Naruto Make-Out Heroes: Futa edition Chapter 12: My Kaa-chan's birthday part-2 By Fox King jm

Last time, it was Kushina's birthday; Naruto and Kushina were done making love like they always had and were getting ready for tonight's party. Kushina knew that the party was going to be boring, and would instead be in bed having her way with her son/lover. But Kushina knew that some of her friends were going to be there, so Kushina just sucked it up. It was around 8:00 o'clock, and everyone was ready for Kushina to blow out the candles.

"Happy birthday, Kushina." Minato said, as he kissed her on the cheek.

To Kushina, Minato's kisses had no love in them. They were dull and plain, like the many years she always spent alone.

"Happy birthday, Kaa-chan." Naruto said, as he kissed Kushina's right cheek.

Kushina did everything in her power not to blush. To Kushina, Naruto's kisses were everything to her, each time they kiss it was for love. Kushina does love the part were she and Naruto would always have sex with each all the time, but a kiss was just as good as having sex.

"It's time to blow out the candles, Kaa-chan." Naruto said.

"Yes." Kushina replied, as she blew her birthday candles.

As the night passed, it was 10:00 o'clock, everyone was gone, and Minato was dead asleep in his bedroom. Kushina was also in bed, but she wasn't really asleep. Kushina picked over her husband to make sure he was asleep.

"Minato, are you awake?" Kushina asked.

Kushina didn't get a respond. Kushina smiled, knowing that her husband was too deep in his sleep. Kushina get out of bed and made her way to Naruto's room. Kushina opened the door and closed the door, locking it behind her, as she quietly tip-toe to Naruto. As Kushina made her way over to Naruto, she took off all her clothes with her cock limp and soft.

"I hope you're ready, my honey-bunny... Because we're going to make so much love tonight that we won't be able to get up in the morning." Kushina thought with a smile, as her eyes wanted her son.

Kushina now naked, she crawled into Naruto's bed. Kushina licked her lips, as her cock got slightly hard.

"Naru-chan..." Kushina whispered with a smile, as she slowly uncovered the blankets.

Kushina was surprised, when she uncovered the blankets to see Naruto not in bed.

"Huh?" Kushina said.

"Looking for someone, Kushina-hime?"

Kushina let out a gasp, as Naruto hugged her from the back. Kushina blushed with a smile. The Futa mother felt her son's naked body against hers.

"I've been waiting for you, Kaa-chan." Naruto said, as he turned Kushina around, kissing her.

"Mmm~!" Kushina moaned, as she felt Naruto's tongue slip inside her mouth.

Kushina then used her own tongue to wrestle with her son's. Not only that, Naruto rubbed his member against his mother's cock, getting both of them hard. Kushina rolled her eyes, feeling her body becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. While mother and son had a round of tongue wrestling, Naruto grabbed Kushina's large ass cheeks.

"Oh my God!" Kushina thought with a dark blush.

The hot kissed lasted a whole minute, then both Uzumaki broke the kiss to breathe. Kushina licked her lips, tasting Naruto's saliva.

"Oooh..." Kushina moaned.

"Since you'd had your way early, it's time I give you a special birthday surprise, Kaa-chan." Naruto stated.

"Oh, I can't wait, Naruto..." Kushina said with a smile.

Naruto lied his mother down on his soft bed. Naruto then got on top of his beautiful mother. Kushina blushed, seeing her son on top of her. Naruto kissed his mother once more, as he rubbed his cock against his mother's cock.

"Ahh, that feels so good, baby..." Kushina moaned.

"I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself, Kaa-chan... Ah, I feel your cock getting hard." Naruto moaned.

"I only get hard because, you always make me feel so good." Kushina replied.

"Heh, that's true. And it's still your birthday, so we're going to take our time with each other." Naruto replied, still rubbing his body against his mother's.

"Oh, Naru-chan..." Kushina moaned.

"Let's get hard together, Kaa-chan. When we are, I'll show you my special birthday surprise, Kaa-chan." Naruto stated, pulling his mother into another kiss.

"Mmm~..." Kushina muttered, with her lips were locked with her son's.

"I can't wait, Naruto..." Kushina thought.

Naruto and Kushina took their time, cuddling in bed with each other. The night was still young, while the moon shinned its brightest. Kushina let out soft moans, feeling her son's cock and balls grinding against hers. It was the hot of the moment. Kushina pulled her son into a hot kiss, as she grinds her body along with Naruto's. Naruto and Kushina's cocks become hard against their bodies; Naruto knew it was time to reveal the special birthday surprise for his mother.

"My, my, Kaa-chan, you're harder than early..." Naruto said.

"Hai... just cuddling with each other always makes me horny. I can feel my balls swelling up with my dick-juice. Ohhh, I just want you to fuck me so badly, honey..." Kushina stated.

"I know, my Henge no Jutsu (Transformation) I wanted to have my way with you, but Tou-san had to throw you a party instead." Naruto replied.

"I know... but you can have your way with me tonight. And we can have a Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow clones) orgy together." Kushina said with a smile.

"Hehe, that sounds really hot, Kaa-chan. And I have a few more surprise for you as well. Oh, speaking of which, when did you learn Kage Bunshin No Jutsu, Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Oh, I've learned it a long time ago when I was a Jonin. Just because I'm a stay at home mom, doesn't mean I lost all my skills as a ninja." Kushina replied with a smile.

"Well, we're happy to hear that, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied.

"Wait, did you say "we're", Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"Yeah. Now close your eyes, Kaa-chan. I'm going to show you, one of your presents." Naruto stated, as he got out of bed.

"Okay, baby. My eyes are closed." Kushina replied with her eyes shut tight.

Naruto smiled, as he made the hand signs.

"Are you ready, Kurama-chan?" Naruto asked in his mind-space.

"You know I am, Naruto-kun, my darling. Just waiting around has made my breasts grow, my cock dripping pre-cum, and my balls swell up with gallons of my milk." Kurama stated with a dark blush.

"If you keep talking like that Kurama-chan, I'll start doing the same thing." Naruto replied.

"Sorry, Naruto-kun... The more we stand here talking about it, the hornier I will become..." Kurama whimpered.

"You're right, Kurama-chan. I won't make us wait any longer..." Naruto said, as he used his right hand to undo the seal on his belly.

Kushina wondered what present Naruto had for her.

"Open your eyes, Kaa-chan." Naruto said.

Kushina opened her eyes, seeing a 21 inch thick swelled up cock, dripping per-cum, in front of her face.

"Long time no see, Kushina-chan." Kurama stated with a smile.

"Oh! It's been a long time, Kurama-chan." Kushina replied with her own smile.

"Yeah, I wanted to make your final present really special, Kaa-chan. So I thought Kurama-chan can help us with that." Naruto said.

"Mmm... So, what are we going to do first, Naru-chan, Kurama-chan?" Kushina asked.

"I have an idea..." Kurama said, as she crawled into bed with Kushina.

The vixen made herself conformable, spreading her legs and showing her hard cock and swollen balls.

"I want you and Naruto-kun to make me cum." Kurama said with a smile, as waited for both Uzumakis.

"Shall we, Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Of course, Naru-chan." Kushina replied.

Naruto joined his mother and his Biju. Both mother and son stared at the massive cock of the vixen. Naruto and Kushina then put both of their hands on Kurama's member, making her moan in pleasure. Uzumaki mother and son stroke the Kurama's cock, as the large pole continued to drip its sweet cream.

"Oh, God... that feels so good, my darlings..." Kurama moaned.

"Look, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan's cock is still dripping its milk." Naruto stated.

"It sure is... How about we, you know..." Kushina said.

"Hai, Kaa-chan..." Naruto replied.

Naruto and Kushina licked the mushroom head, making Kurama moaned in pleasure.

"Oh, that's so naughty of you two~!" Kurama moaned.

"Mmm, I didn't think that tasting another woman's cock would taste so good." Kushina said.

"Yeah, I really love how tasty Futa women are." Naruto replied.

"Mmm, please keep licking my cock, Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan~!" Kurama moaned, as she played with her breasts.

"Let's do what Kurama-chan asked, Naru-chan." Kushina said.

"Hai, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied, as he and Kushina licked Kurama's member more.

"Yes! Yes, just like that! Just please don't stop~!" Kurama moaned.

Naruto and Kushina then start kissing the hard member and sucking on it. Kurama moaned with a dark blush. Naruto suckled on the mushroom head, while he and his mother played with Kurama's large twin-orbs. Kurama's eyes rolled back, biting her lip from the pleasure. Naruto used his mouth sucking on Kurama's mushroom headed tip.

"Naru-chan, can I have a turn, please?" Kushina asked.

Naruto releases the tip.

"Of course, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied.

Kushina took Kurama's cock inside her mouth, while Naruto massaged the long rod faster.

"Argh, fuck... I would have never imagine that having my cock sucked by both Kushina-chan and Naruto-kun would feel this good~! Argh~!" Kurama moaned.

Kushina then released Kurama's cock, as Naruto took his turn. It was like this for awhile, mother and son taking turns with the vixen's member. Naruto and Kushina stopped sucking the vixen's cock, as mother and son kissed each other.

"Tasty, huh, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"Hai, Kushina-hime..." Naruto replied, as he pulled his mother into a kiss again.

"Hey! What about me~?" Kurama whimpered.

"Kaa-chan?" Naruto said.

"Hai..." Kushina replied with a smile.

Naruto and Kushina came close too Kurama, kissing her. Kurama pulled both Uzumakis against her large breasts. Naruto knew Kurama was right about her breasts becoming larger. The vixen's nipples were hard; Naruto and Kushina didn't hesitate to suckle on them. Kurama moaned with a smile, holding both Uzumakis tight, as all three of their cocks become hard against each other's.

"Mmm, this feels so nice~..." Kurama moaned.

"Oh my, I just love the taste of Kurama-chan's nipples." Kushina thought.

"Ahh, I feel Kurama-chan's cock against mine and Kaa-chan's..." Naruto thought, as he and Kushina suckled the vixen's nipples hard.

"Mmm, I can't wait for the real fun to begin." Kurama said with a smile, as she continued to hold Naruto and Kushina close to her breasts.

Naruto and Kushina continued to suck Kurama's nipples, as both Uzumakis grab and stroke Kurama's cock. Kurama purred in pleasure, feeling her cock swell up with more of her milk. Naruto and Kushina felt Kurama's member getting hard in their hands, hardly getting a grip on the massive rod. Kurama felt her cock swelling up more, twitching wildly, and the vixen knew she was going to climax.

"Oh my God~! Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan, I'm going to cum! I'm about to cum!" Kurama growled with a blush, as she held Naruto and Kushina closer.

Both Uzumakis increased the speed of their actions, stroking the large member and suckling on the hard nipples. Kurama's blush grew darker, feeling her cock swelling up more and more, while her massive balls tighten up. Kurama felt like she was going to explode. Kurama knew it was only a matter of seconds till she reaches her orgasm.

"I'm fucking cumming~!" Kurama screamed, as she released massive white-ropes of her milk all over her, Naruto, and Kushina.

"Oh~!" Kushina moaned.

"Ah!" Naruto said.

"Grrraahh, I can't stop cumming~!" Kurama roared, as she continued her orgasm all over themselves.

As Kurama still release massive gallons of her milk all over them, but Naruto and Kushina had a little surprise for the both of them. Naruto and Kushina then tasted something sweet inside their mouths. Naruto and Kushina felt Kurama's nipples squirting milk inside their mouths. After what seemed like forever, Kurama's orgasm came to an end. Kurama let out moans. Naruto and Kushina stop their actions, seeing Kurama's nipple was linking milk.

"I didn't know you had milk inside your tits, Kurama-chan." Naruto stated, as he squeezed Kurama's right breast some more, making milk squirt in Naruto's face.

"Hmm, neither did I." Kurama replied, as she got close to Naruto and Kushina, sucking her own breast milk.

"Well, I really like the taste of your milk, Kurama-chan." Kushina said, as she suckled on Kurama's left breast.

"Mmm, I just loved the way, you two use my body." Kurama stated with a smile.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama were all covered in the vixen's milk. Naruto then kissed his Biju on the lips. Naruto and Kurama then used their tongues, wrestling each other's. A minute Naruto and Kurama broke the kiss to breathe. Kushina then pulled the vixen into their own kiss. Kushina and Kurama broke the kiss to breathe. Even covered in Kurama's cum, the three cuddled with each other.

"Ahh... That was amazing..." Kushina moaned.

"Yeah, it was..." Naruto replied.

"So... What's next?" Kurama asked with a smile.

"I didn't get a chance for Naru-chan to fuck me... So, let's get ourselves cleaned up, and get to the best part. It's still my birthday, and I want it to be a birthday to remember." Kushina replied, as she licked Kurama's body.

"Sounds good to me, Kaa-chan." Naruto said, as he helped licked Kurama's body.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama licked themselves clean from the vixen's semen. Some time had pass, and now both Uzumakis and vixen were cleaned. Kushina kissed Naruto on the lips. The mother Uzumaki laid Naruto on his back. Kushina then got on top of her son/lover, rubbing herself against Naruto.

"Oh, Kushina-hime..." Naruto moaned.

"Now it's your turn to fuck me, Naru-chan." Kushina stated, as she kissed Naruto multiply times.

"I will, Kushina-hime." Naruto replied, as he held his mother tight.

Kurama watched the two Uzumakis cuddling with each other, while their members rubbed against each other like earlier. Kushina grinds herself harder on her son, the feeling of just being next to Naruto made Kushina feel like a woman. Naruto kissed his mother as well, as he groped her large ass. As for Kurama, the vixen got hard again from just watching Naruto and Kushina kissing and cuddling with each other.

"Ahh, Naruto-kun and Kushina-chan are making me really horny again..." Kurama thought with a blush, as she licked her lips.

Both Uzumakis continued to cuddle, while Kurama grabbed her cock, jerking herself off to Naruto and Kushina. Naruto and Kushina shared one more kiss, as Kushina picked herself up, grabbing Naruto's member.

"Are you ready, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"Yeah, Kushina-hime, let's get started." Naruto replied, as he relaxed himself.

Kushina smiled, as she moved her own cock and balls to adjusted Naruto's cock against her vagina. Kushina felt her son's penis going deep inside her, like it always had whenever they made love. Kushina moaned softly, loving how hard her son is. Naruto let out his own soft moans, feeling his mother's Futa-pussy feeling so warm, tight, and wet.

"Ohh, I wanted this cock so badly today, my sweet Naru-chan..." Kushina moaned.

"I know how you feel, Kaa-chan... Ahh, I can't get over how tight Futa-pussy is..." Naruto moaned.

"Mmm, I how deep your cock is going inside me, Sochi..." Kushina moaned, as she felt her insides becoming filled with her son's penis.

Kushina continued to take Naruto's cock, inch by blissful inch. While Kushina's insides became filled, her cock was slightly twitching in pleasure. Naruto watched his beautiful mother, still taking his penis deep inside her.

"Oh, Naru-chan, your cock is starting to rub up against my womb!" Kushina moaned.

"I know, Kaa-chan, I feel your pussy starting to get wet~!" Naruto moaned.

Kurama continued to watch the incest between the two Uzumakis.

"Yes! Give it to your fucking sexy Kaa-chan, Naru-chan! I want to fuck you so badly Naruto-kun! Fuck, I'm getting so fucking hard just looking at Naruto-kun and Kushina-chan!" Kurama thought, as she continued to masturbate to both Uzumakis.

Kurama used her left hand to stroke her monster cock, while using her right hand to suckling her own breasts. With all of Naruto's cock inside her, Kushina let out a scream, as she fell close to Naruto. Kushina held Naruto tight, feeling her and Naruto's body overwhelmed with pleasure. Both Uzumakis had to kiss more. As mother and son shared a deep kiss, Kushina slips her tongue inside of Naruto's mouth.

"Oh, Naruto!" Kushina thought.

"Kaa-chan..." Naruto thought, as he and Kushina blushed with dark blushes, while they continued to share their deep kiss.

After a long minute, both mother and son broke the kiss to breathe. As soon as they catch their breath, Naruto and Kushina give each other another deep kiss. Kushina felt her cock rock hard against her son's abs. Naruto continued to play with his mother's large ass, while his member was buried deep inside his mother. Once again they broke their kiss to breathe, kissing each other on their faces.

"I love you, Naru-chan..." Kushina said, as she gives Naruto another kiss on the lips.

"I love you too, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied with a smile, as he returned the kiss.

Kushina just held her beloved son tightly, not quite ready to start having sex with him. Kushina buried herself between Naruto's chest, while Naruto continued to play, squeeze, and massage his mother's large ass cheeks.

"You're the best lover I ever had Naru-chan." Kushina moaned.

"Thank you, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied, as he continued to play with his mother's ass.

Kurama let out pats of pleasure, still jerking off her demon cock and suckling on her breasts. Naruto saw Kurama was as horny as he and Kushina. This gave Naruto an idea to give his mother a birthday to remember. Naruto then asked his mother a question.

"Hey, Kaa-chan." Naruto said, as he continued to massage Kushina's butt.

"Yes, honey-bunny?" Kushina asked, as she looked at Naruto.

"Would you like two big cocks inside you at the same time?" Naruto asked.

Kushina's face turned bright red, hearing the suggestion that her son had for her.

"Yes... I want two big cocks inside me, honey..." Kushina replied with a soft moan.

"All right then..." Naruto replied.

Naruto then turned his action on the horny vixen.

"Hey, Kurama-chan." Naruto said.

Kurama stopped her actions.

"Hmm? What is it, my darling?" Kurama asked.

"Would you like to screw Kaa-chan's asshole?" Naruto asked with a smile, as he spread his mother's ass cheeks apart, showing her pink rosebud.

"Oh!" Kushina said, as she turned to look at Kurama's monster cock.

Kushina was first shocked, but the idea of another Futanari having her other hole did turned her on. Kurama blushed, seeing the pink hole of the red-head Uzumaki, twitching for another large penis.

"Well, Kushina-chan, is it okay with you?" Kurama asked.

"Of course, it is, Kurama-chan. Now come and shove your cock deep inside my tiny asshole." Kushina replied, as she licked her lips.

Kurama smiled, as she transformed her cock into 16 inches. Though the vixen's cock had fewer inches, it was still fat, thick, and swelling with overwhelming lust. Naruto still had his mother's ass cheeks spread apart, as Kurama got on top of Kushina. Kushina let out another moan, the vixen's hard warm cock against her anus. Not only that, the red-head Uzumaki felt the massive breasts of the vixen on her back.

"I've always wanted to do this to another woman; this is your lucky day, Kushina-chan." Kurama stated with a smile, rubbing her cock against Kushina's ass.

"Well it is my birthday, so I wanted to get fucked." Kushina replied with a blush.

"You heard her, Kurama-chan. Shall we give Kaa-chan what she wants?" Naruto asked with a smile

"Let's." Kurama replied, as she grabbed her tip and pushed it inside of Kushina's rectum.

"Ohh~... It's so big..." Kushina moaned.

"Mmm, my cock is going inside~!" Kurama moaned.

"Ahh, you're so big, Kurama-chan!" Kushina moaned, as she felt her anus becoming stretched out by the vixen's large member.

Kurama let out growls, while Kushina let out moans with a dark blush. Naruto let out moans of his own, feeling his mother and Biju on top of him, and his mother's vagina tightening around his penis. Kurama grunted her teeth, loving how tight Kushina. Kurama then pushed half of her penis inside of Kushina anus.

"Grrr, I'm only half inside your ass, Kushina-chan, and I love it~!" Kurama growled, as she continued to push herself deeper inside of Kushina's ass.

"H-Hai! I love having another cock inside me, Kurama-chan!" Kushina moaned, as she wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck.

Kurama continued to slowly push her monster cock inside of Kushina's anus inch by inch. Kushina felt like she was about to faint. Kurama let another growl of pleasure escape her mouth, feeling Kushina's anus becoming tighter and tighter. Kurama shoved the rest of her member deep inside Kushina's rectum. Naruto and Kurama sandwich Kushina between them with both of their penises deep inside of the M.I.L.F.

"Ahhhh~!" Kushina moaned, as her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

"Oh, such a tight ass... Now I see where Naruto-kun gets it from." Kurama moaned

Kushina felt both of her holes filled with her son and vixen's cocks, making her own cock hard with her balls swelling up. The feeling of having both Naruto and Kurama using her holes at the same time made Kushina's body hot. Naruto clamped his mother's face, kissing her lips. Kushina's cheeks turned red.

"How does it feel to have Kurama-chan's cock inside of you, Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"It feels so amazing, I love it a lot~..." Kushina moaned with a blush.

"Would you like us to start moving, Kushina-chan?" Kurama asked with a smile.

"Hai, please fuck me, Naru-chan, Kurama-chan..." Kushina moaned.

"Naruto-kun..." Kurama said.

"Yeah." Naruto replied, as he and Kurama held Kushina tight, moving slowly.

"Ahhhh~..." Kushina moaned.

Naruto and Kurama slowly thrust inside of Kushina's holes. Not only did Kushina felt her pussy and asshole getting hot and wet, but her cock swelling up more from the pleasure of double-penetration.

"Mmm, I love how warm and tight your ass is, Kushina-chan~... nice and tight around my monster cock just like Naruto-kun's..." Kurama purred.

"Hai~..." Kushina moaned.

"Maybe we can switch places later, Kurama-chan. If you like how tight Kaa-chan's asshole is, then you'll love how tight her pussy will be." Naruto stated.

"I can really have a turn with Kushina-chan's pussy?" Kurama asked with a smile.

"Uh-huh, is that right, Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Yes! But first I need you and Kurama-chan to fill me up with your hot cum~!" Kushina moaned, as she felt her cock dripping some of her own pre-cum.

"Well, Kurama-chan, shall we do what Kaa-chan wants?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, my darling. I really want to fill Kushina-chan's ass with my large load." Kurama stated, as she and Naruto continued to double-penetrate Kushina.

Naruto and Kurama continued to double-penetrate Kushina, making her moan in pleasure. Never in her life, had Kushina thought she would feel this good. The pass years of being unloved by her husband who was disturbed by her large penis but the only good thing that came out of all her years of being unloved is that her son loves her for her. Even if Naruto knew his mother was a Futanari, Naruto wanted nothing more than to give his mother all his love and much more. Truly this is the best birthday of Kushina's life.

"Ahh, I feel it! I feel you big cocks moving around inside me~!" Kushina moaned.

"Hai, Kaa-chan, I feel you pussy getting tight now." Naruto replied.

"Speaking of tight~! I feel Kushina-chan's asshole getting tighter!" Kurama growled, as she and Naruto increased their thrusting.

"Ahh~! I love it! Please fuck me like this!" Kushina moaned.

Naruto and Kurama continued their thrusting deep inside of Kushina's tight asshole and wet pussy. Kushina let out louder and louder moans of pleasure, feeling the two large members going deep in and outside her holes.

"Oh my God~! I ever would have guessed that really having two cocks deep inside me would feel this good! But, fuck, it's so mind-blowing~!" Kushina thought as her eyes rolled back in pleasure with a dark blush, while her tongue hanged out.

As Naruto and Kurama continued to thrust Kushina's insides, Kushina used her own movements rubbing against Naruto, while she used her ass and rubbed it against Kurama's pelvis. Kushina felt her body getting hot, while her insides getting wet and hot. Kushina moaned wanted more of Naruto and Kurama's thrusts.

"So tell us, Kushina-chan, how do you like getting double-penetrated?" Kurama asked with a smile

"Oh, Naru-chan, Kurama-chan, ugh, I love it, I love getting double-penetrate! It feels so good! I feel your big cocks stretching out my pussy and asshole!" Kushina moaned, as she kept rubbing herself against Naruto and Kurama.

"Oh, fuck! Damn, Kaa-chan! Your pussy is getting tighter and wetter~!"Naruto growled.

"Grrr~! I feel Kushina-chan's ass getting tighter and tighter~!" Kurama growled.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck! Please keep fucking me, Naru-chan, Kurama-chan~!" Kushina yelled in pleasure, as she felt Naruto and Kurama's thrusts becoming faster.

Naruto and Kurama continued to moan, feeling Kushina's holes getting tighter. This made Naruto and Kurama thrust even harder and faster, making Kushina let out screams of pleasure. Kushina bit her lip, not only feeling her holes tightening; she always felt her cock becoming harder while her balls tighten. Naruto and Kurama felt their cocks twitching inside of Kushina's holes, their balls tighten, and both the blonde Uzumaki and vixen knew they were going to climax inside of Kushina's holes. As for Kushina, she felt her pussy and ass tremble, while her cock twitched, she also knew that she was going to have an orgasm along with Naruto and Kurama.

"Ahh, Naru-chan, Kurama-chan, I'm going to cum~!" Kushina moaned, as she held her head back in pleasure.

"Oh, fuck! I'm cumming, Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan! I'm cumming! I'm going to fucking cum, inside Kushina-chan's tight little ass! Oh! I can hardly hold myself~!" Kurama growled in pleasure.

"I'm going to cum too, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan~!" Naruto moaned, as he holds Kushina's hips.

"Fuck! Please drain all of your milk deep inside of me, Naru-chan, Kurama-chan!" Kushina moaned with a lustful smile.

"Fuck, I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming! Agh, Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan, I'm about to blast~!" Kurama growled even louder.

"I'm about to cum!" Naruto moaned, as he and Kurama were about to release their massive loads of semen inside of his mother/lover.

Kushina then lean close to Naruto while kissing him, as her tongue entered her son's mouth. The mother Uzumaki explores Naruto's mouth with her tongue, as Naruto uses his own tongue to wrestles in his mother's, while Kurama slammed her cock harder inside of Kushina's anus. It was only a matter of time till the three lovers reached their orgasms.

"I'm cumming~!" Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama shouted.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama felt their orgasms explode and it was massive. Naruto and Kurama released massive loads of their semen deep inside of Kushina's holes. Kushina, felt waves of Naruto's hot milk filling her, tight wet pussy and she felt Kurama's milk filling up her anus. Kushina also released her cum all over Naruto's face and body. Naruto felt like his dick was melting away, feeling the tight pink hole squeezing him dry. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama collapsed on Naruto's bed, still having their orgasms deep inside of Kushina's holes, while Kushina still releases herself on Naruto's body.

"Ahh... Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan, I'm still cumming..." Kurama whimpered in pleasure.

"H-Hai... I came a lot too..." Kushina moaned.

"It feels so good~... I can't stop cumming, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan..." Naruto moaned.

"Mmm, it's so tight... Ahh..." Kurama moaned.

After a long minute, Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama's orgasms ended. Naruto and Kurama's cocks popped out of Kushina's tight holes. After the amazing climax, Kurama and Kushina rolled off Naruto. The three lovers let out sighs of bliss, after the orgasms they received.

"Fuck... That was amazing..." Kushina stated with a smile.

"It sure was, Kaa-chan... Kurama-chan..." Naruto said.

"Hai... And now I really want more~..." Kurama said with a smile.

"Well, you and Kaa-chan can have me... I have something special treat for you later on..." Naruto stated with a smile.

"Oh?" Kushina and Kurama asked, as they looked at Naruto.

Kushina and Kurama saw Naruto's abs and chest covered in semen. Kurama and Kushina came close to Naruto, licking off Kushina's cream off his body. Minutes later, Naruto was now clean. Naruto kissed both his mother and the busty vixen. Naruto got on top of Kurama, kissing her more.

"Oh, Naruto-kun~..." Kurama replied with a smile.

Naruto then turned to pull his mother to kiss her sweet lips. Kushina welcomed it. Kurama then took her turn kissing the redhead mother. The two Uzumakis and vixen took turns kissing each other. Kushina saw her cock soft and limp, Kushina wanted to get hard again. Naruto and Kurama saw their penises were soft as well.

"Ah, I need to get hard again..." Kushina said.

"I do too, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied.

"Yes, my cock is really limp after that amazing orgasm..." Kurama stated.

"Well, I want to play with Kurama-chan's cock with mine own. Is that okay, honey?" Kushina asked.

"That's fine with me, Kaa-chan. In the mean time, I'm going to use Kurama-chan's tits to get me hard again." Naruto stated.

"Oh my... I love the sound of that. If Kushina-chan uses my cock, I'll get hard again." Kurama said with a smile.

"Oh, Kurama-chan, you can change your cock back to its real size." Kushina said.

"Heh, anything you say, Kushina-chan." Kurama replied, as her 16-inch cock become 21 inches again.

Naruto got on top of Kurama, turning himself around, showing his butt and balls to the horny vixen. Kurama smiled, knowing Naruto is going to give her a reverse tit-fuck. Naruto looked down to see Kurama's breasts have gotten large since they last time they had their fun together.

"Whoa, Kurama-chan, your tits are bigger." Naruto stated, as he grabbed the large milk-jugs.

"Mmm, yes, I've been wanted you so badly that my breasts have been growing bigger as well as my balls." Kurama stated.

"Well, don't worry; Kurama-chan, Kaa-chan and I are going to fix that." Naruto replied, as he placed his member between the massive breasts.

"Ahh, well, I'm not the only one that will let you and Kushina-chan have all the fun." Kurama stated, as she used her hands to spread and lick Naruto's butt and balls.

"Ooo, Kurama-chan~!" Naruto moaned with a smile.

Not only did Naruto felt Kurama's massive breasts around his member, but he also felt the vixen's tongue against his anus and balls. As for Kushina, she saw the vixen's cock getting slightly hard again. Kushina knew she had to become hard as well in odder to continued their hot threesome together. The redhead then went down between Kurama's legs, stroking it once more, thus getting her a bit hard as well.

"My, I already forgotten how fat and think Kurama-chan's cock is." Kushina stated.

Kushina looked down to see the vixen's scrotums were swollen as well, filled with dick-milk.

"Mmm, what heavy and tasty looking balls you have, Kurama-chan. You know what, I decided to have some fun with these two beauties, and then I'll be playing with your cock, Kurama-chan." Kushina said, as she grabbed her mushroom head and penetrated the tip between Kurama's balls.

"Ahhhh~!" Kurama moaned with a dark blush between Naruto's cheeks.

"Ah, n-now I see what Kushina-chan is going to do~... Agh, she's such a turn on~!" Kurama thought, as she felt Kushina's mushroom head between her scrotums' skin.

"That's right, Kurama-chan, I'm going to fuck your balls." Kushina stated with a smile, as she slightly thrust the twin-orbs.

Kushina moaned, feeling Kurama's ball skin around her tip. Naruto felt himself getting hard as well, for having his member between the vixen's massive breasts. Not only that, Naruto felt Kurama's tongue against his balls and anus. Kushina moaned, feeling the smooth skin of the busty vixen. Naruto and Kushina let out more moans, loving how soft Kurama's skin is.

"Ahh, I love how soft your balls are, Kurama-chan." Kushina moaned.

"Mmm, I can say the same thing about your cock, Kushina-chan." Kurama replied, as she continued to lick Naruto's body parts.

"Oh~! Kurama-chan, I love how you lick me." Naruto moaned.

"Mmm, I can't wait to have some more fun with you two again, Naruto-kun, Kushina-san." Kurama stated with a smile, as she and the two Uzumakis continued their actions.

"Hai, Kurama-chan..." Naruto and Kushina moaned.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama continued to use each other to become hard again. Naruto drooled a bit, feeling Kurama's tongue still licking his anus and balls. Kurama let some moans escape her mouth, loving the taste of her Jinchuriki, and feeling Kushina's tip massaging her balls. Kushina also moaned, loving how soft the vixen's skin is, slightly wrapping around her cock-head. A little more time had passed, and then Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama's cocks were hard again. Now what was next for the three?

"Man, I'm so hard again..." Kushina said.

"Me too, Kaa-chan..." Naruto replied.

"The same goes for me..." Kurama stated.

Kurama saw both of the Uzumakis' penises were hard, thus, the busty vixen got an idea.

"Oh, Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan... I have an idea for the both of you..." Kurama stated with a smile.

"What is it, Kurama-chan?" Kushina asked.

Kurama's smile never left her face, as she moved her own soft cock and balls to show her pink-hole. Naruto and Kushina blushed, seeing how wet and cock hungry the vixen's hole is.

"I want you and Kushina-chan to use my pussy at the same time..." Kurama stated, as she continued to show her pussy to both Uzumakis.

"Ahh, that sounds so hot, right, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"Hai, Kushina-hime..." Naruto replied.

"Well then, what are my dear darlings waiting for? Put both of your hard cocks deep inside me~..." Kurama said with a smile.

Naruto and Kushina came close to the busty vixen. Both Uzumakis and fox goddess were all close too each other. Then both mushroom heads rubbed against each other, both entering Kurama's pussy-lips at the same time. Kurama let out a whimper of pleasure with her fox ears going down. Naruto and Kushina let out moans of pleasure for feeling their tips close together, and feeling Kurama's tight wet insides.

"Ahh~... I feel both of Naruto-kun and Kushina-chan's cocks going inside of me at the same time with ease..." Kurama purred.

Kurama's cock got a bit hard, as the soft long pole was placed between her breasts.

"Oh, I feel your cock against mine, Naru-chan~!" Kushina moaned.

"Yes, I feel Kurama-chan's pussy starting to tighten around our cocks, Kaa-chan~!" Naruto moaned.

"Yes! I want you two to keep going deeper inside my wet pussy~! And look, my own cock is between my tits!" Kurama moaned.

Kurama continued to moan, feeling both Naruto and Kushina's cocks going inside her at the same time, inch by inch. Now only that, Kurama felt her own cock hardening between her breasts. With their penises still going deep inside of the vixen, Naruto and Kushina were also getting closed to each other. Kushina's breasts were against Naruto's chest, Naruto and Kushina then looked at each other. Kushina blushed, as she placed her lips against Naruto's lips.

"Mmm~" Kushina moaned, as her chest rubbed up against Naruto's chest.

"Ahh, I'm getting so hot~!" Kushina thought, as she and Naruto continued to kiss each other and felt Kurama's insides tighten around them at the same time.

"Ahh~! I feel it! I feel your cocks stretching my pussy out, it's getting me all wet~!" Kurama growled.

While Naruto and Kushina continued to kiss, Kurama then wrapped her legs around both Uzumakis. Naruto and Kushina broke the kiss, falling on Kurama's massive chest.

"Comfy?" Kurama asked with a smile.

"Yup." Naruto said.

"Oh, I forgot how big and soft your breasts are, Kurama-chan." Kushina said.

"Hai... Now, I want you and Naruto-kun to start moving..." Kurama said, as she wrapped her arms around both Uzumakis as well.

Naruto and Kushina were both against Kurama's breasts. Naruto and Kushina then once again, were suckling on the vixen's hard nipples. Kurama moaned from the pleasure for not only having her nipples suckled, and having both Uzumakis cocks deep inside her. Kurama wanted nothing more than to have both Naruto and Kushina to start their movements.

"Oh, Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan..." Kurama said with a smile.

"Yes, Kurama-chan?" Naruto and Kushina asked with their own smiles, as they licked the hard nipples.

"Now, start moving for me... use my pussy and get me wet..." Kurama replied.

Naruto and Kushina then begin to move, making Kurama moan, feeling both of the Uzumakis' large cocks deep inside her. As the Uzumakis continued their movements, Kurama felt her cock getting more hard and swollen. Naruto and Kushina then let out their own moans, feeling the vixen's insides getting wet and starting to tighten around them. Kurama loved the feeling of having two members deep inside her pussy at the same time.

"Ahh, I never would have imagine that having my cock deep inside another woman's pussy." Kushina moaned.

"Ah, my cock against yours against while inside of Kurama-chan's tight pussy feels so good, Kaa-chan." Naruto moaned.

"Yes... Oh, just your slow movements feel so good~! Use your big cocks to jerk them off inside my wet pussy~! Ahh, my cock feels like it's going to blast~!" Kurama moaned.

"Ah, yes, it's so tight~!" Kushina moaned.

"Hai, so do you love your special birthday gift, Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, I love it so much~!" Kushina moaned with a smile.

Naruto and Kushina continued their movements. Kurama moaned, feeling both Uzumakis' cocks moving around deep inside her. The busty vixen loved every moment of it. Naruto and Kushina then slightly increased their speed, making Kurama moan louder. Both mother and son sucked on Kurama's hard nipples. Overwhelmed with pleasure, Kurama wrapped her tails around both Uzumakis.

"Ahh, this threesome is so amazing~! I want more! I want Naruto-kun and Kushina-chan to keep using my pussy~! Please make me cum again!" Kurama moaned.

"Ah, if this keeps up, Naru-chan and I might cum already~!" Kushina moaned.

"F-Fuck, I know Kaa-chan is right about that~! I might cum soon!" Naruto moaned.

"Agh, having two big cocks deep inside me is the best! Used them and make me cum!" Kurama stated with a smile, while moaning in pleasure.

Kurama moaned, feeling the two Uzumakis' cocks thrusting deep inside her womb. The vixen's cocks become harder and harder with her balls swelling up with warm cream.

"Ahh, if this keeps up, I'll cum all over Naruto-chan and Kushina-chan~!" Kurama thought with a dark blush, as she held both Uzumakis tight.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama continued to have their amazing threesome. Naruto and Kushina felt their cocks twitching and being squeezed by Kurama's tight insides. Both Uzumakis increased their speed more, thrusting the busty vixen wildly. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama felt their cocks becoming more and harder, with their balls swelling up, and all three knew they were about to climax together.

"Ahh, I'm... I'm~!" Kushina moaned.

"Oh, God, me too, Kaa-chan!" Naruto replied.

"Hai! I'm going cum all over you, and Kushina-chan!" Kurama moaned.

"Ahh, I'm almost there! My cock is going to blast inside of Kurama-chan!" Kushina moaned.

"Me too, Kaa-chan, I'm going to cum inside Kurama-chan's pussy as well!" Naruto moaned.

"Yes, my darlings~! Yes! Cum inside me, and make me mark you again~!" Kurama moaned.

Naruto and Kushina continued to thrust Kurama hard, while Kurama continued to hold both Uzumakis tight in her embrace. Kushina's moans grew louder, as Naruto pulled her into a kiss. Kushina blushed, feeling Naruto's lips against hers. Truly, this is the best birthday of Kushina's life. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama knew it was almost time to reach their climax.

"I'M CUMMING~!" Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama moaned in pleasure, as all their reached their orgasms.

Naruto and Kushina released their love-juices deep inside of the vixen, while Kurama released her own semen all over Naruto, Kushina and herself. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama felt large white-ropes all over their faces and bodies', feeling like it was raining. Like always, Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama's orgasms lasted a whole minute.

"Ahh, it's so amazing~!" Kushina said.

"I know Kurama-chan's cock is releasing so much semen like ours, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied.

"Mmm~! I can't stop cumming! It feels so good!" Kurama moaned.

After a long minute, Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama's long blissful orgasms had ended. Naruto and Kushina pulled themselves out of Kurama's tight insides. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama were all covered in the vixen's sweet cream. Kurama let out a purr, feeling her inside oozing out with Naruto and Kushina's semen. Naruto saw his beautiful mother and her face covered in the vixen's sweet milk.

"Kushina-hime..." Naruto said.

"Hmm?" Kushina asked.

Naruto pulled Kushina into another kiss. Kushina blushed, once again, feeling her son's lips against hers. The kissed lasted for a minute. Naruto then wrapped his arms around his mother's body, tightening his embrace. Kushina wrapped her own arms around Naruto's neck, still sharing the sweet kiss. As for Kurama, she watched mother and son still kissing. The vixen smiled, enjoying the romance between both Uzumakis. After that long minute, Naruto and Kushina broke the kiss to breathe.

"Naru-chan..." Kushina said.

"Shh..." Naruto replied, as he kissed Kushina again.

"Mmm~..." Kushina said.

After another kiss, Naruto then licked his mother's face. Naruto tasted the sweet cream of Kurama's semen. Kushina let out another moan, feeling her son's warm tongue against her cheek. Naruto stops, and then turns to his Biju once more.

"Hey, Kurama-chan, I can use some help cleaning off, Kaa-chan." Naruto stated with a smile.

"Coming..." Kurama replied, as she crawled next to Naruto and Kushina.

Kurama helped Naruto licked his mother clean. Kushina knew there was cream on her son and Kurama's face and bodies as well. Kushina licked Naruto and Kurama's bodies off of the sweet milk. All three lovers took their time, cleaning themselves off. About 5 minutes later, Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama were all clean from the vixen's milk.

"I'm lovely my birthday so far..." Kushina said.

"I'm happy to hear it, Kushina-chan." Kurama replied.

"I am too, Kaa-chan." Naruto said.

"You know, I'm still horny and I really want my pussy to be used again." Kushina stated.

"Well, I did promise Kurama-chan I let her use your pussy, Kaa-chan..." Naruto replied.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind fucking Kushina-chan's pussy at all... Can I Kushina-chan?" Kurama asked.

"Hai..." Kushina replied with a smile.

"Heheh... Well, I have my way with Kushina-chan's Futa-pussy, Naruto-kun..." Kurama said.

"Yes?" Naruto replied.

"I want you to use my asshole again while I fuck your hot Kaa-chan." Kurama stated.

"Heh, I love that idea." Naruto replied.

"Let's get started then." Kushina said.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama had their next idea for their threesome. Kushina lied down on her back, spreading her legs. Kurama bit her lower, seeing Kushina's pussy wanting more intercourse. Kurama, once again, changed her cock size to 16 inches. The busty vixen crawled on top of her former Jinchuriki, rubbing her penis against Kushina's lady lips. As for the blonde Uzumaki, Naruto felt his own cock getting excited from the scene of Kurama getting on top of his hot mother.

"Oh, God..." Naruto said.

Kurama turned to Naruto, wiggling her rear-end at the blonde teen. Naruto smiled, enjoying his Biju and mother in the next step of their amazing threesome. Naruto crawled on top of Kurama, rubbing his member against the vixen's rosebud. The three lovers were in position, and it was about time to begin their session.

"It seems that we're all ready." Kushina said.

"Indeed we are." Kurama replied.

"Then shall we being?" Naruto asked.

"Hai..." Kushina and Kurama replied.

Kurama used her penis and entered Kushina's wet insides. Kushina's eyes widen, feeling the Biju's member going deep inside her inch by inch. Kurama whimpered in pleasure, truly having her way with Kushina's tight anus early made her horny. Now, feeling Kushina's vagina tightening around her cock, made the vixen's mind become lost in pure pleasure.

"Ahhhh, Kurama-chan, your cock is big~!" Kushina moaned with a dark blush.

"Grrr~! I knew you had such a tight ass, but your tight pussy is incredible~!" Kurama growled, still entering Kushina's insides.

While the busty vixen used the redhead Uzumaki's pussy, the blonde Uzumaki grabbed his own member and entered Kurama's tight anus. Kurama let out another growl of pleasure, feeling her Jinchuriki's cock entering her anus. Naruto moaned, forgetting how tight his Biju's anus is. The three continued to let out moans, till Naruto's member is deep inside of Kurama's anus, while Kurama's cock is deep inside of Kushina's pussy.

"Agghhhh~!" Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama moaned.

Kurama blushed, feeling her anus being filled with Naruto's cock while her own cock was wrapped around by Kushina's insides. Naruto leaned on Kurama's back, letting out soft moans, due to Kurama's tight anus. As for Kushina, she was buried between Kurama's large breasts with her cock against the vixen's belly.

"Ahh... I-I didn't think this threesome could get any hotter..." Kushina thought with a dark blush.

"Ah, I forgot how tight you are, Kurama-chan." Naruto said with a smile.

"Hai... And I see why you always love fucking your Kaa-chan, Naruto-kun... I still can't get over how tight her pussy and asshole is~" Kurama purred.

"Yes, Naru-chan always takes good care of me and fill me up with each other's love..." Kushina moaned.

"Mmm, I think we should just too moving. I feel Kushina-chan's pussy is starting to tighten." Kurama moaned.

"Oh~! Yes, Kurama-chan's cock is so deep; it's getting my own cock hard!" Kushina moaned.

"Ahh, moving sounds good right now... Kurama-chan's asshole is tightening around my cock~!" Naruto moaned.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama started to move, moaning with bliss. Naruto drooled, loving how big and soft Kurama's ass is. Kurama growled, feeling how tight her former Jinchuriki is. Kushina moaned, feeling the vixen's demon cock deep inside her. Not only that, Kushina felt Kurama massive breasts against her breasts. They moaned, loving how hot this threesome is getting.

"Ahh, I feel Kurama-chan's cock moving deep inside me..." Kushina moaned.

"Yes, I never thought fucking another woman would feel this good." Kurama moaned.

"Mmm, I feel your ass getting tight, Kurama-chan..." Naruto moaned.

"That's right, Naruto-kun... keep feeling my ass with your cock, while I fuck your Kaa-chan..." Kurama moaned.

"I will, Kurama-chan." Naruto moaned, thrusting harder.

"Oh~!" Kurama purred, as she thrust Kushina.

"Ahhhh~! That feels so good!" Kushina moaned.

The horny vixen and two Uzumakis thrust each other, moaning with blushes. Kurama turned to the blonde Uzumaki, pulling him into a kiss. Naruto slowed down his thrusts, sharing a kiss with his Biju. Kushina saw Kurama's massive breasts jiggle freely. Kushina licked her lips, suckling on the hard nipples of the busty vixen, while squeezing the other breast. Kurama blushed, feeling Kushina sucking and playing with her breasts, as Naruto shared lips with hers, while having their tongues wrestling inside their mouths.

"Mmm, my God, I can't enough of this hot threesome." Kurama thought, still kissing Naruto, while thrusting Kushina.

"Kurama-chan's asshole is getting tighter around my cock." Naruto thought, as he and Kurama continued to make out.

"Mmm~! Kurama-chan's tit-milk is so delicious~! Ahh, I feel her cock hitting my womb!" Kushina thought, as she suckled the vixen's large breasts harder.

While, Naruto and Kurama continued to kiss when the vixen, Kushina felt her own cock getting hard between her former Biju's belly. Naruto and Kurama broke the kiss to breathe, as Naruto thrust the busty vixen more.

"Ahh~! Keep filling my tight ass with your cock, Naruto-kun~!" Kurama moaned.

"Yes, Kurama-chan!" Naruto moaned.

"Agh, my cock is getting hard again, while Kurama-chan is fucking my pussy~!" Kushina moaned.

"H-Hai~! Grrr, I love the feeling of fucking another woman~! I want to keep fucking you, Kushina-chan!" Kurama growled, as she thrusts the M.I.L.F Uzumaki.

"Oh, Kurama-chan, you're ass is squeezing me even tighter." Naruto moaned, as he, Kushina, and Kurama thrust each other harder and faster.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh~!" Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama moaned.

Naruto leaned on Kurama's back, Kurama thrust deeper inside of Kushina's womb, Kushina's eyes rolled back in pleasure of this threesome she is having on her birthday. The moans of the horny trio continued to grow and become louder. Then, Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama kissed each other, grabbing each other bodies, slowing down their movements. A minute of making out, the two Uzumakis and vixen stop to breathe, and resume their hard thrusting.

"Agh, I can't get enough of this!" Kushina moaned.

"Yes, Kushina-chan, I think I might cum soon from fucking and getting fucked~!" Kurama moaned.

"Y-Yes~! I'm going to cum soon from fucking you in the ass, Kurama-chan!" Naruto moaned.

"Ah, yes, Naruto-kun~! I'm going to cum too from you and Kushina-chan!" Kurama moaned.

"Ugh, I'm going to cum too from Kurama-chan thrusting her cock inside me~!" Kushina moaned.

Naruto and Kurama thrust wildly, while Kushina screamed. Kushina's legs rise up in the air, screaming in pleasure. Kurama growled once more, feeling Kushina's insides tighten while having her Jinchuriki's member thrust in and out her anus. Kushina and Kurama felt her insides becoming wet once more, continued their session with Naruto. Some time later, Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama felt her cocks twitched, their balls tighten, knowing they were going to have their orgasm again.

"Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan, I'm going to cum again!" Naruto moaned.

"Hai~! Naruto-kun is going to cum again!" Kurama moaned.

"Ahh, I'm about to cum too, from Kurama-chan's big cock~!" Kushina moaned.

"Were do you want me to cum, Kushina-chan~?!" Kurama, as she and Naruto continued to thrust each other.

"Naru-chan~?!" Kushina moaned.

"Cum anywhere you want, Kurama-chan!" Naruto moaned, thrusting Kurama harder.

"Then I'll give it too Kushina-chan inside and all over her!" Kurama growled, feeling Kushina's insides getting tighter and tighter.

"Aaagghhh~!" Kushina moaned.

Naruto and Kurama continued to thrust hard, while Kushina buried herself between Kurama's breasts. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama knew it was only a matter of time, till they released themselves once again.

"I'm going to CUM!" Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama moaned in pleasure.

With hard final thrusts, the two Uzumakis and the vixen reached their climax. Naruto released his seed deep in Kurama's anus. Kurama felt Kushina's pussy tighten around her cock, while Kushina's cock blasted her milk on her and Kurama.

"Ahh... I love how your asshole is squeezing me, Kurama-chan~..." Naruto moaned.

"Hai... I can't stop cumming..." Kurama moaned.

"Ugh, I feel Kurama-chan's milk filling me, Naru-chan~!" Kushina moaned, as her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

Kurama then pulled out her cock, releasing the rest of her orgasm on her former Jinchuriki.

"Oh!" Kushina moaned, feeling Kurama's delicious milk on her face and breasts.

As for the blonde, Naruto continued to his orgasm inside his vixen's anus. Kurama purred in pleasure, burying Kushina between her breasts. Like always, Naruto's orgasm lasted for a minute, feeling his member being squeezed by his Biju's ass. After another amazing orgasm, the two Uzumakis and vixen rested.

"That was amazing, Naruto-kun, Kushina-chan..." Kurama purred.

"Hai..." Naruto and Kushina replied.

Naruto's penis slipped out of Kurama's anus. Kurama rolled of the redhead mother, as Kushina breath heavily. Naruto looked at his beautiful mother covered in Kurama's and her own semen. Kurama looked at her Jinchuriki, kissing him on the lips.

"Hey, Kurama-chan..." Naruto said.

"Yes, honey?" Kurama replied.

Naruto whispered in Kurama's ear. Kurama nodded. Then the vixen looked at Kushina. Kurama smiled.

"It seems you need to get clean up again, Kushina-chan." Kurama stated.

"It seems so, Kurama-chan..." Kushina replied with her own smile.

Naruto and Kurama came close to Kushina, licking her face. Kushina blushed, feeling her son's and Kurama's tongue against her face. Kushina felt like a queen, a woman who meant her needs by her son, and now her former Biju. Naruto and Kurama licked Kushina's face clean. Then Naruto and Kurama went down to her breasts, sucking them clean as well, and then Kushina's belly.

"Ahh, S-Sochi, Kurama-chan~..." Kushina moaned with a blush.

Naruto and Kurama enjoyed the taste of the Futa milk. Kushina was clean, once more. And once more, she came close to Naruto and Kurama, kissing both of them. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama cuddled, feeling their bodies close to each others.

"Ah, this birthday has been wonderful so far." Kushina stated with a smile.

"I agree with you, Kushina-chan." Kurama replied.

"It will become even more wonderful. It's time for your next present, Kaa-chan." Naruto stated.

"Oh?" Kurama said.

"What is it, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

Naruto knew it was time to pull out another special surprise present for his mother and the vixen. Naruto got out of bed.

"Are you ready, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Hai..." Kushina and Kurama replied.

"Alright then..." Naruto said, as he made some hand sighs.

"Oiroke no Jutsu! (Sexy Jutsu)"

Kushina and Kurama were blinded by clouds of smoke. As the smoke cleared, Kushina and Kurama saw Naruto as a girl. Naruto transformed into a girl, who had long pigtails, DD-cup breasts, and a big butt. Kushina and Kurama's eyes widen as their cocks jumped in pleasure.

"Well? What do you think, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan?" Naruto asked in a cute female voice.

"We love it a lot..." Kushina and Kurama replied.

"That's good to hear. Oh, just so you know, I really am a girl." Naruto stated.

"R-Really, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked with a blush.

"Yup. Tsunade-hime showed me a way to turn into woman for a short while. So, I thought this would be the prefect present for you, Kushina-hime." Naruto stated.

"This is the best present next to your younger Henge earlier, Naru-chan." Kushina stated.

"My, my, Naruto-chan, you're such a beautiful girl." Kurama stated.

"Thanks, Kurama-chan. Oh, Kaa-chan..." Naruto said.

"Yes, honey?" Kushina asked.

"And like before, in this from, I'm a virgin. Kushina-hime will be taking my virginity again, another bonus addition to your special present." Naruto stated with a giggle.

"Mmm, I can't wait to have some with you, Naruto-chan..." Kurama said, as her cock got hard.

"Ah... Naru-chan, you're making hard again." Kushina stated, feeling her cock getting hard.

"Heheh... Now, shall we being." Naruto asked.

"Hai..." Kushina and Kurama replied.

Naruto crawled back into back with his or rather now "her" mother and her Biju. Naruto used both of her hands, stroking the hard cocks of both her mother and Kurama. Both Kushina and Kurama moaned, feeling Naruto's soft hands. As a boy, Naruto's were a little rough and manly, but as a girl, Naruto's hands were really soft. Naruto continued to stroke both her mother's and Kurama's cocks.

"Oh, I'm getting hard again, Naru-chan..." Kushina moaned.

"Naru-chan... you're getting me all horny again..." Kurama moaned.

"Well, of course... I need you and Kaa-chan hard for me..." Naruto stated with another cute giggle.

Naruto continued to stroke both cocks in her hands, and she started to lick the tips. Kushina and Kurama let out more moan, feeling Naruto's soft lips.

"Naru-chan, your lips are so soft." Kushina moaned.

"Grrr, I agree with you, Kushi-chan..." Kurama moaned.

Naruto stopped her actions. With both Kushina and Kurama's cocks hard, it was time for another round of intercourse.

"Naru-chan..." Kushina said.

"I know, Kaa-chan..." Naruto replied, lying down on her back.

Naruto spread her legs, showing her lady lips. Naruto blushed, seeing her mother's hard cock, wanting her. Kushina gulped a little, knowing that she will be taking Naruto's virginity again. Kushina crawled on top of Naruto, rubbing her cock against Naruto's pussy.

"Are you okay, Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Yes... It's just; I never thought I would be taking your virginity again." Kushina replied.

"I love you, Kaa-chan. And you know I would do anything to make you happy." Naruto stated.


"Oh, Naruto..." Kurama thought with a smile.

Kushina kissed Naruto, but this kiss was different. The kiss lasted for a minute, and then Naruto and Kushina stared eye to eye.

"I love you, Naru-chan..." Kushina said.

"I love you too, Kaa-chan." Naruto replied, kissing her mother back.

"Are you ready, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"You know I am, Kaa-chan..." Naruto replied.

Kushina smiled and nodded, grabbing the tip and rubbed it against Naruto's lips. Kushina then pushed her head inside of Naruto. Naruto let out a moan, feeling her mother's cock head in her vagina. Kushina take her time, so not to hurt Naruto. Naruto grabs the sheets of her bed, feeling her hole getting stretched out. Kushina fitted about half of her cock inside Naruto's pussy.

"Ahh... So this is what a virgin pussy feels like! It's so amazing~!" Kushina moaned.

"Guh, Kaa-chan, I feel you cock deep inside me!" Naruto groaned.

Naruto wrapped her legs around Kushina's waist.

"Ah, Naru-chan, you're so tight~!" Kushina moaned with a blush.

Naruto moaned and groaned, feeling her mother getting deeper and deeper inside her.

"Agh... S-So, this is what it feels like to be a woman..." Naruto thought, feeling her insides getting wet.

"Ohh~! Your pussy is as tight as your asshole, Naru-chan~!" Kushina moaned, pushing the rest of her cock inside Naruto.

"Ahhhh~!" Naruto screamed, while her eyes rolled back, tightening her grip on the bed sheets.

As for Kurama, her own cock got even harder from watching Kushina taking Naruto's virginity again.

"Oh God... I almost blast my milk from watching..." Kurama thought with a dark blush, feeling her cock swelling up.

Kushina felt Naruto's breasts against hers, and her cock getting squeezed by her daughter's pussy.

"Naru-chan, your pussy is squeezing my cock." Kushina moaned.

"Y-Yes, Kushina-hime, it hurts but feels kind of good…" Naruto groaned.

"C-Can I start moving, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"Yes, but be gentle…" Naruto said with a dark blush.

"I will, Naru-chan." Kushina replied, slowly moving her hips.

"Oh, Kaa-chan~…" Naruto moaned lightly.

Kushina leaned closed to Naruto, pressing her breasts against hers. Naruto moaned, feeling her mother's cock deep inside her. Never did Naruto thought he would lose his virginity again as a girl. But to make his mother happy, Naruto would do anything. And Naruto is happy that his mother is happy. Kushina pulled Naruto into a kiss, still thrusting slowly.

"Oh, Kaa-chan…" Naruto moaned.

"Hey, Naru-chan…" Kushina said.

"Yes?" Naruto replied.

"Would you like two cocks inside you?" Kushina asked.

Naruto blushed. It was a bit funny, Naruto remembered he asked his mother that some question earlier.

"I'll take that as a 'yes.' Oh, Kurama-chan…" Kushina said, lifting up Naruto.

Kushina spread Naruto's ass cheeks, showing the tight anus that most of his Futa harem has already screwed.

"Oh, I was thinking the same thing." Kurama said.

Kurama went behind Naruto, changing her cock into 16-inches. Kurama then pushed her tip inside Naruto's anus. Naruto let out a loud moan, feeling her anus becoming filled with the busty vixen's demon cock. Because of the many time Naruto and some time with a Futanari, the blonde Uzumaki was used to large sizes that his Futa harem always had. Kurama purred, not just for Naruto's tight anus but also her big soft ass cheeks against her as well.

"Ahh…" Naruto moaned.

"Does this feel good, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"Hai…" Naruto replied.

"Oh, I can never get over how good your asshole is, Naruto-chan~…" Kurama moaned, matching Kushina's movements.

"Ah, this feels so good~…" Kushina moaned.

"Hai, my pussy and asshole are being used at the same time~…" Naruto moaned.

"When you want us to fuck you faster, Naruto-chan, let us know." Kurama said, as she and Kushina continued their slow movements.

"Don't worry, I will…" Naruto replied with a moan and a dark blush.

Kushina and Kurama moaned, feeling both of Naruto's holes, tightening around their cocks. Naruto moaned herself, getting double-penetrated by her mother and Biju. Naruto felt her insides getting wet. Truly sex felt so much different to Naruto when she is a boy. Kurama wrapped her tails around Naruto and Kushina, still thrusting slowly along with the redhead Uzumaki.

"Does this feel good, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked.

"Yes, Kaa-sama… It feels so different when I when I'm a boy, and I feel my insides trembling~…" Naruto moaned.

"That's one of the pleasures of being a woman, Naruto-chan~…" Kurama purred, pressing her breasts against Naruto's back.

"It does feel amazing…" Naruto moaned.

"Oh, Naru-chan… I'm so happy that I'm taking your virginity again." Kushina moaned.

"I'm happy you're enjoying having sex with your 'daughter', Kaa-chan." Naruto replied with a moan.

Kushina smiled, kissing Naruto again. Kurama smiled as well, not getting over how much the two Uzumaki care for each other. Kurama turned the blonde Uzumaki's head, placing her own kiss on the female Naruto's soft lips. Kushina went for Naruto's neck, kissing and sucking on it. Naruto moaned louder, starting to feel pleasure from his mother's cock inside her pussy, making her insides get wet. Naruto knew Kurama was right about feeling the pleasure of being a woman.

"Ahh, m-my pussy is starting to feel good, Kaa-chan~!" Naruto moaned.

"Oh, yes, Naru-chan, your pussy is dripping wet… I never thought a virgin pussy would feel this good!" Kushina moaned.

"I hope I can get a turn, Naruto-chan, after I fuck your ass." Kurama moaned.

"Of course, Kurama-chan! But first, fuck my ass till I can't fill my asshole anymore!" Naruto moaned.

"Does this mean, you're ready for us to fuck you, Naru-chan?" Kushina asked with a smile.

"Hai! Please fuck me, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan~!" Naruto screamed.

Kushina and Kurama did just that, thrusting deep inside both Naruto's holes. Kushina and Kurama pinned Naruto between them, feeling their cocks going deeper inside the female Naruto's insides. Naruto let out louder moans, feeling her pussy and anus becoming filled with his mother's and Biju's cocks.

"Oh, more! Please keep thrusting your cocks deep inside me, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan!" Naruto screamed.

"We will, Naru-chan! I feel your pussy tightening around my cock!" Kushina moaned.

"It sounds wonderful! I can't wait to have my turn with Naruto-chan's pussy~!" Kurama growled.

"Indeed, it is, Kurama-chan! Naru-chan's pussy is so amazing~!" Kushina moaned.

"Now I really have to fuck it! You should have a try with Naruto-chan's asshole! Her butt is really big and soft like our asses~!" Kurama growled louder.

"Sounds like heaven, Kurama-chan! Now, let's fuck Naru-chan more harder and faster!" Kushina replied.

Kurama nodded and smiled, as she and Kushina increased their movements.

"Ahh!" Naruto screamed, feeling the hard thrusting.

Naruto screamed, while his face turned red, feeling her holes tightening around both her mother and vixen's massive cocks. Kushina and Kurama continued their hard thrusting, making Naruto's bed rock. Kushina went down to Naruto's DD-cup breasts, suckling on the hard pick nipples. Naruto's eyes rolled back. The blonde Uzumaki was feeling more and more like a woman.

"Ah, Kaa-chan, Kurama-chan, my pussy and asshole are squeezing around your cocks~! My body is trembling with pleasure~! My insides are getting wet! I think I might cum!" Naruto moaned.

Both Futanaris heard Naruto's screams of pleasure, saying she's going to cum. Kushina and Kurama let out their own moans, feeling both of their cocks swelling up inside of Naruto's holes, while their balls tighten. Both mother and Biju knew they were about to have their orgasms tighter, along with Naruto's. Naruto moaned, feeling her juices going to overflow, knowing she's going to have an orgasm.

"Yes! Naru-chan, your pussy is so tight, its going to make me cum!" Kushina moaned.

"Grrr, yes~! I feel Naru-chan's tight little asshole is going to make me cum too~!" Kurama growled.

"Make me know what it's like to have an orgasm like a girl's." Naruto screamed.

"We will, Naru-chan~!" Kushina moaned.

"Oh, God, I'm going to cum as a girl!" Naruto screamed.

Kushina and Kurama moaned, and released their cream deep inside of Naruto's, while her juices exploded. Naruto climaxed for the first time as a girl. Not only that, Naruto felt both her pussy and anus filled with her mother and vixen's sweet Futa seed.

"I cummed… Kaa-chan… Kurama-chan… I feel you filling me up~…" Naruto moaned with a dark blush and smile.

"Yes, it feels amazing… I can't stop cumming…" Kushina moaned.

"Mmm, I just love how tight your asshole is~…" Kurama moaned.

"H-Hai… Please keep filling me up~…." Naruto moaned.

After one long minute, Kushina and Kurama's climax ended. Both Futanaris pulled out their cocks, seeing Naruto's holes, dripping from her anus and vagina. Both Kushina and Kurama were still hard. Now it was her turn to have some fun with the female Naruto.

"Oh, Naruto-kun…" Kurama said, lying on her back while her hard cock stood up.

"Oh…" Naruto said.

"Your horny, Kurama-chan needs you to ride her cock." Kurama said with a smile.

"You heard her, Naru-chan. While, Kurama-chan has some fun with your pussy, I'm going to fuck you in the ass." Kushina said, kissing Naruto on the lips.

"Yes, Kaa-hime…" Naruto replied.

Naruto gets on top of Kurama. Kurama hold the female Naruto between her large breasts, while she pushed her cock inside of Naruto's pussy. Naruto let out a scream, feeling Kurama's monster cock going inside her.

"Ahh, you're so big, Kurama-chan! Even though, you're only 16-inches~!" Naruto moaned between Kurama's breasts.

"Grraahh~! Kushina-chan was right, your pussy is so tight!" Kurama moaned.

Naruto was still buried between Kurama's massive breasts, while she starts moving her hips. Naruto moaned, feeling the vixen's small thrusts. Kushina watched her daughter's ass jiggle along with Kurama's ass and balls. Kushina felt her cock getting harder, seeing Naruto's ass cheeks moving. Kushina went behind her daughter, pushing her cock inside of Naruto's ass with ease.

"Oh, Kaa-chan!" Naruto moaned.

"Sorry, Naru-chan. Your big juicy butt got me turned on." Kushina stated, thrusting slowly.

"Ah, n-not, Kaa-chan… I'm getting used to be a girl…" Naruto moaned.

"That's a good, bo-, I mean, good girl…" Kushina moaned.

"Hai, I'm your good girl, Kaa-chan…" Naruto replied with a moan and a smile.

"Hear that, Kurama-chan? Naru-chan is our good girl. And what do we do with good girls?" Kushina asked.

"We fuck them good, Kushina-chan." Kurama replied.

"So, does our good girl, want us to fuck her good?" Kushina asked.

"Hai… Please fuck this good girl…" Naruto moaned.

Kurama and Kushina smiled at each other, thrusting Naruto.

"Oh, my God~!" Naruto moaned.

Kurama thrust deep inside Naruto's tight pussy, while Kushina thrust deep inside of Naruto's tight anus. Once again, the bed rocked again from both of Naruto's Futa lovers thrusting deep inside her holes, once again. Naruto was getting crushed by the soft bodies of her mother and Kurama, and she loved it.

"Oooh~! You and Kurama-chan are so deep, Kaa-chan!" Naruto moaned.

"Yes, Naru-chan! I love how soft and smooth your ass is!" Kushina moaned.

"Mmm, Naruto-chan, I love how tight your pussy is!" Kurama moaned, as she and Kushina thrust Naruto harder.

"Yes! My holes are trembling again~! It feels so good!" Naruto moaned.

"Oh, you're acting like a little slut, Naru-chan! I think we might have to punish you!" Kushina moaned with a smirk, pulling Naruto's pigtails.

"Oh, Kaa-sama~!" Naruto moaned.

"That is pretty slutty, I'm going to punish you too!" Kurama said, spanking Naruto's ass.

"Ah!" Naruto screamed in pleasure.

Both Kushina and Kurama continued to have their way with Naruto's body. They spanked her ass, they squeezed her breasts, they thrust her hard with all their power and stamina. Naruto did like being treated like a slut. Her juices were overflowing again, thanks to his mother and Kurama's dominates. Some time had passed, and Naruto felt the hard cocks of her lovers swelling up again. She knew they were going to climax again.

"Ahh, I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum again!" Kushina moaned.

"Oh, me too, Kaa-chan! I'm going to cum again as a girl!" Naruto moaned.

"Agh, I'm cumming also~! Oh, I'm going to do it inside of Naruto-chan's tight pussy!" Kurama growled.

Naruto used her own movements, to stroke Kushina and Kurama's cocks with her holes.

"I'm cumming!" Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama screamed in pleasure.

Once again, the two Uzumaki and vixen reached their climax. Kurama let out a roar, shooting deep inside of Naruto's womb. Kushina let out screams, draining her sweet cream inside her daughter's rectum. Naruto's eyes widen, falling face between Kurama's large breasts, feeling Kushina and Kurama filling her body up, while her juices exploded again, all over Kurama's cock.

"I'm cumming inside Naru-chan's asshole~!" Kushina moaned.

"Oh, Kaa-hime, Kurama-chan…" Naruto moaned.

"Oh, I can't stop cumming, Naruto-chan… This tight pussy is amazing…" Kurama moaned.

"Hai… It just feels so amazing…" Naruto moaned.

Like always, a minute has passed, Kushina and Kurama's orgasms ended. As soon as both Futanaris climaxed ended, Naruto's transformation reached its end. Naruto turned back into a boy with his mother and Kurama's cocks inside his asshole.

"Ah, Kaa-chan and Kurama-chan… That was amazing... You two fucked me so hard that my "Oiroke no Jutsu", reach its limit…" Naruto moaned.

"Yeah… You should use your "Oiroke no Jutsu" agian…" Kushina said.

"Indeed, Kushina-chan… I would love to fuck Naruto-chan's tight pussy." Kurama stated.

"Y'know… it's still Kaa-chan's birthday. How about we continued our threesome together, hmm?" Naruto asked with a smile.

Both Kushina and Kurama smiled. All night the trio had their amazing threesome. Every orgasm was greater than the last. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama took turns fucking or getting fucked. Hours later, Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama were in his bed, all sweaty and covered in sweat and Futa cream. Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama cuddled in bed together.

"Thank you, Naru-chan… Truly this is the birthday ever…" Kushina said with a smile.

"Yeah, Kaa-hime… I'm so happy that you enjoyed your birthday." Naruto replied, kissing his mother on the lips.

"Indeed, my darlings… I'm also happy that I could help you and Kushina-chan have this special birthday threesome. We should do it again tomorrow." Kurama said with a smile.

"I would love that a lot." Kushina said.

"Yeah, I love that idea, huh, Kaa-hime?" Naruto asked with his own smile.

"Yes, but let's get some rest first. When I get up, I'll make us some breakfast, Naru-chan." Kushina said, cuddling with Naruto and Kurama.

"Mmm, that sounds like a wonderful idea, Kushina-chan." Kurama purred.

Naruto, Kushina, and Kurama slept together in his bed. Naruto and Kurama fell asleep, while Kushina was still awake. Kushina was happy. Happy that her son and lover would do anything for her, and do anything for her. Though, she is married to Minato, she was happy to be with Naruto who would as much time with her as she wants. Pleasing her needs, treating and making her feel special. Kushina gives Naruto a tender kiss on his lips, resting her head on his chest.

"I love you so much, Naru-chan." Kushina said, falling asleep.

Kushina slept peacefully that night with Naruto and Kurama. This was the best birthday Kushina could never had.