PAYING HIS TAB By danaththetiger

Chris sipped his drink slowly. The bar was nice, but he didn't want to accidentally overdo it this trip out with his friends from college. They were in the engineering grad school like him, and were celebrating their collective acceptance into the special two-year program for juniors. It was basically a golden ticket to a six-figure job as long as you could hack the coursework. That wasn't a problem for Chris, who had a talent for problem solving.

The bar itself was nice enough and close to campus. The lighting was dim and the music was loud, plus there was a small dance floor that various groups occupied as the night passed. Chris ended up having another drink, and then it was his turn to buy a round. To cheers from his friends, he put it on his tab and swigged another fresh one. Soon, he and his friends switched modes from celebrating their collective acceptance to scheming ways to approach the various women in the bar in hopes of gaining their acceptance as well. One by one, members of the group of college boys peeled off to chat up potential partners; a few wandered out the bar entirely, arms around a stranger, to get to know each other better for a few hours.

Chris made his move late, but he was glad he nursed his last couple of drinks instead of going for the first pretty face he spotted like the others. The woman at the bar was a real jaw-dropper. Unlike Chris and his friends who definitely qualified, at least tonight, as a group of unruly college boys out for a lark, she had the vibes of a grown-ass woman. Mature and voluptuous from head to toe, she oozed refinement even in the way her long, slender fingers teased around the rim of her wine glass. She was also, to be as blunt as Chris's drunken senses, totally stacked. Chris's beer goggles may have amplified things a bit, but he was sure of it: this lady had great tits. She was tall, too, with blonde hair that looked natural and wavy. Nice skin, toned legs, and red platform high heels - she was dressed up well for a place like this. But mostly he watched as her bosoms squeezed together in her dress, occasionally flattening across the bar top. And also, damn - those tits were huge!

The frank and repetitive thought made him chortle into his beer. A slender, elegant arm extended and fingers tousled his dark brown hair.

"What's so funny, handsome?"

Chris choked on his beer and coughed when he realized the arm belonged to his neighbor. Why was she talking to him? She was way out of his league!

"Uh, oh, nothing, sorry, I was remembering something a friend told me earlier, ha ha."

Chris tried not to stare at her chest, but it was difficult. Her skin was tanned naturally and glistened under the dim yellow lights in the bar. She was clearly fit, though as much as the form fitting over-the-shoulder red dress hugged her chest and hips, it did hide other details. Her breasts were enormous, probably the biggest Chris had ever seen in person, and he unconsciously licked his lips as he watched them stretch and sway outwards against the dress's cups. The cups only managed to cover the bottom halves plus her nipples, leaving the majority of the tops fully exposed. They lifted and fell with each breath, pert and perky, and when she tipped back her neck to sip at her wine glass, they lifted upwards and squeezed together.

Chris couldn't help but watch, mouth open, until she coughed politely.

"Oh, uh... sorry, I was just in a daze."

"I suppose being able to entrance a handsome young man like you is a compliment," she said.

Her fingers toyed with the stem of the wine glass, drawing Chris's eye as her fingers smoothly pressed down to the base before pinching back up to the swell of the cup.

"Ha ha... I suppose so," Chris said, unsure of how to respond. He certainly felt warm, though, and quickly took a drink from his mug.

"Hmmm... I like you. You're cute. But I think your friends are waiting, handsome."

Behind Chris, he heard his name being called. He nodded to excuse himself, grabbed his drink, and rejoined them, though he kept looking back over to the bar for the rest of the evening. He hadn't really made a move yet, right? So maybe there was still a chance.

It was near closing time. Chris was well and truly sauced. Functional, but definitely drunk. He was in better shape than most of his friends who, like him, failed to go home with someone of the opposite sex alone. Chris followed them towards the door as they left to look for cabs or other rides home.

Chris stopped short when the bartender called him. His eyes goggled over eventually to follow the turn of his head and he peered at the bartender.


"You gotta pay your tab before you go, buddy."

The bartender was large, intimidating, and no nonsense. He gave off the vibe of someone who'd seen it all, heard it all, and wasn't impressed in the slightest. But for Chris, sauced as he was, he was just confused.

"But I didn't open a tab?"

"Your friends were putting drinks on your tab all night and said you'd take care of it."

"Ah, those fuckers!" Chris said a bit louder than he meant. "Sorry. Yeah, okay, sure. I'll pay for-"

Chris's hand paused in his pocket. His wallet was gone. Of course. He only brought his ID and enough cash for his own drinks. His card was at home. Chris's head swam and he wondered if perhaps he was going to be sick - the timing was perfect.

The bartender's gaze narrowed with suspicion. Both of his large hands lifted into the air and he cracked his knuckles.

"Uh... just one sec, I left my card at home," Chris said, sobering rapidly as he saw the rough calluses on the knuckles bared at him. "I can have one of my friends take care of it."

"Your friends? I don't see any friends."

"They're right... here?"

The street outside was empty. It was clear to see through the front windows of the building. His friends had already caught a lift or chose to walk back to campus.

"Let me just make a call real quick," Chris said, fumbling for his phone.

It was, of course, dead. A total brick.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me," the student said.

"Alright, kid, what's it gonna be?" the bartender asked.

"Uh, just a minute, please... Do you have a phone charger?"

The bartender sighed and pointed near the end of the bar at the other side. Chris rushed over and looked around and eventually found the right cord. As he waited, he realized the woman he spoke with earlier was still around.

"Having some problems?" she asked. A lit cigarette dangled in her fingers and she exhaled a cloud of smoke after voicing the question.

"Uh... hopefully not."

"Let me guess. Your friends bailed you got stuck with the tab?"

Chris nodded.

The woman's mouth curled upwards at the corners as she took another slow drag on her cigarette.

"Perhaps we can help each other out, in that case," she said. "My date tonight stood me up, it seems, so I'd like an escort home. If you do that, I'll pay your tab for you."

Chris stared at her, eyes wide. There had to be a catch - that was too easy.

"No catch," she said, as if reading his mind. Her plump red lips pursed and the ember at the end of the cigarette glowed bright as her dress. "I'd just like a little company on my way home."

Chris couldn't very well say no to a request like that from a lady, could he? He nodded, unplugged his phone, and obediently followed her back to the other side of the bar. The bartender grinned as he cleared the tab. He was no doubt happy to have the bill settled and shooed them outside after handing her back the card. Instead of walking up or down the street, Chris followed the red high heels as they strutted through the alleyway between the buildings instead. There was light, but it was much darker than the sidewalks.

"Uh... is this a shortcut or something?" Chris asked. He felt more sober than he did inside now that the cool night air surrounded his flushed face.

The alleyway was dark and mostly hidden from the main road by dumpsters and fire escapes. Lit just barely from the side, Chris swallowed hard as he watched his impromptu date's full bosoms swing closer.

"Not really. I just wanted somewhere private where I could enjoy the company part of this escort job."

There were at least two meanings that Chris was missing, but it was hard to concentrate with her hand spreading across his stomach. She leaned in closer, pushing him back until his shoulders pressed into the brick wall behind him. Her palm flattened, wrist curved and fingers pointing down, then slid under the waist of his jeans. She found a very excited arousal inside and smiled as she gave it a firm squeeze with her long, slender fingers.

"Glad to see I haven't lost my touch," she said, before pushing away from Chris. She extended a hand to his chest, holding him against the wall with a light touch as she slid a hand down, tugging her top lower off the shoulder. It slid past her elbow, then draped around her enormous melons. She had to use her hands to drag the taut fabric free, then she smiled as she watched Chris's eyes bug as they bounced and swung in front of him, especially as she leaned over a bit. Both huge breasts were bigger than his head by far. The plump, darker skinned nipples capping each flicked upwards as she wiggled for him.

Chris wanted to rush forward and get a feel for her twins, but instead, her fingers pressed him back again. Her free hand slid down her smooth, tight little belly and past her wide, flaring hips to the bottom of the red dress, which reached no more than halfway down her plump and muscular thighs. Curling her fingers around the hem, she dragged the fabric upwards, and from within, a bulging pair of pink cotton panties flopped down her thighs. Above her swollen, round bosoms, her painted lips curled into a wide, eager grin.

Several thoughts ran across Chris's mind in the moment. First, he had no idea she was packing dick. Second, he had no idea there was dick this big. Third... fuck, that was a big dick, what was he thinking about? Oh, right, she had a huge fuckin' cock. Massive. And there was something else, but Chris found his attention returning to the monster draping from her hips. She was fuckin' hung.


Chris's stomach didn't fall to his feet or anything. Instead, he found himself filled with a sense of... not quite shame, not quite jealousy? It filled him as he stared, wide-eyed at the swinging pink panties. Far too feminine for such a veiny, fat cock. It was bigger than his, easily twice as thick and four or five inches longer. It wasn't hard yet, but it was still as thick as his wrist. The girthy schlong was packed so tight that the fabric rippled over the veins traveling down the sides.

"Ahhhh, that's better," she said, showing off just how enormous her fat cock was as she slid her slender fingers and smooth, dainty wrist along it. "What do you think? Do you like it?"

Her hips slowly drifted side to side and her smirk widened further as Chris's eyes followed the tip. A shiver ran up his whole body as her other hand slid up his chest. Back between her legs, her hand cupped her fat, heavy nuts, showing them off as they swelled and roiled inside the pink cloth before she let them drop again and bounce off her lower thighs, almost to her knees.

Her hand slid up along the inside of her thigh facing her bulge, then pressed over the top, giving it a nice little caress so that it lurched and fattened even more. As her chest lifted and dropped with her quick breathing, she slipped a nail between the panties and skin, then swiftly peeled them down. As inch after inch of her hot, hard girldick revealed itself to the stunned college boy, her tongue spread across her lips, wetting the makeup.

"Since I got stood up, I've been needing to blow off some steam," she said, her voice low and husky as she reached out and grabbed his wrists. "You don't mind, do you? Considering I paid off your tab and all."

Like a dragon, the enormous shaft rose in front of Chris. His eyes focused on it completely, sometimes staring at the supple and curved tip, the fat drooling slit, or the wide flare of the crown; sometimes he gazed lower, drinking in the tender skin on the shaft, the way the veins spread along the sides, the way the urethra bulged outwards constantly ready; or at the base, the enormous girth sunk between her lean and taut thighs, with the hugely swollen sac that was already driving his nostrils crazy...

Her slender fingers guided Chris's hands to the shaft and he clutched it wordlessly, his head spinning as he tried to take in the size of the thing. His mouth dropped open, but he only grunted without making sense as he stared. This was so wrong. She shouldn't have such a big dick. Or a dick at all. And he shouldn't be so... so... so fuckin' into it! What was wrong with him? But the part of his brain screaming at him to "Run away, don't do this in public, you stupid horny drunk idiot!!" was fading faster and faster - as fast as his hands stroked along the veiny tower of futaflesh.

"Careful, you'll start to drool," she said. "Why don't you try to give it a little kiss? Doesn't that sound fun?"

Chris shivered. He wasn't sure what he was doing this for. He certainly wasn't gay, and though he would do just about anything for a chance at her massive tits... was he willing to do this?

As his palms slid down the fat cock and pressed into the baes of her crotch, he realized he already provided the answer. She moaned as he slowly pulled his hands back upwards. She was so thick and hard by the time he started back down again that his hands couldn't fit all the way around. At the apex, the monster cock's fat tip smeared against his pursed lips, compressing and flattening against his mouth until it covered his chin. It was hot, warmer than he expected against his lips, and it left just a little taste of her rich, clear pre behind on his cheek.

Instead of pulling away, Chris felt the fat length slide to the side, over his cheek, before smearing back across the front of his face and over his other cheek. Her hands gripped her cock and kept it pointed at him as she used her hips to bump forward, sliding and grinding, sometimes letting the whole thing ride straight up his face so that she could pump the base and balls against his eager lips. He grunted, snorting through his nose as he drank in her scent, and kissed his way up and down the huge girldick several times over. Her pre-cum dripped into his hair and down his back and shoulders, but he was too smitten to care. The drunk college boy even used his hands to help stroke the tip against his puckered mouth as he sagged forward.

"Oooh, mmmhhh! Ahhhhh... you're good at this, Chris," she moaned. "I wonder if your throat is as talented as those lips."

Chris's cock jerked. He was hard as could be, to the point he was dripping in his underwear. But there was no way he'd put his mouth on it. Jacking her off was one thing. But sucking it? That massive monster schlong? It wouldn't even fit, even if it would taste amazing.

What? Amazing?

Chris grunted as the fat tip jerked and a stripe of clear, musky pre drizzled down his cheek and nose.

Oh, right. Completely amazing. His tongue slid back inside his mouth and he nodded slowly.

"It was quite a large bar tab, after all..." she said. Her hips moved, swinging her thickness through his palms. "Of course, I could cancel the transaction if you don't want the money..."

She slid her fingers up the back of his head and dug into his hair, exerting just a little pressure for him to bend over closer to the meaty, musky girldick throbbing in his hands.

"N-no!" Chris said. He definitely didn't want any trouble with the intimidating bartender. "Uh... I just... you have to promise you won't tell anyone."

She smiled and tossed her long red hair back. Her heavy tits jostled and bounced before settling back in, glistening in the darkness. The fat, round crown of her huge cock bumped against the young man's lips again and drooled a few drops of pre onto his chin.

"Oh, of course," she said as she raked her fingers through his brown hair. "I won't tell anyone."

The taste was as good as Chris imagined. A bit salty. But she sure did leak a lot. He didn't leak so much, not even during marathon sessions, but as soon as he got his mouth near her tip, her thickness pulsed and dripped. He couldn't help but smell her pre either; she smelled so fucking good that it was hard to resist trying to suck more. He stubbornly stuck to the tip despite the gentle pressure from her hand on the back of his head. Her hips pumped forward at a regular rhythm, letting her balls swing back and forth, as she let out another contented groan of approval.

"Oooooh, yes... that's it... suck that big cock," she crooned. Both of her eyes closed as she slowly pumped into his mouth, stretching his cheeks each time. "Mmmhhhh! Oh yes, you're such a natural... oooh, that feels so good! Keep using that tongue, handsome... yeah, lick my big, thick dick!"

Chris blushed and closed his eyes. She was looking straight down past her massive tits to stare at him hungrily as he pulled her huge warmth into the back of his mouth, stretching his cheeks around either side of the fat tool. He had to swallow every few seconds as a steady drizzle of salty pre coated his tongue every time he pushed it up against the bottom of the crown or the upper part of the huge urethra.

Lower, his hands clasped around the base of the monster cock and squeezed, then stroked slowly, working up and down in time with the movements of his mouth above. Judging by the way she showered him in praise, he guessed it was feeling nice.

But one thing was really bothering Chris as he tested how deep he could press his lips past the tip - not far, it turned out. He couldn't help but worry about why his own dick was rock fucking hard.

He was having the erection of his life. At first he thought it was because of her tits, which were of course amazing, but his pudge hadn't gotten crazy, aching, blue-balled hard until he put his mouth on her cock. Was there something wrong with him? He'd never touch another person's dick in his life, but it took only a few seconds for her to convince him to open wide.

As trickles of saliva and pre-cum squeezed past his lips and tongue to slide down the impressive girlcock, his hands ended up smearing and stroking the sticky, musky liquid around the rest of her towering spire. His eyes closed as he pressed down, taking her huge tip right to the back of his mouth. It was like trying to swallow an apple whole and he grunted as he pushed his tongue as far as he could along the bulging urethra. His hands boldly swept up and down, bumping off his lips before slapping against her crotch.

Each time he completed a rotation, she began to let out a gasp and her girlcock jerked heavily in his grip. Her fingers scraped through his hair, tugging him and pushing him as her hips moved faster and more firmly. Chris opened his eyes, unable to help himself. She was still staring at him hungrily, licking her lips and huffing. Thanks to how quickly she was curling her spine to drive her wide plump hips forward, her upper torso jiggled quite a bit. In his shorts, Chris could feel the damp fabric of his underwear cling to his achingly hard dick. He'd never ever made pre like this before...

"Ohhhhh, fuuuuuuck, I could hump this fabulous little mouth allllllll night long," the woman groaned. Tipping her head back, she suddenly placed both hands on the back of Chris's head and pushed, filling his mouth with the tip of her oversized tower. Veins popped along the sides as the whole thing trembled and reared back. "Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. Isn't that right? At least this time you're getting a very good end. Haaaaaaa!"

As she grunted through her words, her lips pursed and her chest stuck out. Her hips trembled and her fingers curled around the back of Chris's head. His hands clung to her fantastically thick cockmeat as the rearing erection lurched forward and erupted.

Chris was not ready. He thought he was ready. But he wasn't.

The first gush forced its way down his throat and filled his belly with warmth. The shock of the feeling of so much sticky, potent seed set him off, and he creamed his shorts without even touching himself. Her cries and gasps echoed in his ears as she pounded forward with sharp, short little jabs. Sometimes the next pulse would be at the back of his mouth, sometimes just inside his lips. He couldn't keep up and a flood of jizz rolled down his chin and from both nostrils as he coughed and gagged and swallowed his way through her massive load.

Just how much cum could she make? Chris couldn't believe it as his belly filled. Fuck, she was so big... so potent... so fertile... the young man's eyes glazed over as they locked onto her plump, full tits while his jaw massaged her tip and sucked in every drop of her incredible load. He didn't worry about anything else as he knelt in the alleyway worshiping her fat cock. There was nothing else to worry about but guzzling her delicious seed.

By the time the hungry cocksucker licked the final beads of jizz from her huge shaft, it was back down to being about half-hard. Her slender fingers left his head, but as he leaned back, she wrapped her nails around the base of her monster and smacked the flexing length across his face.

"Lick it clean," she said, smearing the wet, sloppy dick across his nose and chin and lips. "That's a good boy..."

Chris shuddered. His cock was still hard despite having cum already. He did as she asked, though, and dragged his lips and tongue up and down her massive dick. He inhaled her smell the whole way through and his brain narrowed in its focus as the delicious, sexy futa perfume flowed past his nose. Within just a few minutes, he'd quickly and perfectly licked clean the wrist-thick dick sagging from her hips, though he was in much worse shape. His whole upper body was liberally covered in spots of pre-cum and seed. His face was messy and damp along with his neck and shoulders, plus there was a whole thing still going on between his thighs...

"Thanks for escorting a lady," she said, smirking as she carefully packed away that amazingly big girldick back into her cotton panties. The bulge was surreal and Chris moaned as his eyes flicked between her thighs and her tits, which also were covered by the over-the-shoulder dress as she tugged the straps back up into place.

A handful of $20 bills floated down and landed in some of the puddles of jizz that fell from Chris's chin earlier.

"Consider that a tip for your services, stud."

Chris looked down at the money. When he looked up, she was walking away and he almost bit his tongue as he watched her tight, plump ass cheeks swaying side to side in the red dress.

"W-wait!" he croaked. "W-when can I-"

The woman didn't bother turning around, but her voice floated back.

"Try finding me next week here at the bar. Maybe you can earn a little more cash. Heh heh heh..."

Her giggling faded as she strutted around the corner and disappeared from view, leaving the cum-soaked college student alone in the alley. Glancing furtively around, he jammed his hand into his shorts and desperately jerked himself off. It took only a few strokes for his sticky dick to fire off again.


Part 2

The entire week hardly an hour passed without Chris thinking of her. He didn't even know her name, but he couldn't stop her image from dancing in his mind. Her wide eyes, plump lips, strong shoulders and impressive rack... the narrow belly and cute belly button expanding into a set of hips and thighs that could easily swing around the thick backside and the enormous cock. She was the perfect package.

Perfect? Really? He couldn't believe he kept thinking those thoughts. He was straight, and that... blowjob... was just to pay back the bar tab. He got a few hundred bucks of drinks for free for a few minutes of work, and he brushed his teeth after, so what was the harm? Anyways, it wasn't like he was going to do it again.

But that resolve didn't keep her warm, plump breasts from jiggling and bouncing across his face every time he closed his eyes. He caught himself drooling as he imagined her taste. And the dreams... to say his sheets were damp in the mornings was an understatement.

So the entire week passed. And Chris found himself back in the bar, this time alone, huddled on a stool at the far end. He nursed his beer - paid in advance, no tab - and wondered if she'd really be there. And if she was, whether he'd talk to her. And if he talked to her, whether she'd... she'd... well, he was intentionally not solving the first question in order to not think about the later questions.

If only his dick weren't hard the second he arrived. He kept his thighs clamped and took another sip of his beer.

It was a slow night despite the weekend. School was back in session, so it would cool off for a few weeks until people settled back into their grooves. Besides Chris, there was only the bartender and a few people playing pool at a table on the other side of the bar.

Chris was wondering whether to order a second beer when the bar's phone rang. The bartender picked it up, nodded, then glanced over at Chris and nodded again. He scribbled something onto the notepad hanging on the wall next to the phone, then grunted, hung up, and handed it to Chris.

It was an address. Chris's cheeks burned as he silently took the slip, then slipped off the stool and carefully walked out while trying not to let his erection be too obvious. The cool air outside helped and he re-read the address, then plugged it into his phone. It wasn't too far away, so he started walking.

The building was several stories tall and the number was on the highest floor. It was an above-average building for the area considering most of the places were rented to students. Maybe college staff lived in some of the apartments.

The elevator opened to a short hallway similar to the first floor but this one only had a single door. Chris had his hand in the air ready to knock to announce his presence when his stomach tightened.

What the fuck was he doing? He came all this way without even thinking. But was he really going to meet her again? It would be obvious the result if he did... he'd politely turn her down, thank her again, and excuse himself. Obviously. Chris did feel an obligation to thank her regardless, though, in a state when he wasn't drunk and covered in... in... in...

A small wet spot appeared at the front of his blue jeans and he flinched at the memories - but mostly the twinge of pleasure those memories sent through his rock-hard erection. He was a mess, and because of that, his knuckles rapped against the wood.

Chris froze momentarily, then quickly stuffed a hand into his pants to adjust himself quickly. With his black t-shirt pulled down, it wasn't obvious. He could hear footsteps approaching the door and chided himself mentally for how his heart was racing.

The knob turned and the door swung inwards, revealing her behind. Chris's eyes widened and his mouth opened as he stared openly. How could he not?

A gauzy dark purple bathrobe made of semi-transparent, ultralight material wrapped itself around her otherwise bare body. Despite its lightness, it fit her arms and squeezed around her narrow belly perfectly, while still cupping and supporting her impressive bosoms. Her hair flowed around both sides of her face, bright and red against the tan, smooth skin of her neck and shoulders. Because the robe was see-through, the sheer material went completely transparent as the lights changed and her supple curves stretched it outwards. Chris's eyes lowered, gawping at her fit, flat stomach and thick, muscular thighs. Mostly, though, he boggled at the shape of her enormous male appendage as it curled over on itself into a strappy dark purple thong that stood out beneath the gauzy purple robe. The fabric stretched tight around the bulge, lifting it up and giving it some extra bounce even when she did as little as shift her weight from one foot to the other. Beneath and behind the curled over cock were the same fat, plump balls that Chris remembered fondling before.

"Ah, Chris, please... come in," she said after giving him a few seconds to stare.

His legs moved automatically forward as she stepped aside, but her movements were deceptive, and as he passed, he brushed firmly across her front, squeezing into her top while his side and arm bumped against her bulging thong.

"Oops, excuse me, how clumsy," she said, though she made no effort to retreat.

Chris bit his lower lip and blushed, then quickly hurried past her. He realized the apartment was actually the entire top floor of the building, loft-style, with all the amenities and nice furniture and all the rest. But he didn't much care about any of that, because he only really cared about the occupant at the moment. His hand burned on the back where it squeezed against the side of her thick shaft and his mouth was watering. Chris didn't want to admit it, but she could tell him to kneel and he would right now.

"I wasn't sure I'd see you again, but I'm glad you stopped by," she said.

"W-what's your name?" Chris blurted out suddenly.

She grinned and spread her red lips, revealing a brilliant white smile below.

"Oh? I never told you?" she said, leaning in close enough for her gauze robe and heavy breasts to spread across his t-shirt. "My name is Rose. It fits, don't you think?"

Chris had to agree as her red hair spilled around her shoulders. She felt so good and warm against him that he could only nod in agreement and hope she wouldn't ask questions about why he was so hard right now.

"Anyways, Chris, I'm something of a philanthropist around here," she said. "I find students from the college with potential and offer them small jobs as a way of... hmmm... helping out. Unfortunately, my favorite little superstar just graduated and moved for a big fancy job somewhere, so I've been a little... pent up."

Her hands spread across Chris's chest as she spoke, rubbing at his shoulders or feeling his arms, before sliding down his sides to tease across his hips and even give his backside a quick squeeze.

"Oh, but you have lots of potential... maybe the most potential I've seen," she mumbled more to herself than to Chris, who was too busy enjoying the feeling of her fingers and nails scratching down his hips to listen anyways.

She pulled away suddenly and Chris blinked. He blushed, and also felt ashamed at himself for forgetting so easily the plan he made earlier to get out before any hanky-panky developed. Instead, she'd gone to first base before he knew it.

His attention was distracted again, though, as her hand spread over her chest. He swallowed hard, watching as she cupped the large, plump bosom. Her other hand did the same on the other side, and then both pulled the robe's panels to the sides. The gauzy garment fell to the floor in a small pile around her bare feet. Her hands returned to her now fully bare breasts and squeezed them together from the sides. Chris's eyes bulged as he watched, mouth hanging open again and his arousal obvious through the bulge in his jeans. Rose's right hand slid flat over the top of the swell, then down the inside before withdrawing a folded over wad of bills from the deep valley of cleavage between the glistening breasts.

Chris's jaw snapped shut as she used two fingers to hold the stack of money against his chest.

"So how about it, handsome? Want to earn a little money on the side?" she asked, tapping the cash a few times against his sternum.

Several thoughts appeared in Chris's head. First, that was a lot of money - four or five hundred dollar bills, from the looks of it. That was the same as he would get working a job on campus part-time for a month. Second, she probably wanted blowjobs. Lots of blowjobs, from that amount of money. But would she want more? Third, and most importantly... was she really trying to pay him for sex? Wouldn't it be the other way around in any other timeline? Just what was going on?

Greed, lust, confusion... emotions swirled inside his chest, but as his eyes went from her smirking red lips to the wad of cash to the heavy, full breasts, the biggest he'd ever laid eyes on, bare and broad and glistening right there in front of him...

Chris snatched the cash, stashed it in the front pocket of his jeans, and dropped to his knees in front of her.

"Good boy. You learn quickly. Go ahead and pull it out... I've been so pent up alllll week."

Chris swallowed hard as he stared up at her bobbing, shifting breasts and her smirking grin, then lowered his eyes past her flexing belly to the bulging blue bikini. The straps rode high up her long, muscular thighs, but they were easy to pull down to the sides. Her smell was so good that Chris leaned in closer as he pulled the thong slowly over her smooth, supple skin. The base of the incredible girth appeared, but the pouch clung to the curved-over tip. Chris breathed hard, shuddering as he pulled the straps further down her legs until they dangled past her knees.

Chris was only inches away from Rose's crotch, nostrils flaring as he inhaled her scent, when the pouch finally peeled off the musky girlcock. It unfurled and stretched outwards, releasing a thick line of pre-cum as it went that soaked into Chris's t-shirt, before the fat shaft lurched upwards and swung across his face. As close as he was, his face ended up buried in the base.

Rose's hand stretched down and dug into the hair on the back of his head. As she shoved him forward, her hips did the same from the other direction. Both of his hands grasped at her thighs as she smothered him in cock and balls, covering and enveloping his entire face with the fat, heavy nuts and thick, powerful cock. She was so big and warm and sweaty that Chris's dick didn't stand a chance - his length, less than half the size of Rose's, created a wet spot on the front of his jeans as big as a dollar bill as her huge meat curled over the top of his head.

It didn't curl over for long. The enormous length hardened rapidly as she pumped her hips against his face, rudely smearing her balls over his lips and chin before making him worship the plump base where it merged with her crotch. She moaned from above as she leaned over, using the top of his head like a tripod to support herself as her other hand rubbed at her aching breasts.

"Mmmmhhhh... oooh, yessssss!" she cried out as his mouth opened, though her fat nuts were far too large to actually fit inside - each orb was easily as big as both of his fists put together, after all - but she appreciated the effort. "I can't wait to earn every penny out of you... heh heh heh..."

Chris's face heated up for a whole other reason. Even the tips of his ears burned as she giggled and teased herself, rubbing and grinding him lewdly until her thickness was fully hard. Her slender fingers dragged him back by the hair as her other hand stroked from the base to the tip, then pulled the large meat up between her enormous bosoms. As she bent over in front of Chris, he watched, agog, as the length spread right through her cleavage and appeared on the other side, only for the crown to plunge easily past her plump lips.


The fingers on the back of Chris's head tightened as his cock jerked in his pants. He couldn't believe how horny the sight made him as she slurped and suckled the tip of her own enormous dick. He didn't have time to watch for long, though, because her grip dragged him back forward, shoving him unceremoniously back down into her sweaty, fat balls. He squirmed and groped at her thighs as she rubbed his face along her cock, smearing him from the base until her breasts bounced off his head. His tongue and lips licked and kissed every inch he was sent to, bathing the thickness as she took care of the other end herself.

Her free hand grabbed one of his wrists and lifted it higher, placing it on the outside swell of her breasts. He eagerly pressed in, squeezing the plump orbs and groaning even louder as the supple flesh dimpled under his grip. Her hand shoved his inwards, so that her heavy tits compressed around the midsection of her throbbing cock. Realizing what she intended, Chris lifted his other hand high into the air and shoved from the other side. The delighted groans and gurgles as he massaged and squeezed her heavy breasts while his face squeezed against the base of her wide arousal... it was all music to his ears.

He wasn't sure how long they continued like that, but he could feel her thickness throbbing faster and faster. His hips shifted, dragging back and forth in midair as he subconsciously thrust his aching maleness. Her scent was too much... her taste was exquisite... her curvy, warm body... her heavy, oversized tits... the incredible girth spearing into her mouth from her hips, so long and hard and wonderful...

Chris felt the shaft move and flop freely. Lips smacked, then Rose spoke.

"Mmmhhh... I forget how fun that is to do myself sometimes. But now it's time for you to earn your pay."

Both of Rose's hands swept around the sides of Chris's head and dragged him forward until he was on all fours in front of her huge cock, which jerked and dripped a gut-wrenching amount of pre-cum. It drizzled constantly from the wide, fat shaft, which ended up falling forward nearly level with Chris's bent-over body due to its own incredible weight.

"And for what I'm spending, I expect you to do more than lick the tip tonight!"

Chris's eyes widened. More than that? How could that be possible, even? She was too big!

Her hips pumped forward, grinding the crown against his lips. He opened automatically, and she worked her way in, stretching his jaw as his lips curled over his teeth to avoid scraping. His eyes clenched as she pushed deeper, sawing side to side, until she found what she was looking for. Her fingers tightened, clutching at the back of his head as she bent over and adjusted her hips to line up with the way he crawled in front of her.


Chris's desperate gurgles ended as she pushed forward. Her massive tip ground its way into his throat, forming an immediate distension around the enormous dick, which could only be compressed so much. Chris lifted a hand to his throat and his eyes rolled back in his head as he felt the crown shove deeper past his palm.

"Oooh, now that's better!" Rose moaned. "Haven't felt a throat this time in so long..."

Her hips pulled back, dragging her dick right to the tip of his lips. Pre-cum sprayed from his nostrils as he coughed, but then she was back in, grinding him open, loosening him up as he shuddered and twitched under the assault. His hands dropped to his sides and he slumped forward, unable to support himself as she thrust. Somewhere in the back of his head, his brain did some calculations. If she was a bit more than twice as long and thick as him, and a girl he knew once told him he was hard to deepthroat, that would mean that Rose, with her enormous schlong, ought to be impossible.

And yet her bulging girlcock was stretching all the way down his throat and then some. The flat, flexing muscles of her belly were dangerously close to his eyes. And all he could think as his arms and legs gave out was that this was gonna make him cum for sure...

Rose's lips curled as she felt him go limp. His loose throat was still tight, but easier to take. The speed of her thrusts increased as she listened to his desperate moans. Seed dribbled from the front of his jeans as she pounded and pumped, wetly thrusting her thick, dripping dick completely to the hilt before removing it almost entirely, only to do it again. After a while, she kept her shaft soaking inside, never pulling out more than halfway as her fingers grasped his head more tightly yet, perfectly controlling his entire upper body in her strong grip to ensure he was wrapped just so around her flexing, squirting thickness.

"Nnggghh... oooh, fuck... oh, yessss! Nnnfffff... hhhaaaaahhh... here it comes! Time to earn those hundos, slut!"

Chris's eyes snapped open, wide and dilated. His cheeks, throat, and belly all bulged at once as she unloaded after mashing his face down into the base of her cock. Her abs flexed against his forehead as she let loose with the first few spurts, before roughly dragging him off and finishing with a couple hard, heavy firehose blasts to the face. Chris's face dripped with seed, too much to soak fully into his wet shirt that clung to his upper body.

"Nnnggghhhhh... oooh, fuck... oh my god..."

Chris groaned, coughing and hacking as he rubbed at his throat with his hand. His belly was full and waves of seed kept rushing up out of his mouth. The salty, musky, masculine taste of Rose's cum was so good...


Rose's thickness jerked, splattering several ropes of jizz from the back of his neck to his hips following the curve of his spine. Rivulets rolled down the wet fabric of his shirt and dripped onto the floor beneath him as he coughed and huffed beneath.

"See? I knew you had talent. Well worth the money," Rose said.

Her fingers stretched into his cum-soaked hair and lifted his dripping mouth up so that he had to look at her. Her big, heavy dick dropped, splattering across his face as she smeared the drizzling, jerking tip over his nose and mouth, squirting a few last drops onto his lips, before releasing him and standing upright.

"Hahhhmmmm!" she grunted, stretching her arms high over her head. "Well, I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. You can clean yourself up in the guest bathroom there. The door will lock behind you when you leave."

Her thick backside bobbed as she turned and walked away. Chris shuddered, eyes locked onto her shapely figure.

"Oh, and leave your number if you want to make more money, handsome."

Part 3

Chris did leave his number. Over the course of the next two months, he made weekly visits. She always paid him first, sometimes teasing him with the money or sliding it into his pants himself, before throatfucking his mouth until he swam in her seed. He thought about her constantly and his grades at school were plummeting. He tried to recover, but he just wasn't interested in engineering anymore. He was wondering what to do when he got another text from Rose. It wasn't the weekend, but the message sounded urgent.

"Hey, need to see you immediately. V important!!"

There were some heart and exclamation mark emojis as well. Chris just finished classes, so he quickly gathered his stuff and headed out of the building. He ran into his friends on the way.

"Chris, what's up, man? We haven't seen you much lately!"

"Hey, I heard you dropped out of the program because of grades? Is everything okay?"

Chris held up his hands and grinned.

"Yes, everything is fine!" he said. "Seriously, it's fine. I realized that I have a different goal now, that's all."

He added on a little more bullshit about changing majors and tacking an extra year of school on, but it was all made up. He had no idea what he was going to do. But at least his friends let him go after a few minutes more small talk.

As Chris walked down the path towards the outer edge of the campus, his friends glanced at each other.

"Say, is it just me, or does Chris look different?"

"Yeah, did he gain weight?"

"I don't think so... but his clothes don't fit the same, right?"

After arriving at the top floor in the elevator, Chris quickly knocked on the door. It opened almost immediately.

"Is something wrong, Ms. Rose?" he asked.

The "Ms. Rose" thing started right after he learned her name the second time they met. It felt natural. He didn't think it was appropriate for him to call her so informally, at least.

"Oh, good, you're here at last," Rose said. "Come in, quickly."

"Yes, Ms. Rose."

Rose wore a lacy cup bra that somehow managed to support and lift her awesome torso, but lower, the matching white lace panties stretched obscenely around her raging erection. The band pulled the base upwards so that it twitched and lurched up against her breasts, sometimes getting stuck between the not insignificant amount of plump boobflesh spilling over the cups below.

"As you can see, I can't possibly go out like this tonight, and it's a very important event," she said, gesturing to her dripping hardon. "So I need your help, and of course, I'll reward you handsomely, handsome."

Chris shivered as he sniffed the air. The familiar scent of her arousal was already stirring his loins and causing a bulge in his tight jeans, which squeezed in around his backside. For some reason lately they seemed to have shrunk.

He was about to ask what she needed help with when her hand slid down her belly and into the straining panties, then plucked something from behind her squashed nuts. When she dangled it in front of Chris's nose, the scent of her musky balls almost made him forget what it was she was showing him at all.

It was close to a thousand bucks, twice what she normally gave him. His eyes widened not just from the smell but from the amount.

"You give amazing head, but that's not going to cut it tonight," she said, teasing the folded over bills under his nostrils. "I have to make sure I don't accidentally pop up, and for that, I'm gonna need something else."

Chris didn't realize how close she was under her huge, dripping dick slid into his shirt. The fabric wrapped around the head and was pulled upwards, leaving his belly bare against the throbbing base.

"Oh, god," he moaned.

Her hand reached around and spread over his butt, clutching at one of the thick cheeks.

"I'm gonna need this to make it through tonight," she said. "How about it?"

"Uhnnnn... Ms. Rose..."

Chris's head spun at the thought. Sure, he enjoyed the money from smoking her dick weekly, and he was getting really good at it, but that was different than... than... sitting on it. How would it even fit? His throat was still barely managing even after two months!

"Please, Chris? How about this..."

Her fingers reached back down into her stuffed panties again. Chris's eyes bulged at the second wad of hundreds she produced, which stank even more of her juicy, full balls than the first pack.

"Since it's our first time... I'll double the fee."


"Perfect. I don't have much time, so try not to squeal too loud."

"W-what? Oof!"

Rose spun Chris around, then unceremoniously shoved him forward across the cushioned arm of the couch. Her fingers grasped his jeans and undid the fly in front before dragging them down to his knees before pulling them off from the ankles. Too stunned to react, Chris lay still facedown in the couch as her hands wrapped around his hips and dug in.

Something warm and thick spread open his ass cheeks as her fingers squeezed into his plump glutes. Like a massive sausage in a bun far too small to hold it, Rose swung her hips forward and ground her fat urethra against Chris's exposed hole. At the same time, she leaned over and wrapped her palm around Chris's mouth and nose. Held in her palm were both the payment for the service he was about to provide and a first-time bonus. The cash stank of Rose's cock sweat.

"Miiiiisssss Rrrrrrrrose!" he cried. His voice pitched up at the end and cut off.

The unfamiliar sensation sent a shock through Chris's system. It was almost like hitting the reset button on an old video game system - his whole face went rigid, eyes wide and pupils dilated, with his jaw hanging stupidly open. As Rose squeezed her fat nuts up against the back of his thighs, pinning the huge orbs in with her own muscular body, the tip jerked and released a few dribbles of rich, musky pre-cum. It sizzled along Chris's spine as his shoulders contorted.

"Ooooh, fuuuuuuck!" Rose gasped. "Yeah, you're tight, alright... I'm gonna... hhhhnnnfff... enjoy making you earn this cash!"

Chris's whole body quivered as he restarted. His eyes blinked against the cushions and his shoulders arched. He propped himself up on his elbows and eagerly pushed back against the base of Rose's thick shaft so that his hips hung a bit further off the edge, letting him dangle his legs down.

Content with warming up this way, Rose grunted as she thrust a few more times. Her fingers dug into Chris's backside, massaging and spreading his cheeks so that every inch of her thickness stroked across his exposed hole before the tip prodded at it. More thick pre pulsed from the milky crown, more than enough to lube even her enormous length.

As Chris felt his ring surrender to the incredible girth, a random thought flashed through his mind. A "first-time bonus" - wasn't that just a fancy way of saying he sold his anal virginity?

There wasn't time to ponder. His whole body refocused on the tip as it broke through, followed by a good few inches of massive dickflesh. Chris tightened, clenched, and kicked while gasping and twisting. Her fat, oversized girldick flexed inside of him, painting his inner walls with hot, sticky, potent pre, allowing her to more easily stuff the rest of the shaft in. She worked him open quickly, roughly, tugging on his hips and grinding when she had to in order to get her balls stuffed back up against his plump thighs.

Chris's shoulders contorted and relaxed. His fingers twitched and drool ran from his open mouth as he shuffled back and forth on the cushion. His cock was firing, painting his stomach and the fabric below with ropes of cum until it started shooting blanks. The pressure drove him completely over the edge and she'd only just gotten inside of him... he couldn't imagine what would happen if she was one of those types that could last.

"Mmmmmmhhhhhhh... good boy," Rose moaned. "You took that like a champ."

Now that her dick was nice and deep, rooted to the hilt in Chris's backside, Rose slid her hands away from his plump ass and up his narrow backside before grabbing hold of his arms just above the elbows. As she leaned backwards, she lifted Chris upwards as well. His feet hit the floor, but he was dependent on Rose for balance as she controlled his arms, bending back his shoulders and forcing his chest and stomach to jut outwards.

Chris let out gasp as her cock pulled out halfway. Relief and emptiness disappeared after a few seconds as she pushed back in. Her fingers dug into his arms, holding him exactly where she wanted him. With his back curved and his head tipped back, he could feel her huge breasts bump against his shoulders each time she bottomed out inside, and soon he squirmed, wanting to feel them again and again.

"Worth... every... penny!"

Rose picked up the pace as she spoke, sliding her slick, dripping cock with more vigor into the moaning, wiggling, tight ass in front of her. Chris sagged forward, leaning away as she bucked, humped, and thrust. His eyes rolled back in his head and his tongue hung out. He could hardly get out a grunt before her thickness slammed him again, and each time his poor little prostate fired every single nerve it could reach, sending twitches of pleasure constantly through his overloaded brain.

Chris's belly stretched outwards as the rutting continued. Hard, deep, eager pounding, until Rose suddenly leaned forward. Her breasts stretched and sagged around Chris's head as she pushed in as deep as she could and held herself there until her lurching arousal erupted. Muffled cries of pleasure and warm, clenching, desperate wriggles ensued as Rose sighed. Supporting herself on her elbows to either side of the cushions beneath her large breasts, her legs lifted off the floor entirely, adding the significant weight of her lower body into her rapidfire thrusting. Chris's butt jiggled and squirted as she dumped load after load of thick seed deep into his guts, cumming long and hard until a river of jizz streaked down the side of the couch cushions.

"Ahhhhh... mmmfffff... ooooh, yessssss!"

Rose hadn't felt an ass so hot and tight in quite some time and kept bouncing, digging her dick deep into the squirming, squealing stud beneath her. Thick girlcum kept welling up around the sides of her fat shaft as she plunged in deep, but that only made her want to fill him even more.

Rolling backwards as she went in deep, she found her footing and dragged him with her. Leaning back, she levered him upright and made him sit on her cock as she bounced her knees. Chris's dick, average and less than half the size of her own, flapped between his thighs, soft and completely spent, as she kept pumping more massive splurts of rich, fertile seed into his dripping and stretched hole.

"Was that really your first time?" Rose gasped. "You're such a... nnnffffffhhhooooh... natural at this!"

"Nnggghhh... yes, Ms. Rose..."

Chris's head bounced off of Rose's heavy breasts, sometimes disappearing into her heavy, warm bosoms to the point they completely surrounded his face from behind. The warm, slightly sweaty skin gripped against his cheeks and lips as he panted and shuddered and writhed in the grip of her narrow fingers and lean arms. Her hips pumped as she brace herself and settled into the rhythm. Every veiny inch of the big girldick drove in to the hilt every time, and she slid one of her hands around, palm flat, to feel the bulge from outside.

"Oooh, yes, you naughty boy... if you keep... nnnfff... squeezing like that... I'm gonna... I'm... I'm gonna... nnnaaaahhhhhh!"

Chris's feet left the floor and swung outwards before dropping back down along with hips. The huge girldick slammed in deep and stayed there as a gush of hot, sticky seed bloated his stomach around her stretched fingers squeezing on his belly. Rose's enormous bosoms settled around his shoulders and squeezed him down, each weighing a ton. They also trapped his head, leaving only his lips gasping for air past the swells of the smooth, warm orbs. Rose kept one hand spread across his stomach, pushing down to keep him from popping off accidentally, while the other clenched around his thigh. His cock was hard again, and although he'd long since tapped out when it came to cumming, it slapped off his sweaty, messy belly again and again as he cried out and gasped around her thickness. His glutes tensed and tensed and squeezed and tensed as Rose hummed and moaned and crooned in his ears about what a sweet, tight little ass he had, how good he felt, how nice and warm he was, right where he belonged...

Chris's eyes rolled back in his head and he dangled forward. Rose released her grip completely and caught his elbows instead. His feet scraped backwards but his center of balance was too far off, and he dangled forwards in her grasp, still half-impaled on her massive dick. Rose grinned past her plump bosoms, now squeezed together by her arms, as her hips pistoned, powerful and deep, restarting the lustful fucking all over again even as loads of her thick white jizz drained constantly from his ass.

"Good thing I still got an hour before I have to get ready to leave," Rose said as her heavy, fat, aching sac slapped against the back of Chris's tensing thighs. "Three... maybe four more times before I'm certain I'll stay down? You don't mind, right, Chris?"

Chris's head spun. His tongue hung out past his lips as he sagged, shoulders back and chest extended. His swollen belly filled with her thick jizz on the inside as her sweat and musk dripped down the outside. He shuddered and grunted, unable to talk as her fat arousal stirred his guts and triggered another deep, insatiable orgasmic fire in his loins. He clenched, hard, and let out a high-pitched moan.

"Yes, Ms. Rose!"

"Ha ha ha! I didn't think you would! Here's to getting your... nnnnggghhhh... money's... huff... worth!"

Part 4

Chris looked at himself in the mirror. He examined himself from every angle, turned his hips and shoulders, stood on his toes, twisted around completely, and by the time he was through, he was sure of it:

His ass was fire.

Seriously fire. He was packing heat in his badonkadonk. Loaded weapon. Etc. A grin spread across his mouth as he reached down and tugged up his jeans over his straining boxers. Sure, his cock was maybe even a little smaller, but his thick thighs and rockin' rump more than made up for it. At least, according to Ms. Rose, and that was really all he cared about anymore.

Chris grinned wider as he tugged on his shirt. His belly was flat and toned thanks to hitting the gym pretty hard lately. He wanted to make sure Ms. Rose kept enjoying how he felt so that he could keep earning that easy cash. Thanks to all that money, he moved out into his own place last week. Sure, it was a ratty little one-bedroom in the bad part of town, but he liked being independent anyways.

Grabbing a bundle of paperwork, he strutted out of his new building and towards the campus. It was a bit further to go, but Chris enjoyed the fresh air. He also enjoyed showing off, and he put a little extra pep in his step as he headed for the registrar's building.

After dropping off his un-enrollment paperwork (they'd mail him the diploma for the degree he already earned later on), Chris decided to go shopping to celebrate. He picked up a few new pieces of clothing that he hoped Ms. Rose might enjoy removing from him later, then walked back to his new apartment. He was nearly to the front door when a large black town car with dark windows pulled up on the curb outside. Chris turned to look as the back window rolled down a few inches. From inside, he could hear music and laughter. He could also smell booze and smoke.

"cumslut! Over here!"

He recognized Ms. Rose's voice right away. He still didn't love how she kept calling him cumslut, but he obediently trotted over and leaned in towards the cracked window.

"Hey, ladies! We are in luck!" Ms. Rose said. "Our backup entertainment is here!"

"Uh... Ms. Rose?"

Chris stared through the cracked window past Ms. Rose, who sat near the door, to the two other large, busty ladies also sitting on the back bench seat. In addition, another pair sat together on the side bench, making for a total of five very large, bosomy women, and he could see obvious and prominently displayed male bulges on at least three of them, not counting Ms. Rose.

The car door opened and a waft of boozy smoke and musk poured over Chris and floated around him. He hardened up instantly and panted as Ms. Rose's slender fingers extended, grabbed his shirt, and pulled him closer. Her other hand reached out and pressed a wad of bills down the front of his pants.

"Two thousand dollars to entertain my friends and me for the rest of the evening," she said, her husky voice slicing into Chris's ears. "If you get good reviews from them all, I'll throw in another $500 on top."

"Yes, Ms. Rose."

There wasn't anything to think about. That was several months of rent just to keep a few women company? It was the most money he'd seen - or rather, felt in his underwear - since he started this hustle. Ms. Rose must really be loaded. Chris grinned wider and slipped through the car door as it cracked open wider. It slammed behind him, the window rolled up, and the car took off to the sounds of squealing tires and laughter.

Inside the cab, what little fresh air managed to squeeze inside during the brief curbside interlude turned foul with the stench of aroused girldick. Chris's mouth hung open as he panted hard, barely able to breath anyways, as several pairs of enormous breasts squeezed in around him from all sides. Hands groped at his hips and sides, pawing at his wide and ample ass or clutching at his short, small, and obviously hard dick.

"Ohhh, he's so cute! What's his name?" one of the woman asked.

She was the most muscular of them all and probably the tallest, though her breasts were on the relatively small side considering some of her companions. Her cock, of course, was on the bigger side, and it was already creating the most impressive bulge in her tight, shape-fitting stretch shorts as it speared to the side and wrapped around her hips. Chris knew it was there, though, because she was sitting next to him and it kept knocking the wind out of his side.

"I think I remember - didn't Rose say he was called 'cumslut' or something?"

The second woman to speak sat on his other side and already had a finger half-inserted between his plump ass cheeks. She was very aggressive with her hands and seemed more eager to see how quick she could press the new boytoy's buttons than anything else.

"Hey, both of you need to behave yourselves with this one," Ms. Rose said. Chris could just ear her over the music from between the massive boobs. "Don't break my stuff!"

"Yeah, yeah," the second woman said as her finger slipped in deeper. Chris grunted, eyes wide, and tensed up everywhere as his cock stained his shorts with wetness. "Hah! Look at that! I barely touched him!"

Chris found himself passed around the car between the women. He sat on laps, squeezed between boobs, served as a cushion, and even as a fidget toy while they discussed other things. He wasn't sure how long the car ride was or long it had been. He wasn't sure if his name was cumslut or Chris. He wasn't sure if he was gonna cum just from getting fingered or if the constant groping was gonna set him off instead.

The only thing he was sure of was that this was going to be the easiest $2,500 he ever made in his life. Forget college - this was the job of his dreams, after all.

"Hey, your little slut is getting a bit drippy."

"How often do you let him cum?"

"Which is better, his ass or his mouth?"

Ms. Rose grinned and held up her palms as she shrugged.

"Well, ladies, I'm not sure. Why don't you tell me?"

The obvious implication set off a chain reaction. Chris's throat stretched and his ass gaped as the car rumbled along. In between fucking Ms. Rose's boytoy, they drank copious amounts of wine, though Chris got drunk only on girldick and didn't even have to touch the alcohol to experience a mind-numbing sensation. A monstrous procession of massive girldicks spread out his ass, filling his cheeks with load after load, while moments later those same huge dicks appeared in front of his plump, stretched lips, ready to deliver a second round to confirm a victor. Of course, there was no easy way to decide...

"Nnngggghhhhh... fuuuuuuck, it's gotta be his mouth that's best, right?"

From the other side of the rapidly filling boytoy, the muscular amazonian futadom thrust forward, slapping her huge balls against the back of Chris's thighs, as her fat stalk formed a long line up his belly.

"No fuckin' way... his ass is just too sweet..."

Chris's throat heaved as the woman in front dragged her fat shaft past his lips and then joined the muscular one down behind him.

"Alright, scoot over, then. Let's find out for sure..."


"Oh, damn, you might be right..."

cumslut's eyes squeezed shut and his head tipped back. His hard little dick throbbed into the carpeted floor of the town car as the second massive girlcock stretched him even wider, joining the first one inside his writhing, clenching belly. Whenever one forced itself in deep, the other dragged itself back out and vice versa, ensuring he was absolutely, positively, completely filled to the point of orgasm with huge, veiny girldick every single second. His stomach rounded, filling with their combined loads. The two woman pressed their tops together, squeezing bosom to bosom and tongue to tongue as they fired off in unison. cumslut's ragged moans and squeals only added to the apparently jovial atmosphere.

"Hah, nice, you two. I wasn't sure he could handle so much meat," Ms. Rose said.

"Think he can fit two down his throat?"

"Dunno, couldn't hurt to try."

"Don't move those dicks! I wanna fuck his little dick while he's still full of you both!"

It was like cumslut was entombed in flesh. From every side, in every hole, he felt nothing but their power and size and lust. He was nothing but a warm, automatic, self-cleaning toy for Ms. Rose and her friends, and that was all he needed to be. After all - and, even more than the fat futa dicks grinding him open - it was the cash that really got his tiny cock and balls dripping. Ms. Rose and her money... he wasn't sure what he'd do without both of them.

Part 5

"Oooooh, gawwwwwwwd, ooooh, yeesssssss, Miisssss Ro-oh-oh-OH-OHHHHHHHHSSSSSSEEEE!"

Rose had him sitting on her dick with both ankles up around his head. His plump belly pushed between rapidly filling with another huge load of cum from the massive girldick plunging wetly inside. His tiny cock and balls were caged down to mere nubs, stopping even the pathetic inch or two left from getting fully hard despite how much he dripped and drizzled.

His toes curled and his wrists straightened, pushing his palms flat down into her huge, fat nuts under his hips. As she bucked up into him, his hands disappeared completely in the swollen sac. His stomach lurched, jiggling, fat and growing fatter from all the pungent, fertile goo Rose made sure ended up deep in his guts every time she slammed her hips into his wide, plump rump.

He was shorter now, too, to the point that her huge breasts completely swallowed up his head and shoulders and legs, helping to keep him pinned and in place as Rose jogged along on her treadmill. It was set to a steep incline and a high rate of speed, so every rapid-paced step made her huge dong slide to the root inside cumslut. From deep within her cleavage, his gasps and moans and squeals couldn't be heard over the sound of the music playing on the sweating woman's headphones.

She ran several more miles that way, sometimes varying the incline or speed, and demonstrated incredible control whenever she came, which was every mile or so, by never deviating her pace no matter how tight cumslut squeezed and hugged around her cock, or how hard his hands groped at her fat balls, or how much he squirmed between her aching nipples. She was paying him to assist with her workout and she was focused on ensuring she got her money's worth.

"Faaaaaaah! Whew, I'm beat," Rose gasped, slowing the treadmill down. "Alright, whore, let's wrap this up."

Reaching in between her own fat tits, Rose grabbed hold of the hair on cumslut's head. He was growing it out long at her suggestion and by now there was plenty to wrap her fingers around. With the squirming little boytoy still impaled on her shaft, she swung her hips forward and let him drop chest-first across the treadmill's console. He let out a whine and shuddered as his legs dangled past her. He held onto the safety rails to either side of the console as her hips drew back, then pumped in nice and deep and hard.

"M-Ms. Roooooooose! Yesssss! Harder!"

"Mmmhh... fuck, I'm tired after all that running, but the way you beg is just so... nice!"

Slamming her hips forward, Ms. Rose's lips turned into a smile as she watched her wiggling little slut bounce between her huge dick and the console's edge.

"Yes, yes! Fuck all your cum into me, Ms. Rose! Pleaseeeee!"

"Greedy little bitch..."

Ms. Rose's palm slapped across cumslut's wide, round ass, sending a wave of motion throughout the thicc rump cheeks. He let out a squeal and clamped down like a vice as she shoved forward, hilting him despite that, then holding him there as she fired off one last gut-churning load of powerful seed. Her fingernails raked down his back like claws as he clenched and wiggled and squirmed for her.

"There's your load, slut? You happy?"

"Nnnggggggghhhhhhhhhh... oooh, Ms. Rooooooose... so warrrrrmmmmm..."

"Yeah, I know, slut... you're so lucky I happened to bump into you back then, you know? You could've wasted all this talent if I hadn't shown you the way.

"Yessssss, Ms. Rose..."

Rose smirked, slapped his ass around a little more, and then made him clean off her dick with his lips.

"Greedy bitch, look at you licking my dick like that. Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Nnnno, Ms. Rose."

"Hah. Good boy. You're gonna get a good tip tonight if you have a good attitude like that."

"Huff... yes... Ms. Rose..."

Her fingers tightened around his skull as he opened his mouth and sucked on her dripping, flexing tip. Without warning, she shoved his face down, throating him roughly until he squirmed and kicked and twisted.

"That's it... mmmmhhh, such a good cocksucker you turned out to be, too... oh, and don't forget this weekend. You're flying to the bachelorette party in Vegas with me and girls, so make sure you keep them entertained. Anything they want, you got it?"

"Hrlk! Huk glug!"

After painting his throat again - she couldn't help herself, not with his messy face glaring up at her and demanding she try to knock his tonsils out - and a bit more booty-smacking, she stuffed a few hundreds into his tight shorts and kicked him out without letting him wash up first. The dumb whore liked walking home feeling Ms. Rose's jizz in him almost as much as he liked her money anyways...