The Boy and The Milf by TheDukesArchives

"Get out of here and don't come back, you fucking bitch!" His mother shouted in anger, throwing a crack pipe at him.

The glass pipe smashed against the wall, breaking into pieces. Driven by sheer terror, Alex fled his home, haunted by the fear of a beating from his mother, or worse, from the man she had brought home. Alex and his mother lived in a trailer park because she couldn't afford to rent an apartment, let alone buy a house.

Stomach growling, Alex wandered the city's streets aimlessly. He first went to the park near his house, where he sat on a swing for half an hour. 

Alex was a small for his age. He had a slim body with wide, feminine hips that made him a target for ridicule among the boys in the neighborhood. His clothes were old and worn because his mother constantly chose to bought drugs for her, over food or clothes for him. His straight brown hair fell just below his ears, and he wore glasses. Bored and hungry, Alex went to the only place where he felt welcome.

For an hour, he trudged along, watching cars zoom past, their drivers occasionally honking but never stopping to help. Finally, he reached his destination and gazed at Mrs. Morrison's huge, two-story white house. Mrs. Morrison's luxury car gleamed under the sun, parked outside her house. When Alex saw it, a smile spread across his face—her presence meant she was home.

Mrs. Morrison was the only person in the world who treated Alex with kindness. She lived alone and was the kindest person he knew. Alex met her one afternoon after wandering aimlessly for hours. She came across him in the middle of the road, picked him up in her car, and took him home to feed him. That was two months ago.

Mrs. Morrison couldn't have children due to a condition she was born with. This made her especially kind to children like Alex. She fed him all kinds of meals and desserts with a delicious, thick, whitish cream. The first day she took him home, Mrs. Morrison gave him a bath, as Alex had only ever bathed with a hose and dish soap in his entire life.

Mrs. Morrison was a kind person, and to Alex, she appeared angelic. She was tall, with fair skin, large breasts, and wide hips. Her wavy black hair, reminiscent of a starless night, cascaded down to her back. Her face was beautifully heart-shaped, with brown eyes and an upturned nose that always looked at him with care.

She was always cheerful and kind, making Alex laugh by tickling him and playing with him sitting on her lap to tell him stories. When she asked about his life, even though they had just met, Alex shared very little about his sad experiences. She opened the doors of her home to him, saying that he was always welcome in her home.

From that afternoon onward, Alex began to imagine that Mrs. Morrison was his mother. With a smile on his face, he walked down the path to her house, approached the door, and rang the doorbell.

He didn't have to wait long; a few minutes later, the door opened, and he showed Mrs. Morrison in her red silk robe to her thighs. Because of her large attributes, her gown showed the valley of her breasts, and at her inner crotch, a bulge pressed gently against the cloth of her pink lace underwear. When she saw him, she opened her eyes in surprise.

"Alex honey, what are you doing here? It's nine o'clock in the morning," she asked, horrified to see him outside so early in the autumn cold.

Alex looked at the floor, embarrassed for having bothered her. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Morrison. Mum came home with another man and kicked me out,' Alex apologized.

She softened her face. "Go ahead, come in before you catch a cold," she said, stepping aside so he could enter.

As he stepped into her house, Alex was welcomed by the refreshing scent of lavender. 

"Do you want to eat something, honey?" Mrs. Morrison asked, stroking his cheek with her warm hand.

Alex nodded shyly. "If it doesn't bother you."

The black-haired, brown-eyed woman smiled. "You're never a nuisance, Alex. Come, let's go to the kitchen and make something for you," she said, gently extending her hand to him.

Alex took her hand and walked with her to the kitchen. He sat in a chair in front of the marble bar in the center of the kitchen, and Mrs. Morrison went to the huge two-door silver refrigerator.

"What do you want for breakfast, Alex?" she asked.

Alex's empty stomach roared at the thought of finally eating something. "Whatever you want to give me is fine, Mrs. Morrison," Alex said, trying not to look at the beautiful woman's huge butt.

"Call me Janice, dear; you don't have to be so formal with me," Mrs. Morrison said, pulling a packet of eggs from the refrigerator along with a packet of bacon.

"Okay, Mrs. Morr... Janice," Alex said, embarrassed as he called her by her first name.

Although she continued to tell him to call her by her first name instead of Mrs. Morrison, Alex preferred to call her that way out of respect for her.

Mrs. Morrison began to make fried eggs accompanied by bacon. Alex admired how her angelic body moved very elegantly around the stove; his eyes could not take their eyes off Mrs. Morrison's butt, nor from her huge breasts that bounced when she turned to ask him how she wanted her eggs. Even the peculiar bulge in her underwear, which bounced as she walked to get the salt and reached for a spatula, couldn't detract from Mrs. Morrison's radiant presence. 

When she finished cooking, the woman placed two plates on the table, one for Alex and the other for her. "Go ahead and eat," Janice said, with a soft smile, sitting down next to him.

Alex thanked him for the food and started eating. At the first bite, he shed tears of happiness after finally tasting a bite of food in almost 24 hours. He ate in silence. Alex wanted to savor every detail of this delicious food.

"What's wrong, honey?" she asked, confused to see him cry.

The skinny boy wiped the tears from his eyes with his forearm. "I'm sorry, it's just... I haven't eaten in a long time," Alex whined.

"Aw, I'm sorry, so much, my boy." Janice murmured, hugging him. Alex felt her warm arms around him, his head resting on his soft breasts. Mrs. Morrison smelled great of perfume and soap, not alcohol or drugs. "Everything will be fine, Alex."

Alex sniffed between her breasts, tearfully wetting her pink lace bra. "I'm so sorry to bother you with my presence, Mrs. Morrison," Alex apologized.

She caressed his hair in a motherly manner while he snuggled against her chest. "You never have to apologize; I help you because I want to."

Alex walked away from her breasts and looked at her face. Mrs. Morrison was smiling kindly at him; she wiped Alex's tears with her thumbs; her hands were soft and delicate like a rose. "Little boys don't look cute crying," she assured him, with a broad smile, her delicate fingers running down Alex's face to the corner of his lips, forcing a smile on him. "You see, you look much better that way."

He sniffed and smiled genuinely at her. "That's so much better," Janice said.

 At the end of her lunch, Alex offered to wash the dishes, but she forbade him. "Now we have to bathe you," Janice said, seeing a stain of dirt on Alex's neck. "When was the last time you took a shower?"

"Three days ago," Alex replied.

"For Christ's sake," Janice murmured. "Come, follow me."

She extended her hand to him. Mrs. Morrison took him to the second floor. Her house was spacious and homey; there were many photographs of her alone and landscapes hanging on the walls. Janice opened the bathroom door.

The beggar boy's eyes widened; he was never going to get tired of seeing this bathroom; the walls and the floor were covered in a clear and polished marble, and the morning light filtered through the blinds. There were so many things in the bathroom that he had only seen them on TV.

In one corner was a bathtub, large and majestic; next to it, a glass shower was waiting patiently. Soft, fluffy towels were neatly stacked on a white wooden shelf.

"Now, take off your clothes so you can wash them," Janice ordered kindly, removing her robe and leaving her in her underwear alone.

Alex slowly started to undress; his trousers were patched with pieces of other trousers; Alex folded his clothes carefully and placed them in the laundry basket. He walked naked to the shower; he opened the glass door and stepped into the shower.

Mrs. Morrison calmly watched the boy undress in front of her. Alex at first thought it was strange that she bathed him, but Mrs. Morrison had assured him that it was completely normal to be bathed by someone older. Alex agreed, because after all, he had never known a bath.

Mrs. Morrison began to bathe him, first rinsing his body; the foam slid down his hair, face, and shoulders; she put shampoo on his head; her soft hands massaged his head, making Alex relax.

He felt dirt slide down his body; Mrs. Morrison's nails dug gently into his scalp, making him purr. "Do you like it?" asked Janice.

"Mhhhm," Alex replied.

"Cover your eyes so you don't get shampoo," Janice ordered.

Alex felt the hot water on his head. The beautiful woman repeated the same thing twice, leaving his brown hair shiny. "Look at what beautiful hair you have, Alex; it's so silky and straight, many women would envy having your hair as neat as yours," she said.


"Yes, I think you have very nice hair and hips," Mrs. Morrison assured him. The boy blushed slightly; compliments were a rarity for him.

"Thank you," Alex murmured, pulling his knees up to his chest.

"There's no need for that. Now get up so I can clean you," Janice said.

The boy stood up; the soap ran all over his youthful body, and his vision blurred. Alex watched Mrs. Janice take the soap and smear it on her hands and a little on the yellow scouring pad. First, she put the soap on his body; her hands caressed his back, his shoulders, and his chest. The scrubbing pad brushing against his nipples made him laugh.

"Do I tickle you?" Janice asked, her voice slightly husky.

Alex nodded. "A little."

"Really," Janice murmured. "So, if I do this, what happens?"

Alex felt Mrs. Morrison begin to twist his pink nipples with her fingers; the strange action made him laugh and wriggle in the water. "It tickles me, Mrs. Morrison!" laughed Alex innocently.

"Does it bother you or do you like it?" asked Janice.

"No, I like it," Alex said, with a broad, innocent smile.

To his chagrin, Janice stopped twisting his nipples and focused on lathering the rest of his body, her hands moving to his hips. "You should always wash every part of your body—your armpits, your neck. Now, tell me, what is the most important part of your body to clean?" Janice asked.

"On the genitals," Alex replied.

"That's right," the black-haired woman said.

Mrs. Morrison started soaping Alex's crotch, testicles, and buttocks. Janice's hand slid down the slit of his ass, and Alex laughed; he was very ticklish there.

"That's right, this is where we need to focus the most," Janice said, sighing.

Mrs. Morrison carefully inserted her index finger inside his hole. Alex let out a slight growl, curling his toes and hands. 

"Your boypussy need to be clean and soft," Janice growled.

"That feels weird, Mrs. Morrison!" Alex said, a bit uncomfortable.

"It's okay, honey; this is completely normal; there's no reason to be scared," Janice assured him.

Janice pulled her finger out and then inserted it into his hole. She twisted and pressed something inside. "Do you remember when I mentioned that I also need to wash the inside of your hole?"

Alex nodded. "It's normal; kids do it," Janice said.

With his vision blurred. Alex saw Janice move her right hand quickly across her crotch. "And how do you clean it?" asked Alex.

"You should use a bidet, dear; it's the silver hose next to the toilet," Janice said. She stopped cleaning his bum. Mrs. Morrison approached his penis, where she slowly peeled back his foreskin.

"Do you remember that white thing around your penis?" she asked. "Well, it was dirt."

Alex nodded, remembering that she had called him smegma. "We need to clean up around here," Janice said, pulling back the hood of his sausage. Alex blushed, though she assured him that this was normal; for him, it was still weird.

With her fingers, she gently cleaned around his glans, tickling Alex in the process. She laughed at his reaction. "Mrs. Morrison, you're tickling me," Alex whimpered.

"I'm almost done, darling," she said, picking up her pace. With the palm of her hand, Mrs. Morrison rubbed her head quickly. Alex leaned in front and curled her fingers. "Mrs. Morrison, I'm going to pee!"

A stream of urine shot out of his penis; the hot liquid fell directly into Mrs. Morrison's face and mouth. Alex's bladder gradually emptied, feeling great satisfaction. "I'm sorry," the boy apologized.

"Mmmh, don't apologize, honey; it's normal," Janice said, rinsing his body with water. "Now close your eyes, because it's time to spread my cream on you."

Alex closed his eyes as ordered. The secret cream Mrs. Morrison gave him, either during lunch or while bathing, came from a special tap—at least, that's what she had explained to Alex. Suddenly, he heard clapping, followed by grunts and agitated breaths. "Here it comes, Alex," Janice growled.

Suddenly, Alex felt nine shots of a hot and thick liquid; his face was filled with the thick liquid, and he felt it dripping down his forehead, nose, and mouth. 

"That's right, this liquid is very good for you; it will make you grow strong and healthy," Janice said.

The rest of the bathroom was quiet and peaceful. She made him drink her cream. Alex loved Mrs. Morrison's cream; it was salty and sweet at the same time, with a musky touch. Mrs. Janice took a shower with him, and both got into the bathtub.

"Alex, have you been studying as I instructed?" Janice asked. Now they were both in the bathtub, and Alex was leaning against her breast.

Alex nodded. "I've tried, but I'm still bad," Alex explained.

Mrs. Morrison has been teaching Alex math and reading for the past month. "We'll have to find you a school soon," Janice said, stroking her hair.

"I don't think my mother likes it," Alex said.

"You don't worry about it," Janice said.

For the first time in several days, Alex felt clean. The dirt was gone from his face, his neck was free of stains, and his shoulders were pink, while his cheeks had a natural flush. Mrs. Janice left him and walked to her closet; after a few seconds, she returned with a robe.

"Here, put this on," Janice said, handing him a silk robe.

The silk robe was softer than any clothes he had ever worn in his life; the robe came down to his thighs, revealing his testicles and penis.

"Have you been a bad boy or a good boy, Alex?" she asked, tickling him.

Her fingers played with Alex's feet; the silk robe opened, revealing his naked body. Mrs. Morrison tickled his legs, and from there she went up to his stomach; his flaccid little cock bounced in the air, slapping against his stomach. Before meeting Mrs. Morrison, Alex had never laughed before. He knew nothing but the pain of the blows, so these new emotions were precious to him.

"I'm a good boy!" assured Alex, laughing.

Mrs. Morrison put her lips on his belly and started blowing raspberries. Alex continued to laugh and squish.

She stopped tickling him and gave him a wide smile. "Well said," Janice said, scraping her belly with her long red fingernails. She continued to stare at the naked person. Janice closed his robe and tied it up. Alex didn't pay attention to this, as it was normal for him.

"Why are you still living with your mother? Hasn't your neighbor helped you?"

"Well, they've tried, but every time child services take me, they send me back to my mother. They say no child should be away from their mother, no matter what," Alex explained.

Janice nodded. "Well, for the time being, it would be best for you to stay with me for a few days," she said.

Alex looked at her with open eyes; no one had ever cared about him like that. "You don't have to, Mrs. Morrison," he said.

"Alex, I'm not taking no for an answer," Janice insisted. Alex looked at her legs and played with the knot in her dress.

He pushed those dark thoughts out of his mind. "What's going through your mind, Alex?" asked Janice, placing a hand on his thigh. He looked at her long nails painted red.

"My mother," Alex replied.

"Do you miss her?" asked Janice without taking her hand off her thigh.

Alex was silent for a few moments. He had always loved his mother, thinking that she would change one day, but now that she kicked him out of the house, he no longer thought the same. His mother all his life gave him humiliation, beatings, and mistreatment, and Mrs. Janice gave him the opposite; she gave him love and affection.

"No," Alex replied.

Mrs. Janice gently squeezed his thigh. 

Janice opened a door and turned to Alex. "This is going to be your new room from now on," she said, with a smile.

Alex dropped the bags and hugged her tightly, his face pressed against her breasts. He cried into her breast; he had never had a room before. "You don't have to cry," Janice said, stroking his hair. "Go ahead and look at her."

The brown-haired boy wiped away his tears and went into his new room, which was spacious, with a large bed, clean sheets, a closet, television, and desk. "What do you think?" asked Janice, walking behind him.

"It's perfect," Alex said, turning to look at her.

Mrs. Morrison smiled at him and sat up on the bed. "Come sit with me, Alex," she said, tapping her hand gently on the bed.

Alex sat down next to her, Mrs. Morrison again placing a hand on her crotch. "You know, I've always wanted a son," Janice said, stroking his thigh from top to bottom. "But I never could, since I'm infertile."

Alex remembered her explaining her situation and condition to him. "Yes, I remember you told me," Alex recalled. "You wanted to have a girl, didn't you?"

Mrs. Morrison nodded. 

"Indeed, I could never get pregnant, but since I met you and heard your tragic story, a hope was born inside me. I haven't told you this, but I'm a lawyer, Alex, and since we met, I've been looking into your situation. I want to ask you something, Alex. Do you want me to adopt you?"

The proposal felt like a bucket of ice water for Alex. "Did you adopt me? As if you were..."

"I will be your new mother, Alex," Janice said, squeezing his inner thigh.

"Yes, I want to be your son!" shouted Alex, lunging at her. He hugged her tightly, and Alex felt Mrs. Janice's arms hugging his back.

"I'm glad you agreed," Janice murmured, massaging his back. "We'll have a lot of fun, Alex."

And this is how Alex's new life began. Due to his innocence, he had no idea what kind of woman he had ended up living with.


When Alex woke up early in the morning, the first thing he thought was that everything he had experienced yesterday was just a dream. Alex expected to wake up in his usual bed, infested with mites and reeking of cigarettes and alcohol, hearing his mother scream at him to leave the house or find food for her.

Fortunately for him, everything he experienced yesterday was true. Alex woke up in a huge bed with clean sheets, free of dirt stains and without the painful springs. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked around the room that Mrs. Morrison had given him.

"Everything yesterday actually happened," Alex murmured, a broad smile on his face. "It wasn't a dream; I'm really going to be Mrs. Morrison's son."

The young, feminine boy stretched out on the bed. Alex was wearing the pajamas that Mrs. Morrison had bought him; they were white lace panties with a red bow. Alex wore a peculiar nightgown—a light, revealing black strappy babydoll with floral lace that reached down to his thighs and was open at the chest. On his legs, he had soft white socks that went up to below his knees.

Much of Alex's underwear was white and blue; he also had dozens of pieces of clothing called negligee, baby dolls, and stockings. Alex loved all his underwear, but the only problem he found was that the panties would tuck between his buttocks due to his wide hips.

Mrs. Morrison had assured him that it only made him look much cuter, so Alex didn't complain at all. The boy stretched out on the bed with a beaming smile; all these clothes were strange to Alex. Throughout his life, he had worn patched or oversized clothes that smelled musty. Now, wearing these clean clothes made him feel handsome, just as Mrs. Morrison had called him.

As if on cue, the door to his new room slowly opened. Alex looked up to see his soon-to-be new mother walk in with a smile. Mrs. Morrison wore snug gray gym shorts and a fitted sports bra. "Good morning, honey," Janice said.

"Good morning, Mrs. Morrison," Alex greeted.

The beautiful woman sat up and removed her sheet. Mrs. Morrison pouted. "What did we agree on, Alex?" she asked, now sitting on the bed.

Alex blushed slightly. "Good morning, Janice," Alex corrected himself, making the beautiful woman smile.

"Much better," Janice said, stroking Alex's cheek in a motherly manner. "And soon you will be able to call me mom."

Alex blushed deeply. "Aww, are you excited to call me 'mommy'?" Janice teased him, lying down next to him and gently poking his side.

He blushed and played with his hands. "Yes," Alex replied sheepishly.

Janice smiled; she placed a hand on Alex's belly and began to caress him. "Come on, honey, call me, mommy, so you can get used to it," Janice whispered. She slid her hand down Alex's pale body to his chest. Mrs. Morrison grabbed his left nipple between her fingers and began to twist it gently.

Alex felt very hot all of a sudden. Mrs. Morrison gently stroked his chest, making him feel truly loved. Unlike his biological mother, who never showed him affection or even kissed him good morning, Mrs. Morrison's touch was comforting and warm. "Mommy," Alex said; the word was foreign to him; his mother had always hit him whenever he called her that.

Janice smiled and let out a small cry of excitement. "You're so cute," she said, hugging the eleven-year-old and filling his face with kisses. "We'll be a beautiful family, Alex." She pressed her forehead against Alex's, staring into his eyes. "We'll do so many things together. We'll travel around the world, and I'll buy you many toys, clothes, and everything you want. Just like a mother and son."

She hugged him tightly, and Alex felt the strange bulge in Mrs. Morrison's crotch begin to grow and press against his stomach.

"Really?" asked Alex, excited.

Janice nodded and kissed his forehead. "I swear, we have a lot of things to do today," Janice said, stroking his hair. "First we have to go to the ophthalmologist, the dentist, and the doctor to do a medical exam."

Alex was confused; he didn't understand half of the things Janice said to him. "What is all that for?" asked Alex.

Mrs. Morrison smiled and rubbed her nose against his, making Alex laugh. Her hands grabbed Alex's waist and pulled the eleven-year-old boy closer to her. 

"It's to see how healthy you are," Janice explained. "The ophthalmologist will examine your beautiful green eyes, the dentist will look at your teeth, and the medical exam will ensure you don't have any illnesses from your mother's house."

Alex nodded. "We also need to do the adoption papers, but don't worry, I've already taken care of it," Janice said, kissing the boy's nose.

They both stayed in bed for a long time. "What do you think of your new clothes?" asked Janice, playing with the strap of Alex's babydoll.

"I love it," Alex confessed.

"I'm delighted you liked it; I bought it with a lot of love," she said, kissing his bare shoulder. The gentle touch of Janice's lips on his skin made Alex smile. "Someone woke up in a very good mood today."

Mrs. Morrison cracked a wide smile, and Alex began to laugh, knowing what was coming. She began tickling his sides, and Alex began to laugh and squirm on the bed. "No, Mrs. Janice, please stop!" cried Alex with laughter, twisting and squirming on the bed, his cheeks flushed red from the tickling.

"I won't listen to your pleas," Janice said, taking Alex' foot and beginning to tickle it. "Unless you call me, mommy."

"Mommy, stop!" shouted Alex, dying of laughter.

Abruptly, Janice stopped her tickling. "Very good," Janice said, leaning back next to Alex. "What do you want for breakfast, honey?"

Now the two of them were in spoon position, and with Mrs. Janice behind him, Alex could feel the strange bulge pressing against his butt.

Alex thought for a few minutes. "I don't know, maybe... fried chicken," Alex asked, his little hands caressing Mrs. Janice's hands. "I hear it tastes good and a lot of your cream."

"If my dear child wants to eat chicken and mommy's cream, then that's what we'll have," Janice assured him, kissing his forehead. "However, that will have to wait until after your medical appointment.

Mrs. Morrison placed a warm, comforting hand on Alex's thigh, protectively stroking his delicate and pale youthful skin. "Aw, you'll make me cry, honey!" Janice said, stroking her cheek. "You're such a good boy that you deserve a special mommy kiss."

Janice took Alex's face and leaned forward, pressing her lips against his. Alex was stunned by the unexpected kiss; this was the kind of kiss his mother used to give to her clients. Mrs. Janice's lips remained against his for several seconds until she moved away from him with a thunderous "Mwah."

Janice's red lipstick left a mark on Alex's lips. She looked at him with a huge smile and gentle eyes. Alex must have made an astonished face because she arched her eyebrow, intrigued. "What's going on, honey?" Janice asked, worried. "Don't you like mommy's kisses?"

Alex saw his eyes sparkle lightly with tears, and the boy, worried that he had done something wrong, quickly shook his head. "No!" said Alex, trying to keep Mrs. Morrison from crying. "It's just that... My mother only kisses strange men like this; I always thought it was a bad thing."

The beautiful woman's face gradually relaxed. "No, honey, kissing isn't bad at all, quite the opposite," Janice said, gently slipping a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing Alex's delicate and feminine features.

Alex cocked his head in confusion. "Really?" he asked.

Janice nodded, smiling. "Of course, honey, kissing is a way of expressing the love we feel for another person; it's completely normal for a mother to kiss her children on the lips," assured Mrs. Morrison, stroking his left cheek. "Did your mother never kiss you?"

The boy shook his head; his mother had never shown him any kind of affection. 'That's very sad; kisses on the mouth are only given to people you love very much, like your boyfriend or girlfriend; maybe you don't love me enough to kiss me?

"I love you so much, mommy!" Alex yelled.

"How much do you love me?" Janice asked him.

Alex looked at his fingers and mentally counted to the highest number he knew to be fifty; in total, he gave him seventy. He looked at Mrs. Morrison and said, "I don't have enough numbers to tell you how much I love you," Alex confessed.

His answer made the beautiful black-haired woman smile broadly. Janice hugged him and filled him with kisses on the mouth. Alex reciprocated his mommy's kisses, awkwardly pressing his lips against hers, which made Janice chuckle.

"I love you to so much, honey, kissing is the purest way to show how much you love a person," Janice explained him, kissing his lips again. "There are many types of kisses, from pecks to forehead, nose, and cheek kisses, with the French kiss being one of the most important."

"What is a French kiss?" asked Alex.

"Well, you see, a French kiss is a passionate and very intimate kiss you share with the person you love the most. It's different from other types of kisses because you use your tongue," Janice explained.

Alex doesn't quite understand the concept of the French kiss. "But what would we use our language for?" the boy asked her.

"That's because it feels great; do you want to try it?" asked Janice.

The brown-haired boy nodded curiously. Janice smiled and kissed his lips quickly. "Just copy the moves of my lips."

Alex closed his green eyes and felt Janice press her lips against his mouth. Slowly, his new mother began to move her mouth gently and slowly. After a minute, Alex felt Ms. Janice's tongue pressing against his lips; automatically, his body opened his mouth, allowing her tongue access. Janice's tongue explored his mouth slowly, and when she began to play with Alex's tongue, the boy felt his head become dizzy. Alex couldn't understand why his mother started sucking on his tongue in such an unusual way. His mind felt numb; she gently bit his lips, making him sigh.

The little boy lost himself in the pleasure of the French kiss. When she finished kissing him, Janice left Alex with his mouth open, his tongue out and his eyes cloudy. He came out of his trance thanks to Janice's laughter.

"Did you enjoy it?" she asked.

Alex sighed in amazement at what he had just experienced. "Wow," was all he could say.

She laughed lightly at his reaction. Alex felt his penis was hard and his pink glans were sticking out of his underwear. "Don't worry, honey, there are many ways to show love between a mother and her son; in time I will be teaching you each one of them," Janice said by taking him from her lap.

"Mmmh, mommy," Alex murmured, a little confused by the reaction his body had. "What does this mean?" he asked, pointing to his penis.

Janice gasped in amazement. For the love of Christ!" she said, taking his penis in her hand. "You've had an erection."

"Erection?" asked Alex.

"Yes, honey, that happens when you share a special kiss with the person you love so much," Janice explained. "You have nothing to worry about; it's completely normal; can you show me?"

The boy nodded and removed his hands from his penis. Mrs. Morrison placed her hands on his lace underwear and slowly lowered it to her knees. "Alex's penis bounced in the air; it was hard and swollen. From the head, several thick drops of a strange liquid slid down his shaft.

"Has this happened to you before?" asked Janice, admiring the eleven-year-old's cock.

Alex shook his head. "Is there something wrong with me?" asked Alex, terrified of being sick.

The beautiful woman placed a hand on Alex's belly and, with her long nails, scraped his belly, tickling it. "No, honey, this is normal," she assured him, taking his penis in her hands. "Just by looking at it, I can tell you that your penis is five inches long."

Mrs. Morrison pulled back his hood, and Alex's glans was shiny and wet. "But look how much precum you've released," Janice said in surprise. A strange liquid fell from his penis to the floor. Janice quickly caught her, wrapping it around her index finger.

Alex watched as his mom put her finger in her mouth, tasting the strange liquid that came out of his penis. "Mmmh!" she moaned. "Delicious here; taste yourself, honey."

Janice used her index finger to take the largest amount of that liquid called precum. Alex watched as she put her finger to his mouth. Without hesitation, Alex opened his mouth. He tasted the bitter liquid; it was a strange and familiar texture. The taste of the liquid was bitter, but it had that viscous consistency and musky taste that Mrs. Morrison's special cream gave him.

"How does it taste?" asked Janice, pulling her finger out of her mouth.

"Taste weird," Alex confessed.

She smiled and kissed his belly. "Good boy," she murmured. "Now lie down to relieve this tension here."

Alex sat up on the bed, next to Mrs. Morrison. "What you have right now is an erection; As I told you before this is a normal reaction, sweetie," she explained, kissing his stomach. "All boys react this way to their mothers, and it's our duty to help them overcome it."

"Really?" asked Alex, surprised.

"Of course, everyone knows that," Janice said, massaging young boy's thigh. "We can do it with our hands, with our mouth, with our feet, and with our pussy."

"Pussy?" asked Alex, confused. "Like my boypussy?"

Janice nodded. "Exactly. A woman's pussy or vagina is the best way to relieve the tension in your penis," Janice whispered. 

"Oh," Alex muttered, getting Mrs. Janice's point.

"Now, my dear boy, I am about to start our little game. There is no need to be frightened," she reassured. "Just relax, and enjoy it."

He nodded, trusting in his new mother completely and blindly. Before he met Mrs. Morrison, Alex knew nothing about life; he didn't know it was a mother's love, and she was now teaching him what his mother should have taught him a long time ago. Janice took his pink penis in her hand; her warm, soft touch made Alex's eyes go wide.

"Mommy!" the boy whimpered.

"Shh, honey, breathe."

Her warm hand began to slowly move down his shaft, causing his hood to contract completely, revealing his pink, slippery mushroom head. Just by grabbing it, his urethra released a large amount of semen, drenching Ms. Morrison's fingers. "Now I will begin to raise and lower my hand, first slowly and gradually quickening my pace."

True to her word, Janice began to stroke his shaft slowly and steadily, making Alex moan loudly, his toes curl, and his hands clutch the white sheets. "Mommy, that feels good!" Alex whined.

Her mommy kissed his lips. "I know, my love, that's it. Tell me everything you feel; don't hold anything back," Janice whispered against her skin.

Gradually, his mother's hand began to accelerate its strokes on his penis. Alex's moans filled the room. He told her how everything felt. The flood of emotions and sensations clouded his young and innocent eleven-year-old mind at that moment. His breathing was ragged and his cheeks red with embarrassment. Inside him, Alex could feel that something was closing in fast.

"Mommy, something... something is coming!" Alex whimpered in fear.

Her mommy's hand kept going up and down. "Quiet now, my dear, don't be scared of it; simply let it go and don't resist the pleasure," she murmured, kissing his forehead.

 "Is it pee?" asked Alex.

"No, honey, it's not pee; kiss me so you don't think about it," her mother murmured.

Alex looked at her face and kissed her awkwardly. His small tongue went into his mouth, imitating her actions. His mother sucked on his tongue; he thought she was going to rip it out, but it felt so good that Alex felt like he was in heaven. Although he tried to stop the sensation he felt in his cock from coming out, he couldn't.

With a scream, Alex expelled six long streams from his penis; the liquid landed all over his chest, stomach, and Mrs. Janice's hand. "Mom, mom, mommy!" Alex fell onto the bed, shivering. Cum continued to ooze from his shaft, forming a small puddle on his pelvis that slid down his thighs.

"Just look at how much cream!" gasped Janice, surprised.

Exhausted, Alex panted on the bed, breathing heavily; his penis was red and slowly began to shrink. He watched as she licked his hand full of that strange liquid; his mom made a sound of pleasure, as if that liquid was the most delicious thing in the world.

"How do you feel, honey?" asked his mother.

"That felt great, Mommy," Alex confessed. Taking deep breaths, he tried to process the recent events.

Janice kissed his forehead and played with the liquid in his body. "I told you it would feel great; your mom should have done this to you, but she failed miserably. Whenever you feel your penis is this hard, tell me and I'll help you."

Alex smiled broadly at him. "Thank you so much, mommy, for teaching me everything I don't know."

His mother smiled broadly and planted a kiss on his lips. "You don't have to thank me, but quite the opposite; it is I who should thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world; now prove yourself."

She filled her fingers with the strange liquid and brought it to Alex's mouth; he drank it all. "Great job, Alex!" Janice congratulated him as Alex drank all the viscous liquid.

After that, Alex and his new mother left the room. Unfortunately, Janice couldn't serve him chicken for breakfast as Alex had to fast for his doctor's appointment. This meant he'd miss out on his mom's delicious thick cream. She sent him to bathe alone since she planned to work out in her personal gym.

In the morning, Alex and Janice left the house to go to the dentist. The dentist cleaned his teeth and discovered that, despite years of living in a precarious situation, Alex had no cavities and his teeth were in perfect condition. Afterward, they visited the ophthalmologist, who conducted an eye exam and updated his prescription. He chose round glasses. Around eleven in the morning, Janice and Alex visited the doctor. Alex underwent several tests, and the doctor asked him many questions about his life with his former mother.

The doctors were horrified to discover his malnutrition and signs of physical abuse by his mother. However, Alex was free of any other illnesses. They would receive the test results by the end of the week. " Are you hungry?" asked his mother as they were leaving the hospital.

Alex nodded; his stomach was rumbling with hunger. Janice brought him to a restaurant offering dishes like chicken wings and boneless chicken. Alex was amazed by the taste of the chicken. "Alex, my dear," Janice called out to him, catching the attention of the boy who was devouring his food.

Alex stopped eating and looked at his mother. Janice had a serious look on her face, a look Alex had never seen in her. "Now the most important thing is coming, honey," Janice explained, holding her hand. "When we get there, they will ask you about your life with that horrible woman. I want you to explain to the judge everything you told me, including how child services sent you back to her despite the abuse."

Alex glanced down at his legs, feeling anxious. This was going to be complicated; he'd never shared his story with anyone except Mrs. Morrison. "I don't know if I can," he murmured.

His mother squeezed his hand gently and smiled at him. "I know you can, honey; you're a strong and brave boy," Janice said, making Alex smile. "If you do this for me, I'll give you plenty of my special cream tonight."

At the mention of the special cream, Alex's face lit up. "Really?" he asked, excited.

Janice nodded, blushing slightly. "Yes, and I will give it directly to you from the source," she assured, her voice hoarse. "One last thing: never mention what we do; remember that that's only between mommy and you."

Alex nodded fiercely, excited by the cream. "I swear I won't say anything," Alex muttered silently, so that no one else would hear their conversation.

After they finished eating, Janice and Alex left the restaurant, and she drove to an imposing beige building adorned with large stone sculptures of unfamiliar figures. In the building, there were many people in expensive-looking suits. Now Alex understood why his mother had dressed him so elegantly.

When Alex and his mother entered the building, many people greeted Janice, giving her curious looks as they noticed her walking hand in hand with Alex. When they inquired about him, Janice proudly introduced him as her son, which warmed Alex's heart.

They ascended a grand staircase and navigated several corridors. Alex felt lost at times, but his mother confidently led the way. Eventually, they reached a long hallway with two massive wooden doors at the end. She and Alex sat on some benches. After five minutes, Alex heard screams coming from the hallway; those screams were recognizable to him since he had been hearing them for eleven years.

"Let me go, fucking bastards!" shouted Kendra, Alex's biological mother.

Two policemen were dragging a brown-haired, fair-skinned woman in a low-cut red dress, heavy makeup, and platform heels. 'You bloody cunt, this is all your fault!' Kendra shouted when she saw Alex.

Janice took his hand and squeezed it gently. "She can never hurt you again," her mom said.

Fifteen minutes later, when Kendra calmed down, the trial began. Alex struggled to talk about and describe all the difficulties he endured with the person who was supposed to care for, love, and respect him. He also named the child services workers who returned him to Kendra despite his pleas for help.

After three long hours, Janice and Alex won the trial. Kendra was sentenced to many years in prison. The state apologized to Alex and agreed to pay him compensation. Janice would legally take custody of Alex by adopting him.

"From this moment on, you are no longer Alex Preston. Legally, you are now Alex Morrison," Janice said outside the courtroom.

Alex cried with joy and threw himself towards his mother; she hugged him and kissed his forehead. "I swear to love you forever, my son," Janice said.

The boy smiled broadly; they both walked to the car; once inside, Janice stroked his thigh. "Are you happy?" she asked, stroking his crotch and thigh.

Alex nodded happily. "A lot of mommy!" he confessed.

She smiled broadly. "Come and give Mommy a big kiss."

Alex bent down and claimed her lips. He tried to make his mom feel all the love he felt for her in the kiss; their tongues touched, and she sucked it voraciously, making Alex's mind cloud. "Mmmh, so good!" Janice growled, biting Alex's lips gently. "It's time to go to our house, honey...


Chapter Text

To celebrate winning the trial and his adoption, they went to a restaurant for dinner. First, they returned home to change. His mother gave him some clothes to wear. Alex put on jeans that accentuated his hips and lifted his buttocks, along with a red sweater and red and white tennis shoes.

Alex left his room and entered his mom's chambers. The room was huge and meticulously maintained, with a large bed in the center adorned with gray and beige sheets. The walls were white with black veins. Despite the light from the lamps, Alex couldn't find a focal point. The large windows offered a view of the green forest.

Above the head of the bed hung a large picture of dark clouds and lightning. The room was filled with many beautiful things. 'Mom?' Alex called out.

"'I'm here, honey!' his mother yelled from a room at the far end. Alex walked through the large space to the room where his mother's voice was coming from.

Alex opened the door and saw a huge, symmetrical room. Dark wood cabinets and shelves lined the walls, arranged at multiple levels with both closed compartments and open sections filled with clothes. There were dozens of dresses, shoes, and hundreds of bags. A huge mirror covered one wall. In the center of the room, Alex's mother sat on a round gray leather sofa. Her dazzling beauty struck him as soon as he saw her.

"Are you ready, honey?" she asked.

His mother, strikingly beautiful, wore a sophisticated tweed ensemble. She had on a dark gray jacket, almost black, with a round neck and long sleeves, adorned with large pearl buttons on the front and cuffs. The matching skirt shared the same color and pattern. Under the jacket, she wore a sleek black blouse. She wore black stockings on her legs and completed her outfit with black stiletto heels featuring striking red soles.

Her finely straightened black hair fell gently down her shoulder. She wore little makeup: just the red lipstick on her full lips, the shadow on her well-groomed eyebrows that enhanced her arch, and dark shadows on her eyelids. A mole on her left cheekbone, near her eye, gave her an erotic touch and made her look even more beautiful."

Janice looked at him curiously as he stood in front of the door with his mouth open. "What's wrong, Alex? Has the cat got your tongue?" His mother asked.

The boy blushed furiously. "I'm sorry, Mommy. I was just admiring your beauty," Alex confessed.

His mother laughed lightly at his comment. Her laugh, soft and elegant like everything about her, reminded Alex of the tinkling of crystal bells. That laughter radiated an innate elegance that captivated him. "Thank you so much, my love; you are quite a cute little prince charming," she said, waving over him to come closer. "Can my little prince put the slipper on his mommy?"

Alex smiled. "Of course, mommy," he assured, feeling proud to be able to help her with something. He innocently approached her, and the eleven-year-old kneeled before his mother.

He admired his mother's legs; they were long and athletic, and the soft fabric of the stockings highlighted the shape of her legs, but the most impressive thing was her feet. Alex was enraptured by the delicacy of her feet and her perfect arch. Through the stockings, he looked at the red polish on her nails.

"Do you like my feet, honey?" asked Janice. She lifted one foot up to his face, and Alex stared, mesmerized by her black-stockinged foot.

The boy nodded dumbly. "Even your feet are very pretty, mommy," Alex assured her, looking at the sole of her foot.

"Thank you, darling; I try so hard to have every part of my pretty for you," Janice said, making Alex blush. "Come on, don't be shy; touch them."

Alex raised his small hands and placed them on his mom's right foot; her foot was very soft and warm, and his fingers traced the entire foot, from the heel to her soft arch and toes. "Come on, take a whiff; my feet smell so good," Janice assured him.

Astonished and excited to corroborate if it was true, Alex pressed his nose against the sole of his mother's foot. The eleven-year-old boy took a big whiff, his lungs filled with the fragrance of his mother's feet. She hadn't lied when she told him that her feet smelled so good; it was a lavender smell and vanilla lotion. "Do you like the way it smells?" asked his mother, her other foot caressing his face.

Alex nodded, his face still pressed against her sole. "I'm so glad you love them; I love when pretty kids like you worship my feet," his mother said, pinching his nose with her toes. "Look, I've got your nose; mommy's got your nose, sweetie."

The action made the boy laugh. With her left foot, his mother Janice tickled his stomach; her soft foot slid down to his crotch and began to rub it against his penis gently, causing Alex to moan and his penis to start getting hard. His mother stopped playing with him, let go of his nose, and stopped rubbing his penis.

"Come on, put the heels on mommy's feet," Janice ordered, smiling.

Laughing, Alex nodded and took the black heel. The high quality of the shoe was evident to the touch, indicating it was expensive. With her black heels on, his mother looked like a goddess. She was already tall; with her six feet, the heels made her look even taller. "Come on, honey, kiss mommy's heels," Janice ordered. "Do it as a good knight who has just rescued his princess would."

His mother put her feet together. Alex lowered his head to her feet and started kissing the black heel. "How pretty you look kissing mommy's feet!" his mother exclaimed, taking several photos of him. "Now come here; let's take some photos before we leave."

Alex got up from the carpet and sat next to his mother. Alex and Janice snapped numerous photos, pulling funny faces. They also took several photos in front of the mirror in their room and in the living room. His mother took a picture of him kissing him on the cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark; another one where she kissed him on the lips; and another where they both stuck their tongues out and touched each other.

At eight o'clock at night, mother and son left the house heading for the center of the city. Alex was amazed by the number of stores around him. Everywhere he looked, there were luxury car dealerships and exclusive clothing boutiques. The most surprising sight was the abundance of luxury cars.

Alex felt out of place. His mother parked her car in front of a modern restaurant with a façade combining wood paneling and large glass windows. Through the windows, he could see people dining and waiters carrying large trays of food. A tall security man in a black suit guarded the entrance.

Another man approached them and opened the door for his mother. "Mrs. Morrison, good evening," the man in the suit greeted her kindly.

"'Good evening, Harold,' Janice greeted, extending her hand. Harold took her hand and helped her gracefully out of the car. Then, the valet walked to the other side of the vehicle and opened the door for Alex.

For Alex, this was strange; he didn't understand why the man named Harold helped them out of the vehicle. Harold then got into the car and drove away. "Come, let's go inside, honey," his mother said, holding out her hand.

Alex took his warm hand, and they climbed the wooden stairs of the establishment. "Why did that man take the car, mommy?" the boy asked, confused.

His mother laughed at his ignorance. "Well, dear, that's valet parking. They park the car for us and help us get out of the vehicle. When we finish dinner, he'll return the car to us. Don't worry," Janice explained.

The security man was much taller than Alex's mother, standing at about six feet, four inches. "Good evening, Mrs. Morrison," the guard greeted her, opening the door for them.

Everyone in the establishment seemed to know his mother, including the receptionist. A waiter escorted them to a table with a view of the city. His mother ordered carbonara pasta, and since Alex couldn't read the menu, he asked her to order for him. 

"You seem to be very famous, mommy," Alex noted.

His mother laughed elegantly. "Not at all, honey," she said, smiling at him. "It's just that I come here to eat very often."

"That place we went to in the afternoon—do you work there? Many people greeted you as if you were their friend."

"Yes, as I told you, I'm a lawyer, so I work there, in a law firm," her mother explained.

Alex nodded. "That's why everything happened so quickly—the adoption and the trial of my mom... I mean Kendra," he said, realizing it was thanks to Janice's influence. Without her, the judge would have returned Alex to Kendra, arguing that despite her flaws, she was still his mother and he should stay with her until he came of age."

His mother looked at him and smiled mischievously. "Yes, but that's a secret," Janice said, bringing her index finger to her lips.

The waiter brought their food fifteen minutes later, and they both began to eat. "Mom, I don't mean to be rude, but you know everything about me, and I know nothing about you," Alex said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Janice drank from her drink and wiped her lips with her napkin. "You can ask me all you want, sweetheart; don't be afraid to do it," she said, with a smile.

"How old are you?"

"36," Janice replied.

"You were born here?" asked Alex.

Her mother shook her head. "No, I'm from the East Coast; I came here many years ago; my mom is originally from New York, and my dad is from England," Janice explained, showing Alex the image of two adults, who were Alex's grandparents. "I came to San Francisco when I turned twenty-one."

"Wow, you look a lot like your mother," Alex pointed out. "Are they still alive?"

"Thank you, but I'm afraid not. They passed away many years ago due to old age."

As they ate and continued talking, Alex discovered that she had been married to an older man she met at work; he was the one who inherited the position at the job she was in.

"What was your relationship with your husband like?" asked Alex.

Janice sighed. "Well, he was an older man; when we got married, he was 61, but we didn't share much in common; he didn't like little kids like you," his mom explained, licking her lips.

"Oh, why?" Alex asked innocently.

"Well, my husband's tastes were different; he preferred me to love him in a different way and give him lots of special cream rather than adopt a child," Janice explained. "In the end, Jeremy, unfortunately, died due to cardiac arrest six years ago."

Alex felt sorry for bringing up a painful memory for his mother. "I'm sorry for asking," he apologized.

Janice looked at him and smiled. "Don't apologize; here between us, it's better that he isn't here among us; otherwise, I wouldn't have met you," his mommy said, winking at him.

They continued to have dinner and talk; her mommy ordered dessert for both of them as a last course. "So, your parents taught you to love children?" asked Alex while eating a piece of his chocolate cake.

His mother nodded. "Because of my condition, my mother and father played with me like I played with you; I spent hours playing with them at home," she explained. "My dad loved to give me his cream while my mom loved to drink mine."

Alex opened his eyes in amazement. "It must have been really good to grow up with parents like that," he said.

Her mother opened her eyes and nodded. "Oh boy, it was amazing! I remember playing with my father in the backyard, filling his boypussy with my cream while my mom was filming with her camera."

After dinner, his mother settled the bill, tipped the waiter and the valet, and they promptly left the restaurant. The drive home was quiet. His mother stroked his crotch all the way home, making his sausage hard. "Are you already hard, sweetheart?" asked Janice, reaching into her pants.

Alex laughed at the tickles. "I enjoyed our dinner, honey. When we get home, we'll have a lot of fun. I'll help you with this problem, and by the way, I'll give you my super special treatment," Janice said.

The boy applauded excitedly, and when they got home, his mother filled him with kisses in the car. "Oh, honey, you're so pretty that I can't stop kissing you," Janice said as she stuck her tongue in his mouth.

Alex closed his eyes and let his mother's affection carry him away. "Come, let's go inside so I can give you my cream," Janice growled, biting her lips.

Mother and son got out of the vehicle. She took his hand and led him inside the house. Without wasting time, they both went upstairs to her room. All the way to her room, Alex's mother playfully interacted with him, massaging his buttocks and twisting his nipples.

When they arrived at her room, his mother began to undress him in a hurry; she took off his glasses, coat, and red sweater in less than two minutes. "Look at this beauty," Alex's mother growled, her voice funny.

"Take off your pants while I undress," Janice ordered.

Alex did as her mother ordered and removed his trousers and his pink lace underwear; her mother removed her Chanel tweed outfit, leaving her in just her lace underwear and black stockings.

In her crotch, her mother's huge bulge throbbed. His mother looked at Alex worried. "Honey, now it's time for me to confess something to you," she said, moving closer to him.

"What's wrong, mom?" asked Alex, putting on his glasses; now he could see the bulge more closely.

"Give me your hands, darling," she ordered. He clasped her hands and looked up to see her. "Since you've known me, I know you've felt the bulge between my legs; this is why I've never been able to have children."

Alex swallowed hard. Ever since he met her, he had always been curious about the hard lump in his mommy's crotch. However, he never dared to ask, either out of shame or fear that it might be a disease she didn't want to tell him about. "Is that why you always made me take off my glasses when we bathed?" asked Alex.

Janice nodded. "Yes, honey, but now it's time for me to show you," she said. "But I think you should be the one to see it first."

His mother pulled Alex's hands down to her underwear. The eleven-year-old swallowed hard, his heart pounding fast as he finally learned that he was hiding under her underwear. His little fingers dug into the edge of his black lace thong, and he slowly began to pull them down.

The first thing his green eyes saw was his mother's hairless pelvis. As he continued to pull down her underwear, a piece of flesh appeared on her crotch, causing his mouth to open unconsciously. Alex saw some swollen veins, and when he pulled the G-string all the way down, a huge, hard, veined cock bounced in the air.

The bulbous head, with its foreskin, secreted a strange thick liquid that fell to the floor in a long, slow, white drop. The huge chunk of flesh was swollen and throbbing furiously. "This is the reason I could never have children," her mother explained, wiggling her hips. The piece of meat swung from left to right as she moved.

"I am one of the few women in the world who was born with a man's reproductive system; my vagina, on the other hand, was not fully developed, and instead this cock grew."

"Oh," was all Alex could utter.

His eyes were glued to the magnificent size of the penis in front of him; it was huge and majestic. Now it all made sense. Alex felt silly for never realizing that the bulge was a penis. 'Does my cock bother you, honey?' asked Janice, her eyes shining with tears that threatened to fall.

Alex looked away from her penis and into her face. 'No, Mommy, it's just... I was shocked to learn that you have the same thing as me, but yours is bigger,' Alex explained, looking back down at the hunk of meat.

"Oh baby, you don't know how happy you make mommy; I thought you'd see me as a monster," she confessed.

Alex took her hand and gave her a kiss. "I would never see you as a monster, mommy," he said, smiling lovingly at her.

His mother pounced on him and hugged him, burying Alex's head between her breasts. Her long penis was pressed against his stomach; it was hot and leaking semen, soaking his chest and leaving trails down his skin. "Remember when I told you that when a person's penis gets erect, it's because you see someone you love?

"Well, my cock has been getting hard all this time because I've always loved you," Janice explained, stroking Alex's hair. "All this time I've loved you as my son, honey; that's why this moment is very special to me."

More than ever, Alex felt loved. Since he met his mother, she had always shown him love. It all made sense to Alex now; he remembered all those times when he felt Mrs. Morrison's hard bulge pressing against his ass, when he sat on her lap while she read him a book, or when they spooned in bed.

"So, all those times I sat on your lap, that lump I felt against my buttocks was actually always your penis?" He asked, looking at her penis.

Janice nodded. "Yes, honey, you see how much I love you," his mother said, leaning over to kiss him, their lips touching softly. She dominated his mouth delicately, kissing him sensually and slowly.

Alex melted into the kiss, moving his lips awkwardly, because he was an eleven-year-old boy who didn't know how to kiss. "Could you take my cock with your hands, honey?" asked his mother as she broke off the kiss.

Numbed by the wave of emotions, Alex nodded dumbly; his mother smiled and moved away from him a few centimeters. The underage boy looked more closely at the huge cock. "How long is your penis, mom?" asked Alex.

"11 inches long," Janice replied.

"Wow," Alex gasped, impressed.

Feeling brave, Alex's hands grabbed his mother's penis; the pink cock was so big and thick that it wouldn't fit in his hands. "That feels so good, sweetie," she moaned.

The penis was burning in his hands. Alex pulled back the foreskin, revealing the glans that had a nice pink color; the precum made the bulbous head shine. "Now stroke it, from front to back, as I taught you," his mother explained.

Alex nodded and, with his small hands, began to stroke the pink eleven-inch cock. His mother began to moan and congratulate him on such a good job.

The cum began to leak from his urethra, sliding down his fingers. "Your little hands feel great, darling," his mother groaned, turning her head back. "Your tongue, my love, use your pretty boy mouth."

The preteen dutifully licked the bulbous head; the musky and sweet taste ignited his taste buds, his eyes widening as he savored the familiar taste. "Congratulations, honey, you've figured out where the special mommy cream comes from," Janice said, stroking his hair.

Alex's tongue collected all the delicious taste of his mom's precum coming out of her urethra; besides, the sensation of the softness and feel of the bulbous head against his tongue was very pleasurable to him. "Open your mouth, honey, so you can taste my penis," his mother suggested.

Innocently thinking that sucking his mom's penis was a proof of love, Alex opened his mouth wide. Mrs. Morrison slid the delicious bulbous head into his mouth, and the eleven-year-old opened his eyes wide as he felt the girth of the penis filling his mouth. "That's it; you look so cute with my cock in your little mouth, honey," his mother said, with a loving smile. "Now I'll start moving my hips."

His mother pushed her hips slightly forward and slowly slid the cock a few inches down Alex's throat, but unfortunately for him, the long shaft was too big for his eleven-year-old mouth; coughing, Alex pulled the cock out of his mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry, honey," her mother apologized.

"It's okay, mommy," Alex said when he stopped coughing.

Again, he took the cock and began to lick it as if it were a lollipop. Alex found the bulbous shape funny; it was cute, and the skin was extremely soft. "Your penis is soft, mommy," Alex assured, kissing her glans.

Janice laughed lightly. "Really?" she asked.

Alex filled his mommy's long shaft with kisses. "Enough kissing on mommy's cock for now, honey; we'd better wash your boypussy," Janice said, rubbing the bulbous head across his lips.

She took him to the bathroom and explained how to use the bidet. "Now turn around, darling," Janice ordered.

His mother, Janice, lifted the toilet seat. Alex sat looking at the wall, his back to her, resting his hands on the toilet tank. "What a cute boy's pussy!" gasped his mother, stroking his buttocks. "It's so cute and pink that it makes me want to eat it, and look at those cute wrinkles."

His mother kneeled before him; her hands rested on his buttocks, massaging and pinching them, making Alex giggle. Suddenly, Alex felt her mother spread his buttocks with her hands, showing Alex's puckered hole. "Your shithole is sending me kisses," Janice said.

Alex could feel his bum throbbing with excitement. "Now I like to say a small prayer before eating," his mother said, kissing his left buttock. "Thank you, God, for this food you have given me."

Without warning, Alex felt something wet pressing against his hole, but he quickly realized that it was his mother's tongue; the wet tongue twirled in his wrinkled hole, drawing cute moans from him. "Mommy, is dirty back there!" Alex groaned, twisting his toes. "Hahaha, Mommy tickles me!"

His mother spread his buttocks with her hands and slid her long tongue inside his asshole; thanks to the two months of washing his asshole with her fingers, Alex's anus was already used to small objects, so the tongue slipped in without any problems. "Mmmh, Hmmmh!' His mother growled in his bum. "Mwah! Your pussy tastes so good, honey; this is called rimming, and it's the most chaste and pure kiss a mother can give her child."

Alex felt extremely loved because his mother was kissing his boypussy. 

She resumed her rimming, while with her left hand, she started to masturbate him. Alex felt like he was in heaven as his mother kissed his anus and masturbated his cock at the same time. His eyes turned white from the pleasure, and the bathroom was filled with Alex's moans and his mother's licks.

"Bwagh, moan for mommy, honey!" His mother growled, sucking his anus, making Alex shudder as he felt his anus being pulled by his mommy's mouth.

She stopped sucking his young bussy and instead inserted two fingers inside Alex. 

The eleven-year-old boy screamed at the top of his lungs at the introduction of his mother's fingers into his rectum; his anal walls slowly stretched and his legs shivered effusively. From his little 5-inch cock, cum began to drip into the toilet.

"Let go of it, honey, let go of all your cum," his mother ordered. As she pulled her fingers inside Alex, causing his rectum to open and close quickly, his mother pressed something inside him that felt so good and made him scream at the top of his lungs.

"Mummy, Mummy, I'm cumming!" Alex groaned, his toes curling as his penis shot seven long, thick rounds of semen that splattered against the toilet, staining it with a thick, whitish liquid that slowly trickled down.

The boy screamed with pleasure as he fell to his knees in the bathroom. His mother gasped and fell to his knees. Alex watched as she began to lick the cum from the toilet. "Mmmh, delicious, Mmmh, this boy's cum taste so good!" his mother moaned, leaving Alex's cum-covered toilet clean.

Without wasting a second, his mother approached him and kissed him passionately; Janice did not drink his cum, instead she kept it in her mouth. The black-haired woman pushed all the cum and her saliva into Alex mouth.

Alex's vision was blurry; he couldn't think of any other thing than cocks. Alex shared his semen with his mother, making him more affectionate; according to Janice, when his semen was shared in a kiss, it increased the mother-son relationship.

"Open your mouth, darling," Janice ordered.

Alex opened his mouth full of his cum; with open eyes, he watched as his mother spat a large amount of saliva directly into his mouth. "Now drink it, so that you may grow big and strong," Janice groaned, kissing his neck.

Happily, Alex drank his own semen and his mother saliva. "Good boy!" congratulated Janice, clapping her hands. "How do you feel?"

"Dizzy," Alex replied.

His mother laughed and patted his head softly. "It's normal, but this is just the beginning," she said, hugging him. "You don't know how much I love you."

Alex hugged her back by burying his face in her neck and breathing her scent. "I love you too, mommy; thank you for teaching me so much." Alex thanked me for so many outpourings of love in one day.

"I will always love you, darling; now it's time to wash your boypussy," her mother told him.

Janice lifted the toilet bowl and ordered Alex to sit facing the wall; the eleven-year-old did what she was told. "Now I'm going to put the bidet inside you; I want you to count to twenty; your pretty rectum will fill with water and get clean inside," Janice explained, kissing his back. "Don't be afraid; it's okay."

Alex nodded blindly, trusting her and excited to continue receiving signs of love. His mother took the silver hose and knelt behind Alex. "This will feel cold, but it will soon feel good," she said.

His mom pressed the tip of the hose against his bussy, causing Alex to curl his toes and arch his back. "Don't worry, it's just the tip," her mother murmured, kissing her cheeks.

The metal hose slid into his rectum a few more inches, while Alex grunted in pain and pleasure. "Done!" celebrated Janice. "Now I'm going to turn on the hose."

Suddenly, Alex felt a stream of cold water begin filling his bowels. The boy gasped in surprise, but his mother comforted him by kissing his cheek and gently caressing and soothing him with beautiful words. Alex counted to thirty; his stomach was bulging from so much water.

"All right, now I'm going to remove the hose; I want you to expel all the water inside you; we'll repeat this process two more times," his mother explained, stroking his hair.

Alex nodded excitedly. "Now, on the count of three, I'll pull out the hose. I want you to make the effort to expel all the water," Janice explained. "One, two, three."

His mother pulled the hose out of his anus, and Alex pushed the water in; a jet of water spurted out of his hole. Alex sighed in relief, feeling the water running through his entire intestine.

"Dear god, look how much dirt was inside of you!' his mother pointed out, kissing his cheek.

Janice repeated the process two more times until she was satisfied. "How do you feel?" asked his mother.

Alex stood up from the toilet with numb legs. "I feel a little bit tired."

Janice caressed his cheek protectively. "Don't worry, I'll take you to paradise shortly," she said.

His mother took him by the hips and carried him without any effort. Alex wrapped his legs around her waist and led him back to the bedroom. On the way, she kissed him passionately, biting his neck and his lips and whispering funny things in his ear.

"I'm going to pop your cherry," Janice moaned, sucking his tongue.

When they got to bed, his mother gently laid him down. Alex felt many emotions at that moment; his pale skin was bristling with the excitement of becoming one with his mother, making their relationship even stronger.

"What a beautiful son I have," Janice murmured, admiring Alex's naked eleven-year-old body.

Alex's mother began to kiss his lips while caressing his body with her hands. "Mommy, you tickle me!" laughed Alex when she began to lick and suck his neck with her tongue, leaving purple marks.

Janice's sweet mouth descended to Alex's breasts; her mother attacked his pink nipples by biting and sucking them, making Alex squirm on the bed; her tongue mocked her right nipple, licking and sucking it as if she was going to get milk from it; while, with her other hand, she stretched and twisted Alex's left nipple.

"Your boy tits taste so fine, honey," his mother growled, spitting out his chest and smearing her saliva over his young body.

After several minutes of playing with Alex's nipples, leaving them red and swollen from sucking and twisting, Janice continued down her body, kissing her belly and pelvis, making Alex moan and squirm on the bed.

Alex didn't understand any of it, but everything felt so good—the kisses, the caresses, the funny touches on his bussy and weenie that his mother was giving him.

"Does it look like someone is having fun?" His mother murmured against his skin, kissing his right thigh. "Do you like mommy's kisses?"

Alex, with his hands on his chest, nodded happily. "Where do you like me to kiss you the most?" asked Janice. "On your mouth or on your pussy?"

He thought about his answer for a few moments; both kisses felt so wonderful that it was hard to choose one. "I can't choose one; I like both of them very much," Alex said innocently.

His mother laughed happily. "Then I'll give you lots of kisses on your mouth and pussy."

She continued kissing his body until it went down to his pelvis; when she got there, she gave long kisses around his shrunken penis. "I'll make this little guy hard again," Janice said.

Alex watched as his mother opened her mouth and swallowed his sensitive cock; he screamed with pleasure as he felt her tongue play with his sausage. "Mommy!" Alex shouted, arching his back.

His mother sucked his penis overwhelmingly, making his head spin; Alex's feminine screams flooded the room, and little by little, his penis became hard in a matter of seconds. "Hmmmh, mmmh!" his mother murmured with her lips pressed against Alex's hairless pelvis and engulfing his 5-inch cock in her mouth.

Alex's hips moved on their own as if they were bewitched, trying to get his cock to go deeper into his mother's hot and wet mouth. "Bwagh!" his mother gasped, breathing heavily. "What a greedy kid, wanting his mommy to suck his cock." Janice murmured, taking his small cock in her hands and starting to stroke it while sucking his balls.

Janice swallowed Alex's balls, causing him to arch his back and curl his toes; she sucked them until they were wet and then spit them out. Alex's eyes rolled back in his head; all he could do was moan and squirm.

"How do you feel, honey?" asked Janice, taking his cock out of her mouth. Alex's young penis was covered in his own precum and his mother's saliva, his bulbous head throbbing repeatedly, begging to cum, but to his misfortune, his mother had forbidden it.

Alex gasped heavily. "I want cum; I really want to cum, mommy!" the boy begged, his cheeks flushed.

"My sweet boy!" Janice murmured, taking the base of his penis in her hand and squeezing it gently. "But I'm afraid you can't do that, at least not yet; it's strictly forbidden."

Alex whimpered; no matter how hard he tried, the pressure he felt was stronger; if his mother let go of his penis, he was going to explode. "Shh, calm down, honey, take a deep breath; don't let the urge to cum get the better of you," whispered his mother, kissing his thigh while squeezing his penis with her fingers.

Alex breathed heavily, trying to calm his urge to explode, but it was difficult. "Arghh, it's hard, mommy!" Alex whimpered, squeezing the sheets with all his might, but several seconds later, he managed to control himself.

"You see, it wasn't that hard," his mother said, kissing his bulbous head as his cock stopped throbbing. "You don't know how proud you're making me, honey; now let me continue to enjoy your pink boypussy."

Janice continued to kiss Alex's body, planting soft kisses down his pale and smooth legs. his mother took his feet and lifted them into the air. "I love your beautiful feet, honey; they are as soft and delicate as a woman's," Janice assured him, kissing the inside of his left foot. She interspersed kisses on Alex's feet, making him laugh.

She licked his soles and sucked his toes, leaving them covered with her saliva. Alex watched amused as his mom put both feet together and pressed them to her face, breathing his scent deeply. "Your cute feet must fit nicely between mommy's cock,' Janice assured him. She slid Alex's feet down her voluptuous body. Alex caressed her breasts and flat belly with her small feet and watched as his mother placed both feet between his long cock.

"Oh, my god, this is so beautiful!"

His feet were on the sides of the huge mass of meat, and his mother, with her hands, began to caress his cock with Alex's feet. "Fuck, your soles feels good!" growled Janice.

"Mommy, you say a bad word," Alex say.

His mother smiled. "I'm sorry, honey," she apologized. "But your cute feet are so soft; try massaging my penis with your feet."

Alex looked at her confused. "Do it as if they were your hands."

The boy nodded and began to move his feet over the long veiny shaft; at first it was difficult, but slowly, Alex began catching the rhythm. His mother moaned prettily as he twisted her nipples with her fingers. "Oh, my love, with your sole, with your sole, rub my glans!" his mother begged.

Alex was very amused by the way his mother spoke and moaned. Obediently, Alex placed his left foot under her cock, keeping the veiny shaft steady so that it would not move, and with the sole of his right foot, he placed it over her bulbous head. With his sole, he began to rub the pink glans gently and slowly, making his mother sigh and shiver with pleasure; thanks to the saliva and semen, his feet were wet, making it easier to maneuver and rub the head.

"That's good, that's very good," his mother gasped.

After a few minutes of stroking his mother's penis with his feet, her long shaft was throbbing and threatening to cum. "Stop, sweetheart, or I'm afraid I'll make a mess on your pretty feet, and mommy doesn't want that."

She took his feet and started licking them, cleaning all the precum on them. "Now comes the main dish, honey," Janice said, walking away.

Alex watched her look for something in her drawer, from which she took out a bottle of lubricant. "This will help my cock slip more easily in your bussy," his mother explained, kneeling in front of him. "Raise your legs, honey."

He lifted his legs. Alex heard his mother sigh. From his perspective, he couldn't see anything, but he felt his mother's tongue in his puckered hole again. She licked ferociously his boypussy, making it tickle. The tongue slid inside him for four minutes. At the end, Janice buried her nose against his hole and took a deep breath.

 Alex laughed, feeling his fingers smear a large amount of lubricant on his bussy.

"Ready, honey?" his mother asked, stroking her long veiny shaft in front of Alex.

He nodded. "Look how cute is your boy penis; it's so small and pretty," whispered his mother, grabbing his cock with her hand. She let go of it, and the penis slammed into Alex's stomach.

Janice's long cock hit Alex's cock; there was no point of comparison between the two pieces of meat; his mom took both cocks and started rubbing them at the same time; that made mother and son moan loudly; rubbing their penises felt great. "You're so cute and beautiful, honey," his mother growled, slamming her penis against Alex.

His mother slapped his cock against Alex's small clitoris several times, splashing precum all over his crotch. Janice slid his cock down his balls and perineum to his hole. Alex felt the pressure of the bulbous head against his entrance. "Your hole is so wet and warm," gasped his mother, tracing small circles with her cock at the entrance of Alex's hole.

"Jijiji, your cock is burning, mommy!" laughed Alex innocently.

"My love is burning for you," she said, smiling. "Now I'm going to slide my penis into your asshole, my dear; this time it will be a little more painful than the other times, but soon the pain will go away and you will feel pleasure."

Alex nodded, remembering the first time his mother had played with her fingers in his hole two months ago. At first it hurt a lot, but then it felt great. "Here I go, honey; take a deep breath."

His mother slowly and carefully slid her bulbous head into his anus, its circumference causing Alex to open his eyes wide. "Don't worry, it's normal; don't be scared," her mother whispered. "Breath and exhale, honey."

With his eyes open, Alex nodded. Thanks to the lubricant and his two months of training with his mother's fingers, Janice's cock slid smoothly down his anus, and Alex's rectal walls opened without problems, thanks to his mother relaxing them with her tongue and stretching them with her fingers.

"Oh, honey, your pussy feels so hot and wet!" His mother moaned, trembling and rolling her eyes.

Alex, for his part, felt numb; the strange object sliding through his anus made him growl with pleasure. It was a little bit painful because it was much bigger than his mother's fingers, but at the same time it felt so good. "You're so big, mommy!" Alex groaned, curling his toes.

"And your pussy is so tight," she growled, pausing for breath. Alex couldn't see how much cock had gone into it. "How do you feel?"

Alex responded that he felt great; his mother nodded with relief. "If it hurts you, tell me I will stop," she said.

A few seconds later, his mother continued sliding her huge anaconda through his intestine. When his mother told him, she was only halfway in, Alex gasped in horror; his reaction made her laugh. With a few inches left, his mother gave a hard thrust, making them both moan.

Alex arched his back and screamed at the top of his lungs; his mother smiled; beads of sweat made his body shine. "You almost made me cum, honey," Janice gasped, with her pelvis against his ass.

His bowels stretched and squeezed as they got used to the strange object in his anus; Alex felt like his body was going to split in two. "We're finally a family, sweetheart," Janice said, caressing his body with her hands. "Now we are one; this is the act of love between a mother and her son; now every morning we will do this; this is your new life, Alex."

Alex felt tears of happiness. The boy wiped away the tears that threatened to come out with his hand and smiled at his mother. Slowly, his cock slid down his hole, making Alex arch his back. The boy took a pillow and bit it.

His mother's cock slithered inside him like a snake in its burrow, and when he pulled out his 11 inches, Alex gasped in relief. "Look at your pussy!" his mother gasped.

Alex could feel his boypussy opening and closing quickly. "This pussy is so cute," her mother said, parting her anus lips with two fingers. "Keep your hole open, my love."

The eleven-year-old pushed his ass, trying not to close his hole; his mother's comments encouraged him to continue. "Now I'm going to fuck you," Janice growled.

His mother lined up her cock against his puckered hole; this time she shoved it inside him faster than the first time. Alex bit the pillow and curled his toes, feeling the hunk of meat sliding rapidly inside him. "For Christ's sake, your pussy is going to drive me crazy!" growled his mother, her hands grabbing his hip.

Her hips began to move slowly at first, but gradually she began to penetrate him quickly and hard, pounding her pelvis against his ass. Alex moaned and whimpered loudly, lost in the pleasure of being penetrated by his mother.

His eyes rolled and his mouth opened, sticking out his tongue. His mother laughed at his silly faces, but all Alex could feel was his brain melting every time his mother shoved his penis deep into him; besides, his hole was making funny noises every time his cock came out of his asshole.

"Mommy, mommy, that feels so good!" shouted Alex.

Janice fucked Alex mercilessly, tearing his bowels apart. "Your pussy lips are grabbing my cock every time I pull it out; that grip is so sexy!" His mother growled, pulling her cock out of him.

Alex gasped in disappointment at the loss of the phallus inside him. Janice spat on her cock and, with her hand, spread it all over her shaft. "Now I'm going to go faster, honey; scream much as you can; don't hold back."

Again, his mother shoved her long cock deep into his rectum, and Alex began to scream loudly. Alex pinched his nipples, twisting and stretching them. His mother complimented him and continued to hammer his ass.

After several minutes, they changed positions. Now he was on all fours with his face against the bed, so his mother's cock entered deeper inside him. "That's it, spread your bussy with your hands, for mommy," her mother growled, pounding her pelvis against Alex's butt.

Alex spread his buttocks as he moaned against the bed; his mommy's big balls full of cum bounced against his own, and his little cock secreted a lot of cum that stained the sheets of white and threatened to cum at any moment.

"Mommy, you're going so deep, so deep!" shouted Alex, arching his back, causing two dimples to form in his lower back.

Janice slapped the eleven-year-old's ass, making him squeal like a pig. "This ass is mine forever," Jane growled. "Say it, say that your mine."

"I'm yours, mommy, yours forever!" shouted Alex, full of love for her.

His words made her speed up the rhythm of her hips, making the boy scream. His throat hurt from screaming so much, his mind was clouded, and Alex could swear that he was looking at stars. Janice fucked him on all fours for ten minutes, until she got tired and they changed positions again.

She lay on her back, and Alex sat up astride her; his mother grabbed her cock and shove it into his boypussy. Her cock slipped smoothly in, and mercilessly she fucked him hard, her balls slapping against his butt.

Alex arched his back, and his mother scratched his chest with her long nails, leaving his skin pale red. The sensation of pain made him shudder with pleasure. "I can't take it anymore, mommy, I feel, I feel like I'm strange!" cried Alex, frightened, because the sensation of cumming still felt strange to him.

"Cum, my sweet boy, release every last drop of your sweet semen," his mother commanded, grabbing him by the hips and speeding up her thrusts."

Alex screamed, feeling how the bulbous head pressed against that strange thing inside him. "Mommy, you're pressing something inside of me that feels good!" Alex moaned, eyes wide.

His mommy smiled as she masturbated him with her hand. "It's your prostate, honey; it's something that makes good boys feel good," she told him.

The rubbing of the bulbous head against his prostate was magnificent; Alex felt like he was in heaven, so he couldn't resist any longer and came. "Mommy, here it comes!" the boy yelled.

Ten thick shots of cum shot out of his cock at great pressure, falling all over his mother's body; the first five shots landed directly on Janice's face, covering her forehead, nose, and eyes; the others landed on her belly and breasts.

Alex's cock bounced against Janice's stomach, splashing cum all over her body. The boy screamed and screamed with pleasure. Fortunately, his mother gave him a break; she bent down to kiss him. Alex starved for cream and licked his mother's face, wiping away every drop of his own musky and salty semen.

She claimed his lips, and he shared his semen with her in a rough, messy kiss; mother and son were both covered in sweat; she massaged his buttocks, opening and closing them roughly. "You don't know how much I love you, my dear," Janice growled. "I love you so much, baby."

She opened his mouth and spat on him; the boy was confused but did not ask, instead swallowing his mother's saliva. "I'm so close too, honey; I'm going to fill that ass of yours with my cum," Janice growled.

Once again, the love session resumed; she hammered her boypussy mercilessly. Again, a strange sensation flooded Alex's body, but this time it was not cream. "Mommy, mommy, I'm peeing!" shouted Alex.

Without warning, a small stream of urine shot out of his penis, wetting his mother's body; although Alex tried to avoid it, urine fell down his chest and face. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" he apologized, embarrassed.

Despite having peed over her, Alex's mother seemed not to be bothered. "Oh, my love, don't worry, I love your boy juice," his mother growled, opening her mouth to catch as much urine as possible. "Now I'm going to breed you; I'm going to breed that boypussy; your dirty hole is asking me to feed it with my thick cream; your hole is begging for my cum."

Alex shuddered at his mother's words; now his thrusts were more frantic, and Alex felt his insides burn. With each time his mother went in and out, Alex felt that his guts were going to come out.

"Here he comes, Alex, oh honey, I'm cumming, I'm cumming on my eleven-year-old son's hole!" shouted Janice, with a scream.

Janice's thrusts became erratic. Alex felt his bowels slowly fill with large quantities of his mother's hot, thick semen. Janice arched her back as she moaned gutturally and clenched his buttocks, leaving them sore. Her long, veiny cock throbbed inside Alex's rectum, continually filling it with more and more cum that began to leak out of the corners of his boypussy, sliding down Janice's thigh and staining the gray sheets.

Alex collapsed on his mother's chest; they both moaned heavily, their sweaty bodies rubbed deliciously, and she claimed his lips kissing him tenderly, filling the room with the sound of kisses and heavy breathing.

They lay on the bed for ten minutes, just kissing and caressing each other with his mother's cock inside Alex. "How do you feel?" asked Janice, breaking the kiss. She stroked his hair and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Alex's lips were swollen, his whole body was full of lipstick marks, his neck was full of hickeys, his chest was red from his mother's nails, and his butt was red from spanking and sore from being fucked mercilessly.

The boy laughed and smiled broadly. "I loved it!" moaned Alex gleefully, thinking this was normal for a boy of his age to be fucked by his mother.

His mother smiled and planted a soft kiss on his nose. "I'm glad the night has only begun," she said.

Alex laughed. "Now let me taste that pussy of yours."

With his cock still inside him, his mother changed positions; now Alex was on his back and she was on top of him. "I'm going to pull my cock out and lift your legs up so my cum doesn't leak out," she explained.

Alex nodded. Slowly, his mommy slid her cock out of him, making Alex moan and shiver. His skin crawled with goose bumps and his toes curled.

Quickly his mother lifted Alex's legs; his anus began to open and close continuously; his rectum filled with Janice's cream began to bubble comically. "Hold it right there, cowboy, keep your hole closed," his mother ordered, shoving the semen back into her asshole because it was beginning to leak.

Alex closed her bussy as much as she could, but it was almost impossible because the walls of his hole were loose and he thought it would never close again. "Now I want you to put your nice shithole in my mouth and release all my cum," Janice explained.

His mom lay on the bed with her face close to his ass. Alex lowered his legs slowly to keep from opening his bussy squat in his mother's mouth. "Here I go, mommy," Alex warned.

Alex pushed hard, taking out every drop of semen. With a loud fart, the semen came out of his hole, falling straight into the mouth of his mother, who moaned with pleasure when she felt her own semen in her mouth. A lot of cream fell into his mom's mouth, puffing out her cheeks. When Alex poured every last drop, he got off his mother.

Janice got up and sat on the bed. Alex looked at her with full cheeks like a hamster with a mouth full of acorns. Her mommy signaled for him to come closer. She grabbed his face and pressed her lips against his, pouring all her cum into his mouth.

Mother and son kissed, sharing the semen. Alex moaned with pleasure, savoring every drop of his mother's delicious cream spiced with the taste of his boypussy. They kissed for several more minutes until they both drank the last drop. Janice sucked his tongue possessively until he got tired. The boy fell on the bed, dizzy.

Janice lay down on one side of him, hugging him maternally; she caressed his cheek; they both said many words of love; Alex felt his tired eyelids; despite his mother asking him not to sleep, Alex could not stay awake any longer.