A Fire Extinguished part 1 by MisterretsiM

"Heyyy you made it, and like, right on time!" It was Coral who greeted him, still wearing the bikini top and short-shorts combination Ken had seen her in earlier, "Come on in cutie, the birthday girl is waiting!"

She threw an arm around his shoulder and yanked him into the house, using her bare foot to kick the door closed behind them. Ken was nearly thrown off balance but the sudden handling of his body, but quickly righted himself, hugging himself closely to Coral's side, a beer bottle dangling from her fingers right next to his face; he struggled to say anything, his eyes glued to the large distension in her shorts, his heart thumping like the drums in the music blaring throughout the home.

Before he knew it he was led into what he assumed was the living room, a large flatscreen showing music videos on it bolted to one of the walls, a half-naked futanari rapper dancing with a group of even more scantily-dressed femboys grinding their huge asses up against her. In the middle of the room a round glass coffee table sat, covered in snacks, plastic red cups, and what Ken could only assume was drug paraphernalia of some kind, having no experience with that sort of thing. Opposite of the television was the couch, where the other two futanari he'd be entertaining for the night lounged.

Perched against one arm of the long, L-shaped black leather couch was Vivian, also wearing the same outfit he'd met her in - gray sweatpants and a loose black tank top. She eyed him approvingly, a sly smirk touching her lips, a beer bottle cradled between her bulky, muscular thighs, nuzzled up against the snaking outline of her member; Vivian nodded at him again and then motioned with her head towards the center of the couch, where the reason for his presence was sat. 

The third futa – the one he hadn't met yet – was fairly short and petite, taller than he was but still closer to his height than any other of the third sex he'd ever seen. She had her medium-length blonde hair done up in a messy ponytail, two errant strands hanging down on either side of her face, flanking her features. Her large, blue eyes went wide at the sight of the femboy, a blush touching her alabaster cheeks, her thin lips pulling into a small smile.

A plain white t-shirt covered her torso, her modest breasts creating two moderately-sized protrusions in the material; in general Ken noticed that she didn't have much of a figure, neither voluptuous like Coral or muscular like Vivian. Hell, if Ken didn't immediately spot the gigantic bulge in her shorts, he wouldn't have even realized she was a futanari in the first place! But there, cradled in her short – but not as short as Coral's – shorts, was a bundle of what could only be a massive cock and balls , so humongous her clothed-package rested on the cushion she was sitting on.

Ken openly drooled at the sight of it!

"That's Phoebe," Coral whispered into his ear with a giggle, flicking her tongue across his earlobe, "the birthday futa. Go on and like, introduce yourself to her!"

She pushed him into the middle of the room and took a seat on the other side of Phoebe.

"H-Hi I'm Ken!" Ken greeted her, bending over the coffee table and staring straight at her, the color of his cheeks matching hers, "I heard today was your birthday."

"Hey Ken, I-I'm Phoebe," she stuttered, her legs closing in around the bulge of her junk, her eyes darting away from him, "a-and yeah it is. Um, are you my gift?"

"That's right I am! Happy birthday, Phoebe! What would you like me to do for you, beautiful? I'm all yours tonight."

Ken grew more comfortable as he assumed the role he was so used to performing.

"U-Um well, I-I-I–"

Phoebe bumbled her way through a request, her words hitching in her throat.

"She wants a show, boy !" Vivian called out with a snarl, reaching a brawny arm out to pat her friend on the back, "And it better be a good one!"

"Mmmm yeah cutie, we want to see it all !" Coral cheered, taking another swig from her beer and leaning forward, "Like, be a good boy and strip!"

Ken ignored them and continued to stare at Phoebe.

"Is that what you want, baby?"

The blonde futanari nodded rapidly, her bulge twitching noticeably. 

"You got it!"

Turning around, Ken took one final deep breath before he began, strutting towards the flatscreen; as he did, Vivian grabbed a remote off the coffee table and pressed a few buttons, the volume of the music playing evening out, the lights dimming, setting the mood. Studying the way the femboys on the screen danced, Ken decided to mimic them – or at least he was planning on trying – taking a few moments to memorize their movements.

Stretching his arms up into the air and folding them above his head, Ken began to swing his hips in a wide circle, the trio of futanari whistling and clapping their hands behind him. Rotating his body, Ken caught a glimpse of his audience, the college-aged futa grinning, blushing, and massaging their bulges; Ken made sure to throw a wink Phoebe's way, the smallest – in stature that is – of the three's blush deepening. She was so cute !

He spun around, facing the television once more. Arms still hovering over his skull, he began shaking his ass , his too-small pink shorts forming around his enormous lower cheeks, stretching until they looked painted onto the two fat globes; the cat-calls from the futa increased in rate and volume, Vivian and Coral shouting excitedly. Slowly Ken bent over, sliding his hands down his sides to his thin knees, his backside popping out, leaning lower and lower until his face was level with his own crotch.

Before he continued, Ken reached back and slapped his own rear, sending both of his cheeks wobbling wildly - this time he swore he heard one of the futa moan ! Grinning, his face hidden under his long platinum locks, Ken proceeded to twerk his ass like the femboys in the music videos, only his ass was much, much larger; this wasn't his first time moving his cheeks in such a lewd manner, more than one futanari having asked him to do the same in his many months of homelessness.

"Oh fuck yeah, shake it, baby!" Coral screeched, "Lemme see you like, move that ass! Hell yeah!"

"Mmmm that's it, boy," Vivian joined in, "put that fat ass to work. Fuck, I can't wait to get my hands on that meat !"

Ken didn't hear anything from Phoebe.

As he twerked, his rotund cheeks clapping together loudly, the meaty sound audible even through the music blasting around him, Ken crawled his fingers up his bared, flat stomach. Looking over his shoulder, he locked eyes with Phoebe as he started to undress himself, pulling at the hem of his crop top, his ass-shaking not stopping for even a second . He revealed his smooth, delicate skin to the trio of hung onlookers, the futa going wild even though he was showing nothing but his back to them.

Once the bottom of his top reached the start of his lingerie, he spun around once more, waltzing back to the coffee table. He could feel the stares of the futa burrowing into him as he moved, all three of them totally focused on his performance; licking his lips to show off his long, pink tongue, he lifted his top over his chest, unveiling that he was indeed wearing a pink, lacy bralette, one that both hid his flat chest while simultaneously giving the futanari a glimpse of his small nipples. 

Throwing his crop top to the side, Ken basked in the hooting and hollering of the futa, giving a sashay of hips as he cupped his bra; he gave his chest a firm squeeze , biting his bottom lip and moaning quietly as he did, his caged-cock pulsating. He ran his hands back down his torso, rhythmically swaying to the beat of the music, his thumbs finding the waist of his shorts. This is where Ken paused, building up suspense, the futanari going absolutely wild as they impatiently waited for the big reveal. 

It was time.

"Ready, Phoebe?" Vivian laughed, scooting over to wrap an arm around her friend, "You're about to get your first taste of prime boy booty!"

"Mmm like, prime is right," Coral huffed, leaning forward, her tits squishing against her thick thighs, "we're gonna have a lot of fun with little Ken here tonight. Goddess I can't wait."

"N-Neither can I…" Phoebe squeaked, glancing between her companions before her eyes fell back onto Ken, "I'm r-really excited!"

"It's all for you tonight, beautiful!" Ken cooed, resuming his strip-show, his hips twisting once again, "I am your gift , after all!"

Phoebe giggled shyly.

"Alright, show us the goods, slut!"

Swiveling his lower-half, Ken pulled down his tiny shorts at a snail's pace, unveiling his baby-bottom-smooth groin and the matching pink-panties gripping his flared hips. Inch by inch his shorts slid down his meaty thighs, several vulgar, encouraging exclamations shouted at him when his underwear-encased chastity cage came into view; he noticed an eyebrow raise from each of the futanari when they noticed the size of his balls , his heavy-hanging sack and its contents far larger than any they'd ever seen on a male. 

Once his shorts had crested his package and fell to the floor Ken kicked them away as soon as they bunched at his ankles. Now in nothing but his cage and matching lingerie set – along with his collar, of course – he was virtually as naked as could be, the bralette and panties doing little to hide anything ; the bottoms hugged his large scrotum and imprisoned dick with an almost painful grip, the lacy material struggling to contain the might of his genitals. Ken sauntered around the coffee table and used his feet to push it backwards, giving him ample space for the remainder of his performance.

Ken planted himself in front of Phoebe, groping his own tender flesh as he did.

"Like what you see, baby?" He asked in a breathy tone, moving so close to the shy futanari that their knees were touching, "Are you enjoying your gift so far?"

She couldn't take her eyes off of him.

"I-I am! You're so sexy, um, Ken."

"Thanks, you are too! Now…"

He stretched his legs around hers.

"...how about we make your birthday even better ?"

"Hell yeah, slut, give Phoebe here the time of her life!" Vivian yelled, scooting closer to the birthday-futa, Coral doing the same.

Spinning around on his heels once more, Ken popped his huge ass out and right into Phoebe's face, the blonde futanari groaning loudly. Continuing to move to the beat of the music, Ken twerked his squeezable lower-cheeks inches away from Phoebe's mesmerized eyes, her nose so close to backside he could've swallowed it with his ass-cleavage, the only thing separating her nostrils and his backdoor the tiny string of his panties. Ken bounced each of his alabaster mounds in turn, clapping them together for his audience's lurid enjoyment. 

Ken dropped his ass directly onto the distension in the young futanari's shorts, clenching his cheeks down around on her cloth-encased-cock. Grinding himself on her giant package, Ken and Phoebe both moaned from the stimulation, cheers erupting from either side of him; he was a bit surprised that Phoebe didn't grab his hips and slam him down onto her lap like she was fucking him, the futa even meeker than he thought. That didn't stop him, however, the white-haired femboy unpausing in his teasing gyrations. 

He could feel Phoebe's bulge engorge under his booty, the swelling lump enticing him to go even further . Rotating his body seductively, his ass clapping, his features elevated by pleasure, Ken faced Phoebe once again, climbed onto the couch, and kneeled above her, his thighs flanking hers; he quickly leaned forward and cradled futa's head with his arms, mashing her skull into his chest, shimmying his torso like he had breasts to smother her with. Ken could hear Phoebe's breathing intensify as she was given a faceful of hot boy-flesh.

Continuing in this manner, Ken did everything he could to get a rise from the birthday-futa. He rubbed her face across his midsection, her breath hot and wet on his skin. He plapped his ass and caged-genitals on her much, much bigger bulge, moaning himself as it grew between his legs. He did everything short of kissing Phoebe, a social faux pas for an unowned femboy such as him. Ken only let up after several minutes more of this nigh-unbearable act of seduction.

Phoebe's face was red and sweaty when Ken released it, but she also couldn't have looked happier !

"How was that, baby?" Ken purred at her, stroking the side of her face with a svelte finger, "Was it good for you?"

"S-So good! You're so hot…"

"Mmm about time she had some fun!" Vivian interjected with a raucous laugh, Coral joining in her mirth, "Phoebe always has her nose in the books and never brings any boys home. Time to change that!"

"Smart and beautiful - you're the full package, aren't you hun?"

"I-I guess…"

"Speaking of 'packages' I see you have something real big for me to handle!" Ken slid off Phoebe's lap and kneeling between her legs, inches away from her bulge, "Lemme take care of this for you, Phoebe - I can't stand to see a futa so pent-up!"

"Oh yeah, here comes the good part," Coral grinned, throwing back the rest of her beer, "You're gonna have like, the best orgasm of your life , Phoebe!"

Licking his lips again, Ken ogled Phoebe's bulge, impressed at its size - who would've expected that such an unassuming young futanari would be so hung ?! Dancing his fingers across her thighs, Ken traced the outline of Phoebe's cock and balls through her shorts, panting quietly; Ken had to actively restrain his excitement, wanting nothing more than to rip the futa's bottoms and hop right onto her dick

Like he did with his own, Ken slowly pulled down Phoebe's shorts. She moaned and writhed at his touch, her bottom lip folded into her teeth, her face as scarlet as a fire hydrant. Ken uncovered her crotch first, a tangle of blonde, curly pubes popping out over the waist of her shorts; Vivian and Coral giggled at the untamed bush their friend possessed, but Ken didn't say a word. Hairy or clean shaven - it didn't matter to him! 

He exhaled a throaty moan when the root of Phoebe's goliath entered his sight. She was so fucking thick ! The width of her cock looked comparable to his own forearm – if not even bigger – and he could instantly see a large, throbbing blue vein start at its base and snake up her shaft. Still trying to maintain a steady pace, Ken pulled down the blonde futa's shorts further down her thighs, making a show of it, savoring the unveiling like it was the last penis he'd ever see.

Her cock just kept coming. It seemed like no matter how far Ken yanked down Phoebe's shorts she just had more dick stuffed between her legs. Inches turned into over a foot of shaft and her glans still hadn't popped out into the open, the veiny, pale appendage's length unending; Ken's body's temperature only rose with each new section of monstrous member he laid eyes on, his arousal sky-rocketing. How big was she!? Ken wouldn't learn the answer until her shorts crested her knees and the entirety of her enormity flopped out and smacked against her torso.

His eyes widened to the size of saucers. Phoebe had, undoubtedly, one of if not the biggest cock that Ken had ever seen, her endowment many degrees more massive than the average futanari. Her member laid across her torso, reaching high enough up her body that her half-covered pink glans nearly touched her own chin , snuggled up between her average bust; by Ken's own estimates – measuring dicks by sight alone something he was well-practiced at – Phoebe possessed a length that closed in on a couple of feet , unquestionably more than a foot and a half at minimum. 

Laced with fat, pulsating-and-pumping veins, Phoebe's member was easily thicker than Ken's own fist, and her cockhead was even larger than that ! Her urethra throbbed visibly, sieving precum from her balls up through her shaft; her testicles were equally as humongous, each of the churning orbs contained in a wrinkled, hair-laden sack, bloated to such an extent Ken didn't know if he'd be able to fit one into his mouth ! Now that it was free of any confinement, Phoebe's genitalia appeared preposterously out of place compared to the rest of her figure.

Ken stared at it with big eyes, his jaw hanging open, star-struck like he'd just run into a celebrity.

"Goddess damn, girl!" Vivian whistled, as noticeably impressed as Ken was by the size of her friend's endowment, "You've been packin' that this entire time? Shit, you could have your pick of boys if you wanted!"

"That's for sure!" Coral agreed, though she was smirking at Ken's reaction, "Like, I've seen how big you are flaccid in the showers and stuff, but I didn't think you'd grow this much! You go girl!"

"Thanks guys, um," Phoebe's embarrassment deepened, but she didn't take her eyes off Ken, "it's not too big is it?"

"I-It's perfect !" Ken gushed, his hands shaking as he reached for Phoebe's member, "It's the biggest, most beautiful cock I've ever seen !"

Phoebe smiled and her cock lurched , a large dollop of precum sliding down her shaft.

"Alright, enough staring. Get to work, boy!"

Nodding even though he wasn't looking at whichever futa had commanded him, Ken eagerly wrapped his slim fingers around the middle of Phoebe's obese shaft; she immediately moaned and bucked at his touch, her hips lifting off the couch to thrust her member against his palms. Ken pulled her cock from her torso and angled towards his own face, shuffling backwards on his knees just to give himself enough room to work with, the tremendous log of meat shooting out past Phoebe's knees

Stroking her extremity, Ken used this moment to get acquainted with her ludicrous size, marveling at how stupendous her organ was. He just couldn't get over it! Bringing her glans to his mouth, his tongue lolled from his lips, a sliver of drool dripping from its tip; without any hesitation Ken lapped at the tip of Phoebe's crown, licking off the bead of she-pre dotting her urethra. Another moan emanated from his throat, that single taste of powerful virility satiating his cravings - at least for the time being!

Dragging his wet organ up and down her shaft, Ken covered every colossal centimeter of the monstrous appendage with saliva; Phoebe clutched at the bottom of her shirt, yanking at it, overwhelmed by the pleasure she felt just from Ken's initial ministrations of her mammoth member. Ken's cheeks were quickly streaked with his own spit, the scantily-clad femboy rubbing his face across the futa's cock, basking in every aspect of the blowjob that had only just begun.

He alternated between licks and kisses , planting smooches along the underside of Phoebe's dick, the affection shown akin to if he was spending time with the love of his life. Working his way across and around her shaft, Ken spit-shined the entirety of Phoebe's cock, drool running down his chin; he continued to jerk Phoebe's rock-hard appendage as well, humming with delight at how hot her member was in his hands. It was like he was holding a bowl of soup fresh from the stove!

Ken eventually found his way to Phoebe's sack, another deliciously massive part of her genitalia.

"O-Oh Goddess!" She squealed when she felt the femboy's lips wrap around one of her balls, squirming where she sat, "T-That feels so amazing!"

"He's like, going to town on her balls!" Coral gleefully shouted, her fingers groping her own cum-factories, "Little Ken here really seems like an expert, wouldn't you say, Viv?"

"Yeah, we found ourselves quite the slut!" The dark-skinned futa grunted, eyeing Ken like a predator studying its prey, "Can't wait to get my fuckin' hands on him."

"Same here girl, same here!"

Emboldened by the reminder that all three of the futanari would be using him at some point that night, Ken suckled on Phoebe's hairy scrotum with renewed vigor, loudly slurping on her wrinkled pouch. He slipped his hands from the blonde futa's shaft to her testicles, cradling the one he wasn't orally worshiping, lightly squeezing the bloated spheroid; Phoebe's sack tasted strongly of sweat and precum, and the smell that emanated from it was just as potent. Indeed, a virile musk constantly emanated from her package, and Ken just knew that it was an indication of the quantity and quality of cum she was brewing up.

Ken's previous assumption turned out to be correct - Phoebe's testicles were too large to fit into his mouth, each one the size of a ripe melon . But he did his best regardless of this obstacle, his tongue batting at the obese orbs, his lips constantly gaped around one of the gravid cum-containers; the only moments they weren't was when Ken inhaled a portion of her sack, sucking on the mass of hairy wrinkles like he was enjoying a popsicle. He swore he could almost feel the futanari's sperm swimming in her balls, though that might have just been his debauched, semen-craving brain playing tricks on him.

As Ken buried his face in the futa's immense sack, precum dripped onto his head, the creamy substance soaking into his color-matching locks. His lurid hunger grew at the sensation of the dense fluid leaking onto his skull and he increased the intensity of his salacious oral-ministrations in response, wet slapping sounds filled the room, Ken having a bit of fun as he used his tongue to bounce one of Phoebe's engorged testicles up and down. He wasn't going to be able to hold himself back for much longer, the call of his addiction swiftly getting the best of him.

Luckily he was in the perfect place to satiate his uncontrollable desires!

"Mmmm you taste really good, Phoebe," Ken informed the futanari as he pulled himself from her balls and grabbed her cock once again, "like really good. I'm glad that out of all the futa I could be the 'first' for, it was you !"

Ken blew her a kiss to punctuate his flirtatious statements.

"T-Thanks, Ken! I'm really happy that my friends found me such a cute boy…"

"Only the best for you, girl!"

Coral raised her beer bottle in the air in a cheer.

"Hell yeah Phoebe, we needed to show you what you were missing!"

"Thanks guys…"

The three futa grinned at each other, but Phoebe's upturned lips quickly transformed into a gasp of surprise - because Ken suddenly popped her glans straight into his mouth!

He did it without any warning or preamble. Ken simply forced his face down on the tip of Phoebe's prolific pole, pulling his plump lips apart as far as they could spread just to fit her glans into his mouth, unsleeving the foreskin clinging to her crown as he did; he didn't know if his jaw had ever been stuffed full of so much cock, his cheeks bulging with the shape of Phoebe's cockhead. For the moment he didn't go any further, content with sucking on just the end of the futa's member, while also using this time to adjust to the sheer enormity of her girth.

The other reason he didn't immediately take more of her length was so that he could get his fill of precum before he did. Greedily drinking down every single trickle of sperm that spilled from Phoebe's urethra, Ken swallowed again and again, muted moans rumbling from his throat; this is exactly what he needed, small hits of his favorite drug to placate his addiction until he received what he was really after - and the effects of Phoebe's she-pre were noticeable , at least to Ken.

While he nursed on her bubblegum-hued crown, Ken started feeling and looking better. Color returned to his cheeks – though he was still very pale – his hands felt less clammy, and the sweat dripping down his forehead was from arousalinstead of withdrawals. Additionally, Ken was happier than he'd been in days , his chest blossoming with warmth, his brain no longer nothing more than a confused flurry of disorganized thoughts and hazy sensations, clarity returning.

And a taste of actual cum would put him on Cloud Nine for days to come!

Once Ken's taste buds had been satiated by Phoebe's she-pre he started the blowjob for real . Swirling his tongue around Phoebe's thick glans, Ken sucked on the flared head, his cheeks flattening against the side of his face – or at least they flattened as much as they could with his jaw distended by monumentally massive member – his saliva pouring from his gaped cock-pillows down the rest of the Phoebe's shaft, creating extra lubrication that Ken would for sure put to use later. 

Taking a long breath through his nose, Ken plunged his head down onto the first few inches of Phoebe's venous shaft, the blood-pumping arteries snagging on his lips as they were crested. Phoebe groaned, wiggled wildly, and gave a thrust of her hips into Ken's maw, the reaction instinctual on every level - it was basically baked into a futanari's DNA to use a male in whichever way they pleased! As practiced as Ken was, he was able to take the sudden addition of even more arm-thick futa-meat in stride, barely even gagging when Phoebe's glans tapped at the entrance to his throat. 

His eyes crossed as he looked down the barrel of Phoebe's cum-cannon, as excited as he was in disbelief of the amount of cock left between himself and the birthday-futa's pube-covered groin; despite the nearly half a foot of dick stretching his lips, the amount was less than a third of Phoebe's total length, easily more than a ruler's worth of enormous extremity jutting from her crotch un-sucked. On most futanari he would be halfway down their appendage by now!

Bobbing his head on the sizable quantity of cock engulfed between his pillowy lips, Ken paced himself, wanting to make absolutely sure he gave Phoebe the best blowjob of her life; though he didn't think they would, he couldn't help but fear retribution from Coral and Vivian if he failed to impress, a threat that hovered constantly over his head. So he slobbered and slurped on the upper-portion of Phoebe's member, sloppily soaking her shaft in his spit, salvia bubbling and popping against his chin and nose - exactly the way most futanari liked having their dicks sucked!

Every time Phoebe's large-fist-wide glans poked against the opening his throat, Ken gagged, his gullet tightening at the massive intruder trying to make its home in his neck; what the trio didn't know that he did was that these retches were performative , a way to make futa feel even more confident and proud of their endowments than they already did. Truthfully, Ken was such an expert cock-sucker that he could have swallowed Phoebe's throbbing monster all the way to the base without making so much as a single sound.

But it was better to make the person using him happy and the other two watching the lurid proceedings proud of their pick in a birthday present!

Phoebe certainly seemed to be enjoying herself, the virginal futanari moaning and whimpering incessantly, her eyes utterly locked onto Ken's stretched-taut lips. He only glanced at her occasionally, his focus fully on fulfilling his duties, concentrating on swallowing as much of her cock as possible; her cockhead had entered his throat by this point, distending his neck, his choker straining around the width of her weapon - all of which was a visible indication of just how deep her endowment was buried inside of his body. And it would only reach deeper from there!

While Ken undulated his mouth across a good portion of Phoebe's dick, his hands worked in tandem to work the other parts of her junk he couldn't get to yet, the femboy refusing to let his mitts be the Devil's playthings. One stroked along the length of her member still outside of his lips, while his other caressed her tremendous testicles, juggling them in his fingers and massaging the corpulent cum-creators like it'd aid them in churning up even more cum for him to fill his belly with. Goddess he couldn't wait for his meal!

Ken did everything in his power to get Phoebe off. He was somewhat surprised at her staying power considering this was her first blowjob, having assumed that a virgin like herself would be quick to climax. Still watching for the signs of an impending orgasm, Ken slammed his face down on her girthy, vein-riddled rod, only pausing when he'd engulfed more than half of her many inches, his lips bashing into his partially-enclosed fist; the outline of her member in his throat shot through his neck until the imprint of her glans pushed against the skin of his chest

He made sure to let out an exaggerated retch as soon as he completed his sword-swallowing show. 

"Hot damn, he's an even bigger slut than I thought he was!" Viv howled, slapping her knee as she cackled in inebriated mirth, "This bitch must be fuckin' hollow on the inside! Shit, we really outdid ourselves, didn't we Coral?"

"Fuck yeah we did…" Coral muttered, one of her hands rubbing her chest, her fingers sliding across her barely-restrained tits, "Mmm, such a good little boy. Suuuper good…"

"How 'bout you Phoebe? Having a good time?"

"I c-can't believe how amazing this feels!" The birthday-futa squeaked, panting heavily like she'd just finished running a marathon, "That this is what I've been missing. H-His mouth is so warm, s-so wet ! Oh Goddess…"

"Fuck yeah, that's the spirit!"

Smiling internally at the number of praises he was receiving – even if they were belittling in nature – Ken picked up his pace, barreling his face up and down Phoebe's colossus. Though his vision was blurred by the speed of his blowjob, Ken took a moment to check on the two futanari he wasn't sucking the soul out of, hoping that their compliments of his salacious talents weren't just for the benefit of their friend. What he saw made him let out a needy purr , his throat vibrating around Phoebe's cock.

To his right Vivian lounged on the couch in all of her muscular glory. Her hand not holding a red cup up to her lips was busy pawing at the bulge of her huge cock, her strong fingers tracing the length of her member in her sweatpants; Ken followed the path her hunk of meat made down her outstretched leg, the gigantic circumference of it giving the brawny futanari's thigh the appearance that it was twice as thick as it really was. Where her glans tented the gray fabric of her pants a messy wet spot had formed, her leaking precum darkening the fabric.

On his other side was Coral, sitting cross-legged on the couch, her beer bottle secured between her squishy calves. Like Vivian she too was groping herself, but her attention on her own body wasn't centered solely on her crotch ; she was rubbing her cock through her short-shorts, her palm running from her groin to her hip, the angle of her member causing it to snake over one of her fatty thighs. But she was also actively squeezing one of her titanic breasts, roughly sinking her fingers into the pliable mound, her nipples creating two sizable dents in her bikini-top.

Ken's excitement raged. Just seeing – just knowing – that there were futanari that horny for him, that desired him so strongly , sent his dick bucking in its cage, precum dripping from the front of the steel-device through the holes that's main purpose was for urination. He really hoped that all three of the college-aged futa would fuck him by the end of the night - there might be enough cum in his future to keep him satisfied for weeks !

Returning his attention to Phoebe and her bestial behemoth, Ken impaled himself deeper yet again, plunging his visage down several more inches. His precum-stained lips neared her bushy groin, less than a hand's breadth separating them, the majority of Phoebe's fleshy monster lodged in his mouth, throat, and chest ; she was sheathed so thoroughly in his depths that Ken could feel her cockhead enter his stomach , his entire airway clogged by her cock's corpulence.

Now he just needed to finish her off and get his reward !

Closing his eyes, Ken began to hum , vibrations emanating from deep in his diaphragm. At the same time he held himself still and sucked Phoebe's member with vacuum-like pressure, creating an air-tight seal around her girth; he could have waited until he swallowed all of her member to perform this little trick, but like his faked-gagging, he wanted to make the futa think she was too big for him - something that was nearly the truth! His lewd labors bore fruit, Phoebe's moans picking up in volume, her cock throbbing violently against Ken's moist, silky embrace.

She was right on the edge and they both knew it - hell, Vivian and Coral could probably tell too! While Ken played the part of a human-vibrator, he also used his hands to get her off even faster, his stroking and sack-fondling reaching a crescendo; he was basically squeezing her balls like he intended to make them pop , using more force than he would normally. It was clear that Phoebe could handle this kind of lurid punishment, however, her sperm-tanks large and dense enough that Ken's fingers barely impacted their surface. 

Phoebe couldn't handle the stimulation , though!

"K-Ken!" She gasped, pumping her hips towards his face once again, her cock hilting completely inside of him, "I-I'm gonna cum! I-I-I–"

"Fuck yeah girl, fill him the fuck up!" Vivian growled, leaning toward her friend to get a better view of her orgasm, "I wanna see you bloat this little bitch's stomach up! Show us what that big fuckin' cock can do!"

Coral didn't say anything, her attention on the obscene proceedings rapt.

"H-Here it comes!"

Slipping his hands from her genitalia, Ken braced himself on Phoebe's thin thighs, mentally preparing himself for the floodabout to drown his insides; if the volume of she-pre she'd released so far was anything to go by, Ken was about to be treated to a four-course meal of semen! Taking one last breath through his nose – the last oxygen he'd get for a while – Ken waited for the blonde's orgasm to commence, a plan already formed in his mind for how he would enjoy it to its fullest. 

Screeching, Phoebe's eyes rolled back in their sockets as the first salvo of seed shot up her shaft, her urethra bulging, the added thickness stretching Ken's jaw and neck further, his tongue flattened against the floor of his mouth. He moaned into her crotch – Phoebe's wiry pubes tickling his nose – as her cum-tunnel expanded, the lump racing up her length teasinghim, his hunger for baby-batter at an all time high.

A raucous gurgling reverberated from Ken's midsection the very second that Phoebe's cum blasted into him, his stomach instantly white-washed by her dense seed. Even her opening explosion of virility was more than Ken could've hoped for, his gut immediately filled by her viscous progeny; and her geyser didn't come out in a single, extensive rope either, a literal stream of semen spraying down his bowels. Ken nearly lost himself to the pleasure of being swelled with the creamy ball-brew, the sensation so powerful that his brain momentarily blanked from the intense experience.

After several more seconds had passed, Phoebe's eruption that started her climax ended, only to be replaced by a new injection of her hot, jelly-like fluid just as swiftly. This second pluming of progeny splashed into the first, joining the bubbling noises reverberating from Ken's stomach; a third sound added to the cacophony as well, Phoebe's balls rumblingas they released their backed-up load. Ken could feel them tremble right under his chin, the churning spheres shaking so vigorously they were bouncing of their own accord and rapping at Ken's neck.

 As he relished the orgasm he was on the receiving end of – his own cock leaking precum like a broken faucet – Ken quickly readied himself to change things up, a major reason for doing so being his collar ; he had to resist the urge to grab at it and make sure it was still in one piece, the extra dilation of his neck threatening the already-worn-down integrity of the leather adornment. He allowed himself to remain utterly speared on Phoebe's supersized skyscraper for only a few seconds longer.

Slowly, Ken began to lift his head away from the futa's crotch.

"Ha! Look at him, he can't handle Phoebe's load. It's too much for his slutty body!"

"Mmm but like, it's still pretty impressive how much he took, Viv," Coral addressed the other futa, "that's a lot of cock andcum to take at once."

"True that!"

Phoebe was too gone in the thrones of carnal passion to do anything but bellow animalistic noises. 

If Ken wasn't so consumed by the blonde's climax he would have laughed silently at Vivian's assumption about him - they didn't understand how big of a cum-addict he really was ! No, Ken was un-throating Phoebe's cock both to save his collar from any further destruction and to get an actual taste of her seed, the quantity of saliva pouring from his gaping lips a sign of his true thirst ; it was great and satisfying and all to have sperm poured directly into his stomach, but there was nothing better than the experience of a futa's virility shooting across his tongue!

Every few inches that Ken unsheathed from his maw led him to pausing for a few moments as well, the lingerie-clad femboy savoring the feeling of Phoebe's pulsating pole even as he dismounted it. The whole time Phoebe's orgasm didn't let up or even slow , gushing helping after helping of cum by the mouthful , the volume of her ongoing climax fountaining straight into Ken's stomach; when he reached the head of her cock and saved his collar – at least for the time being – his belly really did feel bloated - though he was unable to check if this was actually true or not. 

With only Phoebe's enormous glans yanking his lips apart, Ken was treated to an instantaneous tongue-basting . The burning hot, salty fluid seeped through his teeth, washed over his tongue, and crashed against his cheeks, his mouth crammed to the brim with cum. Ken couldn't even moan he was so appreciative of Phoebe's voluminous load, too busy tasting and swishing her cock-cream around, practically climaxing on the spot from how much the futa's semen stimulated his every nerve-ending. 

Goddess it was so fucking good !

There wasn't anything else like it. The flavor of futa-semen was potent, yet not unpleasant, a taste that once acquired made the unique tang better than all else that had touched Ken's palate. The consistency varied from person-to-person but was generally similar to pudding , thick and creamy, bordering on chewable - especially Phoebe's, the incredible density of her progeny just another aspect of her unmatched virility. The feeling it gave males such as Ken, more than all else, was what brought the third sex's cum to another level entirely; futanari sperm was naturally addictive , and all it took was a single dose to get someone hooked.

Ken was a prime example of this. His whole life – at least since he'd been forced into homelessness – had been dedicated to a quest for more cum, his constant supply cut off the moment he was abandoned; even for a femboy Ken had been told several times that his addiction was more severe than most, something many futanari deviously used to their advantage. Unfortunately this also meant that Ken had built up something of a tolerance to the high, and needed more loads than average to satiate his cravings.

Luckily, Phoebe had more than enough sperm stored in her massive balls to help Ken feel like himself for once, her orgasm more voluminous than the combined output of a couple of regular futanari. Ken was more than impressed with the quantity of her consecutive releases, and he showed his admiration for the futa by doing everything in his power to make this the best climax she'd ever experienced, sucking on the tip of her rod like he was trying to get a snake's venom out of her bloodstream, his tongue flicking at her piss slit to stimulate her further and scoop up her cum as soon as it appeared. 

Throughout the duration of Phoebe's orgasm, Ken steadily felt surges of energy course through him - he felt alive ! No longer was he the sweaty, shaky mess that he was when he arrived at the three futa's home earlier, the femboy actually looking healthy instead of like a cum-starved junkie; even his hair seemed to shine as he was refreshed by the blonde's personal essence, like the fact that his digestive tract was now plastered in her ball-brew was enough to breathe life into him. 

And his revitalization showed in his actions as well.

Ken slurped on Phoebe's bright pink crown and gulped down her pearlescent paste like a man possessed, drinking deeply from her well of potency even when her orgasm began to peter out; she was putty in his hands – and mouth – squirming uncontrollably as he ravenously chugged her cum. He wasn't even paying attention to her or the other two futa anymore, fixated on drawing out as much of Phoebe's baby-batter as possible, his fingers re-wrapping around her shaft to yank out any dick-dregs trapped in her urethra. 

But all good things must come to an end, and such was the case for Phoebe's peak of pleasure. Little by little her orgasm slowed, her persistent pulses of progeny transforming into the ropes and strands that Ken was more accustomed to gulping down. None of that stopped him, however, and he treasured every single droplet he could wring out of Phoebe's colossus, her rapidly reducing rate of release allowing him to really savor the flavor, Ken using his tongue to push heaps of seed into his cheeks like a chipmunk saving acorns for later.

After Goddess knows how much time had passed, Phoebe's ecstatic apex came to its end, her output dying to a minute trickle , the futa panting heavily from exhaustion, her hands splayed over her chest. Ken sucked up whatever cum was left, even dipping the tip of his tongue into Phoebe's urethra, digging it in for any bits of sperm he'd missed; once he was finished there, he dragged his lips up and down Phoebe's shaft, cleaning it of any seed that escaped him, even lathering up her sack just in case any of his favored-drug dripped onto their source.

By the time he'd finished Phoebe's genitalia shone like a freshly waxed car!

"H-How was that, Phoebe?" Ken coughed, clearing his throat of any leftover cum, "Was it as good for you as it was for me? Because it was really good for me!"

"That… that was amazing ! I-I can't believe that this is what I've been missing out on. T-Thank you…"

Before Ken could reply, Vivian cut in.

"You don't need to thank him, Phoebe!" Viv shook her head as she scolded her friend, "He's a slutty fucking boy , and its his Goddess-damn job to service futa like us. You can't forget that!"

"He did like, do a really fucking good job though!" Coral interjected, clearly possessing a much kinder view of the lower-sex, "And that was really fuckin' hot. Like, even I'd be thanking him!"

"Whatever. Bitch boy here should already be climbing on Phoebe's lap to take that massive fuckin' hog of hers into his hole if he was really a good slut!"

Phoebe jerked into a straighter sitting-position and waved a weak hand in the air.

"No, no. Please, I-I need a minute. That took a lot out of me." She explained in a rush, glancing shyly at her companions, "I'm gonna tap out for a bit. Um, you two can use him if you want!"

Ken's eyes lit up like the lights on a holiday-decorated house.

"Are you sure?" Vivian questioned, cocking her head, "He's your gift Phoebe. Coral and I don't wanna fuck him before you get the chance to."

"Yeah girl, this is like, your day not ours!"

"Don't worry about it. I'd um, I'd love to share him with my two best friends!"

"Ha! You're the best, Phoebe."

Viv turned to leer intensely at Ken.

"Mind if I go first, Coral? We can play rock-paper-scissors to decide if you want."

"Nah, go for it! I don't mind waiting, like, I'm a patient futa - especially for a cutie like Ken here."

"Suit yourself!"

"Here that, slut ?" She bellowed at Ken, scooting back to the end of the couch to give herself room "It's my turn with you and I'm gonna tear that ass up ! So get over here and take my cock out!"

"Whatever you want!"


Chapter Text

Excitedly, Ken leapt to his feet but almost immediately tipped over, his balance thrown off by the excess liquid weightsloshing around in his stomach. Ken grabbed at his abdomen and moaned, his formerly-flat belly now slightly paunched by the gallons of semen swishing around inside of it; Coral giggled as the femboy looked on in awe at his own bloat, Vivian snorting through her nose. He glanced at Phoebe, who hadn't noticed what she'd done to the poor male's figure, in reverence like she was the solution to his main concern in life.

Shaking himself from his reverie, Ken shuffled over to Vivian and climbed onto the couch between her legs, the dark-skinned futanari keeping her limbs akimbo to give him better access to her package. Running his hands up her sweatpants, specifically on the side her cock hung, he groaned under his breath as he felt up her giant trouser-snake, massaging it through the thick material of her pants, her member pulsing fervently at his touch. His fingers snaked up her thighs until they found her waistband, his knuckles pressing into her hardened set of abs.

Digging his digits into her sweatpants, Ken began pulling them down, not making a big show out of it like he had when he'd removed Phoebe's shorts; Vivian didn't seem like the type to like to wait, but she did seem like the kind of futanari who was quick to anger , something Ken wanted to avoid at all costs. Unlike the birthday-futa, Viv's groin was completely smooth , lacking even a single out-of-place hair, and the root of her throbbing goliath was quickly revealed. Ken salivated at the sight of her fat third-leg.

Vivian's cock matched her caramel complexion in color, the only additional hues present on her behemoth from the many veins ribbing its form. Ken didn't give himself much time to admire her size, swiftly tugging her sweatpants down to her knees to release her beast ; the moment it was freed it rocketed into the air and thwacked against her six-pack, ricocheting off her torso to stand straight up and point at the ceiling. He finished pulling her pants all the way off before he studied the endowment that would soon penetrate him in one orifice or another.

Right away Ken noticed that Vivian was also hung far above average - though not on the same level as Phoebe. Her length appeared to be an inch or two shy of a foot and a half long, which meant her appendage was still massive by most people's standards, Ken's included; its thickness wasn't anything to shake a stick at either, her girth only slightly smaller than the blonde's. Vivian's testicles were huge and hairless as well, the softball-sized orbs obviously brimming with sperm that Ken couldn't wait to consume.

Vivian didn't give him but a few seconds to observe her oversized organ.

"Get to suckin' slut!" She snarled, one of her beefy arms shooting out and grabbing a fistful of Ken's white locks to drag him towards her partially-sheathed purple crown, "You need to lube me up so I can pound that fat fuckin' ass of yours - and be quick about it!"

Ken winced as he was slammed into Viv's pole. 

"Put that mouth to work, bitch!"

Dutiful as ever, Ken did as he was told without complaint; he was used to this sort of rough treatment from the futanari that made use of his services, as unnecessary as it was. Phoebe's lack of forcefulness had been a nice change for once! Ignoring the pain of Vivian's hair-pulling, Ken slapped his tongue against the underside of her shaft, the flavor of her natural musk assaulting his mouth - not that that was a bad thing. Her cock tasted a lot more salty than Phoebe's like the muscular futa hadn't showered after going to the gym.

Once Ken finished lubing up Vivian's shaft with his spit, he moved his way back up to her glans, noticing that she too possessed a sleeve of wrinkled foreskin like Phoebe; most futanari were uncut, as it were, the procedure most often performed exclusively for medical reasons. Planting his lips over her cockhead, Ken snuck his tongue under her the folds of her fleshy turtleneck, cleaning around the corona of her crown, the musky flavor even stronger from being trapped beneath the excess skin.

After several rounds of tongue-scrubbing, Ken slid Vivian's foreskin down her shaft, freeing her glans in its entirety. It was humongous, possessing the same thickness as the rest of her cock, its flare noticeably less pronounced than Phoebe's; the futa's tip also fit more comfortably in Ken's mouth, not absurdly bulging his cheeks like her superiorly-endowed friend's. Ken wasted no time in slobbering all over her dick-topper, messy rivulets of drool pouring down her appendage.

Working on autopilot, Ken used his hands to spread his natural lubrication across Viv's member, her enormity glisteningunder the dim mood-lighting. Ken glanced up at Vivian's face for confirmation that he was doing a good job, craving the approval of futanari nearly as much as he did their cum ; Vivian's expression was hard to read, her features showing little else but neutrality except for her eyes , which were half-lidded and partially hidden under her dark hair. When they locked eyes Vivian's lips pulled up into a sneer, Ken immediately taking several more inches of her dick into his mouth

He wouldn't have a chance to go any deeper. 

"Alright, that's enough, cock-sucker!" She suddenly stopped Ken's blowjob before he could impress her with his oral-abilities, "Blowjobs are cool and all but I'm here to fuck! Got it, bitch?"

Viv yanked Ken off her cock with the same lack of care she had mashed him into it only a couple of minutes earlier. 

"W-Whatever you want. Um, how do you wa–"

"Get on your hands and knees on the couch, I'm tryna see that fat ass jiggle when I fuck the shit out of you!"

She slid off the couch and pushed Ken by his hair to where she'd been sitting. 

"And hurry the fuck up!"

Assuming the position, Ken didn't have to adjust much to do as Vivian demanded. Spreading his limbs, he presented himself to the powerfully-physiqued futanari, peering over his shoulder at her; Vivian nodded and leered at the femboy, stroking her cock with both hands. Reaching towards his ass, Ken made an attempt at grabbing his panties to pull them down, but Vivian beat him to it, slapping his mitts away to take hold of his lacy underwear herself. 

Ken grit his teeth when he felt her fingers clamp down on his panties. She wasn't going to just rip them off of him, was sh– she did. To Ken's dismay, Vivian split his bottoms down the middle with her unbridled strength, the flimsy fabric tearing loudly; fuck, that was his last pair and it wasn't exactly the easiest thing to just steal another matching set of lingerie! Vivian growled under her breath as she threw the ruined garment to the floor, Ken hanging his head so he could grimace out of sight.

Before Ken felt her cock touch down on his backdoor, he felt her palms plummet onto his enormous, fat cheeks, a girlish yelp flying from his lips. That was the only warning he got that Vivian was about to abuse his soft, pliable mounds, her spread-finger hands raining down blow after blow onto his rear, beating color into his most curvaceous quality; this was yet another thing that Ken had sadly expected, most futa happy to punish his body for the simple sin of being born a male

He'd have trouble sitting down for a while after tonight, that was for sure!

"Mmmm I don't know that I've ever seen a slut with such a fat ass," Viv laughed as she moved closer to Ken, one hand leaving his ass for her cock, "we picked good! Ain't that right, Coral?"

"He's quite the cutie," Coral agreed, still groping herself as she watched the pair from the opposite end of the couch, "just don't rough him up too badly before I get a chance with him, Viv!"

"No promises!"

The two laughed, Phoebe even letting out a weary giggle. 

"Alright slut, hope that hole is tight or we're gonna have a problem! Got it?"

It took a second for Ken to realize he was being addressed. 

"It'll be the tightest ass you've ever fucked!" He replied confidently, wiggling his backside back and forth, "Trust me, you won't have ever felt anything like it!"

Ken wasn't lying - there were a lot of skills he'd picked up to help him seduce futanari!

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see!"

Vivian prodded her cockhead against Ken's tiny, hairless starfish.

"Hold on bitch boy, 'cause I'm not gonna be gentle with you!"

Not surprised in the slightest by her declaration, Ken braced himself for a rough fucking. He heard a random glottal wetnoise, followed by the feeling of a cold drop of fluid splashing onto his asshole - Vivian must've spit onto his back-entrance for some extra greasing. Nothing out of the ordinary. Ken did his best to relax – despite his excitement – wanting the initial penetration to proceed as smoothly as possible, saving his self-proclaimed tightness for once her cock was actually inside of him.

A powerful pressure was placed on Ken's asshole, Vivian's pulsing pole pushing at his rim. Ken took several long breaths as his backdoor was widened little by little, the muscular futa's cockhead mashing into his rear, her hands spreading his bulbous cheeks; then he heard Viv grunt as she suddenly jerked her hips forward – undoubtedly having already lost what little patience she had to begin with – her glans punching into Ken's starfish, stretching it around her spear-tip.

Ken inhaled sharply through his clenched teeth. He estimated that maybe half of Vivian's glans had made it inside of him, his hole spread taut around her mushroom-shaped tip. There was no reprieve for the long haired femboy, Vivian repeating the motion with the same exact amount of force and speed, slamming her massiveness against Ken's lower-entrance; this time around she found true success, her giant crown fully stuffed into the mouth of his depths. Groaning, Ken immediately clamped his asshole down against the monstrosity gaping his rear, making good on his claim.

Vivian slapped his cheeks.

"Goddess-damn, you weren't lying!" She bellowed, open-palm whapping Ken's ass with both hands, "You're tight as fuckin' hell! Goddess, you two are really missing out!"

Vivian glanced at her friends with a grin.

"I-I'm glad you're enjoying him," Phoebe smiled, still looking utterly exhausted from her orgasm, "I can't wait for my turn!"

Coral smiled as well, but chose to stay silent.

"Fuck, me and Coral here are just getting this slut ready for you Phoebe - you might break him if we don't!"

Phoebe blushed.

"Hear that, boy? I'm gonna stretch you the fuck out!"

Gripping Ken's wide hips, Vivian dove straight into her partner's backside. She yanked Ken back towards her crotch at the same time she pistoned forward with her mighty mast, instantaneously shoveling a multitude of inches of her abominable appendage into his ass; Ken moaned and arched his back, aiding Vivian in his skewering by throwing his cheeks at her, both forcing himself onto even more of her colossal cock and twerking his jiggling pillows around her thick member. 

Vivian broke into a series of fervent thrusts the moment she felt Ken's ridiculous rear wrap around her rod, shunting over half of her wrist-thick girth into his depths rapidly; she didn't bother to warm up or allow the femboy to adjust to her size, seeing him as nothing but what she saw him as: a toy for her to get off with! Her cock squelched as it repeatedly entered and exited Ken's backdoor, the spit he'd layered her extremity with creating a sloppy ruckus that would've informed anyone listening of exactly what was going on in the three futanari's home.

Ken didn't mind this rough treatment in the slightest . Not only was it normal for him, but it was also his preferred type of sex - not that he'd experienced gentle love-making in well, ever . No, as far as Ken knew, futa only ever fucked males like him as brutally as possible, like they were trying to punish his sex for some unknown transgression; which was perfectly fine as far as Ken was concerned, and he never expected anything less than absolute viciousness when he caught a futanari's eye.

It helped immensely that the sheer, unmatched thickness of the cocks the majority of futa possessed felt absolutely amazing inside of his ass. Without even meaning to Vivian's shaft brushed and beat into his prostate with every thrust, the pleasure-button inside of Ken that drove him wild stimulated again and again; he also loved how gaped his asshole felt when it was being cored-out, even enjoying the aching sensation that would remain present for hours later like a constant reminder that he'd been a good boy for one of his superiors. 

Even if it wasn't the superior he wished was fucking him from behind!

"Y-You're cock is so fucking big !" Ken moaned, rocking his body back and forth, matching the pace of Viv's thrusts, "It feels so good, you're stretching me out so much!"

"That's right bitch, 'cause you're just a fucking whore for huge futa cock!" Vivian punctuated her words with another volley of cruel collisions with Ken's cheeks, "Biggest fuckin' slut I've ever met! Me and Coral and Phoebe are gonna ruin your fuckin' ass - no one is gonna wanna use you when we're done!"

" Please !"

Vivian laughed at him in a haughty, condescending tone.

"Males are so pathetic…"

Almost like this thought enraged Viv, she abruptly launched into a flurry of furious flings of her fuck-stick, forcing every last inch of it into Ken's ass in quick succession, practically doubling the quantity of cock rearranging his bowels. Ken groaned and threw his head back when he felt Vivian's swollen, sperm-stuffed sack slap into his scrotum, her balls colliding with his own, the cum-churning containers nearly equal in size - something that was as rare as male getting a futanari pregnant in this society!

Seeing an opportunity to ramp up her railing of femboy rear when Ken's back arched and his head lifted, Vivian shot an arm out and dug her fingers into his flowing, alabaster locks, twisting them around her fist like a boxer wrapping their fist before a fight; she proceeded to yank Ken's skull backwards, his spine bending until he was staring upside down at Vivian's ferocious features. Sneering at his blissed-out expression, Vivian puckered her lips and hawked a wad of spit directly between Ken's large blue eyes. 

With a barbaric, chest-heaving roar, Vivian slammed Ken's head back down and held it against the couch cushion, using her immense brawn to keep him in place. Simultaneously, she raised up into a crouch so that she was hunched over her pear-shaped partner, her hips jerking backwards until the tip of her colossal spear was the only part of her oversized weapon lodged into Ken's asshole - and in the next second she'd re-hilted the entirety of her bloated monster as deeply into Ken's depths as possible.

Ken howled and orgasmed - at least in the unique way that a permanently-caged male like him could. 

His cock didn't harden when he came - at least not completely . The chastity device restraining his member only allowed for a small amount of engorgement, which Ken's steel-encased appendage took full advantage of; it filled the cage to the brim , consuming every millimeter of space available to the point that excess cock-flesh spilled from the few holes and openings present in the genital-constricter. It was clear that the sexual-instrument wasn't designed for an extremity the size of Ken's.

Despite the restrictive nature of the chastity cage, Ken climaxed all the same, pushed over the edge by anal-stimulation alone . His pulsating glans strained against the hot metal, mashing uncomfortably into the front of the device; his urethra gaped as cum lazily poured out of it, not enough room for his cock to lurch and spray its load. Semen seeped through the holes surrounding his glans, dripping onto the cushion beneath him, trickling out like a river through a beaver's dam. 

Phoebe was the first to notice that the cute boy was cumming.

"Oh my Goddess, girls, he's cumming!" Phoebe announced with a soft moan, pointing a finger at the growing puddle of seed forming under Ken, "And there's a-a lot! I didn't even know boys could cum that much!"

"Poor baby, he must be like, sooo backed-up…" Coral purred, sounding concerned - though her cock bucked in her short-shorts at the sight, "Mmmm he just keeps getting more and more impressive. Fuck …"

"I'm not surprised - he's a huge fuckin' slut, after all!" Vivian guffawed, trying to peer around Ken's torso even as she continued to pound him into the couch, "And I'm fucking him really hard, the way you're supposed to fuck a fat-assed bitch like him. Worthless. Fucking. Whore !"

She plowed her ludicrously-long rod with increased brutality and speed, barreling her bulbous bludgeon to the hilt with each insult she hurled his way. Ken could only groan and persist in his climax, his bloated, gravid balls still not empty despite dribbling out a volume of semen that would put any other male to shame, the pool of progeny beneath him reaching his knees ; the femboys cum was unusually thick as well, as though it had been stewing in his testicles for longer than was healthy. 

Eyes rolling around in his sockets and sweat shining across his delicate complexion, Ken was lost in the throes of orgasmic bliss, scarcely cognizant of the going-ons around him - the going-ons that didn't involve the ruthless reaming of his ridiculously round rear, at least! He moaned and groaned and gasped as Viv's bloodthirsty bashes beat more ball-bew out of him, only maintaining enough of his mental faculties to remember to clench his hole down around her bestial endowment. 

But Ken was no slacker. It didn't matter that his brain was fogged over by the overpowering lust and ecstasy from getting fucked, he would perform his duties to the utmost. So the white-haired male flexed his backdoor as tightly as possible like he was trying to cleave Vivian's cock from her crotch, drawing grunts of pleasure that rang out above him. Ken resumed twerking his head-smothering lower-cheeks as well, clapping them so they sandwiched the futa's dick and plapped into her six-pack with every powerful piston she made into him.

Vivian continued to mistreat Ken as she fucked him, her vicious actions not even remotely impeded by her ravenous thrusting or the femboy's orgasm, the latter which she couldn't have cared less about; if a male felt any pleasure when a futanari used them, then it was a blessing, a boon they didn't deserve. She slapped his ass until a bruise in the shape of her hand appeared on his tender white skin, and she tugged him by his long hair, using his gorgeous locks like reins that helped her fuck him even harder. 

Once Ken's orgasm reached its finale – though he continued to leak a smaller stream of sperm afterwards – he focused his eyes and peered down at his own torso, searching for something that would increase his pleasure; this was made somewhat more difficult by Vivian constantly yanking his head backwards, but it didn't stop him fully. Ken squealed when he locked onto the image of Vivian's cock distending his slightly-pudgy belly, the outline of her massive member visible through his ethereal skin-tone. The imprint snaked high up his body, nearly reaching his bralette-clad chest.

Ken almost orgasmed again just from the sight of his figure being deformed so obscenely!

"Like that, bitch? You like watching how fuckin' deep my cock is in your ass?" Viv taunted him, laying several more smacks against his ass, the color of his rippling cheeks going from a muted pink to a bright red, "Huh? Answer me you stupid slut!"

"Y-Yes!" Ken squealed, his tongue lolling out of his mouth, "I love it! I love to get fucked in my fat femboy ass! T-There's nothing better!"

Vivian snorted. 

"Then it's time to get serious !"

Without slowing her thrusts, Vivian removed her hand from Ken's ass and grabbed at the neck of her tank-top, the sweat-soaked garment clinging tightly to her chest; she quickly tore it off and threw it to the floor, Vivian now completely naked, her musculature on full display. Now that there was nothing restraining them her large breasts bounced rapidly as she plowed into Ken, droplets of moisture flinging from her hard, small nipples, her six-pack and chest sparkling. 

True to her word, Vivian pounded Ken with nothing held back, as if removing her tank-top was akin to an anime character removing their weighted clothing before a fight in order to harness their true power. Her crotch thudded against Ken's ass loudly, her balls creating a similar ruckus by slapping into the femboy's pair; each strike of their testicles against one another sent a surge of precum spraying out of the futa's glans like her sperm was being pushed from their tanks by the repeated blows. Vivian's she-pre joined Phoebe's actual semen inside of Ken's stomach. 

Ken gasped and continued to shove his ass back against the domineering futanari, his elation growing as the volume of virility inside of him increased; though Vivian hadn't orgasmed yet, her precum seeping into Ken's body was potent enough to send shocks of pleasure through his brain, igniting his nerve-endings once more. Digging his fingers into the couch cushion, his nails squelching through his own seed, Ken did his best to bear the brutal battering of his backside - something that wasn't difficult for the male at all!

Every aspect of Vivian's absurd abuse of his ass with her awesome appendage granted him ecstasy beyond belief - even the droplets of sweat falling from the futa's figure onto his own electrified his being! The way the insane circumference of her cock stretched his hole. The way she used him like he was nothing but a fleshlight. The way her sack smashed against his. All of it drove Ken absolutely wild , his skin almost uncomfortably hot, his member bucking and fighting against its cage. 

This is exactly what Ken was meant to be doing!

Once more Ken felt Vivian's calloused fingers move away from his fatty hips and sore ass, her palms gliding up the length of his spine and brushing his sweat-matted hair to the side. Ken knew exactly what she was planning. Lifting his head, he closed his eyes as the futa's digits found his neck , running across them until her hands clamped down on his throat, snaking under his collar; Vivian didn't apply any pressure at first, seemingly content with just holding onto his gullet for leverage, her body hunching further above his own - but Ken understood this gentle grip wouldn't last.

On queue, Vivian tightened her grasp, her fingernails scraping into Ken's neck flesh; her hold only grew firmer with each second that passed until she was squeezing Ken's throat, practically throttling the long-haired male, straining his leather choker like Phoebe's dick had. Growling under her breath, she jerked Ken's head backwards as she powered her monstrous cock roughly into his ass, her lips twisted into a vicious grin as she observed the femboy's reddened features, her biceps flexing and veins popping out across her sweat-drizzled, dark-complexion. 

Ken studied her back - or he did when he could , his eyes struggling to focus due to the colossal quantities of euphoria he was experiencing and from the oxygen he was now lacking . Vivian's face was as beautiful as it was intense , her features contorted into a look of haughty rage ; it was obvious to Ken that she was really putting her all into fucking him, her head moist like she'd just gotten out of the shower, her hair sticking to her forehead and covering one eye. Ken's tongue flopped from his lips.

Vivian continued to choke Ken, not letting up even as the hue of his cheeks grew brighter and brighter. She started to shake him by his scrawny neck like she seriously wanted to strangle him to death, chuckling darkly as he rasped for air and his eyes darted around frantically; it wasn't until his face started to turn blue that Vivian relented the tiniest bit, loosening her grip just long enough for him to take one ragged breath and his complexion's color to lessen in severity before she clamped her fingers down once again. Repeating this over and over again, Vivian kept Ken on the verge of unconsciousness, basking in the reaction his body gave to her near-murderous actions. 

The more oxygen that Ken was denied the tighter his ass became, his body tensing in panic instinctively. This is why Ken wasn't caught off-guard when he felt Vivian's hands go for his neck: choking their partner seemed to be a favored pastimeof futanari, and it was something that Ken had been on the receiving end of more times than he could count. Luckily for him, Viv appeared to know what she was doing, never allowing him to completely pass-out, keeping him on the verge of doing so simply to increase her own selfish pleasure.

Her friends seemed a little less confident.

"Fuck, Viv, don't like, kill him!" Coral called over to the other futa, scowling, "Like me and Phoebe haven't even gotten our turn with him yet!"

"Yeah um, b-be careful Vivian," Phoebe reminded, "I don't want you to hurt him or anything…"

"Don't worry, I'm a professional!" Vivian laughed but loosened her grip on Ken's neck nonetheless, "I'm not gonna seriouslyhurt him or anything. Besides, this little bitch probably likes this kind of treatment!"


"I'll go a bit easier on him Phoebe, just 'cause it's your birthday and all!"

Shooting her friend a wink, Vivian removed one hand from Ken's throat and slapped it down onto his ass, but kept the other where it was. This didn't slow her insatiable pace even remotely, Vivian channeling all of her societally-indoctrinated-rage against the lesser-sex into her brutal pistons, moaning from the intense stimulation of Ken's constantly clenching asshole on her cock. She wiped her forehead of sweat, blowing her dripping black locks out of her face. Fucking Phoebe's birthday present was really taking a lot out of her!

Though Ken was glad that he was able to breathe a bit easier, it didn't matter much to him - the lightheadedness from being strangled only added to his own pleasure, making every blissful sensation garnered from Viv's monster spearing his rear that much more incredible. He focused on the feeling of her precum basting his bowels and filling his stomach to an even more absurd degree, the outline of the futanari's massive dick swimming through his cum-packed midsection like there were multiple creatures squirming around inside of him.

Ken attempted to say something as Vivian ravished him, a trio of words that came naturally to him whenever he was engaged in coitus; but he couldn't, the utterances halted by the fingers constricting his throat. He blabbered instead, spit and his own tongue slipping from his lips, joining the sweat sliding from his own and Vivian's faces, Ken's body treated to a constant downpour of the futanari's salty secretions, his own flesh just as drenched. And despite how close to losing consciousness Ken was, he was feeling absolutely heavenly , the rough fucking everything he'd hoped for and more. 

With what little awareness he still possessed, Ken could tell that Vivian was getting close to achieving a climax. Her thrusts were growing erratic, her member was throbbing more vigorously than previously, and she was breathing like she was the one being strangled - all obvious signs of her impending orgasm. To make sure it was as amazing as the one he'd experienced earlier, Ken tightened his bruised rim with all his strength, and clapped his colossal cheeks around Viv's cock.

And like usual, Ken's intuition was right on the mark.

"Gonna fill your fuckin' ass full of my cum!" Vivian shouted, her fingers securing themselves around Ken's neck, "You stupid slut, you little bitch boy, here it fuckin' comes!"

She slammed her meaty column to the hilt inside of Ken.

"Take it, whore!"

Ken couldn't help but smile - though he made sure that Vivian couldn't see it.

Whether she realized it or not, Viv was giving Ken the very thing he desired. He clenched down on her violently pulsating member like he was using his ass to give it an affectionate kiss, and met her final thrust with a backwards push of his giant rear, keeping her cock buried as deep as humanly possible; this closeness allowed Ken to feel Vivian's testicles tremble against his own, her bloated cum-sack practically vibrating , making last second preparations before it released its torrent. 

Ken let out a lengthy moan, his longest and loudest yet, happy as a clam to be basted with cum once again; he nearly howled a string of worshipful phrases that would've sounded like they were directed at Vivian, while really being meant for someone else - but the muscular futa's fingers stopped him from doing anything but breathing . Everything went still – though not quite silent – as Viv launched into her climax, a deep hum of relief emanating from the pair's throats simultaneously. 

Vivian bellowed.

Matching her yell in intensity, Vivian's cock erupted a streamer of semen into Ken's ass, much like Phoebe had to his stomach; their initial geysers were nearly exactly the same, the cum gushing from the futa's piss slit coming out in a high-pressure blast - though Ken could tell that it wasn't as voluminous or lengthy as the birthday-futa's. All the same, it rocketed into his depths, packing his intestines even fuller than they already were, Ken's belly gurgling as it was impacted and distended by a fresh bombardment of baby-batter. 

Surprisingly, Vivian's grip on Ken's neck and waist loosened as she came, like all of her energy and strength was being directed towards her peak. Cock bucking, it writhed around inside of Ken's ass, spraying down his organs, painting them white from the end they hadn't been blessed by futa-seed yet. Her first sieving of sperm through her spear lasted several seconds, combining with Phoebe's load, her virile slime sloshing around inside of Ken's stomach, swelling his midsection further.

To no surprise, Ken's ecstasy heightened, his emotions going wild as he felt better and better and better , each explosion of viscous goop that unloaded directly into him increasing his lurid mirth; he orgasmed only moments after Viv did, a river of cum flowing from his chastity cage, his cock taking on a pulsing sanguine hue. Mumbling incoherently, Ken nearly blacked out , each dose of his favorite drug feeding his addiction making him feel alive like he was a human-being with actual worthand not a homeless cum-junkie!

He could feel his stomach bloat, and, as much as he wanted to see it happening, he couldn't focus long enough to look down at his own body; the only thing that occupied his mind at that moment was how fucking amazing it was to get a whole nother load of cum basting his depths in less than an hour. Usually he was just happy to get two hits of futanari seed in one day! The fact that he managed to climax at nearly the exact same time only enhanced the whole experience.

Ken wished this night would never end.

Vivian collapsed atop of Ken, the intensity of her orgasm draining her more than she'd expected. She managed to catch herself before she utterly flattened the femboy, her hands slamming down on either side of his head, her body splayed across his; there was a squelch when their forms met, their sweat-layered skin connecting and sliding across each other, Vivian's breasts squishing against Ken's spine. Her hot, panting breath blew against Ken's ear.

They moaned together, Vivian and Ken both struggling to catch their breath as they were overwhelmed by the shared carnal euphoria of causing each other to cum. Vivian rutted against Ken, her hips jerking up and down in shallow thrusts, forcing more and more of her ball-brew to shoot from her glans and pack Ken's stomach even fuller ; her streams of gooey slime changed to the foot-long ropes that the femboy was more accustomed to receiving, but the quantity of potent swimmers she injected his bowels with didn't even begin to diminish.

If Ken was capable of doing the same he would've humped the air needily, his body burning up from the kind of high only futa-seed could give him; his own orgasm was almost an afterthought , an unimportant occurrence that was beneath the notice of his superiors. As he was filled to the brim and then some , his stomach sagging low enough to graze the cum-soaked couch cushion, Ken looked sideways at Vivian's face, observing her sharp, angular features. She almost reminded him of someone, someone he would do anything to see again…

But he knew better.

Ken shook his head and re-concentrated on the immensely pleasurable, brain-hazing sensations he was currentlyexperiencing. Vivian's orgasm felt like it was still going strong – or at least strong enough for Ken's liking – her strands of sperm shooting swiftly into Ken's stomach, firing like a semi-automatic, his midsection growing larger and larger; as to be expected from a futanari her climax lasted longer than his own, Ken's flow of fuck-fluid faltering, dribbling out whatever semen was left in his swollen balls. 

The nice thing about an orgasm achieved solely through anal-stimulation, however, was that it felt like it never truly ended! Vivian's constantly pulsating cock acted like a vibrator against Ken's prostate, granting him wave after wave of ecstasy, allowing him to maintain his body-trembling high for the entire duration that the futa's member remained sheathed inside of him, her dense rivulets of cum seeping over his pleasure-spot dousing fuel over his lurid fire. So Ken felt as though he was still climaxing - and he wasn't complaining about it!

He would complain about the fact that Vivian's gushes of goo were slowing if he didn't fear retribution - and if he was even remotely in the right mind to do so. Ken flexed his shaft-stretched asshole repeatedly, doing what he could to coax as much cum from Viv as possible, as pointless as his attempts turned out to be. His craving for futa ambrosia was nigh bottomless , no amount of the virile nectar seemingly ever enough to quench the pear-shaped femboy salacious thirst. 

There was no question of when Vivian's orgasm finally ended, the muscular futanari immediately lifting herself up off of the couch and Ken upon its completion, her output amounting to a small drizzling of dick-dregs. Her cock schlorped out of Ken's asshole as she rose to her full height and pulled her momentarily-satiated appendage from his backside, her brown-hued extremity streaked with her own sperm, a slathering of semen covering it from tip to base, strands of seed connecting her appendage to his rear. Vivian gave Ken's lower-cheeks a slap each as soon as her member freed itself from his sore backdoor. 

Vivian stretched her arms and turned towards her friends.

"Now that was a fuckin' NUT!" She laughed, stumbling off the couch, her knees also stained with Ken's cum, "Goddess-damn that's a tight fuckin' ass. Not bad, bitch boy, not bad!"

Reaching for her drink she'd left on the coffee table, Viv downed it in one large gulp , keeping one eye open to view her handiwork as she wet her whistle.

"Hope I didn't stretch him out too much for you, Coral!"

"Please, you're like, not that even that much bigger than me!" Coral rolled her eyes and waved her cock back and forth, having shed her shorts sometime during Vivian's orgasm, "Besides, I'm gonna give this cutie here a different kind of lovin', if you know what I mean."

Coral and Phoebe giggled, Viv rolling her eyes right back at her busty friend.

"You're such a fucking weirdo , Coral. I don't know why you treat boys so kindly - you know they all like it rough!"

"Like, for your information, boys love the way I fuck them! Not all of us are brutes like you, Viv!"

"Hey, I just call it like I see it! And don't call me a brute - I'm an educated, strong futanari that don't need no…"

As the pair bickered over the 'right' way to fuck a male, Ken used the time to recover, taking advantage of how distracted the two were. Clenching his asshole as hard as possible in order to hold as much cum inside of himself as possible, Ken unsteadily rose up on his knees, one of his arms cradling his stomach; between Phoebe and Vivian's orgasms, he'd been left utterly bloated , his midsection more than just pudgy , the folds of his belly-flesh sticking out like he was in the second trimester of a pregnancy .

Sighing happily, Ken rubbed his swollen stomach in admiration for what the futa had done to him, and proceeded to check the rest of his figure with his free hand as well; he could feel bruises forming on his neck, hips, and ass - all the places that Viv had mistreated him the hardest. His skin was tender, sore like he'd just gone half a dozen rounds with a professional boxer. He definitely wouldn't be sitting – or walking , for that matter – right for quite some time! 

Rubbing his tummy and straining his anal-muscles as much as he could so as to not let a single droplet of sperm escape his bowels, Ken noticed that, while Vivian and Coral argued loudly in their inebriation, Phoebe was looking at him . She was casually stroking her ridiculously enormous, venous cock, holding it closely to her torso, her eyes fixated on Ken's rotund stomach; it took her a second to realize he'd caught her jerking herself off to his naked, inflated figure, Phoebe quickly glancing away as pink returned to her cheeks.

Ken winked at her and licked his lips when she tried to sneakily ogle him again.

"...alright, whatever!" Viv shook her head and parked her bare ass on the coffee table, "Let's quit arguing - it is a party after all! And we need to quit hogging the slut for ourselves. So you're up, Coral!"

"Fine by me!" Coral grinned at Viv, but showed a much kinder smile when she set her sights on Ken, "Are you up for some more fun, baby boy?"

"O-Of course!" Ken nodded eagerly at her, already sliding off the couch and onto his feet, "I'm all of yours to use for the whole night - whatever you want me to do, I will ."

"Mmm but like, do you really want me, cutie? 'Cause if you do I want you to tell me how much. I wanna hear it!"

The sheer astonishment Ken felt stopped him dead in his tracks - when was the last time a futanari ever cared about what he wanted!?

"I uh… yes I do. You're um, you're gorgeous, Coral, and you seem really nice. Your cock is a great size too!"

Coral giggled as Ken stumbled his way through praising her.

"Okay, you like, convinced me! Come here baby, come sit on Mama's lap!"

Ken's eyes went wide - now he understood why Vivian had insulted her! He had never met one before, but he'd heard from fellow homeless males that he occasionally ran into that some futa preferred a more gentle form of domination, like their motherly instincts somehow managed to get mixed-up with their need to rough up the lower-sex; this newfound realization helped Ken make sense of Coral's behavior towards him since they'd first met in the alley.

Not wanting to keep Coral waiting, Ken waddled over to her as quickly as his short legs would carry him, having to maintain an awkward stance just to not accidentally spill any semen onto the floor. Staring at her as he moved, Ken's eyes almost immediately shot towards her genitalia, curious to see what she was working with, and what would be inside of him as soon as he reached her; what Vivian had said was true, Coral the least hung of the three futanari - not that that meantmuch when considering the size of her friends!

Though her cock was at least half a foot shorter than Phoebe's extreme endowment, that still put her on the larger size of average for the third sex. Possessing the same creamy coloration as the rest of her complexion, it stood tall, jutting from Coral's hairless groin, one of her small hands holding it at the base. From what Ken could tell, it wasn't particularly vein-riddled, only a few light-blue arteries lacing Coral's shaft, and they weren't very gnarled either - at least not on the level of Vivian and Phoebe's. 

Her foreskin had already been pulled back, her soft-pink cockhead dripping with precum. Coral's cock appeared fairly thickas well, closer to Vivian's girth than he'd expected; it was, in Ken's opinion, a pretty good looking dick, huge enough that it would fill him up nicely even after he took the muscular futa's monster. He noticed her balls were pretty plump too, bigger than average for sure, like they were trying to match the massiveness of her breasts, her sack not really saggy either, firm and taut against her crotch. 

The more he studied it, the more Ken's excitement grew!

"That's right, cutie, hop up on my lap," Coral purred as Ken neared her, patting one of her thick, jiggly thighs, "I can help you up if you want!"

"I'm okay, I think I can manage i–"

Coral's hands were on him before he finished his sentence. They reached around his waist to grab his aching ass, gently gripping each cheek to haul him up onto her lap; Ken would've been surprised by how easily she lifted him if he didn't already know that futanari were naturally strong, a lesser-known aspect of their unique sex. Ken found himself plopped right atop of her, his knees digging into her thighs, her huge cock sandwiched between his inflated stomach and her enormous, bikini-top-clad breasts. 

She wasted no time in pulling Ken against her, her fingers gliding up his back and through his hair to clutch his skull; this also squished his flat chest – which still had his pink bralette covering it – against her gigantic mounds, nearly his entire torso from his heavy stomach to his neck smothered by her humongous tits. Ken was only given a brief second to wonder why she'd hugged him so closely to herself before he was hit by a full range of different emotions when his lips were suddenly met by her own !

A futa was actually kissing him!