emma nodded. She carefully clasped her hands over her groin. "We can catch up at dinner instead?"

"Definitely," he promised, eyes sparkling. "Your bolognese is the best - I can't possibly miss it, can I?"

"W-well," Emma flushed and coughed. "As long as you know that."

Elliot grinned boyishly. Pecking her cheek, he hefted his bag over his shoulder and headed to his room. 

Leaving Emma alone with the incubus.

Emma, who lifted the hem of her dress as soon as he was out of her line of sight. Emma, whose attention became focused on her swollen cock, bulging the fleshlight she had picked. Emma, who didn't hesitate to begin furiously jacking off in the middle of the living room, her lungs filled with Elliot's scent.

God. God. God-! Emma panted, delirious. He had grown so well .

When Elliot had left for college all those years ago, he had been a somewhat shy, precious boy. Emma hadn't had the heart to stop him but he was her baby, her child. The last trace of Thomas left in her world. When he left, the only thing Emma had to look forward to was possibly him returning to become a man similar to his father.

He wasn't. He wasn't like Thomas at all.

Elliot's body was slender - skin soft and pliant. The lips he kissed her with were full and smooth - no scratchy stubble on his jaw whatsoever. Saliva pooled in Emma's mouth at the thought of his childbearing hips. And that tiny waist! She wanted to wrap her hands around it, tug him close-

No, no-! Emma shook her head, delicate curls flying about her face, and whimpered. How could she think such thoughts about her darling boy?

But, maybe, just maybe, they could take a bath together, just like in the old days…

She could scrub him down, 'accidentally' touch somewhere she shouldn't have. Elliot wouldn't mind, he missed her, didn't her? She wouldn't be tarnishing her boy that way. Emma nodded to herself, perverse plans taking root in her brain.

That she didn't hesitate at such ideas was a testament to how far Emma's addiction to pleasure had become. The incubus, however, was a little unnerved. He hadn't altered Emma's mind so much that she would jump at the thought of fucking her son, yet here they were. 

The incubus's mind went to the 'human' man and he frowned. Was that really your boy?

Was he?! "Y-yes- oh!" Emma moaned. "He's mine! My handsome, ah, sweet boy-"

Handsome, wasn't exactly the word the incubus would use. The allure the boy held was supernatural. But incubi did not attract other incubi easily; they prefer the act of conquering rather than being taken. The incubus's frown deepened. He's… something, I guess

Emma didn't reply and the incubus didn't push her to. Before long, his vessel was coming over the floorboards, and the fog around him, in her soulscape, turned a lighter, seductive pink.



Dinner was much of the same. Uncontrollable lust took hold of Emma's mind and her cock was insatiable. Her erection was pressed against the underside of the table, the rough grain rubbing against her glans and bringing her to completion twice. She struggled to keep herself under control, desperately hoping Elliot wouldn't notice and he hadn't - but that was because her son kept talking about his friends, his grades, Iris, while Emma was right there. The mere mention of that woman's name was aggravating, but bringing her up to Emma after so many years apart?

As a mother, surely she deserved her son's full attention?

Yet even her coy attempts to change the discussion barely got a reaction from him.

It was vexing, nerve-wracking and Emma barely held herself together by the time her boy offered to do the dishes.

Marching off to her bedroom in a huff, Emma barely remembered to close the door behind her before rummaging around in her box of toys. She barely registered the voice stirring in the back of her mind. What are you looking for?

"The new fleshlight I bought," Emma muttered. It had vibrating and warming functions and Emma wanted nothing more than to fuck a hot, wet hole, and feel it spasm around her dick. She deserved after such a terrible reunion.

What was a son worth if he couldn't even entertain some discussion with his own mother? She grumbled to herself.

Spotting a bright violet fleshlight, Emma crowed in triumph. She turned it on and flipped the hem of her dress up, not even bothering to remove her clothes before squeezing her cock into the fleshlight. Inch after inch of her veiny member disappeared. Tender silicone walls massaged and teased her meat. Emma moaned as she slid the fleshlight up and down her phallus, heat budding in her abdomen and-


Nothing. Nothing happened.

It felt nice, but hardly anything special. Dismayed, Emma removed the fleshlight and tossed it to the side, reaching for another. Trying it on, she awaited the familiar heat once more only for her to feel nothing . What -? Frustrated, Emma went for a simpler fleshlight - a cocksleeve. Then, another fleshlight. Another. On and on and on.

None of them worked. None of them. Why?!

Her confusion and frustration were echoed by the incubus, who couldn't believe his eyes.

There should have been another week or so, as Emma acclimated to her cock, before the incubus steered her onto lewder, more obscene acts through his powers. Many less-pure souls can stick with mere toys for up to a month. Yet from the looks of it, his vessel had become desensitized to the feeling of fucking a fake pussy and was ready to move on to the real thing already. Not even a young incubus would have graduated so fast.

It wasn't normal.

Troubled, the incubus peered into Emma's soul once more. And there he found it - a pink barrier surrounding the pleasure center of her brain which was… blocking any signals sent from her cock?

Eyebrows skirting his hairline, the incubus was bewildered by the sight. He had never seen such magic before.

He attempted to poke the shield, only to hiss and retreat almost immediately. Scowling at his now-burnt hand, he was now growing uncomfortably aware of the possibility that he may be out of his league here. And worse, Emma's behaviour was growing increasingly erratic.

In the real world, unable to get off and with none of her other toys helping, Emma was left with no other choice but to grip her penis with her bare hands. She harshly slammed her hips forward, swollen testicles bouncing with each thrust. Her bosom heaved. Saliva slipped from the corners of her mouth and dripped down her jaw, her eyes wild, hair a mane of messy curls. A low snarl vibrated up her throat, the sound animalistic.

"Want- to- urgh - come! Fuck, let me come, come, come!" Red crept into her vision, her mind reduced to a single, bestial goal, and being prevented from achieving that goal was driving her feral. No matter how she tried, it wasn't enough.

The incubus hissed. Things were spinning out of his control. This was the worst-case scenario. Desperate, he concentrated all his power on another part of Emma's brain. This time, he didn't rewire or change anything, but focused on one, simple command-


Emma gasped. The command went off like a firework and, like a marionette with her strings cut, she slumped down, falling awkwardly towards her bed.

Chest heaving with exertion, the incubus groaned. By Lilith's tits, he felt absolutely exhausted. Worn out beyond comparison, the incubus decided to deal with everything else tomorrow and closed his eyes, his breaths slowing.



A few hours later, deep in Emma's soulscape, the incubus found himself waking up in the middle of the night. Grumbling, he gazed around him, searching for a hint concerning the disturbance. He was still surrounded by pink fog; Emma's soul hadn't changed from the time he fell asleep; he was… still weak. Same old, same old.

He swore loudly.

Though - there was something new. The incubus's nose twitched as he recognising a beguiling, sweet scent invading the soulscape. A feminine voice giggled. He tensed, blood pumping through his ears. Quietly, his fingers transformed into gnarly claws, ready to tear out the throat of the invader-

Only for said presence to curl up against his soul.

The incubus nearly jumped, not having expected that touch. He growled and raised his claws to attack, then froze when that same, invisible presence stroked the back of his neck. A warning… no, a seduction?

What …?

Thoroughly confused, the incubus eyed the soulscape, trying to look for any distortion in the pink fog - a sign the other demon was near. Nothing. Even as pleasure crept through his veins, potent and strong, he could not see a hair of the other spirit or demon.

The incubus bit back a moan as he felt a soft hand cup his cock - phantom fingers pressing deliciously against the glans while fangs nibbled his earlobe. The fog became denser as the distinct sensation of warm, hot folds slid against his shaft. Beckoning the incubus to thrust into that warmth. His breath hitched. Could it be…?

His traitorous heart sped up.

He could be wrong. It could be trick of some powerful demoness but- by Lilith, he hoped he wasn't. By some ungodly, sinful, miracle, if he was right as to the identity of the demoness possessing Emma's 'perfect' son, then they could be his perfect counterpart, the perfect partner .

The incubus licked his lips. "Darling ," he cooed, his voice low. " Enough games. Won't you show yourself to me?"

His heart hammered in his chest as the same feminine voice giggled, high and breathy. There was no change it would work and, maybe the other demoness would find it unappealing for an incubus to beg; they were, after all, conquerors. He had an inkling though that this demoness might acquiesce.

And- to his eternal delight, she did,

A ghostly form began to materialise in his lap. The incubus held his breath as his hands were guided to a pair of wide hips, then, a ballerina-thin waist. Two pairs of batlike wings arched high above his head, decorated with small chains of precious stones. Deceptively slender arms wrapped around his shoulders, pressing a full chest pressed against his.

It was better than anything he had ever imagined. His heart soared as the beautiful succubus smiled at him.

" Hello, dearest," she purred.

"Hello to you too," he breathed.



Emma woke up tired, horny, and with a crick in her neck. Her hair was a rat's nest and to her embarrassment, she realised she forgot to shower before falling asleep.

Wrinkling her nose, she jumped into her bathroom, quickly stripped, and turned on her showerhead. She sighed in relief as the gentle spray soothed the ache in her muscles. Maybe she was more tired than she had thought ? Dismissing it, Emma shrugged and reached for her usual lotion, slathering her erection with it and- oh . Oh no.

The memories of close to an hour of jerking off without being able to come slammed into her.

Emma stared at her penis and gulped. Surely, surely, whatever happened had resolved itself by now?

Tentatively, she circled a hand around the shaft. Nothing. No. No… 

In despair, she tried to poke the voice in her head for help - but, no answer came.

Fuck. Emma grimaced. She quickly freshened up, not even bothering with a fleshlight - just threw on a simple shift dress which tented lewdly over her pelvis.

Heading downstairs, each step made her keenly aware of the heavy member bobbing between her thighs, how swollen her testicles were with cum. She didn't realise how accustomed she was to being able to come until she couldn't. And now she was severely pent up, it was all she cared about.

Emma drifted from one kitchen counter to the other, pouring flour, mixing eggs and sugar, while every cell in her body yearned for release. She knew she was addicted - and coming down from such a high was hard. But she had to deal with it. Sniffling, Emma smacked her cheeks and centered her thoughts on her son. Right. He was back. The least she could do was make the usual pancakes every morning they'll spend together. Plus- she had been rude to him last night, hadn't she? Not even thanking her boy for offering to wash the dishes, all alone.

Bent over the sink, his waist arched as he groaned, cleaning one dish after another with his warm, warm hands…

Emma's eyes fogged over.

She should-apologise. With something special. When he was a kid, he liked drinking her breast milk. They bonded over the nourishment her body produced for him, the first sign of her motherly affection. But even though Emma still loved her boy with all her heart, she had since run dry. There had to be something else she could use.

Her gaze drifted to her cock. Emma palmed her groin, feeling the weight of testicles heavy with seed in her hands. A wet spot formed on her dress.

Semen was rich in protein, wasn't it? Emma dimly remembered that fact as she rubbed the underside of her glans. And her cum was so thick and virile, obviously it would be even more nutritious than milk.

Mommy's cream for a growing boy.

Yes. Cream. Her boy needs mommy's cream. Dazed, Emma pulled her cock out, the length wet with precum, and pointed the tip at her mixing bowl. Instead of the aggressive, selfish masturbatory sessions she had before, this time, with her mind revolving around obtaining cum to feed her son, she went with light, teasing strokes. Knowing that her testicles were the vital source of her 'nutrients', Emma massaged them gently, coaxing them to produce more 'cream' to fill her Elliot's belly.

So distracted with her task that she didn't notice the mental blockade on her mind had been removed - her rigid member throbbing in her hands as Emma slowly milked herself. The nerves in her cock responded, sending signals to the pleasure center of her brain that stimulated it once more.

It took a good few minutes before Emma brought herself to completion. She sighed in joy as thick globs of cum slid into the bowl, each more fluid than the last as her pent-up semen was finally getting released. When she finished, Emma grabbed the bowl and her other ingredients and prepared to shift into high gear. A good mother needs to make use of her cream while it is still fresh, after all.

Besides - armed with a recipe and all the ingredients she needed, she felt good. Able to make the best pancakes Elliot has ever tasted.

Brimming with confidence, Emma glanced at the bowl to determine how much to measure out. Then she did a double take.

It was almost full with her cum. That was- a lot. And then she remembered, and her jaw dropped-

Wait. Wait, wait wait. Did she just -?

You came. Congrats, the voice said dryly.

Because I was thinking of Elliot …? Emma thought uncertainly.

Yup. A pause. You- truly love that man, don't you?

She does - as any mother loves their son-

Or rather, that would be the answer she would have given normally. But there was something else besides maternal love she could recognise.

Emma placed a fist over her chest. "Yes," she said softly. "I suppose I really do."



With her erection taken care of, Emma was a bit more clear-headed while setting the dining room table. At the last minute, she went upstairs and grabbed a simple cockring to wear - preventing her from being distracted during their discussion. Just thinking about the rich details of Elliot's life she missed last night made her embarrassed.

But she was determined to make things right.

She held her breath when she saw Elliot walk downstairs. His eyes lit up at the sight of the pancakes, looking like the shy child whom she sent off to college. Emma blinked away her tears. Her boy had truly grown up. It made Emma's heart ache sometimes with what she now recognised to be yearning for Elliot. For her boy.

"Mama," Elliot breathed, a breathtaking smile stretching across his lips. "Are those- pancakes?"

"Your favourite," just for fun, she placed her hands on her hips and pouted. "Honestly! What a son you are, to prefer pancakes over my good ol' bolognese!"

"Oh, haha… sorry, Mama," Elliot's smile turned bashful. "Your bolognese is good, but pancakes are the best."

"You're lucky I love you," she sighed, accepting her son's kiss.

"I'm lucky to have you too, Mama," Elliot echoed, happily settling into his seat. "Now, pancakes time."

Emma watched as her son carved out a tiny sliver of pancake and plopped it into his mouth. He chewed slowly, eyes closing.

Emma held her breath. "How was it?"

"Hmm," Elliot swallowed. His brows knitted. "It tasted good but…"

"But…?" she encouraged

"But different, I guess?"

Different. Emma's heart dropped. "'Good' different, or 'bad' different?"

"Mama," Elliot rolled his eyes as he went in for another bite. "Your pancakes are always delicious. There's just- something off about these, don't you think?"

"Something?" Had she messed up somewhere? Emma worried her bottom lip. "Too flat maybe? I did put in less baking powder this time around."

Elliot shook his head. "Nope. You can't see it?" At her negative, he sighed. "Come, maybe you need a closer look?"

Was it that serious? Brow creasing, Emma nodded.

She walked over to her son, making a noise as he tugged her arm until she was pressed against his side. Leaning over the table, she peered at his plate. "I don't see anything wrong through."

"Really? Nothing?" Elliot raised an eyebrow. "Mama, you might need glasses."

Emma gasped. "H-hey, now, I'm still young…" at her son's laugh, something in her chest eased. She huffed. "So what's wrong?"

"The toppings, Mama," Elliot grinned as he poked at his noticeably plain pancakes with a fork. "No honey, no maple syrup, not even butter? Since when are pancakes served without butter or any sauces?"

"Oh- Oh !" Emma flushed. She prepared everything perfectly except for butter and maple syrup. How uncharacteristic of her to forget. "Oops. Sorry, darling, let me get it-"

"No need."

"-for you - huh?"

Elliot smiled up at her. "No need," he said. "You have it right here, don't you?"

Emma glanced at the table, her brows furrowing. There wasn't much of anything besides salt and pepper shakers. "I don't think I do, though- oooh?!"

Her voice broke off in a moan. Shocked, her eyes darted down. There was something warm and tight clutched around her groin, and she wondered what on earth happened - didn't she wear a cockring, not a fleshlight - only to see a familiar hand. Her gaze followed the hand upwards, seeing a watch-covered wrist, long, lithe arms, and a gently smiling face.

"Elliot…?" Emma gazed at him, stunned. 

"Yes you do." Elliot repeated. He gave a long stroke of her shaft, and Emma shuddered. "You have it right here, don't you, Mama? Your own special sauce."

"E-Elliot." Emma ducked her head, face flushed. "Ah- ah , stop, you shouldn't-"

"But why? You put it in my pancakes, didn't you? God, you tasted so good ." Elliot purred.

"You could… taste it?" she gasped. She had thought she mixed it well but to think Elliot could taste her cream, her cum-

He laughed, the sound higher, breathier. "Oh, could I ever?"

-And he wanted more.

Emma groaned. She didn't stop Elliot as he lifted the hem of her dress, exposing everything she had been trying to hide from him. 

She gulped as he drank in the sight of her thick, girthy cock and virile testicles. The same, sweet scent from before intensified.

"God, Mama," Calloused fingers drifted over her length, thumbing her cockhead, caressing her balls."You're so big…"

"T-thank you- ohh !" Emma squealed as plump lips kissed her glans, a sly tongue digging into her urethra. " Oh, hrngh, hah , stop, st-oooh!"

"You've been, ah , using this frequently, haven't you?"

"How- how can you tell?"

"I could smell you."

"S-smell me?!"

"Your cock is so- harh-" Lick. "Damn." Kiss. "Musky. It's so hot." A moan slipped from Elliot's mouth.

Emma could hardly believe what she was hearing - the lewd, obscene noises her son was making. She nearly jumped when Elliot slipped her cockhead into his mouth, several inches of dick disappearing past his lips. Her cheeks heated as she could feel hot, tight wetness around her cock.

Her son was giving her oral. Her son was pleasuring her cock. Her son was-!!

Emma felt as if her brain was melting. "Stop! It's dirty, ah, my son shouldn't be sucking on a penis-! Bad boy, bad, b- oooohh!"

Her eyes rolled up in her head as Elliot hummed - his throat vibrating around her dick like the best fleshlight she never had.

"Ah, ohh, stop," Emma tried to go for a more authoritative tone, but there ended up being little heat in her words. In fact, she accidentally rocked forward, dring another few inches of her cock down his throat. "Ahh, no, no, s-stop, ah, hrngh -!"

Taking pity on her, Elliot pulled away from her dick. 

Emma took the chance to lightly smack him on his shoulder.

Elliot merely laughed. "Sorry, Mama," he croaked, his eyes blown. Saliva slipped from a corner of his mouth. "I couldn't resist anymore."

"You-!" Panting, cheeks aflame, Emma was barely holding to the last vestiges of her control.

Her cock was painfully hard, precum weeping from the tip. Her balls felt uncomfortably full, stuffed full of semen. She needed to come. There was no question about it.

As if he could hear her thoughts, Elliot grinned. He directed her cockhead towards his stack of pancakes, ignoring her feeble protests. The pancakes were still warm - heat radiated from them and curled around her sensitive glans, mimicking the hot throat she was just in. Her dick twitched, precum splashing onto the pancakes.

"Mama," Emma shivered as her son gentled his actions, alternating between long pumps and shorter tugs at her cock, her balls. "Please, Mama… you taste so, so good. "

"Elliot…" Emma groaned, her back arching.

"You've been resisting me since yesterday," Elliot crooned. "Aren't you tired?"

Frustrated tears beaded in her eyes. She was. 

"I'm here, ready and waiting. It's okay, isn't it?"

Emma hiccuped.

"I love you, Mama," Elliot confessed.

And with that, the last of her inhibitions fell away.

Slowly, she found herself thrusting her hips without Elliot's encouragement, grinding her cock into the hole created by her boy's hands. Sometimes, squishing the fat, bulbous cockhead into his pancakes. Pancakes made with her seed, which will rest within his belly.

Yes … Emma moaned, the idea of nourishing her son in such a raunchy way more appealing with every second that passed. Every rational thought fled her brain as she became fixated on that one concept.

"There you go, Mama," Elliot breathed. "There you go…"

Emma's hips sped up. Veins pulsated eagerly along her length as she repeatedly drove her turgid cock repeatedly driven into the stack of pancakes. All the while, she could sense Elliot's singular focus on her and her alone - practically taste the sweetness of his scent as she furiously jacked off her girldick before his eyes.

And yet, Elliot's gaze was… loving. Adoring , even. He had eaten her cum without problem and was acting as if the sight of her forever desecrating his earliest memories of her nurturing, gentle presence was the most beautiful thing he had ever witnessed.

Emma's eyes rolled up into her head.

Her boy was truly perfect.

"How does it feel, Mama?" Elliot asked breathily, starry-eyed.

Need he even ask? A delirious smile tugged at her lips. "So, so good." she moaned. She could feel her peak approaching - balls drawing up tightly against her body, her meaty cock pulsing. "Ah, ah, I- I'm close!"

"Yes, Mama," Elliot cooed. "Give me your cum, cover me in it, come on-"

With a sharp cry, jets of white, hot cum spilled out of Emma's cock. Her thick load utterly drenched the perfectly cooked pancakes. Layers and layers of her seed coated the pancakes, rivers of white slipping down the sides, and pooling together at the base like a mini-moat of cum. coating them in layers and layers of seed, before overflowing and staining the table. A few stray droplets even splattered onto Elliot's hands and face.

Eventually, within the next few minutes, the stream of cum eased into a river, then tiny spurts. 

Elliot waited until the last drop of cum was wrung out of her before letting her go.

Knees shaking and utterly spent, Emma flopped into a chair at her boy's side. Her awareness of what just happened slowly came back to her. She flushed at the sheer amount of cum she produced - after she had just made Elliot's pancakes an hour prior. Was her body that virile? Or was it because of Elliot …?

Shaking her head, Emma turned towards her boy, only to witness Elliot lapping up her semen like a puppy.

Emma blinked, stunned. "Baby," she reached out and tugged on his sleeve. "You don't have to do that… the 'sauce' is on the pancakes… "

A satisfied groan erupted from Elliot's mouth, causing goosebumps to rise all over Emma's arms. "I'm not wasting any of it, Mama." he argued and- well . Emma couldn't really dissuade him after hearing that, could she?

Her heart still pounding, Emma watched as her boy devoured her cum. She felt a vague sense of… comfort. 

Somehow, this felt was the beginning of something new.

Emma smiled, her chest light.



Deep in Emma's soulscape, where the fog had long since lifted, the incubus's body was practically vibrating with excitement. He braced himself when he saw the other demon.

They met in a clash of tongue and teeth, growling and moaning as they tumbled to the floor. The incubus desperately wanted to plunge into her, to feel the demoness's body rippling around him, but no- not yet.

Growling, he forcibly pulled himself off her body before she could claw him.

The succubus giggled. Lips swollen and eyes ablaze with fresh passion, she was brimming with the satisfaction of corrupting Elliot's soul even further. Incest is truly the balm of the soul. She purred. " You did well, my darling ."

The incubus sighed. "But not enough?"

" Have patience, dear ." He hissed as a sharp nail teased his cock. Minx. " My preparations are complete. The next week is going to be fun, I promise ."

" After all," eyes glowing with infernal flame, the succubus's grin sharpened. " No relationship is complete without a little conflict ."
