A Fire Extinguished Part 3 MisterretsiM

"Congratulations Phoebe, you like, did it !" Coral cheered for the birthday-futa, clapping her hands together excitedly, "You inflated your first male! How does it feel? Like, was it better than you expected?"

"Yeah, did this finally break you out of your shell?" Viv joked, nodding approvingly at her friend, "Are you gonna start hanging out with us when we pick up boys? 'Cause it's about damn time you do!"

"Don't pressure her!"

"She just needed a push in the right direction, Coral! I'm just tryna help her out!"

Phoebe's head slowly rose.

"I… I want more ."

Viv and Coral both looked stunned by her statement. 

"Damn girl, what's gotten into you!?"

"I think it's what she's gotten into, " Coral laughed even as the expression of alarm on her face remained, "she lost her virginity and now she finally like, 'gets it' ya know?"

"Oh shit…"

Staring down at Ken, Phoebe spread her legs and reached down, wedging her arms between Ken's legs and her torso; she nudged his thighs apart, forcing him to release his lock on her figure, Ken putting up zero resistance in his blissed-out state. Once her midsection was freed, Phoebe moved her palms across Ken's stomach, pressing them down on his expanded mass like she was searching for the kick of a fetus, before finding his hips. She grabbed his hips and heaved him into the air, dumbfounding Coral and Vivian both by her sudden display of unnatural strength.

Once Ken was fully lifted from the sweat-and-sperm-stained couch, Phoebe slowly rolled over into a sitting position, giving her knees a well-earned break. Still holding Ken the entire time, she got comfortable as she angled Ken above her body, his limbs dangling limply, his ginormous gut nearly smothering the blonde futanari; Phoebe managed to keep her cock inserted in his asshole as well, allowing none of her or her friends' semen to seep out of him. Somehow she managed to incline him in a way that let them stare into each other's eyes, Ken's comically spinning aimlessly, Phoebe's narrowed in focus.

A pregnant pause passed before Ken realized that anything had changed at all, suddenly aware that he was hovering in the air and that his fingers and toes were just barely grazing the couch cushions. Righting his arousal-blurred vision, he glanced down at Phoebe, his eyelids raising as he observed a certain look plastered on her visage; there was a fire in her eyes, the tell-tale signifier that her libido had consumed her utterly and completely, scarcely a single trace left of the meek futa that had finished losing her virginity only minutes before. 

He swallowed loudly, his throat dry and scratchy from how much screeching and moaning he'd done that night.

"Phoebe…?" He muttered, voice hoarse, a twinge of fear palpable in his tone, "A-Are you okay?"

"Everything is perfect , Ken," she smiled at him, though her eyes betrayed her true feelings, "but I need more . I-I'm gonna fuck you again. And again. And again . I'm not gonna stop until I'm done. Understand?"


" Good boy ."

Face twisting into a fierce grimace, Phoebe let out a bestial growl as she simultaneously let Ken drop without releasing his hips and thrust her cock upward; her hips thudded into his fat ass, her modest chest slapped into his exponentially expanded stomach, and her member schlorped into his bowels, sinking into her own untold gallons of cum she wasn't even truly done releasing, Phoebe's balls still quivering as they pumped out the finishing touches of her initial orgasm. Phoebe screamed in happiness and Ken gasped, surprised by the futa's jarring change in demeanor. 

Phoebe's experience having sex with a male left her addicted , a craving she didn't know existed in her heart boiling over, unleashing the inherent nature of her unique biology. She couldn't help it - she was a futanari , after all! Giving into every salacious impulse coursing through her, she sent her colossal cock crashing through Ken's core, impaling him repeatedly and swiftly on her monstrously-proportioned spear, her balls banging against the femboy's cheeks with the same brutality as Vivian's hands had. The couch recommenced its rocking, practically bouncing under the pairs fervent fucking. 

Having not expected Phoebe to lose control in this manner, Ken was caught totally off-guard, his mind not ready to be ravaged by so much pleasure when it hadn't even recovered from the last carnal assault it had suffered through! The same couldn't be said for his body , however, his nerves electrified with euphoria once more, his member already throbbing in its cage, his testicles – despite how much they ached – trembling as they began churning up a new batch of cum. Ken's legs kicked out, searching for purchase on something he could brace himself against, his arms doing the same and striking the wall wildly. 

Ken's head flopped around as he was jerked up and down like a ragdoll, treated like a broken-in fleshlight; he tried to look to the side at Vivian or Coral as if they might help him or calm their friend down. But he couldn't stop shaking for long enough to make eye contact with either of the futa - not that they would've been interested in coming to his rescue, as it were. They watched Phoebe fuck him enviously, their expressions of bewilderment mirroring each other, their hands back on their cocks and balls, jerking themselves unashamedly to the lurid show.

"Oh my Goddess, look at her go!" Coral said wide-eyed, her giant tits jiggling on her chest in time with her rapid breaths, "Like, Phoebe isn't so timid anymore, is she?"

"Timid like a shark , maybe!" Vivian tried to joke, though she was just as mesmerized as Coral was, "I think the shy futa we knew is gone now, Coral. She's a certified bitch-breaker now! Just look at her!"

"Oh I am, trust me…"

Even Phoebe was surprising herself by this sudden one-eighty in her personality. She didn't know where this insatiable sex drive came from, her libido often considered 'low' for her sex, nor did she understand why she was able to lift and drop Ken with such ease, despite the dozens of pounds of viscous liquid weight gurgling in his guts; she was aware that futanari were naturally stronger than males and females, of course, but what she was engaged in went far past anything she'd learned in school! Phoebe didn't, couldn't contemplate this change for but a few seconds when there was something so much more pressing thrashing above her.

Ken's stomach sloshed and gurgled like a soda being shaken up for a prank. His own spherical globe of flesh swung up and down with the rest of his body, flying uncontrollably through the air; his gargantuan belly nearly whapped his own head, careening towards his skull like a meteor rocketing past Earth. Phoebe was in no such danger, her positioning of Ken perfect, allowing her to both fuck him as roughly and quickly as she wanted while also saving her from being knocked-outby his inflated gut thats current excessive expansiveness was mostly her doing.

And she was currently gushing her cum into him like her orgasm had never truly died. A mix of she-pre and actual semen belched from her urethra, her balls even more bloated than when she'd began her orgasm some minutes prior; her well of sperm seemed to be as endless as the length of her cock, her titanic testicles comparable to a pair of smaller watermelons, the outstanding orbs of virility bashing against the front of the couch repeatedly, further straining its structure's durability. She was in a league of her own in size and output, easily in the top one-percent of futanari that Ken had ever been with. 

He was being rocked so roughly, so rapidly , that Ken was starting to get dizzy, like he was riding a rollercoaster that he couldn't get off of. Truthfully, Ken wasn't sure if he wanted Phoebe to stop fucking him, his euphoria immense, his high from her gut-packing still going strong; and he was only getting higher as his organs absorbed whatever cum they could, semen practically pouring out of his pores . Ken almost thought he could feel the three futanari's seed rising up from through throat , his asshole too stuffed with supersized shaft for sperm to slip out of. 

Unbeknownst to Ken and Phoebe, the other two futa's impatience had gotten the best of them. Viv and Coral stood up together, set down their drinks, and moved towards the lust-consumed pair, each one taking a side; they both had to step out of the way to avoid being hit by one of Ken's undulating limbs, their line-of-sights unbroken. Stroking their cocks, watching Phoebe split Ken's asshole, and ogling the femboy's enormous bouncing cheeks, they paused, waiting for an opportunity to address the birthday-futa.

When no break presented itself, Vivian spoke up anyway. 

"Uh, hey Phoebe, mind if we join you?" The dark-skinned futanari asked, raising the volume of her voice so that it was audible over the salacious raucous of moans and skin-slapping, "We figured that we could use his mouth while you fuck him. If you're cool with it - this bitch is your present!"

"Yeah, like, he isn't doing anything with those pretty lips of his!" Coral grinned, panting at the image of Ken's euphoria-scrunched features, "We won't interrupt you at all!"

"Go… go ahead," Phoebe grunted without looking at either of her friends, "I don't mind sharing. We can all fuck him together !"

Obviously Ken wasn't given a say in the matter.

"Hell yeah, girl, you're the best!"

Vivian and Coral climbed onto the couch, flanking Phoebe and Ken.

"Yeah, thanks babe, this is gonna be so much fun!"

Phoebe slowed her skyward thrusts slightly so her friends could properly position themselves, Vivian on one side of her, Coral on the other. The two less-hung futanari crouched and hunched their bodies so that Ken's head was level with their steely members, their glans leaking precum onto their own fingers; unsurprisingly, Viv was the first to twist a fist into Ken's tangled, damp locks, turning his skull so that he was facing her. Ken wasn't allowed to even gather his bearings before the second biggest cock in the room was jammed into his mouth!

The pair didn't stop there. Coral grabbed Ken's swinging arm and steadied it, bringing his hand to her cock, Viv doing the same to his opposite set of fingers; the moment that Ken felt his palms touch their hot, throbbing members, he wrapped his digits around them, his mitts filled with fat futa meat. Without realizing that he was even doing it , Ken jerked off Vivian and Coral's appendages, their shafts comfortably slicked by the amount of cum and pre coating their lengths. 

"Now this is more like it!" Vivian bellowed, smashing Ken's head down even harder on her massive pole, "Three friends sharing a slutty fuckin' whore! Shit, we're gonna be doing this every night now, Phoebe, just you wait."

"I definitely have some cuties like Ken here that I can bring around," Coral moaned a Ken's soft fingers glided across her dick, "though, I'm a little afraid that Phoebe might like, stretch them out too much when she fucks 'em!"

"Ain't that the truth!"

"I-I like the sound of that," Phoebe panted, finally giving her friends a single glance each, "sex is the best ! I can't believe this is what I was missing…"

"That's right, girl, now you know what males are actually good for!"

The trio laughed as they continued to abuse Ken, ramping up their usage of whatever part of his body they could get their hands – and cocks – on. Phoebe below him, spearing her fleshy weapon in and out of his asshole, keeping him still so that her friends could access his figure as well. Vivian utterly railing his mouth, using the sheer enormity of her appendage to choke him. Coral enjoying the soft stroking of his hand, her fingers rubbing along his spine, her eyes fixated on his trembling lower-cheeks. And Ken? Ken couldn't do much else but let the three futa play with him, let them garner as much stimulation from him as possible, his own pleasure be damned .

He was assailed from all sides by giant cocks and voluminous pre-spillage. His ass, mouth, and his hands and arms were swiftly drenched , Ken drowning in deliciously debauched decadence, drinking dick-dregs from both ends, inundated in virility; there were so many sensations he experienced at once, so much sticky fluid pouring against and into him that the normally confident male almost felt overwhelmed , his attention pulled in so many directions at once that that he struggled to make sense of what was happening.

Ken tried to relax and do what came naturally to him. Sucking the cock in his mouth, jerking the two in his hands, and massaging the one brutalizing his backdoor - it almost helped him to pretend that each act was separate from the other, like he wasn't being surrounded by giant members attached to a group of boy-hungry futanari. He was almost embarrassedby how overloaded he felt, like he was failing as a male because he couldn't handle three of the superior sex at once, including the most hung one he'd ever met. The excitement Ken had maintained throughout the entire night before this practically seemed foolish at this point.

But Ken wasn't a quitter!

Mentally encouraging himself, fighting through his unending high to gain some semblance of humanity, Ken amped up his pleasuring of the three friends. His hands masturbated Vivian and Coral's cocks faster, sucked with as much pressure as he could muster on the former's extremity, and reignited his inner-wall-flexing against Coral's monster. With all of the cum swimming through his guts and entering him, Ken felt almost unbearably drugged-up by the futa's seed, even as he resumed his quest for more . Addiction was a hell of an illness!

Phoebe, Vivian, and Coral all noticed Ken's sudden burst of energy - and took advantage of it in turn. Coral thrust her hips out until her pre-dribbling glans poked Ken in the back of the head, sliding her tip through his sweaty – yet silky – strands of white hair. Vivian held the sides of his face as she powered her granite-stiff member between his lips and down his throat, grunting with each gullet-gouge. Phoebe, always full of surprises, sped up her rate of rear reaming, her entire body nearly lifting from the couch in order to throw herself at Ken, treating the cushion beneath her like a trampoline. 

Ken's head was suddenly ripped off of Vivian's cock and twisted in the opposite direction, Coral's member taking the muscular futa's place; she'd finally relented and begrudgingly shared the male's mouth with her companion, as much as it pained her to do. Coral, always the most gentle of the three, didn't ram her enormity directly into Ken's throat, allowing him to work his magic at his own pace instead. He was thankful for this, and sucked and slobbered on the bustiest of the trio's glans vigorously. 

Things didn't change much after that. Phoebe persistently punished his backdoor while Vivian and Coral used his hands to get themselves off, passing his mouth back and forth like it was one of the joints sitting unlit on the coffee table. Drool joined the precum running down Ken's chin, his face a mess of off-white fluids, his cheeks red as he was constantly denied oxygen by the logs of flesh distending his gullet. Occasionally Viv would reach down to slap his ass, adding to its ruining that Phoebe was the main cause of. 

An unknown amount of time passed before the three orgasmed - though they didn't occur simultaneously. Phoebe was the first to cum, expelling a howl of pleasure as she expelled an excess of sperm into Ken's stomach, her hips raised to bury every last inch of her mega-monolith in his ass; like before, his midsection ballooned to an incredible degree, shooting out until it rested on top of the blonde's straight blonde locks, her arms shaking as his constantly-increasing-weight put her strength to the test.

And that was just the start .

Vivian was the next to experience a climax, her cock half-lodged within Ken's neck. Her cum met Phoebe's inside of him, their loads splashing together, his rate of inflation speeding up, his stomach closing in on the wall in front of him; Vivian thrust her throbbing dick in and out of Ken's mouth as she orgasmed, salty seed sputtering from his stretched lips, coating his face and her shaft in her own gooey essence. Ken tried not to choke on the outpouring of viscosity, swallowing her load as quickly as possible, unable to even breathe just to keep up with her torrent. 

About halfway through Viv's orgasm – Phoebe's still going strong – Ken's head was turned once again, Coral shoving her cockhead into his maw the moment her own began; or at least that was the plan , the twin-tailed futa's climax commencing before she could stretch his jaw. This led to the side of Ken's skull being plastered with Coral's progeny, partially blinding him when one of the errant ropes of seed glued his eyelid shut. When Coral's glans did make it between his lips, she shoved it to the entrance of his throat, unloading into him like a condom while Vivian doused his body with her hosing of virility. 

It felt to Ken like he'd been dropped into a swamp of semen. Submerged in sperm, he was being both covered and packed full from three different angles, his entire word nothing but cum , a storm of pearlescence blasting into and on him; Ken was warmed by the showering of seed, his body heated beyond the rise in temperature his own immense arousal caused. There reached a point where Ken was afraid he might actually burst from the sheer volume of ejaculate pouring into him, his stomach concerningly expanded.

Though the trio's orgasms began at different points in time, they more or less ended consecutively. Vivian's died down first, and she proceeded to rub her cum-dribbling tip against the back of Ken's head, rubbing it into his messy, tangled hair. Coral was next, her cock bucking inside of the male's mouth, shooting its final strands onto his tongue, coating his cheeks and teeth with her dense syrup. Finally, Phoebe was last, her climax enduring longer than her friends', outpacing both of them in duration and quantity of semen released - another display of how unmatched she was in terms of raw sexuality. 

They all took a moment to catch their breath.

"Fuck, that was fun!" Vivian spoke, taking a step back, her cock still completely erect, "Hell of a birthday, right Phoebe?"

"Y-Yeah, but, uh…" Phoebe winced, her arms shaking as she tried to peer around the shelf of cum-filled stomach casting a shadow over her figure, "I don't t-think I can hold him up for much longer. H-He's really heavy."

"So just drop him then! Who cares if he gets hurt?"


"Don't worry Phoebe, it's like, not that far of a fall!" Coral encouraged the blonde, pulling her cock from Ken's lips, "He'll be okay."

"I-If you say so…"

Ken succumbed to gravity without realizing what was happening, his ears and eyes clogged with cum, cutting his awareness off from the going-ons around him. He dropped like a stone, plummeting towards the floor, Phoebe giving him a little push as she released her hold on his waist so that he didn't crush her ; pushing the coffee table out of the way when he performed his strip-show worked in his favor, giving him enough room to fall unimpeded. This didn't make his landing that much painless, but it was better than cracking his head open on a wooden corner!

An 'oof' left Ken's lips – as did a smattering of semen – when he hit the ground, air forced from his lungs. His immediate reaction was to try and curl up into a ball but he wasn't able to move much with the ball of baby batter jutting from his torso; it was so weighty and gigantic that Ken couldn't even lift his limbs, his body totally flattened by the bathtub worth of cum gurgling in his guts. Gasping, he flailed aimlessly, kicking his legs out and beating his fists against the floor, stuck like a turtle that'd been flipped over onto its shell.

Vivian was suddenly standing over him.

"Alright, I think we need to drain this slut before we continue!" She grinned cruelly as she lifted a foot over his stomach, her knee practically pressed into her breasts , she had to raise it so high, "And I'll do the honors!"

"Wait, Viv, do you like, really have to do tha–"

Before Coral could stop her friend, Vivian stomped her foot down into the center of Ken's stomach, his pliable flesh consuming her leg all the way up to her knee . Ken screamed as his belly was flattened by the powerful futa's limb, his spine feeling like it was going to snap from the unrestrained act of violence; his scream was cut off after only a second, replaced by cum , a fountain of fuck-fluid flying from his lips. The same eruption occurred at Ken's asshole as well, the male not reacting fast enough to stop the flow. 

Semen sieved out of Ken's body from both ends, sperm even spraying from his nose in twin-jets. Vivian laughed mockingly above him as she malevolently ground her heel into his torso, sneering down at him as she treated him like he was less than dirt . Ken wanted to sob as he felt his well-earned drug volley from his abused holes, unable to even see the cum he'd tried so hard to keep inside of himself leave his depths, blinded by ball-brew. 

From his asshole, cum gushed across the floor, streaming like a river from his splayed legs towards the couch, semen splashing onto its front and disappearing beneath it. Liquid-virility exploded out of his sore lips, launching high enough to nearly hit Vivian in the face, the mass of thick goop hanging in the air before it splattered back down onto Ken's head; his body was engulfed by the numerous loads from the three futanari, Ken's skin more soaked than it'd been when Vivian and Coral flanked him with dual-loads.

He vanished beneath layer after layer of the pearly gunk, becoming one with the rest of the semen-saturated surroundings. Phoebe, Coral, and Vivian all watched as his stomach deflated steadily, his drainage refusing to slow, his body returning to the shape it'd been in when the night began; Ken, in his frantic desperation, attempted to drink down all the cum that splashed down onto his face, ignoring his own need for oxygen in the process. All that sperm was now wasted , denying Ken days of potential satiation he'd worked so hard to obtain. 

A fate worse than death !

Vivian lifted her foot off of Ken's stomach when it reached a more manageable size, a scarlet imprint of her heel left in his flesh.

"That's better! Now we can keep using him for the rest of the night!"

"Can't believe you just stomped on him like that," Coral shook her head as she got off the couch, her feet sinking into the inch-high flood of cum, "you're such a fuckin' bully. Like, there were other ways we could've drained him!"

"And you're too soft! Besides, that was the fastest way - anything else would've been too slow!"

"Um, are we gonna keep going?" Phoebe asked, still sitting on the couch, her shins drenched by Ken's bowel-release, "'Cause if we do, you guys can fuck him again…"

"Me next!

Coral called dibs so quickly Vivian hadn't even opened her mouth yet. 

"Fine, but I get his mouth!"

They both turned to Phoebe.

"Is that okay, babe?"

"Yeah of course! I really like sharing Ken with you guys!"

"You're the best, Phoebe!"

"Yeah this is how it should be!"

Coral bent over and snaked her arms under Ken with a series of squelches , cum clinging to her skin. She lifted him up as he recovered, the male still not really sure what was happening, and brought him to the end of the couch that Vivian had fucked him on. Laying him down, Coral oriented Ken's body so that his head was hanging off one end and facing Phoebe and Vivian, while his legs and ass dangled over the other side; Coral wiped some of the semen from Ken's feature once he was in position, unobstructing his airways and eyes.

Ken looked around in a panic, his head jerking back and forth as Vivian approached him. He stared right past her, mournfully observing all of the sperm staining the floors and the couch - the sperm that he'd planned on savoring for weeks to come! If Ken wasn't still so high and aroused, he would've shed a tear for his squandered payload, but like the true slut he was, he was immediately distracted by the massive cock looming over him and the smaller-but-still-huge member poking at his backdoor, his legs lifted and draped over Coral's shoulders.

"Alright baby boy, Viv and Mommy are gonna like, fuck you now!" Coral warned him, catching Ken up-to-speed, "So hold on, it's probably gonna get rough!"

"That's an understatement!" Viv snorted, placing her hands on either side of Ken's skull, lining up her purple tip with his lips, "We're gonna fuck this bitch up ! Treat him like a stupid whore should be treated!"

Coral didn't bother to chastise her friend for her unnecessary cruel statements. 

And just like that, Ken was being fucked in his two main orifices once again. Coral's cock slid through his ass with unnatural ease, his backdoor gaped by Phoebe's magnificent monolith and lubed by all the cum that had recently exited him; Vivian didn't have much trouble with his mouth either, Ken's lips and throat automatically opening in the presence of an appendage belonging to one of the upper-class. Phoebe didn't join in on the fun just yet, happy to just watch and jerk off her behemoth.

Vivian and Coral sawed in and out of Ken like a pair of lumberjacks felling a mighty Redwood with the same tool. One would thrust until her cock was hilted while the other would pull out, and then switch, working in perfect sync with each other; Ken's body was rocked back and forth, his nose smashing into Vivian's swinging sack, his olfactory sense filled with the musk of her spit-and-cum-dripping balls, his ass bounding off of Coral's thick thighs. Ken's stomach jiggled in time with their pistons, now only as bloated as when Vivian had initially finished using him, a sore reminder of what he'd lost, a pale shadow of its former glory. 

Ken did what he could to enjoy the double-teaming, the specter of wasted cum haunting him all the while, trying to relish the comparatively meager spurts of precum shooting down his throat and up his ass all the while. Eventually Phoebe rejoined the fray and slapped her cock down on Ken's chest, his hands releasing Vivian's balls – which he'd grabbed onto in hopes of milking the semen from them faster – to stroke the blonde's bestial beat-stick. A small blessing. 

The bulges created against Ken's skin from Vivian and Coral's pulsating extremities nearly touched during the moments they sheathed the full length of their weapons inside of him together, only a few inches of cum-coated flesh separating the bell-shaped imprints of their glans, both of the outlines bumping into Phoebe's chest-spanning monstrosity. Ken was once again assaulted on all sides by the throbbing towers, but he wasn't as overwhelmed as before, finding the position and his own state of mind much more manageable than before, relinquishing himself to pleasure.

And he would only feel better the longer the gangbang continued.

Despair dissipating, Ken's ball-brew-fueled high clouded his brain, his thoughts calming, his nerves relaxing; it seemed that his body had absorbed more of the potent drug than he'd expected before his untimely – and roughly accomplished – draining, foggy satiation hitting him full-force, possibly spurred by the she-pre refilling his depths. In no time at all Ken nearly completely forgot all about the seed he'd been denied, pivoting back to enjoying the job he was 'hired' to do, basking in the promise of all the cum to come.

So he pleasured the three college-aged futanari, same as ever. Slurping on Vivian's cock until his own spit replaced the sperm sticking to his face. Shimmying his hips so his ass rubbed against Coral and she cooed in appreciation. Jerking Phoebe off like a proper member-milking-machine, sliding her enormity across his torso like he was mopping up all the leftover cum for later. He did the only he knew, the only thing he was ever good at: making the superior sex happy .

Coral was the first to cum. She cried out as she pumped her third load of the night into Ken's stomach, re-inflating it with her furious release of wriggling-ropes. Ken exhaled a muffled moan around Vivian's member as his preferred-ambrosia gushed through his depths, numbing him once more, his brain set aflame with the fire of lust, everything else blacking out around him; Viv proceeded to fuck his face with violent vigor, smashing her crotch into his face before she climaxed, her cock engorging, giving Ken a new source of seed to gorge himself on. Her balls pulled up against his forehead, quivering as they shot their load into his gullet.

The sound of leather snapping could be heard when she came, but no one paid any attention to it, Ken included.

While Ken's stomach didn't resemble the size it had been at its biggest, it was starting to get there once Coral and Viv's orgasms diminished. Then he was pulled into another position, Vivian choosing to fuck him doggystyle, flipping him over as soon as Coral pulled out, Phoebe replacing the voluptuous futa by taking his mouth; now their cocks did touch inside of him, criss-crossing each other in his gut, the imprint of their members causing it to appear as though there was something anatomically wrong with Ken's figure. 

Coral took some time to recover while the two most-hung people in the room railed him, Ken experiencing an orgasm himself sometime during this, his cock barely leaking any sperm by this point, his balls decreasing in size to a level closer in comparison to most males. Neither of the pair held anything back, pistoning their gargantuan appendages through his organs, stirring the seed in his stomach around and around like they were cooking up a hearty stew - the virile liquid inside of him certainly felt hot enough to be a boiling pot of soup!

When Vivian orgasmed, Phoebe didn't follow suit, her stamina apparently also greater than her companions'. Ken's belly swelled, dilating back to a pregnant-appearance. Viv slapped his ass and pulled his hair the entire time she rode his backside, and her brutality only amplified as her ecstasy did, bruises sure to be marking Ken's body for a good awhile after that night; and when she yanked her member from his gaping, puffy asshole, Ken closed it up, really intent on holding onto as much of the heavenly nectar as possible after what he'd experienced before.

It was Phoebe's turn to plow his rear, and she chose a particularly unique position this time around. Pushing him onto the floor so that his head was partially swallowed by the puddle of semen coating the living room, she proceeded to pile-drivehim into the ground while facing the opposite direction; her balls continuously smacked into his as she drove her cock through his intestines, beating the cum out of them, leaving them as sore and discolored as his lower-cheeks. 

At this angle it wasn't as easy for Vivian and Coral to join in the ravishing, so they busied themselves by jerking their humongous rods over Ken's body, watching Phoebe crater his ass with her colossus like it was their favorite TV show. She powered her preposterous pole into him again and again, holding nothing back, the distension of her member winding its way through his torso, not even the extreme dilation of his belly able to hide it. Phoebe thundered her hips against Ken's raw hole in this manner until she too climaxed, the quantity of cum she unleashed vast despite it being her fourth of the night.

The night thats remainder would flash by in a blur .

Ken was taken in every position imaginable. The insatiable trio fucking his fingers, mouth, and ass again and again, never a second passing without at least one cock gaping his holes. Most of their cum was fired directly into him, but there were still numerous monumentally-sized loads that were aimed at his body, Ken repeatedly showered by their slimy offerings; he was covered so thoroughly that it became difficult for the futanari to move and hold him, his skin slick and shiny with their mixed helpings of seed. 

Randomly they would even try and take his lips or ass two at a time, this grotesque, lurid act always done by Vivian and Coral, Phoebe far, far too massive to attempt it. So Ken would have a duo of monstrous cocks pulverizing his throat simultaneously, his lips stretched to near tearing , his neck distended in different directions as they hammered his face together; the same went for his ass, the muscular and bustiest third-sex double-teaming his backdoor, gaping it forevermore, practically leaving it a useless crater for anyone that didn't possess an endowment in the general realm of Phoebe's goliath. 

And when Ken's mouth wasn't nearly dislocated by destructive dicks? When it wasn't, he fell back into the trance that had appeared while Coral had first fucked him, muttering words of affection like 'I love you' until his throat was too wrecked for him to continue speaking; Vivian mocked him especially viciously during these moments, hurling insult after insult at the cum-drunk femboy, calling him every manner of degrading names, really reaching deep – just like her cock was – to come up with new terms to verbally abuse him with. 

Ken lost all cognizance the longer the unending gangbang continued. Between the carnal beating his body and organs took from their giant members, and the bottomless flow of cum basting his depths and pouring over his body, he might've well been dead ; he was definitely dead to anything that wasn't sex, mindlessly moaning, slurping, and moving his ass in whatever manner best amassed him the most semen, a growing hoard of the most valuable substance on Earth to a femboy like himself gathering in his core.

They ended the night with a finale that Ken would never be able to forget. 

Despite his previous assumptions, it turned out that all three futanari were able to fit inside of him at once, making the impossible a reality ! Bent over on the floor on his hands and knees, his ass sticking out in the air, the trio of hung friends put their plan into action. Phoebe went first due to being the most ridiculously endowed, the blonde shoving about half of her cock into Ken's cum-dribbling, viciously gaped backdoor; Vivian joined her soon after, stuffing her massiveness next to Phoebe's, Ken's rear so stretched it felt like his pelvis would shatter . Lastly, Coral managed to cram her dick into him, barely able to pack it into his preposterously-pole-packed rim.

Standing around him, the trio proceeded to saw their cocks in and out of Ken's hole, moaning together as they abused him in a manner that no human should ever experience. Cum schlorped out of his ass, somehow finding gaps between his taut, clenching rim and their humongous appendages to leak out of. None of them were able to fuck him as deeply as they usually did, their members fighting for what little space was available in his semen-slathered sleeve, but each of them were able to fit a bit more than half of their extremities into his canal. Three sets of balls banged into his cheeks like hammers basing into the frame of a dilapidated house to knock it down.

Ken's mind slowly cracked from the inhumane treatment of his being. Eyes showing only the whites – like his whole body did – his tongue hanging stupidly from his mouth, his fingers raking through the semen under him - this was more than even a seasoned slut like him could handle! Mental faculties fading, Ken struggled to stay conscious, he brain jolting into survival mode , his fight-or-flight instincts appearing; unfortunately for Ken, he wasn't able to do either , any attempts at escape rendered moot by the trio of gigantic cocks skewering him, the adrenaline coursing through him all for naught when he scarcely had the energy to lift a finger.

Phoebe, Coral, and Vivian didn't last as long as they usually did, the grinding of their venous appendages against one another getting the better of them, creating extra stimulation they weren't accustomed to feeling. They did continue to pound him even once their orgasms commenced, however, ravaging Ken's asshole repeatedly while semen burst from their joined-tips, white-washing his depths, his stomach fattening before their very eyes at a rate previously unheard of.

Even with so many girthy cocks plugging his asshole, semen still found a way to fountain from Ken's backside, shooting so high up into the air it nearly splattered against the ceiling , the high-intensity-pressure in the male's bowels turning his digestive tract into a hose . Cum splashed onto the trio, Ken, and everything around them, showering the futa in a virile concoction of their own creation, repainting the room in their slimy pearlescence. To Ken, these felt like their most demanding climaxes yet, each one outdoing themselves in volume and duration.

They finished unloading into Phoebe's birthday present and pulled their cocks out of Ken's asshole together.

The fountain of seed spraying out of him turned into a volcanic eruption , sperm pluming through the living room in several directions at once, landing on furniture, walls, and people alike. Ken didn't even care that he was losing so much seed, kneeling on the floor face down ass up, twitching like a dying fish plucked from a lake; he was done , physically and mentally, his humanity splintered into pieces, relegated to the role of a tool that's sole purpose was to take futa-cock until it broke. That's what Ken was, broken, worthless, useless for anyone but the most depraved members of society.

He laid there like that for minutes on end, his brain blank, thoughts non-existence, his skull emptied of everything but cum. There was nothing else. How could there be? Ken lived and died by semen that wasn't even his , his own pleasure, every orgasm he managed to experience despite his caged-genitals incidental, a sliver of happiness in an otherwise hellish existence. If anything, Ken knew that he should cry out in gratitude whenever a futa decided to use him, that he should praise the Goddess that he should be so lucky. Just like every male.

Ken laid there, contemplating his purpose with what little brain-power he could muster, his eyes unfocused. As he stayed unmoving, the inherently powerful futanari began to fall from exhaustion, their nigh-unquenchable sex drives ultimately meeting their match in the comatose male slumped over on the floor; they all looked at each other in turn, giving one another a shared series of fatigued smiles, all thinking the same thing: this was a night for the books

One by one they dropped. 

Coral went first, staggering over to the couch and passing out in a pile of progeny, her cock soft, her ridiculously curvaceous figure drenched in sweat. Vivian was next, slumping over onto the floor, leaned up against the coffee table, her muscles throbbing from overwork, member only half-hard. Phoebe lasted another few minutes after her friends drifted off into libido-satiated slumber, barely maintaining enough energy to keep standing before she too was snoring softly, splayed out on her back in the middle of the room, her cock towering from her groin and refusing to go soft even as its owner faltered.

But where they all gave into their biological need for rest, Ken suffered no such issue, despite how he appeared. He'd felt incredibly weak from the multiple-hour-long fuck-fest and the grand finale of triple-penetration, sure, but he'd stayed awake , too amped up from all the cum keeping him high, even as his brain screamed at him to sleep. Held aloft on his stomach in front of Phoebe's snoozing form, his colossal swollen midsection raising him in the air, Ken didn't bother trying to move. Not yet.

Ken allowed himself a bit of time for recovery, needing to recuperate in mind and body, waiting until his laborious breathing calmed and feeling returned to his limbs, muscles sore, a burning sensation coursing from his head to his toes. It took some time for Ken to remember that he was even a human being , pleasure and despair combining to keep him in a perpetual state of stasis; he might've well been asleep considering his lack of movement, only the rising and falling of his chest indicating that there was a person under the heap of cum, along with the occasional pleasurable convulsion that vibrated his form, a remnant of all the climaxes that'd been forced onto him. 

The first thing Ken did when he regained some semblance of self was clean his face. He sucked his fingers clean, licking his palms like a dog happy to see its owner, his stomach groaning in protest as he added more cock-sauce to it; Ken did the same when he cleared his features of the progeny plastering layering it, pausing to slurp at his hands until they were fluid-free. Once he could see again he glanced at the nearest window, noticing immediately that it was still dark out. Goddess Above, it must've been nearly dawn !

Ken flexed his legs and touched his stomach, preparing to stand up of his own accord - something he hadn't done since Phoebe lost her virginity to him!

Planting his palms on the ground in front of him and bending his legs around his grotesquely engorged torso, Ken attempted to push himself into a sitting position first. Grunting as mustered every ounce of strength he had left, he jerked his body backwards as he used the floor for leverage; not much was accomplished initially, Ken teetering back and forth on his stomach like a balance ball - but that was enough to get him started. 

Slowly building up momentum, Ken wobbled his body to and fro repeatedly, moving himself in circles on top of his rounded abdomen, eventually gaining enough speed to flip himself over, slightly askew - but he succeeded nonetheless. Landing on his hip, Ken forced himself to sit up straight, his stomach plopping onto his thighs; it jutted out so incredibly far in front of him that his gut practically reached his knees . Ken smiled wearily at it, overjoyed that he'd ended the night with so much cum in his possession, even with everything he'd lost, his happiness included.

But now it was time for the hard part. 

Snaking his arms under his stupendous stomach, Ken lifted it as high as he could, raising his knees as well; then, Ken did his best to jump , springing upward, his body leaving the ground. Ken straightened his legs as quickly as he was able, coming close to slipping on the sea of seed below him when his feet touched the ground - but he didn't . Ken managed to keep his balance, wavering back and forth as he found his footing, his belly bouncing over and over again.

Giving himself a moment to adjust to all the extra weight he was now carrying, Ken observed his surroundings. The room was as wrecked as he was! Cum flooded the floor as far as the eye could see, the couch was coated in puddles of potency and errant ropes of semen, and the coffee table was utterly covered , the bottles of alcohol and drug paraphernalia scattered, mucked with sperm. All three of the futanari were in a similar state, partially plastered by their own progeny. Ken stared at Phoebe's cock wistfully like he wanted to take it for another ride.

Ken didn't bother to look for the clothing he'd worn, knowing that they were ruined in one way or another, more than likely unsalvageable; he did, however, spot something specific that caught his interest, the gears in his brain turning despite how clogged with cum they were. It was a pink purse, hanging off of a chair next to the couch, relatively untouched by the storm of semen, only a few slivers of seed dangling from its sides. A devilish idea formed in Ken's mind.

Waddling over to the purse, passing by the large TV that had gone dark – besides the random ropes of cum clinging to its screen – Ken trudged carefully through all the semen that had replaced the flooring, doing his best not to lose his footing. He reached a hand into the bag, digging through it until he found a wallet; opening it, Ken saw that it belonged to Coral, and, after quickly checking to make sure none of the futanari had awoken, pulled out a wad of cash, clutching tightly in his fist, a pang of guilt aching his rapidly-beating heart.

He told Vivian and Coral he didn't need payment for his services, but that hadn't been the complete truth!

With nowhere to put his well-earned, yet ill-gained money, Ken turned around and began to march out of the house; he paused and stared at the trio that had given him one the best nights of his life, less eager to leave as he studied their members. A part of him wanted to lay down on the couch and fall asleep with the hope that when he awoke the three futanari would keep him as their permanent pet. But he knew better. It was much more likely that they'd use him until they got bored and kicked him back out onto the street, too young to properly claim ownership over him.

Saddened by the remembrance that he was indeed homeless, Ken turned away from Coral, Viv, and Phoebe, and continued on his journey. Once again he almost slipped, his foot catching on something that glued itself to his sole; it felt like a piece of clothing, one saturated in cum, so Ken kicked it off without checking what it really was. Naked, money in hand, Ken left the house, closing the door quietly behind himself so as to not wake the futanari who had treated him, well, not great , but in the way that he deserved .

The chilly night air bit at Ken's cum-warmed skin.

Looking around, Ken tried to remember the way back to his alley, where he'd find his duffel bag, a change of clothing, and a place to sleep. He wandered down the way he thought he came from, cradling his belly and clenching his asshole, determined to keep as much cum inside of him as possible, each awkwardly-made step he took straining his ability to keep his rear closed, Ken practically having to crab-walk as to not lose any of his reward. Staying to the alleys and back-streets, he planned to avoid any other human interaction for the time being. 

It was a mostly pleasant walk, silent, suffocating darkness surrounding him, the quiet occasionally punctuated by the chirping of insects. Steering clear of the street lights, Ken tried to stay as invisible as possible, crouching behind houses and trash cans whenever a car drove by, angling himself so his swollen stomach didn't protrude too far from his hiding spots. It was slow going, moving in this manner, but Ken didn't mind; he was higher than he'd ever been, intoxicated-elation guiding him, an exhausted-but-satiated grin lifting his cracked, aching lips. 

Then, Ken heard the sound of several people approaching his direction - probably a group of drunken futa if their loud, laughing voices were anything to go by! Panicking, Ken dipped into a random alley, disappearing from sight once again, peeking over a pile of trash as he watched the strangers enter his vicinity; it did appear that they were intoxicated, Ken having another bout of luck as the towering throng of the third-sex walked right by his location without even a glance his way, too busy joking and chatting with each other to notice him. Sighing in relief, Ken turned to leave, but something stopped him in his tracks.

On the floor behind him was a puddle of water, illuminated by a small lantern attached to one of the walls of the alley, Ken's appearance reflected back at him.

He didn't like what he saw. Himself. Blood vessels covering the whites of his eyes. Cheeks gaunt. Lips puffy and discolored. Blue and purple bruises splotching his jaw and neck. Once beautiful hair a tangled, cum-clumped mess. Bite marks covering his chest. Stomach so gravid he had to lean over it just to see his reflection, the imprint of Vivian's foot marring its center. Hips dotted by differently sized finger impressions. Cock still half-hard, still filling out the chastity cage, still fighting its too-small-prison. Balls deflated somewhat - at least more than he'd ever remembered seeing them. Legs resembling the rest of his body.

Ken raised a shaky hand to his neck. It was gone. There was no longer a collar wrapped around his throat, its threadbare, worn-leather appearance absent. When did it break? He had it on at the start of the night, and he recalled checking it after giving Phoebe a blowjob, but after that? Nothing. So many times Ken had been face-fucked by the horny group of friends that it could have been destroyed at any point after Phoebe fucked him twice in a row. But he'd lost it - he'd lost it and he was so busy feeding his addiction he hadn't even noticed that his most treasured possession, the one constant reminder of his humanity was no longer his. Forever. 

It was the only thing he'd had left that she'd given him.

His knees gave out. Ken collapsed. He hit the ground with an echoing thud , his stolen-funds falling from his hand. Bursting into a fit of sobs, Ken tried to curl in on himself the same as when Viv had stomped on his stomach, but like before his inflated figure blocked him. Anger. Tears flowing down his face, Ken balled his hand into a fist and punched himself in the gut, unclenching his asshole simultaneously, cum rocketing from between his cheeks and spraying across the alley. Again and again he struck his own body, crying louder with each hit, punishing himself.

Punishing himself for being so careless.

Punishing himself for being such a hopeless cum-addict.

Punishing himself for being a male

That was all he was. A male. And that's all he'd ever be. Nothing more, nothing less - not that one could get any lower than a male in this society. Why him? Why was he born one of the underprivileged? Why did she abandon him!? Ken was happy once. Owned by a futanari, housed, clothed, and fed with all the sex and cum he could ever ask for. He thought she was happy too, but he'd been wrong, as he'd learned; he never learned why she dropped him off in that park and lied about coming back to get him - and he'd probably never discover the truth.

It haunted him. What did he do to make her turn her back on him? He'd been the perfect little pet for her, doing every chore she asked, heeding her beck and call, presenting himself to her when she commanded it, leaving her alone when she didn't need him; the latter happened as often as the former, his previous owner never the most affectionate towards him. But few futa were. Ken had always been happy and appreciative of any attention she gave him, as scarce as those moments were. Never complaining. 

So why did she leave? Was it him? Did he not do enough? Every waking hour – and often in his dreams – Ken tried to recall every moment of the many months he spent in her care, going over every possibility, every scenario that might've led to him angering her. Something that got more and more difficult to do as that part of his life grew more distant. Between survival and feeding his addiction, the memories grew blurrier with each passing day until the only fully-formed, static image he had left in his mind was of her . His owner. His Goddess. His love .

Spit sputtered from Ken's lips as he spoke, snot joining the tears running down his face, his voice coming out in a hoarse croak .

"Agatha… why…? I love you, Agatha. I love you. I love you. I…"

Ken cried himself to sleep, mumbling her name and his mantra repeatedly, his raw throat searing with pain.

Shortly after Ken passed out in a half-formed ball, sobbing even in his unconsciousness, a figure took notice of him. She stumbled towards him, a bottle of booze half-hidden in a brown paper bag clutched in one hand, her other arm extended to hold herself up against the alley's wall, limbs covered in tattoos. Her boots stomped noisily against the concrete, the futa uncaring about how loud she was being; and a futa she clearly was, the tubular bulge in her ripped-jeans snaking down her thigh and her braless breasts bouncing in her black tank top the most obvious indicators of her sex.

She stood above Ken, sneering, feeling that she recognized him from somewhere; if Ken was awake to see her, he would've known who she was immediately. The futanari that had cruelly sent her orgasm down a drain instead of feeding it to him after he blew her! Her unshaven length of hair that hung in front of her face and half-covered her face was pushed aside by her bag-occupied hand, giving her a better look at the femboy she was about to fuck, her grin widening.

"Must be m-my lucky day!" She slurred, downing the remainder of the alcohol she possessed and tossing the empty bottle in a pile of trash, "No collar, p-passed-out, and all for the taking: just how I like my sluts. Me and you are gonna have some fun, bitch !"

She chuckled to herself and started to unzip her jeans.

"Well, looks some lucky futa already used you up, but I'm sure you have at least one hole that I can fuck!"

Pulling down her pants, the anonymous futanari whipped out her cock, partially-erect, and began stroking it to life, ogling Ken all the while. Her eyes darted from his parted lips to his massively engorged stomach, and then to his incredibly fat ass, each part of his body looking as luscious as the last; fuck it, she didn't care how stretched out he was, she was gonna fuck him even if he woke up! He was just a male after all, so who gave a fuck if he didn't consent? She certainly didn't!

As she bent down towards Ken, the sound of throat being cleared emanated from behind her. The futanari whipped around, nearly toppling over in the process, her drunken countenance contorted into a look of fury . Who the fuck dared interrupt her fun!? As she studied the intruder, her expression blanked , then twisted into a look of confusion, the futa having to blink rapidly to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, that her dizzy-vision wasn't showing her something that wasn't real.

At the entrance of the alley was another futanari, and an absolutely giant one at that! The futa about to use Ken in his sleep wasn't short by any means – a few inches taller than average for her sex, as it were – but the person who just wrangled her attention from the femboy towered over her - and not by a small amount, either! She was utterly massive , the biggest of the dual-endowed class that the drunken futanari had ever seen! It wasn't even close

Though it was hard to make out her features in the darkness of twilight, the futa could see that the new arrival was ridiculously voluptuous as well; her white shirt fought hard to constrain a pair of breasts wider than her own torso , and her blue skirt encountered the same struggle with her door-brushing hips. Strangely, the intoxicated futanari didn't see a bulgein the other futanari's skirt, but there was so little light around them that she figured she'd probably just missed it.

The drunk futanari stood up straight and puffed out her chest.

"What the fuck d-do you want!?" She called out to the actual Amazon, raising her arms like she was preparing for a fight, "This male here is mine ! I f-found him, and I'm not gonna share! Got it? Find your… your own!"

Shaking the ground with every step, the humongous futa approached Ken and his potential assailant. 

"I don't think so," the other futa spoke calmly, her deep, feminine voice befitting her gargantuan stature, "because I'll be taking him home with me. You can leave."

"Excuse me!? I don't see a collar around his neck! He doesn't belong to anyone! So fuck off so I can fuck him in peace!"

" No ."

She made a long stride forward, the dimming lighting of the alley bright enough to cast her shadow across her opponent and Ken.

"I said I'll be taking him home with me, and I meant it. Either leave now, or see what it's like to be the one fucked in the ass for once."

Her plump lips rose into a menacing grin.

"And I won't use lube."

The drunken futa recoiled at the threat, looked from Ken to the giantess, and then slumped her shoulder, her decision made.

"F-Fine, I'll go. Fuckin' bitch, I was just trying to get a quick nut…"

She grumbled as she stuffed her cock back into her jeans and slid around the massive futanari who took up so much space there was scarcely enough space to pass her.

Peering down at Ken, the mountainous futanari's lips folded into a frown, her features softening. Unlike the drunken ne'er-do-weller, she definitely recognized the male, and undoubtedly he would've remembered her as well. In a strange series of coincidences, the second person to approach his unconscious body was someone he'd interacted with before the birthday party: the futa who'd given him the bottle of mysterious white liquid. Fate is funny like that.

Shaking her head at his sorry state, the futa sighed and crouched down in front of Ken. Brushing a smattering of strands of hair from his face, she observed him, her sorrow growing; bruised lips, tears drying on his cheeks, the degree of bloatpresent in his stomach - he'd really been put through the ringer! Looking over her shoulder to make sure she was alone, she rubbed her forehead and muttered under her breath.

"You always were a big softy…"

Rolling her eyes at herself and biting her bottom lip, she made a choice, one she never expected to make. Putting one massive hand on Ken's cum-crusted back and the other behind his bent knees, she lifted him, bringing him into her arms, cradling his body against her enormous, pillowy-chest. She stood up. Ken, even with the uncountable gallons of semen swimming through his stomach, weighed practically nothing next to the futanari's immense strength, and she held him as if that were the case.

Rocking him back and forth in her arms like the baby she was treating him as, the futa angled him so that his ballooned belly wasn't pressing into her chin, making sure to keep him secure in her grasp as she did. She showed him a gentle smile. Turning around slowly, she walked out of the alley, a slumbering male clutched to her breasts, cute coos leaving his lips as he slept the night away; when she stepped under a street light, Ken stirred slightly, one eye fluttering open.

"Go back to sleep, little one" she whispered, her fingers massaging the back of his head soothingly, "you're safe now. No one's gonna hurt you."

Ken nodded and dozed off once more.

"Oh Imogen, what are you getting yourself into…?"

Imogen gave the Moon-lit sky an exasperated glance and continued towards her home…